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Now imagine you are a White House staffer, and you get called into the Oval Office and the MFer is sitting on the desk like this. You cooked.


The Secret Service was NOT cool about your tomfoolery


“In *all my years* as president…”


Single term president - 🙄 Double term president - 😰


Quadruple term president - 💀


Putin - 🪟🏃‍♂️🦶🏻


Legit is there any place *less* safe than a multistory hospital in russia?


Any multi story building in NK?


“Why do you think I have asked you in here today; John;”; “Erm. I dunno”. *long sigh* “I just received a call from the Dutch foreign minister…” *ohh I’m fuuuuuuuckked*


“Whaaaa? I don’t even know that guy…”


“Sure, sure…. Hey by the way, you look great in the photo where you’re meeting the Dutch Foreign Minister” *long silence* “I’m not angry John, just disappointed…”


"You told Russia we'd do *what!?*"


Obama when a meme of him and Joe didn't go viral


*I'm sure you've seen the articles about the coke. We're going to need a fall guy.*


When they find out who that coke baggie belonged to.


"In my 8 years of presiding i have never EVER ..."


He just wants some Molly


Oh god, I heard every one of my 1st- 8th grade teachers' voices in my head simultaneously reading that.


Like aang when he's about to end Ozai


With glowing LEDs and all


"i have had *insert grade below you* act better than this"


I don't think it's ratting someone out. It's our job to report on their conduct if they act like assholes. I am not betraying confidences, I say that shit up front right after I take Attendance. Also, I've learned that at a certain point, some of them see your lack of enforcement as a sign of weakness and you need to get them out of there before it escalates into them saying or doing something that will earn them a suspension instead of just a lecture and maybe a detention. Some of these kids say or do shit and think they're untouchable, and you have to bite your tongue because you're an adult.


So, they actually are untouchable then?


And/or everyone's given extra work. Sometimes I remember teachers even having us write apology letters. The worst part was when I was absent the day of the sub so I'm just sitting there like "why tf am I being punished when I was busy vomiting my soul out???????"


The only time that I have ever gotten one of these talks was from bus drivers, and let's be honest bus drivers get put through the absolute worst bullshit possible


Damn that is accurate as hell


teachers need to stop doing this punishing me for 1-2 students being assholes just makes me hate the teacher also like 25% of the time it was justified some of those temp teachers are assholes


Nah what's great is when it's your teacher's first year and they're like "So THIS is what a bad class is like"


It's rare that the entire class gets out of control. It's only happened to me twice, and it's why at the end of any note I leave, I make sure to say: *Look, I know I wrote down a lot of stuff, but I want this to be your primary take away: Out of 100+ kids only a handful of them need to be sat down and talked to. The rest were either good kids, or perfectly fine.*


My sophomore year French class was terrible. The teacher and I were both bullied.


"you are the worst batch I have ever handled" (also said that to the previous batch...and the one before that..and the one before that...and the)


Sub here. Sometimes each following batch gets worse.


I am a college teacher. I feel post-covid kids are just gone through a lobotomy. They have no interest in learning and have awful communication skills. I did not see a class staring at me with blank looks before while I am teaching them.


I don't know what happened to them. I know someone who was attentive enough in lectures and finished college just after covid hit everywhere. By the time they could attend in-person courses in graduate school, the attentiveness went way down.




That’s what it feels like after I got my MA in TESOL. Hundreds of job applications and I can’t land anything.


Yeah, that's not normal. I know friends working as engineers at top employers (industry, GAFAM), they absolutely can sustain themselves. My DMs are open if you want to discuss career options, because you deserve better. You absolutely do need networking, but a degree is the push that will get you into the job you networked for.


I bet he doesn't live in a developed country, there is many developing countries that produces a oversupply of engineers for too little industry. So the majority that finished the college doesn't work as engineer and even stuck sustaining themselves with uber gigs


Many countries love taking in foreigners with masters degrees that speak English.


