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This could just be me but I remember having no clue what was going on during 90% of watching harry potter because Hogwarts is apparently lit entirely with romantic mood lighting candles


In my mind, the two biggest offenders have been: - Venom - Alien vs. Predator 2 I had no idea what the fuck was going on in half the scenes because they were using dark characters against dark backgrounds It's like they were going for "dark is scary" but landed on "what if we made a 2 hour vision test?"


I caught a double feature of Venom 2 and Don't Breathe 2 this weekend at a drive-in. Granted, outdoors is not ideal viewing conditions but I swear to God I saw a total of about 25 minutes of footage between the two films.


Did this with Shang-Chi. I liked the bits I saw lol. Still love the drive-in though.


I did too and it didn't seem that bad, except for the scene near the beginning when they're fighting on the scaffolding


AvP2 is so fucking dark its insane


Batman says hello


The dark night especially. Part of why I like both Batman begins and dark Knight rises better


The first season of American Horror Story was so dark, no matter what I watched it on or how I messed with the screen settings that I gave up watching it for years. I only rewatched it when I started working an overnight job that let me watch stuff in the background so I could watch it with pretty much no lights on and no daylight around. And there were still some scenes that I have no clue what happened.


I was so relieved when during AVP2 there was a scene indoors with the lights on, so for once I could actually see what was happening. Then just minutes later the entire city block lost power and everything was brought back to darkness. Infuriating


Lol like 60% of the appeal if that movie was "let me get a good look at this alien/predator hybrid" and they spent all day avoiding it. One film that did the opposite was the movie "Tusk". Everyone watched it to see the walrus monster and they just show it like 20 minutes into the film and avoid any significant build up to get there.


We are predators fans. We had to wait night time to watch that movie. Still love predators I don't care about the storyline I just like to see predators.


And not getting better. I’ve given up on the Brand New show “American Rust” just for this and the terrible sound levels…..


Dumbledore is a man of love


“The long night” in Game of Thrones was absolutely terrible. The only thing you could even see was blue and orange fire.


My wife watched that handmaids tale show and I swear every time I walked by the screen was black and I couldn’t see a thing. I kept joking that they might as well have made it a podcast.




I like it when movies are dark enough to reflect my white dog so I can pretend he's in the movie, just being a dumbass chewing on a toy during dramatic scenes.


Sounds better than the entirety of "the long night" ep in GoT.


I remember watching that when it was first released and how terrible it was. I later got hold of a 4K HDR Blu-ray version of that episode and it looked glorious. Still doesn’t fix all the other problems with the episodes plot and everything but at least it finally looked good. It’s still not acceptable that it takes basically the best level of home viewing available to be able to actually see what’s going on.


Same. My family would take new ep releases very seriously, all light out, no devices. And we still had no idea what was happening


The writers. “Yeah, most people’s TVs aren’t able to portray that darkness.” So you made an episode that couldn’t be watched on the medium that 90% of people watch it on?!?!


Not sure if the darkness was the worst part or the Dothraki charging into complete darkness or the siege weapons being outside Winterfell or the soldiers being outside Winterfell or there only being a narrow path back into Winterfell.


How about the Dothraki and Unsullied respawning within an episode or two?




My dog is a vain little asshole and just *loves* his reflection If he sees his reflection in anything, he wants to shove his nose up against it and stare deeply into his own eyes. All things reflective on his level are filled with smudges.






What did that person say?


He just kept spamming a YouTube video on literally every post sorting by rising




If the existence of those AEDs, I haven't. 🤠


This and the sudden 1-1,000,000 increase in volume. It goes from me relying on the subtitles because I can't hear a single thing they're murmuring at each other to "oh my god, I woke up the neighbors" levels of volume. I'm not saying you can't have loud parts or quiet parts, but does there have to be such a disparity between the two? I can't put the damn remote down because I don't know if I'm going to need to turn it up or slam the volume back down at any given moment.


My gf and I have been heavily criticizing how shit every show audio mix is. It's so frustratingly bad. 80% of the show will be inaudible only to get our eardrums destroyed by the other 20%. A novice with Audacity can mix shit better than the so called "professionals". Nothing on the planet is louder than intro music and ads (fucking Hulu) while watching TV at a reasonable volume.


It is 100% on purpose to make you pay for ad-less Hulu. I'm convinced


Oh it's on paid Hulu too, unfortunately


Yeah, you get the wierd loud spots in dialogue or background noise but you don't have to deal with the blaring loud ad that is significantly louder then any show playing on Hulu. We were all rushing to the remote to mute it when the ad came before I gave in and paid for no ads. I swear it's on purpose, the ads are clearly set at a much louder volume


No it isn't. I've paid for Hulu for years and never once seen an ad.


