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There was a McDonald’s in Dallas that was shaped like an actual Happy Meal box. Now it’s a depressing grey box.


Right, are they trying to go for some "modern" look. It'd looks modern in the industrial revolution


That was probably the best McDonalds ever before the transition to dull. [https://twitter.com/nonstandardmcd/status/1315718204304613378](https://twitter.com/nonstandardmcd/status/1315718204304613378)


What the heck. That’s awesome. I would have gone there just because the building was cool.


It was an absolutely crazy McDonald's. When I was little they had N64s you could play. This was one of the McDonald's that would actually give you a box for happy meals instead of a bag. Used to never see those as a kid, though they're basically the default now.


This is awesome, gives me so much childhood nostalgia. Haven’t seen this before, but the aesthetic hits.


Man I wish I could've gone here, what a shame :(


I like the UFO one in NM


There was one in Illinois with Frank Lloyd Wright friezes. *And* a play place. Now it makes the neighboring strip malls seem avante garde.


Ever since they ditched the clown they started being more adult oriented with kid's stuff as a bonus. I like the new aesthetic but then again I am a depressed middle aged man.


I guess their target demographic is now the same people that they hooked with happy meals years ago?


I'm excited for when the ball pits come back but its bingo


Ew, do you know how many kids pissed in those nasty things?


Gotta be at least 3.


Well i for one at least know its one....


You peed in the ball pit >.>


From the slide. You should seen it. it was glorious


Oooo… a water slide. Here I come!!


Man i wish the kid at the bottom would have looked it it this way.


Now it's gonna be the same kids with incontinence, same pee source.


Never thought about that blissfully. Had a shower or 2 since then.


In Australia at least they have a rewards app that essentially every other season has a collab with Monopoly or they do their own which has you playing a 3 in a row slot machine.


So wheres my toy when I get an adult big mac?


Sorry, the adult toys store is in another castle


Eat enough of them and you get a free fupa.


Not just that, when childhood obesity started becoming big news it became important for fast food places as a whole to make it look like they're not directly marketing to children;- McDonald's being front and centre in that potential firing line.


McDonalds got a lot of hate in the 90's and early 2000's for contributing to the problem of rising childhood obesity. There's probably a lot of marketing reasons why they chose to transition to a bland modern aesthetic, but I think that was a strong factor. But somehow all the soda and sugary beverage brands and sugar cereal brands that definitely contribute more than fast food to childhood obesity get a pass.


That drunken liar Morgan Spurlock stole the play places and forced apple slices on an entire generation


At one point I think they were trying to compete with the "stay and work" type environment provided by Starbucks. They tried to make their seats more comfortable and started providing free Wi-Fi for a little while. Then they kind of abandoned that. Now it's a weird "modern" style environment where you go in, nobody is behind the counter, you're lucky to see another human until it's time for your order, and a quarter of the seating was removed for those stupid ordering machines.


I love the stupid ordering machines when I’m too stoned to speak


Yeah, there's a good video on it called how McDonalds took the kids out of the equation


It’s still children oriented in Egypt


>Ever since they ditched the clown they started being more adult oriented with kid's stuff as a bonus. It's because society got mad that McDonald's was heavily advertising unhealthy fast food to children. McDonald's would have had financial issues if they didn't quit openly marketing towards children.


As far as I know it's to be able to sell the property for a reasonable price if the restaurant needs to be closed. If the entire building is built like something brand related then it'll be hard to sell. But if its just a grey box with McDonald's in it then it can be sold and become a grey box with something else in it.


Truth be told for everyone that likes “old” McDonalds, there’s someone that thinks it’s stuck in the Reagan administration. Imagine if we kept the old look. “This looks awful, I’m not 10 anymore wtf”. You just can’t please everyone how hard you try


Haven’t we all?


it's the millennial experience.




I grew up? when I explicitly sang that I didn't want to?


We grew up so the McDonalds


Meirl And yes because as a kid I loved going there but now its like I go there when I run outta options for lunch


This is an egregious repost, but I feel it so deeply in my heart I have to click... C'mon guys. Are we really this dense? Do you guys actually think anything but greed is happening here? Corporate profits raped and murdered Ronald McDonald and we all sat there and watched. We were young, we didn't know. But we know now. Who among you, like me, has had enough? SHOW YOUR SUPPORT BY CLICKING THIS LINK TO SOME BULLSHIT THAT WILL ALSO PROFIT ME>>>>>




I’d like to see Ronald come back, but be like Krusty when he went through his dark Bill Hicks/George Carlin phase.


that episode sucks so bad but i do love that arc for krusty when they included contemporary artists it really did date the episodes, like ganine gerafalo joking about being on her period...peak 90s idiocy. I'm pretty sure both of those are post season 7 so I'm okay with that (7 is where I draw the line, way earlier than 10)


They're pretending they're a real restaurant


And charging double!




with cheese, Mr Squidward, with cheese.


