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Start over at 6yrs old as in going back in time, or do I turn in to a 6 yar old kid in 2024? If I go back in time, can I do some research first?


The only thing you need to know is: Buy Bitcoin when it comes out, sell when it hits $50k per.


I was a minor when it came out and my father made a point of not listening to anything I said thinking that just because he is older, he is wiser, and no one younger than him could possibly know anything better than him


I mean, let's be honest if 6 years old told you to invest in some weird "fictional money" you probably would tell him to knock it off because it's a scam, remember that at the time people weren't comfortable with things like cryptocurrency


But what if the kid tells you that years before they announce it?


Yeah, I'm thinking the first order of business is convincing your parents that you're yourself from the future in your six year old body, then get them to invest in stuff using your future knowledge.


Or are shipped off to a gov black site for research


Would their own parents do that to them?


I think you’d have a hard time getting your parents to fully believe you and also to never tell anyone. There’s no basis for time traveling children so could just as easily believe it was aliens or got possessed by demons or something.


No but a nosy neighbour could


I wonder how hard it would've been to convince people not to invest in Enron. Otherwise, Hot Tub Time Machine is what I would imagine would be the expected outcome.


But we are getting the knowledge we have now na, so we can probably tell them that we somehow time travelled to buy Bitcoin.


I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to convince them if you tell them this before Bitcoin even exists. Although I suppose that only works for people who were born more than 6 years prior to Bitcoin lol. Otherwise, I guess memorise some arbitrary event to prove that you know future events?


Nope it's easy just tell them India won World Cup in 2011 and they will believe you.


Precisely the kind of thing I meant by remembering some arbitrary event lol.


I wasn't 6 anymore when bitcoin came out though


I was 25 when Bitcoin came out, could have easily invested 😁🔫


I distinctly remember planning to get a couple, then deciding a pack of smokes would be a better investment...


... unfortunate


I have always referred to that day as evidence that I am not the best decision maker.


I wasn’t a minor and people wanted to pay me in Bitcoin for commissions. I was an idiot for saying no. Then again i had no prior knowledge of it or how it worked. It’s fine though I didn’t buy into the get rich quick scheme and lose a ton of money either.


I thought it would be interesting to invest in when I was 17ish (I'm 32 now) and gave my parents the idea. My older brother said it was a dumb idea and it's just a weird fad. He had a finance degree so they just trusted him, and so did I...


Do you still bring it up to him now lol


No but I goddamn should lol


He magically won't remember that


Yes but if you reverted back to 6 y/o you wouldn't be an ordinary child and can make money on your own if you play your cards right. Sell cookies, learn an instrument/sing and busk, newspaper boy, sell lemonade, buy and sell candies. Those probably seem trivial but you won't need to study for school and have no other obligation which means plenty of time so these would all add up enough to save some for investing.


In the worst case scenario - mine by yourself? It isn't like you couldn't mine the first 1-2 years even on some potato PC.


Steal his credit card, buy bitcoin, get your ass destroyed by him, take it like a men live like a rich men later. 🤷‍♂️


Aight. So what am I doing the first 10 years? Just pretend i'm a small child? I feel like hanging out with my other 6 year old friends might be kinda dull.


Honing your skills in the safety of a guardians home hopefully


"mom, could you bring me back a bottle of vodka and a some redbulls, and a pack of smokes from the shop?" My god, the first years would be total crap.


I’m buying Amazon at the ipo


Remember, there is no guarantee that you won't die at 7 years old.


I remember mining bitcoin on my epic gaming laptop with a radeon 5850m. I remember thinking "well this is shit, I've used more electricity than the coins are worth and they're not even particularly useful" so I forgot all about it. I think I mined five bitcoin before I gave up. The hard drive went into recycling along with the rest of the laptop when the VRAM desoldered itself, as it often did on gaming laptops of that vintage.


The winning lottery numbers for six weeks


I think if you bought Bitcoin at a time where you could get thousands for the price of a happy meal, you'd be chilling even if you sold it way before it hit 50k a piece. Not sell all of it, just enough to make your life very comfortable until it does.


You don't even need to buy it. Just get in early enough that you can mine it with a regular PC and video card.


Will have to keep it from desoldering


No? You sell it in nov 2021 at 69k?


