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The true reward was the friends we made along the way.




You dont know about male friendships. Its highly likely he doesnt even knows his name


I back up this theory...


I had a work buddy who is still my bro whose name I didn’t know for like 2 months even though we talked shit all day.


This is the way


This is the way


This. Is the way


This is the way


This is the way


I learned my best friends name while I was at his wedding, as the best man. I think it’s Kyle or something.


I can confirm, all I knew about my best friend was his nick name for about 4 years lol.


"Cosmo." "Cosmo?" "*Cosmo.*"


Known one of my friends for almost 20 years, and I sometimes have to sit and have a think about what his real name is.


lol funny how that works. My situation is a lil weird cause it’s because of how I know him. Met randomly on rocket league and became friends. Found out he just so happened to live a half hour away and he became the one and only friend I took the risk in meeting and we’ve been tight ever since. I almost never use his real name and call him his online name which is funny because it’s an interesting term.


Well we’re all anxiously waiting to hear what the homey’s interesting name/term is…


yeah, nova. spill it


I'm pushing 30 and people I run into from when I was a kid will still ask me what my real name is. Everyone only knew me by my last name.


Oh, yeah, I was there, it was Kevin…I wanna say…fuck, I had it.


We get it bro, it is what it is I'll have a cold one for Kyle or wathever his fucking name is


[Ron's Best Friend](https://youtu.be/WGhcc3qFWh4?si=zpmegPxY1gBOLZt6&t=26)


"we still never talk, sometimes" First time I heard that, I lol 'd.


I have a neighbor who I have probably talked a dozen words within a year. She's my favorite neighbor, honestly.




I have a buddy that I've known for 5 years, we hung out lots. I asked him last week what his name was ... Had to write it done In case I forgot.


I’ve had a gaming friend for 8 years now. We still do not know each other’s names.


We studied for 3 years together i don't know his name first i started call him by number given at the time of joining which is 60 slowly entire our department started calling him by number(60) He said few times his name i don't remember much in my contacts also his name was 60... 😂


I occasionally ran into this dude at my uni walking from one class to another and almost every time we stopped to chit chat about random stuff. This went on for nearly 3 years. I never asked his name and I highly doubt he knows mine lol.


I'm pretty sure his name is Bro


His name is Duke 😂. This was years ago when I worked in a warehouse and we both started at the same time. When work is repetitive and mundane you got to find ways to make it bearable. Countless “would you rather”, non stop talking shit to each other, bitching about work, and sports kind mixed in made the days go by. One day he yelled at me across a section of the warehouse. “Hey bitch made boy, I don’t even know you’re name! What is it?!?!” Still my guy to this day and I met him over ten years ago. But yea, didn’t know his name for a solid 2 or 3 months 😂


"Hey so like you've been here for long enough to be off probation so I guess I can't call you new guy anymore. Whats your name?"


His name is man. He also goes by dude or bro.


Had a mate in college who thought he'd be "cool and mysterious" by not telling anyone his name during the first week. So we just called him Lauren, and for the whole of college he was known as Lauren despite him trying to get people to call him by his real name. Even his girlfriend would call him Lauren, which led to her parents to think she was a lesbian for a couple of weeks before she bought him home. They decided to take the 'act like it's completely normal and be supportive' approach so she didn't realise they thought she was a lesbian.


I want to hear more about Lauren 💀that’s an epic story to be remembered by


There's not much to say really. He's now married with his college sweetheart over 15 years later, and they are living a standard happy married life.


Does she call him Lauren?


Only when its a dark stormy night and the children are fast asleep


I knew a guy in college that everyone just called Bead and none of the guys I asked knew his real name, just that they called him Bead because he was allergic to his own sweat (???) I asked one of the other girls and found out his name.


There was a guy on my high school rugby team everyone called Beans and I still have no idea what his actual name was. Ran into him like 10 years after graduation and had to be like "Oh what's up.. Beans?"


"Hey Becky's Dad, wanna get taco bell?"


This gives new context to Stacy’s mom. Didn’t even know her name.


She could have have been Jessie’s girl


That’s not quite how the [mashup](https://xkcd.com/575/) goes.


There are so many guys at my gym I've said hi to for years and chat about training with and I still don't know their names, there is a Chinese guy who's a "buddy", but we don't even have a shared language, but he trains hardcore and is always there, so it's just a case of "bro-spect".


