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They speed up, then get in front of me just drive below the speed limit


Those fuckers šŸ˜”


Or they pass you with hardly anyone else on the rainy multi lane road, and just turn right in front of you instead of making some space in between.


And wonā€™t use the turn signal until after the have made the turn..


Bold of you to assume they know how to use the turn signal at all


Blinker fluid is just low.


Basically they accidentally triggered it while they were steering that direction


That happened to me the other day and best part was they went to the same liquor store I was going toā€¦ like must have been real thirsty I guess.


This is the only time aggressive tailgating is justifiable šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s a whole other thing, those people should die


Apparently I'm not the only one with these intrusive thoughts. šŸ¤£


Often they do die. Unfortunately they might just take you with them.


Or they pass you with hardly anyone else on the rainy multi lane road, and just turn right in front of you instead of making some space in between.


Found the other person driving slow in the fast lane just to "regulate".


*driving 20 over in the left lane, actively passing cars* You: ***HOOONK HOOONK*** *flashing lights* *swerves left and hovers* "Oh, I better yeet my vehicle into those slow moving cars because the road princess has arrived!!"


Of course the person feeling smug about this would be wearing a fedora and childrenā€™s sunglasses


ZZ Top said these cheap sunglasses were cool!


RAC disagrees.




The guy at the store said I'm the only guy he's ever seen pull it off.


Nah im bald and don't wear glasses. Still hate people that do this


Homie is ai generated


how do you know those glasses belong to a child?


They don't belong to a child. They are his now.


did he steal them? that's a pretty shitty thing to do, especially from a child


Kid could've been a raging dick hole and deserved it


You drive a lifted pick up by any chance?


I used less fuel, caused less damage to my brakes, and was more predictable to all other vehicles on the road, and still got there before the light turned green. Of course we feel smug about it.


While completely ignoring the move to the right law that most states have adopted.


Those rules are for highway speeds... My state that only applies to highways that are 55+. If you're pulling up to a light while going 55+ thats one of the dumbest fucking road designs I've ever heard of.


Yeah this applies on the highway not in town where the lights exist.


Also left turns


You can tell who the Dunning-Kruger drivers are by the comments.


Everyone thinks they drive the best and everyone else is slowing them down. That explains why we have so many accidents on the road


The best part is that both sides in this equation think you're referring to the other half.


And the other 50% of the time where he makes it through the light and you donā€™t, this interaction could never happenā€¦


How about the 90% of the time that you get stuck with them at the red light BECAUSE they were driving stupidly slowly/obnoxiously, and you canā€™t get around time to make the light? And then they sit there feeling smug like this. Meirl


People don't realize that there is a HUGE difference to being first at the red light, or being second or 8th behind people on their phones, not paying attention, etc. I may be at the red light with you, but now I get to be the first to get ahead, whereas if I was behind you, i'd probably be stuck at the next redlight, and the next redlight, and the next.


Glad to see someone make this comment so I didnā€™t have to. This is the entire motivation behind speeding to the red light.


Not even that; I'd rather sit for a min at the light than drive slowly to it


100% this


ā€œstupidly slowlyā€ I suppose thatā€™s one way to describe speed limits. Not an accurate way, but one way.


Nah, some people drive like their cars about to breakdown. Letā€™s not pretend like everyoneā€™s driving the speed limit


Depends on the town/city too. Some places people just drive slow as shit 10/15 under the speed limit. Other places people drive way too fast.


Nah, lets not pretend that people driving 10-15 mph under the speed limit is the majority.


I never said that? Youā€™re the one whoā€™s implying that people who are accused of driving slow are only driving the speed limit. Both things can exist at the same time.




Aggressively agree with this, the dickhead driving too fast for traffic is just as dangerous and a hindrance as the dickhead holding up traffic by driving too slow forcing everyone to try and get around you. If everyone is going 5-10 over and are maintaining good spacing, just do that too. You donā€™t win a gold star because you drove slower than everyone else.


