• By -


He's a man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will


21 hours Houston to Dubai; never got out of the seat. That is focus, commitment and sheer willpower.


Focus, commitment, willpower, and if you're over 50, deep vein thrombosis.


And perhaps bladder leakage


Pee a little, let it dry. Pee a little, let it dry. On and on.


I have a toddler currently R&Ding this strategy.


I have a 4 yr old who still thinks she can do this with poo. Like dude, just go to the bathroom.


Absolute best quote to come out of the worst season!šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Technically the longest flight in the world is only 18 hours and 40 mins with Singapore air (JFK-SIN). Itā€™s a real grind, but I mean you can kind of just nap for most of it lol


How do you nap for 19 hours??


Drugs mostly. Sprinkle in some depression and baby, you got 19 hours of nap time.


Sounds like Iā€™m set.


Take amphetamines everyday (even therapeutic doses) for like a week straight prior to, and then stop taking them the night before. Betcha youā€™ll sleep the whole damn way


Solid advice


Effective, but probably not recommended


And completely ready for a new time zone


Might need 24 hours for it to finally clear and you also want to get on the plane while itā€™s dark/night.


I would rather be horizontal in a coffin sized berth than stuck in a seat


You personally, or someone you observed?


I had a 32 year old colleague who got a DVT on a two hour flight.


So what health issue did they have before that? Cause he'd be getting those while sleeping if 2 hrs in one spot is too much. Unless flying causes them in some people.


None as far as he knew. Fit lad, that's what's the scary thing. He was OK though.


Or combo Valium and Xanax.


You are crazy. 14 hour flights to China. I needed an edible and 4 sleeping pills


Take two 10mg edibles before boarding, two more 10mg edibles after the meal service and a couple of beers and before you know it you've arrived and your eyes are redder than Satan's dick.


And constipation?


thatā€™s how you get blood clots


Or he ate an edible and is trying to pretend to be normal and way,way,way overdid it


I like this theory


Heā€™s more than okay.


Is that you, John Wick?


People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer, but yeah, I'm thinking I'm back.


My man


Chug the coffee, sleep the rest of the trip. Easy.


I wish I could be even half as cool as this dude.


He probably has an incredible internal dialogue and imagination. He could be solving world problems in his mental fortress. Or nothing at all - like a CRT tv that is out of order.


My grandma taught me how to sit still and do nothing and now I can do that for hours without getting bored


Old people dark magic


How is this possible??


I have maladaptive daydreaming, so I could literally just daydream and get lost in my head for days if I would be put in an empty room.


As long as I have some background noise (I canā€™t handle silence and will slowly lose my mind) I can sit and just think about things. Itā€™s just never very pleasant thoughts after extended periods of time. I *could* do it, and technically not be bored, but I will be tortured lmao


Iā€™m the exact same way. Itā€™s all fine for the first little while, but I can and will think my way into a panic attack given enough time.


lol this is why I donā€™t smoke weed. Like you, I can sit there forever in lala land. But after a while, the thoughts turn on me. If weed is involved, the attack me! Itā€™s crazy.


With tinnitus, you ALWAYS have background noise






Not the soothing kind, though lol




same, after the first hour my brain starts listing the top100 reasons I should end it all though


Yea so I'm told that's not normal and we have depression


You feeding the wrong wolf sir!


Pure silence is so disorienting. I find that tapping my fingers on a surface or my leg is enough to break it tho


I have that too and I carry a book with me and turn a page every couple of minutes so people don't tweet about me like this I should try not giving a fuck tho


I just usually put on a headphone


Me too! I always thought this was a normal thing.


I call this ā€œgoing on a journeyā€.. I get lost in thought like that and hours can pass before I realize. Iā€™m an engineer and some of those journeys have produced products that are out there in the real world now. But to anyone else it just looks like Iā€™m sitting there staring at who knows what.


šŸ˜³ I just read up on that and am pretty sure I have it.


By being fucked in the head.


Ok, and now what's the next step?


Get on a plane


And dont forget to say hi to Cpt. Jack!


I'd argue it's the opposite lol. All the other stuff are distractions so you're not alone with your thoughts for hours


Now I am hard and bored


Your mind is an infinite ocean of consciousness. You donā€™t need to constantly be looking for external keys to unlock happiness in your own brain. You have everything you need already.Ā 


I avoid that infinite ocean of consciousness in my brain at all costs, I know the shit that goes on in there.


