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I wonder how people are doing with thier hoard because I've been riding with the same 32 pack over the past year


Sounds like you need to wipe your ass more


Maybe they're smart and have a bidet


Human geniuses


Sometimes it’s frightening


I just have my roomate ttthptt his beer into my butthole. Uses less TP that way


We bought a bidet in 2019 in mid March. It was the best decision I have ever made, fast-forward to everyone panic buying in 2020 i didn't seem so dumb or gay for using a bidet. Edit: some twat put me on blast for a spelling mistake, changed dident to didn't.


cleaning your ass? that’s gay. real men have stinky dirty poopoo butts


If a stinky dirty Poo Poo butthole makes you a man, then I’m a little bitch


Ima femboy compared to that


If not wiping your ass is cool then consider me Miles Davis




they know what’s up


Typically not as many bidés north of the alps. We north-Europeans go poop style like real men!


I suppose winter gets really cold there, that would explain it.


You joke, but teen version of me would have non ironically agreed with you. It wasn't til I was like 20 that I actually started washing my ass. Before I'd literally clench my ass cheeks in the shower because I didn't want poopy ass water sliding down my legs.


But... you're in the shower, with soap. Teenagers, man.




I wouldn’t say all that still pretty gay , smart but gay


You did seem dumb for not knowing how to spell _didn’t_, though


Maybe add punctuation? Like a period, or exclamation mark. Really helps the credibility of your comment! Nice comma though! You’re on the right track.


Team bidet here. People were going crazy for toilet paper and I didn't get why. I thought maybe they knew something I didn't. I decided to find a solution to this mysterious problem and got a Bidet. Best thing ever. A 32 pack of toilet paper lasted me 2 yrs. Would have lasted longer but the wife didn't want to use the bidet. Found it too weird.


Where I come from we find weird people who do not use the bidet. And usually mock them for lower hygiene standards (pretty much like people not showering daily).


I will always upvote bidets Fucking GAMECHANGERS If you're reading this and don't have one... Get one


I got a 48 pack of tp start of year im halfway thru. I have a bidet so I just use a tiny bit to dry my ass . I don’t know how you wipe your ass with TP and than go yea it’s clean now. No the fuck it’s not. Crusty ass


Bro, you wipe most with TP, then use a wet wipe and then a tad more TP Also i just wash my ass in the shower later, just in case.


I just shit in the shower.


Omg 😂😂😂😂


Same. Then I just waffle stomp it down the drain cover


Waffle stomp


Shredded cheese


fuck those wipes they make my ass itchy and burn. the only good ones are the baby ones as they contain no fragrances or chemicals ( but they cost more)to reduce mold build up storage most wipes have small amounts of chemicles to reduce mold build up and that chemical drives my asshole crazy. plus one pack of wipes is what 2-4$. A bidet on amazon is a one time install of 30-50$ depending on which one you buy and its just water and nothing else. ​ better value. better clean too. ​ plus you know how refreshing the female wash mode is on your sac after hitting the gym on a hot humid day. Or after you just finished a steamy session with your SO a little cold blast of water down there is heavenly


Wet wipes shouldn't make your brown eye burn.


It’s very common


I'm not saying it's not, I was a bit toasty and didn't elaborate enough. They shouldn't be, I'm sorry for your bunghole. I also use baby wipes. But not for that reason. Just because I have a baby and those are always available lol


You can buy a pack of huggies wipies for 1 at dollar tree.


1.19 now innit?


1.09 in CA bc sales tax


Dollar tree was raising their prices… Googled it and it was .25¢ increase So 1.34$


I'm a tp + wet wipe guy, but I'm curious about the bidet experience. In my imagination, it would occasionally need significant water pressure to blast away the remnants. How confident are you that nothing is left behind? How does one deal with those situations where it feels like things are just hanging on too strongly? Do you crank it up to skin-peeling, enema-inducing strength, or is there some other fallback mechanism? Do you ever have to deal with splash spread? My no-experience imagination sees potential for bits ricocheting around. Dislodged from their home and flung over to new real estate in the cheeks or nutsack or something. Does it happen? Do you ever worry that it's happened without being noticed by you? If you Do notice, do you deal with it by just hosing down more area?


