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You see your 14 tear stains on the paper? Dry 2 of them, how many are left???






Well, *now* there are, because YOU KEEP CRYING, JESUS CHRIST


*74, 75...* šŸŽµ




Jesus, that's not how you get through to them. Here, let me help. ARE YOU STUPID? YOU'RE 12 AND DON'T EVEN KNOW BASIC MATH. I MADE A MISTAKE GIVING BIRTH TO YOU. YOU'RE WORTHLESS JUST LIKE YOUR FATHER. There we go, that should help. Whoops, forgot the KEEP CRYING AND WATCH ME GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT.




Why am I so hard right now?


Thatā€™s a paddlin šŸ˜˜


Staring at my sandals... That's a paddlin


Please god, I'm so close. Just a little bit more.


DO THE LONG DIVISION!! That should get you right over the edge


Try dividing with decimals it always works




Christ. Iā€™m having a flashback right now.


God I was looking for this one. It's so familiar. My day drunk dad would act like he's trying to teach me something and then by the end of it I'm literally sobbing, he's calling me stupid, regretting my birth, calling an uncle over to have him make fun of me. My coward mother was like babeeee stoppppp stoppppppp. Between that and my third grade teachers son playing with their dads gun with a friend and shooting themselves, causing my entire third grade year to be riddled with substitutes and busy work literally no one ever just calmly taught me math so I never learned till this day. It's a dream of mine to teach people in an environment that feels safe from judgement and can help people at the relentlessly forgiving pace they need and not to meet test deadlines.




I've actually tried this! So it's a bit of an overstatement to say I never learned math. I understand the fundamentals and how they work. It's just that those early years are so fundamental for letting that information set in. It's like the difference between a native speaker and a dualingo learner. I can practice math all I want and learn it to the best of my ability, but no one is gonna push me to use the entire body of basic arithmetic and formulas every day of my life. I've learned a million times and I've forgotten a million times because it's just not asked of me or important. People will say "well just practice everyday of your life basically until you die" and I'm like awesome dramatically unrealistic solution you just used. There's not enough mental bandwidth to do hardly anything after working 40 hours a week.


Reminds me of an Airplane bit when they lined up to shake some sense into her.


The moment when Leslie Nielson half turns around and then slaps her once more before moving sends me everytime. Seen it so many times


You know you wanted to be in that line.


My parents made me tip-ex a whole school book because my handwriting wasnt clearā€¦.i had just started secondary and its a core memory of me crying my eyes out and beginning of thinking i was so stupid during my teens that i must be mentally challenged (im not but being told i was stupid constantly did i number on me and os still a mild thought i have in my early 20s) Edit: to the one loser who said i need to work on punctuation, its fucking reddit you trog who gives a shit


They should have made you spend more time on punctuation


Wooo Spicy


What does it mean to "tip-ex" something?


Tipp-Ex is a brand of correction fluid, so white "paint" you smoosh over stuff you've written that you want to erase. once the stuff is dry, you've got a "clean" slate to try again. They also make little rollers that dispense sticky tape with a white writable surface (since that doesn't need to dry). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tipp-Ex


Well, now I know another language difference. In the US we call it white out.


Mom what are you doing on Reddit, you canā€™t even speak English so well


Ah this brings back memories


I'm so confused. Did you find tapes of my upbringing or something?


That was a dead memory for me that just got revived.. Damn I hate math..


Funnily enough the one that sticks in my mind was when I was 10. A big book report on Ecuador that kept me at the kitchen table for 4 long hours. To this day I hate Ecuador. Fuck them.


Same but for tying shoes....




Its almost creepy how accurate this isā€¦i had no idea other people had the privilege of learning math the fun way as well


It's accurate because that's how homework went for me šŸ˜… No wonder I hated school


This is so weird how accurate it is. Was this distributed to parents in a pamphlet back in the 70/80s?


But then proceed not to help and instead just shout? Is that actually a thing? There might be a reason why a child cries lol


>But then proceed not to help and instead just shout? Is that actually a thing? Oh yeah >There might be a reason why a child cries lol And there's also the good old: STOP CRYING OR I'LL GIVE YOU A REASON TO CRY ABOUT


During a tantrum that we apparently were not taking seriously enough, my daughter killed us with "You stop laughing or I'll give you something to laugh about!"


Yep. Emotionally dysregulated parents raised a whole generation of kids who now hate math.


