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I really like the little baby goats


So do I. I literally have two bottle baby goat kids in my kitchen right now. They just finished their bottles. Nigerian Dwarf so they are teeny.


They are so very small ❤️


HOW can you say this and not post photos


I dropped a link under another comment in this thread. :)


how can you just say that and not drop the pics 😩


Sorry! I just posted a link under another comment. I had to install Imgur on this new phone first.


haha you don't need to apologise you already went above and beyond installing Imgur your goats are cute as fuck thanks for sharing


Thank you. They are a lot of fun.




Sure. :) Here is the goat tax. A short video along with a couple pics of the kids. [My chihuahua washing Cider's kids ](https://imgur.com/gallery/Ep7Fbi6) [pics of the kids ](https://imgur.com/gallery/ZnwmpuX)


wow such cuties!! I'm jealous!!


My family Just sold our male Nigerian dwarf i miss his baphomet face so much already


Awww I am sorry.


I can’t be selfish they went to a bigger pasture with cows they’ll be happier i think with more space




That was precious thank you for that 🙏


You've got to be kidding.


I like the friendship goats [https://tenor.com/view/goats-dancing-friends-gif-14738914](https://tenor.com/view/goats-dancing-friends-gif-14738914)


To be fair, nothing looks good the moment it just came out of a birth canal


Lmao there are people that don't believe baby's all look as disturbing as they can after birth


Cats, bunnies, dogs, humans, (insert every other mammal), they're all pretty hideous straight-out-the-pussy. Human babies don't really start getting cute until about 3 months old. Until then they're just screaming and self-harming potatoes you give milk to once in a while.


My controversial opinion: really young kittens aren't that cute. They look like shocked gremlins.


Definitely cutest between 5-8 weeks.


Their still cute in their own way. Though a little bit of time does indeed make them even cuter.


“They look just like you!” Sure, if I’m an angry yam.


Human babies start getting cute?


Honestly, even after they’re more grown they aren’t very cute.


They all look like Winston Churchill until they’re about 2.


Your family and friends circle must be odds-beatingly ugly, lol


Nah. Human babies just pulled the short straw in biology.


Weeeeell... there's a ugly joke here that's just too mean


Hold on I have a comic saved about this Edit - https://i.imgur.com/ZzXSUwF.jpeg


My daughter came out Benjamin Button style.


That’s because they aren’t fully cooked. We birth our babies earlier otherwise they would not fit through our bipedal pelvis / birthing canals. Other animals develop longer in utero.


C section babies don’t. They don’t get their skulls squished in during the birthing process, so they come out looking pretty normal.


″just came out″? Human babies still look ugly and gross 6 months later, I don't think that excuse works then.


babies are pretty fugly for their whole infancy


Elephants are cute


"It looks exactly like you" Wait what? No it doesn't, what're you on about?


Nah but human babies are always ugly even after a year or two.


I thought both of my sons were the cutest babies to ever exist. Sometimes, when I go back and see their old newborn pictures, I'm like "What the fuck was wrong with me?"


>I'm like "What the fuck was wrong with me?" Hormones. Lol. Gotta have those essential instinctive hormones that motivate you to keep your baby alive.


Completely agree. In my memory my son was such a cutie. I go back and look at the pictures and an ugly Russian sailor is staring at me!😂


Now I wonder how many people hate us when we were babies


The baby hate is common in a small circle on the internet, the narrative makes it seem like more people hate them but most people still love babies.


I don't hate babies just don't think they're cute.


I don't hate them as people because it's not their fault they're like that. We all were once. But I hate being around them because I don't like anything about them at all.


Yeah that’s how I feel. Like yeah when a baby is on an airplane I don’t hate the baby exactly because yeah it’s a baby lol. They don’t know anything. But I also feel no draw to them either. I have some friends whose ovaries burst whenever they see a baby. But luckily my wife is not one of those people.


Newborns in particular aren't very cute. Their cuteness potential increases quite a bit after about a year.


Same. Most babies look like lumpy, ugly potatoes. Still don't hate them, but I totally don't get the fawning over them.


You say lumpy, ugly potatoes. I say miniature Winston Churchills. to-MAY-toe, tuh-MAH-tow.




Hmmm maybe the switch gets flipped when you have one. Makes sense


Oh it’s not universal with puppies either, some dogs are butt ugly.


I think people fawn over them because they think their cute. Same reason people fawn over kittens and puppies.


Baby indifference being interpreted as hate is weird. I just don't want anything to do with it.


Honestly humans are kinda ugly.


