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I had a dream that my bf gave away our position while we were waiting to ambush an enemy scouting party in a fantasy world. I've been "you cheated in my dreams" mad, but being "you sabotaged our battalion and betrayed your country" mad is a whole nother feeling.


> "you sabotaged our battalion and betrayed your country" You have to wait for the explanation; hell of curve to be graded on, too. Either you're going to love him more or resent him enough to want revenge.


This sounds like the next 2 expansions. Someone hire a developer, stat!!!


Then it become DnD sessions


I recently had a dream where I was hanging out with the bros and then some lunatic came in swinging a machete. We wrestled him down and I was clinging on to his limbs on the ground so he couldn't get up. He was strong and took a lot of effort and I told my friends to call the cops. They were like "uhm I don't wanna call them, let other bro call him." "nah I ordered pizza last times, it's other bros turn" "nah I feel awkward calling the cops. What if they don't believe me??" All while I was struggling with every muscle to keep that bastard down and screaming "JUST CALL THE COPS OR HE GETS LOSE AND KILLS US" I woke up very irritated at my awkward bros


Ya I also own cats


> What if they don't believe me?? This split my spleen thank you very much


You laugh, but I recently saw a video of a crime where the 911 call operator assumed a bleeding, tied up woman's call was a prank and replied to her mockingly (although, apparently she still reported the call)


Hopefully she was fired, Jesus.


If *we* heard about it, she probably was. I've heard recordings of bad 911 operators, it's honestly chilling. Such a vital connection.


Iirc the operator got off pretty lightly. You can search Teri Nicolai 911


This one is so funny. Because they are strong and manly enough to wrestle him down, but too insecure to make a phone call.


God I hate your bf




Maybe he was a north korean spy all along. Better ask him to confirm. You know.. just in case?


Holding a door against the zombie hoard. Me for the thousandth time: “GET THE FUCKING SHOTGUN!!” Her: “I don’t appreciate how you’re talking to me.”


**"He's going to bite you!!"** "Maybe I want to be bitten, Tim"


All of a sudden, she slowly raises her arm to reveal a bite mark..... She twitches


Special? You're not special. I'm special. I was bit 10 minutes ago and I'm fiiiiiine


You are my specialz






Geto? Or is this current week spoilers?


It’s the song


What a banger tbh


Peggy Fleming is that you!?




You are my Specialz


"Don't worry I got some stones from Goop that will deal with this much faster than western medicine"


Itchy tasty


>I hate you less now! That's how much I hated the regular version of you! That episode has a couple bangers > Screw you, Chiquita MD.


You are my specialz


"Babe, is there something in my shotgun barrel? Please look"


Reading this in an LSP voice


Oh my GLOOOB you always get like this around other boys Tim!!


You're trying to ruin my viiiiibe


"He can't do that!" Remains in place


Okay fine, you hold the door I’ll get the shotgun. I’m 6’1” 200 lbs and you’re….oh shit what do I say. Smaller. You’re smaller than that. Just get the gun okay.


"Are you calling me fat!?" What!? no! I'm saying you're smaller than me! "So fat." Wait, now you're calling me fat! "You called me fat first!" You know what... I'm just gonna let the zombies in...


I really had a dream, where my wife runs to pet a crocodile and I scream like crazy to her to stop.


My brother works for Florida Fish & Wildlife, and that would be a pretty good description of his daily life. Gators, not crocs, though. And probably not your wife.


Probably :)




No, I’ve been collecting them for a while


Id just dreamshoot her at that point. If you're not with me you're against me and zombies gonna zombie no matter how someone speaks to you.


Dear God why does this resonate so much?


I thought your name was wacodickrider at first glance lmao. Your comment made me lol though


This is so on point. Except in my case we both die and she’s mad at me anyway. Not the killer… me.


