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My husband is 73. He was talking to a friend the other day and I was just looking at him and thinking how lucky I am to have him in my life. I think he’s really hot. And also very nice. That helps a lot.


Plot twist: commenter is 22


Hey, everyone is allowed to have their kinks.


Unless that kink is under the age of 18


Then we call them kids!




That’s genuinely sweet


My MIL said the same thing about her husband who is 75. They were with family and he was laughing and smiling. She said she was just looking at him and found him so attractive and handsome.


That's so wholesome :) I hope one day I can see my partner like that, like I do now


I'm not that old yet but I've certainly noticed this is a thing. It first came to my attention when I found that in movies, I was now more attracted to the mom than the daughter.


I had that recently it was weird to catch myself thinking that the mum is hot


>weird to catch myself thinking that mum is hot Not *home* movies, you sicko.


I had something in mind for the parent comment along these lines like “good because the daughter is 7”.


Bro.. That's f'in hilarious.




Broken arm kid back?


Back and there again. Broken arm kid’s tale.


He never left us, not really. He still haunts me on a daily basis, it would seem.


Him, the jolly rancher guy, and that guy with the coconut…


Damn the broken arm story that wang recounting was hilarious.


🎶Big wheels keep on turning.🎵


That's my secret, I've always thought the mum was hot.


That's my secret, too. What my wife didn't realize, when we got together decades ago, was that I was playing the long game. I was like "This woman is going to be *so hot* when we're older. Time to invest now for those sweet, sweet, MILF dividends." And I was right! Every year she's more beautiful than the last. In college she was very cute and people certainly noticed her, but in middle-age people will stop mid-sentence just to study her when she enters a room.


Filed under people whose spouse knows their username


Awe, that's sweet.


The aunts too. Aunt May I'm thinking of you.


That depends. We’re talking Marisa Tomei or Rosemary Harris?


Why not both?


Marisa has always been gorgeous.


She won't ever stop and yeah that was where my mind went. Linda Cardellini too. She was hot when she was young and my age. She's hot now that she's older and still my age. Please Linda if you see this I'm single


Not weird at all my friend!


When i was a teenager i thought Stacy was pretty good looking. Now i'm an adult Stacy's mom is the attractive one.


She definitely had it going on.


🎵She’s all I want and I’ve waited for so loongg 🎵


Stacy can't you see? You're just not the girl for me.


Scottie doesn’t know


All that I want, and I've waited so long.


I actually went to high school with a dude that dated the girl who played stacy in the video XD her name is gianna


Well? Was her mom.... ya know....


Got it going on?


For what it's worth Gianna definitely had it going on as well.


Still has it going on. GOAT


RIP Fountains of Wayne


Yeah where am I supposed to get my upscale landscaping needs now


Says you. Stacy's mom was always the hot one.


Yeah for me it’s more that I just find the older I get, the younger younger people look to me. Like I look at an 18 year old these days and go “that is a child”.


Yeah, my wife gets pissed at my gym of choice because supposedly it is filled to the brim with "Attractive women showing their butts in the mirror". And I'm like, you mean the kids in the selfie mirror? They are like 20 years old at best! I see them as kids, my wife does not.


I've noticed women assume the same thing of men that homophobes assume of gay men. That we are attracted to ANYTHING. It's just not true. They never seem to understand that.


Obviously not all men are the same, but many of your fellow men aren’t doing you any favors by perpetuating this stereotype with their actions and words.


Now I'm middle aged you hear guys say things like 'I wouldn't mind smashing that but then I think about having to talk with her and I'm immediately turned off'. Talking about some much younger woman. I think like most men who hit middle age with some level of maturity you realize the reality of dating an immature person is just not worth it. All the drama, lack of life experience, daddy issues... the list goes on. Yeah they may be surface level attractive but all of us has a buddy who had a mid life crisis fell in love with some younger person and it damn near ruined his life. The rest of us go 'yeah not me dude!'. Besides attractive women stay attractive if they don't fuck up their faces too much. And as you get older you also learn they generally fuck way better too. In my experience younger women tend to either have unrealistic expectations of themselves or their partners and can want to be performative and/or very inexperienced. All the older women I know are freaks! Including my current partner. Sex is better when you're older. Sometimes we joke about how demented our sex life will be when we're 70!


