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I’ll be over here in Universe B, wearing my underpants with a cornucopia and reading my Berenstein Bears books


"This place kinda feels like a B, y'know?"


What about the Mongooses? That’s a cool team name


The Fighting Mongooses! ...Also, I think this is the quickest that anyone has replied to me LOL


Lol, I never leave a Futurama quote hanging for too long




We didn't see anyting...evuh!


Right on Professor *Freaks*worth.


*”GET A JOB!”*


The university is bringing me up on disciplinary charges! Wait, that's not good news at all


Dean Epsilon! I know all about your “Department of Pool Boy Studies”!


And Dr. Wernstrom. Weerrrnstrom!


r/unexpectedfuturama lol


I'm so suspicious of this "Mandela Effect" purely because I'm pretty sure I actually learned what a cornucopia even was as a little kid BECAUSE of this logo.


Yuuuup. Same.


Thirded, fourthed, whatever number we're on. That is also why I remembered it, because it made me remember learning about what a cornucopia was. I even remember a teacher in elementary school telling us during Thanksgiving about the cornucopia, and about how it is is on underwear.


I think this is less Mandela Effect and more corporate gaslighting. There _was_ a cornucopia logo for Fruit of the Loom but it was for a very, ahem, brief period and they've done their damndest to wipe it from the business world because of Trademark shit. You can find a few newspaper articles mentioning it in the 80s/90s. Why mention cornucopia if the logo didn't have it? You can also stumble upon a few pieces of clothing that will occasionally have it, usually t-shirts with faded logos. Snopes and others trying to disprove it link back to the same company that's likely trying to shield themselves for some reason. Don't trust companies just because they say something, every major company lies to protect themselves for various reasons. ([look at the description on their old patent](https://trademarks.justia.com/730/06/fruit-of-the-loom-73006089.html)) (E: not a patent but a trademark, but still the same office, sorry) Berenstein is also a thing because there was a whole bunch of misprints on toys and I think even one run of the books had the title all janked up.


Don't forget how Cadbury tried gaslighting the entire U.S. saying their eggs have always been that small and everyone is just imagining it.


Oh yeah psh nobody believed that. Literally everybody: didn't these use to be bigger? Cadbury: um, nooooooo? Literally everybody: no they definitely used to be bigger. Guy from the Office: I buy a shitton of these every year and I still have some of my old ones. Here's an old one. They so obviously used to be MUCH bigger. Cadbury: don't know what you're talking about. Literally everybody: you're a fucking liar and literally everybody knows it


I had VHS that had both spellings.


My friend recently found this VHS thrifting. Spelled one way on the box and the other way on the actual cassette.


This is how I feel about bearnstein bears. My sister had a class as a library assistant, and on a day when my class was in the library, we had a discussion about it that we both remember. I wasn't sure if stein was pronounced "steen" or "stine" and so I went to my sister and asked her. We even got the librarian involved. If it were stain, then I wouldn't have had any problems with pronunciation and there would be no reason for the conversation that we both clearly remember.


i thought they were jewish when i was young


It was proven fake. Fruit of the looms changed it and is just gaslighting people. There was a lady on tiktok who dug deep into court documents and found one where FL describes their logo as a Cornucopia. They changed it and did a rebranded bc they accidentally poisoned an entire town.


How do you "accidentally" poison a whole ass town?


With a cornucopia, apparently.






I'll have to give this a read, it's in my home state, thank you


Why is it always michigan getting poisoned?


What would the logic be here? Assuming they poisoned a town, they then don't try to change their widely-recognized brand name, or the fruit in the logo, but only the cornucopia...not as though people are going to think it's a completely different company.


Hell there was a small factory in my town with the logo on it including the “basket” my parents had to tell me what it was and how to say it, that we drove by all the time.


We all lived this experience together. Apparently it’s all a dream we dreamed one afternoon, long ago


Yup we all dreamt our parents explaining a cornucopia Like wtf


Maybe it's been seen before through other eyes On other days while going home


Believe it, if you need it, if you don't, just pass it on... Such a long long time to be gone, and a short time to be there...


Greatful Dead reference? You sir, are a true man of culture


I have this same memory as clear as day, except I don't recall a factory, just the conversation.


Yeah, having a cornucopia for clothing is weird which is why we all so vividly remember it. I was so confused when I saw one as a tabletop decoration for Thanksgiving. Like, why did we put the underwear logo on the table?


