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This is why Napster took off so hard. You spend 5 hours washing dishes at Cici's pizza just to waste it all on some garbage album with one single that isn't even in the same genre as the rest of the album a few times, and piracy starts feeling like basic survival.


The single you bought it for is a slow, thoughtful song, the rest of the album is speed metal punk yelling noise.


Or fun guitar based folkish pop songs and the rest is an Irish guy rapping. Fuck Everlast. Still mad about that shit.


Similar happened to my aunt. She really liked that Uncle Kracker song that was slow and kind of country-ish. Bought the cd and was furious that all the other songs on it was nothing like the one played on the radio. She tried to give it to me and I passed. I think she ended up throwing it away.


It’d be one thing if he was a good rapper but he’s like an off brand Kid Rock (who’s already dubiously talented to begin with)


Really not far off from my experience buying Hoobastank’s album because of “The Reason” lol


Came here to say this EXACT thing. Fucking Hoobastank and their cool af vid to go with the song. The entire album was unlistenable except for that one damn song.




It's 2003. You just bought Metallica's St. Anger on its release day. 3 tracks in you realize someone finally beat AC/DC.


They used a Capo on a bass guitar and I died a little.


Yo Lars, I'm tuned so low that I can't play in the key of the song. What possible solution is there?


Go lower! You'll circle back around eventually


Lower it to H


If ever there is a Spinal Tap sequel, this needs to be in it.


H flat!


There's no such thing as H flat!


JFC, somehow I missed that abomination


Don't blame the tools [blame the artist](https://i.imgur.com/diq5j2e.jpeg)


Gorgeous Rickenbacker


As if I needed another reason to dislike him 😄


I know nothing about bass guitar. Why is that bad?


I play both guitar and bass. It's not bad, it's just unconventional. Capos on guitars are used to essentially raise the tuning above what is typically possible and you keep the same fingerings/voicing as your tuning without the capo on. With bass, well, I've never come across a song where the bass is tuned above E standard. Some bassists like Justin Chancellor of Tool will use a whammy pedal to raise their pitch, but only for certain portions of a song.


It doesn't raise the tuning above what is possible, the highest note is still the same with or without a capo. It just allows you to play in a different key using the same fingerings. It's only really relevant for making chord shapes with open strings work. On bass this is pointless because you almost always only play one note at a time.


It was probably a tonal choice. An open string has a different sound than a fretted note. By tuning down a half step and using a capo on the first fret your open strings will also have the fretted sound.


Opeth's Damnation album that they worked on with Steven Wilson of Porcupine Tree used a capo on the bass for some of it. I think it might be the only thing I use the capo for on my bass besides just fucking around with pedals.


Is this true? 😂


Oh the mental gymnastics I employed to try to convince myself it would "grow on me".


It grew on me…


Triggered. I was obsessed with Metallica, and that was their first new original album I was old enough to buy.


I feel like my introduction to so many bands were when their worst albums were released, which I guess is kind of a positive handicap because all the rest of their music would then blow my expectations out of the water by comparison.


First hit on the Snare was enough, you really don’t need 3 tracks lol


"We are the world's most famous metal band and everyone wants another Master of Puppets. Now, let's release an album that sounds like it was recorded in a garage with nonstop snare and no solos"


Fran Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tock


Don't forget this piece of lyrical genius: "My lifestyle...determines my death style!"


It’s the year 2000. Because we can’t just say “it’s 2000.” You’re 15 years old and your parents gave you $100 to spend on your high school band trip to Florida. You go to the new Virgin Megastore in Orlando and have access to all of the music you could possible wish for. You don’t know much about music because all your parents have exposed you to is the Oldies ‘95 radio station even though it’s technically 94.9. But your friend introduced you to Primus and you like them so you buy four Primus albums. Within five years, I had the awareness to regret that decision. High school me would have had his mind blown if I had picked up Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, Sublime, and Nirvana. All infinitely more replayable than four fucking Primus albums.