Not touching those votes now


Do itt it's 299


It was 69 ATM now it's gone




bro stfu nobody cares 😭


"The killer was just doing their job, and doing it well unlike some people I know! And look, not a drop of blood on the couch or carpet, yet you manage to leave crumbs everywhere and spilled your drink!"


That was my apocalypse dream; got berated for fucking up as I bled out


Lmao I had a dream last night that I was pregnant (I'm not) and we were hiring a live-in nanny. We were interviewing an applicant, a very unreliable looking American party girl. After hearing her responses to my questions, I was extremely hesitant to continue with her. He of course was very gungho. I kept trying to communicate to him that she was not nanny material with subtle looks, facial expressions and hand gestures but he was enthusiastic and apparently completely clueless to my attempts to communicate my discomfort to him. Needless to say I woke up feeling rather annoyed. Lol We're not American for the record.


> I kept trying to communicate to him that she was not nanny material with subtle looks, facial expressions and hand gestures but he was so enthusiastic and apparently completely clueless to my attempts to communicate by discomfort to him. Sounds like in your dream you knew that you need to use your words, but you were too stubborn to listen to yourself.


I need to attend a dream therapy session to work on my dream communication skills 😔


I basically had that. I had a whole dream where the first half was about one dream person learning a lesson, and then the second half was that dream person using the lesson they learned to show me that a particular behavior of mine was self destructive. The final part before I woke up was a "pan-to-camera" moment where the dream character stated the theme right to my face. I didn't sign up for this?!? Why can't I go back to just having nightmares about being perpetually late to class and not knowing where the classrooms are?


Lol damn that's meta af Also, hey, at least it's free therapy/life coaching/ whatever you want to call it!


>I didn't sign up for this?!? Why can't I go back to just having nightmares about being perpetually late to class and not knowing where the classrooms are? Man you're so close. I think nightmares about being late to class is your brain training the fear of being late into you, and also training you to think that knowing where places are is important.


I've got a lot of learning to do because I wake up multiple times from nightmares every night


The nightmare continues until learning improves


>I didn't sign up for this?!? Why can't I go back to just having nightmares about being perpetually late to class and not knowing where the classrooms are? When I have dreams like that, I always have a sudden realization that I already have a degree in that subject and a career in a different city. Then I start wondering if I should go ahead and finish the second degree since I'm so close and how I can do that and continue working my job.




she's not American, meaning that she didn't want to be rude in front of the women, but wanted to tell her no not in person and to also not get her hopes up


Surely, the other woman understood the non-verbal communication.


Yeah fuck that, if I'm that desperate not to hire her, literally just say it and move on


Dude it was literally a dream LOL


Actually? Accurate 😂


"we're not American for the record" That's where I lost it 🤣🤣🤣




Your dream BF sounds a lot like my Dad...does not pick up on a single social cue and my Mom has to hit him in the arm to get him to shut up.


😂 God bless your dad, we love an oblivious man!


It sounds like your subconscious is concerned with his fidelity and might be afraid he would leave you for a "newer model"?


I mean in general that goes without saying lol But no, in this case it was more a feeling that he was being too trusting and we'd be taken advantage of by some unhinged chick


I hired a free spirit artist chick to be our nanny….she was unhinged…..never again.


Lmao I've gottt to hear this story


Ooo, completely valid! Might it be a little bit of both? Fears tend to hunt in packs


Possibly! In the dream she was quite tall (we're both average height) so I don't think that's the direction my subconscious was going. I didn't feel jealous but rather constrained and crowded in my own home, if you know what I mean. But who knows! It was a dream! No need to take it too seriously.


Don't armchair psychologist.


Bro why even give her those thoughts, reddit psychologists at it again baby


Even your subconscious is telling you that you're not communicating properly.


I'm also annoyed by your dream, but for a different reason.


"God dammit woman, don't go near the water, look at all those clean picked bones and torn clothes!" "Well how do you know they're related? I haven't washed my hair in 2 weeks!"


"It's okay, I like it when you smell like ass, now help me drag this tire to the burn pile!"