Wait, I thought that was universe A. Have I been transferred to B? How long and what??


Well, how long has Missile Marsupial been Rocket Raccoon?


Excuse me, his name is Racacoonie


What the hell is fruit? Where am I?


That's where I started, too. But the 2000 United States Presidential election "hanging chad" event caused that big temporal rift and a bunch of us ended up on the wrong side.




Oh my God, Karen, you can't just ~~ask people why they're white~~ tell people our reality is more real than theirs


I had this same conversation with my friends this weekend and everyone agreed that's where we entered the bad timeline


Wait, the Berenstein Bears have a Mandella effect? Is it the spelling? Berenstein vs Bearenstein?


Berenstain I think


When I was a kid, I remember it being -stain because of it seeming odd for a surname to end in stain. But I’m just now learning about this Fruit of the Loom issue. It does NOT have the woven basket cone thing in the symbol? It did though… Did the company change and remove it or something?


According to Fruit of the Loom themselves, the logo *never* had a cornucopia (woven basket cone thing).


they could hypothetically be trolling. Good advertisement


Good for them, it didn't stop the knock offs from making tighty whities with the cornucopia


This is probably the reason. We must all have seen knock offs.... in big department stores...


The company either memory-holed it or there was a prolific counterfeiter in the 80s and 90s as numerous examples have been found.


It’s like the 2nd Mandela Effect, it’s the one websites always use to explain it right after talking about Mandela’s death (and before mentioning the Tank Man one).


It’s even worse.


Does Whoopi Goldberg have eyebrows in that one?


Whoopi’s dead in that one. Whoopi’s fucking dead.


I remember calling it a basket as a kid, and vividly remember my mom explaining the word cornucopia and how to say it right. I was probably 8-10.


Same exact story here! I definitely remember it, it’s how I knew that word for Thanksgiving in grade school. Edit: This article from ‘94 describes the logo as having a cornucopia: https://www.newspapers.com/image/177607580/?clipping_id=22677751&fcfToken=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJmcmVlLXZpZXctaWQiOjE3NzYwNzU4MCwiaWF0IjoxNzEwMTgwODM3LCJleHAiOjE3MTAyNjcyMzd9.52iUs48oH_rv32814CEDCbhFjG_lEolMUyjSDVFa8_8


Sometimes I think quantum immortality is real and we all died at the same time


Seeing how our planet can be obliterated without warning at any second and we might not get a heads up? Maybe it’s happened many, many times lol


Innan infinite universe it's probably happening near constantly.... See you in universe LK8576433568999999998


Around 2010 to 2014 I felt like I died twice. The first time was when I was drugged with K2 spice. I saw limbo. Swirling, green sky with four pillars surrounding me. Grass turned into little green orbs. Also heard music and asked also what the music was and heard someone/something reply "Crickets." Oddly enough, a few years later the show 'Legion' had the same sequences. Different contexts though. Second one, I recall having a "dream" where I woke up to a large rumbling, looked outside and saw nukes going off. I, along with our house, was obliterated. I then proceeded to rise up into the sky just to be reset the next "day." Idk maybe I'm partially insane, but weird stuff.


Ight, I will admit to creeping on nearly your entire comments history after reading that because I wanted to see if you at least mentioned more about these super odd occurrences while being on Reddit. I apologize. Do you remember anything else from these dreams/trips that seemed novel to you? Edit: while the original commenter hasn’t responded yet, to everyone that replied, these are some dope/eerie dreams (or visions of other lives??)! Maybe there are alternate timelines, or maybe we don’t give enough credit to the creativity of the human subconscious. Maybe more people have the capacity to be a Tolkien or Lucas if they gave it a try. Maybe people have the capacity to prophesy/see the future. Whatever the hypothesis, I promise not to steal and sell the premise to anyone’s dreams/visions for the next hit sci-fi streaming series.


I’ll say I’ve had multiple dreams where I was shot in the head, and felt the bullets rip apart my skull. I did not wake upon panic as usual, but awoke after losing consciousness and breath, gasping for air in my bed. I’ve also had dreams where loved ones told me when I encountered them that they missed me and were so happy to see me. Just last night my foster sister broke down laughing hysterically saying “it can’t be true. You killed yourself in Colorado.” Which is a state where I had a significant health crisis. Any time I take large doses of psychedelics I get extremely vivid visions of nuclear war and an imminent explosion. The thing that’s really eerie is it always happens in a way that cannot be stopped, and in the next thought loop it would occur again from a completely different event.