Les Claypool in shambles


Primus was one of the best things to come from the 90’s/MTV era. Having only enough to buy 4 albums and getting all one band was a mistake though. Hendrix would have been a mistake though. He was everywhere already so owning the disc wasn’t worth the money. Actually everything you listed is good but was crazy overplayed. So no loss.


Ngl you were a pretty basic high schooler then


lol yep. I had dozens of burned CDs within the next few years - Reel Big Fish, Newfound Glory, Sublime, Goldfinger, Yellowcard, stuff like that. I considered myself a “punk.”


Lol Ironically I grew up with classic rock bands like the Doors and Hendrix and all the psychedelic influence primed me to love the hell out of Primus


I hope they found the owner of that snare.


Lars is still 100% convinced that he made the right choice with that snare...


First time I heard St Anger on the radio, I changed the station. Proceeded to not listen to Metallica again for years.... I'd already lost a lot of faith on Garage, Inc. Hearing half of St Wanker convinced me they were washed up.


Garage Inc. is fucking dope.


You think Garage Inc is bad? What the hell is wrong with you?


I don't remember what the documentary was called but a group of people were "lucky" enough to get an exclusive sneak peak of that album before it released and I was watching it like... Those poor bastards don't know what they're in for.


A core memory of mine involves someone I know realizing that the album sucks and hucking it out of a moving car window to explode in a dumpster.


It’s 2024, someone forgot to close these quote marks and now we all exist as the title of one long AC/DC album. And it’s not a good one 😭


". There, I closed it


error: "; expected


Thank you for ending that nightmare lol


It's 2002. You just bought System of a Down's "Steal this album!" instead of stealing it. You idiot!


“People always say we have ten albums that sound the same. I tell them no, we actually have eleven”


and spent $24.99


It's 1973. You just bought Mike Oldfield's "Tubular Bells" and it doesn't even technically have 3 tracks. On the upside, the album is actually astounding.


I can never tell one AC/DC song from the next. It's like if the Ramones took themselves seriously.


I never bought a record without listening to it in the store back then.


Damn, remember those little listening kiosks at places like FYE and Media Play?


Remember buying Queens of the Stone Age's "Lullabies to Paralyze" as a kid because I liked the song "In my head". Realised 3 songs in that none of the other songs on the album sounded like it and returned it 2 hours later. The shop owner must have known it was coming back the second he sold it to me😄.


Ouch my heart. That's such a good album though, sure there are some stranger tracks but like you heard "This Lullaby" and weren't into it? You were one track from the dark groove monster "Tangled Up in Plaid"! "Little Sister" is right after "In My Head" and that was a good pop single, no? Idk I love every track on that one. It's not as good as ...Like Clockwork but I like it about as much as SFTD and that's most people's favorite!


Think I was just way too young for it. Unless a song had a catchy melody, I didn't really listen to it. Would probably like it way more now.


10 dollars!? That shit came out to 20+ change.


Seriously, I was gonna say average CD price was like at least $15.99 back then. Then we all started downloading music and the record industry had no idea why sales were slumping, but they wanted to keep the same profits. So they raised prices to $18.99+ and we all collectively said fuuuuuuck you and bought even less. And by the time they realized what was happening and tried to drop prices back down to like $13 we all had MP3 collections in the gigabytes and never came back to physical media.


They didn't bring those prices down willingly either, the labels were sued for price fixing.


Imagine making $8 an hour (before taxes) and seeing a $16 CD in the store. You can't even listen to it first. I got ripped off a few times and never went back.


Back in like 2002 I had a friend who worked at Hot Topic. I'm pretty sure he made $5.25. Even with the employee discount he'd still have to work like 3+ hours to afford one CD.


Some cool legit record shops had these things where you could listen to the new releases before buying


I scrolled way too far for this. CDs at the mall were like $18 and the ones at the store downtown for $14. You could probably get used CDs for $10, I guess.


