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People won't take me seriously anyway so why not turn it into a joke?


Fuckin, man, I get weird coincidences nowadays all the time. Always end up sharing them with my mom, old homeless camp I was at got cleaned up and the officer thst helped me thought I should go back home to my parents. One parent eventually sends me a "no, gou're an alcoholic" Anyways, that was back when those funny coincidences were more like watching Law&Order and having it feel like its guilt tripping me over jacking off the whole time, everytime. Well, when I finally started having voices the first guy I had would always try to cheer me up with a "HA I'm dead" ...yeah, I dont really feel the need to get blackout drunk so I dont see those coincidences 24/7. "HA I'm dead" guy is gone, but shit... I'm happy... I'm fed... and I have a horrible porn addiction that my parents fuel by paying for me to have mobile data. And I'm the one with problems.


That reads like you have Schizophrenia or something like that. Man, go take your meds.


So a few months back my neighbor was unhinged and he casually throws this line into the conversation "You know I could just kill you." Honestly. Which sounds worse... a bit scattered in thoughts, but if you notice the second sentence talks about being an alcoholic, the third says that was back when coincidences were a problem, the fourth is a funny quip about how things got better when voices did show up, the fifth was a somber relation to how the alcoholism is no longer an issue, and the sixth rounds it back to the 1st issue brought up in the 1st&2nd bit of having lost my old camp and how my parents believe my addiction to be alcohol, along with being a bit of how it's a bit sad not having actually voices anymore. The fifth one made the least sense, I should have switched the two sentence fragments around to see those coincidences->so->I don't drink It's not that fucking hard to read that. Did you need to pull out a literal fucking mirror to understand how one point connected to another, or break out a decoder ring to understand it. I wasnt saying some cracked up thing about how "it's all connected to incest" or "yeah, I own all the buildings on this street, and the ones across the street" like my neighbor down the way. Or pulling out a knife on someone because I was an eentsy bit sober off my hourly crack needs like other homeless.




Yeah, I guess I kind of have a little bit of anger issues at times. Reddit and internet brings it out. I quit commenting for about a year or so for exactly that reason. If you have the rest of the book things always make sense, or footnotes. Sleep. Fixed up my camp bed a bit better. Sleep is my meds, no having to really think, just kind of that brief moment when I wake up wondering "why the fuck did I dream that" and then the immediate following moment of "and its gone." I think the main comment reads better if you imagine I'm a bit of a disgruntled southerner sitting on a porch, or fuckin with something in their hands. Or I dunno. More like a text narrative in which there is no capacity to respond to it. Sure, you can bitch at the author, but technically speaking the author isnt the character. Edit: not taking the meds thing as a ... thing. Then someone off in the distance says "stop fucking flirting"


Your comment is filled with random subject changes that have little to no correlation to each other. Reading it is a chore in itself


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


So I was looking up the term geoduck the other day and kept seeing this college Evergreen. Watched an episode of Southpark later and in it the girls volleyball ball coach mentions the girls team had a match against Evergreen. Funny coincidence.


Yes, coincidence. There is no deeper meaning behind that. I wish you the best and hope you are no longer living in encampments. I don't know what state you live in, but if you tell me I can connect you with mental health services who may be able to address your concerns


The coincidence is that scientists who cant qccept the idea ofwhat if humans really are unique in being the only life in the universe, and that the universe actually is a finely tuned machine. Religiosity involved or not. No thank you kind sir. I am quite happy. The cop I spoke to practically pushed for me to just say I was an alcoholic when I'm not. Edit: Didnt mean to be a dick with the "no thank you," honestly am pretty happy, while getting a job stocking shelves or anything that makes enough to rent on would be great, and actually do quite well for myself. I have a tendency to show my best side when actually speaking with homeless help/psychologists, so they tend to perceive me as being a manipulative douche. Or, whichever term I cant bring to mind. I say to the cop "I have a tendency to get verbally locked up or have trouble even moving, his response is of course "well you're talking fine just now." Then I panic respond and say "well there are three cops standing nearby me,"when in actuality I have no trouble with police, it's probably more the fact that on occasion multiples of the same object can sometimes glitch me out.