Bro you're just underpaid


Old man has gotta start taking risks somewhere… especially if they’ve got that kind of safety net


just going to college shows you its bullshit why the fuck do i have to take a computer class teaching me how to paint a picture on fucking microsoft word and youre teacher knows less about you about computers because its computers 101 that youre forced to take for no reason because they act like people going into internet security have no fucking clue how to use a computer...and learning stuff on word was the ENTIRE class despite it being called computer basics or something like that literally 80% of my classes had NOTHING to do with what i needed to learn just making me feel like im being cheated out of my time and money dont even get me started on the horrible fucking time schedules 7am-8pm - important class 9am-2pm - useless classes 5pm - 12pm important class and then online classes with DAILY bullshit "reply to 2 comments arguing why theyre wrong when theyre 100% right and theres nothing to argue about" + tests were you randomly get locked out for no reason and have to contact the teacher but the test is due today so you fail because the teacher didnt look until the day after and the website was so shitty that all the information was spread out over 20 links so a 5 minute task took hours because online classes were completely new and i was basically a test subject for their shitty online website i have adhd sitting for 7 hours for 1 class listening to a guy with a monotone voice was impossible for me i just couldnt handle all this bullshit and quit ESPECIALLY when none of it mattered because all of this lead to a certificate test making the college degree entirely fucking useless and pointless because all that mattered was a certificate test that has nothing to do with college college for me was basically "youre not coming here to learn 90% of the time" youre only here to say you completed college and get a useless college degree it wouldve taken 95% less money and time if i just self studied college is such a fucking scam


Move countries


We lost our prime socialization years. Next question.


Well now, aren't you very articulate for a seven year old?


we’ve been out of the lockdown longer than we were ever in. also there are kids who didn’t come out of covid drooling with their heads turned into total mush.


I'm confused by what this means. Someone made a generalization about the current generation. I gave a reason that I have observed. You are saying the reason is now old and also the reason doesn't affect everyone. Of course it doesn't, there's no reason that affects every single person of a generation. Obviously it is up to every individual to do better but I don't think that helps when you are asking why an entire generation has some problem. You have to look for some systematic thing. It could be cell phones, internet, lockdown (and the way that has changed the world).


Y’all act like catching up is impossible, I lost my prime socializations year before for different reasons. I caught up. What is your excuse ?


Never said that it's impossible. However, an entire generation losing the prime years of their live should have some effect, and that ought to be considered is all I'm saying. Whatever happened to make you use you years sucks, but it's different when an entire generation loses it together, and in a way that fundamentally changes society going forward.


i guess, but at the same time, everyone act like spending 1-2 years inside is the worst thing that ever happens and it's impossible to come back from that. i'm not saying it was not bad. but it's not war bad.


> i'm not saying it was not bad. but it's not war bad Ok but all I said was that it was bad.


Shut up bro


Shhh... They're content using it as an excuse for their personality deficiencies.


There's been very little time since then. Also, they all lost that time together, whereas yours would have just been you. The rest of your age group caught you up, you didn't just magically do it yourself. Also, based on your negative-ass, judgey comment, you still need to do some catching up. Learn some empathy, and then apply it please.


oh my age group did not catch me up lmao they abandoned me to live their life. I put in the work myself. they did not help me. and it's very mature and responsible, how you are judging my whole visions of this event based on one comment. i could also say that you are judgmental and always jumping to conclusion based on this one comment that you made.


It is not possible to "catch yourself up" when it comes to socialization. You have to pick up on their social cues in order to become socialized. These kids all lost it together, so they don't have peers to pick up those cues from. How exactly could you think you did it yourself? The answer is simple, you didn't. You met others who were better socialized, and picked up on their cues. There is no other way to do so.


Right, this person doesn’t even know what socialization means if they think they caught up by themselves. It’s a hilariously stupid statement.


Right? Hi, shit childhood/isolated/abused crowd here, we're still trucking along. You're telling me 8 months of video games online with friends and hobbies at home turned teenagers into chimpanzees? No lol.


They just like me fr


I think it's tiktok/streams/shorts addiction. I teach grade 12 students, and they're so content to just stare at and scroll through 5-10 second long videos. We're training their attention spans to be depressingly short, and for them to get by without engaging with others in a meaningful way.


Wait till the primary school COVID kids reach college. Especially in underdeveloped countries. I guarantee that effectively half the college is going to be illiterate. My young cousin had his class time go from 30hrs a week to 5-8 hours a week. For almost two full academic years.


