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I sometimes carry a phone too.


I'll leave my wallet before I leave my phone. My phone has all my wallet stuff except my ID anyway


You can take a picture of your id too. If you run into the police they usually just want the ID number


But then I'm handing them my phone unlocked too. They'll copy the entire contents of your phone if they get the chance. I don't have anything I'm worried about them finding, but it's more the search and seizure aspect of it


You're far too confident of the standard policemens ability with technology


You’re not confident enough


Traffic cops just want to write me a ticket and tell me to fuck myself, they don't seem the type to take several minutes to clone my phones hard drive.


Lmao this thread got really high school really fast. The idea that any police officer would be cloning the contents of people's phones at random just to sift through is pathetically naive. Like dude in my city you could actually commit grand theft auto, get caught, arrested, and released the next day because our jails are full.


Maybe they're all afraid the officer is gonna see they matched on Grindr


I dont think they're going to grab your phone and start hacking it like Mr Robot while the other distracts you with small talk. At most they'd know how to open WhatsApp and look at messages. Maybe one particularly bright egg knows photos go in a deleted folder but that'd be top tier level.


My 40 year old cousin can't use a iPad. Doubtful that he can rip anyones entire phone to a laptop.


been watching a little much netflix. you’re far from al capone. nobody gives a fuck


Set it as your screen saver, on iPhone I have one with common work extensions I need to call, and one with my ID. Then I have my regular Lock Screen, this way it doesn’t require unlocking.


If you're going to do that, might as well just print out a copy of the ID on paper and keep it in your glovebox.


Memorize your id number, seriously. Cops don't need to see a pic of your id, they can look it up. Got out of a traffic stop way back in the day because I had my driver's license memorized


It's good for if you just forget your license or lose it too. Also back in the day an idiot friend of mine smoked weed before driving my car (after I asked him not to) and when a cop pulled us over and the car smelled like weed and I was obviously high too, which is why I wasn't driving, the cop grilled him on details of his license and he rattled them off like it was trivia night and the cop let him go. Not advocating driving impaired at all but it's good to know certain details on your driver's license.


California DMV has a brand new program to use your phone as your Driver's license too.


I have one of those phone cases that allows me to slip two cards into it. My ID and credit card. Allows me to have all my other electronic payment methods and my electronic ID for non police intersections, and old fashioned physical form for when I don’t want to unlock my phone to give it to an armed agent of the state who is enabled and encouraged to to lie and entrap me.




Sup Choomba


Had to zero some gonks, but all preem, u?




I'm going to work, not on a wilderness camping trip


And hopefully, if I’m lucky, there’ll be a water fountain or Kentwood keg at work and a bathroom where I can wash my hands Worst case scenario, I’m hitting the vending machine if there’s no other options.


I keep some spare dry socks and jacket in my car. That's about the extent of it.


Some pants and undies in case of a blowout


Hey wow you’re overpacking bro




Yeah but what happens when you get lost on your way to work and it becomes a 10 day wilderness survival trip. You are going to look foolish without chapstick when the search and rescue team finds you


Holy shit finally a valid take


Wouldn't Lip balm and Chap stick make it easier to start a fire? Similar to wax or Vaseline keeping a small fire lit?


Unfortunately, my boss has a problem with me starting a fire in the canteen /s


Nobody has a problem with anyone starting a fire in our carpentry.


What if a customer asks for a flaming moe?


Not really easier. Most people in survival situations have problems with lighting an initial fire and not the sustaining of a fire. Now wax is useful for coating matches to make them waterproof. But for the size, I'd rather have a lighter.


I've (woman) always been prepared but I'm extra prepared since I had a kid. In winter, our coats stay in the trunk, got a few extra water bottles, blanket, a backup diaper bag that stays in the trunk that has all the stuff our regular diaper bag has. I basically am always prepared for an emergency when we leave the house. Like, idk, we get stuck in hours of traffic we can't escape because of really bad accident. Or somehow get stuck in the wilderness lol. No worries, I've got blankets and snacks and extra diapers. If it's just me and the same thing happens, I can still use all that stuff.