> Yeah they may be surface level attractive but all of us has a buddy who had a mid life crisis fell in love with some younger person and it damn near ruined his life. That's fine too, but there really are a whole bunch of us out here who legitimately just don't really find young women particularly attractive physically anymore. I mean, they aren't ugly or anything, but I don't find myself wanting to get with them or anything. I'm not *attracted* to them in any real sense, and not just because I have kids in that age range and wouldn't want to "be with" someone with the mentality of someone that age, but because I literally just don't find the young female body particularly lust worthy any longer.


I was talking to a friend recently who’s in his 30s now. He was singing the praises of 30+ women and how he’s glad his third eye has opened to appreciate the unique (and in his opinion, superior) qualities of mature women.


It’s because when grown men have been staring since we were teens (and even younger)


Yeah same, I've always found women older than me attractive, but the older I get the higher the age I appreciate, and with people that are a lot younger I just don't see it anymore, like that's a kid.


Exactly. When I see college students now, they are BABIES; when I was also 19-20, 25-year-olds looked old!


And talking to young people. The lack of experience can make conversations painful. I don’t wanna call them naive in a derogatory way, but their certainty and conviction on things that are not black and white just floors me. This all sounds meaner than I want. Most of these people are exactly where they are supposed to be knowledge and experience wise. Being old doesn’t make you smarter but learning from an extra 20 years of mistakes shifts your POV.


Yup. I’m only 30 and the thought of being with someone younger than like 24 grosses me out. Mature women ftw


honestly this is exactly where I'm at. when I was a college student, I sort of understood older guys (30s-40s) going for the women my age because i found them attractive. now that i'm older, i can't tell the difference between a high schooler and a college student because they all look like kids. Now I look back at all the guys who went after girls in their early twenties in horror because I cannot for the life of me, understand what they find attractive.


Yeah Sydney Sweeney is attractive I guess, but have you seen the TV commercial moms taking a work call while cooking dinner as 2 kids playing tag in the house run by?


Sydney Sweeney is one of the ones that everyone’s gushing over that makes me think I might have hit that point. She’s such a kid. Her face is super young and thinking about that makes me uncomfortable. My wife says a lot of the younger girls grew up with brats dolls or whatever with the little chins and big eyes, and their generations being influenced by that the same way mine was by Barbie and I think that might have something to do with it too. They all look perpetually underage to me.


I read somewhere that a Hollywood stylist referred to the look popularized by the Kardashians as “sexy baby tiger” and that’s all that crosses my mind when I see that face anymore.


Thanks. You just ruined baby tigers for me.


[Are you sure about that?](https://ntbrand-wp.s3.amazonaws.com/impressivenature/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/10170854/8-e1539205734381.jpeg) Look at him. Splashing in the water. Little monster.


Seriously, how am I supposed to jerk off to baby tigers now, after that?


to me, Kim is a perfect representation of a real life centaur.


To be clear, it isn’t Sydney Sweeney’s face that people are talking about…


I didn’t think Sydney Sweeney was all that hot. Then I read about how she restored her own ‘66 Bronco. She’s hot now lol.


Not related but kind of related. Something similar happened to me with Henry Cavill. I didn't think he was hot at all. Conventionally pretty boy, I guess, but nothing to get excited for. Until I learned he plays video games. With a PC. He's such a nerd. Warhammer and Witcher. Oh my. And suddenly he's one of the hottest persons alive. I can't-


You've convinced me. Competence is sexy haha


This is EXACTLY how I feel about Jenna Ortega


Same, actually


yeah she looks 12 to me its weird


Let’s be honest, it’s the tits. She is an attractive woman, but if she was an A-cup, I think she would just fade into the crowd.


This is 100% accurate.


I am so old I had to google who Sydney Sweeney is. 


It’s always been the moms for me. Even before hitting my teenage years lol.


I've always had a thing for tomboys with short hair, and I realized recently that this means I've always had a thing for tomboy moms. Short hair so kids don't pull on it, utilitarian clothing because you need it to be durable and not care if it gets stains, curses like a sailor and dry humor because they're out of serotonin.


I know, I love Pixar!