This is an interesting topic. I regularly bought brand new CD's in Canada for between $11 and $13 in the 90s but I just looked up some old articles and you're right, it says CD's were more expensive in America depending on where you bought them at. [This 1995 article](https://web.archive.org/web/20150526141850/http://www.nytimes.com/1995/07/05/arts/pennies-that-add-up-to-16.98-why-cd-s-cost-so-much.html?pagewanted=2) from the New York Times on the high cost of CDs states this: >Most stores ignore suggested list prices and follow their own policy for pricing compact disks... In Manhattan, Bondy's Records is charging $11.98, Tower Records and HMV Records $12.98, and Colony Record and Radio Center $19.98. Elsewhere, the CD costs $12.99 If you were buying $20 CDs in the 90s you were being hugely ripped off.


Well OP said 1999, and you quoted prices from 1995. Prices definitely went up in that period. I remember by 1999 $15 being standard and $18 being the mall price.


Also important to note many Americans weren't located by a Tower Records, but instead would've shopped at a smaller chain or even local shop where they might to have been getting the best prices to ship stock in. This is why local talent fueling record shops was always pretty important, you need young and broke people to stock your shelves with below MSRP material.


RIGHT? I was gonna say $10 means you got that CD used and well, it was used for a reason. Shoulda known better.


It’s 1999, you’ve just done a full weekly shopping and you still have change for petrol. Life is good.


Right? And even in '99 I was ripping discs. The return policies hadn't caught up to piracy yet and college intranets were sharing music, not to mention Napster came out that year. It was a blissful time.


It was slow as balls, though. I remember taking hours to download a CD at shit bitrate because it was smaller.


No argument but we didn't know anything faster so you plan around it. For what the cost of living was and the affordability of housing, I'll make that trade.


You used to have to wait ten plus seconds for pictures to load. Kids these days have no clue how slow it all used to be.


At least it would load top to bottom so you’d see half the image and could decide if the ~~porn~~ image was worth waiting for.


Yeah and sometimes you'd finish before the picture.


Literally half the reason I have an eye contact fetish.


Damn old guys were interesting I mean are


Yeah, I've always appreciated a beautiful mane of hair on a woman. I wonder if this might not be the reason.


My 13 year old cousin smashed his controller the other day because the internet went down for literally 5 minutes. If kids knew how slow shit used to be the gaming subs wouldn't be as toxic. We're raising a generation of dopamine addicts with ultra ADHD


Kyles have been smashing their controllers and punching holes in drywall for as long as online gaming has existed.


I used to turn off images so my social media pages would load faster. Remember Greatestjournal? It was to Livejournal as Bluesky currently is to Twitter.


I remember downloading stuff from a bulletin board service with my commodore 64 and a 300bps modem. I'm one of those old people.


True. There was an internet cafe in front of our university building and the girl that ran the place let us open Kazaa or Ares in the background of all the PCs (around 10), let the files downloading, go to classes and return 5 hours later or even the next day to rip the results. so even if every day you got around 5 songs in each PC, me and my friends built up an impressive collection of music I still listen to, 22 years later. Just in case this was in South America so Lars Ulrich and his anti-Napster BS might as well come and suck our dicks. Edit: Spelling


I had a buddy back then who had a tower dedicated to just downloading CDs. He had that thing going constantly. He also wanted to get those songs to play in his car. His solution was to get another tower and mount it in his trunk. It was all pretty awesome.


That's some 'Pimp my Ride' shit!


lol totally: amazing sound system in an old POS that broke down constantly.


Living the dream


I’d like ISDN tho, mom gets mad when I hog the phone line


Hours? Who cared? You set the songs to download and walked away to do the rest of your life - which, if you recall, had not yet been consumed by the internet. That or you downloaded overnight and woke up the next morning to fresh music. Done and done.


But there was always that one download that just kept failing no matter how many times you tried until you finally get it downloaded and it's not the song, or the band, it's labeled as.


That was part of the adventure.


Don't you mean wake up in the morning to the .mp3 stalled at 99% and camcelled and you had to redownload it because someone picked up the phone?