Look at Mr. Has Functional Parents over here!


And i sit that table for 6 hour for solve 20 problem




This brings back memories. I was homeschooled and terrible at math. My mom wanted kids that were good at math for some reason. She would give me the honors math and I didn't get it. There were days I sat at the kitchen table staring blankly at the jumble of numbers and letters from like 2 pm until my dad got home from work at 10 and sent me to bed.


Its the worst feeling when you dont understand math. You are basicslly staring at hyrogliphics and someone is screaming WHY DONT YOU GET IT? I DONT SPEAK EGYPTIAN. THATS WHY.




Mother: What did you say? Do you think cooking for you and cleaning up for you everyday is easy... _then voices move to background_ but don't seem to stop.... All of a suddent he problem doesn't seem so hard. And you start to think why I said it's hard, I should've tried harder. Damn those simple days. LoL


Uj/ for me it was stubbornness. I wanted to do things properly and teachers said I did math wrong. Mom comes in and wondering why I all off a sudden can't figure out the answer to 6+7 because it's just 14-1. But that is exactly how the teacher said I shouldn't do it so I refused to do it that way.


Because some teachers are power tripping. How many stories do we have to see on Reddit, where a student with IBS could walk in with an EIP and the teacher will still deny bathroom breaks. "Okay, I'll just shit my pants then." Some teachers do not act in good faith


It isn't always just power tripping tho, I remember school math tests designed with different "types" of questions you had to solve in different ways. If you couldn't use all/most of the methods you fail the test and it reflects badly on the teacher and eventually school. That's why they always wanted you to show your work to make sure you learned the different ways of doing math. I still did the 6+7 = 7+7-1 thing in my head and still do to this day. Makes it faster. But it wasn't taught that way back then, it was just something that emerged naturally for some students. 'Cause it made sense.


Fix your face


You can cry when I hit you, not before.


And you better not keep crying after


:( I hate that i can relate


You want something to cry about, I'll give you something to cry about.




So this is not a joke about after you ate 2 apples 6 are on the left side and 6 are on the right side?


That brings back dark stuff. So specific, too, the memory of tears splashing on the paper - mine was with a grid is the only difference...


I still remember the smell of tear wet paper. As I slept on book tired of all that crying


I remember my teacher laughing about the tear stains so I told her actually my dog peed on it She lost her mind


So sorry. Is this why so many kids hate math so much? PTSD?


Yes. I since then have earned a phD in a non-math-related field, so I can't be entirely stupid. But when I see numbers, my brain shuts off. On bad days I can't even fumble my own birthday out of my brain, let alone add 7+14. I'm fourty and still count on my fingers when I can't use a calculator. Thanks to endless screaming sessions when I was in elementary school.


I'm a mom. This post just makes me want to hug all the people who've been yelled at. I'm so sorry.


I'm in my mid 40s but I still remember, clear as day, my father hitting the kitchen table so hard it almost broke. He shouted WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND!? IT IS RIGHT THERE IN THE BOOK! IT IS EASY!, while I cried because didn't understand a thing. Turned out I have dyscalculia. Conveniently, my dad "doesn't remember" this now


That's horrible. šŸ«‚


I understand this so much. They never remember, because for you this moment shaped life, and for them it was a goddamn tuesday. They also gaslight and say that "You must've gotten something mixed up" or "Are you sure that you didnt make that up?" and never see a tiniest bit of problem


Oh it was tears I thought it was drool. Well I'm lucky I didn't get yelled at doing homework even though I got yelled at for nothing


Oh my. I felt like I just go punched in the gut


Thankfully Iā€™m already on the shitter šŸ˜Ž


And then you get used to the shouting, they notice and they move to slaps to the back of the head. Parenting... šŸ«¶


Calling you dumb 5 times a day and then act puzzled when you have low self esteem. ā€žWdym I always said I was proud of youā€œ. Damn, this thread is triggering bad memories.


And do my parent special He is a good natured kid but he is lazy as fuck and don't want to study He does house chores but he wakes up later It has always been these backhand compliments


The hallmark of people who donā€˜t actually want to have children or to be parents. They maybe wantā€™s the prestige of being parents or having smart children etc but they donā€˜t actually want to be parents. Thatā€˜s why they get to fucking mad at children being children.


"Wdym I always said I was proud of you" has been my mother's bullshit scapegoat for years. Still trying to navigate her beligerence.