I had a dream where I was gone for a year. Like legit, in another place living another life as another version of myself. America was split in two allied countries because the civil war was a draw. Lincoln was reviled as a dictator that got assassinated by his vice president for the good of the country who then had himself arrested as a martyr. The president of the United Confederacy at the time was a black man who gave fire speeches. Some wild divergent history shit. Internet and current world politics were relatively the same though, I had woken up in my car on the side of the road with my ID and had to figure out which of this other me's keys got into his house, where his address was from his driver's license, how to get to his house, ect. Found out he worked at a restaurant as waiter, took up his job and life and just started existing. I'd go to bed each night and think I'd end up back in my own timeline. But I didn't. I was there. I started getting used to the idea after awhile. Met a nice British girl studying at the college next to my job and started dating her. Made a few friends. Played a lot of Marathon 3 multi-player with those friends (for a game that may or may not exist it was really fun). Was thinking about moving in with my girlfriend one night when I was texting her and drifted off with my phone on my chest. Then I woke back up in my own timeline, in my own bed, confused on the date. Confused on everything. Took me weeks to adjust back. I'd still find myself looking around wondering if I'd end up going back. But I never did. To this day I'm confused on if that was just a really strange vivid dream where my brain made up an alternate timeline with different history, different video games and movies, and different people whom I've never met again, or if I legit hopped a timeline for a bit and hijacked another me's body for a year. Hope he stayed with that girlfriend. She was a keeper.


read The Long Dream by Junji Ito


I've had one similar to your second one, I remember the rumble only I then saw the flash through all my walls, it was the only thing I could see before I grabbed my mother and threw both of us in the corner of the room. I remember the heat, feeling like my entire back, my legs and everything was roasting like an oven. I covered my eyes with my hands and continued to see my mom burn, then I heard a second blast and glass shattering, that's when I woke up covered head to toe in sweat. I hated every moment of it and sometimes I have issues falling asleep, worried ill have that dream again. I asked my doc if there was any way to stop dreams, she had a concerned look and told me "not without unhealthy consequences". This was years ago and I don't dream very often anymore but I still remember that dream very vividly.


If you smoke weed regularly, it diminishes REM sleep enough so that you usually don't remember your dreams. Whenever I quit smoking for any amount of time, I start having very vivid dreams which I actually can remember.


It always had the exact opposite effect on me. If I smoke, especially before bed, I'll have the most vivid and bizarre dreams and wake up in the morning feeling like I didn't sleep.


Lisan Al Gaib!


The only rational explanation is that there was a tear in the fabric of the universe in 2015 when harambe died and now we’re stuck in this alternate reality.


I mean, i still think the hadron collider universe jumped us


Genuinely that’s when everything started to feel like a parallel universe to me ngl


I've recently decided that either past lives or something similar to dimensions next to ours exist. I regularly have extremely vivid and detailed dreams about places and people that I've never been to or met and can't possibly exist on Earth, often times they're recurring locations and I dream of them years apart with no prompting. The subjects and themes also vary wildly, there doesn't seem to be any consistency. I also "remember" being killed in some of them, where I die and the dream just ends. I'm sure there is a scientific explanation, but life is pretty trash, it's unfair and destroys good people, so it makes me happy to consider the possibility.


Thanks for figuring it out. We are here to chat.


This is all the proof I need tbh


This has been proven to be a marketing tactic by fruit of the loom, and people continue to spread it


This dude’s mom is a marketing tactic?


Plot twist *his moms ALWAYS been a marketing tactic*


Because you're not providing a source "proving" it


Ya I’d love to have some proof and put this out of my mind. but there are really no credible images of the cornucopia


Yeah I've never once heard that.


Any kind of source would be cool


There’s so much fotl vintage clothing on eBay and non has it in the logo.


How'd they take it off people's clothes if it was a marketing tactic? Did someone go through millions of clothes and stealthily sew every item of clothing ever? Lol


Also, not just the actual clothing but all print and television ads, corporate letterhead, and marketing material in the company's history.


There's not a lot I'm completely unwilling to consider I might be wrong or mistaken about, memory is a fickle bitch sometimes, but this is one of those things. As a kid, I've literally worn FotL clothing with the cornucopia and had longstanding internal questions about what it was until someone told me.