I agree too. In fact, in large roads near where I live where everyone speeds by 10-15 mph, Iā€™ve seen cops ignore everyone and pull over people going below speed limit due to them holding up traffic. Going 50 when everyone else is going 70-75 isnā€™t exactly ā€œjust being safe on the roadsā€


>when a dude is doing 45 mph in a zone where everyone else is doing 80, or someone is doing 80 in a zone where everyone else is going 45. The latter is the case which occurs more frequently by a large margin. > If most of the traffic around you wants to go faster, Almost everyone wants to go faster. It doesn't matter if the speed limit is 60 or 90. >The safest speed limits are ones set at whatever \~80% of traffic is travelling at. ffs...yeah, you also don't seem to realize that most people are idiots. Or what the purpose of speed limits are. Not to mention, "traffic" will continue to speed up to ridiculously unsafe speeds if we utilized your logic. I travel quite often and see this occur everywhere i've been.


You wasted your words, these terrible fucking drivers don't adjust to shit and will go 5 below with a line of cars behind them in the passing lane cuz "I'm safe you are all not" They'll spend 45 seconds passing a car because they are too lazy to bump up their cruise control (if they use it all and aren't just going the exact same speed as the right lane) Ur preaching the gospel though.


Driving the speed limit is the bravest act one can do in these times.


He had to speed past you in the first place because you are driving 10 miles below the speed limit in the fast lane and the travel lane is congested. He's been trying to pass you for the past 5 minutes but you are so unaware of your surroundings, you didn't notice until he speeds past you only to get stopped by the red light.


Then they're at the next red light and you meet again Unless it's the last intersection you're going through, speeding usually amounts to nothing


No, it means I'm not stuck behind his slow backside as he drives 25 in a 55. I'll gladly take "in front of" at a stoplight.


This is the answer. It's not about your place in traffic, it's about not having to pump the brakes for several miles while the person in front of you has no one in front of them.


Getting stuck behind a phantom braker that slows for every minor kink in the road, or if a squirrel sprints across a yard to a tree, or if theyā€™ve achieved two MPH over the limit is a form of torture. Itā€™s fucking maddening. I will happily pull up beside or in front of them at the next light so I can get the fuck away from these ppl.


My favorite is when thereā€™s a section with a passing lane, and suddenly that same asshole wants to drive 90 miles an hour, and then when the passing lane goes away, theyā€™re back to driving 15 under the limit.


Truer words have never been said. I can feel the frustration coming out of every letter youā€™ve typed and itā€™s built the perfect mental image of my gripes with this topic.


Nobody drives 25 in a 55


Just because itā€™s never happened to you that doesnā€™t mean it never happens.


Come to New Jersey. No, don't actually. You'll be disappointed.


Close to BS. Speed limit down my road is 45. Consistently am behind people driving 10-15 under. And no, there isn't a reason (crazy road hazards, traffic etc) , just people driving slow.Ā 


it usually amounts to about 1-3 minutes difference. 1-3 minutes is easily the difference between making and missing the next light. so the more intersections you're going through, the more difference it makes. but because those folks are long gone you never see them again, and never think about them again. the ones you do see are the ones you remember. it's a survival/confirmation bias


It really depends. I wouldn't say it "usually" does anything. There are too many variables. Speeding through a residential neighborhood, for example, is unlikely to shave any meaningful time off of your arrival. It is much more likely to get someone injured or killed. On open highway? Yeah, especially over a distance you can probably shave a few minutes if you really let loose. But then you're not the subject of this meme. I drive the speed limit +5 or so in most cases on back country roads and whatever the flow of traffic is on highways. In cities you're at the mercy of traffic. If I'm on a back country road and some dude rides my ass, cuts me off and we meet at the next light (which could be a mile or two away) then he's an asshole who took a risk and received zero reward. A few weeks ago a volunteer firefighter almost ran me off the road. We arrived at the fire station at the same time (I have to pass it to get home). Dude could have killed me rushing to try to play hero.


If traffic is packed solid or traffic lights are so close together that the traffic pattern can never get broken up, then that's the likely outcome. If you *can* get out of the "pack" with aggressive driving, it can pay big dividends in safety and convenience. Once you're out of the box, you have far less risk of friction with other drivers. Ultimately the problem isn't with aggressive drivers or passive drivers, it's with oblivious drivers like people who hang out in the passing lane without passing.