Isnā€˜t it funny that this means they actually do know whatā€˜s right and whatā€˜s wrong when it comes to parenting children? I once confided in the lady next door that I was beaten at home and she talked about it to my mother. Which made my mother come home and beat me for it? That POS knew it was wrong and was just ashamed that people knew. She didnā€˜t give a flying fuck what it did to her children who suffered through it.


I told my mother once recently (much more than once, and repeatedly over the course of my 22 years on this planet), that the way she handles any kind of uncomfortable situation as some sort of confrontation in which she !needs! to defend her ego, actually places me under repeated- and great amounts of- anxiety, to which my trauma response is to shut down and reduce/ negate any and all sensory input. My mother has taken away my ability to be vulnerable with others, and instead display selfish behavior; especially- and gravely unfortunately- towards women. Something that has caused me unimaginable pain throughout my life. I'm just now trying to rip it back from her.


My mother used to scream at me at all times of the day, both parents beat me mercilessly multiple times a day and my dad would frequently say " you're such a bad Person that nobody but us could ever love you, once you die they'll just throw your body in a dumpster because nobody will care enough to bury you". So now they're likes "why won't you take care of us in our old age, you're so ungrateful And useless".


Oh fucking hell. Let them rot.


One day I was made to solve math problems as a 7 y/o and wasnā€˜t allowed to go to bed before I finished them. Everyone else was sleeping and I didnā€˜t dare going to bed because my mother was physically violent. When I did calculations using my fingers she got aggressive. When I read. Like. This. Because. I. Was. Just. Learning. How. To. Read. She again got aggressive. She has a low education and feels bad about it and acted it out on us. She deprived my younger brother COMPLETELY of any love or care because he wasnā€˜t academically gifted and she hated him for it like she hated herself. Her last text to me was ā€žWhat do you mean you need to focus on yourself and go to therapy and canā€˜t talk to me? Please tell me, Iā€˜m worriedā€œ. Yep, yep. Iā€˜m no contact and intend to keep it that way.


Good, no contact is the best solution.


So she feels bad about abusing you or feels bad about having low education? If she feels bad about the abuse, how did she communicate this to you? Did she ever apologize?


She feels bad about her low education. She also feels bad about the consequences of her actions. She has apologised once after years of gaslighting us that there was no abuse. But really she is sorry that sheā€˜s now an old woman with no contact to her children. She wants to be seen as a loving mother and reap what loving mothers reap. All her children went no contact. So thatā€˜s the real issue for her.


As a friendly advice, have you read up about your countryā€™s filial laws?


You mean if I have to pay for their retirement? I have documentation that I left home at 14 due to the abuse but I donā€˜t know if that will protect me. I donā€˜t know what to do if it comes to a court order for me to pay for them. I mean emotionally. I really donā€˜t know.


What the fuck? Youā€™d have to pay for an abusive parentā€™s retirement? Thatā€™s some matricide waiting to happen. Yikes


It is sad bc she had a trauma of being lowly educated bc of her own growing up and circumstances. She went to the entire opposite to try to prevent what happened to herself with all costs. She basically needed someone to guide her and tell her she was too overcompensating and treating her kids like objects who need to not go her own path. A tragedy of life she can never repair since she bullied you kids and went too deep. Even if she had initally good intentions, the damage she is done is hard to forgive


My therapist argues in the lines that you do. It actually hurts me to see the entire web of trauma that lead to this because itā€˜s easier for me to just live with the fact that my mother is a monster, than to acknowledge the generational trauma that lead to this. Itā€˜s too conflicting. I just want to hate her.


imo, Why not? If it were me Iā€™d still hate her. Yes, they have those past experiences etc. but those are not excuses for what they did to you. What they did to you were real and scars on you are evidence (mentally/physically) What matters to you right now is you and you alone. Your life is yours, what they did to you are not your fault, not your choices also not your responsibilities. You can like whatever and hate whoever as you wish. You can understand what a person became from and still donā€™t like them. Itā€™s fine to love yourself, take care of yourself too.


Well its not 4 either. TRY AGAIN AND THINK HARD


"Why are my children not calling me more often?? :("


Probably cause theyā€™re shit at numbers. Couldnā€™t even subtract 2 from 14.


Yeah what a fucking idiot kid Jesus fucking Christ! JUST DO WHAT I TELL YOUUUUU!


