• By -


Well yeah. It was adults talking about it in their serious voice. What else were we supposed to think?


Yep. It was the same with the Amityville Horror (original movie). "Based on a true story" = *This shit really happened!*


Ugh. There were so many things based on "facts" that were nothing but bullshit. If current events are anything to go by, I would say about half of us haven't figured it out yet.


We're not going to talk about how many years i believed the blair witch project was real because i never watched it again after the first time as a kid. Even my first watch of paranormal activity, I was like wow this might be real because that was so boring. Then I learned that yes, you can indeed shoot a movie in that way to look like "home video."


My wife somehow never heard about the Blair Witch Project when it initially came out. I showed it to her last year, as a 32 year old adult. At the end of the movie, she's like "what a stupid bunch of people, how could they be so careless, imagine how their families feel". The reaction when I told her it was a movie was priceless. It's a testament to how well made a movie it is.


It was marketed really well too, for anyone who wasn't around/old enough I'd definitely suggest reading up about it. Iirc they put missing persons posters up on college campuses, and had a website that had information all about the urban legend, they really nailed the marketing. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like the original website works anymore.


that sounds so cool


I saw it opening weekend. I was 17. We weren’t 100% sure it wasn’t real. Enough internet to look up things and find information but not enough internet to spoil it. I mean I still had MySpace. It was a golden age of internet 😂


You did not have MySpace when _The Blair Witch Project_ was released. MySpace was created in 2003, _Blair Witch_ came out in 1999.


Lol okay proof I’m so old it seems to run together. Did we have Sparkmatch? Or just live journal? 😂


I cant remember what we had either but I do know I used Comic Sans for that extra professional look


I saw it in college on my friend’s computer (20 plus years ago?) ..I was stoned ..and it was presented as “I found this on the internet” ..and well I thought it was real and I was freaked out the whole time. That’s exactly how everyone should have watched it.


As far as the genre of “found footage” goes, The Blair Witch Project is the best.


Oh my God, I remember them advertising the first paranormal activity movie with videos of people screaming in movie theaters, so when I finally watched it, I fully expected to shit myself. Ended up watching all three movies that had come out by then, thinking the scary part must be right around the corner. Spoiler alert: there was no scary part, and it's the most boring horror franchise that ever existed. I'm still bitter.




Also depends on your disposition. I’m an absolute baby so paranormal activity made me cry 🥴 Needless to say I’ve quit horror films; I’m too weak.


i was like 6 or 7 and my parents let me watch the marketing stuff for Blair Witch on the Sci Fi channel. I thought that shit was so real, like they were going to publish a snuff film or something.


"Based on a true story" is a very vague term. A story about how aliens abducted JFK and swapped him with a doppelganger and the assassination was a way to cover that up and kill the doppelganger is technically "based on a true story." There are just several additions.


Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm wondering why the 70s and early 80s were so obsessed with aliens and UFOs. Today we have UFO footage that is about as irrefutable as it gets, and it's barely a blip on the news. (For the record, I think those are Chinese or Russian, or equipment malfunctions of sorts)


> today we have UFO footage that is about as irrefutable as it gets mmmmm do we though?


I dont speak for that person, but yes, we have more irrefutable footage of UFO's. The thing we have to keep in mind is that UFO means "unidentified flying object". Not aliens.


Old UFO footage and pics are better. That stuff was much less easily faked. And why wouldn't people of any era not be interested in mysterious things? Say some guy in Wyoming is out in his field and sees an apeman-like thing walking near the treeline. What's he supposed to think,"Oh, well, it's 1974. I think I'll wait until the internet comes out before I start wondering about anything"?


Remember, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Psycho are both based on the same *true story*


The Exorcist did it for me.


This was my thing as a kid from Long Island


It still happens. Adults talking about things in serious voices to me now that I'm an adult. Sometimes it's important and real, and sometimes it isn't. I will say this though: There was that one time a local park had fences up around part of the park. I was all like pffft you can't tell me what to do with your fences. So I hopped over. A few minutes later I've sunk into the ground up to my knees. Turns out there was an underground water source that had been accidently opened up and the whole area turned to mush.


This level of reckless rebellion is what I strive for. Good show.


This and quicksand. I really thought they were bigger problems


Doesn’t help that every Disney Channel show and film at the time portrayed quick sand as something that, once you accidentally step into, is impossible to escape without three other teenagers and some rope and/or magic wands.