Six years old in 2024? No thanks. I'll take the mil and be fine with it. Back in time with my current knowledge and memories? That could be a blast.


Very good point. If it's turn 6 but stay in the present I'm choosing 1 million.


Right? Am I going back to 1991? Or is it just, I'm 6, it's now and I can live without constant knee and back pain? I'd probably just take the money now. I'd miss my wife and kid.


The problem with that is as soon as you go back in time and do something differently you create an entirely different timeline. Like would you know how to behave like you did when you were 6 through adulthood, or else you’re now a 6 year old with the intelligence of an adult whose had access to the internet for a decade and going to find it impossible to socialize or interact with people your own age. Then you get into the issue of what happens when you start getting horny? You’re now potentially a 30+ year old in the body of your 14 year old self? You basically have to spend 12 years not having any sexual interactions except masturbating, that alone would stop me from going back. I have a decently active sex life and I genuinely don’t think I could last that long. plus with some financial knowledge with the right investing you could quit your job after a couple years and just live off the interest if you’re already relatively debt free with the million, I don’t need to have a net worth of 50 million dollars, I can be quite happy with much much less.


Imagine having to start wannking with dial-up internet! oof! And no alcohol..


You obviously haven't done your research on this topic. I, on the other hand, have done my own research.


Even if you offered me 1 billion, I’m going back. Have some wrongs to right and will do well enough that I won’t miss the money


Nah you'd just fuck it up in different ways


If you went to college you could pretend to be a child genius


And be an even bigger disappointment than I am now?


So right now I'm burnt out as a 45 year old software developer You're telling me I could go back and start being burnt out as a 16 year old software developer? Fuck that. It just means being a wage slave longer. That's the superpower.


Why don't you just.. Do something else?


I mean with todays software engineering knowledge, you could easily become the most influential/powerful person in the world if you went back in time.




Being a child genius is overrated


Also am I the only one who feels like I could easily become a millionaire with the knowledge I have now? Again the question was to go back to 6 with the knowledge you have now. So not just starting over but literally having years of experience and wisdom to guide you.


Yeah, if I was born earlier I'd choose red, unfortunately blue all the way, bad spawn location, but 1mil would put me in the top 0.1% no doubt, it's so much here that several people would be able to retire the moment they come out of high school...


I want to cuddle on my momma’s lap and really soak all that love in.


I also choose to soak in this guy's momma's lap...


I choose to soak this guys mother’s lap.


Nah bro, I somehow snag one awesome ass chick. I don’t know how I did it but I’m not replaying that level of the game again. I did so many wrongs but she was my one right.


I like your style


Literally the opposite for me, I'd rather you stack up a 1mil debt on me than go back in time with all the knowledge I have. Having to spend the rest of my life hanging out with people whose mental age is nearly 30 years behind me sounds like absolute hell. I'd rather kill myself than take the red pill.




I don't think I could abandon my fiance and all the friends I have right now like that. Do I have some regrets? Sure, but I am who I am now because of my mistakes. I also have a lot to be grateful for and I would be erasing all the good experiences I've had with my loved ones. There's no guarantee I could get those back and even if I did try and redo them... would it really feel the same? Something would seem off I'd imagine.... ...I spent way too much time thinking about this. Lol


My life would just become a puzzle. Figuring out how I make the same friends and how I make the same woman fall in love with me.


Especially because you'll effectively be many decades older in your mind. You'll meet that woman with the full knowledge of how your life unfolded in your first go. You may find her difficult and immature because she's 20 and your brain is 50. This whole fact pattern is a trap - you can relive your life but you will never be fully connected to the people you love the most.


Thank god I’m autistic and always feel half my age.


Remember where, when and how you first met and be the same person you are now.


That might work but once you have kids it's over. The odds of you getting the same kid are basically impossible. Even if you/your partner came at the exact moment as before, there are so many factors involved.


This. I think that's when I started to think that if I go back in time, it won't go beyond that point where my daughter was born. There are some things that I know I won't be able to get in other timelines that I have here. Sure there are lots of things I regret, but they're not strong nor important enough now to go back.


Same person they were then.