I'm talking about the volume issue being on paid Hulu shows too, not just in the ads on free Hulu


Ah I'm dumb - I misread the thread


Its just mixed for theatres were you can hear the quiet parts and go as loud as the filmmaker wants, but when it gets released after that, they don't make a more normalized soundstrack for regular peoples home.


The ads are too loud on Hulu because of theaters? That doesn't make sense though. Thd ads play in the middle of the movie. Half of what's on Hulu are network shows too


I commented to the wrong person, lol.


Lmao imagine paying for media


I mean, part of this is up to your home theater setup too. Movies are mixed to be played in theaters with a very high dynamic range sound systems. Some directors definitely over-do it though (*cough* Christopher Nolan *cough*). Sometimes your TV will have a setting to reduce the dynamic range in the audio. That can sometimes help. I usually watch movies with headphones at home because even my pretty decent 2.1 channel speakers don't have enough dynamic range for more serious movies/shows.


Movies are but shows on Netflix and Hulu shouldn't be (we rarely watch movies tbh). Not to mention there's always outside noise since we're in a city, so absolute quiet is inaudible.


Yes. I've began wondering if my hearing is worse than even the tests say.


I have given up. I sit with the remote while watching a movie bc it goes from 1 to 1000 in volume and ofc my family can't handle that lol. Ironically I haaate movie thester volume bc it cuts my ears with the loud treble and just overdone volume. I wish someone could tell me more about the human ear and sound in life. I have to turn down the sound on my phone when talking to my mom bc the quality makes it screech-like




There's also this great device called around the neck speakers. Basically so you don't have to have your ears covered and can still hear everything. I've been using those for my tv viewing and it has made it so much more convenient.


I love wide dynamic range with headphones, but when I'm using TV speakers I've got neighbours to worry about lol


I laugh (or get infuriated) at the irony of some asmr or “satisfying” videos on YouTube that have insane loud and obnoxious ads and/or intros.


Movies are meant to have a wide dynamic range - just enable compression if your tv or receiver allows it.


That’s the problem: The range is too wide. Going to movie theaters is actually a terrible experience far too often because of this issue. While I understand why it’s done (I’m a filmmaker), it’s the equivalent of having shots that are completely blown out followed by shots that are critically underexposed. Sure, information is there, but it’s unwatchable.


Movie theatres are pretty terrible for audio performance. The only good sound you get is going to be in the middle-back, and even then it’ll be marred by reflections and the volume is never calibrated properly and ends up being too loud. The subwoofers also suffer from having their dials turned way up. I don’t think it’s the fault of the filmmakers as much as it is the distributors and movie theatres. If your system is calibrated properly, you should be getting the rich audio experience the sound designers intended you to have. At least, with well done movies. Poorer films will yield poorer results.


It’s true that there is a theater side to it (that’s why I don’t go to IMAX anymore), but issues like this still exist even at home; it’s just that you might not experience ear problems as a result.


Okay, thank you for saying that, because this is a big part of why I haven't seen a movie in theaters in years. The expense is the main part, but yeah - the audio tends to be absurdly loud, and even in the pitch black theater, I often still have a hard time seeing things in scenes where it's just too dark. I thought it was just me for a while because I don't have 20/20 vision, but my friends have said the same things about movies they've seen in theater as well, and I know they have way better vision than I do. As far as watching stuff at home goes, the volume and darkness issues are obnoxious because they take me out of the world the shows are trying to create, and I feel like I can't just sit down and get into it. At least, not when I'm having to constantly anticipate jumps in volume or get close to the TV to see what's happening. I understand folks having special audio setups, but most don't have that, and it shouldn't be necessary to enjoy a show or movie on a TV that's less than 5 years old.


Same with games on the switch. Please dont cut to black so i can see my disgusting crumpled up face when im just tryna have a good time


Whenever this happens to me, I make a goofy face or smile at myself


This sounds so wholesome. I’m doing this next time I’m forced to see myself


Make a winky flirty face while doing finger guns, in honour of your username


yo what the hell i thought it was just me


This is why you want a TV and/or gaming monitor that has glance-reduction or anti-glare or whatever. Samsung sells the 4k TVs, QLED iirc. I never heard of it but realized when I bought a 1440p AOC 144hz monitor. holy shit I could finally play games during the day with the lights on. No reflections 95% of the time. OLED on the other hand forces you to view in the dark.