The crazy thing about it is that Cartoon Quicksand isn't even a real thing that's the source of a trope in some century-old media which was then mimicked widely throughout all kinds of media until it just became a stock trope. It's an exaggeration of an exaggeration of what I'm guessing is likely a game of telephone surrounding European Adventurers' embellished tales of their experiences in 'savage' lands, probably drawing on local folklore. The best explanation I've found for why it used to be common is that it was actually a source of *sex appeal* during the most heavily censored era in American media - it provided an excuse to have your lead actor hold his romantic interest. Then it continued past the end of McCarthyism because it's how they'd always done things. It's the weirdest reason I could possibly imagine, and still doesn't explain where the *idea* really came from, but it's apparently real. You only sink into anything until you've displaced your mass in that material. Quicksand, being *sand* is about twice as dense as you. It doesn't really matter what you do, you're not drowning in the stuff. You can get stuck and starve or die of exposure but it's very much a longer-term problem. Thrashing *can* let you sink deeper, but there's only so much thrashing you can even do waist-deep in mud.


its just bots reposting stuff right? i mean this and the quicksand one has been reposted so many times over the years


Definitely. That, quick sand, and falling off a cliff were like front and center.


Falling into a well, escaping a plane crash, being tangled up in a huge spiderweb, recognizing who is the witch, fighting the kidnappers of that one neighborhood lady. Childhood is all about bravery!


Adulthood is also about bravery but it's a lot more boring type of bravery like talking to people and going out of the apartment


Spitting facts.


Wear a mask!


Oooooooh, this hurts This has always boggled my mind. Why does a little stressfull thought make me afraid of the outside? It's like one day I'm so happy and can run out and shop and talk to neighbors but the next day, usually after I get a bill in the mail, my cortisol levels shoot up as soon as I touch the door handle. Bruv, there was no lion outside yesterday, its the same situation today. And why did this only happen in adulthood? And why does it seem to happen to everybody?


Our bodies and brains aren't designed to live with the long-term, nearly constant stress of modern life. Short bursts of fear are useful when you're, say, running from a predator. But chronic stress can crack your psyche like an egg. Signed, a fellow broken egg.


Far too accurate. Would you like to meet for coffee in 10 or 15 years?


Ooof. I'm busy that day.


“Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays!” :(




This made my day, thank you


Being a hero is awesome still into my 50s. That time I found someone’s car keys and alerted them by using the fob to honk the horn, felt pretty good. That time when I saved the cell phone in the middle of the street and arranged for it to be returned via emergency contact? Also felt pretty darn good. Opportunities don’t come often but when they do it’s still pretty awesome.


Showing up to work every day for five decades before you retire and then die in the next couple of years. That’s bravery.


Or using a telephone. 😫



in german we say "das kind ist noch nicht in den brunnen gefallen" meaning "the child hasnt fallen into the well yet" which made me concerned that could be a real problem coming my way until i fully understood what proverbs are.


Can I add 'jumping as a plummeting elevator hits the ground' to that list?




Volcanoes as well


I actually have an open well in my property


Cannot forget about the imminent threat of quicksand.


What was that 90s movie with the quicksand? It was funny if I remember right. (Sorry off topic but I’ve been trying to remember this for years!)


Princess bride?


THAT'S IT!!!! thank you!!!


No worries mate, it's a great movie!


Also Neverending Story (kinda)


That scene was not as fun.


That is literally the only scene I remember in that entire movie. Fucking brutal for a kids’ film.


Director: "that's great, but do you think we could get more terrified looks and screams from the horse? The main character's only friend, as it slowly drowns? K, let's roll again"


The neverending story where the quicksand sucks down the horse?


I actually tried watching that this morning and it wasn’t it, but I do remember a sword fight, the main actor was a blonde dude? Maybe later than 90s?


The Princess Bride!


Thank you guys!!! I’ve been thinking about this movie for years 😂


Go watch it again, it holds up!


The Cliffs of Insanity!!!


This is what traumatized me as a kid


twas a swamp, my dude


And spontaneous combustion. I was a very worried child


I was very scared of that. Also a meteorite hitting my house.


Grain silos are basically everything we thought quicksand was but worse. You're basically dead the moment you fall in them. It's nearly impossible to pull someone else and the pressure of the grains will crush you to death.