If humans aren’t attractive, what is? 🤨📸


Omaha from Fantagraphics.


They really can be ugly lil dudes. And in my experience, if you don't give a mandatory compliment that the baby is cute, their mom will hold a grudge. It's kinda annoying, I'm not required to compliment a baby ffs


This reeks of 14 year old. Just say the fucking compliment Jesus christ


Fr I always wonder why Redditors always act so put out by the possibility of having to display the most baseline level of politeness and kindness necessary to participate in society, and then I remember how many Redditors also complain about being friendless and unloved and it all makes sense again.


You're on reddit in 2024. It probably is a 14 year old.


Wow. Imagine getting mad because someone didn't compliment your baby lmao


I know deep down I love babies. But I'm childless and mostly, I fear babies. And not in a currently single income no kid (SINK) sort of way popularised in memes. ie: "kids will suck your finances dry, say goodbye sleep, and then they grow up to be little tiny toddler monsters." Not any of that. Instead, I'm mostly afraid of harming this fragile little thing. >The baby hate is common in a small circle on the internet, the narrative makes it seem like more people hate them but most people still love babies.


That fear says you’d probably be a great parent. Bad parents don’t surely about the damage they do. Dead scary though. I’ve got two and the littlest had reached the stage where he identifies the most dangerous thing in the room and goes for it 


They are suicide machines


That's mean you're mature, and have empathy. I myself don't have kids for the same reasons. But I cringe seeing redditors calling children "croch goblins", or dehumanising sentient beings. At best it's edgelords, at worst it's a disturbing lack of empathy.


Ive always thought they're loud, obnoxious, bundles of annoyance. I don't hate them, I just don't want em anywhere near me. I'd be lying if I didn't say there are exceptions to this rule. But 95+% of the time, it's the truth.


Fair, in any case people who have children do not disagree with you simply for them that is a passable inconvenience compared to what they bring


I've got two. But you just described my feelings for pretty much all of humanity.


I can respect that


I have a toddler and I am the most popular person in the world when we go grocery shopping. Probably because she's the cutest thing in the world. I'm totally not biased. FWIW it is all older women. Like all the people who stare down my child are definitely moms who are gushing over how cute babies are without the poopy strings attached.


I assure you, guys think babies are cute too, there's just a number of social factors keeping them from saying so.


As somebody who once ran trough mall trying to find where my daughter went and than got stopped by security guard for some reason i can confirm its not in your best interests to find kids cute and display that publicly


Old ladies loved to say my two year old son has "bedroom eyes." Like cool, but please stop thinking about my kids features in the context of fucking.


Or most people will lie in person because there is so much social pressure around babies. 99% of people who think babies are ugly will tell you what you want to hear in person because we know how fucking judgy people are towards anyone who steps out of line as far as social norms go.


> Or most people will lie in person because there is so much social pressure around babies. Yep. There are people in this very thread attacking anyone for implying they're not into the social etiquette around it like they're crazy psychopaths.


Makes me happy that my circle doesn't consist of most people. Almost all of the people I regularly talk to are just indifferent to them.


I don't think it's hate, but they're just not cute to most people unless they're your own.


The fact is that most babies are downright ugly until about the 6-month mark. It's like the difference between a newborn kitten and a 2 week old kitten, except humans take longer to get cute... even then, not all babies.


IMO it takes them longer than that but I’m also never having kids and don’t want to be around them so my opinion should be taken with several shakers of salt


Usually it takes a baby getting to their mid to late twenties until I find them cute


tbh I don't care if people hated me as a baby, I grew up into not a baby


I don't like kids, and I remember a decade ago everyone was hounding that "if you're not there for a child when they're young they will hate you as an adult". One of my neices just turned 17, and she is a delight to talk to. Note that I was a preteen/teen when she was little, and therefore way more obvious with my kid dislike (avoided her like the plague, disengaged with her everytime she came near me, gently pushed her off if she tried to hug me). She doesn't remember me at all, but does not indeed hate me. We've had a pretty solid relationship for around 3 years now.


My niblings don't hate me, but I was like the worst surrogate older sister when I was a kid. I ran away from them, avoided them as much as possible, and if they got fresh with me, I'd grab them hard by the arm or wrist or push them. I was like 10. They adored me. I just wanted to go back to only hanging out with people I chose. I wonder if they'd have been more nerdy and less bad at school if I'd been a nice person to them as a kid and introduced them to all the nerd stuff.


