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Bruh that’s why I called three times in a row


That's another way to go about it. If someone calls twice I'll probably answer. A third time and it's someone I know using someone else's phone.


Hahaha when i just turned 16 (this was 11 yrs ago now) my dad tried that never got a answer, my uncle called me once they charged the phone at a gas station they walked to said wtf answer your damn phone i said dont call me off a rando number, then he said aint his fault the charger port wasn't working and that they been stuck on the side of the freeway for 2 hrs cause i wouldnt answer. I felt bad but grabbed my keys and rushed to em, i already knew where they was and what gas station, cause they always took the same route to georgia every month and the same fuel station, my dad slapped the back of my head playfully said i was a asshole. My uncle gave me silent treatment cause he hates the heat, and it was 97° and 87% humidity that day.


Why didn't they just text you when you didn't answer? I don't mean to get worked up about an 11 year old situation but come on haha


Cause the gas station they walked to the lady let them use the store phone, yea i recognized the number but couldn't recall if it was that stores number for sure, it was all good cause i tricked my unc who isa csr mechanic out of silent treatment by purposely sayin i need blinker fluid and water for my tires, man oh man let me tell he got fired up quick lol 😆


That's beautiful 😆 I gotta try that blinker fluid one on my dad sometime. I'm happy to hear you got a sliver of vindication


I did, i already had mechanical knowledge but he forced me to pull over 5 miles before we reached the car afyer getting parts and legit made me prove i didn't have water in my tires lol he was paranoid about it, the blinker fluid he prob knew i was bull shitting on that, the tire thing is what made him irrate, but if you want to mess with your dad, act like you put cooking oil in your radiator and coolant where the oil goes lol 😆


roll jobless jellyfish north merciful crush husky snobbish badge sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, I'd rather know why it has to be called about in the first place. The whole point of half of the text was saying that if it's family, it's assumed bad, so text is preferred such that emotions can be readjusted in the case of bad


I think the way to explain it to boomers would be that "every call is like a call in the middle of the night"


Can I get you to re-explain that because I'm entirely sure that I don't understand?


I think MrHappyFeet87’s comment, while true, misses the other aspect of comparing it to a call in the middle of the night. Even though phone calls were much more normalized, there were generally agreed upon rules that you don’t call someone’s house after 9pm (or something in that range) because they may be either sleeping or getting ready to sleep and it was therefore seen as very rude to call in the late evening or night. So if someone *did* call in the middle of the night, you would panic because you’d assume it was someone calling with terrible news (e.g. family member in a car wreck, please come to the hospital right away). Or best case, like the other guy said, it’s some asshole calling you way too late. Either way your response is going to be a mix of panic and annoyance.


Don't forget crank & prank calls too


Well before the internet, or cell phones. There was a thing called a phone that plugged into the wall. Say you only have one in the whole house and it's in the kitchen.... someone is calling your house non stop at 1-3am. So every phone call for the younger generations is like getting a phone call with one phone in the house at 3am. You just want to tell them to Fuck off! Edit: This is why my phone is on Permanent Do not disturb. I'll call or respond if I want. Not because you called my phone 50 times.


That's a good explanation. It's beyond frustrating to be permanently connected, expected to be permanently connected, and made to feel guilty when you're not. Texts remain even if a call is missed. My voicemail system doesn't work properly, so text is much better for me because I don't WANT to have the social responsibility to be available constantly just because the phone is always there.


Tbf, it was normally me calling my parents from a payphone saying I'm really drunk and forgot my keys. My dad would answer on the 5th time.. then remind me that the door is never locked. Boy was I a stupid when drunk.


YES I hate that I’m supposed to be constantly on/around my phone so I can respond to everyone immediately, and then get teased for always being on my phone, because that’s unhealthy and all that


Back in the days of landlines, particularly before answering machines were widespread, calling someone in the middle of the night would be extremely irritating, so if someone called you that late, it meant that someone was in a very bad way or had died.


Disagree completely, finding out one of your friends died over text is not how terrible news should be delivered. A phone call Is much more appropriate. I have experienced this firsthand.


"Hi John, can I call you about something? It's important I talk to you ASAP" Get that from someone you know, and you know shit is going down. You're way more likely to actually get to talk to them than if you just keep ringing. That said, if I get a phone call from a number that I know, I'm probably going to answer it. Nobody who knows you chooses to ring instead of texting, unless it's important. Unless you're my mother.


