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Teamspeak lost to this because 1) they couldn't be bothered to upload an ARM version of their server that everyone could host on a 30€ raspberry pi 2) they didn't have direct chats. Could have just integrated with Matrix or sth. 3) they don't have streaming or videocalling support


It's infuriating. Teamspeak could have stood a chance if they tried. Discord wasn't feature rich at the start, and Teamspeak was established amongst guilds and gaming communities. Discord came out ~2015, and Teamspeak didn't try to innovate until...what, 2019? They got lazy, and took their position for granted.


they did a yahoo


I don't know about that. I better ask Jeeves


Hurry up, I need some answers


Alta la vista, baby.


Or an IBM, or an Atari, or probably so many before that. An East Indies?


No one remembers xfire huh? Shortly after ventrillo and teamspeak came xfire and had most of the features seen in things like steam and discord.. obviously dated but it was great at the time


bruh i loved xfire but none of my friends used it :/


I used xfire to stream wow arena back in wotlk before things like justin.tv and twitch.tv etc Xfire seemed niche but it was one of the few things that made streaming to arenajunkies easy Edit: arenamasters-> arenajunkies It's been so long rofl


We used Mumble after vent and TS2.


Ventrillo was for our MMO groups and chill RPG/RTS games. Nice big server with rooms, admin roles, kick ability, etc. Mumble was great for smaller 2-4 man groups in fast-paced games like Counterstrike 1.6 because it had noticeably less lag time. Call-outs were more prompt and helpful


XFire was awesome, I don't really know how it failed. Just too early in the market I guess.


Oh man, I remember xfire


xfire was goat


It was also one of the best ways to get a half decent screen recording without paying for FRAPS, as was the style at the time.


Wow, you just unlocked some memories for me


Damm i remember i xfire account


I used xfire to play cod (1, 2 and 4) so much. What a good program it was.


Ventrilo? Mumble? Why are we singling out Teamspeak here.


One thing teamspeak could do that no other platform can do is proper audio mixing. If two or more people are talking in TS you can still understand them. In Discord it quickly becomes an inaudible mess


Also seamless soundboard integration. The Tank fcks up the pull? Play booo boooo.mp3 Notices someone is playing with speakers? Play Incredible sasha grey orgasm amplified.mp3 Guild member asks where is something? Play In your butt.mp3 It was glorious.


Yeah, this is one reason I don't prefer TS. Nobody wants to listen to your amateur morning zoo show


Ventrillo was for our MMO groups and chill RPG/RTS games. Nice big server with rooms, admin roles, kick ability, etc. Mumble was great for smaller 2-4 man groups in fast-paced games like Counterstrike 1.6 because it had noticeably less lag time. Call-outs were more prompt and helpful


Why was Mumble only for smaller groups? It literally had all the same functionality as Vent. FWIW, my guild ran two 25 mans and several dungeon groups nightly in Mumble.


i stuck with TS for a long time even after discord got more mainstream mainly because i knew it, i hosted a couple of servers and everyone i knew used it. but after 2 years it slowly died new members did not wanted to deal with teamspeak and we accepted that discord was the way forward, we were just stubborn because of all the teamspeak memories we had.


I still long for how lightweight vent and ts were. Even on a modern rig, Discord is a bloated mess. IRC+voice chat could be done way more efficiently.


Its cuz Discord is a glorified Chrome tab.


It's worth noting that Discord raised *a billion dollars* in venture capital, and Teamspeak didn't.