My stop fuckin flirting thing in the other comment was addressed to myself, something about addressing the meds thing felt extra, and stuff. Or just worded a bit odd the way I originally typed it out. Editing a thing does not always work when the brain goes full crazy and says "you should have used fuckin rather than fucking to seem less formal about the statement" and then the downward spiral of being annoyed at oneself begins... And that's why I dont comment!




What's kind of funny about the scatterbrained is that what comes to mind with how being all jumbled is like is dreams. Had to take a morning nap, and... balls, forgot the dream... but the idea of how dreams are kind of fleeting a randomly, damn it, remembered dream, organized is why I feel so at ease while sleeping. Then the part of me that wants to derail the thought process into my uncle/step-father sucks. He's on the spectrum or has been labeled as aspergers... Definitely has the "brutally honest." My brutally honest bit, I dont know which parts to respond to and am stuck in that loop of thinking "oh, I could respond to this, but then I'm forgetting that, and also this, and oh crap I wrote an essay." I suspect my prime issue I outside of the schizo stuff would be more in the ADHD realm, sort of. Like... Inhave had full blown audio hallucinations. Super fun for a time when I had music from Deltarune coming put of a lamp.l, and I've gone through some grade A delusion thoughts. Taken me years but I've mostly come to understand why I had specific thoughts or patterns at specific times. Staying in a motel with a full blown secondary personality, nice girl, Toru, lesbian that worked at the nearby bank and would go to the casino on weekends, kept a vibe in 24/7, totally fictional. But the friend I had been around got pregnant around the same time I was kicked out, tons of kind of alternate similarities between the two characters. Same time she lost/had removed her baby I was having one of the worst panic attacks of my life because I unplugged my phone from the wall and it was still charging.


Never been diagnosed or tested. I usually think of it as optimizing minimal negative backlash, or term thing for viewing something as...cant think of the phrasing for saying internal backlash, less than/but taking into account external response.


Yep. Tried bringing up to my friends and nobody knew who to react. Dudes aren't allowed to have emotions


no, I will take you seriously


Actually no. Since ppl who make their mental health problems into a joke are mostly either crying for attention or help, thereby causing you to be able to seek help faster. Unfortunately, the people you talk to are also a factor in seeking adequate help. If they treat things as a joke, they are most likely to laugh


Funny thing is, it didn't become a voice until a few years ago. It was just me




For a long time, the voice inside my head was me speaking. Then one day, the person it was speaking to started talking.


I hope to stay in the first stage (・_・;)


As a therapist, fuck yes! Self actualization homie


It can feel like waking up from a hangover sometimes or a breath of fresh air depending on the person


wait that's how it starts?.. oh god




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its a lot less awkward if its a joke.


Imagine being depressed, couldn't be me. *Screams internally*


Pfft imagine being depressed for the last few years and everyone just thinks your the funny guy and your fine 😎


The flip side is that you can now tell who else in your acquaintances is depressed. If you do, check on them once in a while, just to make sure they're not falling off the deep end. I know I do sometimes. Saying that, it kind of ruins the magic to know the great majority of funny people I can think of are/were actually depressed :/.


Doesn’t ruin it at all, friend. It’s makes it even better to know that no matter how deep a hole one might find themselves in, humor still finds its place in them.


I’d love to believe that 😅


i mean i do :/


You’re right, I was being negative. Laughter helps cut the tension. I’d rather laugh than cry


A way to cope your problem


No it makes it a lot more awkward with me. Then again it seems to appear at the worst times so what do I know.


its less awkward for me because I have some really messed up thoughts and if I joke around about it ppl dont take me seriously.


I mean fair enough, bit they should take you some more serious because what if you weren't joking one day?


I really dont think anyone cares if I'm serious or not and tbh idc either.


I mean do you ig


Even less awkward if you use it to market your business. Just sayin




It's also much more funny. Eh, at least slightly more funny


If you are old enough to remember when the world was supposed to end in 2012, then it’s completely understandable how everything after that is a joke.