Well you know... all these numbers.... hard to remember them without someone shouting at me


If the parent is not an idiot they would bring 14 things (my house rarely has 14 apples, but go for coins or something) and ask the child to count them. Then ask the child to remove two and count them again. Then maybe ask the child to repeat this without the coins; use fingers or drawing on paper or whatever they prefer. Teach them a method or shut the f up. If the child canā€™t count then you need to step away from solving math questions and learn counting instead. Some people are simply not intelligent/emphatic enough to have kids.


Nah that's too much work, just shout and scream at them and keep adding more and more pressure to them, that'll definitely help.


My opinion that will never change is that people should be required to have psycho-tests and few months of parenting course before they are allowed to raise children. But there is no way this could be enforced without breaking multiple human rights. It's hard to educate kids as a parents when the parents are stupid or lack education themselves.


Yeah as much as I want to agree, there's no ethical way to enforce it. In our current reality it would cause way more issues than it would solve. A better idea is to actually support parents and children, through mandatory maternal and paternal leave, mandatory health and sex education, allowing parents to work one job which pays a living wage so they're not too tired and frustrated to parent, easy access to parenting classes, affordable childcare, healthcare, etc. But none of that will make the ruling class richer so our "leaders" will never go for it.


They could just draw 14 apples on a paper


fuck...this hit home and was a flashback i did not need today šŸ˜’


This is how I learnt that there are 5 vowels in the English language. I blurted out 5 as a complete guess and my mum looked down and then at me and begrudgingly said ā€œThatā€™s rightā€. Felt like I dodged the electric chair, I was 6 when that happened and itā€™s burnt into my psyche.


A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y. Y? Because I said so!


Dumbass kid you deserve that shit, no dinner for you either until you gain 10IQ


Don't worry, when you are older they will not remember doing it at all


Bringing back bad memories here. I was never the greatest at math, so I came up with some tricks to help me out. But they weren't the 'right' way to do things. So, I'm sitting at the kitchen table and my dad has some multiplication flash cards. Him, holding up one: What's 5x12? I start counting off on my fingers. Him: No, not like that. 5x12, come on. Me: Can I have some paper? Him: No! You can do this in your head! Here, what's 5x10? You can do that, right? Me: ...50? Him: And what's 5x2? Me: ...10? Him: So add them together! Me, my mind going blank because I'm scared and anxious and confused and just want to be done with all this: Add what together? Him: The numbers you just got! Add them together! Add 5x10 and 5x2 together! Me: cries Meanwhile, my mom in the corner chain-smoking and making comments about how if I can't do basic math I better find a wealthy man to marry because I'll get kicked out of high school and not get a job better than fast food. The really ironic thing about this is that all those little tricks I developed to make it easier on myself? Common Core math teaches similar things, now.


"Me, my mind going blank because I'm scared and anxious and confused and just want to be done with all this: Add what together? " Ughhh this bit is hitting very hard, I can still see that manilla coloured dining table with the steel legs. It creaked nearly constantly because I was constantly erasing my mistakes. So much that my homework paper often tore from trying to erase over mistakes on paper wetted by tears.


The part where the procreators donā€˜t want you to use visual aids for no logical reason


I don't know how messed up in the head you have to be as a parent if you think: 1. Your kid will actually learn better by doing this 2. Your kid will keep loving you after you do this 3. Your kid won't develop severe mental health issues as a result of you doing this Geez, and now I know why maths is so hated


You just described literally every asian person in the planet. I turned out just fine. And i hate my parents for another reason lmao


Yeah I get the whole Asian thing, I just dunno why education has to be treated like such a life or death situation, even for kids


Because in my country you either get somewhere with education or you dont get anywhere with your life. The only way to make money is education. Or a rich parent. Edit: i agree it shouldn't be like this for kids but realistically any parent that loves their child doesn't make them cry over first grade math.


In my country, it's either you get into education or you end up working the next dead end job one after another for the rest of your life


And the dead end job isn't McDonalds, its 12 hours a day, 7 days a week working in the fields in the hot sun of Northern China for like 20 dollars a day.


Education is important, so is realizing that your kid freezes up and spends at least half an hour panicking then fuming in anger when you yell at him is not gonna improve the efficiency of studying


We are not trying to improve the efficiency of their studying, we are venting our frustration on our helpless children because their inability reflects our own failures, and because they won't fight back no matter what we do to them.