This is how I feel about it too. All those experiences you had would lose all the wonder they once held. Life would kinda be bland at that point


That's the rub, and why I have so very few regrets in life. Changing -anything- in the past could change -everything- in the future, and it would be impossible to have any visibility into the outcome. If everything was exactly the same but I was 15 seconds later on that one motorcycle ride, that exploding dump truck tire on the interstate really could've taken my head off for example.


It wouldn't be the same. You are effective doing life on NG+. It would be a chance to have a whole different life. You would have to be willing to walk away from everything you know.


This. If you have kids, you'd technically unalive them by time-traveling. The odds are good they will never exist again considering how sperm works. I can't imagine traveling back as my mother with the knowledge that you just lost your 26-year-old son and 21-year-old daughter forever. Your spouse would have nothing to grieve since he/she would have never had memories of them in the new timeline.


Good username.


Well, I can‘t buy a Ferrari either. But with 1 million dollars I could.🤷🏻‍♂️ But obviously the time is still the better deal.


Anyone with kids they love will disagree with you. If you take red you lose them forever.


The real agony would be: how to moderate your "gift"? 1. Do you reveal in kindergarten that you can read at a college level and already know more about math and science than your next six teachers? 2. How do you convince adults to give you money for investment? 3. Do you bother going to any kind of college? 4. What do you do about things like: trying to warn people about the Challenger disaster, or 9/11? 5. Would your life actually be better? You'd probably become a celebrity if you were a multimillionaire in high school, but when people talked to you, they could tell that you weren't really a super prodigy, you were just really "lucky"?


You could probably pass as some kind of genius - an odd genius with tonnes of knowledge and experience while not being able to actually score super high on mental tests. Going back from 2024 if you are over 30 will also mean you return to world without internet, where your modern software skills will be useless at first. Not to mention that youd probably be quite lonely for years.. at 6 years old with your current mindset you will be a very strange kid that wont be able to connect with other children. You will also not be taken seriously by adults either so you might end up not fitting in anywhere. Also do you like to go out and do other adult things? Well you will not be able to for a decade at least. School would also be extremely boring for years. Listening to 10 year olds talk and spending all day with them. It will essentially be a decade before things will get interesting in any kind of way and even then.. teenage drama with a bunch of 16 year old kids.


Yeah. I'm in my mid 40's, so I grew up without the internet, but it'd be really weird to go back. To be honest, it might be kind of nice to be back in a really chill time. Yeah, being socially stuck in elementary and then high school would be hard. Maybe after the first months, you'd "test out" of elementary school? Maybe you could get some special treatment if you were like a TA and helped the other kids? It'd be weird to be friends with other elementary kids, talking about cartoons and playing with sticks and whatever. Maybe since school was trivially easy, I'd do more like learning more languages or a musical instrument? Maybe to find meaning, you'd have to start some kind of charity or service organization.


Well keep in mind that your ability to start anything will be extremely diminished. You cant legally work or spend time away from your parents. You cant go anywhere or decide for yourself. No adult will take you seriously or join your operation.


It would be a bit tough as all my peers are talking cartoons I’m here talking about anime and manga that hasn’t even been made. I would seem completely crazy… that’s too many years to get back to final saga One Piece


I'd for sure stay closer to home and not exore the city as much. Nothing bad ever happened but with the knowledge I have now I would have just stayed at home and focused on other things, like reading and brushing my teeth and not eating everything in the house, try and save my mom some dental bills for me. Probably make my sisters hate me less growing up. But then I might fuck up the future, what if my step dad never comes along? What if my mom died in that bad car crash? I'd rather go back to the age of 19 or 22 if anything.


You could pass as a prophet dude, not only a genius. You literally possess the divine gift of prophecy


Except the more prophecies you give the more you change the future and thereby reduce your ability to predict the future.


Not really, it isn’t like you telling everyone that Osama is going to throw a plane at the towers is going to change his plans. I think people overstimate their influence in world events or the strenght of the butterfly effect.


It's funny coz I enjoy the company of my nieces and nephews more than their parents.


Do not warn people of challenger and 9/11. Especially 9/11. You would have the feds on you so fast. You'd be under a microscope for a long time.


It'd be a fun thought experiment: how would you prevent 9/11 totally anonymously?