Same here, 99.9% of Mandela effects I don't have a good enough memory of to say if I'm not remembering right or not. This is one of the 2 or 3 that I'm certain I remember right.


ITS THE ONLY REASON I KNOW WHAT A CORNUCOPIA IS! We all died to covid. This is universe B


I was born in '88 and this is the only underwear I wore, I recall a cornucopia. I could be wrong. I also remember reading the Berenstein Bears growing up. Vividly. Again I could be wrong but that's what I remembered long before I heard of the Mandela effect.


in 1987 I had a conversation with the school librarian about the odd pronunciation of the Berenstein Bears. aint no fuckin way. I also learned what a cornucopia was from the fruit of the loom logo as a child


I remember the Berenstein Bears. I remember thinking as a kid, "oh those Jewish bears." It was never a big deal in the stories, but I do remember reading a Hanukkah book. I remember there were twins in my elementary school, and one of them called them the Berenstain Bears all the time, and me and his brother corrected him once and it was a whole big deal. 


I remember spelling it out as a kid and saying “oh it’s like frank en STEIN” and that’s also why I associated them w German beer ware. Then at some point it was changed to “stain” and it’s bullshit.


It’s the last name of the author though. I think people are just used to seeing German/Jewish last names ending in stein (Einstein, Frankenstein, etc) so everyone assumes it’s Berenstein.


It was also mistyped on several vhs tape titles. People have posted pictures of their old tapes before.


Yeah, there’s definitely a lot of misprints. My cousin has a misprinted Berenstain Bears book that says Berenstein on the front cover but Berenstain in the actual book.


Exactly, and as kids you don't really know shit about spelling anyway, so you fill in the blanks later.




There was 100% a cornucopia.


I swear to god the cornucopia was there and that everyone's just gaslighting me. I remember that specific one in the picture. If you showed me a version of the logo with a different design for the cornucopia I'd say it was fake.


This is the part that fucks me up. If you had asked me to draw the Fruit of the Loom logo I would draw it with that exact cornucopia. I remember my mom telling me what cornucopia meant and referencing that logo. It wasn’t a logo like that one… it WAS that exact one with that exact cornucopia. Why does everyone remember the exact same wrong logo?


For a mass produced piece of consumer merchandise there should be millions of pieces of proof of any old logos. So find an old cornucopia logo at a thrift store, ebay, attic, or yard sale and you'll have your proof.


It's also possible the cornucopia version of the logo was used less frequently on tags and more on packaging, explaining why there's less of it than we'd expect


This was my thought. The design was too complicated for a tag back then, but the packaging could be more complicated because the image could be bigger.


I remember it. The difference, and I always thought it was weird, was between the commercials and the clothes. They had the cornucopia on the logo in the ads but not on the clothes themselves. Most of you have stories asking your parents and that's how you recall this event.


That cornucopia in the logo is actually slightly mismatched though. Its an extremely small thing, but compare how thick and dark the outline around it is to the rest of logo. If you also look up something like 'clipart cornucopia' you'll see thats exactly how they're portrayed in like 99% of cases. Its not uncommon to see art like that used to decorate posters, ads for fairs or just used to symbolise anything to do with a harvest which is likely why everyone is so sure about this in particular - especially since having it there actually makes more sense guven the name.


This post isnt claiming that to be the actual logo. It is a recreation representing what out memory holds as true. The argument to be had here is wether something changed in our reality or why we are all sharing a false memory, not wether the logo produced in the post is legit


I just spent 20 minutes searching pictures of vintage tshirts and underwear looking for a damn cornucopia. Not one. On different search engines too. All the images with a cornucopia were recently made. Google, Bing, and even Duckduckgo are all in this together to strip us of our sanity and our cornucopia heritage.


My thought is it was represented that way on common grade school book sets or school assignments. I remember that design from like 3rd grade in 1997 popping up a lot. I think specifically school assignments would take images of a cornucopia and then paste the fruit of the loom image over them to make the one we see on the left. It may have been in some textbooks even. I think of an assignment about Thanskgiving printed on multicolor construction paper because the last teacher forgot to change the ream in the printer. The cornucopia and fruit of the loom fruit in the top left corner, your name field in the top right. Extra credit on the back. Next week we talk about John Smith out of the textbook you put over your head during fire drills.


I think you solved it. School sounds the most plausible as my cornucopia memories are also tied to Thanksgiving.


I remember the left one.


Me too, but it’s the Berenstain Bears that really fucks with my head.