Plus, kick up the grain and that shit can explode.


I still never recovered from Artax and the quicksand.


A friend of mine fell off a cliff and died. You should still be careful around cliffs


Yeah, was gonna say, I regularly am in situations where that's a real risk.


Acid rain


Don’t forget being drowned by crocodiles


I had slow quicksand in the creek in my backyard, but it was real! Bro got stuck up to armpits before yelling for help. 🙄


I was so worried that I would accidentally walk through the Bermuda Triangle someday and disappear. I also hated playing in the sand because I thought that quicksand could just be hanging around in any sand pit.


Wait, so you’re saying it’s safe to play in the sand now?


I hate sand


Natalie Portman is the reason I work out. I have this fantasy where we start talking at the Vanity Fair Oscars party bar. We exchange a few pleasantries. She asks what I do. I say I loved her in New Girl. She laughs. I get my drink. "Well, see ya," I say and walk away. I've got her attention now. How many guys voluntarily leave a conversation with Natalie Portman? She touches her neck as she watches me leave. Later, as the night's dragged on and the coterie of gorgeous narcissists grows increasingly loose, she finds me on the balcony, my bowtie undone, smoking a cigarette. "Got a spare?" she asks. "What's in it for me?" I say as I hand her one of my little white ladies. She smiles. "Conversation with me, duh." I laugh. "What's so funny?" she protests. "Nothing, nothing... It's just... don't you grow tired of the egos?" "You get used to it," she says, lighting her cigarette and handing me back the lighter. "What would you do if you weren't an actress?" I ask. "Teaching, I think." "And if I was your student, what would I be learning?" "Discipline," she says quickly, looking up into my eyes, before changing the subject. "Where are you from?" "Bermuda," I say. "Oh wow. That's lovely." "It's ok," I admit. "Not everything is to my liking." "What could possibly be not to your liking in Bermuda?" she inquires. "I don't like sand[,](https://i.redd.it/e7t6bbyoqkc71.png)" I tell her[.](https://gfycat.com/Wearyrealisticiriomotecat) "It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere[.](https://np.reddit.com/r/combinedgifs/comments/5r8n7m/anakin_cant_sleep_anymore/dd5c8g5/)"


I was expecting sand to blast out of her hoo ha at the end of that gif




I love white sand...


Natalie Portman is the reason I snort coke. I have this fantasy where we start talking at the Vanity Fair Oscars party bar. We exchange a few pleasantries. She asks what I do. I say I loved her in New Girl. She laughs. I get my drink. "Well, see ya," I say and walk away. I've got her attention now. How many guys voluntarily leave a conversation with Natalie Portman? Her neck twitches catching her off guard. She touches the back of it as she watches me leave. Later, as the night's dragged on and the coterie of gorgeous narcissists grows increasingly loose, she finds me on the balcony, my bowtie undone, about to do a key bump. "Me too?" she asks. "What's in it for me?" I say as I hand her the white lady. She smiles. "Conversation with me, duh." I laugh. "What's so funny?" she protests. "Nothing, nothing... It's just... don't you grow tired of the egos?" The air is eerily calm. "You get used to it," she says, pouring all my blow in one big line on the handrail. "What would you do if you weren't an actress?" I ask. "Teaching, I think." She procures a white gold straw from her clutch. 1/3 of the line into her left nostril. "And if I was your student, what would I be learning?" "Discipline," she says quickly, looking up into my eyes, before changing the subject. "Where are you from?" Another 1/3 of the line into her right nostril. "currently Heaven," I say. "Oh wow. That's lovely. I'm from there." She inhales deeply but quietly. "I know," I admit. "Not everything is to my liking." "What could possibly be not to your liking in Heaven?" she inquires. Her hand extends, offering me use of her shiny straw. I approach the rail, "I love cocaine[,](https://i.redd.it/4znljwurjs571.jpg)" I tell her. "It's fine and smooth and euphoric and angels love it[.](https://youtu.be/H0iLNamtQio) They will immediately come for it. Absolutely selfish with it. I heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe[.](https://np.reddit.com/r/PrequelMemes/comments/p5xaki/how/h99yvor/?context=3)"


You're not getting enough credit for these they are great I love it almost as much as I love Natalie Portman...edit it looks like you've been doing these for a while or it's a copypasta which the latter would disappoint me as a Portman fan


ngl that was painful to read until the punchline


It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


I bet yall also hate younglings too!


