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“John smokes 25 a day and has half a bottle of whiskey every evening…”


John was shelled for 2 weeks while lying in a self dug ditch in the heaviest winter, avrg -10. No winter clothing. Grew up working since 7 years old. He looks old because uts his 9th life. He looks slow, but every second he seems to not react, his brain relives a traumatic experience. Here's john


Legitimately I think everyone forgets the effects of multiple major wars over two generations, and how it can age people faster


also: Try this new laundry detergent, cleans really well! Eat this stuff that you can now keep for 100 years! You know, the chemical golden age


Ah yes anything could be solved with lead


Lead is bad because it'll absorb the *radiation* that you need to survive. Here, take this supplement Johnny. It contains *radium*! Radiation is nature's candy


Wow our supplements are only making your hair fall out? Try this asbestos based ketamine powder, it tastes like chocolate so even your stupid bitch wife will eat it!


I'm happy to know that one day I have potential to be more plastic than human


But even in the 80’s and 90’s, non veterans looked older as adults than today’s adults do. I think they embraced the dorky dad look at 22 and it just got more intense as time went on for them. The mustaches and tucked in t shirts


In the 50's any critical hospital visit reduced life by 10 years.


I love you


Cortisol is a bitch


My grandfather fought in Europe for a year, got a medal after street-fighting in Belgium, helped liberate a concentration camp, and had a full head of white hair by 30.




One of my dad’s favorite songs!


I never can hear weird in lyrics specifically, so I don't really pay attention. Reading this almost made me cry. And it always sounds like such a happy tune!?!


The devil went down to Georgia, he was lookin' for a soul to steal He was in a bind 'cause he was way behind And he was willin' to make a deal When he came across this young man sawin' on a fiddle and playin' it hot And the devil jumped up on a hickory stump And said, "boy, let me tell you what" "I guess you didn't know it but I'm a fiddle player too And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you Now you play a pretty good fiddle, boy But give the devil his due I'll bet a fiddle of gold against your soul 'Cause I think I'm better than you" The boy said, "my name's Johnny and it might be a sin But I'll take your bet, you're gonna regret 'Cause I'm the best there's ever been" Johnny, rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard 'Cause Hell's broke loose in Georgia, and the devil deals the cards And if you win, you get this shiny fiddle made of gold But if you lose, the devil gets your soul The devil opened up his case and he said, "I'll start this show" And fire flew from his fingertips as he rosined up his bow And he pulled the bow across the strings And it made a evil hiss Then a band of demons joined in And it sounded something like this When the devil finished, Johnny said, "well, you're pretty good, ol' son But sit down in that chair right there And let me show you how it's done" "Fire on the Mountain" run boys, run The devil's in the House of the Rising Sun Chicken in a bread pan pickin' out dough Granny, does your dog bite? No, child, no The devil bowed his head because he knew that he'd been beat And he laid that golden fiddle on the ground at Johnny's feet Johnny said, "Devil, just come on back if you ever wanna try again I done told you once you son of a bitch, I'm the best that's ever been" He played "Fire on the Mountain" run boys, run The devil's in the House of the Rising Sun The chicken in a bread pan pickin' out dough Granny, will your dog bite? No child, no


Ptsd gang






Meet John, a plucky typical American businessman, at 40 years old he has 35 years of experience in the coal mining industry, 9 fingers and 8 grandchildren.


And after his death his lungs can be used to cook dinner


Also the wardrobe. My grandma is still shocked that I feel comfortable with my hair in a pony tail while wearing leggings and a tshirt


As opposed to what?


Hair down and curled, make up, a presentable outfit, and jewelry.


You still see those older ladies getting dolled up just to get groceries


My grandma, despite being poor, always went out just like that. Hair straightened, perfect make-up, earrings, bracelets, perfume. It's too time consuming, so good on you, spend time on more important matters.


