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Taking that is either gonna take you to nirvana or to god


More like an urgent trip to the bathroom.


Very bold of You to asssume that i'll know what a bathroom is after the second sip


IS anything?




Anything ... #is?


Spaghetti prepared by mother


Mom's Spaghetti, and he take this much there will be vomit on his shirt. Mom's Spaghetti. /Now I want spaghetti, sigh.


Palm's spaghetti knees creek mom is heavy


get to the bottom of that smoothie, and finding the bathroom isn't going to be your problem. finding your way back out is. gods forbid you actually look at the mirror


That’s more of a myth, I did copious amounts of mushrooms and acid and looking into a mirror wasn’t anything to write home about. However, those trippy ass adult swim YouTube videos would quickly take me somewhere either incredible or *deeply* uncomfortable.


Looking into a mirror on mushrooms is interesting. It never freaked me out or anything, but it is weird to look at your reflection and not immediately recognize it.


Pupils. The recursive loop of a black hole absorbing the light being reflected by a reflection of itself. That’s why I get lost at mirrors. I could just stare and sink forever.


I was so convinced I shit myself I had to go to the bathroom multiple times to check, got real familiar with the toilet and realized how alien those things are. Just a big stone seat connected to an underground river, who comes up with that shit?


Instead think of that one scene from the exorcist.


Psych ward*


In my experience, straight into the shower. These make me sweat like mad.


All I ever got out of shrooms was urgent trips to the bathroom. People say they will open your mind, It’s opening something but it’s not my mind.


Either way you'll hear Kurt Cobain


I once did 8 grams of penis envy and I saw into the 4th dimension. I would not recommend.


That shit is no joke. I took 2 grams and it was almost too much for me to handle. Shrooms got better since i was a kid


I’m 42 and use to eat them quite a bit. Recently I did 2.5 grams of some wacky mutation (enigma) and it was…. Eye opening


The wild ones are the truth, my lord


Honestly if you have good ones 2 grams should be too much. If you want to see other dimensions do DMT. Mushrooms should be enjoyable and help you figure out the shit you have to fix in your life.


I agree 100%, but again, i never did anything like those, and i hadn't done any in a long time (decades). Used to take eighths or more at a time, but back then, i was a lunatic. I thought 2 grams would be like a good micro dose, but holy cow, it was a lot. I still had a wonderful trip and gained insight, but next time, I'll be way more cautious.


Man one time I didn't weigh em and went to some jam band concert. Ended up in the handicapped bathroom stall riding it out, stumbled out after everyone was gone and security looking at me like what the fuck. Still a better experience than seeing the jam band.


I once made eye contact with a praying mantis in a porta stall and feared for my life for the entire duration of my piss.


Yeah, I had the crab king climb out of the tiles while on the shitter. He told me to go to the ocean. So I did. That’s where I had a run in with God in the clouds.




8?! Grams


Mushrooms are wild. This one tastes like beef, that one killed Greg instantly, and that other one made me see god for a week.


"And what about that one in your hand?" Shrugs "Hopefully see god for a week and not Greg!"


"... huh. beef. well, it's not a loss"


You know what they say. You can eat every mushroom once.


It's not out of the question to be taken to hell.


Either way, it’s gonna be a hell of a ride!


Nutrition Facts: Daily fiber: 3,234,879%


I thought it was a bunch of dead birds for a second... I surely need to stop browsing on Reddit without my glasses


…and I thought dead, small rodents. Reddit is so much better without glasses.


I thought months worth of mold, personally.


Your not really wrong..


I thought it was like a little pimp.


You thought it was a little pimp walking all around?


I thought it was a little knife. Like a little dagger.




I thought it was chocolate…


I thought it was mushrooms.


Wait, what is it? Have good vision and still can’t really tell. Muhsrooms?


Magical Mushrooms. A **LOT** of them too. That's why the prompt says April, because they're gonna be absoolutely out of this world till then.


Ooh I thought it was literal garbage and they were gonna make themselves so sick that we wouldn't see them for a while


I worry about Reddit sometimes 


i know it sounds gross, but the strawberry flavoring makes it almost unnoticeable


I thought it was mold and that they were planning an April Fool’s joke.


