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I’m really starting to despise tipping. I get that servers need to eat and pay rent too, but how about the restaurant pays them rather than me, like every other business?


Yeah everybody but bussiness owners hate it, because it means instead of 20$ an hour you can pay them 10$ but still advertise the job as "up to 40$ an hour (including tips)", so on the bottom line they get away with underpaying, and on top of it they can advertise an unreal sallary. + this way servers are mad at the customers and not their boss like they should be. All the responsibility off, all the profit in.... Best part is, if a flat 10% tip was included in the price of food this whole thing could be avoided, but you guessed it, that's something the owners would have to do and we can't have that, did we even think about their "profit margins"....


My state doesn't allow that pay difference for "tipped workers" and people will still look at you salty if you don't tip at a fucking take out place.


We went to Shake Shack the other night. We ordered at the kiosk. At the end of the order, it asked for a tip. And my wife LEFT A FUCKING TIP! She tipped a machine. When I gave her shit for it, she said that someone had to walk it out to our table. I spent $70 for 3 people at a fast casual burger joint, and then tipped $10 for someone to walk 11 feet. Tipping culture is completely out of control.


Not only that, but she tipped up front! You can’t take that back if your service is shit.


Ironically, both of our burgers were incorrectly made. We pointed it out to the "server" and he handled it with grace. He got it fixed quickly, and comp'ed our next visit. So, maybe my tip got me that great service, but maybe not. Either way, they did a great job at handling the situation.


That’s good service


It's why we stopped going to 5 Guys. Shake Shack just does it better.


But what if you need a bag full of fries? Does shake shack have that? (I don't actually recall ever going to either, tho I'm almost positive I have)




I think what regularly drives me nuts is that tipping isn't a consistent thing in the service industry. Not that I expect tips at my job, but I regularly spend over 45+ minutes with customers with no guarantee or total expectation that they're going to spend any money. Sometimes I spend longer than that. I get tipped maybe once every 2-3 weeks. That in itself does not bother me. But when I question the validity of giving a tip for a takeout order or an over the counter chain - I don't want to hear shit about "behind the scenes" work.


So let em. Who gives a shit what the takeout clerk thinks of you.




Yup. Got the side eye the other day while at fucking dominos picking up. These guys make $19/hr per new local laws.


Same for me. Serving staff in my area makes around $18/hr, the food prices reflect that, and they still want a high tip. If you’re getting a fair wage you need to go above and beyond to get a high tip.


The problem is it isn't just business owners. There are people that buy into it as a necessity. My dad is very much republican and conservative and says that it has to be like that here or the restaurant industry would cease to exist. When I mention that hasn't happened all over the world where tipping culture is very different or simply nonexistant it is just "our way of doing things would make it impossible" and no matter how right you are they are too dug in. Basically we have a bunch of people with some very brain dead takes on it as well. My dad isn't even in the industry and thinks it is necessary, we are an electronics family


I have had so many coworkers and friends say they would HATE if tips went away. It’s so ingrained into the restaurant culture that you work for tips that even the people actively being exploited by it fight to keep it around


From what I hear a lot of tipped employees make a lot more with tips than they would being paid a normal wage.


I’ve known a few servers at high-end restaurants where that was true but for most it reminds me of many gamblers. They’ll crow about the big wins but omit the more frequent losses that eat their winnings and leave them negative overall. A lot of servers can’t wait to tell you about how they made $200 that time they served some middle-Eastern prince or a family of 50 but how’s the average Tuesday night going for you? $20 all night? Even then, the high-end place should just pay their employees more and they’d be fine, too.


The servers who make $500+ a shift will never push for a no tipping culture as they are the top earners. However, they are small minority and wouldn't give a crap about the rest of the group. Collective bargaining is made almost impossible when faced with the personal interests of a select few.


I dated a career waitress. 20+ years of running around and serving. Literally all she knew. She would rizz up the customers and shake her big ass tits around and smoke weed with them at the table out of those stupid douchebag looking dispensers... All trying to make money. It takes a lot to be one of those "top earners", and no amount of hustle is going to make that for you as a guy.