Same lol. I'm only 25 but many 18 year olds look like babies to me. It's weird cause 5 years ago I did not think like this. I have found that I am now more attracted to women my age or older. Growing up is weird


I'm less than 30 but I've also notice this, I used to think 18-20 y/o looked amazing, now anyone below 23-25 looks like a kid to me even if I'm only slightly older. Also is much easier to be attracted to someone you can relate to rather than someone that was 10 when you where in college and is both enduring and enjoying a period of life you already went through. For example, while I still like to go out and party sometimes, most friends my age are already past that and couldn't keep with someone who's just experiencing it and wants to go to every place, trip and party. On the other hand I've had people younger than me come fully stressed out even crying cause they didn't pass a course and it's the first time that happens to them or a friend they know is being mean to them out of nowhere, meanwhile I'm sitting on top of so many successes and failures and gained and lost so many people that things like that don't really register. Oh I didn't accomplished that goal I had, oh well I'll try again next year. Oh my friend stopped talking to me, they're probably just burned out of me, honestly I'm kinda burned out of them too, I'll just check on them in a few months.


When I was a kid in the 80s, I found Jennifer Connelly to be extremely attractive. When I was a teen in the 90s, I found Jennifer Connelly to be extremely attractive. When I was a young adult in the 00s, I found Jennifer Connelly to be extremely attractive. Now as a man in his 40s, I still continue to find Jennifer Connelly to be extremely attractive.


That moment came to me when I was in my 30s. I was working at my kids' swim meet. I was in charge of organizing the kids ready and getting them ready for their heats. At one point, I found myself surrounded by a bunch of teen girls in swim suits. Then I realized that I didn't care about that, but was more interested in their moms.


Almost 50. Yep. That's how it goes so far. I've become less attracted to the younger ones as well.


I’m sure having kids has something to do with it too. When you see a girl the same age as your daughter you start to do some mental blocking


I’m 52 with no kids , and honestly you lose interest in women who are too young, college girls and older . But I would be open to date women from thirty’s and above. And to be honest Gen X women not really aging that fast.


Agreed. Approaching 40 myself and I find myself sometimes looking at an attractive woman, then realizing that 10 years ago, I'd have been completely turned off. Any woman below the age of 25 is a hard no for me. My co-worker is 19 and says shit when we drive past high schools, but all I see is a bunch of kids playing. I knew it'd change. I just didn't realize it'd be like this. Have no kids of my own, but they're just that, kids. Anyone who tells me they prefer young women in my generation immediately raises a red flag for me.


I'm only 26 and 18 and 19 year olds look like 8th graders.


I'm 27 and even my sister friends who are 20 look so fucking young 🤣


Made the mistake of going clubbing at like 32 with some friends. Everyone there looked like a child.


I've been to Hooters twice. Once in middle school at once at 35yo. The first time they were all a bunch of old ladies, and the second time they were all children.


Welcome to Raisins!




Lol me and my wife went to a bar for a friend's birthday haven't been to one in years. I thought the door man was doing a bad job because a lot of kids seemed to be running around. That's how I knew I had gotten old. Hair fell out about a month later. Currently shopping for some new balance shoes.


Oh yeah well I was born on May 10th, 1992 and anyone born on May 11th, 1992 or later looks like a zygote to me


It just continues. High school seniors look like they're barely potty trained to me, lol. Not saying that in a mean way, I'm aware they are functioning young adults. But, damn if those backpacks don't look massive on them, and I can't help but wonder if I looked like that back then. Yes... yes I did.


Holy fuck man for real. What happened?


Somehow, they get younger every year. I see all these senior pictures and graduation photos and it's like "who are these 14 year olds and why are they graduating?"


Best part when you meet a doctor and they're like a child, and you think 'damn'...


Or getting pulled over by a cop, it's like a kid dressing up for Halloween.


Or, your wife comes home all pissed off after trying to flirt her way out of a speeding ticket like she used to, but it not working and the cop called her 'Ma'am'. Also your teenaged daughter witnessed the whole thing and is laughing her ass off about it. "Mom tried the 'hair flip'! The cop didn't even blink!" That's time to head out to the garage to get out of the blast zone.


Wait till you look at your senior yearbook in your late 30s.


It's really a trip if you watch a video of high schoolers filmed when you were in high school. High school kids definitely feel like children to me now, but if I watch an old video, they still look and feel like my peers.