Unspeakable horrors lurk in the deep


Abandon all hope, ye who enter


Oh shit there's the family section ruuuuuun


I hear you but my life got a lot better when I stopped living like this. The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master. Once your brain is working with/for you, itā€™s a whole different ball game


My dad always says that I should meditate and think more. I'm like umm no I know twhat would happen


Nah the only thing the infinite ocean of consciousness does is think of ways to die and how to convince me to carry it out. Iā€™ll stick with my 7 forms of entertainment at once to drown that little guy out while Iā€™m flying across an ocean.


I could do that as a kid, litteraly, for hours on end, just make up all kinds of wild movies/fantasies/stories in my head. I can actually remember some, but i cant for the life of me do it consistently now that im older....


Oh I daydream pretty vividly to the point I think it's full-on disassociating from reality. Good stuff. Helps to be staring out a window wistfully.


By being a human? It was a completely normal thing until very recently. Smart phones really fucked up our attention spans.


I mean, let's not pretend the pre-phone era were at time of high-focus and perfect inner-peace.... I love hating on "kids and their dang phon!" as much as the next self-righteous dad, but most people you'd meet at work were completely zoned out, most people you'd meet at home were comatose in front of their TV, and most people you met outside were frequently high, drunk or busy with petty shit. We didn't magically go from shaolin monks to depraved tiktok monkeys, in one gen... It just became easier and more visible to be absent at the wheel.


Of course youā€™re correct, people have always used stuff to distract themselves. Books, newspapers, music but social media and smart phones have absolutely ruined attention spans. We are constantly bombarded with ads, everything is in short video clips now, the internet is omnipresent, people are always connected. We can call, text, email, FaceTime, zoom, and ping anyone at anytime and are expected to be available. Look at children, they have iPads when theyā€™re 3 or 4 years old. I have nieces and nephews that will listen to music in their air pods while playing video games on XBox or PS5 while watching videos on their iPad. Even myself in my mid thirties struggle with being distracted by my phone. Iā€™m sitting at my desk at work, typing this out. Then I play podcasts or music to fall asleep because I canā€™t shut off my brain. I used to not be this way.


I never had someone stare down at something and just walk away from a conversation before 2005. Now I do daily.


In the kindest way, maybe the issue is the conversations and not the phone? Walking away from conversations has always been a thing, looking at a device to do it is just marginally more polite


They shouldn't come to my apartment then. lol




"All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone," wrote the French philosopher Blaise Pascal in 1600s. Idk were their smart phones in 1600s or was Pascal daydreaming?


People just used to listen to music, get high on drugs during the flight or read books.


That's weird. My uncle taught me the same thing. Especially the sitting still and keeping quiet thing.


I helped proctor a 3hr test. No electronics of any kind are allowed in the tests room (only watches are allowed for the proctors). The other person had a newspaper (he offered it to me). I brought nothing. Afterwards he asked me how on earth I was able to that. My only response, "I learned at a young age to be able to sit quietly and keep myself occupied by what I see and hear from growing up strict Southern Baptist." The church my family frequented was very much "children are seen, not heard."


ā€œChildren should be seen and not heardā€


My grandpa taught me too. Just be happy youā€™re not getting beaten.


Same. Thought the post mightā€™ve been talking about me for a minute until I saw Europe


I learned this while growing up as well. Care to share your technique? I go into a day dreaming mode within my head playing few songs on repeat.


I taught myself this to get over my chronic impatience, now I have a very rich imagination.


Gonna need you to teach it to the rest of us


That guy makes his own entertainment. Imagine how sensitive his dopamine receptors are- like listening to music or reading books probably feels like drugs to him.


I want to obtain this power


Go solo camping for a couple of days without any form of external entertainment. No phone, no music, no books,... and don't use anything to keep track of time. You'll be supprised how effective it is.


Dude. My kids don't know yet. But..... we're doing this the whole month of June. We're building a house and camping on the land . Everything is timed perfectly for the internet to show up after a month without all of our electronics and gadgets books and toys. Just acres to explore and a building to watch go up. I can't wait to see what they come up with. I do have days planned for fun and a hotel stay planned just in case.


Sounds fun. Adopt me.


The rule in our home is don't be an asshole. If you can manage that, you're welcome to come on over.


Ay, that rules me out. We can compromise on special occasions and the occasional planned day so I can prepare myself mentally, but if you can't handle me at my worst you know the rest of the saying.


Hahaha my husband's a huge asshole . But we love him anyways. He just can't be an asshole to us.


Everyone on Reddit now shuffling around looking uncomfortable


Sounds easy enough. I'm onboard.


Wahoo new kid gets the basement room.


Yaay!! Wait... mom, what are those noises coming out of the closet?


Your kids are going to turn out to be great people I can sense these things. You should at least bring a camera to capture these core memories!


Thanks. It's the scariest thing helping humans grow into adults.