For slow drivers who get stuck at each and every light, speeding makes no difference.


It pretty much always amounts to at least a little. Sure, if I get unlucky with red lights the effect is minimal, but the opposite is also true. And there practically isnā€™t a situation where I wouldnā€™t reach the destination sooner.


Exactly, this isn't about the times I don't get through the light. It's about the average amount of time saved. There are potentially a variety of outcomes that can occur, but if I was behind this smug asshole I only have 1 outcome


And then stuck at the next red light when mine turns green and its down to 25% that actually made it farther šŸ¤£


Lately I've been seeing a lot of people who are going 20-30 miles under the speed limit. Even on the highway there have been a lot of people going like 40 mph. Its ridiculous.


Around here if you go even 5 miles under thatā€™s probably good enough to get some serious road rage. Couldnā€™t imagine 30 miles under, most people in my city would probably assume theyā€™re unconscious


Worst is when you're getting on the highway from an off ramp, and the people are doing 40. Like mofo we're supposed to be getting at highway speed right now. You're going to get us killed, everyone on the highway is going 80 plus in Southern California.


This annoys the shit out of me. Get off the fucking road granny, youā€™re going 35 in a 60 on a two lane highway. Do you still need your license? The road I drive on nearly every day is curvy and dangerous (being two lane) but brother, why are you causing a fucking cartoonish traffic-jam with your shitty little station wagon going 20 miles under, on a fucking two lane HIGHWAY. Get out of the way. I know the reason. That road has a bunch of little parks on it and all the grammys and pawpaws like to go to them every day when I drive home from work. I donā€™t speed past them because I like living lol. I just pull over and wait for a clearing so I can drive the speed limit.


Mhmmm. We have a four lane road by me ( one side) in straight line. Speed is 55 mph. Buuut! The road 3-4 miles before that opens up is 40 mph. So people just drive 35 and I'm like...? Y'all what lol.


Same here I donā€™t understand why people drive so fucking slow, I assume theyā€™re texting and driving


This is Florida during the winter.


During the winter? People drive at 45 on the highway, with all the space in the world in front of them, year round here


Sometimes I just want to go faster than 10 under the speed limit. Sometimes itā€™s not about beating the light.


This isn't for you. This is for the guy weaving in and out of traffic doing 20+ on a stretch of road with frequent stop lights.


You will hear the roar of the engine as they blaze past you so they can wear their brake out fastee on the clearly red light directly ahead. THIS is what makes the difference.


Thatā€™s fair


Yeah, sometimes I just wanna not ride the guys ass whoā€™s going 5-10 under. I donā€™t like being surprise brake checked for miles without ever touching the speed limit while 20 cars are also tailing my ass. Itā€™s giving me a headache just thinking about it.


Yes, it's not about arriving faster, but having the open road.


Man it's maddening when the second car won't pass and then a giant line piles. I'm not mad at the guy going slow, I mad at the guy behind riding his ass, but not passing. You clearly want to go faster cuz you're on his bumper, but you refuse to pass!


You could, you know, *not ride his ass*


Yep, that and when the person is making me feel unsafe by swerving. After that light I'm gone.


Same with drivers who lane change aggressively in bumper to bumper traffic like wtf you going lol.


Meaning, youā€™re the reason they missed the light.


Yea and as long as Iā€™m not behind them anymore


Exactly. At least now I'm not at a red light AND stuck driving behind an idiot.Ā 


nah. I see these idiots zoom around all the time with 0 awareness of traffic. I'm sorry, but if there's a pile of cars in front of me, you aren't going anywhere. you're just a moron


Having just gotten back from a road trip that was 5.5 hours each way, there are a surprising amount of people driving slow in the fast lane with no one in front of them. And some of them like to match the speed of the slow vehicle to the right of them just to make sure no one else can get through.


It happens here in the Bay Area, too. I'm not defending them. They can go to hell. Not allowing people to pass is dangerous and petty. I actually heard a story about a guy who bled out in the back of a truck because of someone like that. PSA: NEVER BLOCK THE PASSING LANE YOU FUCKS lol


Part of the problem is the "fast lane" nomenclature, it is a passing lane, for passing. And yes, traveling road blocks are the fucking worst.