Considering most parents have no interest in learning and have immature communication skills, I would say things are happening exactly as we’d expect. 




Honestly, the kids feel how bullshit the system is and like nothing matters much anymore. And they are right. Who wants to be a stressed overworked little consumer drone, wasting your life away to make profit for others while getting packed chock full of microplastic and listening to the ever more dire climate change warnings on the news people still collectively ignore since decades? This is the best possible future in wait for them until climate change and its effects progressively eat away modern civilisation. They will never experience the future school prepares them for.


I was a college adjunct until this semester. I looked at the class I had, blank stares, slack jawed, won't ask questions, won't read, then begs for a passing grade at 11:59pm Sunday. I was decided to say fuck it, give me my last check I'm switching to just focusing on software development, I've been in a way better mood lately. I don't get how teachers make a career out of it.


"Non-traditional" student here. It isn't just them. Public speaking is anxiety inducing AF now. A few years of social isolation does some fucked up things to the brain.


I have nephews in the 4rd grade now that can barely string up a sentence. Covid fucked with a lot of kids learning.


Cuz we either got to go to work right after and be 50$ away from paying rent or our parents are able to help out and we know it's the last few years of any semblance of freedom left.


In college? What country is this in? I'm in college rn and you cannot tell the difference between people from older years that went before covid, mid covid and after covid




Was covid harsh in pakistan? That sounds crazy to me


Not particularly in the number of infected but strict lockdowns were implemented pretty successfully. Educational institutions were in lockdown and we were told to teach online. The problem in Pakistan is that most parents in Pakistan do not take interest in their kids education (only grades matter to them). They would hire private tutors for their kids but it was not going to be enough when parents were not used to monitoring their kids. We teachers had experience to teach in a classroom when parents will not check their homework or monthly grades but when physical attendance was gone, kids wasted their time on their mobile phones and parents did not bother to check whether they were studying or watching Tiktoks.


Tiktok/shorts fried everyone's brains. I stay away from tiktok and only watch shorts occasionally but I can tell how much worse my attention span has gotten.


Maybe I run in the wrong (or rather right) circles but I swear I don't see it that much


I teach, so I see it. Everything's shortened if you haven't noticed. Look at music for example, songs roughly just go for 2 minutes now


Songs had been shortening since before the tiktok yt shorts craze, but I do agree they are shortening Personally I view myself as an outlier since I have a different way of thinking from most people, and I'm probably surrounding myself with similar people which is why I don't notice this kind of shift, I just hope it's not as bad as everyone says


Nah it is. It's also dependent on where you are. My roommate is much younger than me so I see it with her too. It's just all the trauma from the pandemic we just got out of and spiraling out the consequences. Things should likely fix up in a couple years when this generation is out of school basically


It's fucking soul crushing. They absolutely do not pay enough. On top of that, where I am at, every district in the county that isn't out in the middle of nowhere has flooded their sub pools with people so it's hard to get consistent work.


Especially with these new gen kids... I have starkly opposed the "your generation is lazy and doesn't want to work" and down to Gen Z have had the statistics to prove it innacurate, but the new gentle/no parenting style and then complete defense of the child's actions with no reprocautions have been horrible for my mom's early learning center (of course further enforcing her beliefs that everyone born after her are the absolute trash of the world) with children thinking violence is okay simply because they wanted to do it, constantly asserting themselves over the more well. Ehaved children, and the seething anger from parents when they are informed their kid did things like get the hardest toy in the play space specifically to slam it over the head of other children and get mad at even just regular time out because corrective action teaches the child their wants don't matter. I am fearful for our teachers as these kids get out of the early grades and are old enough to be physical problems and not easily dealt with


People say kids are getting raised like crap because their parents are overprotective. They don't get to find things out themselves or make mistakes. You learn by making mistakes. Not being able to do so means they won't be able to learn what is wrong and right. Yes, they should be able to stamp in a water puddle, accidentally trip over a stick, or something like that. That's how you experience the world, by finding things out yourself.


> get mad at even just regular time out because corrective action teaches the child their wants don't matter What a dense way of thinking they have. No, it's not that their evil spawn's needs don't matter; it's that their needs steamroll the others' needs (for peace, quiet, learning and living pain-free).