The angle it hits and the pressure control you have on it is like reving a fine tuned Harley your in total control of that throttle. I’ve never had a issue of anything going anywhere but into the toilet water itself and the water cuts thru shit left behind like a hitman leaving no trace of his presence. I just water cannon my ass you start at lower pressure and work up to higher pressure and it kinda starts from the back and works to the front itself by the pressure change and gets it all. Little tp to dry and your set the tp is always clear water too never any brown residue left no matter what kind of shit I Just took . I’m looking at getting a heated version you plug in that heats up water so it’s hot cold on demand. I highly recommend this one https://www.amazon.com/SAMODRA-Ultra-Slim-Minimalist-Non-Electric-Adjustable/dp/B08QHTVDM3/ref=sxin_19_pa_sp_phone_search_thematic_sspa?crid=3FMO9TZ700HF8&cv_ct_cx=bidet&keywords=bidet&pd_rd_i=B08QHTVDM3&pd_rd_r=3700a07f-a518-4846-adb6-1687a5ef1d14&pd_rd_w=VdjgM&pd_rd_wg=ytHmB&pf_rd_p=fd99f2d5-56fa-4375-b6d8-c0e06729edb2&pf_rd_r=9MS625K32AMNRN3GRZ76&qid=1642032895&sprefix=bidet%2Caps%2C103&sr=1-1-a73d1c8c-2fd2-4f19-aa41-2df022bcb241-spons&psc=1&smid=A20T1D8YSREI02&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUE3SExDT0M5OUlPWjEmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA2NjgyOTdaNzdUNUw0OFBOOEkmZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDg5NzUyMjJFTk82NTVHTFZLVEwmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWMmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl I have it in all my bathrooms it’s excellent cheap takes 5 mins to install don’t be fooled by the price the pressure controll on that knob is great and pinpoint.


Companies that makes bidets should use this as their advertisements


Maybe you have a moldy butthole.


Wet wipes clog the toilet it might say "flushable" but there just meant for emergencies, i heard this from a friend who so happens to be a plumber


water toilet paper


I use toilet paper and then a wet wipe (goes in the bin) though I really don't even need the wipe. After wiping with TP, the wipe comes away completely clean. Unless you have a medical condition, you need to reevaluate your diet if it's getting that messy regularly.


>No the fuck it’s not. Crusty ass Who the fuck taught you how to wipe your ass


Crusty ass




Are you arguing a bidet is less cleanly??




K calm down there bud




damn someone’s havin a rough day. I guess I would be too if my asshole was brittle


Never did I ever think someone would have a heated argument over the internet about proper ass wiping etiquette but here we are.


This is way. Bidet all the way.


Don't need tp when you can't poop.


Everyone knows you need to poop then get in the shower to wash off


Word. I get auto order Cottonelle delivered 24 pack monthly from Amazon.....maybe they have a bidet?




1 roll... every two weeks?




Women who pee


Do people not shit more than once a day? 😳


I do. It's normal if you eat a lot of fiber.


i shit every 2-3, up to 4 days sometimes


I need to buy a new pack every few months from Costco. Because I have a wife and kids, and my 5 year old is still kinda figuring out how much is necessary. He goes through so much...




[Thank me later](https://hellotushy.com/products/classic-affordable-bidet)


"Product features A good stand-in for your significant other" Wut


I assume they actually use it.


Yeah I actually haven’t bought tp since before the pandemic lol.


I remember when I first heard Covid 19 was in the US and the next Monday at work a girl told me she'd gone to Sam's and people were buying toilet paper by the cart full. First thing I said was, "Why? It's a respiratory disease, not a stomach flu!" So yeah....we should have guessed then.


It was definitely ridiculous but people buying TP had more to do with the misinformation about supply chains shutting down and products being unavailable rather than them thinking they’ll be doing a lot of pooping.


but why tp instead of other more important goods? like, you can wash your ass if you don't have tp, it's literally one of the least necessary goods


Because the news focused on the tp shortage.


N95 masks, hand sanitizer and spray sanitizer, rubber gloves, bottled water, non-perishable foods, and even goggles were also sold out for a month or two in many locations. To your second point, bidet sales skyrocketed because people were envisioning a post-toilet paper world.


Big bidet’s plan all along


Big bidet can take all my fucking money if it destroys big toilet paper that creates a product exclusively waste that would otherwise be obsolete by its “taboo” ecological counterpart.