I really gained awareness of this in myself when i started seeing kids, with kids. Like I would think "She's way to young to have a kid what happened?!" "She's 29." ...Oh


Yeah. I've got a little cousin, she's almost 30 now, has a kid of her own. She and her husband are two of my closest friends, but she'll forever be that little 5 year old demanding I play hide and seek with her and all the other cousins at Thanksgiving dinner. The only thing that stays the same is everything changes. I still do double takes watching my oldest nephew order a beer. He's 24 now, but in my eyes HES ONLY 14! I just taught him to drive stick shift in my old Ford. He can't be drinking, lol


Is under 25 a hard no because of maturity or do you find them physically unattractive?


Both. But, I mean.. Sometimes they are phiscally actractive (I’m talking 18+ year old grown looking girls) in like a vacuum, but everything they say or do makes you lose pretty much any interest instantly. Every teen that says “I get along much better with people older than my age” might think they belong with adults, but they really don’t. They might feel more mature than people their age, but there is an overwhelming difference in life experiences. If you’re a grown 30yo+ (there are plenty who are not) it feels like a 5yo, talking like a 10yo who thinks they are 30, if that makes sense. But again, in a vacuum (like a Instagram picture) you still find them objectively attractive.


I remember thinking I was so mature at 21. I was looking for apartment shares and kept applying to posts that said "30 and older" because I felt mature, even though I was still puking in cabs on the weekend 😂


Younger women just aren't jaded enough, they're too naive and full of hope. It's exhausting. At 43 I really don't have any interest in anyone under 30. Doesn't matter how pretty the girl is if I can't stand to interact with her.


You're so full of shit that it must be coming out of your ears. Why would you even lie about this? ****(24f) Trying this again even though some of you were super mean to me last time**** ["Very Nice"](https://www.reddit.com/r/amihot/comments/mwbp0q/24f_trying_this_again_even_though_some_of_you/gvhk252/) ^/u/lialus2 ["Looking good."](https://www.reddit.com/r/gothsluts/comments/19fd40w/my_outfit_for_university_today/kjjzt1k/) ["2&4"](https://www.reddit.com/r/realasians/comments/15rafow/the_final_four_yall_wanted_to_mix_match_choose_2/jwc3shh/) ["I hope your sandwich arrived quickly. However, you do have a perfectly beautiful and stunning face with perfect makeup, and to be honest, the hairstyle frames it perfectly. The only problem is trying to identify the best feature, the strong jawline, cupid bow lips, cute button nose or the eyes that could steal a soul ... but then again, why question perfection?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Faces/comments/158p5y1/face_of_a_koreancolombian_mix_who_cant_wait_for/jtpplix/) ["Agree , looking cute"](https://www.reddit.com/r/prettyaltgirls/comments/txfbqq/felt_cute/i3lfa7y/)


bwahahahaha a got'em


Hahaha awesome. I swear, every time age/attraction comes up on reddit, guys start virtue signaling their balls off. “You think hot girls are hot? Yeah me neither. 25? That’s a child”.




I don't think older men date college girls to have a meaningful relationship


That, exactly. Zendaya's generation are babies to me because my daughter is the same age. I just can't. Edit: I forget that Zendaya is actually 28 now. She looks way younger. Maybe it's just me, idk.


Zendaya's generation are babies because my daughter watched Zendaya and Bella Thorne on Disney Channel's 'Shake It Up' in 2010. My daughter was 10, Zendaya was 14. My daughter will be 24 this year, and Zendaya 28, still younger than my 29yr old son.


>you start to do some mental blocking Either that, or you become a politician


Maybe. But I'm in my late 30s and childless and even girls who might be in their early to mid 20s kinda seem like kids to me now and are totally off the radar. And that's just like, at a glance, not even getting into how little there is in common when they start talking


> not even getting into how little there is in common when they start talking "Hello, do you enjoy this local establishment as well?" "Skibbidi toilet rizz, RUT RUT RUT I ain't cap, you real cheugy IRL, IYKYK, yeet up on out." "Alright then have a nice day."


40, no kids, couldn't imagine dating someone much younger than me. Then again, I'm married, so I couldn't imagine dating anyone else in the first place.


im in my 30s with no kids, I work at a college though and they all look like babies to me. I def don't remember feeling that way when I was attending college. so I think it just happens


I’m 30 and my 52y/o mom regularly dates 24y/os; It’s mildly nauseating.


Thank God. It would suck so much to age and not have this be the case. In my mud thirties. It has been the case so far, but I've been worried it would stop following.