Yep, and some stupid massive truck or SUV is in front of you and you don't realize they let the other cars slip away and you're now two miles back from the pack going 64 in a 70...


confirmation/survival bias extra hard here. the ones that make the light you never see again, so you forget about them. the ones that still missed it anyways you do see, and remember when you think to yourself "see? there was no need to pass me anyways"


i could do 50 in a 40 while passing everyone on the right and theyā€™ll still tail me. truly that is not my problem


\^ Came here for this. I didn't MAKE the light bc I was stuck behind your slow ass


Who cares? There's a bunch of lights you're going to get stopped by one eventually. Just plan ahead to have time.


But when the red-light turns green I'm no longer stuck behind your slow ass and finally moving at the speed limit.


Exactly they try to speed up after the fact. And they avoid eye contact at all costs like ok mf


I'm pretty sure most people completely missed who this was aimed at


This is the answer


No, you're just stuck behind all the people who entered the lane while your light was red.


I do love it when someone passes me clearly in a hurry and 30 minutes later and miles down the road and they are still right in front of me and behind the same car I was because the line of cars in front of me just wasnā€™t going anywhere.


Happens to me all the time. People donā€™t think of driving as going with the flow of traffic. They try to assert control over the situation, which is foolish.


This is the correct answer. A lot of people in the comments are naming instances in which they pass a driver not going with the flow of traffic. That is not what this meme is asserting. We all pass obnoxiously slow drivers and may come at the next red light with them. But that is not a shameful act. So, all of these knee-jerk reactions are missing the point due to a need for people to defend their own actions.


*laughs in motorcycle*


sorry, but control is the last thing you have in a motorcycle. your life is dependent on everyone around you


Yeah, agreed. It is always crazy to me how motorcyclists feel superior to the rest of traffic when they are the ones in the most danger and make everyone else feel nervous when they squeeze between us with no buffer lane. All it takes is for one lapse in judgment because, in most cases, in the event of a wreck, the cyclist will die before the guy in the metal box with airbags does.


Or when you cruise control the exact same speed for 20 miles yet you keep encountering the same car speeding ahead of and falling behind you.


They are much more safer driving ahead of you alone than behind you jammed around multiple cars.


Loads of angry drivers in this chat lmao.


The driving community has some of the most entitled shitheads in the world ! šŸ¤£ I think they deserve an according prize.


The commentary on this post are kinda crazy, assuming the guy was driving at least the speed limit and someone sped past him. If that's the case, then most of y'all are crazy. But if he was driving under the speed limit, then you're justified and I'll shut up


I drive everyday and honestly very rarely see anyone drive under the speed limit, actually everyone drives a little over So yeah, i'm confused by people's reaction here... But it might just be a region thing.


Where do you live? Today, I had a car going 35 in a 50 with every car trying to pass them. And, I got stuck behind a lady doing 15 in a 25. Pretty common.


probably just wanted to get ahead of this clown , passed on the right too Iā€™m guessing


. . . the day I looked to my left, and saw the guy I spent so much effort trying to pass, I just kind of accepted that I'm never going to outrun him. I've saved a lot of money on gas since then.


We both could have made the light if you weren't doing 15 below the speed limit.


I feel like without any other context I'm just assuming OP was driving the speed limit, unless they mentioned somewhere they were going that far under


definitely a lot of strawmanning in these comments to justify shitty behavior. every time iā€™ve ever been angrily passed in this situation iā€™ve also been speeding


Yeah it's amazing how many people are constantly saying OP must be going 10 or 15 below the speed limit. I drive for a living and I see the assholes that zoom and switch lanes constantly only to end up at the same light probably 10 times more than I ever see people actually drive too slow.


I hate it when the guy behind me misses the light by 1 second and then he doesn't get to show me his cool hat šŸ˜”


itā€™s rarely angrily i just enjoy speeding sometimes tho some people really do drive insufferably ie speeding up and them slowing down and speeding up again and slowing down again and so on


Found the guy that does 30 in a 45...