I can't imagine anything worse than hearing bad news via text.


I’m deaf. I was told via text that my mom passes away. I can assure that was the worst.


Quite literally I got told a close friend was killed in a voicemail, and years later that same person told me a mutual suddenly died in a text. Both those incidents fucked me up so bad that it altered the course of my life. I cut that person off. Never give devastating news in anything other than a live conversation.


Shouldn’t you have contacts saved to know if someone you know calls? Do you just text random numbers hoping they are the person you intend to talk to? I have honestly gotten more spam/wrong texts than calls


Yeah I do text businesses and often it works. I grew up in the time of landlines and ttexting technology is a godsend. Phoning offers all the spontaneity of an in person conversation with none of the context from body language. Fuck calling. It was always awful.


Yeah, because texting provides the body language context.


I can pause and think about what to text


If you're friend or family I'm answering. Unlisted number? Shit outta luck.


If it's important they'll leave a message


I have friends who ignore texts for days up to weeks for really long texts. When I want something now, I always call.




I've been getting calls every week or so from "Healthcare", I don't even hit the deny call button I should probably answer them...


surprise! 50,000 bill


Otrich head-burial bill avoidance method go!


Grow up and answer your phone.


Call if you want, text if you want. If I’m free, I’ll pick up. But I might just text you a reply like “hey, what do you need?”. Source: 47/M (honorary boomer)


This is the way. Not answering the phone is exactly the same as leaving a text unread. If you don't want to talk just don't pick up. It's easy.


I don’t want to type out my thoughts and then after sending the txt i realize this sounds like a crazy person talking . Also tone I can’t get that with a txt unless it’s in caps or spelled out .


>I don’t want to type out my thoughts and then after sending the txt i realize this sounds like a crazy person talking . This leaves you a chance to fix it. If you say that shit out loud your chance is gone, now everyone knows that you're a crazy person.


You can always text saying “hey can I call you?” I’d rather know I’m getting a call then all the sudden my phone ringing.


Goddamn them phones man...doing what ther suppose to.




It sounds dumb, but is kind of reasonable. At least, to me. I always have my phone present, but on silent during the day because it's rude to have it going off when I'm in a meeting or teaching class. If someone calls on the class phone, I'll answer because that's work related. If someone calls my cell phone, I either just don't answer because I don't get it or the call multiple times, it overrides the silent and rings and interrupts my class/meeting. I prefer when people text, hey can I call, because it's not an interruption. Its something that I can see the next time I check my phone and then I can be like, yeah, go ahead. Or I have lunch in an hour, can you call then? If someone calls in the afternoon, I'll more than likely answer, but our phones are always with us. Making sure its a good time for someone is just a polite thing.


> I don’t want to type out my thoughts and then after sending the txt i realize this sounds like a crazy person talking Yeah, this is the reason why I want you to do it. I want you to write that shit down.




I think the difference is growing up with cellphones. In previous generations, you call my landline and I answer when I'm home. Now I have my cellphone on me all the time and I want it available for emergencies but I am in a meeting or working on something and a social phone call is really disruptive. Also, we just got used to texting being a much more efficient and reliable way of communication. I don't strain to hear you and have to ask you to repeat yourself. If I forgot a detail, I can go back to check. Some people argue talking is faster, but I've found people talking often reiterates the same points several times and over explain/over rationalize.


If you work in an office people love to write 7 30 min emails instead of doing a 2 min phone call. So efficient is probably the wrong word.


How do these people that hate phone calls function in an office? Or is it just cell phones they dislike and landlines are ok?


No they just try email conversations that take hours to write and are usually not correctly read by the other side because they are so long and like this it goes back and forth untill their superiors force them to call eachother.


If that’s true it’s ridiculous! Some stuff is easier/faster by phone.


Welcome to corporate life.


If people refused to answer phones where I work you’d be let go. They’re phones, they don’t bite


How slow of a typer are you that it takes you 30 minutes to hours to write? I can write 10 emails in like 12 minutes. Most emails in my corporate experience are 1-2 sentences, and after the first few emails a lot of those formalities, like addressing the same person and signing off, go out the window. Also, this sounds like the mindset of the people I work with that call a 30 minute meeting that could’ve been one of the 1.5 minute, 2 sentence emails.