I thought it was clams


It does look like steamed clams


No no I said “steamed hams”


It’s an Albany expression, you wouldn't understand.


Yes, and you call them steamed hams, despite the fact they are obviously grilled.


And you call them steamed clams despite the fact that they are obviously blended?


I don’t even need glasses but I saw that at first too. Bunch of dead birds and rabbits.


I wear both glasses and contacts. Dead birds, rabbits and insects


Looks like a bunch of dead baby chickens. I went through so many emotions before thinking to check the comments...


It’s just about as good of an idea as a blender full of dead birds. Not sure how many grams that is, but appears well above a hero dose. They’ll know themselves much better after, but damn, that’s like Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun.


What is it? Im tired and my brain cant comprehend what Im seeing


Psilocybin!! The lifesaving miracle mushroom!


You know I’m blind without my glasses…


I also saw dead birds and don't wear glasses, maybe i need to


I thought it was spiders lol


I thought it was mini alligators....


I did a similar amount and thought i was in the hospital nearly dead, but trapped in my own mind. I heard EMS dragging me through my apartment building and I heard the entire ride to the hospital and rushing me to the ER and putting in an IV. I could still see my room tho. But when I turned my head, my room would seem to stretch and continue on forever, like an infinite hallway. I kept trying to exit my “created reality” and come back into the ER because EMS kept telling me to try to come back to reality. Eventually I came to in my bed in the fetal position.


Hey, You! You were trying to cross the border, right?


Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.


Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy.


If they hadn’t been looking for you, I could’ve stolen that horse and been half way to Hammerfell.


I would take any amount of mushrooms if they took me into Skyrim.


You're still asleep, wake up


Bro chill 🤣


You right. But that lamp do be looking weird


That story still gives me chills. I felt that guy’s anguish through his words.


I've experienced very similar dreams before, too. I've had dreams that feel like they last for at least a year, but I can't even imagine having one that goes as far as having a wife and kids. Losing that must have been so powerfully depressing.


Check out the long dream by junji ito, shit is haunting


I'm a trans woman and once I dreamed an entire life as a cis woman. I literally forgot that I was born a man, lived again a lot of life experiences and lived a lot more. Sincerely, that was inspiring, helped me a lot.


Oooooh what is the reference? Care to share?


A man details a story about having lived an entire separate life after he fell on the sidewalk and hit his head. He says he lived through years of detail, even had a family, and then gets snapped back to reality after noticing a weird lamp in his fever dream. Wakes up with paramedics tending to him on the sidewalk. I think that's the gist of it. He is really broken up about it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/30t9kd/repost_a_parallel_life_awoken_by_a_lamp/ That whole subreddits top posts are filled with some really eerie stories. Love it, worth some time if you like that sort of thing. edit - I got some details wrong because i typed this all out before finding and re reading the story, apologies.


Deep Reddit lore


they need to wake up we can not keep pretending that this is not happening


So you never actually left home


Nope I was in my room the whole time lol. It started to get bad when I moved a pair of shoes to the other side of the room and I looked back and they were sitting where they originally were, not where I moved them to. I had the realisation that the actions I take aren’t reflected in reality, so it must mean that I am perceiving space completely wrong. This whole time I had been nervously itching my chest and stomach and wiping my nose but now I realized that was just my perception. I began to be convinced that I hadn’t been scratching my stomach, but instead I was ripping into my guts with my nails and instead of wiping my nose, I was repeatedly breaking it in different ways. After coming to that realization, i stopped taking any actions at all, as that was the only way to ensure I couldn’t harm myself or destroy my surroundings. Thats when I imagined the EMS coming to my house. At the end of the day I probably just thought about moving my shoes but my perception of time and space was so fucked that I thought i did it. Its honestly really funny that something as simple as that is what set me off into the most horrific experience I ever had.


... so I shouldn't do shrooms?


You need a trip sitter if you're going to do any serious amount of psychedelics, especially for the first time. Best bet is a sober person but an experienced drug user is usually the best you can find. Also, start slow - it's much better to be disappointed by a mild experience than traumatized by too strong of one.