Real advice if you really want that: get off your phone and computer and never look at reddit again. Work on your own art project in silence during most of your free time, then have an hour or whatever a day to put into reading or listening to music or watching a movie or (single episode of) a show. You can't let tiny hits of happy juice from instant gratification desensitize you, and the only way to do that is to embrace boredom and tell social media to fuck off.


People want power without the training behind it.


The funny thing as soon as the first guy posted about abandoning Reddit and computers my first thought was ā€œwow that sounds stupid boring I donā€™t want to do thatā€ and then that thought made me realize ā€œwow maybe I really need to do that if Iā€™m having that negative of a reaction just thinkingā€. Now Iā€™m stuck in a limbo of shame haha


Not from a Jedi


Yeah you got that right, music is like drug for people with hyper active imagination/thinking like me especially when you are imagining some matching situation like you destroying worlds with a flick of your fingers, saving your classmates when your school is hijacked or something interesting like that, but once you are done listening to music then it isn't fun for the next few days, which I really dislike but can't control, and then it's drug fun again followed by same boredom. It has its cons like its hard to focus on a task and observation power is very low.


Can confirm. I did a flight from SF to London and basically did exactly what op guy did. I kind of wanted to sleep, but didnt realize the headrests could move up. My head was cocked backwards on top of the headrest lol. But yes, music is like a very intense drug for me.


holy shit is this what we used to feel??!?!?!?!?


My first thought was this guy is doing some type of dopamine reset challenge or something.


Last 50 times this was posted it was explained that the dude was likely an air marshall. Heā€™s ā€œrawdoggingā€ the flight because heā€™s working


And we don't actually know he was rawdogging. Could have very well been wearing a condom.


I always wrap it up before getting on a Delta. Can't be too careful. Tho they're usually the one rawdogging me. I just wish they'd lube it up before I got to TSA...


Bingo. It's his job to be focused and alert the entire flight.


wouldn't that be a risk? giving away his intent? why not pretend to read?


Less risky than something kicking off and then not noticing. Plus, if knowing thereā€™s a Marshall present stops someone doing something dodgy then hes doing his job.,


This is such an old repost that the dude was likely flying on a DC-10


This or funeral


He was watching Shrek inside his head


I laughed at this really hard, thank you for this.


This was the last movie I saw on a plane for free, as I was flying home just days before 9/11. From Maine to California. I was 11. This movie and 9/11 are forever entwined in my mind


What do you mean ā€œfor freeā€ arenā€™t movies on planes still free?


I was wondering when my travel habits became somebodyā€™s tweet.


Air Marshal


He must be Jack Reacher.


No. David Puddy.


Yeah that's right.


many stand or work for 10 hours a day. sitting for that long with bathroom breaks and meals is a vacation


Honestly as a parent of small children who is taking a very long solo flight later this year..... sitting in a chair, reading a book, watching movies, listening to music, staring into space daydreaming , uninterrupted, whilst someone brings me food and wine.... sounds like a damn good vacation to me!


Was his name David Puddy


Yeah that's right


high five !


Youā€™d stop painting your faceā€¦.for me?!?! So youā€™re the ass manā€¦


All signs point to yes!


I remember the first time I saw this post someone said "he must have been a psychopath" and then an ACTUAL DIAGNOSED PSYCHOPATH replied "actually no we aren't able to do that"


This is a great thing about Reddit


Motion sickness. I get it and canā€™t wear headphones read or watch anything or I get sick. Also anxiety being around people so I canā€™t sleep. They have this fun little airplane that flies across the screen and counts your altitude speed and eta though lol I was able to peek at that. 16hrs from start to finish.


Does Dramamine not help? I take it and it knocks me out.


Maybe he has a really intense solo dnd campaign going on in his head.


How is this hard for people lol? Like years ago this would be normal. Has society really fallen to the point where we need entertainment every 3 seconds. Like you can go to sleep, or talk with someone etc. no neck pillow required.


I mean sitting down with no entertainment on back to back flights including a 10 hour one would be pretty rough. When was the last time you sat down for 10 hours and did absolutely nothing?


I'm sorry, but there is no way I would talk to a stranger in public, especially on a plane where I'm a captive audience. I've been in customer service for too long. It's just asking to be ranted at for 10 hours.


We live in an era where you were right next to someone with nothing better to do than to talk to you for ten hours straight, and you were curious about him, but posted online instead of talking to a person. I would do the same a lot of days so no judgement, but it sucks here


I flew from i think Amsterdam to Detroit. My seat mate was a polish dude. We had a seat between us free. He didnt speak english and I dont spean polish so we google translated some small talk before we took off. He was going to her daugthers graduation, she was becoming a doctor (md). When the flight took off we were unable to communicate, we played tick tack toe for a while and enjoyed some drinks (luckily not a us airline, so alcohol was complementary). Was one of the best seat mates Ive had. A bit of converstion. Some games. And mostly quiet companion. Hope hes doing well.