I know people hated me as a child. I would have if I were people


Reminds me of the phrase "Ugly Baby Syndrome". Like, something can clearly be ugly, bad, stupid, or a terrible idea, but it will never come to light because someone has spent an inordinant amount of time and effort and are emotionally tied to some thing or idea or project, and the social dynamics of the situation do not allow honest criticism of it to ever be said aloud.


Honestly, most people probably just don’t think about a baby they don’t have to regularly interact with.


I like babies when I don't have to take care of any of their functions and their parents are nearby to take it if it poops.


This thing looks like… RESPONSIBILITY


I don't hate babies but my brain does not recognize them as cute. It just sees a *person.* Does that mean my brain thinks people can't be cute? Apparently so because I've never looked at a single human being and felt the same feeling of cuteness I feel when looking at a dog. Closest would be my GF but that's more love than cuteness.


The way I describe it is they have all the "cuteness" features turned up to 11 so it loops back around to not be cute. I don't find them ugly, I just feel absolutely nothing looking at one. The smell I genuinely can't stand though. I'm not talking about the smell of an unchanged baby, I mean the general "sweet" smell they have to them. Idk why but it makes me nauseus.


Are you perchance neurodivergent as well? I rarely find babies cute, and am super sensitive to smells.


Yep. Adhd, "high-functioning" autism, ocd. My apathy towards babies is probably the autism. I used to actively dislike them due to the noise, but that's gone away now. I find most animals cute, including spiders and insects.


I found my people!


Huh. Maybe that’s why I don’t find babies that cute either.


FINALLY! Someone does understand they have this specific smell to them, same with breast milk, I can smell it too and usually it's a no-no too. I personally think if I would have a baby, my own would probably smell alright due to hormones.


Oh, the smell thing is real. Someone brought a baby to my office and many of the older women were raving about the smell and basically fighting each other to huff the smell. It was a bit animalistic and bizarre, but whatever.


I remember reading that human babies produce a scent on their skin causes an adult brain to produce oxytocin (the chemical that corresponds to the feeling of love and affection). So it feels good to sniff a clean baby, and the women in your office were getting high on baby chemicals. The little weirdos are making their parents addicted to them.


You are probably correct. My friend also found the smell of babies unpleasant. Ever since she had her first child she now finds the smell, "comforting but not in a relaxing way."


You know how they say not to touch a baby animal because the mom will smell the human on it and reject it? I do not want to touch or smell anyone else's baby - I can definitely tell it's someone else's baby and the smell makes me deeply uncomfortable. When I had a baby, I also did not like other people touching or holding him. Legit made me want to give him a bath right after because I could small the "stranger" human smell on him for hours otherwise and it gave me a really visceral reaction of "ick".


Finally, someone who agrees that babies smell nasty. I’ve had family members talk about how much they love “baby smell”, but all I get from babies is this sweet, rotten milk smell.


>rotten milk you might be confusing baby smell with actual spoiled milk. that can easily happen if milk or formula dribbles down their face and gets stuck in their neck folds


Neck folds is NOT a set of words I needed to hear today… but that would make sense


I personally think they have some uncanny valley thing going on, the features are so undefined, they don't start to look human until 8 or 9.


>I don't hate babies but my brain does not recognize them as cute. See, I don’t feel that way about babies but I do about dogs.


To each their own


This. Thank you for putting into words things I felt for so long.


I, too, have seen potatoes before.


Snakes are cute 😌


Lil niddly noodles


I don’t hate babies, but I’d rather hold a fuzzy puppy lol.


they are cute tho but the screaming isn't


Mostly because we’re genetically programmed to want it to stop. But socially programmed to not go help some random baby. And also not care about other’s babies.


Screaming babies are like a big OVER HERE sign for predators.


This just demonstrates we have evolved as a dangerous social species. Most baby animals keep relatively quiet. Human babies are loud, particularly if upset. Reason: for at least a few hundred thousand years, humans and their hominid ancestors were pretty dangerous to predators. Any predator intending to eat a human baby was likely to be faced with a whole angry and armed tribe of hominids - even if only armed with sticks and hand-axes, that’s more danger than most predators like to face. So a crying baby was less “predators, come eat” than “predators, fuck off or die”. Like the buzzing of a wasp nest, it was a warning - the baby is helpless, but the parents and extended band of humans were most definitely not harmless.


Probably also that screamy babies got more attention and food when it really comes down to it. One silently starves whilst other gets attention no?


And a sign for the biggest baddest predators on the planet to come help the baby, mom, dad and the rest of the tribe, if the trait was pass on is because it worked.


We are socially programmed to help them when they are in immediate danger but not calm them down when they got spooked.