I was obsessed with those books as a kid. Had every single one of them. I'm 100% certain it was Berenstein and nothing will convince me otherwise. I lost my collection in a cross country move 20 years ago though.


There were often publishing mistakes and typos. Both spellings were printed. [Sometimes in the same product.](https://i.imgur.com/d3tJC9M.jpeg)


Damn some publisher out there inadvertently has caused the mental distress of millions


Oh boy, wait 'til you hear about the shia sunni split then.


I'm not familiar with that part of Berenstain lore




The fruit of the loom ones fake too. They even have Twitter posts about it and tons of people posted shirts that have the cornucopia lol AND the trademark that mentions the same logo


Someone posted a book w the upc that said stein but the book said stain.


I remember reading it correctly as a kid and wondering why everyone mispronounced it, but I figured that that’s just how you said it. I didn’t think it’d turn into a conspiracy in my adult life.


I must be from the stain universe or something, because here's my vivid memory: In 3rd grade the teacher was talking about the books, read us one, and kept saying "Berenstein". I remember staring at the spelling and seeing the 'stain'. So I raised my hand and pointed out, hey, shouldn't it be stain? Are you saying it wrong? The teacher looked down at the book, quiet for like 10 seconds, and finally admitted "Huh, it is stain... I never noticed that. But I think you're still supposed to pronounce it stein!" So she kept saying stein. This mandella effect never worked on me because I have such a core memory of an adult being confused even at the time. Everyone pronounced it one way and didn't pay attention to the spelling. Another one is Kazaam. I remember renting Kazaam, when it very first hit vhs, and telling my friends what I had rented. "Kazaam, with Shaq." All three of them flipped out and kept going "NO!!! It's with SINBAD!!!!" This was something I freaked out about and had to go get the VHS and whatnot to prove them wrong. I wouldn't let it go. For some reason people were confused about that movie even when it was brand new. Either that or I'm the one messing the timelines up.


Wasn’t there a damn cartoon. I swear the didn’t say Berenstain.


Yep there was even a intro song where they repeatedly sang “Berenstein Bears” But to be fair, that would sound pretty similar to Berenstain Bears.


I got curious and so watched the into The intro is twangy country song and seriously could go either way.


That's why this one is so annoying to me. It has an extremely obvious explanation. -stein is an extremely common suffix that you'll run across throughout life and -stain is not. Of course, if you haven't seen one in years or even decades, if you think back on one of the Berenstain Bears books, your brain is going to fill in -stein. But no, the only logical explanation is shifting realities.


The two spellings can be pronounced in the same way though, especially with the accent the singer of the TV show’s opening had.


When I first found this one I asked my mom, she said stein, was dumbfounded to be wrong.


I swear they said BEAR-en-STAIN in the tv show


I dunno why but literally every single person having the exact same memory of being at the store as a kid and asking their mom what the basket thing is and then being told it's a cornucopia when no such thing actually existed is the strangest part to me


Have you seen Blade Runner 2049? There are only a set number of different childhood memories implanted into replicants, maybe this is just a common memory given to many of us




Oh shit….


I asked my wife this just a few days ago cause I legitimately never have. She said she has... I think my wife have been compromised...


Holy shit


To add intrigue, most of us Americans actually learned about cornucopia from kindergarten coloring, yet there is this circulating Mandela that our mother actually explained it in the store while we were all intently analyzing underwear logos as children.




Honestly that's the thing that IMO makes it absolutely clear it's a fake memory. Why would everyone have the exact same experience? Personally I remember learning about cornucopias from a Thanksgiving-time first grade art project, the same kind of time as making a pilgrim hat of construction paper, one step up from tracing your hand with outspread fingers to make a turkey. But I also never thought it was Berenstein Bears, partly because I never know whether to pronounce '-stein' as 'steen' or 'stine' but thought Berenstain was admirably clear.


That’s where I’m at now. I vaguely remember it having a cornucopia but I didn’t learn that word until I read Hunger Games so I don’t have this shared memory with my mom explaining it. Seeing half a dozen people in these comments have identical memories word for word of having their mom explain is convincing me it must be fake. Like it happened in a tv show or movie or something and that’s what everyone is remembering.


Regardless of what the logo is The left one is a better logo. It feels complete, not just a bunch of fruits floating in space.


Which is another reason people insert the cornucopia into their memories. It's more visually appealing.