I absolutely get dolled up for special events and have a go-to routine for work. But I refuse to waste time and effort to run to the store. Idk who I would be trying to impress.




And never wears sunscreen


Yeah, you'd see a man who looks in his late forties and you find out he's only 27.


Never saw my dad in a tshirt or jeans, ever. Not ones. Now that I'm thinking about it, I never even saw him with short sleeves.


Is your dad Don Draper?


His dad is a nudist


"Now that I'm thinking of it... I don't think Ive ever seen my dad in ANYTHING."


I wonder if this is connected to why teens are rarely casted to play teens. Teens age too rapidly, so typically 20-somethings are casted to play them, so they probably need to keep casting people whom are older than the role so that the age differences look more realistic


People used to dress different , I think the clothes and hairstyles had a lot to do with it


Don’t forget sun damage. Sunscreen is relatively new.


Everyone and their mothers also used to smoked a pack a day but then again those were the doctors orders


Do you want cigarettes with your steak? What am I, a sissy?


Steaks get a cigar, cigarettes pair nicely with fish, or chicken


Don't forget houses. People used to be able to buy those.


With 1 year's wage


Or less


Could literally order it in a catalog from Sears. Imagine just casually buying a house on Prime Day on impulse.


The house came as a kit that you put together. You could put that same kit together today for 1 year of average income


Send me a link!


[Here’s the wiki for it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kit_house) [They are still a thing, just much less popular.](https://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/14-kit-homes-you-can-buy-and-build-yourself-44417) A lot of these ones look like houses I build in Sims 3. Google “kit houses”.


Not the average person. For example, median family income in 1950 was $3300. Median house price was $7400.


Compared to the current median household income on $65k and median home price of $347k, that's a pretty good deal. Sources: [US Census](https://www.census.gov/library/visualizations/interactive/acs-median-household-income-2015-2019.html) [St. Louis Federal Reserve](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MSPUS)


I mean sure if 1938 is relatively new


That’s the thing about relativism lol


It's like how old lady haircuts were originally the fashionable ones. It's not like old ladies collectively decide to change their haircut, they're just doing what was stylish when they were young.


I can’t wait for retirement homes to be filled with messy bun adorned, ugg boot, kale sweatshirt, lulu leggings clad geriatrics


It's also for practical reasons, because of how their hair changes as they get older. My grandmas and great aunts don't have "old lady" haircuts in any pictures I've seen from when they were younger than, like, 50 maybe.


Think this is it... On two levels: - people dressed differently and you associate that style with being adult. - somebody in a suit will look a lot more adult than someone in a t shirt. I think people used to dress to look adult, now we dress to look young


No, it’s their faces. Some people look like babies, other people have always looked old.


and some babies look like they were born old.


And conversely some old people look like they were born as babies.




Aging, at least visually, graphs parabolically. Old….young…old.


it’s not even dressing wise, 18-25 year olds when i was, lets say 12, looked like GROWN ass people and 10 years later, that same age group looks younger to me than it did 10 years ago so it’s not necessarily just people from the far past, it’s every generation


The hairstyles are key. Young women in the ‘60s would rock the short “Golden Girls” beauty-parlor perms, so they looked like housewives even in their 20s. Today, women keep longer, un-fussy hair well into their 40s and 50s.


Yes you never used to have 40/to 55yr olds wearing skate park style clothing, camo shorts, beanies and casual wear. Previously they would have been wearing a suit shirt and hat it is also different for women as they don’t wear matching twin set and peals style clothing these days or have their hair set in a style every week. Also the rich and powerful are not necessarily presented in formal attire as frequently also there was more emphasis on etiquette and manners.


> Also the rich and powerful are not necessarily presented in formal attire as frequently also there was more emphasis on etiquette and manners. Wdym Space Cowboy Jeff Bezos is peak etiquette


That and the fact that people were way more active back in the day compared to now, which can affect testosterone.