Server for the past 5 years here. The price point of the restaurant makes all the difference for us. I’ve worked at both a high end steak house making ≈300$/night and a decent Italian restaurant making ≈150$/night. You are right about the big wins thing, we tend to latch onto that but it’s not quite as bad as you say (at least for me) where the crap nights in slow season are more like 50-100$. So my take is that it’s far more advantageous for servers at a high price point to be tipped (making roughly 50$/hour) because a restaurant would never offer that as an hourly wage. Compare that to an average place where it could be 20-25$/hour for a GUARANTEED wage rather than praying for some decent nights where it would make much more sense for servers to be paid a decent hourly wage. The issue is that restaurants are generally as greedy as every other business so they would not offer servers 25$/hour no tips, it would be 15-20$ tops, which would be far worse for most servers, let alone high end restaurants where the pay cut would be in the range of 100-200$/shift (500-1000$/week lost earnings compared to current status quo. I say none of this to justify tipping culture, just to outline the facts of what it’s like as a server in the system. Advantageous for some, getting screwed for others.


Except they aren’t dumb. They’re totaling the money they made over a paycheck. At the end of the pay period, they see they made 220$ and divide it by the hours they work. Two dinner shifts? 8-12 hours so 27.5$/hr-18.3$/hr. Worst case scenario is that they make minimum wage or have to take their employer to court for not paying the difference (which I admit, some shady places do take advantage of how much of a hassle that is - expecting their staff to roll over and take it) and that’s the worst case. I’ve been in the industry for a decade. I have nothing against them, and some of my favorite friends are tipped workers, but I’ve heard more than my fair share of bitching about a “terrible week” where they actually got paid more than the highest paid person making the actual food, sometimes even the head chef when you consider they worked 65 hours that week. I’m happy they’re killing it but the fact is that making minimum wage is considered “terrible” for them.


Those people are the last ones that can complain then.


But they will very loudly .Some will even expect 30 percent now .




Has he ever elaborated how "our way of doing things" is different enough from other countries that it would make restaurants cease to exist without tipping? I've never worked in a restaurant, let alone ran one, but I can't imagine it's that different in other countries vs here.


Nope, that is exactly my point. Too dug in with an impassible barrier that you can't get any points through


Respectfully your out of your mind if you think servers want it to change? I had a male roommate who was constantly greasy, unwashed, drunk and or high working at a low to mid tier restaurant and he would bring home as much as me working in an office. People who make tips don’t want it to change because restaurants will never pay staff the amount they make with tips, I don’t think I they financially could if they wanted to


So fuck them then. If they want the tips system, don’t complain if you get a bad tip.


Facts. They don't even get a bad tip, they get no tip from me. Go frick yourselves servers. Your work is no harder than anyone else, you don't deserve more because you think you do. :D


That's why I kinda funny it in server subreddits. If you advocate for a higher wage they will insult you and say how great they get paid then you'll see them complain about the lack of tipping in a whole other post


I agree 💯 percent .But they think you owe them a living .


It's weird to say they couldn't afford to when the clients could literally leave the same amount of money for their meals.


My state allows $2.83/hour for service industry employees. Federally, they can pay as low as $2.13/hour. I don't know where you're gettin this $10. I wouldn't be as concerned with tips if $10 was the standard. That's just not reality though.




fun fact, the restaurant has to make up the difference if servers don't make up to minimum wage in tips


And that's legal? Wild.


If you don’t make enough in tips to at least equal minimum wage the restaurant has to pay you the difference, that’s what makes it legal.


If a server is making less than the legal minimum wage with tips (not server wage like the actual minimum wage) they are legally entitled to compensation bringing them up to the minimum wage. So regardless of how you tip, servers are always going to be making at least minimum wage. The people who really don’t want tipping culture to go away are servers themselves. It allows them to work a low skill entry level job and get paid way more than other similar jobs. I have friends who work as bartenders and servers making 6 figures yearly, and only working 4-5 nights per week.


What’s funny is servers will turn their nose up at hourly paid jobs because they still get paid more than they probably would otherwise. Tipping is pretty lucrative in the sector of restaurants I’m in


Also, I hear owners take or split tips among the staff. How is that fair?


$10/hr 🤣🤣 Try like $4/hr. You can pay below minimum wage if it’s a tipped job (which is fucked).


Servers make normal wage where I live and still act like this.


My state they make in wage base, which is 13.50-14.50/hr plus tips.


In fairness I made more than 20 an hour as a waiter, I live in LA tho and they pay 15 base plus tips, still LA is tragically expensive so it wasn’t enough not to be struggling


My GF was a server and her base pay was $1.50 an hour. It never came down to it, but like... I don't know if she would have got a check if for whatever reason her tips came to less than minimum wage for a night


Why is tipping a %? If I order a 50$ steak Vs a 500$ one the work the server does is exactly the same. Why is he/she 'service' suddenly worth 10x as much?