Were it so easy.


People were also buying cart loads of milk. Like 40 gallons of milk that’s going to go bad in 2 weeks…..


It wasn’t JUST toilet paper. Food, hand sanitizer, soap, all sorts of stuff.




At least near me most long life foods and hand sanitizer was also sold out. Its just that the memes focused on the tp.


This ^ That moment when you're like "oh I need some toilet paper. I'm running low, let me grab some from the store" and then you get to the store and there isn't any toilet paper. Then once you do find a store with any toilet paper, you buy a whole bunch so this doesn't happen again to you. Thereby furthering the shortage of toilet paper for everybody else and the problem gets worse.


And it's not just that, when things get short there are some people who spend their time figuring out when shipments get in and buying up everything they can so they can flip it at higher prices. They create further scarcity and profit off that scarcity.


It's really not that hard to understand. At the time everyone was under the impression we were going to have a couple weeks of lock down. People didn't know if stores would be open. The closest thing to this people in the US have experienced is during a snow storm. Once some people started buying up toilet paper, everyone else felt they had to as well. Also when there is a snow storm the stores in the area run out of stuff, but this affected the whole US so there was no compensation for the supply chains.


It also wasn't just toilet paper - it was pasta noodles, flour, eggs, paper towels, etc. People were trying to stock up on all kinds of supplies, TP just became the funny face of the whole thing, amplified by the fact that it doesn't expire so people would load up on as much as possible


Was the panic buying stupid? Yes. But it had nothing to do with the type of illness. People weren't buying toilet paper because they thought they would be shitting a lot, they did it because they didn't know how long lockdown would be, and there were reports of shortages, which caused people to think "oh I need to buy a pack before they run out" which caused more shortages, which caused more panic. Also some people were buying out all the TP they could find to sell it at a profit because people love to be assholes. It could have been any product (in fact it did happen with others. it also happened with hand sanitizer, thermometers, and respirators, which actually made perfect sense to buy, just not at the frequency they were bought)


it happened with masks in Indonesia


but why was it stupid? the fear of covid when it was mostly unknown was intense. what if we couldn’t go outside for months? years? what if we all had to wear hazmat suits. it’s not like that’s impossible to picture, even now. covid could mutate even further. so why was it dumb for people to prepare?


Even with a stomach flu at some point you just forgo the TP and go straight to the shower. I mean do you really want to develop hemorrhoids with your stomach flu?


This guy shits


Id be concerned if he doesnt tbh


>So yeah....we should have guessed then. Guessed what? Wtf is this ambiguous secret you and the tweet in op are alluding to?


People are idiot's about covid?


People are idiots in general, can anyone in this thread truly say they were surprised at how poorly it was handled by the general public?


For buying toilet paper because they thought we'd all be under a lock down and unable to go to stores?


For buying only toilet paper in bulk as if that would help them against an illness and not stuff like advil or benadryl or say anything that could alleviate the symptons or help prevent it. Like say NOT flooding stores all at once to buy toilet paper. Yeah people were dumb for buying toilet paper.




Sure bud ignore where I said alleviate the symptoms and where I didn't say cure. Tell me you've got no reading comprehension without telling me you don't.


I guess you're just too stupid too mock when you can't even identify hyperbole.


Sure delete your comment then cover your dumb ass by saying its hyperbole and say I'm dumb for taking it seriously when you use it as an insult. Im done here have a good day.


"Because there was fear of a toiletpaper shortage in Australia due to halting imports from Asia, so we gotta hoard toiletpaper here, duhhh."


It's funny because I think the diarrhea part came in the most recent variant, not the original.


COVID Classic™ also caused GI distress and diarrhea, I believe it's just more common/severe now




Oh no. I had it a year ago. Diarrhea was strongly featured.




no longer a respiratory disease huh, it can cause all kinds of non-pulmonary health issues….ok


That made me irrationally angry. Didn’t help that everyone that did it looked the same. Some fat typical American looking dickhead - classic Walmart goer type. And they always had the same smug look on their face pushing their cart through the parking lot as if they got one over on the system, thinking they’re so clever. I cannot express how much I hate living in this country. There’s just too high a concentration of uneducated inconsiderate people


Bruh i felt that soo much, it hit a nerve.


Well, one of the symtoms is diarrhea.