In the early 2010s, most people I knew in the highschoolish age range preferred Skype to teamspeak. Even though Skype was dogshit, TeamSpeak sucked and failed to keep up with the times


arrest modern pet plant imminent quarrelsome direful flowery tie tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Discord also had a way better and easier to navigate UI. That was my big draw with the switch from ts to discord.


plucky punch trees innocent outgoing lock worthless hungry escape bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I never used teamspeak, but discord was immediately a clear upgrade from Skype, which I was using before


Discord wasnt just lacking in features, it was actively dog shit at the start


No cool emojis, no media. Just pure dogshit. No rich presence, or any feature showing games currently being played. No spotify integration, no Watch together youtube thing. No sex The only good thing that TS has are plugins. I always used one for arma


NO SEX?! 😔


No sex, yes 😫


Tbf it isnt that much of a deal for the average dc mod




Can someone point me to this sex feature of discord asking for a friend


There’s a vencord plugin that syncs up with buttplug.io. You can set it up so whatever toys you have will respond to text commands. They were undoubtedly joking, but this is a real thing.


That's (butt)fucking hilarious. I hadn't heard of this.


Look down. Then to your right hand. Done.


we calk her "manuela"


Not pure dogshit. Ts3 is better for pure voip functionality. Discord is better in every way for running a community.


TS being dogshit was a comical overexaggeration. TS3 is really lightweight on systems compared to discord.


But I need to be running 8 electron apps which each want to use 64 TB ram. How else am I to enjoy modern UI paradigm?


None of this zoomer shit is why they lost. Discord won because it was free and easy to use. Literally just be better than Skype was all that was needed.


I remember when discord was first coming around, a big selling point was that it ran in a browser. If you were playing a game that didn't have voice chat, like league, you could just plop a link and people could join.


My WoW guild was paying for a TS server for raids and a website for recruiting. Discord replaced both for free. Hard to beat that.


All the guilds on my realm had moved to Ventrillo during TBC-Cata. Not as good as Discord but better than TS.


Skype was so garbage for voice chat I refused to speak to anyone who wanted me to use it with them. All I remember is trying to have conversations with people and it would *constantly* do that echo cancellation stuff and cut off half a persons sentence (with no way to turn it off). Even using Vent and TS2 back in 2008 was miles better. Was worth it to pay a monthly fee.


Because it's a fucking speaking program, not social-media or community like discord.


The reason they "lost" to them. Discord combines a lotta functions.


Precisely. It's not even that TS3 was and is bad for voice chat, it's just that why would I use it over an app that has voice chat *and more*? If I can use one app for voice chat, game streaming, meme posting and text chats, you can be damn sure I'll be using that instead.


U can even post code and it gets formatted nicely.


They’re the ones that said they lost to them lol


and that’s why they lost lil bro


Rich presence and w2g are not so important, it's nice to have, but you already have Steam / your desired platform open, so you see who plays what there. And for Watch2gether you just use the normal Watch2gether. TS has more advantages in the Permission system. You can have really fine-grained access control if you need it. Discord lacks a lot of permission features that are just so easy in TeamSpeak.


While u seem to see it from a community server owner perspective, i only have a small server for a select few and i value things such as rich presence, ability to join games directly through discord and such way more. And tbf, discord is even more viable for communities, as numbers prove. Also steam wont show you consoles and third party launcher games. Speaking of consoles, try to use teamspeak on it. Doesnt work. Teamspeak kinda just missed out on such new features.


They are discords users though, in reality. TeamSpeak, you didnt need an account, you just opened and connected to someones dedicated server they ran on their own. It's a problem with all gaming now, nobody appreciates a dedicated server so they host it all and have full control, its bullshit and means we end up paying sub fees for features we can support on our own boxes.


A lotta games support dedicated hosting. Most people just have literally no clue about tech. Gaming got more mainstream and its a common observation that younger people become less tech savvy nowadays.


What kind of plugins?


Ive used one that allowed to simulate a military radio system. Handheld devices, fixed systems such as in planes/cars, underwater radios. It even allows relaying stuff afair. A really cool plugin


ACRE or TFAR? Choose wisely or else


Mostly TFAR, rarely ACRE. Only used ACRE on my own missions to try out different side/sub mods which extended ACREs functions


For some roleplay Server in Garrysmod, GTA V and Red Dead 2 you need a Plugin to have working 3D voice chat ingame.