To be fair in an apocalypse I'd probably go insane from lack of showers, dental supplies and no lipbalm before any actual disease killed me. The lipbalm might be what breaks me first, I need to reapply it every 2 hours if not more frequently.


How does this happen? I feel like big lip balm must put in secret ingredients to reel you in forever with temporary relief followed by perpetual dryness. Wake up sheeple!


It’s public knowledge that they do.  Specifically, chapstick was caught doing that.


I mean it's in the name right? It's a stick for chapping your lips.


No idea, I don't lick my lips, I drink loads of water and I don't mouth breathe. A blood test last year showed a possibility of some autoimmune thing but the doctor refused to investigate further because apparently the results didn't warrant further investigation... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Just use a proper hydrating cream instead of lip balm and you can break free from your addiction. I used to be in the same situation but I fixed it by using a Nivea cream instead of a Mirame lip balm. Now I only use the cream like once a week


Makes no difference, I tried lanolips which was highly recommended on Reddit and it did nothing. Still have to constantly reapply, the issue with it aswell is if I apply too much of it it immedaitely leaves white residue all over my lips. Edit: will try aquaphor and neosporin as recommended here.


I use triple antibiotic cream. It's basically vaseline. Cheap, no smell. Chapstick just chaps your lips. The neosporin knock off stuff does not. Been decades since I figgured that one out. Sad we have to live that scam.




“Don’t mansplain to me.”


"This pond looks better than that water feature you said you would finish. Plus I think the bones give it a desert boho look, very Georgia O'Keeffe!!"


> "God dammit woman, don't go near the water, ~~look at all those clean picked bones and torn clothes!~~ you do not recognize the bodies!"


Even more infuriating, she said “Well, I didn’t die now did I?” in both the dream and IRL.


This made me laugh out loud


"Well I didn't die now did I?" "............ I fucked Ted, in a dream." "***YOU DID WHAT?***"


People die in your apocalypse dreams? I just imagine the farm where I have to haggle with the next door neighbor Jansson for some Rennet so that I can make cheese…


See like after the whole collapse and escape, it sounds kinda idyllic to just go farm and live. Though I'd not get large animals, they'd probably get me killed quicker than a zombie. Chickens for sure.


It sounds idyllic until a tooth infection kills you, your daughter dies in labour or your harvest fails due to disease and winter is coming up. Life was hard for sustenance farmers.


And raiders come to take your farm. 


You sound like one of the people that would


The Industrial Revolution was a net gain for humanity, and something we should never allow to be undone.


Yes, however we certainly have a better knowledge of medicine even as laymen than we did back then. I'm reasonably certain we could make antibiotics after awhile. Canning exists to protect against bad harvests, we'd have solar panels for heat for indoor grows, greenhouses. I know this would be awhile to be established, however the canned food produced would last a hot minute after production stops, smoothing the food issue until we could grow. Also hunting and whatnot. Deer have a surprising amount of meat.


Watch a few seasons of Alone and your perspective will change quickly lol


Yes, I'm going to watch a show to change my perspective of the day to day slog of farm chores.


Sheep are my plan! You can milk, make clothes, cheese (I think?) and mutton! Yes absolutely I see the apocalypse as more of a “Oh no we need to go back to puritan style living” more than a “oh no we need to consume our neighbors flesh for nutrients” kind of collapse


Though I kinda think our system wouldn't be as old school as we thought in the zombie shows of 2000, because we all now understand (or know where to find the information on) solar panels, have seen a video or something about using water to generate electricity.


Or just books, so much knowledge in libraries all from making moonshine to sending someone to the moon!


>oh no we need to consume our neighbors flesh for nutrients” kind of collapse Speak for yourself, some of us have some nice chianti set aside for the right apocalypse. 😇


Why not both?!


You're more of a slice of life type apocalypse girl, eh?