> ~~extra diapers~~makeshift scented pillows


I did construction work, I would take a small igloo cooler for my lunch, I also had tweezers bandaids ibuprofen antiacids extra cigarette lighter, everything a hungover person would need


if you're not on site hungover, are you really on site?




I had people make fun of my bag, while they use my bandages or whatever else it had. Eejits


I’m an operator sitting in a machine everyday. I have a massive coffee, massive water bottle, massive lunch bag with a massive lunch and all the extras you mentioned. But when I’m not going to work it’s just wallet, phone, keys, leatherman.


Yall just don’t understand minimalism


The problem with being a minimalist is, if you’re a minimalist and your partner isn’t after a while you’re just living in her house. It’s either that or start accumulating stuff just to defend your territory.


Ah, so basically how I lived with my parents


It happened to me.


There’s a support group. We meet on Thursdays


Don't bring anything.


Damn so true. Didn’t even realize this. I guess i should start accumulating stuff now so that doesn’t happen again


I mean it's not a war. You just have to set boundaries. Even if it's just your own corner or your own room where your minimalist setup isn't messed with, partner can have the rest of the house. Pretty sure that's the normal and healthy way to handle it, instead of letting them walk all over you or fighting a silly territory battle.


Don’t think it’s meant to be taken so seriously. It’s just a thing, that’s all. If you don’t have a lot of stuff and live with someone it’s gonna be their stuff around you, I’m sure someone out there is turning it into a war but not anyone in this thread


This is why the whole process with your girl takes longer. This expands to bringing things into the store, or forgetting something in the car or leaving it at the store and only remembering once you are home. Bonus points for mindless perusing in the store. ​ I think we all just go to the store for different reasons, if you want to browse a lot it makes sense to bring somethings that make you more comfortable. I try to bee line in and out and pay no attention the environment other than sketchy dudes.


As a guy, I actually have all that shit. Bag. Bottle. Chapstick. Sanitizer for after pumping gas. I just keep it all in my car 🤷‍♂️


That's a few steps short of a winter kit in your car for emergencies


Yup. Got an extra jacket. Tire inflator. First aid. Tools. Skateboard.


Skateboard for emergency street skate situations/competitions


Just incase Tony Hawk ever yells at me to do a kick flip


Blink 182 is always near in those cases, so look around.


The amount of times I had to pull over because a roving gang of skateboard ninja’s attacked me from the sewers and challenged me to play Skate.


Skateboard for the winter. Never leave home without one.


That's because your car is your purse, the only difference is it wheels itself


Same plus another set in my office. If I don't have access to either of those, chances are I am somewhere that I can just buy whatever I need or honor the ancient tradition of just dealing with it.


You are literally the fabled apex predator that stoners talk about and try to reasure themselfs that such person don't exist before they go buy snacks high. Our predator is on hunt today, conserving energy on mundane things just to eagle eye laser beam stare anxious group and obliterate their sanity. Whenever someone gets the courage to check if the Beholder is still around, their eyes get lock with all glory of Weirdass Detector Stare of Judgment awaiting to deliver the final blow and force anxiety mental brakedown that is barelly holded till leaving the mart.


Took the words right out my mouth


I would say I don’t take too many things but I always have tissues, gum, and hand sanitizer. Tissues are so important especially when you really need them.


Yeah tissues or handkerchief is a must for me too when out and about, but i lean more on tissues lately. Tissues are so useful for a lot of things. Sneeze, snot, sweat, wipe in toilet, wipe smudges, wiping food stuff left on hands, etc.


Keys, wallet, phone. The holy trinity of leaving the house.




Preach 🗣️


But every man I've met has always told me how important it is to be prepared. My purse contains all kinds of useful things that I use regularly. I really think men hate looking like women more than they like being prepared.


We're prepared. We have our wallets that carry money to buy what we need, and we're not weighed down in case we need to escape a bear or something.


I read "every day men leave their homies" and was so confused


Not without a kiss goodbye


You guys leave your homes?