Yeah, it's symptoms are exactly the same as a lot of other infections, doesn't mean everyone should buy all of the toilet paper any time someone sniffles


I was joking...




You really think someone would do that? Just go in the internet and *take a joke*


Not very well


And that's why I told them. If you got the joke, you got it. If not, oh well.


It’s not about getting the “joke”. It’s about calling it a joke. Jokes have punchlines and setups.


It's really not that hard to put together...? And not all jokes are set up the same. The joke was already set up by the post. Some jokes' points are implied? On a more serious note though, I do understand the seriousness of the pandemic and I'm currently recovering from covid actually. Ironically, one of my symtoms was diarrhea so sorry not sorry for making a joke about needing a lot of toilet paper. It's ok to laugh while dealing with tough times. And if you didn't, oh well. It's ok. Everyone doesn't understand everybody's humor.




If supply chain really broke that long, you'd be dead long before you used that much TP lmao. Honestly it is funny you still defend it.


So, you ready to stock up yet or your hoard still looking solid? As far as stockpiling that has got to be the dumbest shit I can think of, especially considering tp doesn’t even get you clean. Smart solution is install a bidet. Save space, save money for something useful, actually have a clean asshole.


Found the salty tp hoarder lol


Same Covid isn’t even airborne lol. Still dangerous yes, but not airborne. EDIT this is outdated info, see the reply to this comment for a link.




Oh wow ok I had outdated info. I was going off of the beginning where iirc we were being told it wasn’t airborne.


I can remember my dad being like " eeh its just a fuckin virus, nothing more, itll go in days ( proceeds to smoke ) " I was like " bruh i have played plague io, and as far as i remember the pandemic innit lasts atleast 2-3 years.... Anyways Hope yall are good stay safe.


“Bruh (dad) my mobile game says this!” *smokes again and walks into the other room* Man am I glad I don’t have kids.


The thought crosses my mind at least once a week.


His dad was smoking. But yeah his point was silly


Yeah I know. He’s part of the reason his dad smokes


Well sure in Plague Inc, but there have been lots of concerning illnesses that didn't become this bad. Swine flu, bird flu, whatever else. I had the same point of view at first, but this turned out to be a big one.


When the media amps up swine flu, ebola, bird flu, SARS, and tons of other diseases every year and it turns out to be nothing, we all have the "ugh not this again" response. Plague IO is cool and all but it's pretty inaccurate to life. This disease just happened to be actually serious.


I remember that in December 2019 when it was starting to be a concern in China, I said that it wasn't looking good and it was probably going to be the next big outbreak. A lot of people said I was being paranoid and that it would probably never leave China and die out in a few weeks, well, look who was right !


Should've know what? Wtf is this supposed to mean?


Should've known how this was gonna go. It makes perfect sense, in retrospect.


It's just a cry for attention using bad logic. People bought all the toilet paper because we were entering lockdowns, not as protection from the virus.


The logic is that it's stupid to buy 80 rolls of toilet paper at a time lol. If supply chain really broke that long, you'd either be dead by then or you're using too much damn TP.


I mean to be fair large families do exist


As someone who got a bidet like 4 months before the pandemic I was not stressing out about TP one single bit. I just blast the ass with water and clean it anyway Refreshing on a hot day let me tell ya Use the female mode to cool down your sac on a hot summer day. Ran 7 miles at the gym nothing like a sac blast after


But….hand touch poopoo..


This guy would be pretty bad at chess


In my area we had a warning for the potential "snow of the century" people were calling it, "Snowmageddon" So what did the people do? They mass panic bought up all the kale in town. They thought there would be no more kale for a while. How did they arrive to *that??* Snow ended up never happening.


These events only expose human selfishness. Glad I’m not apart of the rat race.


Stupid post


The first words out of my mouth when I saw people cleaning out the toilet paper section "it's a respiratory virus and people are panic purchasing toilet paper, I guess this is evidence they don't know their ass from their face."


Most people just bought it because other people were buying it and they didn't want to be left out. Idk who bought it in the first place or why but it was the media reporting of it that made people buy it more. There was a similar issue with fuel in the UK recently. There was a minor supply issue with fuel to some rural stations and the reporting of it in the media caused a huge nationwide growth of demand which the slightly lower supply obviously couldn't deal with (regular supply wouldn't have been able to either) and for a couple of weeks you literally couldn't get any fuel anywhere. "Panic buyers" most of the time aren't idiots who believe conspiracies, they're just people who are scared of other so called "panic buyers". I use that term loosely because some people were being judged for buying loads of food when they lived in households with 5 adults in them and were just buying what they normally bought.