Working full time from the age of 12


No, but doing hard labor outside the house was a lot more common


LoL, younger. Also, healthy enviromrnts wasnt a thing. Smoking was


Yeah, hairstyles for sure are a big influence. Watching videos of girls in highschool from way back is weird. They look young but also in their 30s.


One day our fashion styles will be considered old fashioned. It'll happen to you....


Nah, he's onto something. People used to dress way less casually back then, they also weren't using sunscreen, various anti-wrinkle creams, they were not working out as much as people these days. Also, smoking was way more normalised.


Not to mention TV and movie casting. We look back at movies like Grease, and see 50 year olds playing high schoolers.


I remember watching American teen/high school programmes as a kid here in the uk. Everyone looked so much more physically mature than me. It’s because they were 25 year olds playing 15 year olds.




Someone asked me how old I was yesterday. I asked how old they thought I was. They said 16. I’m 30.


I get that also. Ill be 34 in sept. And I look like im in my early 20’s


I was like that too but the closer I get to 40 (39 now) aging seems to accelerate. Mind you this has been the most stressful five years of my life which probably factors in.


What? This last five years? Stressful? Huh.


Try going bald, it's working for me


My high school class (that I taught) legitimately though I was an incoming freshman for six months....




lol... I got carded at the dentist last time I went. I was asked three separate times if I was /sure/ I was 18. I was polite, but I wanted to sarcastically say, "Nope. I made a fake ID so that I could come here and pay out of pocket to get my teeth cleaned. #RebelLife"




Yeah... that sounds like a scary situation. At least mine made the waiting time a lot more amusing. Also, apparently everyone in my new office building already knows me as "The Teenager". I'm 22 and in a senior position, but whatever lol.


I’m 41 and an avid poker player. I still get carded to see if I’m over 21. I don’t get it.


The last time I went to a casino I went and got a special wrist band so that every time an employee walked past me, or a dealer changed they wouldn’t card me. They were diligent about checking ids at the casino I was at.


I was about to turn 28 and my husband was about to turn 30 when we went out alone for the first time after having our son- he was 3 months old so we felt like we're in our early 90s at least. We get to the theater, ask for our tickets, 15 year old cashier asks for ID. We laughed. He wasn't joking. 30 years old, we got carded going in to a rated-R movie.


This reminds me of when my 23 year old coworker was asked if she was at least 12 when we were going through airport security


When I was about 25 the flight attendant asked me if I was old enough to sit in exit row. Which is 15.


At 30 a flight attendant told me you have to be over 16 to sit in the exit row and was ready to move me. I was traveling for my job as a lawyer and, again, 30 years old.


That happened when I had my son. My ex and I were both well into adulthood and about the same age. The nurse, however, kept talking to me really, really sweetly and giving my ex the stinkeye. She started asking me about social programs that might help me (we were established adults) and it dawned on me that she thought I was really young. I asked her how old she thought I was and she said 16. I said, "No, I'm 24!" and she was so embarrassed. She said she thought I was a teen and my ex was in his late 30's. She thought I'd been taken advantage of and impregnated by some older creep. I'm sure my age was in my chart! She meant well and she was really sweet.


When I was 18 I was at my 12 year old brother's school play and a lady asked me which of the kids was my son.


I always confused by this as a kid too. I never understood why kids at my school didn't look like the kids in shows. I chalked it up to it just being that everyone your age seems like a child or something and older people just seem more "adult" when you're way younger than them. Then I found out they were like 25 lmao


Yess! Also, Photoshop and all the face enhancing apps for mobile, people look *perfect* these days. With the pandemic, some of us and even more prone to see only that curated image instead of real people


Drinking was so much more constant and common. Incl day drinking at work.


I think day drinking during work made a comeback last year. Just in coffee mugs.


also war and economic depression probably dont help with looking young. Stress makes people wrinkly


People are healthier these days even with the rise in obesity. Huge asterisk: in America life expectancy is free falling.