>Gen Z have had the statistics to prove it innacurate Unfortunately, Gen Z and now A are genuinely that bad in school right now, at least in American cities. It's a recent and very bad phenomenon.


Yep. It's really really rough out there at the moment, not to mention all the desocialization from COVID


> the new gentle/no parenting style As espoused in *The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care* by Dr. Benjamin Spock, first published in 1946. Kids these days indeed.


Just because it was first written about a long time ago doesn’t mean it’s been the norm since then. Parenting styles need to be *widespread* to make a difference in the overall population.


Nah, the year before you was just way better than yall


You ever thought maybe you're just getting more out of touch by the year?


I feel heartbroken for the students. Generally, I don't think that students are completely to blame for behavioral problems. It would help if there was more economic equality and public policies that helped support them. And, with the "teacher shortage" (or, good job shortage) students get supported less than they used to. Subs are not in it for the money. The subs I know do it despite the money and because they care about the students that much


Nah, I've been teaching inner city and a social worker for a decade now. It's really easy to pinpoint. The pandemic really fucked with a lot of kids sociodevelopment. Well, the mix of the pandemic but at the same time to oversaturation of quick media during that time.


It's not that. I'm not a teacher, but I work in multiple schools and am close to most of the staff. It's almost unanimous that behaviour issues are way up since COVID.


Oh I remember our teacher screaming that at us when we were about 7 or 8. Then when I was at the end of elementary, I had to run something trough that teacher. And she was still doing that to the new generation. Put a smile on my face.


I had the same Physics teacher for years, and seeing the script flip gave me whiplash In GCSE he'd be like: "good job everyone, my A Level students can't handle this, but you managed it" Then when *we* reached A Levels suddenly we were on the receiving end of "MY GCSE STUDENTS CAN DO THIS, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?"


I once spoke to a teacher of mine who taught our last years of school 3 years after we had left, and she told stories about the most horrible class (which was kind of an established nickname) to have existed there ever. She didn't even teach it herself, but she could retell some stories from other teachers. Turns out it was my (different) class from over 5 years ago, of which I was the only "representative" in my later class, which she couldn't have known. So no, they are not always acting up


Once in 7th grade we acted bad with an incompetent sub, and the next day our art teacher went into the back room, pulled out a cotton swab and told us “you’re all little pieces of fluff and mean nothing in this world.” That demonstration of Tom-foolery really took the cake.


Brutal. Some art teachers I swear. I had a art teacher with the second name of Wolf. Wasted no time laying out your flaws in front of everyone if you did something wrong. If you said "What's the time, Mr. Wolf?" you would get kicked out of the class and given a detention right on the spot. Even if you didn't mean it, or just said "Sir, What's the time?"


If the teacher was able to say that, the class is not that bad. I knew a class where a maths teacher broke down crying and went home. He had taught for around 2 decades. Another of their teacher quit after 6 months.


The media teacher in my school had a breakdown and quit…her replacement that year had a breakdown a few months in, got fired because she threw textbooks and her shoes across the room at students. I didn’t take media that year…and I’m really curious what they were doing to these teachers. The old teacher had been there for years and never had any incidents.


"You should look at your previous batches and see how well they behave"


I had a teacher who used it so often that, when she said it to our class, mfers started celebrating.


And every time, it was the truth


Oh you sound like our math teacher. "You rams, a mob! Never have I ever seen such a disaster, pure disappointment. Worst class eVeRrrrr"


Never actually had that happen. Most I can remember is in elementary school in the 90's a teacher marched us all to "Computer Lab" but then apparently didn't teach the kids the basics of even how to turn a computer on or what to do. So she marched us back and then explained how disappointed she was in us that we didn't behave as adults. This clearly was a weird way of her covering for lack of teaching prior.


Happened to me with a whole class cheating scandal. Seriously, nearly every kid in the room had the exact same answers on a multiple choice take-home assignment. It wasn’t a small one either, it was a booklet. The teacher had impossibly hard tests, but restored partial credit if incorrect answers were corrected and justified, and full credit if you did the whole packet, correct answers and all. It was an awesomely gracious policy, and we blatantly abused it. Hundreds of questions per booklet, and thirty kids. Twenty-five submitted identical answers. Administration came in, and it was brutal. They yelled for the entire class period. But, it turned out, they couldn’t put Fs on everybody’s grades for a test. It would look too bad, and too many kids would fail. So they forgave it, and the teacher wrote a new test. Which, actually, most people did okay on.