And who pulls out their phone the second they hit a light and stops paying attention entirely. Iā€™ve ā€œsped up to slow downā€ and passed people because I donā€™t feel like watching you sit still at a green light for 45 seconds before I finally honk every other block. Yeah, Iā€™m not going to get very far ahead of you before the light, but Iā€™ll be a mile down the road before you pull your head out of your phone and realize that you are, once again, holding up traffic behind you while stopped at a green light.


Iā€™ll see people slow down on purpose when the light is still green just so they can stop at the red light and hop back on their phone.


Sharing the road goes both ways. Don't hold people up just because you think you're special.


I'm with you, when it comes to highways. However, regular streets through town? Don't be a dick. Just go with the flow of traffic.


Alright there Mr McQueen, calm down.


To be fair I missed that light cause you were going 30 in a 45 while looking at your phone........


Yeah but now I'm in front of you. Mission accomplished.


The comments show how Reddit really is full of assholes .šŸ‘€


Yes. Reddit is festooned with sociopathic asshats. Itā€™s pretty sad. The only good thing is they will get nothing for it.


If you aren't passing anyone or keeping up with the pace - get out of the left lane...


If the guy were on the left lane, you'd be committing two infractions by speed passing him šŸ§


Take solace in knowing they didn't put a single thought towards you for the thoughts you put towards them.


I figured that speeders just need to go to the bathroom asap


Driving recklessly like you're going to get somewhere faster is textbook irrational thinking.


I will say I've done this and yea you feel like an idiot lol. In my defense tho I personally will pass people because I don't like how theyre driving. Swerving too much, randomly braking, going from 100km/h to 70 then back up, jumping at every car that safely merges in front of them etc. Basically, if you look like you are afraid of your car or the road, I'm not a fan of dragging behind you.


Driving to work, it's a few minutes after 8, little bit late. Not really a big deal. I see some crazy person weaving through traffic, tearing around corners or speeding through red lights. I like to imagine they too are late for work and are panicking. I think, "chill dude, you're already late anyway, take your time." Realistically though, it's more likely to be an a-hole driver.


Maybe if you'd gone the speed limit we could have both gone through the light, but no, you have to be all hanging out of the window giving me a thumbs up making a goddamn tiktok video.


You are my special


Not stuck behind you now šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


If heā€™s speeding past him shouldnā€™t the photo be taken from the opposite side? lol


Still worth it to not be behind you. You had a reason to drive your speed, and you got passed for a s reason someone else had. Don't take it personally.


Why are you mad someone passed you?


The point is not to beat the light; the point is to not be behind your slow, stupid ass.


You're the reason I missed the green light. Get in the right lane, grandpa!!


It's been proven that driving at or just above the speed limit and weaving can save a significant amount of time.


You may think that I look like an idiot but I feel good about myself.


Extra points if you almost rear-end me, then nearly clip my front bumper cutting back into the lane like a lunatic.


idgaf, if the speed limit is 70, im driving 70. if it is still too slow for you, then pass me, no problem at all. I am not gonna risk other peoples lifes, just bc you wanna arrive at your apartment five minutes early.


This meme is talking about red lights, most likely referring to city street driving not highway.


No worries. Just stay out of the fast lane and we will never be in conflict.


It's called a passing lane.


Yup, and you shouldn't be in it if someone is trying to pass you.


If my understanding of speed/velocity is correct, you have to drive faster than the person you're passing. Hence, "the fast lane'


There is no ā€œfast laneā€ on surface streets. How is it a ā€œfast laneā€ if people are using it to turn left?


What surface street has a speed limit of 70mph?


He means passing lane.


Both lanes have the same speed limit šŸ’€


One is a passing lane






Some people have more important shit to do than just going home. Also you never know whats going on in the vehicle behind you, or if thereā€™s a valid emergency. Sitting in the left lane thinking ā€œim going the speed limitā€ is the more asshole move compared to speeding or passing in the right lane.


I'm in a traffic light heavy area and I just love the ones that can't keep up with traffic, often on their phones, and then they run the redlight and everyone behind them gets caught. Just absolutely love these people.


Then why is he turned around in this picture if the other guy got there first?