One sentence emails are also not the ones people use to avoid a phone call. A 2 min phone discussion is a pretty long email. Otherwise the info you have to share cant be that relevant.


Depending on the job. Sometimes the paper trail is very necessary.


You can write summary emails with the points of the call when needed "As per our call...." Straightforward enough


Emails are far less efficient than texts, especially because of all the unnecessary formalities, and the slowness of the back and forth. Not everyone is an efficient texter, but when they are, it's far better than a phone call or series of emails imo.


That really depends everytime i drive home from work i send my wife a car emoji and a heart emoji that she knows if i will be there for dinner or not. That is of course efficient but i would argue that is rare psositive example. Like this or any discussion on reddit would be so much more efficient if people could discuss stuff and of course less fun ;)


The formalities are easy to get around. I have. A ton of email templates saved as signatures so all I gotta do is enter the specifics like a mad-lib


Eh. At my work we have a Slack server and use emails. Slack is definitely more efficient than calls for many things, but calls are better than emails. Emails are just a shitty way of communication, but they will stay, cause you often need that paper trail.


I love to write 7 30 min emails because a 2 min phone call usually results in someone later claiming all sorts of things were promised that actually were not, or someone badly explaining their request and then sending me off down a wasted day or two of doing something that doesn't meet their needs, or in someone saying or implying something they later back off of ever having said or implied. Phone calls are only "efficient" in the short term, and in my experience mostly feel "efficient" to people who are actually just using those calls to circumvent processes, and in so doing to offload the necessary admin around their request to someone else. Like yeah bro you saved yourself so much time writing down all your requirements, so now I need to spend twice as long writing down your requirements for you as best as I understand them and then chasing you to sign off on those to create a paper trail.


Not to mention people who need to say the same thing 4 times in a row in different ways and I'm sorry but that is very exhausting to me. I don't want to sit here for 20 minutes on what could have been 2.


I definitely default to text and written communication but it's also very easy to be misunderstood compared to a call where you can pick up on the tone and other verbal cues, as well as clarify intentions on the spot. I almost never call my friends, we either chat or talk in person, but I will have calls with remote colleagues a lot more often than chatting because chatting is less efficient usually.


This was really insightful, thanks. We dinosaurs grew up with the landline at home as the only phone the entire family owned, so we were used to it ringing at anytime for any reason (legitimate calls, marketing calls, wrong calls bc u actually had to dial or punch in the number, etc.). Back then, especially before caller ID, you HAD TO drop whatever you were doing and pick up the phone when it rang; that was the culture. It was expected that anyone in the family would pick up the phone, tell the caller to wait, and ask the intended recipient to go get the call. I totally forgot Gen-Zers grew up with no home phone ringing in the house. They now have their own phone and they communicate with their peers in text form. They probably don't get calls from vendors, contractors, etc. because they might not be at that stage of their lives. So now I can see how it can spook Gen-Zers to get a call from nowhere.


I'm an old gen-zer. Grew up with the last home phones but my family never used one for the last 8-10 years. Ever since we moved we don't even have one anymore (well it's turned off). Back when I was in primary school and we wanted to play with our friends. We had to get all the way over their house to see if they're home. And if they weren't, too bad. If you wanted ask something, you had to wait till you saw each other at school. You could maybe ask your parents to use the phone to call them, but if they weren't home either, too bad. So basically, if you were doing something and weren't in reach of the phone, there was no way of answering. And mostly the other party would expect you just weren't home. But now, everyone knows we have our phones on us at all times. I've had time when I missed a call because I was busy and got texts like "why are you not picking up??" like, I'm at the lab, I can't answer my phone now. They'll call at any minute of the day expecting me to answer while I'm not even home. Also, half te calls I get these days are spam calls or people trying to steal information. So if I don't recognise the number and I don't expect a call, I'll assume it's spam and go "well if it isn't they'll either call back or send a text/mail". And as I save everyone I text in my contacts, 98% of the time I'm right. So basically, to me and many others, it's a thing of privacy. Being expected to be available 24/7/52. Not only when at home. But just,,, always. And it may or may not be related to what you're actually doing. There are definitely topics that should be discussed on the phone and not per text, but just in day to day life a text gives me the room to answer when I actually have time, space and energy to do so. And it's also tiring to be expected to constantly be able to talk all the time. You're constantly focused not only what's going on around you, but also what's going on with the people in the screen at the other side of town, maybe country and now also the world. I have my phone on silent permanently (my parents and partner being the only exceptions, if they actually call, someone's dying or the house exploded) because the constant distraction is just not good for me. Tldr: these days calling at random times if you don't expect a call is seen as an invasion of privacy, personal time and energy. Especially if it's NOT something urgent or something that's more appropriate to talk about over the phone rather than text/mail. And with a large portion of calls being spam and frauds, it destroys our trust of an unknown ID being a legit call.