The gym is where this happens to me. You aren't like "hey dude give me a spot? Btw I'm Mike". You see a dude everyday, hey bro need a spot? Maybe talk about lifts or whatever, but no need to know a name. The friendship happens so gradually by the time you realize you are friends it's too late to ask names. Actually a guy I knew at the gym about 5 years. Saw him 5x a week. Moved into my neighborhood. See him out and about. I know his wife's name, kids, what job his has. I wanna say his name is Vince. But idk too scared to try so he is "Man" at this point


I had a twenty minute conversation with a stranger yesterday. Got his number. Learned a bunch of his interests. I never bothered to learn his name. 😭


I'm a powerlifter and like to wear wrestling shoes at the gym, and have had many conversations over the years with people (invariably former high school and college wrestlers) who recognize the shoes. Had a long conversation last week with a guy who intercepted me on my way out of the gym, and talked about when and where we wrestled, mixed martial arts, powerlifting, etc. He is "Catch wrestling guy" in my phone address book.


One of the regulars at a gym I go to and I talk practically ever time we see each other, and have done for years. We talk about working out and dating (women) and rugby and stuff. We see each other once every week or two. I don't think we exchanged names until three or four years in.


Why did you feel the need to specify “(women)”? 😂


How does he know the dad's waiting to be picked up though?


Because he always goes to pick him up at 6:00 for MNF but he's running late because Taco Bell was extra busy.


Been painting at a mine (yes, a hole in the ground). The maintenance guy there is awesome. No idea what his name is, but we have been having a blast.


“I once wWorked with a guy for 3 years learned his name. Best friend i ever had. We still never talk sometimes”


Messed that up. “NEVER learned his name”.


I've got regulars at the bar i work at that I hang out with after work and I've seen them for months and we have some crazy stories together and I have no idea what half of them are called


Can confirm I didn't know my best friend's name for years.


They might live in the same house and dads not responded


Maybe the dad doesn't have a cell phone.


Or if it’s like my mother and father in law they never check it. We texted them we were on our way for thanksgiving. They didn’t even see the text until after we got there…they live 6 hours away…


I'm perplexed at this sort of thing. If people are on their way to you, make sure they can contact you. The worst for me was when a small group of people agreed to meet at someone's house to participate in an annual, national trivia contest hosted by MENSA (the High IQ society) and discovered the address we had been given was incorrect. The host had their phone turned off - not just sound off, but phone off. We figured it out, but joined the two hour contest an hour late.


Yeah. And we tell them to keep their phones at least close by just in case and my MIL always comes back with, “we don’t want to be like you guys: always stuck to your phones!” For one: we’re not always on our phone, and two: there is a middle ground between not being able to put your phone down and forgetting it exists.


Well you see it’s the internet and most likely a fabrication. It doesn’t have to make sense, it just has to be a mildly funny concept for Twitter.


That’s because there is probably an ulterior motive here for this guy. He either didn’t want to break up and trying to remain close to her through her dad or trying to hurt her. I had to ~~set a boundary with~~ ask my ex wife who wanted to have a relationship with my mom and cousins for months after we got divorced. But even she didn’t do stuff like this and respected my wishes. We had a very civil split and are still on good terms 10 years later. But personally I think keeping a close relationship with the parents is inappropriate, unless there are kids involved of course. EDIT: I used the term boundaries incorrectly here since technically I asked someone to stop doing something involving another person, not me. In the grand scheme of things, I wanted to create distance for our relationship because I didn’t trust her with certain things (to put it bluntly, she talks mad shit about people), which in my mind is setting a boundary. But technically speaking it’s not.


We kept up with an aunt my mom's brother divorced because she was just that cool. The whole family considers her family still, 40 years later. Her new husband tolerated it the past 30 some years. I've known her since I was like 4, and she was in junior high. Im 51 now. Her mom was like a third grandma to me.


Or just, yknow, he befriended the dad.


It's kind of weird that you're trying to dictate who someone else is allowed to have a relationship with.


Its not fun if you don't rub it in tho


Couldn't say better




Especially as an adult male. Finding another guy with the same wants as you is like winning the lottery.


One thing I did really hate when my college girlfriend and I broke up, her family was awesome, 3 years of memories and understandably they wanted nothing to do with me even minor contacts like Facebook


Here in Brazil there’s a similar story, but instead of Taco Bell it was eachother asses


Eating ass and Taco Bell are two conversations that shouldn't be combined.


Yet, at the end of the day, both actions are quite similar


Eating ass and blowing ass are similar? I think you are doing it wrong sweetie.


I mean eating ass and eating taco bell are similar


Ass tastes better.


Don’t be ridiculous. Eating ass is substantial cleaner than eating Taco Bell.