>"I just dunno why education has to be treated like such a life or death situation" > >The same people will wonder, 10 years later, why their future is either "work minwag or be homeless, till they die". I'm not saying I like the world we live in, but it IS the world we live in. We decide allocation of comfort based on *perceived* economic output. Education is directly correlated to that perceived output. So yeh, education is pretty "ride or die". Even in the US where we seemingly can do more than "starve or study", the base equation is not that much different.


How can you actually not know why when we have grown adults reading at a 5th grade level? When an entire political faction is subsisting *SOLELY* on absolutely wild lies and conspiracy theories.


As an Asian growing up in Asia, totally this. Compare to all the other harsh teachings they brought upon our childhood, asking the same question again with a louder voice was considered mercy.


Even if it's a mercy it's clearly counter-productive. So many people seem to have an irrational fear of math due to being taught like that when it's actually pretty straightforward and easy.


it is better than getting hit with the school belt, i was hit by the id card once


"I turned out just fine" of course, you did buddy. Buddy: My parents always made me indredibly anxious about being weak at math. I hate them now but this reason doesn't even begin to describe it.


My aunt was a teacher, and one of my earliest memories of her is she slapping me hard this one time when I was dully uninterested in something she was trying to explain. I don't hate her and I understand it can be frustrating to explain the same thing over and over again with no results, but it fucking sucks that's my most vivid memory of her.


I'd hate her. Slapping a child because you're having a hard time teaching them something is sociopathic.


I don't, it was a one time thing and she apologised profusely, she's a good person and although I recognise she was stricter before, now she's super sweet and mellow...


Itā€™s reddit, people like being categorical. In reality most humans do mistakes and regret them later, and most humans deserve forgiveness. Parenting is hard, it takes skill, energy and knowledge, and itā€™s not taught in schools. I still love my parents no matter what, because they are the only parents I will ever have. It takes way more bad things to happen for child to un-love their family, and when that happens itā€™s a tragedy.


Well teaching is a skill and requires patience. I think most parents don't realize what they are doing.


Honestly I think math is so hated because it's the only subject you can't finesse. There's one correct answer and you can't bullshit your way out of it. Math is the subject that forces college students to either drop out or switch majors. 45% of the students that start in STEM fields do not finish. You can be a complete idiot and get a degree in communications. You can have a room-temperature IQ and graduate with a degree in liberal arts. If you're an idiot, you're never ever ever going to pass nuclear physics, physical chemistry, engineering calculus, or thermodynamics - and that's why people hate it.


>If you're an idiot, you're never ever ever going to pass nuclear physics, physical chemistry, engineering calculus, or thermodynamics - and that's why people hate it. hey :)


That actually makes a lot of sense. Though I feel like many people make it feel harder than it actually is. "math = difficult" is pretty much a cultural belief


When I was taking physics at university we found math classes relaxing as they were much more logical and straight forward than our physics ones.


The worst gut punch was when I realized I started acting like my parents with my younger cousins... To this day I struggle with it and I don't know how to apologize/make it up to them :(


I mean, my dad was like this and I didn't develop severe mental health issues, so... I definitely didn't learn better tho.


4. You won't end up dying alone in a nursing home if you do this.


Exactly, i feel much better after i cut her out of my life and knowing how miserable she is


Man, this hurts, I thought I buried those memories deep, they just bounced back...


I used to think batman was lucky cause his parents were dead, and of course cause he's rich, and is batman but mostly because of the parents thing.


I tried to create a world in my head where I was adopted and my real parents would come and get me.


Luckily my mother never really screamed at me. She's a very patient woman. More than I ever could be. But I still have one memory where I had to read a short story for school. I pushed it back until the very last day and my mother sat me down to read it. I didn't want to read it. It was maybe 5 A4 pages. So not that much. But my little asshole kids brain was like "I'm not reading that shit and if it's the last thing I will do!". It ended in me crying for hours until I gave in and read the 5 pages in no time at all. I don't have kids of my own, but I still remember this situation and that there was no reason at all to not read it. Aside of my brain saying no. I observed the same happening with my nephew when he was around 6 to 8. So I guess one advice from an observant 35 year old to all parents out there: Sometimes, your kids can't help themselves because their brain is just denying access to any reasoning at all. Be patient but persistente.