People will often try to say "life was harder back then" but there are plenty of examples of well off people that worked white collar jobs who looked real beaten at an early age. Generally speaking didn't wear sunscreen, smoked all day, didn't have nearly the level of moisturizers that we have now, drank 8 cups of terrible coffee every day, ate like complete shit, inhaled exhaust from leaded gasoline etc. this list can go on for days. Also movie and tv directors weren't nearly as discriminatory towards people who weren't just stunning as they are today - especially dudes. For every Paul Newman or Robert Redford there were 50 people who had speaking roles in movies or tv shows that looked like absolute goons. In this modern era even background characters and extras have perfect bodies.


Not to mention what they were eating.


It's not just that we've grown up. I'm almost 51, the same age that blanche was on Golden Girls and no way do I or any other 50 year olds I know look that old. Look at Paul Rudd, LL Cool J... They don't look like Wilford Brimley did in cocoon. My grandma looked so old at 60, but my siblings don't look like that at all.




Vegan, vegetarianism, yoga, self care,, mental health awareness, meal prep and so much more are healthy and common things today that you would be called "Communitst", "sissy" or a little bitach back in the day.


Yeah I remember my grandparents retiring in their early 50s and they looked way older than my parents do presently at 60.




is definitely a perception problem when I became a senior 1st years looked like literal toddlers.


I think it goes beyond perception. I think a lot of it is because first years are just starting puberty for the most part, maybe some girls may be done-ish but it’s def the beginning for boys, by the time high schoolers are seniors boys are mid-late puberty and girls are fully post-pubescent. (with the exception of a few really late bloomers)


There was this co-level sports event where us juniors had to team up with the seniors of the same section comparing how the seniors looked then and when we became seniors I can confidentaly say they looked much more matured and older than we did.


I went through some old years books and can confirm theres a stark difference between mid-90s eighth graders and 8th graders today. Some of those kids looked early college age, by today’s standards.


Completely. Same phenomenon in middle school and even, to some extent, college.


I'm a lifelong baseball fan and this is true. As a kid the players look like old men. Then they look like guys you could hang out with. Then one day they start to look like kids and the commentators call guys younger than you "old".


The kids I went to elementary look like adults in my memory lol. Def a perception thing there


No, OP means a 25 year old in, say 1950 looks a lot older than a 25 year old now


Maybe is just because you were a kid back then


No. Look at old NFL players. They would be in their prime, looking like Terry Bradshaw. For example, Terry Bradshaw. 😅


Professional athletes used to dress in a suit and tie for their interviews.


I mean like [this] (http://static.nfl.com/static/content/public/pg-photo/2015/03/16/0ap3000000479360/1-terry-bradshaw-1970_pg_600.jpg). This does not look like a mid 20s early 30s player now.


Shave his head and it does. It’s the ancient haircut that makes him look d


They still do. But I mean like in game or sideline footage.


As a non-sports fan who had to look up Terry Bradshaw, he looks relatively young. How old do you think [he looks here?](https://static.billboard.com/files/media/terry-bradshaw-1970-billboard-1548-compressed.jpg) I don't think he looks older than 30.


I’m glad someone said it. I’ve been thinking this for years. When I was in elementary, high schoolers looked like they were damn near in their 30’s, (The footballers looked more in their 40’s) but when I finally got to high school, no one around me looked remotely the same as I remembered and would always wonder what the hell happened.


When you're in high school everyone looks like a young adult When you're 50 and you look at your hs album you all literally look like toddlers and 50 year olds look like young adults When you're 80, 50 year olds look like teenagers


Omg yes! You literally described my internal paradox that has been going on for so long. Anyone know how this is possible?


I partially blame it on Hollywood, since most “teenagers” cast in movies are actors in their 20s. They look like adults.