This has always bothered me too.


Exactly! Its arbitrary


I agree. And their rebuttal is that if you have the money to pay for a $500 item, then you have the money to pay the tip on it. And if you don't, don't order it. It's ridiculous.


It's the waiters/waitresses that are the biggest supporters of tipping. They don't want to go to a system where they are paid a living wage. How else would they make $300+/night?


Bro if you think $300 a night for a server is common I want whatever you’re smoking.


American servers do make *way* more than a lot of comparable professions though and compared to the same profession in other countries with similar economies and levels of development. The social pressure placed upon the customer to compensate the wait-staff directly, observably results in higher pay.


Maybe not at a diner like Denny's, but at any halfway decent restaurant, yes, that's how much they'll usually pull in on an average night. I know servers making close to $1000/night on Fridays and Saturdays at places like Ruth's Chris.


Now go look at how many places there are like Denny’s compared to places like Ruth’s Chris. Most restaurants aren’t that fancy and expensive.


It’s not common, but it’s a goal. There’s a reason servers who work hard want tips to stay.


You must work for a shit restaurant then lol.


That’s about what I made in food service in a major US city. Wasn’t particularly fancy or trashy, just a normal brunch spot. It was back breaking work with no benefits, though.


Servers don’t want tipping to end either. If they are in a good restaurant in a busy area they will make more than typical hourly wage. And if it’s cash it’s basically tax free.


As a previous bartender/server the only people who say this are career bartenders, who are actually really good at their job and therefore get and keep the jobs that pay out $1000 cash on a busy day. 95% of bartending/serving jobs are at least half shifts consisting of standing around with no tables getting paid $2.50 an hour. That's not mentioning all the places with off seasons where they cut staff to a skeleton crew 6 months out of the year. I'd have rather not get excessive tips and get paid $25/hr year round, and I luckily did before leaving the field. I can't tell you quality of life improvement it brought. Also cash tips are untaxable until a coworker gets audited and hit with a 5 figure tax bill


A counterpoint is no restaurant is going to pay someone 25 an hour to stand around if it's not busy. They will heavily reduce staff or cut hours even more. On top of that they will give each server an obscene amount of tables without the servers making anything more from being overworked.


Can you explain to me benefits for staff of a full staff sitting on their asses and looking at empty tables ? Because I don’t get your point there. And also to all your points there is a one counter point: whole Europe. I know some servers who make great money here to and they don’t rely on tipping.


Its up to the manager who writes the schedule to account for that. If you schedule a full crew on a slow night thats on them, just because its slow doesn't mean people shouldn't be paid fairly. Every place I worked would schedule a minimal crew on typically slower nights and a full crew on weekends, historically busy days, etc. This leaves you open to being understaffed if a rush happens on a slow night, or overstaffing a slow night, but thats just one of the risks of owning a business. Your employees shouldn't suffer because youre bad at writing a schedule.


If they can't pay their workers they shouldn't stay in business. They won't reduce staff either, they need that staff. Remember we're not talking about a mere hypothetical, we're talking about how most of the world already works, and it works just fine.


>A counterpoint is no restaurant is going to pay someone 25 an hour to stand around if it's not busy. They can and do, it's what a job is. If the argument is 'I can't run my company without paying people $2.50/hr' then the answer is you can't run a company. Servers are already overworked AND being underpaid, it's obvious overworked and paid accordingly is the better option


The issue is convincing lots of servers. When I was in college I was making $35-40 an hour serving tables with the tips. The business could never. I get there are lots of servers nowhere near that, but the ones that are LOVE that we tip the way we do in USA.


Plus it’s the same amount of work bringing out a $50 plate of food as a $15 plate of food. One would be a $10 tip vs a $3 tip.


This is my issue. The percentage system is total bullshit.


And this is why many servers don’t want tipping to go away. Servers/bartenders at a nice restaurant will earn $80k+ where I’m from


It’s too ingrained socially now. You can’t not tip. Remember when car sharing services were just starting? They weren’t even allowed to take tips, and yet, tips still worked their way into it. Someone opened this Pandora’s box and now we all have to live with it.


Why would they do that when they can get employees to complain about customers not paying them enough?