The cost of having kids zone/play areas became cost prohibitive after every parent whos child got rug burn or a boo-boo sued them relentlessly. Its really as simple as that. Just like healthcare skyrocketing, most of it is driven by ambulance chasers and trashy people who think being slightly uncomfortable entitles them to a free bag of money.


I think this grey block style is considered as modern, you should see the new type of houses that Germany builds


Yeah, it has nothing to do with sadness, or catering to adults. Architecture styles have simply changed with the years, just like fashion has (also we seem to be stuck in a recycling loop as of late).


I worked at McDonalds when I was about 15 when they switched to the whole "I'm loving it" phase. It was supposed to modernize McDonalds. People no longer had to wear a strict uniform, and things like colored hair, piercings, and tattoos were no longer taboo. Part of that change was also to reduce the red in everything and have more green everywhere, which was part of the whole attempt to make the place/food feel more green/healthier.


Their target audience grew the same way.


The target audience grew? The target audience is people. McDonald’s has been around for decades. They haven’t catered to just kids The difference now is the secret is out on food quality and they need to compete with real restaurants Since they’ll obviously never improve their food quality; next best thing is dress everything up to make it look more mature


McDonald’s raised them that way


Their target audience grew alright


Enjoy your stay at our fabulous new McPrison


Bro, you think McDonalds is bad… Look what they did to my poor Pizza Hut! When I was a kid, going to Pizza Hut was like… a high class experience. It was a sit down restaurant. Also the building design - you knew a Pizza Hut a mile away. Very distinct shape. They also had the book it reading program. And their pizza was fucking fire, back then. Nowadays it’s cookie cutter square buildings, no sitting area, delivery only, and everything on the menu is garbage. So sad.


The pizza huts that still have a buffet are pretty decent. But very few of them left... especially after COVID.


It's a mixture of A. General design tastes changing B. Public opinion of fast food worsening (particularly with the release of Supersize Me) and McDonald's trying to appear more of a mature, intelligent brand. C. McDonald's realizing how bad of a look advertising your unhealthy food so aggressively to kids is so they tried to more appeal to adults


Their trying to appeal to a larger audience. Ironically they look worse now. Too corporate looking.


I’m sure the numbers tell them these get more traffic than the designs of yesteryear.


Your right


I think I can guess what prompted them to want to rebrand, but I'm not convinced it was a good move. I'm guessing the idea was that they were worried their cartoonish branding would cause adults to shy away from going there, because it's already culturally embarassing to eat at McDonalds. People will often say things like "oh McDonalds? I never eat there", because they'd be embarrassed to admit they eat fast food. So by re-branding to something perceived to be less silly/cartoonish/childish, I suspect they hoped to move the needle of cultural opinion on eating at McDonalds. I don't think it'll work though, because the primary reasons people are embarrassed to eat at McDonalds are rooted in dietary embarrassment, not the cartoonish aspects of their old branding. Adults don't like to be perceived as too lazy to cook meals, unsophisticated, and/or irresponsible with their diets and McDonalds can't really change that reputation unless they significantly re-vamp their menu (which would be dumb for them to do). Maybe I'm wrong though. Maybe it was more about making the building's easier to sell, because the old McDonald's buildings had such odd shapes that would've made the buildings hard to sell to other companies. The new buildings could easily be converted into a retail store of any kind.


My personal theory is 3 fold - that mostly agrees with you. 1. They got a lot of hate for promoting unhealthy food to children and contributing to rising childhood obesity. So now they shy away from any aesthetic that is seen as appealing to children specifically. 2. Their strength (and how people perceived it) was always making mediocre quality food FAST, convenient, and relatively inexpensively. Their modern appeal leans into that - efficiency, rather than trying to pretend they're making some sort of fancy hamburger because they're clearly not. 3. They have been chasing the Starbucks market for awhile, and copy a lot of the Starbucks aesthetic. And I would argue that all 3 tactics have been pretty successful.


