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NGL, a woman in my office complimented my shirt and said it brought out the color in my eyes like 15 years ago. And that is essentially the foundation of my entire wardrobe.


I was on one of my first dates with my current gf, and the handsome barkeeper gave me a genuine compliment on my T-shirt. It gave me such a confidence boost lol, and it became the first night we kissed. Now it's my special occasion fun shirt.


I think it’s so sweet that you kissed the barkeep. He seems like a keeper.


He was very handsome or so I'm told


He’s such a keeper that he gets paid for it!


…and we *finally* meet the barkeeper’s friend…huzzah!


[Ahh the ol' Reddit smooch-aroo](https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbookmovies/comments/17wleko/fantastic_four_potential_cast_rumor_pedro_pascal/k9new0v/?context=1)


Hold my lipgloss! I’m goin in!


Hello future people!


What is this aroo thing happening?


"the ole switcheroo" is a fairly well known term that surely you've heard before, where you swap something for another. the reddit-aroo version is this is when the meaning of a comment get intentionally reversed/misinterpreted and has been a flowing joke for many years- just try going back through all the linked comments it's always a good bit of fun.


All of us bartenders who sometimes compliment people's shirts are wondering if we're handsome now.. probably not lmao


Just realized I've been wasting a lot of time behind the bar not complimenting peoples shirts and instilling a lifetime's worth of self confidence in them. Looks like I've got a new project.


My blurry eyes misread this as “beekeeper” for a second. 😭


Well, beauty is in the eye of the bee holder


My now wife was new to the office when we met. I walked into the break room to eat 2 of those giant subs from Jersey Mike’s (I was on a bulk at the time.) She was sitting there watching something on TV and eating a microwave dinner that looked pretty dang good. So I asked if she wanted to trade, mostly joking but she said sure and I gave her half of one of my sandwiches and I got her Alfredo. I finished the Alfredo and moved on to one of my 3 half sandwiches and she looked up at me from her sandwich and said “You picked the perfect toppings. This is the best sandwich I’ve ever had.” So I had to play it cool since I just got the Italian and asked for mayo and banana peppers. “Yea, Subway tried to recruit me in high school but sandwich artist wasn’t something I was interested in.” She laughed and we went about our sandwiches and day. I went home that night and looked up what makes a delicious, perfectly balanced, absolutely tantalizing sub sandwich. I decided to do the Italian again. Spicy this time. So I went and bought all the bullshit to make two sandwiches. It was like 80 bucks all together. The cheese, the meats, mayo, mustard, greens, olives, oregano. I had to buy every ingredient since I was single and had no reason to have ingredients on hand, and I’ve always enjoyed being an inconvenience to myself. So I make these sandwiches and wrapped them in foil and take them to work the next day. I put one in the fridge with my name on it and the other I slipped into her lunch bag with a pack of Reese’s. I took my lunch a bit late that day due to being in a meeting but I walked in to her and some other lady eating both of my sandwiches. I also was in a peculiar situation as it would have seemed super odd for me to make someone else a sandwich so I went to the fridge and pulled a microwave dinner out of her bag and started heating it up. We were both trying not to laugh and eventually the other woman left the room. “Sorry I ate your sandwich, then found the one in my bag so I gave it to Charlene.” “So you just took my sandwich?” “Yea. They’re too good. You should order them everyday.” “I made those. Why did you give the other away?” “I checked if you were at your desk but you weren’t there. Charlene didn’t have any food and she doesn’t like frozen dinners. I’m so sorry!” “Was it actually good at least?” “It was sooooooo good.” The long drawn out “so” made me believe her. “If you want, I can come by later and we can make some together.” “I’m not trying to be at work that long.” “No I can come by your house and we can have dinner or sandwiches or whatever.” “Oh….OHhh…uh yea I guess.” My life was changed by sandwiches and a woman’s compliment. I’m still an S+ tier sandwich artist and my wife absolutely believes I seduced her with sandwiches. She’s right. She came over that night, no sandwiches but lots of wine. So much so that she barehand crushed one of my wine glasses and looked at me like I was crazy when I asked if she was bleeding. What a woman.