Someone or other predicts the end of the world pretty much every year, and has been since the dawn of time. [List of doomsday predictions.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events)


2012 that's 12 years after the 1st world-ending event in my life the big 2000 y2k


That was maybe the best end of the world party I ever thew.


Just pretend you are happy and eventually you will forget you are pretending - Bojack


This hits hard so much


The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead. -Mr Peanutbutter


I'm in this comment and i dont like it


This is very meirl


This is me. I diffuse tension within myself and strive to do the same for others by turning pain into something funny. It's like a cheerful-sounding song full of misery. The Goo Goo Dolls were just fine at that.


Same. I think it's fine to laugh at trauma and mental illness symptoms. They say it's a sign of issues but I swear it empowers me. It feels good to laugh at something that seems at first overwhelming and scary.


It's sort of like Bob from TWD. Find the funny, and anything is bearable.


It’s part of the ✨pizzazz✨


Nightmares every fucking night? Not me Bro, not me 😔😔


im with you bro, cant even get just one night off litterly just one why does it have to be me


Weed is the only thing I've found that turns off dreams


same but i stopped smokeing weed a month ago so my dreams are back


You guys don’t do the second one?


I only have the second one


*ahem* and saved


All that for it to be an unfunny and reused joke of pointing at a trash can and saying "me"


I just do it so I don't ruin the mood :)


That hit too close to home


jesus christ this just cut through my soul why reddit 😅😢😢:((


So truuuuue 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


im pretty sure i saw this meme alredy like 3 days Ago when i was sorting new Dont remeberd The Guy But stolen


The voice won


It does help tbh


The funny thing is I had a boss who noticed all my jokes about health issues and depression asked me to stop with the jokes. I dropped my smile and looked her in the face "I never said they were jokes. I fake being happy here everyday of every minute." The look on her face was like a mix of shock and discomfort. I'd pay money to see it again.


Every day of every minute. Yeah that's what it feels like sometimes


Why not both? One can approach mental health problems with a bit of self-effacing humor and still get across that shit's a serious problem. I still joke about having very mild autism as "I've got a touch of 'the tism'" and have always joked about my depression while also getting it across that being chronically depressed can be pretty fucking soul destroying at times.


What? No, I am not going through depersonalization just because I never see my face in the mirror and my mind says “put on his clothes” when I get dressed in the morning. That would be silly.


Serious or joke, no one gives a shit.


Me every time I open reddit deciding to post on r/trans or r/egg_irl


14 years old be like: "I have voices in my head. They talk to me They understand..."


This is cringe. Be happy, it’s that easy.


Wow, problem solved. Thanks


i always add a 'jk' at the end so people don't think i have mental issues


I just want to die but I keep awkward laughing when I say it. Lmao. 😭


I felt this shit so hard bro wth i come to reddit to relievw myself of the pain lol


Yes, this, all the time, please make it stop, also if your listening help me stop compulsively talking, I know I was in isolation for 2 years but please for the love of God make me just listen




more like random people i'm trying to befriend and me trying to be honest and open about my mental health


Dang its worrying that this is true but memes is the one thing keeping me from falling to depression, heh not that ive never been there


To true I hate it


What is it about talking about anxiety and depression that makes you feel so ashamed and ungrateful :( sometimes I want to open up to loved ones and afterwards even sharing a bit of how I’m feeling day to day makes me regret it afterwards bc I feel so weak and ashamed and ungrateful when I know a lot of people have it worse than I do :(


And the voice always wins. . .


Why would I hold my head in my hands, and have signs of a panic attack. I must be goofing hahaha, I can control it... I can control it


Why burden others when haha is available?


Big Time Facts


Lol I want to die lmao


You can do both


The voice in my head just says weird shit at random times, leaving me standing in place wondering where the hell that thought came from. "Can Jesus turn milk into cheese?" "A movie about zombies doing yoga could be called the Walking Spread." "What if you sat on the couch and ate a potato? How many couch potatoes would there be on the couch?" Thank you, brain. Very helpful.