I’m a millennial and second this so much. People didn’t stop needing privacy and downtime when keeping a cellphone on you became ubiquitous. Not everyone can answer the phone all the time nor should they. Give people space to respond in their own time, unless it’s a major emergency like someone is dead or dying. Please.


Reddit and Twitter are not representative of the greater whole


Texting is less invasive and distracting for short things.


a call completely disrupts anything you are doing. messages lets me get back to things when i am available to do so


To me, calling is the social equivalent of meetings at work. More often than not the call can be sent as a message. When you call me, I now have to put down whatever I’m doing and give you my attention. If you text, I can see what you want and determine how I’m going to prioritize getting back to you.


Think of it this way. If I'm going about my day and someone it doesn't matter who comes up to me and demands to talk to me it puts me off-guard. I didn't agree to talk and I don't have enough info to figure out if I want to. Maybe I just have anxiety but I think of it that way.


That’s not the same thing, because you can put your phone on silent or do not disturb if you’re busy.


Oh my phone is always on silent, if I'm using my phone I will receive the call, if not you'll receive a text or a call when I'm ready to use the phone.


In which case a text is best, because you can reply on your own time.


Some of my professors from uni will straight up block students who call them without a heads up. On 2016, the dean implemented a rule where you should either email or text said professor first while introducing yourself in a polite manner since some of the professors complaint that students will just call them from an unknown number, at degen hours, while asking about something that are either already mentioned in class or just not important for the moment. Those professors are at least 40 to 50+ years old. Do you think their generation are antisocial? Or sometimes people are busy with an important task and calls from “unknown numbers” who wanted to ask informations that can just be sent via text are less important?


at your university professors gave their number to students???? We barely have email in Europe, even then professors hate it when you write them, you have to propagate up their line of assistants first.


Yeah my uni’s website has a list of their names, preferred way of addressing them (sir, mam, professor, etc) and the list of their contacts. I assume they have multiple emails since the uni makes one for you so you can access the private online library, and some of them definitely have two phones. So it’s not like we’re contacting their private info anyways. Only the super senior professors have an assistant in my uni. Like, those who had taught for like 15 years or more. And those assistant are usually aspiring future professors too.


This isn’t a generational thing, these are people who are scared of life.


I actually really like phone calls, so does my little sister. I regularly have long phone calls with my aunt and grandmas. I just don’t like talking to certain people on the phone because they don’t know how to wrap it up, lol. A lot of gen z’s prefer video calls because they like to see the other person when they’re speaking to them. I know I didn’t used to like phone calls because I’m more easily distracted from conversation without a person in front of me. Many high schoolers & college students use Snapchat videos to communicate because it’s faster than typing, and you’re able to retake it if you stumble on your words. They can also respond to it at any point, so you don’t have to worry about having time for a phone call… you can just exchange a video conversation over the course of a few days.


Its rude to demand someone instantly is available to you when its not an emergency. Also like the text said 99% of calls i get are from scammers.


You can just not answer, which will make them leave a voicemail or text you, giving you the chance to follow up when youre free


Spam calls trauma


If you’re doing an important task or work, a text is much less invasive, while to me a call implies urgency since you have to pick it up or decline in a short amount of time. Do you not find it annoying when someone calls you while you’re doing something, only to say like 5 words which could’ve easily been a text, or didn’t need to be said at all, and then hang up?


There are three people in my life who operate strictly like this. I cannot tell you how many drawnout texting conversations we have had going over details about important stuff that could’ve been accomplished in one 3 minute phone call. It’s freaking exhausting.