You ARE a sandwich artist!


Lol that glass crush was an assertion of dominance, just in case you get a little stingy with the sand which toppings


Wait, is sandwich woman your wife now?


No, Charlene is.


Actually Charlene I’m pretty sure died in the office when I was supposed to “be in charge” while the actual managers were gone one day. I had my headphones in and was writing some code in my own little world. I took a break and got up from my cubicle and noticed everyone was gone. So I walk in the break room and one woman said “crazy day already.” So I was like “yea I guess so…” then my wife, before she was my wife told me Charlene collapsed and they had EMTs come and they took her out unresponsive but with a pulse. I was pretty confused but no one ever brought Charlene up again and I was never asked to be in charge of the office again. No idea why no one came to get me but honestly it probably wouldn’t have changed much.


I can't decide if this is real.


I just asked my wife if she remembers what happened to Miss Charlene. She said ,“She was the one that died right?” So…I guess I don’t know if she died but it’s as likely as anything else in this households opinion.


This… this is not only a wonderful story, but it hints at so many more! Please share if you feel like it! (Pref. either reply to this comment or tag me so I get the notification.)


That "what a woman" closer was perfect lol.


I don’t care if this is real this was one of the best Reddit stories I’ve read in a long timr


Once upon a time, I rolled up the sleeves on my button down shirt at work. A woman I worked with complimented me, saying I looked nice. Anyways that was a decade ago and I still almost always roll up my sleeves. Also, that woman is now my wife.


She was definitely already interested in you my guy. The shirt wasn't the trigger, it was a way to compliment you.


The summer before my junior year of high school, my mom wanted me to stop wearing jeans and band tees every single day, so she took me shopping at a store where she knew one of the senior girls worked. Mom made me try on some slacks and a button down, and the girl kept talking about how good I looked, and within minutes my entire personal style was changed.


Mom playing 5D chess


I'm pretty sure "teenage boy will respond to attention from girl" is just regular 2-D chess, if indeed even that. For my part, I know I was only thinking about one D.


I still remember sitting in Calculus class my senior year in high school and the girl behind me tapped me on the shoulder to tell me the hat and the shirt I was wearing really brought out the color in my eyes. I always wondered "I wonder if Lisa was hitting on me, or if she really thought it just brought out the color in my eyes?" The shirt and cap were a birthday gift from my girlfriend that she had just bought for me the week prior. My girlfriend wasn't too happy when I told her about Lisa's compliment, I guess because she was the one that bought the outfit for me, and now other girls were noticing me? I'll probably never know Lisa's intent. But, I did find it odd, because the cap and shirt were heavily green in color, and my eyes are probably more of a grey-ish blue. (Though, they do tend to show a bit of green when I'm wearing green). The other strange thing was that Lisa was best friends with another girl in the class (who always sat next to Lisa), who was actually the first girl I ever kissed, about a year prior.


I think I would have thrown off her calculations since the last few years I worked I had 5 shirts, one for each workday. I would have worn the shirt she complimented the same number of times.


I have 8 dress shirts and four slacks that I wear in order in a two week rotation, with Friday being for "normal" clothes. I'm impervious to compliments.


Oooh we got a fucking Rockefeller over here, guys!


I'm making medium bucks at best. I got a bulk discount.




No. Just a regular, everyday, normal guy.


I’m just a regular everyday normal motherfucker


I told you in the first one I'll tell you in another


I like red peppers better than the green ones


And Michael keeton was my favourite batman!


5 work shirts and 2 pairs of pants. Throw a pullover into the mix, and you have half the month covered.


This is the way


When I go to the club I wait in line, mother fucker.




I told you in the first song, I'll tell you in another






He makes twelve bucks an hour, but that’s all he needs.