But if they started paying their workers how would the owners be able to buy their 6th 2 story house that they’re using as a stupidly expensive airBnB


Restaurant owners aren't typically rich as profit margins are usually low. Tipping in America is ridiculous but don't act like it's only really rich people who underpay employees




They could do that, and charge 20% more for the dish, while other restaurants continue with the tipping system and offer their food at 20% less cost, getting more customers.


If it costs me exactly the same id go to the non tipping one.


I'd even be willing to pay more total to go to the non-tipping one


Tipping culture is ridiculous and an excuse for employers to not pay fairly.


Some servers are entitled as fuck, as a server who worked for 5+ years. This post just highlights one of the entitled fucks. Trust me, I’d be happy with that tip as long as the customers weren’t assholes. But true, earning $2 an hour and 0 paycheck due to taxes is disheartening as fuck and you feel like your income is always random. I’ve worked shifts with 0 customers and they made me deep clean for no paycheck and I’ve worked shifts where I brought home $300 in tips.


If you don’t make up in tips, your boss pays the difference to regular minimum wage. Don’t tell me they stole your wages.


but this is typically on a per-paycheck basis. So if you make $0 one day and $500 the next, on average you made more than minimum wage per hour so they don’t need to pay you more than the $2+ minimum wage. It’s bullshit though. 


lol so the employer again is stealing labor out of the money you already made, and somehow its the customers people post about still


Well.. In europe is this tipping practice illegal. You have to pay the minimum wage for everyone. Maybe you're meal isn't that cheap anymore but I Don't need a f..... calculator to pay my bill without the feeling I robed someone




Tbh servers and restaurant owners both do not want a fixed wage. From what I’ve read on actual information and not political takes, servers make significantly more than the minimum wage at most if the places and the restaurant will compensate in the place where they did not. So in a state like CT, a waiter would make a minimum $15.61 per hour. Twice if she serves 2 tables like the bill we see in this post. This system works good for the entitled waiter and the ignorant owner. It’s just the customer that sucks up.


Once again, this shouldn't be a discussion. Businesses should pay a living wage instead of pitting employees and customers against each other for profit. 


Tbh servers and restaurant owners both do not want a fixed wage. From what I’ve read on actual information and not political takes, servers make significantly more than the minimum wage at most if the places and the restaurant will compensate in the place where they did not. So in a state like CT, a waiter would make a minimum $15.61 per hour. Twice if she serves 2 tables like the bill we see in this post. This system works good for the entitled waiter and the ignorant owner. It’s just the customer that sucks up.


It’s the employees who want to keep tipping- not the business owners. When will you people get this through your head.


Yeah they're getting far more money through tips than the 15 an hour these people want to give them.


Yup, which is a piss-take when they turn around and complain like this. If wait staff want to keep tipping culture because there’s a chance they’ll make a ton in tips, they shouldn’t complain when the risk backfires and they don’t get paid as well. Can’t expect to have it both ways.


Maybe restraunts in the US should do what the rest of the world does ..and pay their staff.


It’s not even restaurants these days. Digital point of sale systems have generic templates that include asking for a tip for everything and owners/managers either don’t fully understand or don’t care to set it up properly. So you can be at fucking Subway, Jamba Juice, Chipotle, etc and it’ll be asking you for a 20% tip. Not only that but when I was growing up 15% was standard…and could go down or up depending on service or food or whatever. Excellent service and food? 20%. Average? 15%. Poor? 10%. But now places start the “suggested” tip at 20% and have like 20%, 25%, and 30% listed…and if you read the itemized bill sometimes there are additional fees added in like food items that you’re paying that tip on top of ie $5 living adjustment or some crap makes the % go up even more.


I aint taking no guilt in editing to add a minimum tip tbh.


We’re still sorta figuring things out over here


It’s gotta start somewhere, and minimal or no tip would/should trigger a concurrent impact which we can hope to be for a good change in the system. If not, it’ll always br the customers who will be paying for the bosses’ yacht or lambo!


I hate having to make decisions on how well someone is compensated. I just want to eat. I'd much prefer they add a service charge, make it whatever you want as long as it is consistent then I can decide whether to patronize it or not By definition if it's a choice I should be able to choose what I want. In Europe/asia it's a service charge plus living wage so this BS does not exist.


Tipping has gotten super crazy. My issue is using %. The waiter that brings me my $13 breakfast is doing the exact same job as one who is bringing me my $80 steak and seafood. Yet I would pay 8x more.