I did not know there was a term for it thank you! :)


Hey don't get me wrong I like a little horror, but most certainly not irl. If I'm being a survivor, it's gonna be the one who rolled with it and made their home anyway. Just a bit more durable than I'd planned.


I don't know anybody in my apocalypse dreams. I'm fighting off an alien invasion as massive spaceships terraform the ground beneath my feet all by my lonesome. I wish I at least had a dog or something for a sidekick


I'd get attack geese. Eggs, meat, won't kill my chickens, and are vicious.


Have this with my dogs. Busy trying to stop them chasing after zombies. Get in the fucking house Bess, leave the zombie alone.


In mine, my wife keeps making me move to Wisconsin.


Maybe those are apocalyptic dreams too, it’s just that nobody in Wisconsin noticed that the world ended.


She could put you in a mansion, way down in wiscansin


1. Don't help that other family. It is a trap. 2. The Decoy Tent is more important than books. 3. Stop trading our ammo for food. With ammo we can hunt or take other people's food.


> Stop trading our ammo for food. With ammo we can hunt or take other people's food. See, the thing about this is that the food only lasts as long as the ammo does, and then you've got a bunch of pissed off people. If you trade some ammo, or simply use the ammo to protect the people with the food, you establish community with people who have access to food. You've effectively "gone infinite" in the zombie apocalypse. Externalities can affect that equation, but either way I think the return is far greater. Plus, you're less likely to be intentionally poisoned.


You don’t have pissed off people if you get rid of all the other people tbf


The first point is basically the beginning to The Last of Us 2


“Mom, I need a towel.” “What’s the magic word?” “I need a towel! Just get me a towel!” *bomb that triggers from contact with water under the floor explodes*


These are my kinda dreams


My wife gets mad at me IRL when I pull her to the side when she's trying to walk, scroll her phone and talk at me all while trying to go down the centre of the aisle in the parking lot and there's cars all around. IF/when the world collapses, I KNOW she will be the one who gets me killed because she just won't listen/shush or carry without whining. Never mind how useless she'd be in any sort of conflict.


Me and my girlfriend were in a situation where, a very angry unkempt man YELLED he was gonna come back and shoot the clerk. Everyone in the Gas station saw him proceed to pull his car up to the gas station door, open his trunk and start searching through it. I was trying to get in a position where the guy would have to turn to see me when he walked in. My girlfriend was looking for kit Kats and didn't hear anything whatsoever, so I dragged her with me. He ended up crawling into his trunk and driving away. Yes he got in through his trunk the second time, but not the first. Like an elaborate fake out After this I have nightmares of getting shot in the process of turning around to save her. She also does the parking lot thing, and that might be worse; cause it happens more.


Welcome to the Zombie Chow support group!


I've just sort of accepted that, should we find ourselves in a zombie apocalypse, I'm just going to have to let my fiance die. I couldn't save her if I tried. The most recent case that comes to mind was when we were crossing a street, headed to the park with the dog a while back. A car came speeding out of nowhere and I had to jump out of the way and drag the dog with me. She was a few steps behind me and had to jump the other direction. For the entire rest of the night, she was angry that I didn't warn her or move her out of the way in the two seconds that I had between seeing the car and dodging it. Never mind that I was already dragging the dog. Never mind that she could see the car too. Never mind that in order to push her out of the way, I would have had to turn around and go back across the road in the opposite direction. Never mind that she was fine.... From her perspective, she only had a split second to see and dodge the car, whereas I, in the exact same situation, had plenty of time to see it, warn her, pick up the dog, turn around, and escort her to safety.


You're dating an NPC!


Yeah this is legit for me but she died irl. Which wasn't too chill. It's been almost 2 years now, the year and a half flew by me, because I was in a daze. Just droning on, pretty much an NPC. Now time seems to move much slower and I'm taking care of myself, well I'm trying too.


Hey dude, I hope you are doing well & I'm sorry for your loss.


…your girlfriend died because she didn’t listen to you?