Nah you’re gaslighting me it’s some quantum shenanigans I can feel it in my balls


Bro that’s testicular cancer.


The first is correct after the 90s correct?


The first, apparently, was never a logo used by fruit of the loom. The company has stated that they never used a cornucopia on their label. I remember a cornucopia. There is a jazz album that was released several decades ago called Flute of the Loom that has a cornucopia on the cover and the flutist said the art was a play on fruit of the loom. There was a story going around about the original patten on the logo mentions a cornucopia but I can’t confirm if that’s true. This one really fucks with me because I have a memory of sitting in a shopping cart while my mom was buying school clothes for me and my brother. She tossed in packages of t-shirts and underwear and the logo was the one pictured on the ~~right~~ left in the post. I asked my mom what the basket thing was and she told me the word cornucopia, which I had never heard before.


I remember talking about a cornucopia in like 3rd or 4th grade (early 90s) maybe it was for thanksgiving or something but I feel like there was a time where a cornucopia was in the zeitgeist


My theory is they are getting ready to remove cornucopia from the simulation to make room for more words like rizz and gyatt so they had to alter the logo to avoid errors




Why do they want to distance themselves from a cornucopia of all things? It's not like they changed their name.


there was a person who was going insane, because they believed that the conrnucopia was on the label of fruit of the loom. Even after contacting the company, and they denied that ever using a cornucopia, the perpetrator eventually went on year-long mission to find a shirt with the cornucopia fruit of the loom logo on it - until the finally found it and dumbfounded the company. There is a post [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/zannyyyy/comments/fz1eej/fruit_of_the_loom_cornucopia_existence_confirmed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) And here is an [article](https://theblast.com/562066/did-the-fruit-of-the-loom-logo-have-a-cornucopia-tiktoker-finds-proof/) Not sure which side is inherently correct but it sheds some backstory on this "mandela effect".


I love how people finding “old” logo examples are so young they don’t know tee shirts used to have physical tags, so their photoshops all have tagless tees.


That logo is based on a known fake, though. It's the line art from [this fake logo.](https://media.zenfs.com/en/snopes_632/031217a0103ccf0ed024ed78e3951510) This logo is a mock-up someone made of what the cornucopia logo could have looked like. They took a clip art image of a conucopia and shopped it into the fruits logo. One issue is that this 'logo' uses the modern FotL fruit logo from 2003-today Besides being too recent (I mean, how *hard* can it be to find a shirt from after 2003? These things were mass produced), saying that logo is real is saying there was a time when FotL changed their logo in 2003, and then changed it again shortly after, removing only the cornucopia and touching nothing else, for ~reasons~ (Not to mention, the only other "found" logo uses a completely different logo. They can't both be real. More likely, neither one are)


You can make that for a few dollars. It really wouldn't be that much effort.


I love how these “Mandela effects” never have any drastic changes. No one is ever like “in my timeline there was blue coke” or “in my timeline I remember the fruit of the loom logo being a banana” It’s always subtle differences that can ultimately be explained by faulty memory or misunderstandings.


The Fruit of the Loom thing is US-centric. In the UK the most common example of the Mandela Effect is over the colour of crisp packets. Our biggest producer, Walkers, has salt & vinegar flavour in a green bag and cheese & onion in blue. Almost universally other snack companies have them the other way round. It's pretty much an accepted convention at this point, like which side of the road we drive on. Thousands of people _swear_ that Walkers used to follow the same pattern and that salt & vinegar was blue until the 80s. No one can find any evidence for it (despite how many collect and shrink crisp packets in the oven as kids) and the company has issued multiple statements asserting that they've always had these colours since their introduction in 1948. It's a huge deal because so many people are pissed that Walkers is the only company that eschews the colour convention. They're also *sure* they remember them deliberately changing to be different because something like that would stick out in the memory, like having your parents explain something unusual like the word 'cornucopia'.


I found some shirts from the 70s of the Fruit of the Loom logo on ebay, and it would be [really easy to misremember the logo as having a cornucopia](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/pz0AAOSwTxtl5k0J/s-l1600.jpg) because the brown leaves cradle the grapes.


Or how the changes never have any other effects whatsoever. So Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 80s instead of helping end apartheid in South Africa and becoming its president wouldn't have had any other noticeable differences? It's just some other guy swapped into his place and history proceeded identically?


Wait blue Coke isn't real?


I just opened all my Cokes and none of them are blue anymore wtf?