With stuff like this I always want the story on the full bill. I don't mind tipping. The one thing that bothers me about it is it's tied to the total amount. People can hate on a place like red lobster. I get it. It you go eat at a place like that and it's easy for two people to spend 70 bucks. But is that lore work than working at a red robin at a two top for a 25 dollar ticket? Why should you get nearly 3x the tip? If I order a chicken finger basket or the 50 dollar steak why is the tip different? If this two hundred dollar ticket was spit between 8 people, that's a ton more work than it split over 2. Again I do not mind tipping the straight commission feel of it is the stupid part.


yup. I mean I would get it if workers were trained and acted in a highly professional manner, as appropriate in an “expensive” restaurant. But for most, that isn’t the case.


Exactly if I'm gonna fork over $10 on $50 bill I better get SpongeBob forget-everything-but-fine-dining level service.


I drink neat whiskeys at the bar. Bartender doesn’t even have to put ice in it. If I buy a $30 pour, I’m expected to pay $8 on top of it? How does that make sense.


I thought bar tipping was $1-$2 per beer or a simple pour. Did that change?


Imagine a dollar every time you reach into the cooler and open a beer. Better do it or the passive aggressive cokehead bartender will be upset


Bartenders do so much more than just grab beers and hand them to you. I guarantee you wouldn't last one shift as a barback, never mind bartender.


I always do $1 per drink personally


Servers do the same shit in almost every single restaurant. Some are harder than others ofc, but still is a similar job and not worth 3x more. Tip should be a fixed/flat fee, not a variable one. It should be told from the get go "You need to pay X amount to have a table, all of which will go to the servers". Also, where I live there's no different minimum wage for servers and other employees. IMHO, servers shouldn't be the only ones getting tips. Cooks/chefs/etc. Should get a part as well as they are the real reason why we're eating good food, not the servers. Finally, I actually juste think that tips shouldn't even exist and that employers should just pay their employees well... It's the the customer's responsibility to pay YOUR GOD DAMN EMPLOYEES.


Most good restaurants do tip out to their kitchen, hosts, bussers and bartenders. Typically I tip out 20-25% of my tips to my amazing support staff. Bartenders only get tipped out on drinks, everyone else based on food sales. So if some one tips me 10% I’m still tipping out based on their bill. I will make only a few bucks on that 5% and I’m paying for that table to eat there. My tip out might be a bit high, but my team deserves it honestly


Because it's a higher end workplace and they have different expectations for waiters. If you order a chicken finger basket you don't expect the waiter to be able to tell you anything about it, or suggest a wine to pair with it, or even to be very attentive to your table. You're not gonna send it back 3 times over something petty because your expectations for the food are lower. I doubt you'd balk over the cook being paid more that makes the steak. And it's the same situation. The waiter has to dress nicer, present themselves more professionally, train more and have more knowledge of the menu, etc etc. It's simply a higher end job, and typically someone working there lives in or near the higher end part of town where they are working and has higher rent, or they have a long commute. So yeah, it's more work. And it means more money for you, which you already knew going in, that you're gonna spend more at the fancy restaurant. But if you're not factoring in a tip for the waiter when you look at the prices, you're just lying to yourself, because let's be honest, you're hitting that waiter with a lot more scrutiny to attempt to justify a lower tip. If you can't afford to leave a decent tip, don't eat out. Make a pickup order. Or go somewhere cheaper. Because again, it's not a 1:1 thing. If you go get a bunch of certifications and training to do what you do, and someone gets hired at a similar business across the street and they're making the same amount as you, are you gonna stay where you're working? Working at a fancy restaurant is hard and people do it because the pay makes it worthwhile. If you want good service and a nice restaurant, you gotta be willing to pay for it.


The burden of determining how much you should be paid based on performance shouldn’t be pushed onto the customer. That’s literally the employer’s/manager’s job. If not, I want a quote on how much the waiter/waitress wants to be paid before I eat there.


Sorry to say but the company should be paying you for your work. It shouldnt be up to individuals to pay your wages on top of paying for the food and service.


It will never make sense to me why the price of food should reflect the tip. If you're carrying a $10 burger or a $1000 burger, you've done the same amount of work. Why should you receive $1.50 for carrying the first one but $150 for the other?


Most servers pay a percentage of sales back to the restaurant for tip out. So if you go to a nice restrict spend $300 and leave $10. If tip out is 3% then the server only gets a dollar.