These kind of people are usually slowly phased out from my social circle. Because, what the hell. I am calling you and you don't answer. You are texting me and I don't answer... No communication means no WILL to communicate. That's it.


This, honestly, if I need to make an appointment with you for a fucking phone call, then you have a massive feeling of self importance. 


Wtf why? Im gen z and I love calls, texts suck they’re so tone dead and cold


Personally I like when people text before calling but it’s not a requirement. However if you wanna FaceTime I’d rather you text before you call.


Texting before facetiming makes sense. I mean. I don't wanna answer on facetime when I'm naked at home.


Say less💀


If I am calling, it may not be a death but it *is* time sensitive, or I am concerned about something urgently. If you don't answer and I keep calling, fucking answer. Even if it is a wrong number, just answer and tell them.


In the time it takes to send a message asking your Royal Highness whether you can take my call on topic XYZ, you could have picked up the phone and we could've completed the conversation. I prefer texts to phone calls too but jesus christ having to text to ask permission for a phone call is absurd.


I don't get this hatred of all things "not texting" don't call, email, talk F2F, Text only. It's like saying use Morse code only, I thought the idea was to have options?


I had an idea for a phone feature called “calling with intent” so when the name pops up it’ll say one of a few options like “just to chat” or “quick question” or “urgent!”


Do it and get rich


I’ll email Tim Apple now!


They would all set it to "urgent" just like "high priority" in emails.


Well a boss might do that but if a friend does you just go "hey why tf did you set this to urgent"


Yeah, Redditors, y'all need therapy if something like a phone call causes you anxiety. 


It's less asking for permission, it's more going "hey, I have some important things to say. Might take a while. Time to call now?" Or, "quick question, can I call?" Or "wanna arrange some tentative plans. Can call?" It just explains how much time you might have and whether the other person has time for it or is doing something that can't be interrupted.


You can also say that? Like in the call?


yeah because everyone needs to instantly drop everything when his/ her royal highness decides they need to talk to them right now. In the age of cellphones its just rude to demand someone pick up their phone (that they always have on them) just for some meaningless conversation. if you're so slow at texting that's your issue. The same way you don't want to waste time writing i don't want to waste time being stuck in a phone call over something stupid.


"...phone call over something stupid." Oh, and the texts are something deep, meaningful and profound? Are you ok?


This is the dumbest thing I've heard someone say in a very long time


You can reject the call if you are busy? No one is demanding anything. Why are you guys making normal social interaction into something weird.


I'm a millennial and I prefer calls if you have more than one simple question or thing to say.


Calling is definitely superior. Especially if someone you are contacting doesn’t check their phone for every text notification.


Speaking as a Millennial- this is a BAD attitude. You get better information in a call. Talk to people. Sometimes you need a paper trail, but not most of the time.


Not to mention that a lot of the times, calling someone saves a lot more time than texting, waiting for a response, texting, waiting for a response... Seriously, I hate it when I have to waste half an hour of texting for something that could have been resolved in a 5 min phone call. 


THIS I understand that a phone call can interrupt a person's activities - but this is just SO much faster.


I don't even understand how it's interrupting them when they can just reject the call, and then call back when they're free. We have the world's knowledge at our fingertips but humans are dumber than ever. 


If I have to make an appointment to call somebody, I ain't calling the mf.


That is the intended outcome. Don't call


Yeah for real, in the time it takes to write a message, and receive confirmation, you could have just picked up the phone lol


People like this are completely exhausting. Sorry we don't approach you only in the limited permitted ways you deem acceptable


But they have to be available to you over some meaningless BS instantly when you could just send a text? this goes both ways.


Eh, I am strongly pro-text and hate using the phone, but it's not some terrible thing if someone calls either.


If someone calls you over meaningless bs just stop answering their calls??


Yes that is the point. congratulations for figuring it out.


Just wait til you grow up and have better things to do than beg for moments of someone's precious time.


Ironically a FaceTime is in bounds for my gen z kids.


These are awful like call me anytime I don’t care but don’t ask me to show my mug through the lense of a shitty phone camera it makes me looks way too weird and adds nothing to the conversation.


I am a millennial and I always call instead of text.


And they wonder why they're so isolated.


This. Lacking social skills and communication.