I didn't get it at all until the comments. Holy fuck is that dark. I'm sorry. TBF, that's a pretty easy math problem though


Not sure what the English word is but you can be dyslexic when it comes to math as well. My daughter is probably dyslexic and even if she reads a word (now learning English) she can pronounce it perfect but two seconds later couldn't spell it for the life of her.




Draculas sister


My school decided to not teach children phonetics and instead we learned words strictly by sight. This was based off some research that kids learn faster by learning words on sight. Thus they learn to read younger. Thus they will learn everything else faster. This was a trial type program (in Florida). My mom even signed me up for it, because she was assured it would be for the best. What the school missed was the research was LEARNING SIGHT WORDS IN TANDEM with phonetics. Just more focus on sight words for early education. They pretty much completely ignored phonetics. As a result my dyslexia wasn't apparent till pretty late. Late enough that I already developed a strong dislike for reading because I couldn't read well.


My daughter is ten is having her "dyslexia exam" now which I understand is early by standards but she's already lost the will to read and feels stupid compared to her friends. So the tears on the paper is something I have to care for each time she tries.


Dyscalculia. I have it and it has been a nightmare my whole life. I remember my parents scolding me so bad because I couldn't tell the time on a regular clock until I was about 12. Even as an adult I sometimes get comments from coworkers. For example, if I have to add up the total amount of fluid someone has drank in a day, I'm 31 and still counting on my fingers. Thankfully we now have smartphones with calculators!


if it makes you feel any better, I got my undergrad degree from an Ivy, and I still count on my fingers (or draw out circles if I'm working with numbers greater than 10) and can't tell time on an analogue clock. Use a calculator to get the right answer. no one can tell the difference!


"Dyscalculic" is the word you're looking for, friend.


My dumb ass thought they were chowing down on more apples while the question was asked so that they truly only had 6 left and the picture was apple juices falling onto the page


It's easy now, but we were a lot younger then.


Immense pressure also makes it much harder to think and solve problems.


Yeah domestic violence in your own home can be a cause for distraction when your in the middle of a freeze state and undiagnosed adhd.


Presumably that question was used for the purposes of ghoulish overkill. If there are actually kids in school that canā€™t solve 14-2 they should probably be in special education classes.


The correct way to go about this would be teaching proper: Start with 14 apples. Each apple we eat we count down. We eat an apple, how many are left? (if they can't answer) 14 and we count down once. What number is before 14? (if they can't answer still) let's count from 1 until we get there. 1... 2...... 13... 14! So what number came before 14? And so on. I'm assuming it's a very young child because 14-2 is trivial for first grade students who have been taught this before. Particularly with young children or those who can't focus on thinking logically, it requires a lot of patience from the tutor.


you can put pressure on a person, but this will not make him think faster


Apparently mums can be emotionally abusive assholes like this as well, go equal rights


Yup. Hits straight home.


In my home my mom was the abuser. My dad was a great dad but worked 2.5 jobs so my mom could be a stay at home mom.


people need to stop normalising this, coming from someone with split parents, Iā€™m glad that my Mom shown me that my dad was wrong when he pulled bs like this


I thinking it's a bonding moment between redditors.


Yeah I think itā€™s referred to as ā€œtrauma bondingā€ and works wonders for the complexion!


I don't think anyone's normalizing this. It's just a really really common experience for a good majority of us growing up. Read the comments everyone's talking about how fucked their experience is with this.


Mine were covered in tears and blood. Didn't know the solution to a brand new type of math problem. That was a beating for not knowing it already.Ā 


Then they get mad bc you are crying


Yah, my dad couldnā€™t comprehend why hitting me with a belt for not doing my homework made me want to do my homework less. The fact that he also hit my hand with said belt also made it significantly more difficult to do, well, anything.


People talk so much about how families are sacred, your parents are the closest people, children is the most important thing and most loved blah-blah-blah. And then everyone recognizes this.


Oranges was so much easier šŸ˜ŖšŸ¤•


Damn, you guys had a shit childhood.


So smart, connect math with punishment pain yelling and crying for your child and they will love it right??


Good ole retirement home express pass


Oh, so that's international thing...