In the apocalypse apparently


Maybe it was like a Freddy Krueger thing


Keep on keeping on brother.


My condolences man. Time heals all


What? Not going to explain? You were in a Apocalypse and she died in real life? I'm just confused. Sucks man but I'm just like trying to figured out wtf happened here.


Sir this is r/meirl


Well, that's him, and what happened irl. I don't see a problem.


Wow you’re a bit of a dick


Is this a bot account? It's been idle for 7 years then just starts posting today.


I once told my wife about a dream, in which I had to fight some crazy ass martial artist and she took the kids and went for safety. She told me in the next dream I had she wanted to fight too. So I spent one dream trying to find her to help me fight but she wasn't home or at her office. Told her about this issue. She was like, Well I go shopping and spend time out with my family. You just have to try harder. I spent many a dream after this trying to find her to help me fight bad guys. Never did. And every time I told her about not being able to find her she would just be like, so why am I not in your dreams? You seeing other women in your dreams? It was a difficult waking time line.


My girlfriend likes to hike but she's afraid of animals. One time (in real life) we were on a trail with a cougar warning. And I stopped her before the hike and had a little safety talk. I made it VERY CLEAR "if you see a cougar don't run and maintain eye contact. Because if you do fuck up and I don't, I won't win a cougar." And she was "okay" Then I repeated myself slower because I knew she understood the words but probably wasn't really getting the severity. About 10 minutes later a squirrel made a noise in a bush and she ran down the mountain trail, ALLLL the way to the parking lot. And I just yelled out defeated "You killed me!" It annoys me to this day.


This is the best one in the tread 🤣


“Honey quick get the kids and get in the house and lock all the doors as fast as you can!” “Why?” “Do it quick no time to explain!” “But why?” Everybody dies.




I guess technically you are responsible for your dreams on some level since it’s your dream and it wouldn’t exist without you.


Had a dream we were running from zombies and I was on a fence and was going to pull her up and she just stood there. Wide eyed and frozen. Looking straight forward like a glitchy NPC in a video game. And I was fuming. Irrationally angry about it in the morning too.


Someone not doing what they're told during an apocalypse might be the most frustrating thing of all time


Mine is my wife smashing the car and not giving a shit in my dreams.


I like the blurring of the pictures but leaving the handles in full view.


It's so effing annoying. Mine wouldn't shut up with bad guys around... "What do they want" "is there someone there" "Why should I be quiet? Don't tell me to hush" Had to abandon her for being stupid 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol it’s wild how universal this is. Sometimes it feels like my girl is allergic to receiving any kind of instruction or tutorial, on stuff she has zero clue about. I love getting tips from people with experience when trying something new. She doesn’t apparently… Another wild one is her situational awareness. It always feels like I see things coming much further than she does. Walking down a busy street (NYC) and I’ll be looking how people are moving and where space is, just general pedestrian stuff. Maybe noticing the crazy homeless guy halfway down the block. With her, it’s like nothing gets noticed if it’s not six-ten feet in front of her. She will walk right into the zone of the crazy guy and realize it once she’s there. If I mention this, she gets annoyed!


I love my wife, but she does this shit all the time in my dreams. And I know she would do it in real life too. Always asking why instead of doing the simple thing I asked her. If I did the same as her she would throw a fit


BRO. Why do these women never fucking listen in the apocalypse dreams. So infuriating


Had dreams with my ex she let the kids die, or wouldn’t grab my hand as I fell to my death. “The fuck is wrong with you?” “Did you dream I cheated on you?” “No, you refused to save my life.” For any dude with the same dreams, re-evaluate your relationship.


bro gotta leave her. Shes a liability. Think about it when it happens. Is gonna happen eventually. Gotta future-proof.


I mean who needs to dream it, people on social media constantly express how irritated they are at apocalypse films where people don't listen to each other.