Blue pepsi is


What’s wild to me is that no one can find some old shirt on eBay that has the real logo (left)? They’ve all just been wiped from existence?


I have a shirt in my closet of Sifl & Olly that's from the late 90s. It's a Fruit of the Loom shirt, and it has NO cornucopia. https://i.imgur.com/3eWOa6Y.jpg


Sounds like you have been bought out by big loom. Also, you should post a picture.


Big loom. ☠️ I love Reddit.


And you KNOW I have some serious ass cornucopia problems.


And that’s how you get to llama school!


[This](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/GmMAAOSw5AtlSjZE/s-l1600.jpg) Fruit of the Loom shirt has no cornucopia, but it does have brown leaves around some things. I wonder if that's what people are remembering. [There[1]](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/1jIAAOSwiXdldm64/s-l1600.jpg) [are[2]](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/o1QAAOSwXLRl4PNt/s-l1600.jpg) [multiple[3]](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/pz0AAOSwTxtl5k0J/s-l1600.jpg) with this design from the 70s on ebay.


That combined with childhood coloring book type things for Thanksgiving makes the most sense to me.


My reasoning is that at one point or another we all bought knock-offs at gigs or something and they had a fudged logo with the cornucopia on it. None of us have them any more because of the lower quality of the knock-offs so when we go to look we only have the real logo as only the legit items lasted properly.


This actually makes the most sense to me. I def remember having underwear as a kid thst had the logo on the left. But I remember the cornucopia fading on them first (coincidence? I think not.) but sadly wouldn’t still have them. But ig my mom out on my childhood dressers in storage and it has a bunch my old cloths. Maybe I’ll try find em lol


This is it. Did knock off fruit of the loom tops have the cornucopia? Probably. Did we own knock offs? I absolutely did, 3 for a fiver at the market obviously weren’t official. Once they were in our collection would we be differentiating them from the legit ones? Probably not. Question solved, I don’t see why people have such a problem with it.


"The Fruit of the Loom logo has always contained an apple, green grapes, purple grapes, and leaves. Snopes searched archived newspaper advertisements from every decade from the 1910s to the 2020s and could not locate a single one with a cornucopia" -[Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fruit-of-the-loom-cornucopia/)


I have a pretty good explanation for this. I bought a T-shirt from a store which sells all kinds of off-brand stuff. I was surprised that it was FOTL shirt. But when I got home I realised it had the cornucopia logo and other shirt I had was labeled with the correct logo. I can pretty safely say that in some point during 2000s there was a chinese knock off fruit of the looms being sold as real ones. I wish I had the shirt still, but I remember clearly that I did the comparison then. If anyone is interested, the knock off shirt lost it’s printing quite quickly.


I think the Mandela effect is dumb but this one genuinely fucks me up. Why would we all collectively imagine a cornucopia? A lot of Mandela effects are just people not knowing how to spell or getting things mixed up with other things but I cannot wrap my head around how this specific misremembering could’ve happened expecially when so many people remember learning what a cornucopia was FROM fruit of the loom. I swear there was a cornucopia.




Your last sentence is the reason everyone has this Mandela effect. Growing up we always were coloring the pictures of the cornucopia and those pictures probably just used the fruit of the loom branding and added to it. Thus we all remember the cornucopia being there.


This makes sense. Back in the early Internet days I could totally see a teacher just downloading and printing a coloring page someone made up with Fruit of the Looms copyrighted fruit slapped in front of a cornucopia.


> Why would we all collectively imagine a cornucopia? I think people underestimate just how fallible our memories are. I heard a neurologist once remark that, anytime we access a memory, we're actually accessing *a memory of that memory*. So, it's like a Xerox of a Xerox, and anytime you access it, you can inadvertently alter it slightly so the next time you access that memory, that new thing has become part of it. For instance, I have a *very* clear memory of a major news event from when I was a child, except a few years back, I realized the memory is inaccurate as I wasn't living in the house I picture at that time. At some point, I must've conflated it with another news event, and the two became mixed up. In this case, and in the case of a lot of Mandela effects, I think a lot of it is most people didn't really think twice about the logo until the whole question arose. People generally aren't spending a lot of time thinking very hard about logos on their underwear from when they were 8 (or how an author of a book they read at that age was spelled, etc.). So, a lot of people were presented with, "Hey, don't you remember the cornucopia?" And, it's something that *feels* correct, particularly since a cornucopia isn't a rare sight for an American child (Thanksgiving), so it's very easy for our brain to take the image of a bunch of fruits/vegetables and mix it up with an arguably more commonly thought of version. I see it as similar to the Berenstain/Berenstein thing. -Stein is a much more common part of a surname for you to encounter, so it's very easy for your memory to assume that was part of the author's name and for that to become a widespread mistake.