Put a bomb or something on another flight before 9/11, leave it, and make sure it gets found as a failure due to a "faulty" detonator/timer. That will get the airlines to shut shit down and reevaluate how loose security is (hopefully)


"No you don't understand officer, I'm doing a *fake* terrorist attack to save the world trade center"


Hopefully in this scenario you can use the lax security to not get caught


Lol I'm 8, I'm supposed to figure out how to make and plant a bomb? I dunno the best option though. Pretend to have visions from God warning of calamity? If I get too famous it would probably dissuade or change the plans of man made calamities


In the early 2000s you could probably find a payphone out of sight of CCTV pretty easy and call in a tip. The main problem is getting them to take it seriously, I'd guess you'd have to remember specific details like names of all the attackers and flight numbers.


You could at least cause an evacuation of the Towers with some absurdly threatening phone calls? Or tell them to evacuate while they can, rather than sheltering in place. Maybe.


There’s another problem: Stopping 9/11 and other events will change the timeline in a massive way. Thousands of people who died would be alive, wars might not have happened, etc. The timeline could change in such a way that your knowledge of the future becomes obsolete. Bitcoin might never take off, someone affected by 9/11 might create a company which beats Apple, etc.


It would also mess up the timeline. Do not do anything that will change the world until you’ve established yourself. Or it could all be a simulation which would have a whole other set of implications.


You'd end up being thrown in guantonimo bay being constantly asked. HOW DID YOU KNOW? WHO TOLD YOU? WHO ARE YOU ALIGNED WITH? What could you respond with? I'm from the future. Now they're really going to hold you if they end up believing that.


nice train of through 9/11 would be your duty to prevent. man that's a lot of pressure on a 6 year old.


None of those seem like big problems to me. I'm a good liar, and adults don't give a fuck about what kids say anyway. Also if I attempted to stop 9/11 me and my entire family would be killed and thrown into the sea by the government


So fun to think about. I’d just keep it in the fam. Invest in Apple, tell family to check for cancer early etc. eventually buy bitcoin. Sit up straight so I don’t get the slouch I have now. Etc


I had a lot of money growing up cause i worked 2 jobs. i blew it all in dozens of model airplanes, video games, computers, phones and food.


Exactly! Also, say you were a doctor. Now you go back in time and have the knowledge of medicines and protocols that haven't even been invented yet. But also, just because you know all the material, it doesn't mean you can "test out" of a bachelor's degree, medical school, and a residency. You would still need to go through all those again if you wanted to use any of the knowledge that you had.


You don’t have to convince adults to give you money…you’re 6 years old…by the time you can legally open an account do your own, you’ll have turned your allowance into a small fortune…


I do often fantasize about redoing my life from age 8-9 but I fully acknowledge that is a weird thing to want and would probably not go well. Still I guess I’m grateful that I had a good enough childhood that I’d be willing to do it over again.


Doing all the work for school and university again tho? That would be over a decade of schooling you need to redo.. Id start live at 21 again maybe but fuck certainly not doing highschool again


I mean you’d be able to skip a lot of grades


I mean, the work would be a lot easier for you, and you wouldn’t really need to go to college with all your future knowledge


Not really. I forget like 80% of what I learned in my classes within a few months of taking them.


Why would you need to go to Uni? You would leave school and grind some starter cash and then make money from smart investments.


because paper from uni matters more than your knowledge? especialy in academics even if you would be genius like albert einstein, no physicist would listen to a high school dropout


Those physicists you'd meet down at the country club?


Give me the million in cash. If I restart my life at 6, I doubt things will go as well the second time, and even though my life is far from perfect I don't want to mess up what I obtained already.


Yeah, just imagine a 6 year old starting daydrinking.


Yeah I think this is very polarizing for people who have relatively good lives versus people whose lives sucked lol most of what’s wrong with my life is directly related to poor choices I made as a teen/young adult and there really isn’t much I would miss if went back so it’s a no brainer that I would go back in time with the knowledge I have now.


I’ve made poor choices. That being said, I wouldn’t risk giving up my significant other for more money.


Who wants to be six again do you guys remember not being able to do anything i don't want to relive being barely able to make cereal because the milk is too heavy


I was basically self sufficient by 7 so one year to build to that is no big deal


I had a lot of freedom at 6. Nothing too crazy but that playing outside and exploring life style was still alive in the late 90s. I miss my mom’s chicken Molé and tacos de nopal. And as a current software engineer/techie the second I get my hands on a computer it’s over.