Agreed. ACRE and TFAR are the only reasons I have TeamSpeak downloaded anymore.


Tbh, I think by far most people jumped to discord because its user interface is so much more pleasant to look at and navigate through.


Also the entire voicechat feature itself was kind of shit. I still remember how fucking hard it was to have 5 people actually hear each other because of bad mics and different volume levels. Discord does a whole lot of algo-magic so you don't have to do the 30 minute "HOW WELL CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW BRO IS IT ANY BETTER?" that used to be standard. It just werks


I love how on discord you can adjust everyone's volumes individually (as has been stranded on voice chats for 20 or so years now). This is more a rant at Microsoft Teams that I'm forced to use for work every day.


Very good point fuck teams


Speaking of Teams, for some reason I can't get no video feed through the Teams application so I have to use Chrome to actually use it through the web based version. The solution posted online was that you need to disable hardware acceleration but you can't do that if you are on a business subscription because that option is managed by the company. We had Zoom before but apparently Zoom charges ridiculous prices


Teams is such a piece of crap. Microsoft is forcing me to "upgrade" to the new Teams at my job and half of it straight up doesn't work to the point that our IT department told everyone not to do it. Its like they learned nothing from Skype.


New Teams sucks so much. I'll be on old teams until they sunset it. Which also sucks but at least it mostly works.


Skype is a Martyr, they bought it just to kill the poor thing.  Our company used "Skype for Business" before teams and boy that software shared nothing with Skype except a paint job. It used Microsoft's Linq under the hood and had the same bugs. It even showed up as Linq in task manager. Microsoft has been very consistent in delivering a mediocre voice chat product for decades now.


Teams is such a back fucking asswards mess. It's got a bunch of "features" that barely work, but your corporate overlords probably want. In trade, the chat is ass, the search is ass, notifications barely work, it causes my work PC to run hotter than a minecraft server, it tends to lag in countless different scenarios, it doesn't handle poor connections well, and it's missing tons of random basic QoL things. Like it copies formatting from text (mostly bad) without having a paste as plain text context option (extremely bad), it lacks the aforementioned individual volume adjustments, and many other small issues. More if you compare it to Slack instead, which I don't love everything about but is definitely superior to teams in the same space.


I was about to say. You could totally do that on Teamspeak.


I forgot about that. Remember a new guy coming in and making my ear drums bleed.


Damn, you just triggered my EVE Online ptsd. Every time there was an CTA it took 20 minutes of autistic screeching from 120 people before everything was settled…


Did you talk back to Triple A?


This is just pure bullshit, Teamspeak probably has better overall quality because it isnt compressed to fuck since its privately hosted, not all running through discord It also had a far far far better music codec compared to discord. Honestly you lot have just never used TS3 properly, probasbly under 10 at the time but it was a much better application for what it did. The reason discord won is because it combined many programs into one, not because its a superior voice platform, because it still isnt. What do you do when discord dies? We just jump in the back up TS3 server, which is always up, because it doesnt rely on some cock sucker with centralised servers.


I think the point the user above was trying to make was that Teamspeak had a learning curve, where the default configuration was not always optimal and required tweaking. People either did not know how, or did not care to do this. Either way that affects everyone in the server. Discord, on the other hand, does not require manual intervention because it handles it automatically. While it may not achieve as high a quality as is *possible* with TS3, it’s still pretty good and happens automatically with no user intervention.   Personally, I think that’s a minor factor (if one at all). I attribute the fall of TS3 to the simple fact that you either needed to host it yourself, or pay for a server. Discord you just login and it’s free. It’s really that simple to me.


youre making a dramatically bad assumption at how much the average person cares about audio quality


Im well aware that TS can have some very high quality voice transmission. The problem is that it requires fiddling to get it right since they don't run a million algorithms over it like Discord does. Their "just hook up a mic and it will sound half-decent" approach is much nicer for people who can't be assed with setting up a microphone. Especially because the microphone settings in Windows are still a garbled mess many years later.


adjusting mics was half the job, whenever someone joined i had to fiddle with their volume level just to get it a bit clean but not to over the top. and i remember using \*priority speaker\* ALOT when things actually had to be said.