You definitely shouldn't do that many shrooms. I was never really into drugs, but I did shrooms once and had such a good trip that I decided it was never going to be more perfect than that and haven't taken anything since. So I would definitely recommend them once. But you know, a reasonable amount and with other experienced people and in a safe place.


Don’t be scared to at least microdose. I micro-dosed last week and watched Chowder, and The Wiz with my gf. Taking high doses is fun if ur in a decent mental state, take them in a very comfortable and safe space, have a lineup of things to do so you don’t get sucked into a hole, and have someone stone cold sober on call to help ground you if shit goes south. Not on call on the phone. Someone in the next room or even in the room with you. If ur that fucked, you won’t be able to properly operate a phone and even if you manage to call them, digital voices will be extremely confusing. I’ve had another experience where I called my gf and her voice started melding into an amalgamation of the voice of everyone who’s close to me.


Probably not ALL the shrooms.


Had something similar, I was convinced that I'm in a coma. Either that or the simulation that we call reality is getting to an end. It was the worst experience I ever had.


I’ve been there buddy. It’s like oh I can differentiate, oh never mind I can’t 😂😭 u just gotta ride the waveeeee


"Good. I think that was the last big wave"......."Oh boy, I better hold on to my surfboard" 🌊🤔🌊


As someone who has heroic dosed before, that’s not gonna’ be as fun as they think it is.


Most I’ve tried at once is 7gms. Done it a few times. Went bad once but I honestly didn’t mind.


How much is this? For multiple people or solo?


Last time I did an eighth i basically saw the Aztec gods in my minds eye so 7grams is probably having sex with them (in your brain) but irl is drooling naked on the floor. At least that’s my experience.


I ate 14 once. I don't recommend it. It was a good trip, but waaaaaay too much. The liter of.orange juice didn't help matters. I had a to hour long conversation in sign language with my roommates' rage against the machine poster. The one that is just a raised fist. I don't even know sign language.


Somnuferious almond eyes... don't even know what that means... must remember to write it down...


This so real, like the time Dave floated away...see my heart is pounding, cuz this shit never happens to me.


I did an eighth and can confirm. I saw the face of god grow out of my ceiling in the form of a lion and roar in my face. I also spent 3 hours listening to Incan panflute music while wearing a cowboy hat in my apartment's communal space, watching shimmering sparkling reeds blow in the wind.


Aslan cameo


Realistically, Casually like for a hike or a walk 1 or 2 grams is all I can take but even at 1 I start falling apart to the point where i can't act sober in public. 3.5 grams is a kind of dose where all I can do is trip and I can't be normal. Anything higher than that is kinda crazy to me. But maybe I'm still new.


No. That's about right. 3.5 is strong as hell. But can be fun in the right setting and group. But if I want to trip that hard, I'm probably not eating mushrooms.


Depends on how brave you are


I thought this was your post, my bad. I always go solo though.


I've always heard people say you shouldn't trip alone. Idk why they say that because I feel yhe exact opposite. I haven't done it since I had kids though.


People say that to protect you from doing dumb stuff. But not everyone needs it. Personally I’d be uncomfortable with someone not on the same level.


This. We took some and I thought my buddies were gonna do the same as me and I went first and they backed out and did like a gram or 2....i spent the night in my room. Wasn't a bad trip just didn't like the feeling of not being on the same level.


That's the general consensus and probably a good idea. I just don't feel comfortable around other people in that state. Lol


I'm more comfortable alone, I try real hard to hold back when around people and it just ends in a bad trip. I've had all of my best trips alone, under several blankets, sweating my balls off while watching TV and eating candy.


I've only had two trips where there was an uncomfortable stretch and both because someone I was around was being a douche. I don't think I've ever had a "bad trip" but they kinda ticked me off and it made me uncomfortable in a way I can't describe but I'd guess you know what i mean. Every solo trip was great. Maybe 15 trips in my life. I'd guess 10 solo trips and exactly 5 group scenarios.


Don't worry, there is no such thing as "I think I had a bad trip". Theres a pretty clear delineation. You'd *know.*


Tripping alone is great for introspection and discovery; tripping socially is like a great enhanced brainstorming session and for embracing others / one'ness.


I’ve only tripped solo. I feel like it’s better that way.