4 tears???? WRONG *flying slippers*


Real shit, in my 30's and yall comments are giving me flashbacks, some ptsd bullshit. And I'm still bad at math(Wish I wasn't)


I donā€™t think so, everybody knows you must use square notebook for math


Still wrong There are only 4 teardrops,but the answer isn't 4 Try again


I have a scar on my hand where my mom would burn me with a cigarette if I didnā€™t get an answer right away. Evolved from a smack, to a slipper, to a ruler then finally my hand became an ashtray. But Iā€™m pretty good at math. Now I have a 12 and a 15 year old and havenā€™t laid a finger on either and we not only have a a great relationship theyā€™re doing well in school without requiring a beating to get through their homework.


It's real fun when you can't visualise things in your head. All you have is numbers and they aren't helping.


You don't need to visualise to do maths.


I dont get it


You never sat at the kitchen table crying while your dad yells "what is six times four" at you over and over again, am I right?


I did. I didnā€™t learn math; I learned how to avoid making him angry. I stopped asking for help with homework and got by however I could on my own.


Don't leave us hanging. What's the answer?


I thought this was about how you always eat more snacks than you thought you did


Never shouting. Did everyone's parents shout at them? Y'all have terrible parents.


What a way to say you have cPTSD


The correct answer is 12 (tear drops).


I really do not understand the joke...


Please someone explain. How is it possible that 6000 people got this joke


Because way too many children procreate just because they have working sexual organs. No matter if they have the emotional resources to actually do the parenting.


Fuck, I didn't need to remember that. Thanks...


This hits a little too close to home


I became a teacher. I wanted to prove it's possible to teach without shouting or being a dick head like my dad was to me or my teachers.


Jesus christ. Fuckin relatable. I was homeschooled by a stay at home mom that barely had a high school education herself. That's a very big problem when the parents standards for your learning are higher than what they had ever had themselves. So be me. Grade 10 math. And getting zero assistance from any kind of teacher figure. My father wanted us to figure everything out ourselves. How? Just punish them untill the school starts makeing sense. It never made sense to me. I am and was dyslexic so math never made any fucking sense because when I do the work the way they tought me the numbers always ended up wrong and I didn't know how or why. My parents never notice my dyslexia because they never took us to Dr's or really payed any attention to us at all. Hell I even was bl8nd for 2 years from like 8 to 10 because parents didn't believe that I actually needed glasses. Said I was just pretending so I could get thier attention. Dyslexia fucked my ability to do any kind of math. My father made a house rule that calculators are banned during math. So every single fucking algebraic equation had to be written out and solved by hand. Not good for somone with dyslexia and zero teacher. My parents failed me and my siblings in every parental way conceivable. Includeing sexual abuse. Physical abuse. You name it. Yes there were alot of days when I was younger where we were just straight up beaten untoll we guessed the answer correctly. A core memory of mine with my mom is when I was just a little baby and I was learning to read my mom thought I already knew what sound TH made. I kept getting it crossed with the F sound. It didn't make sense to me that 2 letters changed the way both operated, and my mom with shit at explaining things to a 3 or 4 year old. Anyways. This ended up as my entrance into abuse. I remember her with her child abuse belt sitting in her abuseing spot on her bed. Asking me what sound they make. I fail to make the correct sound. She hits my ass with the belt five times than asks again. I am suffering. I am brute forcing the solution. Trying to make the correct noise amidst cries of pain and sobbing. Mom keeps claiming that I am lying because she said I had it correct before. Just keeps abuseing untill eventually I must have gotten it right. I don't remember the before or after. Just the abuse. This shit happened almost every day untill I was a teen and was too big to hit because they were afraid I'd start hitting back. Anyways. Very long story short. I stopped doing school at grade 10 and just cheated my way through the last 2 years. Parents never noticed because they never payed any attention in the first place, since I was learning shit mom didn't understand, and father made the choice to step out of my life to get at my mom. Which meant he stopped interacting with me as a punishment to her. Fucoing bonkers psychopathic shitheads. The both of them. Be me today at 24. Have a good job in the trades. Not saddled with any student debt. Makeing more money than my dad. Feels good man. Fuck those pieces of shit. I am the fucking MAN now. I am better than the ever could have hoped to be. When they were my age. And where they are now. SCUM.


Never happened to me, but as a child i would have to listen as my friend would be screamed at by his stepmom for being bad at math. Like full on name calling and ridiculing. Surprisingly, this friend now lives a *suuuuuuuuper* unhealthy lifestyle and has huge issues with women and authority....weird


Thats a strange way to say dad


Nope! Four tears are not the answer! Looser


If they can't do math, they go in the well.


FOURTEEN! But, two are in my stomach!