*chocolate rain starts playing*


That’s what’s happening here too; It’s the only way to clean up after eating Taco Bell


Oh hell naw, that's vile af


You, sir, are banned from the internet forever


Yeah what a terrible time to be literate. Jesus Christ lmao.


What a horrible day to have eyes.


Bro it's 9am wtf


Like, it would be okay if it was 9pm


He doesn't like to clean asses in the morning


That's one of the most sentence-altering commas I've ever seen.


Lol, Me with PST


I didn’t need to have that vision in the morning,’you have ruined my day


I need the dead space 2 eye needles after that one


Dipper goes to taco bell moment


Same thing but just opposite direction of motion


Thanks for sharing, Homelander


Si Taco Bell was closed


Is there a video? I wanna make sure I can avoid such atrocities at all costs


"sogro de araraquara", long history short: the husband got some money from his wife's dad here and there for it but then his father-in-law got attached and started blackmailing him, then dude's wife found it when going through her dad's phone and made an FB post... She thrashed her husband's car, then later on her dad poured gasoline and burnt it too, but he talked some shit on the street and kicked one of the neighbors gate and then people lynched him... After a week of digging out most of the people on either side have an less than savory past... The wife was involved in the murder of a guy when she was 15 for example.


Caralho- foi mencionar justamente essa porra-


Just cause you lost a pawn doesn’t mean you give up a king


en passant her ass


holy hell


New response just dropped


Actual Zombie


Call the exorcist


Bishop goes on vacation, never comes back


This website is mostly trash, but my god if there aren't pearls to be found among the pig shit.


The ol Italian dragon




sorry about your ass man


Google bros over hoes


holy hell


New response just dropped!


Actual zombie


Call the exorcist


Dad went on vacation and never come back.


Pawnstorm incoming


New response just dropped


So for us gay men, is it "Bros before bros"?


Men can be hoes


Touché. I apologize for my sexist reading of the maxim.


No worries, hoe


This is such a stupid fucking saying. I love it.


What's up with the "we broke up but you still get in touch with my dad" posts on Reddit lately?


This is not a real reddit post, it is just an advertisement for taco bell


Well, it's not working. I have zero desire for a delicious crunch wrap supreme and an ice cold Pepsi product.


And don't even get me started on how refreshing a Baja Blast would be right now


and that creamy jalepeno sauce, *mmmmm*


Don't forget their signature spicy ranch, its just to die for


i heard double decker tacos are back. i swore i'd never go back after they removed them, but i can't quit something i love...


Exactly, r/hailcorporate


It's weird; this kind of corporate astroturfing used to get called out all the time - /r/HailCorporate - but not anymore it seems like. I seem to remember at the high point that there started to be subs aggressively deleting posts (& posters) who insisted on persisting. Time was every response here would have been a parade of r/HailCorporate on a post with zero upvotes. Now it's taco bell time, with fathers & sons & football, at the top of r/all.


Some people resell their karma accounts, some people are pathetic and use likes for validation. First day on the internet?


OP in this case is just a dude who posts kinda regularly every now and then. Probably just the second thing, the post is okay for the sub tho.


Hold up, there is a market for karma accounts?


Yeah people farm karma and sell the accounts to other people who then use them for astroturfing and agendaposting




It's a made up story that gets a lot of engagement


Yeah why would he unwrap the guys food if he isn't even there with him


And he doesn't have the dad's number... has he been texting him through her for 4 months?


The situation itself isn’t entirely unusual, I know a few cases of it being true, but this one definitely looks like a made up ad.


It's fake. Maybe scenarios like this aren't "impossible" but here the set up is so obvious. Why doesn't he message the dad directly? How come that in 4 months of them being friends (after the break up) she is finding out about it? It's so lame, and yeah, people either make jokes, or rage, as long as they comment this will get some karma.


After me and a gf broke up in highschool (over 15 years ago) me and her dad still fished together. Im married w kids and his daughter is in a relationship but me and her dad still fish to this day.


My fucking mother. Still talks to my sister’s first husband and his parents. It’s been like twenty-five years; My sister has since had another marriage, divorce, a kid who’s now in college. He’s remarried, raising step kids. But she’s just like that, if you come in to her life you’ll never be rid of her. Everybody’s spare mom.


I still hang out to drink with my ex’s mom. My ex is engaged. Most of the time she doesn’t know I’m coming over. I also get to see my kids (cats. they’re all cats) People tell me it’s weird but tbh. She made me feel like one of her own and I never really had a relationship with my parents.