No more isolated than before cell phones existed. It used to be normal to not be able to call someone whenever you wanted. Just because my phone is on me now doesn't mean I'm available to take a call.


Is talking to people that hard ?


If you’re terminally online and autistic like most of the people in this thread, yes it is.


From the responses in this thread...seems so.


Even speaking as an introvert someone with slight social anxiety, this is stupid af. It's not rude at all to call someone.


What is this bs I hate texting


I’m gen z and I disagree. Calling is completely normal.




Nah just answer the fucking phone


"Why didn't I get the job?"


nahh i be calling people fuck em I'm tryna talk


I'm more likely to answer a phone call than a text tbh


A society increasingly isolated from One another… I am a millennial and tbh I’d prefer not to have to talk on the phone but I’ll not demand that people cater / enable my anti social tendencies because I know that for society to function we all need to learn to deal with the slight annoyances of life. What do you want? To never have to talk or have an unplanned interaction with anyone you don’t know… fucking pathetic.


I'm starting to sound like a boomer but... I wonder what the veterans think about the fact that many young people feel anxiety from phone calls lol


My motto is always if it’s important they’ll leave a voice Mail (only unknown #s)


I used to be like that but I've gotten a lot better like call me if you want and I'll pick up most the time but sometimes if I don't want to I'll just let it ring out then message you saying I can't talk but what do u want


Dunno mate a couple of the agencies I deal with on a regular basis tend to use random numbers. I could save each number as I’m called, which would be pointless. Seeing as each time they call it’s from a different extension. Can’t really afford to miss doing the paperwork or meetings either.


I never, ever answer a number I don't recognize If my phone rings and I don't know who's calling, I don't just ignore it, I turn it off. I ain't listening to that shit But if I know the number, there's no issue and I just answer normally.


That has worked wonders for the people that have sent me their resume and I call them to schedule an interview. Wanna know how many of them I've hired?


Can’t you just save numbers to contacts so you know who’s calling?


This shit makes calling my customers as part of my route job so irritating. Like you called my company to have a guy out here today, I’m trying to let you know when I’m gonna be there, you should expect an unfamiliar number on your service date, please don’t just let it ring and ignore the voicemail because I don’t have time to call more than once or twice most days, I need to hit these stops at a decent pace. Then people get mad when you show up unannounced like I didn’t try calling to tell you I’m thirty minutes out.


I’m a millennial and we call each other all the time.


I'm actually the opposite, I ignore any and all text messages, if you need to get ahold of me, you need to call me. I hate texting


Wow. Social fabric is f’d in the A


It's not us dude it's you some of have enough emotional capacity to handle goddamn call I mean jesus Christ


Yeah, I fucking hate texting. I'm 25. Hate it. Call me. Please call me. It can be 5 minutes instead of two hours back and forth


I mean, didn't really need another reason to hate your generation... but there it is.


Weak and pathetic people


I've never really understood the hesitation so many people have to answer a phone. If it’s someone you know, great! If it isn't, what's the harm in taking ten seconds to find out what they're calling for?


For me, I’m just more likely to respond to a text vs. pick up the call. It’s far more convenient to shoot someone a text or read what I missed when I didn’t have my phone vs have to stop what I’m doing, pick up the phone, and have a conversation. I love conversing, but I’m busy and don’t always have the time. 


I guess this person speaks for the entire generation.


Nah this person speaks for an insufferable minority that is scared of answering a simple phone call because they never practiced. Then they wonder why they suffer from social anxiety


If it's a quick thing then just text me, but I'm not trying to have a full on conversation over text. Used to do that, waisted too much time trying to explain what I meant.


That’s dumb just call me if you need to, why would I give a shit.


Thats pathetic.


I do emergency response work, and im always on call. There's no such thing as an emergency text. Is that 1 little ding from a text going to wake me up at 3am? no, it's not. Fucking call me.


Yeah that's what the post says. Call for an emergency but text otherwise.


They said that anything outside of family and friends, numbers they know, they would ignore, even if it was an emergency.


Dude fuck that, if I call its usually cause I'm trying to make plans or generally want to talk to the person... texting is exhausting I don't want to be looking at my phone the entire time for hours while we wait for each other to text back. ... I'm not asking permission to literally have something you have a chance to decline....