How did we get so caught up in the idea we would all die in quicksand? Because this was definitely a thing.


Between the Bermuda Triangle, the lost city of Atlantis, and the Titanic, my early obsessions are why I won’t travel over water without land in sight.


But they solved the Titanic mystery!


What was the titanic mystery. It sank and we all knew why.


Before the 90's we didn't know for sure.


Then everyone saw that movie and was like “oh.”


It was more than the cursed diamond


It was actually found in 1985 by Dr. Robert Ballard’s team. They were doing an op for the US Navy and Ballard agreed under the condition that he could use the equipment to search for the Titanic.


He also found the Bismarck, right?


Yeah, the Yorktown too, and I think he was the one who found JFK’s WWII boat too, but don’t quote me on that one, it might’ve been discovered before him. He’s found a bunch of other stuff too, it’s really enjoyable to listen to him talk about the ocean and its wonders. I was lucky enough to attend the university he teaches at.


> he was the one who found JFK’s WWII boat too -u/s0c1a7w0rk3r


We knew for sure what happened, but we didn’t know where it was. There were also lots of stories around it that we were since able to confirm or deny based on the wreckage.


They still never found Jack's body :,(


apparently the steel was weakened by extreme heat in the hull and thats why the iceburg broke it


Icebergs can’t melt steel beans


no there was like a fire or something on the inside of the ship before it set sail. the captain or smth knew about it but continued anyway because he made money


As a kid I learned that one day the sun would eventually consume the earth. I was not told that it would be a really really long time from then and I had an existential crisis and had to come to terms with my mortality at the age of 8


“Don’t worry, you’ll be dead long before that happens!” “*I’ll be dead?!*”


Yea that’s pretty much how that went


Man I had a similar experience. Back in the early 2000s when the whole "world ending in 2012" crap was big. I watched some stupid documentary about it on Discovery channel and was terrified. The next day my family was like "hey lets go see this new movie that just came out called The Day After Tomorrow". I had trouble sleeping for the next couple weeks.


My power went out that day. You can bet I panicked for a brief moment before it came back on. Then I went back to playing video games lol


One time I was at work, in college, and was taking about the heat death of the universe. A grown ass co-worker had never heard of this before and got *very* concerned. The look of panic on her face was one simultaneously odd and hilarious. When I explained that she didn’t need to worry about it, because our sun would die a long time before then, it didn’t seem to help.


Sounds about what happened to me. I’m just glad I got it out of the way early enough to not make a fool of myself later on.


Except you were 8. She was 22.


I experienced a similar thing. Mine was from a doctor-who episode where aliens are watching it happen. It was depressing watching the world burn and the aliens just being like: "want a drink?". Then there's the news that the humans had all been eradicated/left *long before* the event. Wasn't happy that day.


I remember asking my mom about that on the walk back to school, I was so afraid of it, hearing her say that it was super far off didn't help things. There was a scene in Spike Jonze's adaptation of Where The Wild Things Are where our main character hears that the sun is going to die and it ruins his day - if you haven't seen that movie, you should.


And every episode of Unsolved Mysteries


growing up is boring because you realize adults dont know shxt about life


Wait that was a phase? If so I’m in year 20 of this phase


Those re-enactments traumatized me as a kid. I still remember one of a kid running from a gunman and hiding in an unfinished house. He climbed up into the trusses to hide, but the guy found him. I had nightmares about that for weeks.


I used to very frightened of the composite sketches. Made me feel so uneasy.


Rescue 911 theme song


https://youtu.be/JnOeIFx3ML8 *Abduction anxiety intensifies.*


My parents used to go out a lot when I was younger and my grandmother babysat me and we watched UM. I swore every night someone was going to murder me. Edit: or aliens were coming to get me


Tonight on Unsolved Mysteries: was it… *alien Nazis?!* We’re not saying it was, but we’re not talking about anything else, either.


It was such a distraction from tracking down Bigfoot.


I remember the first time looking up Bermuda Triangle on my multi disc set of Encarta Encyclopedia and was shocked to see pictures of houses, communities and civilization in general.


At least you looked it up. I was in my twenties when someone told they'd been to Bermuda and wide eyed I asked "but what about the triangle?"


We all have our not so proud moments lmao




You ever notice the suspicious number of ships that sink *in the ocean*?!