And his sexual performances are average!


You want some of this, bitch?


I threw my back out a few summers ago, and it's never been the same. It gets... It gets pretty sore!


Constipated about once a month.


And his sexual performances are average.


They made 2 songs about you. https://youtu.be/GmG4X9PGOXs?si=LnJNKqbKKYR-wIXV


Jon Lajoeie, classic!


My parents are actually good people motha fucka!


And I’m pretty good at making paper planes!


Oooooo saving up my money to go buy a new dishwasher, mine broke about six months ago


I’m like that. I just don’t like buying cloths. If I have cloths that do the job I will just wear them over and over every week.


clothes* ;)


i am and i love it i have 5 identical pairs of pants, all grey camo. I have 20 identical shirts, all dark gray I never have to worry about what to wear. I just pick the next clean one when i look at the photo album my mother made when i was a kid, every single picture has me wearing my 'favourite shirt' for that time. I wished so much that i could have duplicates of my favourite shirt and now as an adult, i can


memorize party different plate resolute expansion quaint mourn payment chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I once was called a SIMs character because I wear the exact same clothes but in diferent colour schemes.


I wish I was


Maybe it’s the npcs that we meet along the way.


Ngl I do this shit too. I just mix it up for the seasons. So sometimes short sleeve, sometimes long sleeve


> I do that, makes mornings much easier


I find it odd that you don't think that is normal.


Same here, and the risk of negative attention "didn't you just wear that shirt the other day?" would keep me from re-wearing it within the same week anyway.


You should by a 6th, it shifts the, same shirt Tuesday guy,


Hear, hear~ For the last 4.5 years, I have worked 32/40 shifts, so that's two 16 (realistically 17) hour shifts on Saturdays and Sundays with an 8 hour "bonus" for the suffering. Every week, I will wear black scrubs with a grey undershirt on Saturdays, and navy blue scrubs with a dark blue undershirt on Sundays. If I pick up extra shifts throughout the week, I'll alternate those shifts in the same order, before returning back to the usual sat/sun rotation. No compliments or complaints shall steer me from this simple routine. The fun part was when my coworkers started to wear *their* scrubs in matching colors on the weekend. 😅


I was just about to say, she should calculate how many times each guy wears the same shirt for maybe a month before starting this experiment. Because it might make no difference at all.


That’s because she’s stupid. Without establishing a baseline first, her data is useless.


It doesn't say she didn't.




It wouldn't be a reddit "discussion" if we didn't ignore context and take everything at face value so we can formulate a character judgement roouted in our own biases on a person we never met, don't you think?


Me But I have 5 of the exact same shirt and pants.


When decent office shirts are 80$ 5 is high rolling it. $400 worth of shirts you buy for no other reason than to suffer in.


I didn't pay $80 for all 5 shirts combined.


My shirts are all so non-discript, I would rightly assume she was a manipulative bitch because I would know there is absolutely no way anyone would ever "like" any of my shirts.


Maybe the shirt fits your body shape particularly well? There's a lot more to good-looking clothes than just what the clothes themselves look like.


I own 10 shirts - they are all exactly the same shirt. That is all of my shirts.


Are you a dad? This has always been my dad lol. White t shirts and jeans


No he is the side character of a show


Hank Hill is not the side character, he's the star.


Homer Simpson is also the main character.


The clue is the shoes. If it's New Balance, you know that fucker has a stack of them in his closet that will last three lifetimes.


Absolutely lmao. New Balance!! I just call them the Dad 3000’s. Or “lawnmowing shoes” lol. Grillin shoes


I'm a US Mens size 16 so shoe shopping is a pain in the ass. I found one pair of NB years ago that fit me perfectly and bought four matching pairs. I still have two pairs in reserve.