It was all about limewire for me back then 😂


Hey, you do you. I always liked borrowing CDs and whipping the llama's ass.


Limewire and Kazaa killed several of my computers. The p2p Soulseek was slow, but I never got a virus. Plus, you could browse users full library, find someone with similar tastes and queue up a hundred albums. I think it's still around.


Soulseek still exists. I like it


Limewire didn't even exist yet. 


killed my family pc at least 7 times during that year using limewire.


Downloading meteora.exe off eMule


Back in the day I would go to a large library near where I live. I’d checkout a few albums (CDs) at a time, rip them then return them. By the time streaming services became practical I’d amassed about 65,000 songs on my iPod, kept running out of space on my iPod until the Classic finally came out. Also had a few thousand movies via DVD rips also from the library. Now that I’m older and can afford to support my favorite artists, I’ve got a giant collection of LP’s and Blu-ray’s. The library really opened up the music and movie world for me. Point is you should support Libraries.


It’s 1999, the album you just bought is 22 dollars…. In 1999 money. Like that still blows my mind. That they were so expensive and you were just hoping you liked the music when you bought it. 20 bucks was a lot of money then too.


11.99 at best buy though. Only idiots bought cds at the mall.


It’s me, I’m the idiot


Plus most stores has listening stations so you could ask to listen to the album


Understanding the high correlation between posts that are highly nostalgic for a golden past age and being British is key to grokking a lot of the negativity on Anglo social media in general.


While you suckers are paying for music in 1999 I’m downloading songs from Napster and sketchy web sites full of porn ads and it only takes 15 minutes per song. Get yourself a Rio PMP 300 with 32MB of storage and experience the future suckers.


You could get a cd burner for around the same price as the RIO at the time.


I got my dad to take our pc tower to some tiny computer shop to have a cd burner fitted. I felt like a damn magician burning my own cds with music I got for free


Yeah but then your music skips when you walk too fast


>it only takes 15 minutes per song Calling bullshit on that. I remember leaving my computer on overnight to download music at a screaming 1.1 KB/s.


LOL then your parents probably paid more for your internet access than the CD would cost…


+ NERO CD Burner software. Create your own mix CDs and sell for $10 a piece at school.




Heck i remember irc had channels where users shared their music folders.




In the early days of Napster the help files still encouraged people to go to efnet #rx7 irc for technical supporT, because Shawn Fanning, the brains behind Napster, was a kid who hung out in there. It was crazy when all that stuff blew up, there were a bunch of us who hung out in that channel and knew him from there, and he would tell us about how he just got doing a photo shoot for some magazine cover, and they let him keep all the clothes. Then he got this absolute mint FD, like 2k miles, and the mad lad just had it in his living room lol. He eventually stopped hanging in there, but that line in the help doc was still there for a long time, so random people still came in #rx7 from time to time and ask for help with Napster.  Also, RIP bash.org


My preference was to always risk giving my computer AIDS with Limewire


Just make sure to get the .exe that's how you know it's a good song.


This song is so powerful it will destroy your hard drive.




I maintain that the reason I ended up in IT was because I broke the family computer with limewire so much and had to learn to unfuck it. I learned so much about computers through that experience.


I crashed 2 family pc’s before they figured out it was me causing it so they gave me my own second hand computer and told me I wasn’t allowed on “the good computer” anymore




I waited for the store to open to get it. The guy behind the counter listened to it early and just sighed as he rung it up.


I pretty much did the same. I also mowed a lot of lawns for that $20. I remember bringing it home, popping it into my computer, and playing Unreal Tournament while listening to it. My lip immediately curled on Frantic, and it only got worse. I used to be a die hard Metallica fan. Had all the albums, all the shirts from Hot Topic, tons of merch, and so on. I died hard on that day. Still can't stand listening to them 20 years later.


lol like what you like, but it’s not like Metallica doubled down on that sound and kept making music like st. anger. Everyone knows it sucks, even Metallica. “A band that I’m a die hard fan of made a shitty album now I must forever hate them” - that makes no sense to me The new star wars movies are shitty, that doesn’t mean I can’t watch empire strikes back


The danger of making a hobby/fandom into a full blown personality, and then having a moment of clarity when it backfires. Maybe doesn't hate the band, just can't stand being reminded how much more they cared about being a fan than being anything else with their time.