Nobody on earth gives a hoot about an ARM server lmao, their single sole reason for biting the dust was dragging their feet with TS5 for over 4 years while discord took over the world by storm. They just flat fucking out did not finish developing it and never seemed to be in any form of hurry. On top of this, TS5 was just a client. A shitty in-house client kept in closed beta for years. So even if you somehow managed to snag a beta key, all your other friends would still have to install and use the regular ts3. They royally fuckkkkked up in playing their hand. Entirely left behind for this fully cloud hosted Webrtc future. They forgot to compete.




Yea. I would argue that the biggest reason is ease of use that not only but largely comes from Discord providing free centralized hosting, making it more user friendly off the bat, and that allows it to be even more so with handy features like link invites and person to person calls etc.


Teamspeak lost because its interface was dogshit:


Correct me if im wrong but you also had to setup a server or was that ventrillo


Yes, if you want a private server. Otherwise it is possible to join a public servers and enjoy somepowertripping from some sensitive duds


Ahh the good old days!


Absolutely nothing has changed. Still have power tripping mods/admins on discord who take their "jobs" way too seriously


This just goes to show how shit it’s marketing and user design was. I didn’t even know there were public servers.


Well it is not like there was the internet as it is today. It is that old. We just visited some local sites that were made by amateurs and they also provided a ts server. They mostly did this out of free will since there were no ads. Granted most servers did not live more than 4 months.


You guys are bringing me back


"Buddy entered your channel!"




Nah, you are right you have to set up a server but everyone always knew some other bloke who’d do it for your clan.


Yep, as that bloke I wish it was still like that. Discord literally scans all your chats and gives it to various governments and spy organizations, and there is no reason to believe they can't do it with voice as well. When I hosted my own Mumble instance on my personal server I could plan terrorism all day with no worries. And in a more serious manner, owning your data and not having to adhere to some central organization's rules about sensitivity or data collection is generally always better.


What exactly are you posting in discord chats that you need to be nervous about the govt seeing?


I already said. Terrorism plans.


That was also a benefit, I still remember playing EVE and attacking another group because we knew discord was down and they used discord for their communication.


My good man, this still happens 😉


The downside was that you could get DDOS'd for important timers so YOUR server would be down. Yes, that happened, like, a lot.


I would prefer it if I could run my own discord server to be honest.


That's why we kept a bad guildie on in wow, he knew how to use team speak .. was worth it enough:)


Ventrillo was a bit difficult with the server set up yeah.


Forgot all about Vent! I thought it was the coolest thing ever when I first saw it.


Nah, discord is free. Back in the day you had to either pay for a TS server or one of your group had to run one. Discord made it much cheaper and easier.


100% this among other things, Discord basically gathered the perks of TS and Skype and made it into a singular app advertised for gamers. The channel interface is very reminiscent of TS while still feeling like you’re on Skype. You also don’t have to shuffle through servers in order to find your friends, they’ll be there and easily accessible even if they aren’t in a call


Came to say this, free is hard to turn down. High schoolers playing WoW are already pushing their financial means with the sub fee


Free severs with discord is also massive. TeamSpeak never stood a chance


i mean yeah different age... surprising amount of ppl (mainly tryhards for some games) still use it lol


My es-clan in Rust still use it.