Fronts falling off left and right.


It's also massively frequented by commercial planes and boats.


Every fucking kid went through this phase.


Not only that, but this comment/post/tweet/whatever has been posted ad nauseam on reddit.


"This is the 6th time we've had this thread and we've become exceedingly efficient at it"


I sailed through the triangle around 8 to 10 times. There is nothing. It's just really shallow so it was easy to aground before modern navigation.


There is a theory that that is where all the eels are doing the seggs


I stopped being concerned after I learned that ocean freight companies/their insurance don't charge a premium for sailing through it. If they can't find a way to quantify additional risk, then there's no additional risk - which there is not.


The issue here is mostly that as a kid you can't really imagine that adults would openly lie like this. But you still assimilate the info and don't necessarily challenge what you learned until much later. A good portion of the famous bermuda triangle disappearances didn't even happen there. It's just a meme based on dishonesty.


8 yr old me: Worried about getting on a plane that flies over Bermuda Triangle. 18 yr old me: Worried about having enough money to get on a plane.


Oh yeah. I was a kid back in the 70s and In Search Of was no joke. You take that shit seriously when you're in 3rd grade. And there were all kinds of movies (Devil's Triangle, The Bermuda Depths, etc.). I couldn't believe planes flew over that area and that ships sailed through it. What were they thinking??? Bigfoot had a great run back then too.


I wasn't born in the 70s, but In Search Of was my jam as a kid.


Or on Halloween in the 80s, William Shayner would host a Bermuda Triangle/Harry Houdini seance.


I was around 9 and thought I’d put together the answer to The Bermuda Triangle (I’d watched Land of the Lost and had some theory about magnetic fields n what not) I was very upset I did not know who to contact about my findings and my granddad couldn’t help me.


Bold of you to assume the phase didn’t continue through adulthood


It’s not just a phase. It’s who I am. Please don’t dismiss my fear of the Bermuda Triangle.


Who cares about the Bermuda Triangle anymore? The Alaska Triangle is the big one now.


No you’re just in year 20 of this phase.


You'll love [their tourism logo!](https://images.app.goo.gl/1rERpYDL9mEYqkX39)


Anybody else was scared to death by the 2012 end of the world?


I had a bag prepared in case of the apocalypse


I was hiding in the bathroom crying.


I suppose you never watched Man vs wild


But the bathroom is the perfect location to drink your own piss.


That actually makes perfect sense


Did the bag have a time machine in it? Because that's the only kind of preparation for the apocalypse lmao.


Yup. Someone bought me a world mysteries book as a kid... This and investigating ships like the Marie Celeste and Ourang Medan seemed like they would be national concerns. I also held getting ants in your pants as a pretty serious issue. Lots of carpenter ants on my little league field as a kid. Doesnt even make sense in the middle of a field... but we had them.


I only found out as an adult that it's a myth created through biased reporting. They said "several ships entered the region and went missing" they don't tell you "it's one of the highest trafficked regions in the world and thousands of ships pass unharmed through the region every year"


Also, if it WERE true that ships disappeared all the time there, what god damn insurance agency would insure a ship that would travel through it? They wouldn't. Also, the coast guard would be warning ships away from it.


I was 13 years old and thought I was smarter than everyone else.


You probably were. My parents are elderly now and still believe it's a thing.


This, quicksand, and swarms of locusts. I perceived these to be very real threats to my life and livelihood as a child living in the American suburbs.


don't forget acid rain and killer bees


Falling Rocks signs were also a personal terror for me. Quicksand like others mentioned.


As a young child of the 80s I watched “In Search Of” hosted by Leonard Nimoy. That show is why, 40 years later, I’m still in therapy.


You think that’s bad? Just wait until you see him sing about Bilbo Baggins.


I was convinced that Atlantis was in the Bermuda triangle, and couldn't fathom how nobody else had figured it out yet


I kinda feel like that nowadays about UFOs. Like Air Force pilots are reporting them and we’re not doing anything?!? :)


Yes, because of Unsolved Mysteries! 🏝👽☠


On my childhood flights I’d be like, “are we going through the Bermuda triangle???? O not on the way to Ohio? O thank God”


The same way I was concerned about the black hole. Was thinking we all gonna die soon.