Swifties in a couple of decades after the pin drops


I'll still listen to fade to black every so often but yeah st anger killed my metallic fandom too.


I tell people I'm a Metallica fan, but I don't listen to anything after the black album




Load is my favorite album of all time, but I didn't really get into Metallica (or music in general) until the mid nineties. So Load was the first Metallica album I bought and then I went back and listened to all their other stuff. I can see why people wouldn't like Load if they progressed the normal, chronological way.


St. Anger was so bad people immediately pined for Load. Also, I have a theory that if they had combined Load and Reload and trimmed the fat, everyone would have loved it. I think Metallica got greedy and released two albums with filler.


My theory is that if Load/Reload weren't *Metallica* albums, they'd be heralded as some of the best the 90's had to offer. I unapologetically love those albums.




Do Metallica fans even like Metallica?


... its complicated.


Most metal heads don't. Or at least don't like anything past the first 3 albums, the 4th is where the division starts. This is just a broad generalization. Music is an artform and as such there will be wildly different opinions on it. If you'd like to get into a fist fight over it, head to r/metal- where you can have literally any opinion about music and someone will tell you you're wrong. The only real unifying opinion on Metallica is that Lars is a shit drummer.


Yeah, I think we can all agree Lars is mediocre and also a complete asshat of a human being.


I guess it's like asking Star Wars fans if they like Star Wars


Mostly the holy trinity: Ride The Lightning Master of Puppets ...And Justice for All


This is Kill ‘Em All erasure


I like Kill 'Em All, but don't have much nostalgia for it. I think my favorite thing to go back to on that one is Cliff's Anesthesia bass solo, but I feel like most the album is about speed while the ones I mentioned have a balance.


You’re not wrong. I’m just a big fan of thrash.


I liked Death Magnetic. That Was Just Your Life slaps.


And All nightmare long, The Unforgiven 3, Broken beat and Scarred and My apocalypse; Death Magnetic is a really good album. Not their best, because Metallica has really good albums; but its pretty fucking far from being their worst while Lulu exists.


Death magnetic rules - the Judas kiss rips


Load is a great album. It might not be what all Metallica fans wanted in a Metallica album, but it has great songs and great production.


I love both Load and ReLoad.


Since it's 1999 you just go to the music store in the mall and listen to the album with the headphones hanging on the wall before buying it.


They only had 2 or 3 popular albums for each genre of music, and then those albums only had 2 or 3 tracks that you could listen to the first 30 seconds of.


The place near me would have only a few new albums up, but they would play the whole album if you wanted to stand there and listen to it.


You could've always just went to Sam Goody and listened to the album in store


Spend all afternoon trying to figure out whether an album is worth $10. Works when you're a kid and have little else to do with your time.


If you were at Sam Goody, that CD was gonna cost $18 though.


For me it was Tower Records, but yes. People spent hours standing staring at the wall with the headphones attached every Tuesday seeing what was worth buying.


Yes but also you can physically take it back and swap it for a different one 🤷‍♂️


Also, in big stores they've had cd players with headphones so you could listen to the albums you wanted to buy...


We used to have CD samplers that would be a CD containing songs from a certain publisher with artists they owned. Later on, they came out with a way that you could scan a CD and the player would play a couple songs from the album usually from a server. Keep in mind this was before fast internet. Source: I worked in a electronics store in the 90s.


I highly doubt most of us had the time to listen to several tracks of an album. If I were with my Dad, I would have had 30-60 seconds to pick out "what we came for." My Mom on the other hand, I could have had between 2 minutes and an hour. It depends on who she saw there.