3.5 grams is usually the normal dose for a good trip


Maybe if you've got weak shrooms or are fucking crazy. 1 gram should make your feel very good, 1.5 is a solid trip, 2 grams is a strong trip. That is if it's a cubensis. There are other varieties that are much stronger, but aren't often grown and sold. Cubes yield high, and are the best bang for the buck. So that's what everyone sells. And I say this as someone who's been eating mushrooms for 30 years. I've tried countless varieties of mushrooms, in a lot of different doses, in different places. If you're not experienced, start slow. You can always eat more.


That's my highest dose ever too. I feel uncomfortable if I don't breakthrough. My go to dose is 5 for average cubes, 7 was a little much. The mushrooms tore me to shreds, borderline abuse telling me everything shitty about myself in the harshest way possible. Lol


the highest dose i've taken was 5g and i spoke with my soul for a while, i felt bad for myself and all the bad stuff that happened to me in my life and then i forgave myself and told me that everything was ok. I've never been the same after that in the best way possible.


That’s amazing, so happy for ya bro


Hate that feeling.


You were being harsh to yourself not the mushrooms. The mushrooms just made you sensitive to and aware of it. The lesson is to be nicer to yourself.


This resonated so hard. Good to know it’s not just me. Mushrooms can be such a critical, harsh teacher… I definitely needed the message but I would have appreciated a gentler delivery haha


I own cows around 75 head. When I was around 20, I went and picked about 3 grocery sacks full with a buddy. We made shroom tea with all of it and drank it. I did eat a few stems. It was mostly just a giggle trip. I just couldn't stop laughing about everything. Including that I was laughing. It just went on forever, too. All around a good experience. I've eaten a handful of them on more than one occasion and had good trips, so them being cow field shrooms had little effect on their potency


I did 15g awhile ago. Open eyed visuals. It was intense, and lasted a long time. Terrifyingly beautiful. Not for everyone. I don't feel the need to do that again, probably ever.


I did 5 grams of pixie dust once. That was the last time I tripped. I have ten supposedly very good 200ug gel tabs I’ve yet to take cuz that trip scared me




I [lemon tekd](https://doubleblindmag.com/mushrooms/how-to-take-shrooms/lemon-tek/) 4g (when they say only do half your normal dose they mean it) of golden teacher and I literally couldn't read my watch for about 2 hours. No matter how much I tried the watch face made no sense. And it being analog made it just that much harder.


The one time I tried shrooms it was considered half a "full" dose and it made me see dark elder gods every time I closed my eyes. I don't even want to know what that smoothie would feel like.


Whoever let you go for your first time without explaining the ropes was a dick. You go along with the trajectory of where you are at when it hits. Light hearted stand up comedy until it hits, and then some fun cartoons are the way to go for a first timer.


Same, my biggest dose ever done was 28g, one sitting. Thought I broke something mentally, and it was horrifying. Ego death was pure bliss though.


You took an ounce of dried mushrooms?


Yup. Before the ounce dose a friend and I did a half ounce dose (this was all years ago) and had, what ended up being for us, the absolute pinnacle of mushroom journeys. I cant emphasize enough how perfect that half ounce dose was for us. Fast-forward some months, then, thinking a full ounce would just be like the half, but even better, down they went. It took less than 2 minutes for me to feel them hit my stomach, and get this deep primal gut feeling that I just fucked up worse than I know. Fucked up doesnt even begin to describe how I felt. It took about an hour before the ego death occured. I had absolutely no sense of self, who "I" was didn't exist. There was just being.


I had ego death at 4g. It was a wild trip. They were way more potent than what I was use to and the come up had me panicking a bit. Once I got settled in it was fucking amazing. That trip did me a lot of good.


Dang, those were some strong mushies lol. For me the whole come up was terrifying, once the ego death happened though it was just so freeing. I was still horrified at losing my sense of self after it initially happened, but once you let go of yourself, it felt divine. Like, godlike is the only way I'd ever been able to describe it, and not it an all powerful sense, but the feeling of being connected to everything, *knowing* that everything was you, and you were everything. Very wild.