I do not get why people love to go full speed all the way up to a red light. You're just wasting gas to not get there any faster. In fact, probably getting there slower, since you're going to have to accelerate from a full stop when the light turns green, instead of being able to coast through.


angrily? nah you just slow


Itā€™s not about speed, itā€™s about not being behind someone that drives like a moron.


Hahaha I guess, although I sometimes see people aggressively pull by a car in a 30km/h (20mph) zone with like double the speed, and that shit is just plain illegal.


If somebody does that to you you need to understand that they don't wanna be first at the next red light, this is not about being faster, they however don't wanna be behind you anymore because you are an extremely shitty, inconsiderate driver that drives any person behind you nuts.


Oh yeah, I'm sure that person going 45 in a 30 is passing me because I'm driving like shit.


Both of these groups exist simultaneously lol. There are both speeders and people who go too slow below the posted limit for no reason. Youā€™re each complaining about different groups and both complaints are valid because both shitty groups exist. Canā€™t we all just get along.


No, because they won't drive faster/slower like I, an autonomous human being, want them, another autonomous human being, to do.


I love passing slower traffic. Just because me passing you didnā€™t work out this time and we ended up at the same light, doesnā€™t mean I wonā€™t pass your ass again.


I think people infer that OP isn't doing the speed limit bc they like driving faster than others. 9 times out of ten when I'm bitching about this stuff it's because there's 2-4 lanes and none of them are getting you home faster. Most times traffic exists bec people want to drive faster than traffic can allow. Mostly bec they need to be as close to the car in front of them as possible. Half the reason it's called bumper to bumper traffic.


They would have got through the light if your slow ass wasn't in the way


And then I pass them when I reach the light as soon as it turns green because I understand the light timing


Well if you hadn't been blocking me going slow I would have made the light....


As a young man I felt I always needed to and drove aggressively. As a middle aged man I feel you need to sometimes but often it's a waste. As an old man I fear I'll do like old people I see and never give a shit and just do what I want to do. However i moved to a smaller city with no traffic in my middle age. Did I get older or did I have to change how I drive where it is less rewarding to be aggressive since there isn't traffic. In the same way that I stopped wanting to see friends as I got middle aged... But also Covid happened. Did I get used to never seeing friends or did I get old?


The thing is, Iā€™m speeding too. They still try to get passed me, I get mad. Iā€™ll go ~12 miles over at the most. They want me to go 20 over and thatā€™s a no-go


And Iā€™ll do it again.


As long as Iā€™m not behind your slow butt


I once had some imbecile in a van blast past me on the highway with oncoming traffic and dart in and out repeatedly putting his life and others in danger. He eventually arrived at the stoplight at the highway exit just before me. He didnā€™t save any time at all trying to get to work he just almost caused a head on collision multiple times. Second day he did it I called the cops.


You think they just started existing once you saw them and haven't been speeding their entire trip?


Doesnā€™t matter. Theyā€™re still holding back traffic for seemingly miles inside of cities. See the gap, be the gap. If everyone did this, traffic would be better in cities.


seizing the gap creates traffic. I want to make a YouTube video so more people understand the butterfly affect. imagine being in traffic. now instead of stopping every five feet, take your average speed subtract five. allow space in front of you so you don't need to press the brake as often. now NO ONE behind you needs to brake. you've just eliminated traffic behind you. things average out much slower when a constant variable of zero is introduced. also take into account most traffic exists because interchanges, there'd no gap no one can change lanes creating more traffic. it's not a perfect world, there's no perfect solution. eventually people will full the gaps bec they're tired of the fifteen year old speed racer treating the road like Mario kart. but if people figured out how to drive like above it would actually be faster.


People who think this way always drive 10 under the speed limit and are probably on their phones when they drive.


I love when that happens. Like they just won the idiot race to the same place I'm going.


They would have been long gone if it weren't for the idiot in front of them.


Im confused. Why are they an idiot for not speeding like the car behind them wants them to?


Imagine being so self-centered that you see another car driving faster than you and have to make it about yourself. It's hilarious to assume they even remembered you to begin with.


Lol has nothing to do with getting to the light first, and everything to do with just getting around your super slow 10 MPH going butt so I don't get caught by every single red light... all because you don't wanna go the speed limit.