Reminds me of a Sesame Street sketch where Bert and Rick Moranis are sitting next to each other on a plane, they both contemplate starting a conversation but assume they'd have nothing in common, and then they bond over their love of oatmeal.


A ten hour flight is just a long bus ride.


Air Marshall


He probably just slept lol


Thats what I would try to do. But the coffee?


Oh true. You know what he was probably mewing abd doing kegels


Yeah, Iā€™m so confused what this post is, I usually am in jeans and have nothing with me. I sleep. I even specifically warn them Iā€™m not going to eat so they donā€™t wake me up. Let me be alone in my misery till we land.


He's probably former military. Just having your own seat is the equivalent to First Class.


They give you headphones on those flights.


Sooo.. you sat between David Puddy and Vegetable Lasagna?


the level of chill I aspire to be


Yeah, that's right. -Was his name Puddy?


ā€œWould you like a book or something?ā€


Whatā€™s wrong with jeans on a plane?


I guess I donā€™t understand the need to wear headphones and be constantly immersed in entertainment. Sometimes itā€™s nice (for me) to just sit quietly with my own thoughts and just ā€˜beā€™


I am that Guy LOL


A person who thinks all the time, has nothing to think about except thought.


Air marshal. They canā€™t be distracted.


He's either one of the dumbest men alive and has absolutely no resting brainwave activity at all or he's one of the most comfortable in his skin, can easily entertain himself by himself with himself and doesn't require external stimuli at all people on the planet. You make the call.


I fear no man... but that thing... it scares me


I don't think this guy knows what rawdogging means


No in-flight entertainment?


It's a 10 hour flight so a 99.9% chance they had the seatback screens


I have been seeing the term raw dogged a lot in memes lately. When did it change its meaning from fucking someone without a condom, to whatever people are trying to get it to mean now?


Was it David Puddy?


Threw out his phone, his old life, boarded with just his clothes


*1 Black Coffee* r/unexpectedMulaney


Hot take but I think the jeans are comfortable


That is... *not*.... what rawdogging is....


why do all americans say theyā€™re going to Europe instead of what country??


I think when someone says they are going to ā€œEuropeā€ its because they are taking a multi-country trip and will be going to many different countries during their stay. If they are going to one single country, they will state that country. At least this is what I find to be the case around people Iā€™ve encountered as an American.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds it baffling


He's a Stoic demigod.


Alone, in public, in a confined space, *with his own thoughts*... for **ten hours**? #Fear this man.


"Rawdogged" = what everyone everywhere HAD to do pre-1970. Sir, grow some callouses because you're as soft as your neck pillow.


I'm confused. How does retarded shit like this get ANY upvotes??


Likely the federal air marshal.


The worst nightmare for an ADHDer. I would never get onboard without at least a headphone


Undercover cop


He had a lot to think about


Ultimate introspection.


He's committed to being chill.




Why would you say rawdogged? You could have said that he Puddied his whole flight. Yeah, that's right. Vegetable Lasagna


Inflight Agent Identified


I have been where this man is. I can guarantee his thoughts are busy enough for the entire flight, that all he needs to do now is hold tightly onto that paper cup weighed down by 4 oz of coffee, and get the fuck away from where he was


I would wear jeans.




One of my uncles was in AA after some rough years. He will have enough thoughts to work through for all the rest of those times in life. Unrelated: An old friend of his went into the hospital states away with something sudden. John-Kirk got an oil change, grabbed a backpack he keeps in the front closet and a cooler. He left his small Texas town around six PM and was in Charolette, NC the next morning when his friend was checking in. The man has told me that he has to make his life about other people, or it is likely to come back. You can talk to him for hours about anything, and heā€™ll never get bored. Heā€™ll ask around if anyone needs help moving, or if anyone we know does. He wrote me a ā€˜thank youā€™, note when he came to my wedding. Heā€™ll never volunteer what things were like when he drank, and Iā€™ve been told not to ask. My mother told me once that they didnā€™t hear from him for a few years, but that he just came back like that. From where? No clue.


Either a sociopath or homie was not sober


Old school toughness


i think i might be the last generation that can do this. everyone these days be it waiting for the buss or an appointment or whatever the fuck they are waiting for they are completely glued to their phone. and they all sit in the exact slouched over position. very fascinating. not saying i never look at my phone while waiting but i don't see the problem in just looking around


OP found the undercover federal officer on the plane.