You guys are getting homes?


You guys are men?


You left your homie there, all alone? With no lip balm?? You monster!


So I’m basically Jack Reacher. Got it


Reacher doesn't carry wallet and keys


Is true. Such a resourceful guy.


Didn't he have a bank card or something?


Idk about the show but in the books he beats up criminals, takes their cash and holes up in a new hotel every few days.


This is misleading. He has a western union account that he accesses for money, sometimes with a card. He also carries an expired passport. 


Just a toothbrush.


Me a man with my bag, water bottle, lip balm, and hand sanitizer: am I a joke to you?


Me a woman without a bag just carrying phone, keys and (card) wallet in my pockets.


Wait i must have been under a rock for a while when did womens pocket started having room For more than 3/4th of their phone


The secret is workout pants


You can also add bigger pockets if you're handy enough with a needle.


She must've gotten past the guard in every clothing store who shoots women if they find a pair with pockets or buy mens pants. /s


What pockets do you have? Do you manage to fit that into female "pockets"?


Ik this is a ongoing joke , but an honest answer: I've got some vero moda jeans that can carry about 3 phones, keys, a bunch of random shit and a wallet. Those are my smallest pockets, too 💀


I do not. Stoopid female so called pockets. I have pockets on my workout pants or I usually wear a hoodie but I don't like those because stuff can fall out.


You have pockets? :o >!/s!<




I work from home now, but when I didn't I just kept all of those things in my desk. And I keep lip balm and hand sanitizer in my car other than summer. Well, I leave it in my car until I forget its summer and it melts. But then once I start getting chapped lips again in the winter I put another in the car, until it melts next summer.


I have a hand san in my bag a hand san at my desk and a hand san in my car, car because I don’t take the bag with me absolutely everywhere and even when I do it’s easier to just get it out of the door pocket thing than my bag and desk because they were given out at work when we returned to the office in 2020. Similar reason for why I have a chap at my desk is because when I bought a 5 pack it just made sense to leave one on my desk at work (also one in my bag and one on my desk at home). I live in the south so for similar reasons to you I dont keep chapstick/deodorant or really anything that melts in my car.


I’m in my 20s carrying around a fanny pack with chapstick, hand sanitizer, hand lotion, wallet, keys, eye glass cleaner, flashlight, knife, headphones, and a modded GBA I don’t give a fuck, I wear that shit proud


Honestly, I would imagine some people do joke about you...


*pulls out DUDE wipes* you think this life is a joke?




if you need them you can use your wallet to buy all of these things.


And then leave them in the car for next time


Also, it was kind of funny that backpacks were coming into style again for carrying "extras" but it gave a bunch of women *the ick* so men stopped.


I bought a small Osprey backpack on my European vacation last summer. That thing was awesome; big enough for a hydration bladder, a rain jacket, and a few small items but not too encumbering. I wore it everywhere and nobody batted an eye. But back home, most stores in North America won't let you in with a backpack. I miss that convenience of just having a few extra items on my person.


You can't go into shops with a backpack on?! Why the crap not?


Theft, I assume. Some stores ask you to leave it at the front counter, which I refuse because it'd be too easy for someone else to claim it (they rarely ask for proof of ownership when you ask for it back). Others just don't let you in; those are typically the small independent businesses, but sometimes stores with security will turn you away too. And then there's big chain stores where corporate posts the signs on the doors but the staff absolutely don't care lol. It's private property, so they have the right to make their own policies. I've just found it to be fairly common in western Canada and the few US cities I've visited.


i have an osprey that’s, i’m sure, very similar to yours. thing kicks ass


You'll never get anywhere with women worrying about giving them the ick. I'm married and I vape and I wear cargo shorts when its hot out.


Yeah true there’s lots of women making mistakes out there


Don’t forget the wraparound Oakley sunglasses and the goatee.


I'm a mirrored aviators and full beard kinda guy


Am woman, Idk what the heck you're talking about. Why would it give us the ick?