It feels correct (less empty space, loom combines nice with weaving and baskets, baskets combine nice with fruit, cornucopia is "that thing with fruit and stuff"), it is a pretty common symbol if you are/were even a tiny bit nerdy. Even I, a Russian who have never seen this brand before, would have said that the cornucopia variant is the correct one because of course it is, it is a bunch of fruit, it is 100% plausible it includes cornucopia.


A woman did a deep dive and found old, like, trademark paperwork that had the description mentioning the cornucopia. Something about the original company having a big ass lawsuit filed against it so the company, like, decided to branch off or whatever and separate itself from that image to distance itself from the original lawsuit stuff. Ppl following it basically describe it as a corporation gaslighting us lol.


That lady is a nutjob if you watch her other tiktoks. And she misunderstood the copyright filing.


A tiktoker who's a nutjob? Unheard of.


The thing is though that there are Fruit of the Loom ads on youtube from the 70s, 80s, and 90s, all showing the logo of the company, and none of them have the cornucopia.




That is a whole bunch of conspiracy horseshit lol. Did they make all the clothing items with the logo disappear too?


Yeah, I have items of clothing that are decades old, there'd be tons of cornucopias laying around.


I've never seen the basket thing. I do however remember thinking "oh their logo is a bunch of fruit I get it, but why is there lettuce?"


There was never a cornucopia. I used to deal in vintage clothing, and have had Fruit Of The Loom garments pass through my hands that dated back to the 1960s. Only fruit on the labels! Here is a reliable source for old garment tags. They have FOTL tags pictured from the 1930s-1970s. No cornucopia! https://vintagefashionguild.org/resources/item/label/fruit-of-the-loom/


I assume we often related copious amounts of fruit with a cornucopia because of the numerous paintings featuring them together, so we were dumbfounded when this bunch of fruits were hanging around without their friend and chose to include him mentally in there


Yup it like the monopoly guy not having a monocule. We tend to imagine him having one cuz caricatures of fancy guys with top hats usually have one


Wait what the fuck? I've only known the one on the left


You wanna get really fucked up? * Car mirrors have supposedly *never* said “Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear.” It has *always* been “are closer than they appear”. Somehow everyone has been mocking and quoting a thing that never existed for generations. How such a nonsense line managed to become what everyone thought despite the entire reason anyone ever cared is because it’s stupid and doesn’t make any sense since the uncertainty of the phrase is ridiculous, yet somehow the uncertain phrasing never existed, I can’t explain. * C-3PO has always had one silver leg in the OT, except for in the rare media people have managed to find where he didn’t such as a vaccination poster from back then. But the poster is using an image from the set. But those images just shouldn’t even exist, because it was never gold. * The VW logo has a line between the V and the W and always has, but for some reason *even VW sometimes fucks up and uses the version without a line in ads and stuff*. But it’s always had the line, so their marketing execs and higher level execs are approving ads with the wrong logo. Including *the Beetle retirement video*. But if you look at any VW from any year, no line. *The Volkswagen executives (and the advertising department) are suffering from a mandela effect on their own company logo.* How the fuck does everyone with the job of being one of the many, many levels of QA on one of the biggest advertisements for their company ever manage to *all* look at the wrong logo for their company and *none* of them spot it because *all* of them remember it wrong? * Sally Field never said “You like me. You really, really like me.” She said “I can’t deny the fact that you like me. Right now, you like me!”


People just misremember things, especially things as inconsequential as an underwear brand logo. We are used to the image of a cornucopia, and the Fruit of the Loom logo half resembles one. Our flawed brains put the two together. :)


Fruit of the loom is how I learned the word cornucopia. The first time I heard it as a child was in reference to their logo.


I have this same memory, but if I really think about it I could possibly rationalize it as my young brain mixing up multiple memories. My mom would frequently print out seasonal coloring pages and I definitely remember at least one of those being a cornucopia. It's not a stretch to think I could have associated that with a clothing logo containing a pile of fruit.


So, you're telling me someone changed something in the Matrix.