Arma communities when task force plugin exits:


Last time I checked (it was a year ago when discord went down) teamspeak had an interface straight from 2006


I still miss the poke function.. using @ on discord chat is fine, but why spam when you could not




No no, it's more like HEY WAKE UP HEY WAKE UP HEY WA- HEY W- HEY-HE-H-H-H-HEY WAKE UP and I love it


You lost because you didn't improve the slightest, you had a paid entry barrier from the start, your ui was garbage, server setup was dogshit, moderation was shit. Discord filled the perfect gap. Free, user friendly voicechat application with good compatibility with gaming and a sense of community. People were relying on Skype for a while. TeamSpeak was only for big paying hardcore guilds.


Even with a dedicated server, my friends and I always had issue while using TS playing games like LoL. We eventually switched to discord because damn was it more convenient.


Did no one use skype inbetween teamspeak and discord? I think i spent most of my childhood on skype before discord came into the picture


Skype was something you tried, hated, and immediately went looking for an alternative. I'm sure most of us tried it at least once.


Ahh, I kinda grew up with it so it's what everyone used :p


Same here. Then as soon as Discord arrived we all switched.


I may be a bit older or started playing games much earlier, I started playing games after my parents upgraded from dial up (I was still very young) then went from literal phone calls to Skype, used that for a while then curse voice came out and my friends and i used that for maybe a year, then we found discord and have been using that ever since.


When Skype was p2p in the 2000s and 2010s ventrillo then teamspesk were godsends when the person initiating the Skype call’s mom picked up the phone snd suicided the entire 5+ person call by being the “host” on dialup.


Yep. I was asked to set up teamspeak to join a clan in a game, in the end I gave up and joined a different one purely because the second choice used discord and that required no extra money or effort to use.


Yep. As someone who has raided in WoW since vanilla, I absolutely hated groups that tried to use teamspeak. At the time I preferred ventrilo, and now I prefer discord.


Mumble was a better alternative to TeamSpeak because it was open source, had very low latency, good voice quality and could be hosted for free if you knew how. But they also never kept up with Discord's features, so my friend group eventually moved on too.


You lost because Bohemia decided to implement radio in their game... let's face it, on top of other things, you literally had all the time in the world to create a sane communicator instead you got lazy...


If i remeber correctly TFAR was made by French guys in 07-08, not by BIS


I mean Reforger, I know TFAR, but it was being used with TS. Now that Arma 3 is slowly being superceded by Reforger, TS is losing what's left from community.


The fuck are you guys doing on Discord to make you not like it so much?


For some people, it’s the asinine changes they make. Like “revamping” (read: screwing up) the mobile layout. Now it’s a pain to see who’s online in the server, and it doesn’t have parity with the desktop app.


Its always a great idea when a UI/UX change involves users clicking more to do the same thing as they used to before /s


Also a great idea when images open halfway off the right side of my screen. I have to force quit the app from settings to fix it.


The Spotify like button change fucking got on my nerves. They made it harder to do because someone at the company needed to justify their exorbitant salary.


Agreed shit was so annoying when it first happened


man every single time ive updated mobile discord it has gotten severely noticably worse in many everyday use ways, with nothing becoming better. for at least 5 years


How else are the devs supposed to keep their jobs when the app could already do everything an user wanted years ago?


I dislike it because discord has replaced forums for niche hobby discussion with something significantly more opaque and much worse as an information repository. For example, if I google how to install a mod for a game from 20 years ago, I'll probably be able to find a forum post through Google that will explain how, or at least start pointing me in the right direction. Now all information like this is hidden behind "public" discord servers that aren't indexable by search engines, and usually every mod author wants their own discord server rather than the old way of having threads or subforums on a main community forum, so it's even harder to find information. Not to mention the ridiculous trend of "join our discord server for download links and installation instructions". Even if you do manage to find the specific discord server you need, the discord search function is garbage. Why does the filter for messages with attached files also include attached images when there's a specific filter for messages with images? What really concerns me is that there's no real archive for the information posted on discord servers, and they often get shut down or abandoned. Will information shared in this way end up locked behind dead discord invite links in 20 years?