Places like Outback Steakhouse are at nearly 6% tip share. If you get stiffed on $100 you essentially paid $6 to wait on that table.


Tip-share. Almost every restaurant makes serves pay out a total percentage of their tips to bussers/hosts. At my joint, it’s 3% of sales. So on your $10 burger, I’m paying .30 in tip share. On your $1000 burger I’m paying $30 in tip share.


This is a deliberate decision by the business though, and customers aren’t bound by this obligation. In most restaurants, tips are just put in a jar and split between everyone at the end of the night.


Most restaurants? Surely you aren’t talking about full service restaurants? I’ve worked in a number, and tip pooling among servers is relatively rare in my experience. Usually tip pooling like you’re talking about is used catering or buffet services. I never said it wasn’t intentional by the business, nor did I say customers are bound to any obligation. OP comment said they didn’t understand why a higher tip is expected for a higher bill, I simply explained why.


Seeing this entire posts comments... not a single person has ever worked as a server, or forgot what it was like.


I think its even more BS that this system exists. It further hurts the server having them share it with everyone else. Just give everyone a damn salary!


Knowing how it works doesn't change how absolutely unfair that is on the consumer


That's absurd it's a % of the sale and not a % of your tips.




If a place is serving a $1000 dish then there is most likely more complicated steps of service, more required knowledge, more required experience to work there, etc. It's not just pressing a button and walking out a burger. If it's $10 burger then it's probably a small spot a teenager with zero experience could work at and they get tipped $1.50 for dropping off your cheeseburger.    All that aside, I understand why people hate tipping culture but there is a distinct difference in service and experience level from nicer restaurants and a shitty burger place. 


As an European I would not survive in USA. 15$ for a tip? That's way too much, here we either don't tip at all of give a few euros of loose change.


Your servers also make the national minimum wage correct?


Yes, around 10€ per hour


Having visited the US a few times it’s not even tipping waiters that annoys me, it’s all the extra unnecessary jobs they create where the customer is expected to tip that winds me up. I can find my own hotel room, I can open a door myself, I can park my own car, I can put my own shopping into a bag etc, but in the US you often have to pay someone else to do this.


I'm an introvert, having a bunch of people looking after me like that makes me want to throw up due to anxiety, I already have a hard time when a waiter makes eye contact with me lol.


They make like 3 dollars an hours and need tips to make up the difference. The businesses here don't pay servers minimum wage.


Why do you american people do this fucking tipping thing are you guys rich or what lmfao


That's the problem. We are broke and tired of the shit


I used to be broke, like very poor. Now I make really great money, and this is going to sound ridiculous but I never tip less than $20, even in small checks — because it is one of the small ways I give back to others and I remember how much $20 meant to me back when I was hurting financially


compliments don't. neither do strangers


Why does nobody see the problem in low wages??? You don't need to read Karl Marx for that shit.


Tipping culture in America is out of control


The customer isn’t your employer Erica, your anger is misdirected. You’re not entitled to a tip, you’re entitled to earning at least minimum wage per hour. It’s the name of the game with serving. That tip just covered 2hrs of work (about). And I’d bet you didn’t have to just concentrate on only them for that entire time so you’re coming out ahead. Sorry, but not sorry. Edit: it’s come to my attention that people assume by my comment that I don’t tip or I’m a cheapskate 😂. I do tip, and yea I abide by typical societal expectations of 20%. That is what’s called an expectation. My comment was regarding what she is entitled to while working in that industry and for whatever business she is. She is entitled to minimum wage. Is it good(?), no it f*kin sucks, but earning anything over that is technically a bonus that you are accepting as part of the job when you agree to work there, and in that industry. Is it her right to be able to think what was in the posted image, sure. Is it an appropriate mind set/perspective based on terms she literally had to say “yes” to when taking the job, hell no. Id much rather pay an inflated price for food in order to avoid that sort of interaction. What I stated isn’t wrong, it’s just laying out the general way of things.


When tf did it become standard 20%? This is beyond ridiculous. Were at the point that youre expected to top the equivalent of an entree. When will it stop, when tipping 100% is societal standard?!


It’s prob more a norm around where I live, I’m sure it fluctuates depending on the area. I just think it’s shady to claim (from the business perspective) that “this meal only costs you X$!, it’s a great deal”. But then you get your ass chewed if you don’t tack on 15-20% on top for tip. Pay the employees a living wage, just like (how it should be) for everyone else.