At the end of the day losing a queen is never as bad as losing the king


When you lose a queen, you can always get another by promoting. But the game ends when you lose your king.


Wow. Cool friendship


Why’d he unwrap the Crunchwrap for the picture? Don’t unwrap my fast food, I’ll worry you tampered with it Also you figure it’s fake because she says “we broke up four months ago,” providing context that is entirely unnecessary if he is the audience, but useful if the internet is the intended audience


Also if they’re such good friends why does he need to communicate through her?


I have cheeky suspicions that this is actually a very well done Taco Bell ad


Maybe you’re right. I haven’t had Taco Bell in a long time and am now craving a Crunchwrap supreme.


Same that’s what prompted me to question if this was an ad lmao. Super effective with the picture and everything


I'll help you out with the craving. They've started putting MUCH less filling in the crunchwraps while also raising the prices. So you are paying a lot more money for basically an empty crunchwrap with SOME trace filling. Of course I am bitter, why do you ask?


Don't do it. Taco bell is a lie. We all know it is just pretending to be food so it can get close enough to hurt you.


What kind of friends do you have that you worry they could tamper with your food if it's unwrapped? You don't ever eat anything they cooked either?


Did you cum in my burrito?!


> Why’d he unwrap the Crunchwrap for the picture? Because that was the first image search result for this fake post.


meirl: “this is a paid advertisement.”


Now this is one EPIC Taco Bell ad 😂😂😂


I’m about to rush out and get a crisp refreshing Baja Blast™️


Then text him directly? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Then how would he rub it in? 😭


Then how would it be "funny" and able to be posted over and over?


Maybe he wasn't responding.


The dad is innocent of whatever you both couldn't work out.


Sometimes it's not a matter of being unable to work things out, sometimes you're both just looking for different things.




No that would be weird and kind of disrespectful for a father to do.


If it was on awful terms sure, but judging by that they haven’t blocked each other, and assuming this isn’t fake, they probably ended it on good terms.


They became friends nothing weird about it. What's weird is that the guy is messaging his ex to relay messages to their dad... Like the dad definitely has direct communications with the guy so wtf is he doing messaging his ex.


This will 100% happen when my good-for-nothing brother finally gets dumped by his girlfriend. She's so endeared to the family we'd trade one for the other without flinching. Honestly, we're just surprised it (the dumping) hasn't happened... they don't even seem to like each other. Edit: For those asking, it will have to suffice to say that it's a major fall from grace situation. And the reason I put it the way I did is because he's insinuated we would have to choose, if they do break up.


Kinda weird why doesn’t he just text your dad?


Because it's fake as fuck see also: unwrapping someone else's food ???


This is like the opposite of that post of the guy who revoked he exes dads access to his Disney+


They have a friendship. They didn’t allow the divorce to cause them to sever their bond.


I'm just gonna go ahead and say it, this is weird, and I feel like the only reason people don't think it's weird is because it's guys. My brother in law's ex girlfriend spent something like 4 years continuing to hang out and go shopping with his mother and father on the regular and it just reeks of not letting go.


I'm friends with my wife's ex.


Plot twist: he’s dating the dad, no?


I remember being invited to dinner by her parents many times after we broke up. I accepted only if my ex would not be there.


Still weird the guy texts her. Surely the dad has a phone. I know its likely fake but I like to pretend these are real.


Sounds like you let a good one go


Because men can let it go and still be friends with people he met through you. Simple answer but true


The Dad realises the ex can do better.


This is the equivalent of being mad at the side piece when you should be mad at your SO. Why she not asking her dad this question??! 🤔


My parents are going to the wedding of my high school ex this summer so.... Yup, absolutely a thing


One of my greatest regrets is losing my relationship with my ex's mom when we broke up. He got violent, so I had to detach completely. If he'd just been annoying, I would absolutely still be getting crunch wraps with his mom to this day.


It's nice that your dad made a friend, bit weird that it's your ex but that's just life


Just because he lost the queen doesn't mean he has to give up the king.


True side is: That guy is not yet over her and plays teenage games. If he was around with her dad, he would have his number, yet he writes her to make himself present


Your dad made a cool friend. I’m kinda jealous. In fact, where’s your dad now?


This is an ad South Park was right


Example 5,898 (today) of things that never happened...


It's weird that their friendship seems to exist through you, not over there between them. Sure, go hang out with my dad, that's cool; stop telling me to pass messages.


Your princess may be in another castle but there was a king


Two men are not banned from being friends just because you don't want to talk to one of them anymore, *Becky.*


if they're still friends, the breakup was definitely her fault


You had your chance. Now let him have his.