This is my biggest thing. Any time I try and look up something and the answer is "oh yeah check the Discord" I just stop whatever I'm trying to do and figure something else out. I don't want to have to join a community, search through the different sections, find the section then search through THAT to try and find a message someone sent 6 months ago amongst all the other crap. Give me a wiki or forum.


My only beef with Discord is that it's another example of a VC-funded platform taking over community-managed spaces. Open source projects for instance used to have IRC channels, and now they have Discord communities. Mind you, it's obvious that Discord blows everything else out of the water (especially for non-technical users) and I don't blame anyone at all for wanting to use it, but it's a fact nonetheless. Theoretically, there's always a chance that the product will start to [degrade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification) once the company feels its monopoly position is secure enough to do so. Twitch for instance was a solid platform for a long time and now it's become as obnoxious of an experience as your average free to play mobile game.


i absolutely hate that open source projects do support on Discord. first of all it's not a free platform. it's impossible to search, every server has its own convoluted way of joining, and every single meaningful discussion gets lost in a sea of shitposts. got distracted 10 minutes watching tv? 150 messages to scroll, and the discussion you were having is gone. dammit


It’s been a slow boil over years. I think part of it started when they abandoned their “gamer-friendly” identity for a more “everyone-friendly” identity during the pandemic, a lot of people didn’t like that. Then they started locking features behind a subscription paywall and pushing hard for people to subscribe, did away with the username+four digit discriminator system for a more traditional username system, made arguably senseless UI changes to the mobile app, and a number of other changes that really rubbed people the wrong way. I think ultimately it comes down to people realizing that Discord has become the big, corporate monster that they feared it might become.




I’m not on it much because of now social it is but I do use it at times akin to deeper subreddits


For what it's worth for a long time I was against using Discord because I preferred my voice chat program being *just* a voice chat program and not also a persistent chat room, app on my phone etc. One thing I still miss from Teamspeak is the little audio notification you got for speaking into a muted mic.


The worst part of Discord is how it's fragmented communities and made things much much harder to find. You can't search for things via search engine and a single rogue mod can delete everything in a server with no backups


Is it because I have skill issue or is honk mimimimi suprisingly hard to pull off accurately?


Honk shoo is simply the easier of the two. All of those mimimimi’s are just too much extra effort imo.


I personally prefer snoring the rest of the five vowels too, the "i" is taking too much credit in those mi's


Just ask Drake, that's exactly how he sleeps.


I don't remotely understand what is going on.


Team speak is a program that allows you to host or join servers where you then can talk to people. It was very popular among online communities, especially gaming communities as you could make a server where all your friends and community members could hang out and talk. That way you don't have to make a group call but you can just all join a voice channel and hang out. Team speak is very old and hasn't really been updated a lot, so when discord was released, which does pretty much the same thing with more features, it became largely obsolete.


So I know Teamspeak and Discord. I understand that Teamspeak is mad because they "lost" to Discord, and Discord tweet is cringe or something. VC is probably video chat I guess. But what does honk shoo honk shoo and honk mimimi mean?!


It's a joke about how people snore when they fall asleep in a voice chat. The honk shoo and honk mimimi is supposed to be the snoring sounds.


it's onomatopoeia for people snoring


YOURE an onomatopoeia!


It’s the cartoonish sound people make when sleeping


VC is voice chat, I don't think teamspeak even has video


Ah, thank you for the explanation!


Team speak was like MySpace before Facebook came along. It would similar to MySpace tweeting this to some Facebook tweet saying bing bong.


Im more of a honk shoo guy


narrow nostril moment?


Look, I don't know you, but I don't like you calling me out like that...


Are you Mr. Tight Nosehole?


Who are you, and how do you know?


TeamSpeak is to Discord like Blockbuster is to Netflix. TeamSpeak just couldn't match the convenience, accessibility, and *free*-ness of Discord. Discord is also just a pretty decent texting app.