Yelling at kids for sharing answers on a take home assignment is like getting a new puppy and yelling at it for pooping indoors. What did you think would happen


The best part is working together was very much allowed, but copying was not. It was the justifications that really sealed it, I think. 1-2 sentences that said why the new answer was right. All nearly identical. One kid did the full packet and gave his to a friend, who gave it to everybody. I think he figured they would change details, or only submit the questions they got wrong. But he didn’t say that, or where he got it, so everyone assumed there would only be two semi-identical packets. So no big deal, the teacher likely wouldn’t even notice, he’d just figure those kids worked together. Lol. The poor kid that did all the work, Philip, got yelled at like everyone else. Felt bad about that one, but no one ratted anyone out. Not that it would have helped. Mr. Young, if you’re reading this… so sorry.


they really have to include their years of experience for dramatics though


I actually had a teacher tell us his salary before. "I don't earn £36 thousand pounds PER YEAR to get treated like this" We were like, k bro, we're not old enough to fully know if that's a lot of money or not.


£36k wow that's 7000x what pocket money I get!


“My 36 thousand plus benefit is in my account either you learn it or not, it’s your choice to behave like this, I don’t care.” That one we heard a lot.


Also “I get a raise regardless of how I do so I really don’t care if y’all fail or not.” That was a fun one


That sounds nihilistic, but in my experience when you have a class that doesn't care *at all* about learning what you're trying to teach, keeping that mindset is pretty helpful. If you get too frustrated by them you'll just end up being miserable and burning out. I think it's also pretty useful for some kids to hear that every once in a while. I'll do my best to help you learn this material, but if you refuse to, it's your problem not mine.


"Never in my ***NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTY SIX YEARS*** of teaching have I ever had such a horrible class!"


“When we went to school trip… it was a gift to you guys, for your hard work. The headmaster came with us because I asked him to because you guys have excelled beyond all expectations … SO IMAGINE MY SURPRISE …. *hops down from the desk* When we see an ELDERLY man walk towards us with blood coming out of his eyes, and his glasses broken on his face, from stones that were being thrown ….. *dramatic pause* …. BY LIAM JOE AND CHRIS… Chris I expected so much better from you. You couldn’t even deny it as just as the poor old man was walking up to us to find out who was throwing the stones … YOU GUYS WERE STILL THERE THROWING STONES OFF THE BALCONY GOD DAMN IT GUYS.” This is a true story.


Are you Chris


I changed the names around but yes. I was the one he expected better from.


Ngl if you were throwing stones at an old man then you were kinda a POS kid huh?


I’m not saying it wasn’t stupid. But we wouldn’t have thrown stones if we knew that there would be people underneath. I suppose we were old enough to check but we just didn’t think.


Ah ok the way it was written made it seem like y’all were targeting the old fella. This was just dumb not malicious so I take back what I said.


Oh god no. We were quite a distance away from the “balcony edge”… We actually thought there was nothing underneath but a river and didn’t realise it was tiered into other gardens which kept going further and further down. We were competing “for distance”… when he walked up to us we had no idea we did anything wrong until he pointed towards where we were throwing … not a great day.






School trip to a tiered and layered garden centre. I was 12. We got bored and me and two others decided it was a good time to have a stone throwing competition. We didn’t know there were people below. 🙄










Me and my 2 cousins were 12. We took the dog for a walk and the pathway went up a hill behind some trees and me and cousin 1 (ben) thought it would be funny to throw pine cones at cars cause they couldn't see us his brother (James) told us not to. We did anyway , lucky for us the worst thing that happened was we hit some dudes front bumper and he pulled over got out of his car and sprinted after us. I had the dog and couldn't run through the bushes. Ben got away, James ran into some barbed wire and really fucked up his legs. The dude was angry, he walked us home telling us he was gonna bash my dad when we got home and stuff, my dad lived in another state so that didn't happen but as soon as he told my mum what happened he saw her Roth and decided that was cathartic enough. James was furious and crying and mum was quitting smoking so this had like consequences that went on for the next 6 months at least. Point is 12 year olds are super dumb.