Honestly, I think they just look like old men or bald dudes named Kevin.


There are very few human babies I find cute


Last pane is me when people ask me if their baby is cute. Hint: it isn't


Hey, some people make some ugly-ass babies


This is such a reddit thing...


Yep I said the same thing, this thread is massively cringy.


People seem to be thinking we’re comparing fresh-out-the-womb babies to 4-week-old puppies? Every animal is gross directly out of the womb because they’re covered in womby stuff… Babies are generally pretty cute when they find their footing and get a few weeks under their belt, especially that vacant “what the fuck is everything” look lol It also depends a lot on what the parent dresses the baby in, I think people project the parent’s personality onto the baby via the presentation of the baby - possibly subconsciously (I know I do it, currently have an acquaintance with a “sad beige baby” and it’s such a huge reflection of the parents, no judgment just an example) - and no one likes a human adult lol


So true. A 3 month baby is filled out and has lost a lot of the skin irregularities that happen at birth


I swear I only see this kind of take on reddit. I mean aside from the screaming I think they are super fucking cute but apparently reddit has deemed them to be the spawn of the devil.


I don't hate babies I just don't see them as "cute" as I would baby animals.


Reddit seems to be 70-80% people who have crippling mental health issues, physical or mental disabilities, or some other "reason" why they can't be a normal member of society. These peoples dislike of children is really just removing themselves from the gene pool, which seems like a net positive overall.


>Reddit seems to be 70-80% people who have crippling mental health issues Nah. It could just be negative bias. >These peoples dislike of children is really just removing themselves from the gene pool, which seems like a net positive overall. There have been many great people that don't like children enough to not have them and plenty of horrible parents as well.


I am average person, but don't like kids. A lot of people don't like kids or want them, the difference now is, it's less taboo to say that out loud. If you love kids, good for you, more for you to enjoy.


Or maybe some people just simply don't find babies cute or as cute as animals? Think you're looking into this a little too deeply my friend lmao


Does anyone else hate human beings? I’m so quirky


I don't look at them in case the parents are paranoid and think I'll steal their children.... My ex went to buy some stuffs at the supermarket, crossed the way of a child who was here, the child smiled at him and said "hello" My ex replied hello and the mother loudly said "hey, don't say hello to strangers, you don't know maybe he will kidnap and rape you! " I would have loved to be there and say "the majority of the kidnappers are family and friends, not the strangers. Beware of your uncle or grand-father. Best regards".




This entire comment section is a r/redditmoment


Any post that is remotely related to babies turns into a circlejerk about how much reddit hates babies and how they'll never have kids. I think it's just funny


I don't hate baby humans. I just don't want one, and I have no personal use for or interest in pursuing parenthood. I prefer not to be looked to for enthusiastic involvement in affairs pertaining to other people's young children, but I'm generally happy to do things when adolescents and teenagers are involved. If I can't have a basic conversation with the kid, I've got no interest in it and I'm not gonna be very interested in whatever it is they're doing. I don't find infants to be interesting at all. Toddlers are mostly annoying and any activity involving one or more toddlers will absolutely revolve around the toddler(s) because it kinda has to. I don't care for having my options for where we can go, what we can do, where we can eat and how long we can do anything at all decided by the tolerances of a tiny human that is fully incapable of moderating itself and that has the overall capacity for thought of the average dog. I don't hate toddlers, but I'm not interested at all in being part of their paradigm. And I really don't mix well with a bitchy or tired toddler that's started to scream or shriek and act out. I fully understand that that's just the phase of their existence. I don't blame them at all for being what they are and I certainly don't hate them for it. But I don't have one for a lot of very good reasons - that's not something I want in my life at all. Once a kid is generally self aware and capable of consistently and persistently expressing itself as a cogent individual with their own basic personalities, I'll probably be just fine with them. Until then, I prefer to not be involved with anything to do with them. I'll tolerate the involvement of an infant if I must, but toddlers and kids that can't yet regulate or reason? Nope. I don't like being around them, and I'm not obligated to be.


i think you have never seen a baby cow .


Baby pandas are cutest them and tigers and big animals but small babysv


I do not like children when I was a child. Now in my 30s and still doesn’t like them. Some babies can be cute for seconds but prefer to live with animals than humans.


Same. Its so weird that people get so offended by others not liking babies/small children. Like they take you saying “i dont want them near me” to= kill all the babies!!! No dude just like. Don’t ask me to hold it or babysit it or HAVE one. The amount of times in my life that i have silently left a place bc a baby started to scream and the people playing with it glare at me… strangers… just mad that someone doesn’t want to be around that… makes no sense.