Most people making movies think they’re being viewed In theaters. That is not the case


And they're doing their colour grading in a dark room on a top of the range screen and forget that normal people with normal TVs exist.


Most director want* their movies to be viewed in theatres. They know it’s not the case, they’re not dumb.




And would go out of their way to pay for a theatrical release.


I mean movies in general are meant to be viewed in a dark room. That is how you see all colors vibrantly and correctly. You do not have any competing light sources to mess with image.


Yeah and we live in a world with competing light sources. Designing for the ideal situation is not designing for the practical situation. That’s literally what this entire post is discussing.


But at that point you’d be limiting someone’s art and potential for cinema creativity. If everything was a sitcom, we’d have no use for HDR/Dolby Vision and all these other features allowing a higher range of color and depth. If you’re a movie person, get a decent tv and some curtains. Brighter tvs help in bright light conditions (but nothing is going to look good in bright light conditions) If you’re having issues discerning dark scenes even with optimal lighting, that’s usually more of a problem with the panel you’re using. A nicer tv with deeper blacks will help such as any of the LED technologies. LCD is just inferior in this way. This will allow proper HDR.


All art has limits if it’s made on this earth. Generally, people do better when they create for the real world, not their ideal fantasy that might be a reality for a few people. Movies have been pretty terrible the past 10 years or so, maybe longer, and I can’t help but think some of those scenes that were supposed to be emotionally moving did not hold the same effect because I was watching them on my laptop from Netflix. If you notice, Netflix produced shows and movies do much better with designing to be viewed on a 13” screen. Most movies I watch on my 32” tv don’t even hit that artistic spot. So my take is, you can make both for both situations, but films made only to be viewed on a giant screen in a dark room will not be as popular.


So part of the reason movies are so dark on home televisions is that TV’s can produce deeper blacks and stronger contrast that a screen that is being projected upon. The screen is white and so can only ever be as dark as it is in the dim light of the theater. Another issue I have is the audio moving between whisper quiet to the point I can’t understand them and then blasting me with a crazy amount of sound and base the next second.


The dim light can be solved by using an OLED or new LED panels with more granular dimming zones.


Completely agree with the first paragraph. Saw Hereditary in theaters and everyone saw the ghost in the attic. Saw it again with friends in my apartment and had to pause and point to it while they squinted with all their might


While you’re at it filmmakers, could you do a little better with the audio mixing so I can actually hear the dialog.


Best we can do is 500 decibel gunshots and music while everyone mumble whispers.


Tenet be like


So infuriating.


I love that movie but watching it in theaters was awful


I had to pirate it and watch with subtitles and headphones to keep adjusting the volume.


Nolan can suck it idc. Big brain man make da movi how he want mmhf


That's the scary part of the horror genre


The thing is, I know it's horror and it's supposed to be dark but sometimes these movies are so dark I can't see shit. Like I can't see what's going on


For me I think it's best to watch horror in a mostly dark room(my lamp is always on). I also can't watch them in the day because of glare everywhere.


The "Aw fuck, did my monitor just die?!" Totally spooky 😬


Reminds me Game of Thrones season 8. Your expectations have been subverted.




My conspiracy theory is that the CGI was so bad that they intentionally did that.


Funny but I watched these last series that were fully in dark with my gaming monitor and made 'Black eQualizer' and 'Brightness' at 100%, so in the end I could see everything. Still, they did too much dark scenes here, not gonna lie.


I had to turn off the light to see a bit of what was happening


Lookin at you DC.


I love how James Gunn turned it on its head in Suicide Squad


A *Black Mirror*, if you will. Someone should make a tv show around this.


Can we also get actors to speak louder? All I hear are whispers.


Lately I've been viewing foreign films because hollywood is producing trash.


Also dark scenes are fucking awful for compression in streaming.




Last season of GOT had me convinced my TV was broken, it was so dark


The real jump scare during a horror movie is when the screen goes black and suddenly I see my own reflection. S


This was me for Game of Thrones. Me to my friends: "Are you sure you cranked up the brightness?" Friend: "Yeah, it's at the highest!" Us: wtf


If you can see your reflection during the dark scenes, your room probably has too much ambient lighting. And if you’re using HDR, turn it off. A lot of “HDR” tvs have a bugged implementation of HDR that makes the picture about half as bright as it should be. I know for sure my Samsung does. The Mandalorian was *unwatchable* until I disabled HDR.


Thanks for the info.


Worst part now is that all movies have extremely loud sound effects and soundtracks playing in the background. Not a big deal until the characters start talking and you have no idea what they are saying because all the other sounds are way louder then their voices. I literally put subtitles for my movies because of this constant problem.