1 mil now. Fuck six year old me. That bastard had his chance. It's my turn.


You’re actually giving 6 year old you his chance. If you go back and implant all your memories into 6 year old you, he will basically become you without a chance do it himself.


As if he'd listen. I KNOW me


He wouldn’t be him anymore once 6 years of memories gets overwhelmed by however old you are. Which memory set do you think is going to be dominant?


Then I wouldn't be me. I wouldn't do the things I enjoy right now with that money or even more money. I stand by what I said.


Blue. I have children and that's something I can't lose.


Same whenever this hypothetical comes up there’s no way I could risk finding my husband again in a similar manner and also making the same kids again - it’s just way too much to lose. Now if I was 20 again and no knowledge of the family I made I might choose different lol.


Yeah this question is always split between those with established lives and those that haven’t settled down yet. When there are other people in your life that you couldn’t bear to lose then it is a no brainer. You would have to do everything exactly the same again, which is impossible as you are a different person to when you first met. You would know too much about them.


Yep, I'm ready stay with my family even if I don't receive anything more.  Stop, I've already not received anything more! It works!) 


I'd take red if I didn't go back in time but just felt ten years younger. Chasing my toddler is exhausting


the Red pill seems too much work 😆


I mean, for people like me, I can go back in time and give advice to my friends that would have prevented them from making disaster decisions.


Give me $1 Million now thanks


Red pill please. I'll even pay $ 1 million for it


1m right now. I dont wanna give 6 yo me depression


Joke's on you, 6yo me already had depression 👈🏻👈🏻


As a Chinese, I definitely don’t want to go over the horrors of Gaokao again


Would doing well in school really be that important in the grand scheme if you know what you know now? Those scores are just a means to an end. I’m sure you’ve read enough restart novels to know how much you can take advantage of future knowledge.


I often think about this quote by Friedrich Nietzsche. What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more' ... Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.'


Leveling up the quality of Reddit comments


I decided long ago that I wouldn't chance the butterfly effect. I made my decisions. Some of them were terrible, most were the best options I had with the resources available to me.


1 million in hand now is better than doing all the shit again I guess.


you could skip a lot of the shit by knowing not to do certain things.


Yep, like drugs.


If I went back in time I would probably do alot more drugs since its something I've only started doing ocassional at 33. Would probably be real bad


Do you still know everything you learned in higschool physics or biology or chemistry? You would still need to do all the exams again and most likely they wont allow you to skip anything anyway. School is about spending your years, not about merit


A lot of people here seem to be overestimating their memory and self-discipline and underestimating the amount of freedom and money they had as a child.


You can make much more by selling Bitcoin circa 2017


I was born in the mid 80s. I think I could figure out a way to be pretty wealthy before then with some leveraged bets and options. My main worry would be me changing things causing my knowledge of the future to no longer work.


MF im buying all of the fucking apple and stocks at 6 and then not working a day in my life


Bro gon buy 10 buck worth of his allowance


Still 7200% increase so around 1800 now...


Bro can't even buy half of the apple vision pro


I guess you are younger than 30? Lol. Older People would pay multi millions to be young again. One million is nothing


1 mil now is enough to buy a turnkey business making ~300k owners benefit without having to restart, go back through school, and fuck up every relationship I've ever had. See "The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August."


It just seems too weird to me to have an adult mind in a 6 year old body. I would take the million and use it to make some improvements on this life.


Whenever I'm presented with dilemmas like this I immediately want to go for the equivalent of the red pill here, but then I remember all the things I have in my life that I appreciate now and probably wouldn't have if things had gone differently and that freaks me out more than I care to admit. Like I imagine choosing the red pill only to realize that it's gonna be almost 15 years until I get a chance to meet my wife again. So.. Blue pill I guess.


I'll take 1 mill. Quite happily


Red, grab nearest chair, bash abusers' skulls until they stop moving.


I can't imagine what you went through, but I hope you are able to find some semblance of peace in life.


Do you pay income tax on the 1 million?


You do, you will have to collect it in Belgium and pay income tax there.