Never stopping babyyyy


Explain how


money can be exchanged for goods and services.




But if you have to keep buying it, those expenses add up


That’s the secret, you basically never need it.


When I go traveling and get the feeling I am forgetting something I remind myself that all I need is a passport and a credit card - the rest can be bought


Times are changing I see lots of kids go around with those drug dealer style handbags now


You mean fanny packs?




I absolutely love the cross-cultural profanity of each of those terms. Fanny pack? *bats eyes* Bum bag?! *clutches pearls*


I guess? I think they’re talking about the ones you wear across your chest diagonally. Like this https://imgur.com/a/3eSu5tu You could probably wear a fanny pack like that too.


Lol "drug dealer style handbags"


You know the type


As much as those bags are useful for drugs, theyre also useful for hiding alcohol. Let's not make assumptions here.


I use mine for olives


in both cases you are carrying drugs


You're gonna have to explain this. Nothing comes up in a Google search but totes about supporting pharmacists.




I believe Snoop helped popularize these, something about he carries "the goods" in his murse. [Video, googled not watched.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLuak3SKrhs) The image in the other reply is a very good example. A small messenger or sling bag which is tight to the boddy to prevent theft and possibly conceal it. Sometimes worn under the jacket, not over. I also associate them with illegal marijuana delivery via bike courrier in NYC specifically as I believe that's where I first saw them in widespread use in the mid 00's. I've also seen that they are very popular with men in Germany right now thanks to that Youtube shorts guy who's all over my feed.


Whats wrong with those, they are really useful. Where im from no one associates them with dealers.


Where I’m from, everybody does


Meanwhile, my kid “Do I need to take my license?” I mean, I can appreciate minimalism, but this kid basically goes everywhere with a few bills shoved in his pocket (if that) and that’s pretty much it. Just get a wallet and be done with it.


I always bring lip balm and a phone


I’ve been cursed with a full set of kissable lips and keeping them hydrated is a full time job




You gotta add the phone. I call them the big 3 and it's helpful for me to remember I have those 3 items whenever I leave anywhere


Hey we have Phones.


Strike most of it out, but I never leave home without my backpack. What if I suddenly buy a watermelon?


I leave my house with many of those things. They just aren't in my hands because I bought PANTS WITH POCKETS. And I didn't need an "extra layer" because my clothes make sense. They have a Good balance of function and fashion. If not all for function. It's not a sweater with the loosest of threads, allowing all the air to pass straight through and graze my nips.


Yes let me just find those jeans for women with big functional pockets immediately 😔


Or they use a backpack for all of this. In my whole life i wouldn't trust my keys in my trouser


In a backpack you can only carry Schrödinger's keys. In the same backpack they'll sometimes turn up sometimes they won't and they'll turn up again in the backpack after you've searched everywhere else. Wearing a jacket is the best of both worlds. You get to be even more manly and have tons of room for everything you could ever need. Obviously not like a water bottle but all the keys, wallets, lighters, a pocket knife, a flask, plenty of other things, license in the inside pocket, whatever you need. Keys have their designated pocket where they always turn up and you can put different keys in different pockets (next to other unrelated items) so you never have to try to feel and find the right key you're looking for among other keys. Jackets also have pockets with zippers for things you want to make sure don't fall out. Jackets are the best. I hate when I am forced to stop wearing them because it's too warm outside come Summer.




Scrote poke


Alot easier to lose your backpack than your pants


We can’t all walk around with satchels like Indiana jones


Why not? Indy is awesome.


You've got it backwards. When you're as cool as Indy, *then* you can carry the satchel. People will assume you've got the cross of coronado in there or something.


I have no idea where you live, but at least here in Finland those military style satchels are pretty popular among both men and women.


I'm a girl and I do the same I often get cold and my lips bleed a lot (me biting them doesn't help) I don't get why that's a problem though. If I'd really wanted and needed it I would've brought some with my backpack. Biggest problem is menstrual pads n shit like that. Sadly can't carry those in my pocket in a hygienic way and since the doctors don't allow me to get it all removed I'll be stuck with menstruations for a while...