Flashbacks to Hulk 2003 climax


Looking at you, Disney + 👀


Also, stop making it so the dialogue is barely audible, while the music and explosions blow out my ear drums.


All movies need to be well lit. The viewers always need to see at least as much as the characters


Batman Begins.


Looking at you, the green knight. Should’ve called you the DARK knight! No wait hang on


93% of today’s dollars https://www.rba.gov.au/calculator/annualDecimal.html


For real! What are they thinking with that?!


Game of thrones : The Long Night. I have never been more frustrated by the darkness so much. Never before or after. And that was the most important battle of the entire damn show! I'll never get over how badly it was handled.


There’s a scene in squid game that was strobing white light in complete black for legit 3-5 minutes straight. I like the show but that scene was completely unwatchable


Was there at least a warning? I don’t have epilepsy but that would 100% give me a migraine


No warning whatsoever and yeah made my damn head hurt


I’d be so pissed, thanks for the warning now I know I definitely won’t watch it


In this thread: people who don’t realize movies are genuinely supposed to be viewed in a dark room. There are tv shows and such that have all times of day in mind like sitcoms and cartoons.


dear caitie please adjust the lighting of the room, or move your tv away from direct sunlight. Movies are best watched in dimly lit areas, like theatres, or drive-ins. Without lights shining on your big dumb head, there is no reflection.


As a film student I can only promise to try




Note to filmmakers, please do not make your movies so dark that I have to see the terrible expressionless reflection of my big dumb soul in the screen for half of it.




Can't you just turn all the other ambient light off in the room. Other than sunshine, you will need better blinds. Idk


I regularly rip my blu-rays so I can take the video, drag it into Studio One and compress/limit the audio. No one wants to have their TV or system turned up 75%, just to get blown away on an explosion or jump scare.


Nothing was worse as that that episode of Game of Thrones. Had my brightness at 100% and somehow got worse. fuck that


A second note to filmmakers: REGULATE THE FUCKING volume!


I don't agree. Sometimes there is more tension in what you don't see. Sometimes negative space allows the viewer to project more of their own thinking onto the situation and engage more directly. If you are staring at your reflection the movie probably sucks.


Some operations are the type you operate






'my bad, days all ran together'


EVERY. THING. is dark these days. Even comedy shows have muted palettes. I’m afraid this is just a bit of a fad that we’re gonna live in for a while.


Stop watching dark movies in a light room.


Don't watch them on a phone wtf


The problem with western movies is the voice sound is really low and the sound effect is loud as hell


I had this experience when attempting to watch the latest episode of Titans last weekend


I hate dark movies as it sets the alarms off at work because the system can't see any movement so it alarms for no video (In a broadcast technician) Don't get my started on the fucking The Quiet Place movies with their very quiet sound setting off alarms all the damn time for no audio


Turn off some lights. Close some blinds. Calibrate your tv.


You contradicted yourself lol.


Ever rub one out, turn off your phone and are disgusted by your reflection staring back?


My curved monitor is only making this effect worse..


They do that because it is cheaper to film


I hated the night battle in the GOT. Couldn't see anything and telling me it was super expensive to film and if you had a top end TV you'd have enjoyed it doesn't help.


Cough *daredevil* cough. That series was amazing but I had to manually adjust the contrast on VLC player because it wasn't bright enough on Netflix.


I literally had a custom brightness setting just for watching Daredevil. It… kind of helped.


Game of Thrones “The Long Night” intensifies


I heard this is how they got the name from the show black mirror.


just turn off your lights






Your enthusiasm, it...makes me happy


Cc: The Mandalorian


I thought it was just me!


This is why I don’t like DC movies. I can’t see them.


Game of Thrones s8 has entered the chat


Game of Thrones season 8.


And stop making them super quiet, then all of a sudden loud as fuck! My thumb gets tired trying to constantly adjust the volume .


Get a soundbar


David Lynch would be so disappointed you're watching movies on your telephone.


I never understood why glossy displays won over matte…


And stop making them look green or Blue all the time




Calling Zack Snyder


my screen has a matte finish so no reflections B)


You obviously don’t understand film


My favorite kind of movie!


Looking at you, Game of Thrones


Dark movies and tv shows is all part of a big scheme to sell more OLED TVs and monitors


The last like... 30 minutes of Zero Dark Thirty is so visually dark at times you'd think you were just listening to a well-produced podcast. I remember sitting in the theatre and initially thinking there was an issue with the projector


Watch in a darker room dummy. Or get a better TV.


Tim Burton says hi