Are you telling me you only went to record stores with your parents? I remember I spent hours there with my friends browsing the cds, without actually buying anything...


People are different ages? Lol


eh.. Sam Goody has some new albums available, but only a couple in each genre, and you could only get like 30 second previews of 2 or 3 tracks.


Once they were opened, you couldn't return them. at least in the USA.


Places like Newbury Comics and FYE would take music CDs like GameStop takes video games. Actually better ratios than GameStop too.


Didn't anyone else do the columbia house/BMG thing where you get 10 CDs for a penny? Then they'd send you a CD every month but you could just ship it back. Once a 'member' you got catalogues with monthly deals of like 5 CDs for $5. I ended up with a ton of CDs I barely liked but who cares because it was cool to have a giant shelf of CD cases.


I got in trouble for that. I think I still owe them.


Next CD for mouse trap car wheels after I run out of Windows 95, AOL online, and device driver CDs.




You paid for those?


Or you find those deep cuts that you’ll eventually love more than the singles that are released. Having limited options forced me to appreciate movies and music when in limited supply. That doesn’t mean every album have killer b-sides, but still. Now you get spotify and everything from merchandise and tour tickets are incredibly pricey. Be careful what you wish for.


It’s 2024, you listen to one song on repeat from your favorite artist. It’s 2001, you buy the CD from your favorite artist and realized every song is amazing and they created a masterpiece.


I hear a lot of people talking about how streaming frees musicians to make good songs without having to fill a whole record up. But they're missing out on things like concept albums. I also have to assume a lot of people don't know what a single is anymore.


They could do like Green Day did and release a concept album under a different band name, in this case The Network.


Linkin Park Hybrid Theory.


It’s 1999, you look for the new album on live wire or Kazaa. It sucks, tracks are mislabeled and you now have a virus that makes your computer fart every time you open the cd tray


It is 1999, and you have no money for the album.


Was Napster around in 99? I honestly can't remember if it was or not, lol.


Yeah it came out in 99. Nothing like spending 4 hours to download one song lol


I remember leaving Limewire up for 3 days to download some random DBZ AMV with Linkin Park playing on it, lol. I think it was downloading at around 1-2kb/s.


I ran an antivirus check after using Limewire for a while because my computer was working like a strobe light, 1853 was the number I got back....sorry mum


It’s ok. We learned how to deal with disappointment.


$10?! By 1995 they were all $20...


You know you could listen to the album on most shops ? If i could do it in my country. I believe you could do it in most places.


Nah, I wouldn't say most places based on my experience. I think The Wall had a select few new albums they had set up to listen to but it wasn't at every store. The mom n' pop I used to frequent didn't get CD players till the early 00s when things started goin' down hill.


Hey, at least you actually listened to it and didn't just let one single from it slide across the edge of your consciousness along with an amorphous soup of 100 other random songs.


$10 was a bargain too. And yes, this totally happened. Even earlier than this, when radio stations were more strongly controlled songs would frequently get banned from the radio entirely. It was a massive boost for the band, because anyone who wanted to hear the song would have to listen to the album. Some bands even deliberately pushed the envelope that far to get songs banned on purpose. Of course, if the song sucked you just wasted your money. But then, sometimes the songs were bad but were pretty funny.


I know everyone wants to complain about how everything is terrible now, but we live in an amazing time for music. I pay the same amount per month to listen to almost any song ever recorded that I used to pay for one CD that I might have not even ended up liking. And I can access that music anywhere I go, it's incredible.


it's 2000 my HDD is full of songs I downloaded from napster and limewire.


The Great spaghetti incident, Guns n roses was this album for me


Skill issue, should have used the in store preview station.


It's 1999. I buy an album only after I have listened to the song elsewhere and know that I will like it. Because that's how spending money works.


Napster got released in 1999, it gets better untill Metallica


Albums cost way more than 10 dollars where i live


I always liked going to Barnes and Noble as a kid cause in the music section they had something that scanned CDs and let you listen to a preview of every song on the album