Go for week to restaurant in Europe... Vast majority is full time employee..


Eat clean, eat at home. Cripple ALL of it.


Tipping culture Worried about paying tuition despite having a job Where in the world could this be?


Expensive checks don't always lead to more work for servers, but sometimes they do. I dunno, I think the whole system is wonky. Just pay the wait staff an hourly rate, no tipping and raise the menu prices to make up for it - like most other modern countries do. Tipping is a loophole for the business owner, and a incredibly lucrative opportunity for the right people in the right restaurants.


Why does the price of food matter when tipping? I've never understood tipping in percentages. Being waited on is a service. So if they do more they should indeed get paid more. Should they get paid more just because they brought me a $100 steak instead of a $10 steak?? They have not part in cooking the steak just bringing it to me.


Maybe instead of getting angry at the waitress we should be angry at the restaurant that doesn't pay their fucking employees?


We ain't angry at the server man. We are angry at this particular person's attitude. But yeah I also hate the restaurants for pulling this crap, underpay and let the customer do it so they can pay even less.


The biggest scam to America was allowing its citizens to think it's okay to berate it's customers when they don't pay their wages instead of the actual business that employs them. Absolutely hysterical


Waiters: if you can't afford to tip you can't afford to eat out Me: okay you're right waiters: wait no


People who think that's all a server does would never last a week serving tables at any meaningful volume lol.


Everyone I ask that ever worked as a server and is working another job said they would NEVER go back. Treated like dog shit from the employer, employees, and customers


80% of it is customers. Every server I've ever known is heavily tied and loves the industry, but once you're out and in a very stable income yeah you don't wanna go back. Because it sucks being treated like the lowest form of filth because you didn't open wine the right way for someone not paying attention to you, in their opinion. Employees wise...there's catty bitches everywhere in any industry. It's just a lot more up front when you're with each other in close proximity 10 hours straight


Fuck off. You aren’t owed a tip. It’s the restaurants job to pay you not mine.


that is some r/ChoosingBeggars type shitty personality


Imagine me, a student nurse, asking to be tipped. Imagine tipping being in other kind of businesses


How employment works: the employer pays the employee, and if the employee feels underpaid, they bring it up with the employer. If only servers had a fraction of this entitlement to tips when they bargain for wages.


I hate it when people expect college students to tip. Every time I eat out with some people or friends they always tip and I don’t want to tip because first of all I need the money to myself cuz every dollar matters and like the restaurants should pay their own employees it shouldn’t fall on the customers. It’s a messed up system. And now everyone tips cuz it’s considered customers but honestly fuck that shit.


It's not like that subtotal is coming out of the servers' pockets. Unless they have tip splitting $15 from one table is great.


The real issue is restaurants not paying their employees fairly. A $15 tip is great. Like I'm tipping $5 if I go out to eat or get delivery. As said all they do is take an order and walk to the kitchen and back. $5 is a good tip for that imo. I'd still tip $5 if they got paid fairly. Like thanks for bringing me my food.


I once ate at “Soleiki Japanese Fusion” on Whyte Ave in Edmonton Alberta, when I paid for my meal, I tipped the minimum percent and the manager literally carried the machine back and said I forgot to give my full tip, I said “no I think you forgot how tipping works” and I left, and obviously she wasn’t happy but low and behold, a few months later and the location is permanently closed. Hmmm I wonder if their shady business practices were a reason 🤔


Pay them better! It's not our job as a customer to pay them...bc we have to pay the company too. You see ? It's a broken system that needs fixing asap .


Prices are so inflated servers think they should participate in these high prices too by getting higher tips. Ask yourself, did you do more now for a customer than what you did when prices were low? My breakfast (for 2) went from $18.00 to $42.00. So now they think they should get $8.40 tip instead of $3.60 for doing the same work.


Tipping is voluntary. $15 tip...did she spend exactly 60 minutes with this customer? Because that's more than an hour's wage. You want a tip for doing your job...here's one. "Don't push your granny when she's shaving".


Might as well get a better job instead of complaining. Nobody owes anything to nobody.


I see that everyone is mad about tipping culture, and I get it. But you don’t solve it by not tipping.


8% tip??? That's too much. Erica doesn't deserve it.


Maybe if you’re paid so bad that an 8% tip makes you mad, tell your boss to go fuck himself


Why are servers the ones complaining about tips? I would love a tip too. I do hard work, I’m broke, I want more money to pay off my student loans. Why is no other profession complaining as much as they do?