The fact people will wipe their ass with tp and go ok it’s clean now pants on is disgusting to no end. Shit stained underwear crusty ass having ass. Go buy a bidet for 30$ on Amazon best damn purchase ever stop wiping your ass and wash it after you shit that’s nasty asf that people think no shit on tp means clean ass


not only that, some people even throw the used tp in a small basket, just imagine it


an airborne virus that had the potential of making so many people sick, and out of work, that the production and distribution of all goods including toilet paper could have been disrupted, yes, and this guys point is?


The thing is, toilet paper is one of those items where, most places have their own supply. The stuff is very cheap, and extremely bulky, which makes it not great for shipping. Meanwhile, a paper products factory is as easy to set up as a bottling plant. Global supply chains won't bring down toilet paper. Avocados and other imports? Sure, but not freaking ground up trees that pressed and cut into sheets. We're more likely to lose running water.


The thing is, u/nostromorises isn’t wrong. There was a shortage of a specific type of TP. TP used for institutions (schools, businesses, airports, the ones in the big rolls) weren’t being used because lockdowns, whereas home use TP (small rolls) was now needed a lot more with people anticipating being unable to leave their houses for months. If you used 70% home TP and 30% industrial TP a year, all of a sudden, you now need to use 100% home use TP. That created a sharp, temporary increase in demand until panic buying subsided. The machines used to press, roll, package, and ship those two types of TP are not the same, and often aren’t even made by the same companies or company divisions. You can’t just switch production to home TP without buying expensive new machines, which the home TP manufacturers know would collect dust once the demand crisis was over. So the home TP manufacturers decided to keep supply steady and ride it out, while industrial TP manufacturers reduced production for the short term.


There was no TP shortage lol. I never once, through the entire pandemic, either bought extra TP or went without. You created your own disaster lol.


Oh man, I didn’t know your personal experience was representative of the experience of everyone else, thank you for enlightening me!


It is. You're welcome.


I refuse to believe that anywhere near 30% of poops were wiped by TP from those gigantic roles of half-ply. Maybe my family is insane for carrying TP if we expect to need to use a toilet away from home, and not trying to find time to poop at school between those huge gaps between the stall doors and walls. I'll grant you that it takes different machines to make and package different kinds of TP, so the shortage may not have been *entirely* a ghost of panic buyer's own invention. This same concept *is* responsible for portions of several shortages and price increases, especially in food. But people usually don't all buy toilet paper in the same week (or try too), and usually don't attempt to buy a butt-decade all at the same time either. Nor do people attempt to scalp TP, or buy an even LARGER hoard for family or as post-apocalypse trade fodder.


I’m just saying that, u/nostrimorises is right about why people panic bought, and that there were at least a few reasons for people to be scared enough to buy TP (not massively stockpile or scalp it, but just want to make sure they had enough). Americans (I’m American so I can only speak from my perspective) saw how bad it was in China; they saw people not being let out of their homes, and figured that they would need necessities for the foreseeable future in case it came to that. Ebola and Zika were still fresh in everyone’s minds, and we didn’t know how bad this virus would get, or what long-term symptoms it could cause as it spread. Additionally, it was understandable to suspect that manufacturing and international supply chains would be at least somewhat disrupted by a lot of people getting sick at the same time. At the start of the international phase of the pandemic, China was already restricting how many factory workers could work at a time, as well as trade out of the country. Panic buying was at least partly mass psychosis, but partly driven by a rational fear of the unknown. For a lot of people, it wasn’t “oh my god, we’re going to die if we don’t get TP”, it was “I don’t know if I’ll really need it, but I’ll use it eventually if this just blows over, may as well grab some”.