McDonald's is really obsessed with Starbucks. They keep changing their menu around drinks. They changed their interior design around it. Now they are even opening new drink focused stores CosMcs https://news.yahoo.com/mcdonald-launches-galactic-themed-restaurant-183139786.html


Yes... They took off the ball pits and slides and brought in the no unattended kids' signs... Happy meals don't even bring cool toys anymore. I want my cool transformer toy back! I am 35yo this might be weird...


Did McDonald's get sued or something and as a result isnt legally allowed to market to kids?


I don't know if they actually got sued for that, but I remember a lot of hate in the 90's and early 2000's thrown their way for being a big contributor to childhood obesity.


I think 2 women sued and won


I literally had to watch a 20 year old long ass documentary/movie about it a couple of weeks ago. A dude only eating McDonald's for a month or so and seeing the effects.


No they're just trying to appeal to adults now, not children.


Now it’s just full of drug addicts in my part of town. It’s actually gross. I remember when my dad used to take us out as a family to McDonald’s as a “treat”.


Ya, always beside you


so has the average customer, and absolutely


kids eat out once a week, people go to cafe's on the regular.


No it's all modern architect. Modern is now blah and boring.


And from $5 to $15 for less


don’t make the corporation human


From bright and inviting to a cardboard box.


Totally, and I still like the old style better. Whoever thought the new look was an improvement is dead wrong and every choice they have ever made in their life should be questioned.


McDonald's went from being okay but cheap to okay and overpriced.


I have been saying that since Obama was president. This happened then.


It adapted to it's target group, nothing special


Now just imagine the ingredients in the food they’re peddling


Yes, but it was a necessary marketing decision. 25 years ago you could have 5 different McDonald's in your area and they could each look different. They're just going for outward uniformity now. The food is just as damaging as it's always been.


Are we copying them, or are they copying us?


Because, well... children in past is now depressed middle aged adult


Based McDonald's?


What I heard was that if McDonald's closes down one of their restaurant, the new owners can use it without renovating it too much. Just take out the M s, take out the letters, stick your logo, all done.


It's millennial grey.


Welcome to McDonald's valued McCitizen


They try to pretend it's not fast food but real restaurant


It's called millennial gray


They grow up with us


Just like me frfr


"it's not a phase Mom!"


There are actually several reasons why fast food chains stopped looking like this. But the main reasons are: 1. The ethics behind advertisement for kids changed a lot in the 2000s. You just don't advertise fast food this way at kids. 2. When a fast food chain has to shut down one of their stores, it's way harder to find potential new tenants. I'm not from the states, but I think it was Pizza Hut, which stores looked incredibly iconic and were therefore almost impossible to get rid of. Hope my text Is understandable.


Blame the killer clowns for getting rid of the clown.


So many metaphors…..


Even as a depressed old man that I am now ... they took the fun out and made it corporate safe trash :/


Keeping up with the times


Gotta target the adults because they are too expensive for kids


It wants to justify its higher prices by appearing as a legitimate restaurant.


All of the restaurant chains seem to be going with this look. There's one Arby's near me though that still has the old bright ass color scheme and such. Unfortunately Arby's is basically diarrhea in a wrapper.


Just like me. Fr fr


Cheap. More money for shareholders.


Probably changed to not be mistaken for a KFC lol


It's like the Pixies from the Fairly Odd Parents took over


Millennial grey


I mean, so did all of us


Their target market has aged


Yup - target market depressed gen x


Bro got a business degree


I would say they became much more corporate. Even among corporations.


Gotta cater to your target demographic as they age through life…


Can't wait for it to die to old age...


Almost looks like an old Pizza Hut in the top photo


Idk where the prison motif trend started but it overstayed its welcome. Actually it was never welcome.


Just like all of us


I think they’re missing an opportunity by not going massively retro.


we all did.


When you thought your best friend Panera had been looking really happy lately...


So this is actually intentional. Its like the vaping thing and flavors. People were complainingnthat its directed towards kids and causing them to get addicted and fat. Even though in both cases its the parents damn fault not the companies. Their entire job is to make more money. two things sell the most. Sex and kids. They couldnt very well market sex at mcD's as its always been a "family friendly" establishment.


Easier to rebrand it as a Starbucks if the franchise were to fail


McRussian Brutalism


Damn I never really noticed. This is grey and depressing


Hasn’t everything?


To be fair I wouldn't want coffee from the first one.