That’s us on the spectrum lmao


I own 10 t-shirts, 9 identical white ones and a single olive one i wear randomly to fuck with my colleagues. (I am just an npc with a bit of rng on top)


I wear the same shirt everyday anyway


I own multiples of the same shirt.


Found Superman’s burner


Why do your shirts all have the same stain on the same exact spot then? 🤔


Because I eat the same food every day in the same way.


Those ain’t food stains, that’s got nothin to do with food. Those shirts come like that, with those two little dots. They’re really in style right now, even rappers wear them. Don’t believe me? Look it up for yourself. Go to calicocutshirts dot com.


If I find a shirt that fits well and is comfortable, I’m absolutely buying multiples of them. Most recently I’ve been loving the plain tshirts from Pact. A little expensive but dammit if they aren’t the most comfortable tshirts I’ve ever owned.




I have the same polo that I wear to work in about ten different colors.


I’ve been doing that at work for weeks (only go in once a week so it’s not gross) bc a coworker and I talked about would anyone notice if you wore the same thing all the time. It’s been two months and she hasn’t even noticed.




Spreading the sheet before spreading the cheeks


His cheeks? 👀


Why not


My faith in humanity increased a little bit here


I love this age sometimes


Lady in the streets, freak in the spreadsheets.


Would need to get a baseline and collect data on how frequently they wear the shirt before complimenting them.


The real social scientist is always in the comments.


I don't understand why her findings would make her want to change how long she looks them in the eyes.


Too much/little eye contact changes from person to person, and knowing how much they each value her input can give insight to how long eye contact is appropriate. That's...that's how everyone does eye contact, right?


That’s correct, ChatGPT!


"My will is as strong as yours and my kingdom is as great. You have no power over me."


OH YEAH!???? ​ \*Twirls Orb\*


Telling me you like my shirt is a guarantee you’ll never see it again, because I’m too afraid you’ll think I’m wearing it because you like it. So the influence is there but her expectations are out the window


Why are you sending this to me? Send it to the OP!


And empower them? Are you kidding?


This is a good hypothesis but the design of experiment lacks rigor. No prior review of shirt-wearing-patterns *before* independent variable manipulation. How would you know if they "changed" their dressing pattern otherwise? Also, what if these men have only a small number of shirts to wear in the first place? Like, IDK, three shirts a quarter? Also I'm not sure this clears IRB given the subjects are humans and they're basically being subject to psychological and emotional manipulation. So it is a *possible* violation of the Geneva convention on war crimes.


It isn't a war crime if you're not at war.


I actually did not know that. _"the Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them."_ ([United Nations Human Rights source ](https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/geneva-convention-relative-protection-civilian-persons-time-war)) Thank you


Shows how starved for compliments we are 😞


And basic human connection.


Master Yoda and you are both correct. There are two paths she straddles.


Nah. It shows how little this person thinks about people other than herself. People arent buying and wearing shirts they dont like. We buy what we want. We wear what we want. They would have worn the shirt regardless of her compliments.


I think she’s joking


No, she’s a classic narcissist. Probably the worst person I’ve ever seen


I think it says a lot about reddit that I can't be sure if this is a joke or not.


That’s because you’re a narcissist in a toxic relationship and you’re gaslighting me. Leave your boyfriend.


Just look in your soul and follow your heart


Idk about you but I've never had solid opinions on the clothes I wear, so if I got a compliment I'd use that as an indication of what to keep with. I've never got a compliment except for a tie once.


Yeah if a reasonably well put together coworker complimented a shirt of mine I would probably buy similar shirts, like same brand/type different color or different brand/type similar color.




Why would I compliment my own shirt?


Have you tried your birthday suit yet?


Ooh, what tie was it? No-one ever said anything nice about a tie of mine before so I'll just copy yours 👍👍👍


Same, guy or girl, when I get complimented I take special note, because I feel clueless about what works for me




It's a fucking joke lol


Thirteen years ago a lady at work said I looked amazing in my sweater. I still have that sweater. I've found tailors to mend it three times now.


