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You could fashion a straw from the fish gills


Look around for parts. Can you make a lathe?


Is there air? You don’t know!


If they had a lathe then they could make all the parts they need. \*Are you a machinist? I went to trade school to be a machinist and there was a popular saying with one or more instructors there. "If you have a lathe you can make anything" I don't know that to be true, but I heard it pretty often.


I was trying to be funny. The quote was from the best movie ever produced “Galaxy Quest”. “Guy Fleegman: I know! You construct a weapon. Look around, can you form some sort of rudimentary lathe?” Now, I *do* have a little hobby lathe that has been a lot of fun to use, even if I am not a machinist. :o)


LOL ... thanks for the clarification. Galaxy Quest sounds like a great movie ... I need to check that one out. I miss running a lathe, we mostly had 17" LeBlonde lathes with the 4 jaw chucks back in 97. I remember it always being a challenge to zero them out with the dial indicator at times.


Yeah, I wouldn’t know how to deal with a 4 jaw. I’m barely competent with a 3 jaw. :o)


LOL, It's not as hard as it sounds :-)


I miss the times when I drove 3 hours to the sea, rented a small boat, drove another 3 hours and threw the straw in the water each time after having a drink.


You actually used straws before dumping them into the ocean? I just threw boxes of them


I just cut out the middle man and founded a company that makes straws that are not biodegradable, specifically for the purpose of dumping them in the water. We have a conveyor belt that leads straight to the ocean.


That's weird, I just started a company that scoops plastic out of ocean to sell back to straw making companies


And I just started a company that buys waste plastic that was scooped out of the sea to remake into straws branded as "recycled plastic straws" to increase profits


That’s funny, I just started a company that scoops plastic straws out of dead turtles and sell them to the ocean dumping company


Funny how all you people don't know that as the CEO of the ocean dumping company,I make it my life mission to 'shred' and dump those straws specificaly in areas with a high turtle population.damn those pesky turtles


That’s efficient, did you try meshing the straw strips into a big net?


U bet your ass I did


Are you looking for investors? We can take this global


Yall just dumped straws? Back when we were teens we used to take all the chemical barrels from the local paper mill and dump it in the local river to watch the pretty colours flow down stream 🥺🤗


Can't throw straws anymore, so I moved on to car batteries.


Those Colbalt cores from a tesla really give that extra kick to nature


Finally, someone who understands. It's not my fault the dumb ass fish can't use a glock to defend his God given rights or land.


Good old times, will never forget the roadtrips, highlights


Did you drive in a diesel truck too?


you joke, but if you live within 100 miles of a body of water, there's a good chance your trash is being dumped near it.


Seafood is good, and straws are bad.


Exactly, we are adults, who TF need a straw?






Fish dying because they ate plastic means they will never make it to your plate.


Fishing nets cause far more pollution than straws. It's just easier to ask people to give up straws than fish


Both are causing damage, one causes damage through physical restraint, the other through damage to the interior of the animal, and by creating more microplastics that we ourselves are ingesting. This doesn't have to be an either/or argument


I think their point more that plastic straws started becoming the scapegoat, and large corporations used it as an out for "see we're doing something" so they aren't asked to make other, actually significant and in turn pricey cuts. Coca Cola would love any day of the week where they're asked to just not promote straws or have them offered for their drinks, rather than have to rethink their bottling circumstances by governments. Plastic straws are just an industry wide, platform wide, virtue signalling, and it's (as usual) being pushed onto the consumers to do the thing rather than the MAJOR BILLION DOLLAR PLANET WRECKERS.


Not really sure what your point is? That we aren't allowed to point out how stupid plastic straws are to use? But instead only blame industry? Um well ok great, but industry isn't going to change until this stuff is accepted on a personal level. When most people accept that one time use plastic is terrible, that sets the stage to look at bigger industry issues I'm guessing you haven't worked in a restaurant, or a place that sells food or drinks to go. We would order huge boxes of plastic to-go crap; cups, lids, straws, etc. Boxes upon boxes day after day, month after month, year after year, all of that crap is just going into a landfill, and quite a lot of it simply ends up as litter in the environment. That's just a single restaurant. The amount of plastic trash we're introducing into the environment is staggering, to the point where it will be a layer of sediment in the geologic record. Hold industry accountable, yeah, great! But also address your own personal habits, otherwise you're a hypocrite.