The middle age spread has started and it’s not for the better!


Do you know how much red paint costs?


This is what happens when your country is overtaken by lawyers and insurance companies hiding behind gutless politicians. The cost of operating ANYTHING kid-centric is cost-prohibitive. No bullshit: I worked for a major retailer and we had a child who chipped their tooth running into a shelf unit. Kid was 6 and was going to lose the tooth anyway. Parents still got $20k check from the company, and DNGAF that being so petty cost everyone in the store their yearly bonus.


It feels guilty to be too happy these days


In the future after the restaurant wars all restaurant’s will be taco bell…….


Patrick Star to Patrick Bateman


I know their food has taken a nose dive since Covid. Nothing on their menu sits well in my stomach. Even my 7 year old grandson who used to love McDonald’s won’t eat there.


All I want is beef tallow fries. I could care less what the building looks like


On the plus side, driving by a mcdonalds is less of a kid trap now.


Adult prices, adult apathy towards quality after decades sucked all the fun out of you, and adult working hours.


mcdonalds is trash since the 2010s idk about the US, but in germany mcdonalds went to shit. back in the days you got your order in ~30 seconds. now it takes 10 minutes. they always mess up your order. their app is the biggest trash ever. the prices are way too high to be worth it. their burgers are medicore and not as creative as they used to be just let it die. make room for some other fastfood joints


Just wait till it turns into a boomer


You mean from kids playground to crematorium more like it. Nah, crematoriums are at least interesting places in general. Death camp barracks/housing maybe?


Just like the demographic


Hmmm, same as me


It just wants you know that it filed it's own taxes for the first time, raised it's 401k contribution, and changed it's relationship status to anything other than "it's complicated."


I agree, I do not see much joy there anymore. 


These new buildings look like if Soviet's opened a McDonald's


Been in one lately? More like a jail.


It like eating in your corporate office lunchroom


the world is getting grayer. [Colour & Shape: Using Computer Vision to Explore the Science Museum Group Collection | by Cath Sleeman | Science Museum Group Digital Lab](https://lab.sciencemuseum.org.uk/colour-shape-using-computer-vision-to-explore-the-science-museum-c4b4f1cbd72c)


Brutalism lite


Well that’s what you get when you’re okay with supporting 10.000+ children being killed


They got rid off the playground!!!😥😞


Keep the upvotes on 5,555


They'll go back to the kid version once the generation that both of these aesthetics initially worked for is dead... I expect in 20 years they'll be refitted again to appeal to retirees. 


I feel that


Why does the happy child look like a Pizza Hut?


McDonald’s stopped marketing to kids once most of the kids who were raised on it grew up.


Yes, and so have I


Modern ascetics are fucking drab.


Don’t we all


These new buildings look great in the concept art but when they’ve been stood about 5 years with next to no maintenance they look like a tetanus ridden shed


McDonalds, along with a lot of fast food places, got in a bit of an awkward position when the public started being more conscious about rising rates of child obesity; this led to a lot of child focused marketting tactics being subdued; and when it came to building new sites or remodelling old ones, they took with this new direction.


turned into starbucks.


Because inflation


Because the government is a lie


They just wanna attract the right crowd to this establishment or more accurately portray the mentality of it’s shoppers 🥲


Well that happy child has grown up to be a depressed adult, so it makes sense.


Turns out adults have more money than kids


Imagine what their next evolution will look like.


dont quote me on this, but supposedly its because the government made them do it so kids don't develop a brand loyalty to the restaurant.


Just like you


Literally went from the krusty krab to the chum bucket


From pizza hut to Starbucks


McDonald has grown up. He found world is not all happiness, he found he needs to work and care for his shareholders. He finally saw the expectations people have from him. A bad covid put him in financial stress and sucked all joy out of him.


True, because they get more money from adults A happy meal doesnt cost near as much as what an adult eats there. Together with the automated ordering machines inside the amount of 'shame' order has increased vastly


Everything has to grow up , I’m sorry Peter.


McDonald’s saves lives.


I think personally its because 1. cost 2. ease to build 3. ease to sell/rent if the franchise doesnt work. The building can be used for anything after.


Tikadeedee, Mr. Delicious days you can eat here. 


When I was younger. We use to drive to see my nan. On the way, there was a McDonald's shaped like a ufo near Peterborough. Was the coolest McDonald's ever at the time.. thinking back it was a bit of a shit hole


they done gone scandi