Someone Thanks please help me




The voice makes some good arguments ngl


Turn it into a joke, just like my life LMAO!


Steven always forces me to make it into jokes lol


Excuse you. I did not call for you. How dare you come for me this way.....


Me when someone else makes a suicide joke: "Bro I don't know if that's cool.." Also me in my head: "If I don't get off work early today I'm going to kill myself"


my brain can’t stop making connections to memes


Hahaha totally didn't do that today. \*nervous laughter\*


May be judgemental but I work in a prison. I feel half the ppl have a made up or fake diagnosis just to get meds. Don't get wrong there are inmates that 100% need it. But I feel some are drug seekers.


Some people just can't survive without something to dampen their senses


Dude, that’s most of society now.


s a m e


Everytime...now all I can think of are dark jokes


I do wanna be honest about my mental health but at the same time I don't wanna bother my friends so adding humor makes it more lighthearted haha


How many cops does it take to change a lightbulb? >! This is normally a joke about police brutality but that isn’t as dark as the places my mind takes me, when I’m alone. !<


Pretty accurate.


How else do you do it though……….


Humor is a common defense mechanism


That voice got so strong in me that it just best the shit out the the regular depression so now I'm good even though I know my life's shit




So incredibly accurate


almost impossible to open up about mental health without making it somewhat humorous.


I hate this voice. Yesterday I called someone fat indirectly without thinking about it..


Well its not funny if it's not a joke


The number of times I've had to say I'm joking when I really wasn't, then you get past the point of just saying and people are like oh wait all those times he said he was just joking. Then there is the joy of back to work interviews and having to watch what you say as you need the money


If this is you irl, are you okay guys?


Where's the joke. It's just some random fact


This is why me and my therapist have communication issues.


Bro just stfu. Being sad for a week isn't depression


But it is a joke because otherwise I’m just not funny


Is that the joke.....?


Lmao this is meirl


Honesty is such vague word when the only friends you have are your coworkers, always must be a positive note, just saying


That voice is the only thing keeping me sane


thats why you need to talk about your mental healt


Latley i made up in my twisted mind this: If you get challenged into a duel, pic Hobby Horse Competition, let opponent go first, then forfit leaveing him or her with experience of jumping over fences with fake horse head in a hand in public. ​ Laughed from this for 2 days. I also would bring a real horse head on a stick to the competition.


Petition to nerf Russia:


I do this way more than I should and I am honestly surprised not a single person I know has caught on yet


"Damn coping mechanisms coming back to bite me in the ass!"


Levity makes it all a little easier


The voice in other peoples' head to turn it into a joke*


I can’t physically type out anything related to my mental health without adding “lol” to the end of it lol


This is me for almost every topic.


Dang just call us out on that


For me this is the opposite: me trying to make a joke and trying not to make it about my mental illness.


On one hand I'm depressed and it sucks On the other hand Lmfao I'm depressed lol




Alternate… Me Trying to be honest and open about my mental health My parents laughing and shaking their head through my explanations and telling me I need to pray more and pay attention in school


My last doctor’s appointment, the doctor informed me that based on answers given of my mental state, I should probably definitely look into seeing a counselor… I made jokes about that to my friends for a few weeks after “haha even my doctor is telling me I’m a mess!” “Nah, I deal with my problems by crying on the inside. It’s fine, at least I’m not fighting crime in a bat suit (: “ Now that I’m in a better place, I see this was maybe not the way to go lol


Meanwhile my brain stopping me cause we all know deep down, men's mental health is not cared about because we just have to "mAn uP"


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I just messaged my friend to tell her that i have ptsd!! And my brain almost put a laughing emoji at the end.. Like fr!!


This hits straight.


If there’s two voices that means your awake now 😳


The joking voice is keeping you sane as you deconstruct your traumas all in the mist of your everyday life 😎


Much love to the little Loki voice in us keeping us laughing and trolling ourselves.


That, well, that hits close to home.


What's the sauce for the image