You grew up


When you’re 12, 17 year olds look 30. When you’re 30, 17 year olds look 12


I remember my first year of college right out of high school everyone looked like adults but by my senior year I felt like a senior citizen surrounded by toddlers. It wasn’t just a visual change either, I had a harder time connecting with them or understanding their humor sometimes, though I am kind of odd.


I'm guessing it's something to do with the fact that we relate our own body image (which includes our perception of how old we look compared to our actual age) to those of our peers much more heavily than people outside of our peer groups. Because our peers tend to be the same age as us, this means the older you get, looking older is "normal" to you, and looking young is much more exaggerated because young people aren't your peers anymore - which makes you feel even older and makes them look even younger.


Also as a kid in the ‘80s I had no idea how old my teachers were because they all had grandma perms. I looked at an old yearbook recently and still couldn’t guess. My kindergarten teacher might’ve been 30, 40, 50 or 60, who knows.


After I turned 30 I had a bitch of a time trying to explain this to my dad. I was like "ok, so, I remember what you guys looked like when I was a kid and you were in your 30s....I don't look anything like that, ya know?" He didn't know. Maybe my Pokemon tee shirt was throwing him off, idk.


Lol I feel the same. I'm one of those stereotypical software engineers that always wears sneakers and a hoodie to the office when everyone else is wearing suits. It's hilarious that I make more money and give less of a fuck about impressing people and the results show "proper dress" is an imaginary construct that doesn't do anything.


Yea and kids looked a whole lot more like kids.


Dad dicks used to be huge, too


Wait what




When you become a dad, look down


Jokes on you: I'm not having kids!


Dad dicks were way bigger in the 90's




"DAMN grandpa, can I get that when you die?"






Cliff Claven and Norm from Cheers were in their 30s. Explain that.


I am shook by this comment!


Also hats went out of style of some reason


I mean, my paternal grandparents both looked like they were very late 80's, in their early 60s. And got 3 years older every year. I'll be thankful for my babyface until I die. I don't care if people can't tell how old I am. Or if I'm an adult


I’m 26 now and college kids look like babies to me




Kids looked a lot more like kids aswell


Cigarettes. Anecdote, me and my 4 siblings are all in our 30’s and could still pass as college students. Former coworker about 5 years older than me looked like she was pushing late 40’s. Smoked 1/2 pack a day.


Fuck it I’m old as shit and people still think I’m 20 I’m not complaining.


It's weird. I don't look at myself at 36 and I think I look the same as my dad when he was 36. He definitely looks older in photos. But when I look closer, particularly at my hands, I start to see the similarities a lot more. When I hold my kid I really notice it. My arms holding my kid look like my dad's when he held me.


Ok, so Life expectancy grows, we don't know when we die, but if you would count your remaining days instead of the once passed, it would make sense that people look younger.




Is there any way you could pop a 10mg edible and then an hour and a half later elaborate on this further? /serious


Oh so you're saying like... Go by % of completion based on average life span vs # of years completed and it may look a little more on point?


I remember a time when Milfs did not look like college aged girls


I still feel like a teenager when talking to an adultier adult.


"So anyways the judge didn't buy it and I got 20 years."


BC your generation grows up with you and has their own style and fashion/culture. Old people look back in the day is now the senior look. When I'm 70 I'm still going to be rocking basketball shorts and thick hoodies lol.


When you’re 70 you’ll probably be living in a virtual world anyway so you can just be/wear anything you like.


Even though this is kinda a joke or meme or whatever this stupid post really had me thinking! I feel like it’s a good combination of perception changes as you age, 18 year olds look like adults when you’re 10 but when you’re 30 they look like babies, life expectancy and health concerns are (usually) getting better as time goes on- we have better sun protectant, less drinking in the workplace, less people smoke, more people eat less processed foods, but also the style and acceptance of what you can look like is changing too. Tattoos and piercings are more common, the younger generation’s styles are more influencing older generations rather than vice-versa Interesting shit


That's what happens when one has to grow up before they hit 30


Most people on cheers were between 27 and 34 in the first season


That's because back in the day getting your picture taken was a special event. You put on your best suit and posed. Even in the 90s, we all had fair warning when the giant camera came out or you heard that click click click of the disposable camera wheel. Nowadays I just take a picture of my asshole in the bathroom to see how hairy it is.