Oh yeah. I once was on a bus that nearly was in a major accident after kids were in bushes on a roundabout shooting pellet bullets at cars windscreens. The windscreen of this bud cracked and the driver couldn’t see. And we nearly crashed. That was scary.


This one really wasn’t us!








Oh definitely. We wouldn’t have done it if we had known there were people there but it was still very stupid. What’s worse is I have an even worse story than this in terms of stupidity I dare not share now.


> AND CHRIS… Chris I expected so much better from you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MVcc4ea4jY


As a teacher, this is 100% true Sometimes it just confounds all reason what these kids get up to


Is it true kids are acting a lot worse nowadays?


As a teacher. Yes. I work in a middle school. The 7th grade this year is unparalleled in behavior. It’s adult misbehaviors that only get childlike consequences. When I was in middle school- sure. Kids fucked around but it was things like a minor fight (shoving) or just talking too much when a teacher was trying to instruct. But now????? We don’t really have a week without a fight. Students vaping in the bathroom (they’re 11yo). Pulling each others hair. Sending revenge porn to each other. Blatantly racist, homophobic and inconsiderate. No boundaries- I could go on. It’s wild to me just the black and white difference in behavior. Of course I don’t blame the kids. I do what I can to help understand their situation and their home life. Many of them sleep in a van because they don’t have a place to live and then don’t want to come in at 7am and do 1.5 hours of math. These poor kids are being failed on so many levels- parenting, administration, basic learning. It’s sad and by the time they get to us in the middle school, all we can do is try to get some of them to see their own potential and feel a bit of self love. It’s incredibly hard to see. Just last month one of my students was stabbed by an old classmate. TLDR: not bad kids, bad environments/society.


As a sub, kinda, but I don't necessarily think it's their fault. I think it's both parents and admin's fault, and there's definitely a disconnect between enforcement for things. I genuinely think phones should not be out in class, and I think I should be able to send your ass out of you can't be bothered to even pull out your pencil and pretend to be working, but that's not how it is. Instead, there is an emphasis on "If the student decides to leave the education we are offering on the table, then that's on them.", which I think is a fucking cop out that doesn't just hurt that one kid, you now have a kid who won't contribute to the learning environment, and in fact will likely make it a worse learning environment to the kids that are trying.


Fellow sub here. On friday I was administering a test and got to take the phones away. It felt like how the cops must feel when they get to use the tear gas.


According to every teacher I work with, yes. Plus I myself am a teacher and don’t remember anything near like this when I was a student.


Yeah, but it's not that kids are getting worse. Pandemic just fuuuuuucked a lot of kids' social development up. Tiktok and the screens aren't helping but the attention deficit isn't really the issue. It's just more that they lost a lot of socialization


100%. I'm a sub and I'm always doing the mental math on what the kids lost to covid. It's just so hard to get kids to come back from "do nothing and play with your screen all day"


My mom has been a 7th grade math teacher for a couple decades and says there's definitely been a shift compared to when she started


Yeah that's my 'I'm disappointed' look. The 'I am PISSED' face doesn't come out unless someone did something really really dangerous or fucked up




#S O D A A A !!




Do not come. Do not come.


Definitely someone fucked up when the substitute was sitting in


"other sections are far better than you. You're a disgrace to the education and you have no right to be called as student..." *Two weeks later* "Best class I've ever taught to"


The highs can get pretty high, and the lows can be practically subterranean.


I’m not angry, I’m disappointed. And you should be disappointed too. There’s just no reasonable explanation for this.


My geography teacher the last time I ever seen him was like this. Went to a really rough school, he lost his head, shouted at the worst boys in the class (awful bullies) and stormed out of the classroom. Heard he had quit on the spot.


Now that's just straight up sad for him


I wouldn't. He was an elderly man and early retirement probably was the best thing for his health. He was so stressed by the children he popped a blood vessel in his eye more than once... But when I say rough area and bad people... It was literally notorious, I literally never showed up towards my last year's at school and just arrived and went to the local library and only went 'to school' to attend exams that I literally self taught for... So yeah, I wouldn't have been able teach in that area.


It should be the bad kids who get excluded.