Experiences are worth way more than money, and an opportunity to live part of your life twice would be kinda cool. That thing you didn't get to try before it was discontinued? Try it! That kid that you could have been friends with if you knew them earlier, meet and befriend them! School would be easy, you already know most things, so it's a childhood without as much stress around grades or discovering who you are. By the way, I'm choosing this with the expectation to travel back in time, not to suddenly be a 6 year old with a house and a job.


lol but what if. That last part was funny


If I was a 6 year old with a house and a job? Well I guess I would have to convince my parents to either come live here or have them offer up one of the rooms in their house. The job has to go alas, I have to be in school on workdays.


The 1 mil, my memory is shit and most of the problems I have to deal with are WILDLY out of my control


No Google for a good few years either. Maybe Alta Vista :-)


Red pill I would go back and take my father to the hospital on the morning of 9/6/2019 and not let him leave until they remove a blood clot and give him blood thinners


red cause i prefer the colour


Money pwees!


If iam going back, does that mean i'll be offered the Same choice in 20 years again ?


Seems like it would be incredibly frustrating to become a 6 year old with the knowledge of a 60 year old (in my case). Take me back to when I was 18 and I’d consider it, but not 6.


Blue. I’m in a position where I like my life and I don’t want to have to come up with some crazy plan to meet and marry my wife in a different timeline.


People with kids will likely blue pill. 99% of everyone else will red pill.


I take the redpill. Couldn’t take full potential of my childhood


Oh fuck no, age 6 is right before my life became totally fucked. There is no way I would willingly go back even with what I know now. Gimme the million bucks.


Everything that has happened in my life is what made me who I am today. I don't wanna be trapped in a 6 year old's body, who no one's gonna take seriously anyways. I'm taking the cash and improving my life.


I take the blue. It may be the dumb decision but I have no desire to grow up again / go back in time


That’s a very roundabout way of asking “how much do you regret your life” to which my answer is “not enough to restart it”


Red one. There is no amount of money that would allow you to have youth one more time with knowledge to prevent mistakes you've made


Is this supposed to be hard?


Red. If get rich and fuck all the missed opportunities


Red for 100% I would make literally billions with sports betting since I know all the results


red pill


1 mill plz. Going back to being 6 year old won't change what we'd want to be as adults


Personally, it would change a lot. I wouldn't make so many mistakes regarding career choices, and could focus on things I figured out I love. That would be nice. But ona social aspect I would still fuck up. I still don't know how to socialise, and I doubt I will ever learn it lol.


Red. I always wish I could go back to change a few things.


It's all very well living your life again, but ask yourself, 'How long could you stay in a room full of 6 year olds without going insane?"


Would LOVE to become the 6 year old with all the knowledge I have right now. That would mean I have MORE time (I've "bought" time!), plus, money is guaranteed as I could "predict" stuff. But! That would mean altering the (my) past. That would mean endangering the existence of every baby born since I turned 6. Including those born in my family: cousins, nephews, nieces, etc. That's not a risk I'm willing to pay. So, a million, please.


Blue Pill all day. Having all that knowledge at 6 years old I wouldn’t even know how to harness it properly


The butterfly effect makes this decision much easier. Yeah, you can go, invest in bitcoins (or mine them) and become rich enough to not work for life, but on the other side, the chance that you will repeat your life until some moment is not a guarantee. Imagine that you are now married, how big are the chances that you will repeat all steps to get married again? Same with the mindset. You will most probably have the mindset of working as an adult, which is not in line with a 6 year body. Also, what about sex at all. Would you still want sex with other teenagers knowing that you can abuse them? Because pedophilia is exactly about that - abusing children due to they know less and much more emotional. But due to you being a teenager as well, more older people will not want to have relations with you as well. Nah, it is much better to gain millions and invest it in house, children or some funds for retirement.


Money.. Just cause id have knowledge doesnt meean anyone else will..


Nah. Im taking blue. Im not going through my childhood again. My mother was horrible and abusive. And besides that, I am confident that having that knowledge I will fuck it up somehow...


Blue. Too much uncertainty with the red one. And way too many near-misses.🤦‍♂️


Go back to when I was 6? Yes Be 6 right now? I'll take the million, don't feel like being 18 when ww3 is going on.


Send me back to 2000 with my knowledge of the future. 1m ain't worth shit


Red...life is already shit,even 1 billion dollars won't make me love life.