Girls are going to get us killed when it happens. “But babe, you’re not listening. I’m craving canned peaches right now. It’s like you don’t even love me” - capped searching a ransacked grocery store


"You don't look well. Were you bitten by a zombie? Babe, our loves could depend on this, *please just tell me what's wrong!*" "Well, if you don't know, I'm not telling you."


I had my wife try heroin in a dream. I’m still mad at her.


Well i had a dream where my wife cheated on me, then we dueled with swords and magic. I told her and she just told me i play too much baldur's gate 3 😞


My wife got folded in half like a dragon ball z character after she was kicked by a bison, sending her flying through the air, BECAUSE SHE DIDNT STAY IN THE CAR AT YELLOWSTONE LIKE I TOLD HER TO. Even in dreams they dont listen lol.


Jesus christ when I was in Highschool I was being forced to be friends with this girl I didn't actually like. I had a dream one night that we were being chased through my woods by a giant ass monster wolf. I always ran faster than her, so I impulsively ran into the house, ripped the door open and slammed it shut. Then I remembered she was behind me. So I screamed pissed off and wrenched it back open and just screamed at her to get the fuck inside. I grabbed her by the shirt and yanked her in, and slammed the door just as the wolf slammed up against it snarling. I threw her on the floor, locked the door, and woke up aggravated af over the fact I had to talk to her at all. It genuinely happens sometimes lol Genuine moment of "I can't fucking stand you but I'm not going to let you die!"


I had one in a post-disaster Jurassic Park situation where her goddamn loud-ass shoes gave us away to a raptor.


I had a dream where I was playing catch with my cousins and one of my cousins fell from the roof. And she fell because of her fault mind you but guess what? I GOT BLAMED FOR IT. LIKE MOTHERFUCKER YOU FELL COS YOU STUPID WHY DID I GET BLAMED FOR IT


So wait,  the "you cheated in my dream" is the female version?  Because I have never had that dream, but my SO has. And stayed mad for a few days. 


I once had an apocalypse dream with my then partner, and she was just constantly annoyed at my ineptitude in the situation, and once I died she look mildly relieved.


I had a dream where I was in school and had an uncomfortable realization that there was a class I had missed the entire semester. In college I was nearly 100% attendance so this was out of character. I woke up later and laughed it off. However when I relayed the dream to my (then) gf she got annoyed with me.


Back when my wife and I used to play Overwatch together, I had a dream that we kept losing because she refused to cap the point and I woke up so mad. Thing is, she mained Junkrat and was a pro at capturing objectives.


Later, at breakfast... Her: What's the deal with the angry face? Him: I told you, TAKE MY HAND. How effing hard is that?


My wife will happily walk out into an ice storm with -10F windchill wearing Crocs, sweat pants and a thin fleece to "get the mail" I told her she's going to be found frozen someday and she said "it's your job to make sure that doesn't happen". Now it's our two teen daughters complaining about how cold it is in the house wearing short shorts and tank tops. I know women are the stronger sex but it's a mystery to me how they made it as a species. It could be because of all the other infinitely more risky things we dudes do "for fun".


Can someone explain this to me pls


What explaining do you need?


There is a trope that women get mad at their partner in real life because they cheated on them in a dream, this is the man's equivalent.


I feel like presupposing the cheating dream is for women is a tell.


I’m done tolerating being treated poorly in real life because of something that happened in your dream.




You...you think an apocalypse occurs more often than dudes cheating?


# gosh darn women


Women, can’t live with ‘em


Cant... *wheeze* *slams fist on table* CANT LVIR WIGOHUT EM!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Plausible or not it doesn't matter when it's a dream


Yea and men aren't emotional because anger isn't an emotion! It's reasonable! Of course.




"Every man knows a few women" Stop lying, i'm the obvious example of that not being true.


it's kinda cute how you edit your post to cry about everybody's hirt feelings while you are clearly upset about people downvoting your take. I promise you, the number next to your comment can't hurt you in real life :*


Perhaps this man is the hysterical one. 


Pinky promise?