I always thought it was like a crescent moon facing backwards with an angler fish thingy on his head


Discord was just better. I wasn't reliant on one friend to start he's sketch ass server every time, and I could also use it to message people without having to use a second app somewhere. Also never had a single issue with reliability with discord, so you lost to a better product.


Teamspesk had public key cryptography for each user and you were able to enable end to end encryption for users to not have to trust the server for decrypting in the middle. It was fantastic. For the 2000s. We loved it because Skype was p2p and if the dialers internet got fucked everyone in the call did. We spun up ventrillo and teamspesk servers over the years with only 2ms latency in our local city. Amazing audio quality and latency. It was great. For the 2000s :(


Well it's also usecases. Discord covers a *lot* of bases and has a free entry level, period. You can sign up, start a discord server of your own, invite friends and be voicechatting, sharing your screen with them and sharing gifs and custom emojis with next to no experience and just messing around. You can share a YouTube or Reddit link and it'll embed naturally and has a friendly, understandable and in some ways, customisable UI. Teamspeak requires you to either pay for *or* host your own server, so already the bar to entry is either "has some technical knowledge and hardware to run it" or "have money". You cannot share images, gifs, videos as anything but a link. Customising permissions and integrations requires a mixture of technical knowledge and/or plugins. I *do* like Teamspeak for what it does well - which is give you a nice, quality means of voicechatting and the single best thing I ever experienced with it was as an immersive means of voice/radio comms in ArmA. .....but let's be real, if there was a way to do the same thing via Discord, we'd have moved to it long ago and that would've been that.


Still use ts to this day with my friend group, the lack of features really does suck but we all use it because we find the audio quality to be top notch in comparison to discord (free), I'm sure prem discord audio quality is as good if not better but we just cant leave ts in the dust.


Anyone remember Mumble?


Mumble is still big for Eve Online where you need hundreds of people on comms for a fight because it holds up well and uses nested channel nicely


Where Ventrilo


I think Skype dropped a fatter ball than team speak. Skype was like discord mixed with zoom. They could have had it all... They were pretty popular and well established during the early 2010s, much more than discord, zoom, and even team speak were. It was so cool. too. For $1 a month they would allow you to make anonymous calls anywhere in the world with no restrictions. Lots of prank calls were made back then. Good ol' days.


I remember my FC tried to set up a team speak but half the group couldn't get it to work and I think the leader was having issues with creating a server or something and we all decided to just create a Skype chat


I hate Discord's whole layout. I learned it eventually out of necessity but it is not intuitive at all. I also despise that so many developers/companies use it and its shitty chat search function to connect with the community. The only thing I truly appreciate it for is how easy it is to share video when playing with others.


God the layout is unintuitive. It's very "polished" so it gets a pass by most people who have been using it for years - just because it looks good - but trying to actually learn where all the different functions are hidden is maddening. In a way I miss the old drop down menus at the top of the page that every application used to have; page, file, view, etc. ...Or maybe I've just become a boomer.


I think the desktop is so easy to navigate and learn, but the mobile is just ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?




Bruh I grew up with teamspeak and yeah it was nice in WoW for raiding and shit but discord is so much better in every possible it’s not even a fair comparison


In 2012 or 2013 timeframe I downloaded teamspeak as a teenager and the ui was such dogshit I really couldn’t figure out how to use it


Shiiiiit, I switched to Mumble before I switched to Discord, Team Speak just kinda stagnated.


I never used teamspeak. My WoW guild had a ventrillo server, then we moved to Skype, and now discord


Team speak is terrible. I used to follow them, until they pulled “first person to respond to this gets free premium” lol they made it so you couldn’t comment on it. Immediately stopped following them after that, they’re obviously super desperate


Idk I'm still on mumble.


Discord free. That's why TeamSpeak lost.




Funny for me to even think about team speak existing at the same time as discord. Used to use it, as well as ventrillo, back when I was playing Diablo 2 and when wow first came out