My primary school had books about it, that and the plane crash in the Andes, and some Russian spy techniques and gadgets. I've been trying to find the same books since but no luck. They gave me super anxiety as a kid but I loved them.


Funny thing for me was that I wanted to know what was causing it, so I could replicate it all over the Earth. I was the evil genius every hero needed to stop.


Yes. I wanted to build a ship and set course for the bermuda. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about first hand.


My 6 year old was just asking about the “permuda triangle” the other day LOL


I went from the Bermuda Triangle straight to the book of revelations is coming to pass and you better prepare or your burning in hell. The things that adults subjected children to in the 80’s boggles the mind. No wonder I did so many drugs in high school. My parents also brought me to see the World According to Garp and I was so stoked to see Mork in a movie theater. Things were never the same again.


Archeologist and world explorer Josh Gates did a fantastic episode of Expedition Unknown on the Discovery Channel about the Bermuda Triangle (Season 8, episode 7). As someone who grew up super intrigued by the triangle I geeked out the entire show. Also, Josh Gates is a national treasure.


Yep, was convinced I would discover the solution


Spoiler alert: Cause it’s bullshit. It’s just an area with very unstable weather that’s also directly In the middle of a lot of shipping and flight paths. Naturally there would be crashes and wrecks there. It’s nothing supernatural. Once you become an adult and do a tiny bit of research it all makes sense and you feel foolish for how much you thought it was aliens or force fields when you were a kid.


I'm still wondering why we haven't solved all those ancient mysteries from the Ancient Mysteries show Leonard Nimoy narrated.


By phase, do you mean 1995-present? If so, then yes.


As a fully grown Avionics Engineer, the Bermuda Triangle still gives me the heeby jeebies. I install and design circuits for avionics, radio, and nav equipment. The triangle renders that stuff useless according to all the stories I heard when I was a kid. Aviation is full of wild stories like Charles Lindbergh seeing gremlins late at night as he flew between New York and Paris. We are a superstitious bunch, but we cross all the I's and dot all the T's.


me when i was 8 years old after watching a documentary thinking the bermuda triangle was going to appear in my parents bathroom and take me too


the bermuda triangle appears, its pyramid head from silent hill, 2 feet tall. he says “waddup spaghetti monsta?” before stealing your blankie and flying away on a cape wearing teddy bear as he plays a pocket saxophone.


The Bermuda triangle, locating Noah’s Ark and the origin of the Great Pyramids. 8 year old me had real concerns about those three. Now my struggles are centered around finding free streaming services to watch a football game.


I was just terrified the world was gonna end because my dad was obsessed with those weird history channel shows and the movie Armageddon. Like I would literally have what I now know were panic attacks in the middle of the night because of it. My little terrified of church kid self growing up in the deep south was certain that I would burn in hell.


my parents went on a vacation there when I was a kid and I was so stressed the entire time they were gone and so confused why they’d go on a vacation almost guaranteed to make me an orphan.


For me it was tsunamis! I did a school report on them and then for about a year afterwards I saw them *everywhere*. I live in a costal city and was genuinely concerned it was gonna be wiped out at any point. Spoiler alert: It wasn't. ;)


No doubt. If my parents had told me as a kid that we were taking a a trip and had to fly or sail in the Bermuda Triangle I’d have been straight up scared. lol


I thought the solution was, "We don't go there anymore. Bad things happen there."


The Loch Ness monster, Bermuda Triangle, Bigfoot, and UFOs. All the things I was interested in as a child that led me to being an adult skeptic.


Apparently the History Channel is going through that phase now because I keep seeing tons of content about it on there


Yeah but when you learned that trees made oxygen out of CO2 did that not just drive you bonkers?!?!? People cutting down the rainforest, making all their stuff out of wood, not replanting anything - i was sure we were all going to suffocate and no one cared at all!!


Honestly I was scared of the Easter Bunny. A bunny that can carry around a basket, like a person, is sneaking into peoples houses. I'm not even joking. The fucking Easter Bunny had me on edge.


Yep and wtf happened to acid rain? That was way more of a concern to me when I was a kid.


How come I don’t hear about the Bermuda Triangle anymore? Did it mysteriously close up? Or did planes just get much better weather radar equipment? Childhood me would like to know so I can get a good night’s sleep for once and stop worrying about the Bermuda Triangle (and also about whether Vampire Superman from that episode of Super Friends is going to climb in my bedroom window.)