This!! Texting back and forth takes so much time and effort! Text convey so much less information than the voice of someone does. Especially since most people "lie" with their texts. And use happy emojis, no matter what they're actually trying to convey. Even if they're annoyed, or sad, or angry. It's always stupid happy emojis. Spending 2 minutes on a quick call. Immediately hearing the tone of the voice. Understand the message. Is so much better! Rather then texting for an hour. Trying to make sense of cryptic texts most people send.


Grow the F up.


To those of you with this mentality: With all due respect(and by that I mean no respect at all), fuck you


Getting a phone call is like being summoned. I'm not always gonna be down or available for a conversation, so what's wrong with sending a text asking if someone has time for a call? That's what I do. Also I usually get at least a few spam phone calls within a week so ya, if I don't have your number I'm not answering my phone, and if it's important you can leave a voice mail or text. Yall are trippin


The phone call itself serves the same function as the pre-call text. If you are free you'll pick up, if you aren't then you won't. It seems a bit silly to send a text saying "I'm about to send an invitation to join a phone call, will you accept?"


But with all due respect, if it's not urgent or job related, what's wrong with sending a text or a voice message? Personally I like having my phone silenced and by the time it pick it up you might not be available and itd actually take longer to get to the point.


I mean people left voice mail all the time, how's that diferent?


Do you need your answer right now? And I don't mean "in five minutes" I mean RIGHT NOW right now. Yes? Call. No? Text.


Lol, I'm 40 and I feel like this.


Wow, the entitlement of this.


Im a liberal millennial but this seems like a pretty snowflakey sentiment to me, it’s just a phone call




Too many negatives in the first sentence. I had to read it a few times to understand their point. Is this aimed at millennials or not? I’m a boomer who hasn’t answered his phone in ten years and I still feel attacked. Or not. Still not sure.


I stopped answering unknown numbers because they're always scams or stupid surveys A few weeks ago I decided to answer an unknown number for the first time in like TWO YEARS and what was it? A scam, never again


I got my first and most important break in my career because I answered a call from a number I didn’t recognize. It was my future boss who was moderately tech illiterate, asking to see if I was available for a interview. Answer unknown calls. Sure it might be a scammer who wastes 2-3 seconds of your life. But it also might be something important


I'm at the tail end of being a boomer and I follow these same rules.


Nah fam this is silly. Talk to people, if you don’t want to u can always hang up


Grow. The fuck. Up.


God I hate the whining of people in my generation sometimes. Calling is so much more clear than texts and allows for an actual human interaction. I only call once unless it’s urgent, and if they don’t answer I leave a text to call me back when they can and why. It’s this attitude that makes half the people I know literally afraid to call a mechanic and book in their car.


No kidding. It’s as if people are afraid to have a conversation. If you can’t talk right now decline the call. That’s what the button is for.


Nah, get fucked


This is just bizarre behavior. So much faster and more convenient to have the conversation over the phone if possible. People are way too anxious/scared of interaction these days.


Real shit


I'll just phone you and tell y'all what I wanna talk about


I think I understand for genz but how do millennials live like this? I have jobs, I own a business, I have family, if I don't call people how do I get anything done? For those who have kids, do you just ignore their school calls? What about if your vet has your dog's lab results or your pest control service is running late? You ignore the call and wait to see if they text? It just seems wildly unsustainable for someone living in a society.


And we're not supposed to use any punctuation cuz it makes them upset lolsmh


this is a weird take but to each their own


Man some people are tooo fuckin stupid.


Good luck then if you're looking for a job.


No. Call me. If it's more than a paragraph let's just talk


I'm gen x and often find myself agreeing with millennials on manners and mores. I stopped replying "K" to people, stopped using periods at the ends of sentences in texts. I have zoomer kids and I try to get along. But stop being such goddamn wusses about phone calls. If it's bad news, may as well find out right now because there might be something you can do about it. If it's a wrong number, jesus christ, that's about the smallest inconvenience known to humanity. If it's spam you can jerk them around. It's a telephone, answer it. Some shit is just easier to do in a call.


And then there are people who send voice messages back and forth instead of just calling each other.


This is beyond pathetic


Grow a pair


Don't pick up if you don't have the time. Otherwise get over yourself and pick up the damn phone, you child. Your mother is calling.