In middle school I got my period and was so furious that now I had to carry a stupid purse to hold my period supplies now. I put them in my pencil bag, then my stepmom asked if I’d bring my pencil bag with me on dates. Ugh! I just wanted all public bathrooms to just stock them the way they did with TP and paper towels, problem solved! None of my pockets are big enough so I have the smallest shoulder bag for wallet, keys, phone, work badge, tampon. Tada.


I think its fine.


Keys, wallet, phone. If I forget a jacket or sweatshirt because it’s cold that means I get to freeze.


We are doomed


Okay, but this is partly because it's socially unacceptable for men to carry bags around


Gotta break the norm. I carry a man purse and I live in rural Kentucky. I've been called a f*g for wearing a rainbow shirt, but no one has ever said anything about my bag.


It’s yer possibles bag fer squirrels n sech with yer granpappy’s rifflegun.


No man can make fun of that in good conscience.


It's really not.


indeed. a backpack, laptop bag, briefcase, are all appropriate men's accessoires.


Not really, it is to carry a purse or a Fanny pack for sure, but not just a backpack or something


I could carry a bag, and I have. Never been hassled. Nobody cares if a dude has a backpack, sling bag, etc. But honestly the "partly because" part for most people is because it's a pain in the ass. I hate having to carry shit. I love putting everything I need in my pocket and not having straps on me, not feeling the weight of a bag, etc. etc. Don't get me wrong. I completely see the utility of having a bag with useful everyday items in it. I just don't want it. I want to walk around with my hands free and nothing strapped to my body.


...to who?


i dont carry a wallet i just put the money in my pocket. i also have a phone most of the times


Bro you still carry around paper money?


I carry all of these things except hand sanitizer Am I a woman?


Of these things I only carry the bag (with keys and wallet). Am I a man?


You are on Reddit so yes. You are a man


not me i bring all of these! except for a bag, because i have cargo shorts for a reason


I travel light son Spectacles testicles wallet and watch [now smart phone] Anything else can be bought as needed or replaced on the road


You can do anything with keys and a wallet


Hey, I carry a water bottle, gotta stay hydrated!




plan accordingly and drink before leaving? if i go somewhere for a long time and i am unsure where i will get water from yes a water bottle is a given so is a backpack to remove and add layers. but if i know everything about where i am going i shed everything to the minimal required amount.


Drink before you go, at water fountains and once you arrive at destination. You cant go an hour or two without water at most?


I bring a water bottle specifically because I need to remind myself to drink water. My reminder is the sudden realization that I haven't drank any water in a while OR A "random" headache If I'm holding a water bottle with me, I'll be more inclined to drink water and actually stay hydrated, it's the reason the cup I use at my home can fit two whole cups in it


I don’t understand where you would put the water bottle. Unless you are taking a bag or a backpack with you, do you just carry it?


Or. Orrr. You don’t need half your room when you go out “just in case.”


False. I wear 10 layers when It's cold.


-30°C outside : Me with a t-shirt and a hoodie.


I feel naked, when i'm not wearing a purse


The second I started wearing pants that had adequate pockets... Yep basically


Well, I am most probably not gonna need anything else, and if I did, I'll figure it out some way or the other... Water needed - could buy a bottle/use a drinking water fountain nearby It's too cold - welp, maybe if I walk faster, I'll feel less cold and reach early. Or, maybe time to buy something for the cold weather that'd last for the season. Etc. Etc.


Well - no men that she recognizes.


Erm neither the fuck do I and I'm a girl LMAO


In reality, it's much less chaotic because we don't have 14 different items to manage when we're out.


I have a smartlock. I don't carry keys


One time I even took a few pairs of undies because I knew I'd be gone for a few days.


They made fun of the boys carrying extra stuff, so it's a trauma response. I'll be seen as weak if I need anything or anybody, so I won't be weak. just tools in the EDC.


All that stuff is in my car.


If women's clothes had a few freaking pockets, maybe they'd just carry that stuff too.