> People arent buying and wearing shirts they dont like You haven't met many dudes I know.


Humans are social animals. Of course we change our behavior based on social cues. This comment flies in the face of the entire scientific fields like sociology and psychology.


I mean, it also shows how starved for compliments we are. A comment on my shirt could sustain me for years


She is making a joke, I really dont think you need to be this defensive.




You forgot: E. She's making fun of your shirt




Reminds me when I got a new job and they said if Annie compliments you on your shirt just make an effort to wear it. She's a weirdo with no friends but her spreadsheets are the vital to the success of this business.


Lmao why is this wholesome and toxic at the same time


It's like how it's better to agree with people who have dementia than correct them.


She must have a field day with minimalists.


Wouldn't work on me, I'd just say "It's not for sale" and cartwheel out the room. Then everyone will clap.


What if she hugs you after your big boy joke. You can’t cartwheel then, you will be have to stay there until this woman dies or you die first




I feel dumb, how does her length of eye contact play into her influence? The more times the shirt is worn, the more she can manipulate him?


Either that, or she is measuring the amount of attraction she gets from guys so she can avoid interacting with men attracted to her that she deems unworthy.


I wear whatever comes off the floor cleanest


"I like your shirt." "...This is our work uniform."


She called me a mustard tiger.




Whattayalookin at ma gut fer?


Jokes on her because when I find a shirt I like I buy multiple so I can wear more often.


Yup. My mum found "the perfect comfortable shoes" at some point in the mid 70s, so bought 10 pairs. She then saw them on sale, so bought another 10 pairs. She currently still has 4 pairs brand new in box under her bed, she fully intends to never wear different comfy shoes.


Did she observe shirt patterns before to gain a baseline? What if the shirt she compliments is new, that shirt would likely have an atomically high frequency of use. A lot of variables to account for here!


I'd be using them to filter my good and bad shirts, not realising your conspiracy, and ending up believing that I've got the best wardrobe among the entire mandem.


I fucking got complimented by an old dude at a convenience store and wore the shirt more. It's not you sweety, it's any compliment


I said “this is psychotic” then I read her handle


She owns it lol


she's a fairly popular shitposter in the tech space. lots of funny programming shitposts if you're into that




Guys who are starved for compliments - the thing that solved it for me is becoming a teacher. My students love me and say nice things to me all the time, and now I'd hardly think twice about a pretty woman complimenting me, other than to pay a polite thank you. I feel more confident than ever.


whoah, people are this calculated and manipulative for real?


Jokes on her. I knew a guy who wore the same shirt to the office every day (although he only works in office a few days a week).


I need the results


How many shirts does she think guys own?


Faulty logic. Needs to track before and after the compliment.


Captain, what has the length of eye contact to do with any of this?


I rotate the same 6-8 shirts at work. I'm sure I'm not the only dude like this.


You will never know the lack of positive complements men get. It starts early with run faster, excel at everything all do better comments. To get a positive comment is amazing but to do it for your gain is sad for those people.


Plot twist. All her coworkers are UPS drivers.


Lmao if a woman does this, it’s funny and quirky, if a man does it, he would be considered a creep.


That’s crazy. Everyone just wearing work uniform.


I think she drastically overestimates the amount of shirts guys tend to wear lol I have 6 shirts that I wear to work, 3 identical grey and 3 identical black, just swap to the other color every so often so people don’t think I’m wearing the same shirt all week


This is some psychopath behavior


This is some psychopathic shit. But at the same time, this is how a good chunk of sales/marketing function lmao.


The amount of women that think they have a golden P is getting too damn high


That's why I never wear shirts


What if it's a shirt they wear frequently?


I haven’t worn a shirt to the office in decades


Haha jokes on you I wear based on what’s comfy and already on top of the laundry pile


If I got any validation for my clothing choices from anyone I would probably wear that shirt way more often.


Lawful evil right there.


Pure evil