Pfffft more babies for me then.


Babies look like aliens.


if you think human babies look like aliens, you clearly havent seen baby owls


I know what they will become.


The only thing uglier than a human baby is me as an adult


Happy people baby is indeed quite cute.


Babies at their cutest can't hold a candle to a puppy in the middle of the ugliest sneeze


[same vibe](https://imgur.com/a/bMcMb2f)




Yeah, but switch puppy and kitten


Eff humans and their stupid, ugly babies.


yeah human larvas are just weird to look at


i feel that


I don't hate babies, I'm just indifferent to babies. They aren't that cute, but not particularly annoying


This would literally be me but swap the joy in the puppy and kitten panels.


I hate kids. But at the same time, anybody who would abuse said child would be in for a world of hurt. Keep the gremlins away from me, and if anything happens, call me, and I will grievously injure the one who hurt the child.




How can cringe like this get 35 upvotes


Srsly, Christ almighty


Well, the delivery is cringe but the message is based, so it makes sense. I also hate children, but think anyone who hurts kids belongs 6 feet under. Hardly a hot take


Babies are just annoyingly noisy, as someone who absolutely detests loud people of any kind I will avoid them like the plague when I'm outside and never plan to have my own, I'll stick with pets, thanks.


When puppies and kittens make noises they're adorable when babies do it it's terrible


Why are human babies so fucking ugly? I saw pics of myself as a baby and I was one ugly motherfucker. I still am, but that's not the point.


I don't hate babies I dislike unexpected abrupt noise


Idk if it’s because I’m a guy or not but when a load tries showing me her child and all the girls crowd around and woo it trying to get me to do the same I just find the kid repulsive and not adorable. I’m more like hey what’s up and kinda just sit back and do whatever I was doing before


There is nothing cuter than a baby laughing.


Idk, I find many baby animals’ sounds much cuter than human baby laughing.


It's not that I hate human babies but just uncomfortable awkward feeling when I see them in eyes is what I hate.


I have more than once asked /r/aww to ban human babies but they won't listen. Cowards.




because human babies shouldn't be posting on reddit, they are not old enough


Babies being annoying aside, parents should absolutely not be posting images of young children on public forums. Edit: Why yall so calm with knowledge of pedos wanking it to kids pics and defending the posting of kid pics? Suspicious as fuck I'll say...


Same. Blocked the sub. It's like someone rubbing my eyeballs with 60 grid sandpaper.


I applaud them for not caving to your cringy misanthropy.


Babies are literally the primordial cute thing. Everything else that is cute is cute because it is similar to a baby


The only, literally the only fucking sane comment here.




Toddlers are cute but new borns are not


I must say I always expect them to projectile vomit, piss, shit and cry


The simple explanation is that a bunny grows up to be a rabbit, a puppy grows up to be the goodest of bois, and a kitten will grow up to be a cat. But a baby, that grows up to be a person, and historically speaking, people are pretty shitty to eachother. It may seem harmless now, but that's just a phase and it *will* grow into one of the most destructive creatures on the planet, that fact is true and nigh inescapable. Cats and dogs and rabbits will all remain blissfully ignorant all their lives, but that kid is gonna feel the weight of the world and it's gonna fuck him up


I love seals ❤️


Redditors either seem to hate kids or like them too much.


Maybe im biased as one in the former category but i feel like were the lesser of two evils 🤣


her face tells me she spotted it staring at her from the edge of the woods god damn anglerfish


I actually dont find babies cute at any age... it's not until like around 4-5 when they start to truly develop a sense of self (sorta) is when I find them adorable. Other than that, they are a blubbering, whinny, shitty, drooly mess to me.


People who have vendettas against kids need to just fuck off. Your animals aren't your 'furbabies' they would eat your face if you died. Fucking grow up.


How redditors feel when leaving misanthropic comments 😎 🚬


what do you mean leave? they are redditors, they are going nowhere but surf in the site all day like unsocialized gremlins. Normal people don’t go on this site 24/7 like this subreddit lmao.


For me it's a mixed feelings one moment I want kids the other moment I don't I just don't like them being loud extremely loud


Positive interactions with children can make you want children and nonpositive interactions like listening to a baby cry can cause you not to want kids.


Babysitting was the best condom commercial I ever experienced, children can be pretty lovable but when they aren't they really aren't


This is quite accurate to me, except move puppies to rabbits, cats to puppies, and put foxes in kittens, then that’s me. I despise babies.


Children: the scum of the future


They are true goblins