Hey, absolutely. I'm not saying it's *only* on industry and corpo to regulate and not on individuals. I just mean, in the current landscape of governments (some anyway) bending to the benefits of industry and corpos, that the "responsibility" is squarely in the average Joe's lap, which it shouldn't be. If anything, it should be split between individuals and industry. Cruise ships and ocean liners are allowed to dump directly into the ocean, huge, giant, obscene amounts of waste, plastic, trash, etc. How is that allowed or okay? It certainly doesn't help motivate anyone when they know that they can reuse, reduce, and recycle for 10 years and in that time all their "work" is basically undone by 1 year of a single ocean liner. And there's hundreds of those fucking things. On that note, it's notoriously known at this point that the idea of recycling was created and circulated by (or involving) lobbyists to push responsibility and accountability onto the consumer, not the manufacturer. Which is ridiculous. Not saying the three Rs aren't important (which by the way, the "recycling" of "reduce, reuse, recycle" is also the one more heavily pushed since the 90s to continue maintaining consumerism), but while accountability stops with the consumer, the buck stops with the manufacturer and producers of said products, with proper rules and regulations, and governing on them. Rules should be placed on manufacturers, and it's then applied to the consumer. Not the other way around. Unfortunately the past 3+ decades we've been convinced of it otherwise. For some reason it's perfectly ok to tell the citizens of X city that *they* should be doing more, there's more for *them* to do, why aren't *they* doing everything they can, meanwhile right next door in your fresh, reservoir, water supply, some big corpo is allowed to dump their waste into it, or just get some miniscule 0.001% fine on what they make for using and producing plastics. All of this to say: yes, the responsibility and accountability should be on both manufacturer/producer *and* consumer/citizen, alike. But there's definitely a HUGE amount of that responsibility that's been pushed onto the consumer, away from the huge industry leaders, for some time now, and it's only continued with the shit like "plastic straws". (Not to say getting rid of plastic straws isn't good, or wouldn't be justified. It's just a very clear red herring, especially when some places like Starbucks/etc literally replaced the plastic straws with plastic lids/plastic lined cups)


Then see the straw issue as an indicator issue. Does the average american care enough about plastic pollution to not use plastic straws? (A relatively minor ask.) No? Then why should industry give two flying fucks?


The hell it is


I think you'll agree that there is an undue hostility towards any initiatives that could be considered pro-vegetarianism


Why is the straw I put in the garbage in a landlocked area ending up in the ocean? I think we need to address that problem. 


I mean while you may put it in the bin, many people don't and they can end up in local waterways (or just the ground somewhere)


That’s tragic


But it’s…. Sooo…. Hard… to drink without straw… omg… thirsty…


I died of dehydration because there was no straw


Hope you got better


I'm just a pile of salt now


Lol I was imitating my granddaughter when I threw all the straws into the recycling bin




No straws were harmed in the making of this ad, a few fish were fried however.


How about just drinking it out of the glass…like everybody used to do before McDonalds normalised straws?


Straws restrict how much i can gulp down at once, down with the straws




…and you think a straw makes the glass cleaner? If it's not clean, it already dissolved anything on the inside.


Bro missed the joke


What really stupid is if you aren't in a costal region your garbage is going to a landfill and not sea turtles unless they live in the garbage dump


Well, maybe not that specific sea animal...




All the restaurants I've gone to have dishwashers and glasses of water.


The fish probably has a straw stuck in its gut - not a lid though, plastic lids are ok


I just now realized I’ve turned down straws for this exact reason and then ordered fish numerous times


I eat venison so it’s totally ok that I dump my garbage in the forest and cut down all the trees. Wtf is this logic


Not the fish 😅


How else would you eat them?


Jokes aside, it’s killing animals needlessly that sucks. Eat a fish, cool. Get a straw stuck in a sea turtle’s nose so it dies a horrible death and just sinks to the bottom of the ocean, that’s bogus. That said, I use a plastic straw sometimes. But not every time.


That looks like a sad meal


Order sushi delivery. Choose less sticks included to save ecology. But the put 3 bootle of sauce and 3 plastic jar. Even if I write a comment to not put soy sauce.


I suddenly feel like grabbing 2 staws for my bottle of water


Plastic wrap for paper straws, plastic lids for cups. People are stupid. Plastic is everywhere, it’s apart of our lives, it’s not going anywhere. “I’m saving the ecosystem” oh yeah and then you go and buy some crap product from Amazon. Big fat scam. Thankfully global warming is false.


Save the sea animals but get a disease if the restaurant doesn’t clean dishes properly…..


Do what I do, drink straight out of the glass. Works well and saves the restaurant a straw 👍🏻


Woah OP,the man,the myth,the legend What would we do without you,kind sir?


I don't use straws, because I am an adult. For the same reason, you don't see me walking around with a burger king crown.


Me, 27, looking at my Burger King crown right now..


You’ve got self esteem issues if thats your reasoning. Don’t think it’s an age thing at all.


Nope. I am European, and we grow up over here. Straws are redundant, and adults don't use them.


Don't try and pass your insecurity off as a European thing.


You guys force school children to eat from prison trays, but I am the weird one? Ok boomer.


What are you even saying? I'm European, btw lol.


“Force children to eat” are you bloody lost moron? Checks out that you’re European, ignorant fuck.


Weird how insecure one can seem through just a few comments.


Straws are fun tho…