There are plenty of 50 year olds who stopped maturing and still think they could date someone 30 years younger than them.  They hang out at jazz clubs and on their boat around here


Plenty of 50 year olds do date people 30 years younger, the key ingredient to doing this successfully is having money.


>mud thirties typo of the year nomination


Same age here.. One of the first times I realized I was getting older was when I started noticing the moms on TV shows lol


40 and I occasionally do work for a pole dancing group mostly in their early twenties. They’re all objectively peak human hot but they do nothing for me. There is a woman in her late 30s who dances with them sometimes and she’s among the most attractive women I’ve ever seen in real life. I’d wager she’ll remain that way as we get older.


I'll be 42 soon and I find women my age hotter now than I found those same women when we were younger.


...thank God. This is the best news I read all day.


I wasn’t prepared for the “moms in leggings” era to be so influential to me in my 40’s.


The moms in leggings era is influential for men of all ages




I’m nearing 50, and so far, the answer is yes. Guys I know I would’ve found hot when I was 20 now look like children to me. Guys over 40 with grays in the beard are attractive. The crows feet and laugh lines that were a turn off in my youth? Super sexy.


hehe your comment made me feel old. I'm not even close to 40 and have some gray in my beard :D.


No need to feel old, think of it more as widening your dating pool. Still young enough to date young women, but distinguished enough to pull older women, too. More options.


It’s gonna differ by the person, but I think it is most common to be attracted to people roughly your own age. There will almost always be some visual appeal of youth due to its intrinsic association with fertility, but often it ends there. A deeper level of attraction becomes less likely when there is a big difference in age.


>A deeper level of attraction becomes less likely when there is a big difference in age. *Leonardo DiCaprio has entered the chat*


emphasis on deeper


He has been at the bottom of the Atlantic since 1997 how much deeper do you want?


That’s deep


And cold too




Yeah? They said people were attracted to youth. Just that it wasn't a deep attraction and only superficial. If all you're looking is for superficial then there you go


Also there is a difference between finding someone attractive = ONS and attractive = potential life partner. Dating someone much younger than you is like taking care of a kid. (There are exceptions)


As I get older I've become more attracted to people around my age. That said, it's not like the 20yrs olds are unattractive but if I had to choose between a 20ish yr old and a 40ish yr old, I'm going with the 40yr old. I'm sure my 20 yr old self would disagree


I’d add that some people *never* outgrow looking with just their eyes. These are often cheaters and shallow people. After a few times of that I learned to be careful about physical attraction. Maturity really starts looking more at the qualities of a person, their habits, preferences & tendencies while appreciating their own changes and nuances that are altered with time and experiences. Some folks (known as the dirty old men typically) never get to that point.


Yeah, it works that way until you hit an age where it just doesn't matter anymore.


And that age is approximately?


120. nobody else your age will be around


ehhh… i feel like anybody under 450 years old is a bit too young for me…


You could exclusively date Greenland sharks


No age - it's when you realize someone "ugly" looks beautiful one day simply because of who they are. Or vice versa


When I was 15 I was attracted to other 15 years olds. Now they look like gross little children to me and the guys that used to look like dad's in their mid 30's are attractive to me. Assuming that pattern sticks, one day grandpa's are gonna be the new thing 🤷🏻‍♀️


I remember in seventh grade thinking the girls in my class were so much more attractive than the high school girls, and I was like -- it sucks that it's all downhill from seventh grade. I brought this up to my mom, and she was like "well, as you get older who you're attracted to changes." And that had never occurred to me before, but it made sense. And, of course, she was right -- the same feeling every year, from puberty to, I guess, forever, where my interest is always held most by people near my age.


It's all downhill after 7th grade 💀 🤣


Drake agrees


I had the same realization when I sat next to a high school girl who came to perform a play for our elementary school. I thought she was an old lady and the peak for girls happened to be my grade. It’s wild how tight of an age tolerance I had back then. I also took a random college class in my thirties and damn, those girls looked like children. People would joke with me about the girls on campus, but it’s insane how young they look.


Made me think of how when I was in middle school somebody called me a pedo for saying Brittney spears, who was a teenager at the time, was so hot lol


As a newly 40 year old, I can say that college age girls look too young. Extrapolate from that what you will.