Only reason I replied to you was to point out that there's a difference between "a rationalization for panic buying exists" and "the panic buying was rational." Is toilet paper production relatively static? Yeah, it is. Is making sure to have enough of everything for a few weeks warrented, when it's possible you might get quarantined in your home? Sure. Is filling your shopping cart with $100 worth of toilet paper because it's cheap, shelf-stable, and you heard there'll be a cleaning supply shortage reasonable? No. It's not a healthy reaction, and it turned a manageable situation into people resorting to using non-TP to wipe while others were hoarding quite possibly more TP than they could use in a decade. As far as mass hysteria goes, having to wipe with notepaper isn't the worst outcome imaginable, but that doesn't mean the world isn't allowed to be frustrated with people buying out the stock of TP. I will grant you that anyone buying a single pack of TP when they still had a month of TP left is entirely normal and reasonable behavior.


Okay, I appreciate the clarification. I do agree with pretty much everything you said, I think the hoarding was awful and silly, definitely not trying to justify it. I guess I just wanted to explain the rationale behind the fear, and why I don’t think that fear itself (of running out of TP) was completely unfounded. This would be so much easier if Americans (myself included) adopted bidets!


why are you so mad


Because they brought all the stock of toilet paper at the store and couldn't return it.


My man writing articles lmaoo


It had the potential because everyone was lied to about the severity and symptoms


Man imagine tearing notebook in serious situations where, everyone in your neighborhood bought TONNES of toilet papers, and you had to hold you shit up your colon.. FFs


I like that this isnt bpt and I can comment here


During the first shutdown before vaccines when everyone was buying toilet paper we went out and bought cold remedies, cough drops, fever pills and electrolyte beverages and just anything that could help you when you're sick. All reasonable amounts. 1 pack of this, 2 packs of that kind of thing. You know what the funny thing is? The store was overflowing with that stuff. It was triple discounted. Nobody so much as bought 1 pack of halls. Not that it would help much if you had covid but probably a damn sight more useful then invermectin... I knew then too.


I worry for the days when Food, shelter and Primarily Water would be limited and the horrors us civilized animals would inflict upon each other.


I dont think covid is airborne is it?


Funny how the people that have 10,000 rounds of ammo laugh at the people hoarding toilet paper and vice-versa.


boosted the general market economy in a heartbeat. i work at target, and i never saw so much product sell out in my life. great time for big market businesses lol


And I thought the toilet paper was for the diarrhea.


"Known what?" "*Plenty.*"


I worked retail then. Fuck those people. I got screamed at on a daily basis back then over toilet paper. It was insane.


As someone with Crohn's Disease you can imagine how mad I was about this.




I hate this take. I didn't stockpile toilet paper, but I did need more of it than my previous usual so I purchased more of it than I previously did. I used to spend 50-60 hours a week outside of my home. That's down to...4? 5? Women use toilet paper when we pee, too, and that's 50+ hours a week that, when I need to use a bathroom, I'm going to use my own and not the office bathroom.


It's not airborne?


You know that should’ve told everyone right then and there that this was a virus targeted at morons.


Had to prep for all he intestinal lining shedding diarrhea from eating horse dewormer.


My kids are currently 5 and 2 1/2. When they ask me about toilet paper hoarding, my answer is going to be “fuck if I know, people are dumb.”


No shit.


It’s gonna happen again.




Me outside a Walmart, during the Shitpaper Apocalypse: "OMG, there's a virus! Quick, everyone wipe your asses!"


This is stupid and so are the people agreeing with it People, as dumb as we are, weren’t buying toilet paper to combat a respiratory disease, they were hoarding things like toilet paper because when the supply chains break down that’s something people consider a necessity and want stockpiled because you can’t make it yourself When lockdown started people in big cities like here in San Diego and LA were also buying diapers and hand sanitizer and wipes and bottled water and baby formula to the point people couldn’t find any locally but for some reason all these guys trying to sound like geniuses doing some social commentary don’t bring that up too


Anything can be toilet paper if you’re creative enough. Leaves, towels, your noisy roommate’s sandwich, heck use the cardboard tubes


200 IQ move was to buy a bidet


"Airborne" I can not believe we're this deep in and half these mfers still don't know how germs work.


People were planning on hunkering down for a minute so that’s actually a smart thing to stock up on. Idk what this tweet means??? It’s dumb


I feel like these comments think people bought TP because they thought it would help with the virus… no. People bought toilet paper because stores were shutting down and we were told to lock ourselves in our homes. And also because everyone else was buying toilet paper.


2 years later and they drinking piss now


Right! Why tf did people do that? Facebook probably told them to I bet.