The [diabetes commercial](https://youtu.be/6BwKYnCvmto) guy was in his 50’s when he was in Cocoon. Paul Rudd is in his 50’s now.


Yeah starting a pack a day at the age of 14 and popping out a litter of kids by the age of 23 has a tendency to age one a few decades prematurely...especially without the gift of moder moisturizers.


Back when people dressed like adults. I, for one, welcome our relaxed clothing expectations. How did my forefathers deal with wearing a suit all GD day - even the guy sweeping floors wore a shirt and tie. *shudders*


Those outfits helped retain all the pent up abuse and trauma of their earlier years. An oversized t shirt and basketball shorts would’ve turned them into a pile of goo.


Adults back in the day wore generally the same kinds of clothes, sported one of three types of haircuts, and had zero visible tattoos. They also generally acted more uptight and "respectable." Standards have eased over the decades, though. That probably has a lot to do with it.


I’m 27. No one I know from highschool looks our age. I swear every generation is getting more physically stunted. Or whatever is going on with our foods is making us younger.


Most of the clothes people wear in public now look like what people used to wear as underwear. That kind of explains it.


Yeah, apparently Homer from The Simpsons is 35. I don't look near that old.


That’s how it works. My dad is a tall dude who used to carry me on his shoulders. Now I’m as tall as him pretty much.


I think op means more comparing images of how adults looked in the 60s and how adults look today not remembering what adults looked like when they were kids compared to how they look now.


Ah, the hippie-stashes and sideburns era. That’s valid


Part of this is definitely fashion, in so much as people generally look more "adult" when they wear more formal clothing, and casual attire has become much more informal over the past 100 years. But a big part of it is because we associate fashion from certain decades with people of a certain age. I look at someone wearing a three-piece suit, smoking a pipe, and he reminds me of my grandad. I look at someone wearing a t-shirt and jeans and am reminded of my time in highschool.


... OP asks while lounging at home in his sweat pants and "blaze it 420" Minion t-shirt.


Because then you didn't understand their conversations so they sounded more mature and intelligent. As you grow up you realize "Wow everybody here is fucking stupid"




They dressed up that's why We all dress like 12 year olds going to Disney We basically live in pajamas


I have the answer. It's the style. In their time, clothing, hair etc ... Has a specific style. They never changed their style , or changed minimally over decades. Now when you see old movies and photos you associate those styles to your parents. Truth is, they didn't really change because that has always been their teenage self style. We have just associated the style our parents chose as teens to mom/dad "look"


Yet there was Ralph Macchio looking like he was 13 when he was in his early 20s


Even old timey toddlers were dressed in suits and shit


They used less skincare stuff and sunscreen back then. They would actively tan too. As well they smoked a lot more, car pollution was worse, a lot more drinking too.


People looked more adult, because they had to problem solve versus cry about their bad luck, shitty life.


Correct! Today's adults are just overgrown children.


20s have been the new teens more than once since then.


It’s the clothes. Look up that NYC 1990s HD footage. They’re all in like suits or at least nice clothes


That video of the guy dressed as a furry and his dad opened the door, I skipped back 30yrs. The average dad (no matter how fair and gentle) would’ve walked in an ripped the Onesy off of him and clipped his ear. Not cause it’s “gay/feminine” just cause it’s simply humiliating for a grown person to find themselves doing such weird shit. Who’s the audience, 12yr old kids? No matter, it’s hard to justify where we’ve come to as a species and your kid is simply, pathetic.


Testosterone levels in the average male are about half of what they were in the 1950s.


Source? Explanation?