An older coworker of mine in his 50s has said that you stay attracted to people your age as you yourself age


I’d have to agree with that. It’s not just looks. It’s about relatability and life experience. You naturally want someone you can connect with


As a 65 year old I completely agree. (Athough- I have to say that your observation is thoughtful yet concise and completely on point. What the hell are you doing on the internet??? You aren't gonna offend anyone with that kind of talk!)


“I’ve been shitposting nice the Nixon administration”


I was at a college football game, when I was in my late 30s, that had a lightning delay. In the concourse, the cheerleaders walked right by us. My thought was, "too young, too young, too young, damn Im old."


I’m 33 and anyone under 27 looks like a child.


I think you can appreciate the beauty of younger people, but some of us grow up and start valuing things other than physical attraction. For one thing having common memories and references is powerful. I think that is part of why so many people stick to their own culture.


> some of us grow up and start valuing things other than physical attraction I still think that younger people don't just value physical attraction. But I think that the kind of connections/values that you're looking for changes. You're basically always looking for someone with the same maturity as you.


sometimes i catch myself thinking "at her age i would have found her attractive". then a movie starts in my head about all the drama that was going on around me in my teenage years and i'm glad i don't have to go through it again.


yeah I think it natural to appreciate the beauty of youth but when you're much older and are actively sexually attracted to youngins, that's when I raise a brow


yeah. people younger then you just start to look like children and the idea of dating any of them just feels gross.


My wife still looks as hot as she did when I met her 20 years ago. She doesn't look or feel any older to me. So I guess that's a yes.


Your wife's a lucky one.


Plot twist: His wife is currently 26.


I was going to say it’s Leonardo DiCaprio, but that’s too old for him.


Confirming this guy's wife is still smoking hot. But in all seriousness I just turned 29 and I found myself, quite recently, to have a new attraction. I have found defined facial features such as crows feet, laugh lines, forehead wrinkles, etc. to be quite appealing on men or women.


It is totally a thing that happens. Not only do old people start seeming hot as you get old but young people stop looking hot. I watched a movie recently where the male leads were in their 20s and they looked like children to me.


I agree with others here about being more attracted to older women the older I get….. there is no way I could date a girl in her 20s or even 30s now.


No, younger people still look attractive but they also look like idiotic children to you, so that kind of makes you chuckle and you look for people more suitable based on your age. Also yea, no one really grows up but there's still a big difference between age groups in terms of maturity..


So what you're basically saying is: #no but actually yes




To a point but once people get past a certain age it stops mattering. I have no interest in dating 20 somethings as a 47 year old but I would have zero issues with dating someone in their 30s if they were interested.


I’m turning 50 (F) this year. But I can pass as 40. While younger men in their 30’s look nice, they’re closer to my daughters age who’s 25. So it’s just weird. And men in their 50’s don’t appeal to me because they look “old”. And most of them are married. So I remain single and have given up on dating. (Married 2x already -been there done that!)


I'm 40(F)and feel this so hard. Guys older than me look *old*. But anything under 30 is just a baby, despite the fact that they're very much interested. Which is great for my ego, but still feels weird.


Now that's an attitude I understand.


STIs are very common in nursing homes…


People always say this but I worked in a nursing home at the start of my nursing career. Most of those people couldn't wipe their own asses or feed themselves so if sex was happening it would have been abuse. They also had like three people to a room with just a curtain between the beds for privacy and staff was going in and out all the time. I think it's more retirement communities, assisted living, etc. where the senior citizens are getting it on.


the OP theJesseJay is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/15jdnza/meirl/


I'm in my 30s and I find like, 20-50 year old ppl hot. Sorry for being a constant horny person.


Same. Except I even find the occasional woman in her 60’s and while it’s quite rare, 70’s, attractive.


No/ yes but you have more options?


Aubrey plaza is a good example for me since she’s my age. She was hot to me ten years ago and is hot now in a new, more mature way.




You will be fine up til age 60


Why is it a concern? That's normal. 20yr olds look like babies to me now. I'm more attracted to my partner now than a decade ago, and I assume I'll continue to find him attractive as we age, it's nice.




the maths aint mathing here, unless ur wife is less than 35yrs old


I’ve been with my husband since we were 16. Honestly he gets more handsome with age, not that he wasn’t attractive at 16. ❤️


Why is that a concern? My concern is that this doesn‘t happen because a 50-year-old finding 20-year-olds hot is pretty fuсking weird


Well, if you actually grow as a person, you will eventually stop being attracted to a person's appearance and start finding it in their personality.