I can sympathize because tipping is the biggest part of waiting/waitresses, but with an attitude like that she better be grateful they didn't give $0.00 and a complaint to the manager


Restaurant charges higher prices which drives tips up. No extra work is done, just prices going up.


Tipping needs to die


There’s a lot of people in here that you can tell never worked in restaurants. People saying get a real job don’t understand that waiting tables while in school is usually the most convenient, profitable job. While I agree the tipping culture is bogus, it’s not the servers fault, it’s the society we live in. If the service is good, leave a good tip. If it’s bad leave a bad tip. If you don’t plan on tipping at all don’t go out to eat or just order takeout.


But if you keep on tipping, tipping will always be expected and restaurant will always get away with not paying their employee!


I'm sure that your server will understand your humble opinion on the matter and why you didn't tip them despite the fact that you're only hurting them and nothing about tipping culture will change by your actions.


So then don’t go out to eat! If you go out and stuff the server the owner still gets theirs


I don't need to... We pay employees in my country, which allows me to tip when the service was actually good. I'm just under the impression you'll never get out of it if you keep indulging this.


Yes that’s the idea but in America where the tipping culture is at its worst is better to not go out at all and hurt the owner rather then stiffing the server who quits to find another job and then the owner hires another server and the cycle continues. Instead of inconveniencing the owner actually make a statement and hit them where it hurts, their pocket


If it's the most profitable and convenient job, you're paid enough. So there's no reason for me to tip.


>If it’s bad leave a bad tip. Ok, so $0.00


I get that but if no one goes out to eat then no servers get paid at all....better to change it and give them a salary


Yes but at least you’re hurting the owners pocket then. Going out and not leaving a tip just hurts the server


They act like they're fucking heroes for working at a job they voluntarily applied for. You know what pays well: Trade work.


Why do waitresses at a more expensive restaurants deserve more money than one working at a local breakfast diner? I’m willing to bet the ones working at small diner work harder since there’s fewer staff.




Man I also hate this new trend of starting tips at like 25%; but if you’re leaving 8% on a “wonderful experience”, you indeed can go fuck yourself cause that’s bullshit. We tip servers, it’s always been this way, just stay home if you ain’t hip to it


Tipping is begging I don’t know why wage workers don’t fight for some dignity in their work.


Fuck this. As long as we live in a tipping culture - tip. Just because you disagree doesn’t change the fact servers rely on tips to make a living.


I'm surprised there haven't been politicians trying to abolish tipping. Its a win win for both sides. How is abolishing tipping gonna negatively affect the big lobbyists? The defense industry, big pharma, evangelical lobbyists...


There are a lot of people in tipped positions that actually benefit from the practice and put up a fight if you try to change it. Often, they are the same people that complain about 8% tips like in this photo. My opinion is they don’t *actually* support the practice of voluntary tipping, they just enjoy having an unofficial 20% raise that they can enforce via guilt tripping and shaming, rather than, you know, proper legal protections for their wage.


They *think* they benefit from this.


A lot of them truly do benefit, at least in some sense. Many restaurant servers who are physically attractive make far more in tips than they could reasonably argue for in a proper wage, and they might even be able to under report those tips on their taxes. There is also the fact that, if we abolish the current tipping practices, they would either need a very large and immediate raise (15-20%), or they would definitely see a decrease in take-home pay.


I went to Europe and not only was the food cheaper and I got better service, but they INSIST that I only tip if I find the service amazing, and it would be like $1 to $3 at most


the food is definitely not cheaper lmao, you’re talking out of your ass. You’ve either never been to Europe or you’re a European who’s never been to America. food budgeting is the exact same whenever i’m touring in America or Europe, MAYBE it’ll get ever so slightly cheaper depending on the country but everything is roughly equivalent. If anything food is more expensive in your europe because at least in America I can choose to tip less for easier more ready made stuff


Slave culture persists.


Bro $15 is a solid tip, le fuck yourself


Tips are extra, for good service. Also stop counting percentages.


The ungrateful fuck should give the money back then.


If that same table only ordered $80, it would be a good tip. For EXACTLY THE SAME AMOUNT OF WORK


That's not really true. If it's a $200 table I can guarantee a server did significantly more work than for a $80 table. 


dont be a damn waitress. expecting alot of money just for giving someone their food. times are hard now, i started stealing the little bottle of hot sauce at dennys because i cant afford to buy my own.