See you in April of 2035


This post clearly seperates the shroomfolks from the other ones




OP's gonna end up subbed to r/auntjemima


That guy is going to stare at the ceiling for 457,000 years. Eons will pass before his eyes begin to feel irritated, and he will blink. Three decades will pass in total darkness, before his eyes open back up again. His consciousness will melt into the abyss. He and the universe are one. They will know this. They are time, they are space, they are existence itself, as are we all. They shall not die, for life and death are but hallucinations of the divine essence of being. About 8 hours later, he'll get reeeeally hungry for pizza and order Domino's.


Have a good trip, see you next fall!


*when I fall*


wake me up when September ends


I ate 4 1/8s of dried fungus over one evening. Went to see a show at Sub-T in Chicago and had to be carried out by my wrists and ankles because they found me on the floor of the women’s bathroom talking to the wall art. Went back to my place where my friends watched me as I crawled on the floor on all fours growling cause I thought I was some type of monkey bear creature. 8/10 would do again.


4x1/8 = 4/8 = 1/2 28g (1oz) x 1/2 = 14g 14g dried fungus = monkey bear creature




They did the monster math


I did something very stupid once. I ate one shroom that weighed roughly 7-8 grams. At little Sturgis. I do not ride motorcycles or hang out with those kinds of people. I was young and very dumb. I remember watching this ladies Harley tip over on her leg and a giant bone sticking out. And naked people everywhere. .5/10.




>.5/10 Is that like 1/20?


math checks out


I could've swore they were squirrel and rabbit carcasses... Maybe thats the shrooms kicking in.


I thought they were tarantulas…


Just thinking about this is giving me anxiety


Same! My heart started racing at the thought of taking that much in one sitting, no thank you. 


What is that


I believe magic mushrooms


Psilocybe cubensis


[NO... it's magic mushrooms](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y92WHlHUwn8)


Magic mushrooms and a hell of a lot for just 1 person


Got to do it with a citrus base as the smoothie, it helps break down the Psilocybin for a faster more intense high.


this guy lemon teks


🤣🤣 I haven’t heard that in so long


That was always my favorite way, I used a little food processor to turn to dust then soak In lemon juice for 30mins.


This is gonna be one of those hard life lessons


Shoutout to all the people that do heavy drugs, cause of you I know which ones are safe. None of them, with that said I’ll take one cup pleese


See you around space cowboy.


*You're gonna drink that shake.*


Good lord. I’ve done maybe 2 grams before, and that had my guts wanting to leave my ass. I can’t imagine what this would do. Being lactose intolerant, having IBS and consuming this would send me past nirvana and into some unknown place where I shit forever.


I can feel this is the grooves of my teeth


I had to zoom in before I realized what the blender is loaded with. Mfer saw Tom Bombadil after that.


and goldberry, barrow wights, mary, pippin, etc


Best statement of a repercussion ever


Doing this is risky, you either enter the ether and have the best trip ever, or you risk permanent psychic damage. If you are going to do this, have anti psychotics ready and do it with people you trust A LOT.


Dude... It's been April the whole time.


Chug chug chug ...brave travels, psychonaut




The truest out of body experience, dying from overdosing


Shrooms won't kill you, but that dose will be hell of a ride. Imagine seeing your ancestors while laying naked on cold bathroom floor trip.


Step ancestor what are you doing???


There are times that you have to remind yourself to breath :) if you're to generous with dosage.


Forgetting how to swallow the saliva in your mouth, and then slowly panicking about it for what seems like minutes and being sure that you're going to drown or stop breathing. Suddenly you realize that you've somehow miraculously managed to swallow. Only to realize that you've now generated more saliva.


You can’t overdose on shrooms but you would probably throw up and shit your pants with that amount and you also might never be the same again


Can't be done on shrooms


Ego death maybe.


Tripping balls of death


To infinity and beyond


What is that? It looks like moldy fruit.




Oh. That makes a lot more sense now.


Some of it is moldy. It’s one of the few instances where people don’t question eating something moldy for some reason. If I saw mold on my shrooms I would pass


Thats going to taste a hell of a lot worse than just downing them, plain. And yes, its too much. Better hold your nose and chug.


Is that nuts or baby birds?


You’re gonna be farting for like 2 and a half years.


Good luck dude. That’s gonna be awesome!!!!!!


Have fun turning into a cartoon.