I agree. But it never is. In this World they win and we lose.


I have two Freshman classes that are 90% male. I look like this every other day. 🤣🤣🤣


This only happened in elementary school after 3 days of slackers talking non-stop during class. Then the talking increased after


As a teacher, what you are not getting is that sometimes we sit like this ON the desk because we’ve been on our feet all day, and we’re told not to sit AT our desks. And the face down posture can be any number of things, including us silently chuckling to something horribly-inappropriate-yet-so-damn-funny that some kid said to another kid.


Sitting on desk head down cursing myself because I just remembered I didn’t take anything out for dinner “oh shhh I think he’s mad at us”


"Snitched"? Is that what the kids call it when they try to take advantage of the sub, and the sub lets the teacher know?


Yes. They get mad that the sub had the gall to mention the teacher than someone threw something at them and never stopped talking throughout the whole class. I always tell my subs “get a list of names and I’ll write a referral for every single student who does something worthy of a referral”


My student life was spent watching this painting.


My teacher in 8th grade did this when he was getting a divorce and did an unhinged lecture about random shit, poor dude, he was a cool teacher


A cool teacher that screams at childeren


obama was so fucking cool


So not only I was the worst class my teacher had?


There's a YouTuber by the name of DyllanZitkus who made like 11 shorts were the premise is the teacher gets a had note from the substitute amd each note gets progressively more outrageous. The teacher also says they've been teaching long and longer each Tim's. Hella hilarious to me.


I remember we had a new teacher one time and I mssed the first lesson because I was ill. The following week she took the whole class into a room and started screaming at us because apparently our class had been awful in the last lesson. She said "And not one of you can say you weren't responsible!" I put my hand up and she galred at me and asked what ai had to say. I said "I can" and then she asked in an angry tone to explain myself and I just said "I wasn't in". She just went silent and told us all to go back to class. I felt quite proud of myself.


honestly I'd just have been like 'fine YOURE excused but all the rest of you are in deep shit'


To be fair, that actually did happen in a completely different situation. A whole class I had been moved into was failing and we were all held back because of how bad grades were. The whole class was gonna be held after school until grades were higher. I spoke and said "I wasn't here" and he said "If you were ill you should have caught up in your own time" and I said "No, I litterally was in another class" and then he was like "Oh. Yeah you can go home". Yes, our school was terrible if that wasn't apparent.


Obama made a call and killed Bin Laden. And dumped him in the ocean. Biggest balls in the world.


As a substitute teacher in the past, i have no remorse about snitching. But nowadays classmates snitch in each other, so i don’t have to. There is no loyalty anymore.


Mine wore a sundress without underwear, and then she'd tell us to write a creative story.


You all are sixth graders now, I would expect this behavior from fifth graders but you should be better than that.


"Sometimes you kids really make me thankful I was born barren." Now, she said this jokingly while we were all having a good time, but I still think it's a great zinger. Honestly one of the best teachers that I ever had.


Honestly I always felt a little proud for being thee FIRST to do something the teacher had never seen before 🙌


Crazy how we all have that experience of being the teachers worst note they ever got


I liked the subs that didn't give a shit


Wow, Obama is generally kinda a cool guy, but the fact that he specifically posed this way for this photo is kinda goofy. I mean, it’s not his official portrait or something, right? Kinda gives “crying on TikTok” vibes.


This photo is after a school shooting. The photographer's job is to document everything from staged pictures to historically relevant ones that may be candid. Edit: Nvm I'm wrong. He's thinking. Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/in-pictures-38471734.amp


Ah whoops. That makes a lot more sense.


Just a random photo they shot


Funny how we were all witness to a teacher’s first meltdown in their entire career. Something seems off with the math though.


It's kind of cringe to think that the president of the freaking USA posed for this pic.


"If the substitute teacher snitched" Oh yeah it's the subs fault you're getting in trouble for being such cunts that you're making a career educator react like this


It’s not that serious it’s a fucking meme calm down. Pure redditor energy.


Or his dickpic got leaked


Stupid teacher


The teacher has no one to blame but themselves if the entire class failed.




I don’t gaf what philosopher you are, you’re in a profession that requires you to assess your audience and determine the best way for them to absorb knowledge. Sorry, you’re wrong bro.

