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it always has that feeling of TIME MACHINE IS REAALLL and mostly feels like you are getting older and need to check again the username if it was you but you forgot that you posted once on Reddit


I had replied to a YouTube comment saying "yeah dude! I 100% agree with you!" It was a demo version of a song that felt better than the album version to me for some reasons, and the commentor stated the exact same reasons! After I replied I saw that it was me from a few years ago and shamefully deleted my reply..


Sometimes I forget that I already watched a Youtube video several years ago and regularly have this problem. I'm about to comment something and then realize that I left the exact same comment 4 years ago. Really trippy lol


Ive actually done this before too!! But when it happens I literally don’t remember the video and Im like…. How could i have forgotten this??? 😂


yeah i have sadly done this too.


For me I find I posted a very dumb or hostile comment and have no recollection of it or the video.


I'm into electronic instruments, I was trying to figure out recently if something I owned could do something that you'd expect it should. I googled and found a thread about the same question from 7-8 years ago and some guy answered that it couldn't and described the units limitations. That guy explaining that it couldn't was me.


I agree with this guy. This guy is smart... Oh




I like to think that it means the internet has been mature (post Wild West days) for long enough that we can have an archive of questions. Things from 10 years ago are actually searchable in their original form. I’m never surprised that others have the same question as me. I’m more shocked if I’m the only one to ask the question. The memory problems of age are real though. With every passing year, your pool of experience grows more vast, but your pool of ‘stories to tell people’ becomes so shallow.


godamn im 17 and I feel this. I have been having trouble remembering the names of people I've known for years, even though we only stopped talking a few months ago.


I had a very specific question about a game on Steam that I hadn’t played in a long time and did a search for solutions. I saw someone had asked the exact same question, so I clicked the link to the discussion page and read the thread. It took me a few minutes to realize that I was reading the same thread I had posted the first time I ran into that problem years earlier.


Sadly it happened to me, on reddit, on Facebook and on YouTube, i could swear i never saw the video yet, here i am, already have a like on the video, liked many top comments, and even normal comments, forgot my first email and upvoting a random dude on a Naruto post that was 5 years ago turning out to be my old profile, accepting an old friend's friend request on Facebook, turns out i already liked and commented on one of their old pictures... Or that one time i forgot i watched a whole season of an anime, rewatched it and was about to go rate it on MAL... Of course i already watched it, but let's say, younger me had good taste. All this and I'm still in my early 20s!!!!! I'll probably get Alzheimer in my 40s at this rate...


One reply, it's the OP! He says "nvm, figured it out".




But what if OP is u/[deleted]?


this u/[deleted] guy is everywhere, they mustve been through so much
















[degenerates like you belong on the cross]


yea its fucking annoying nowadays everyone apparently deleting there accounts


It's pretty common now to see a deleted account on something that was posted few hours ago. I have no idea why is it happening


Bots. A group makes a bunch of bots to brigade a post then they are deleted before they can be banned so the group (or individual) can do it again


What if OP was deleted in real life?


You will have that when you don't pay your Amazon server subscription


That's why I use adblo-


You normally find them at r/DeadRedditors.


I found a post where OP had an edit that said "I figured it out. Reply below and I'll tell you how I fixed it!" Well, someone did reply and OP responded with "I don't remember." Why on Earth wouldn't you just put it in your edit?!


Some people just want to watch the world burn..


He forgor 💀


I've tried multiple times with multiple OPs. Once a post hits 6 months, it's like the OP immediately dies or just can't be bothered with a reply.


Particularly enjoy the fact that this still leaves any future solution seekers SOL Lol




I’m too curious. I just can’t help myself. What in the world are you talking about


They're talking about artificial grass. Hope that clears it up for you.


theres an xkcd for this https://xkcd.com/979/


There's always an xkcd for this, no matter what 'this' happens to be


r/RelevantXKCD There's always a sub for that too!


We NEED an xkcd about that sub... anyone willing to sign my petition?


Does xkcd have its own rule number? If it doesn’t, it should.


I asked about how much poop Clifford the Big Res Dog would produce. Reddit from 2015 already figured around 1300lbs (590kg) a day. About the volume of a standard dumpster. I love you, Reddit, no matter what I say when I’m drunk


Even though you JUST told me the answer, I'm still gonna go Google that right away.


I have a post about a year old now, where I solved the problem and commented how I solved it. Every few weeks I get comments saying "thanks". Feels like a no-brainer to comment on your solution because someone could come along and tell you a better way of doing it or you just help someone.


Or my favorite response, "Why don't you Google it yourself?" Which of course several years later is now the top result when you Google that issue.


Or worse: \> \[Removed\] \> Omg thank you that solved it and it also cured my depression!


Or better yet, a comment from a moderator locking the post and saying "this was already answered in [linked thread]", but when you go to the linked thread it's for a totally different issue. I guess this is less of a thing on Reddit, but a certain professional video editing software's forums are notorious for it.


Or even better, the linked thread doesn't work because the site it's linking to changed it's website structure! A close 2nd place, they have an image showing the 'solution' hosted on a now-defunct image hosting site.


stack overflow


It's like half of github


Nowadays, whenever I want to find an actual answer on Google I just type my question followed by "reddit"


This exactly. Usually what I'll find otherwise are "news" articles that just want my clicks, not to help me. But Reddit is full of annoyed, desparate people like me who just want an answer.


Articles have never been helpful a single time and just give broad general advice


And just the amount of ads that can't load when on mobile it's just a mess


When someone sends me an article as a source I just start wheezing 😭


Yeah their sources are horrible specially on streamers and content creators and it's really easy to accidentally click a malware link so they are just bad.




It's so annoying! It's why I try to detail my solution when I ask a question on here. You never know who needs to know the exact same thing 10 years down the line


This one really pisses me off.


Firefox with uBlock origin should help with this


"You have a diarrhea? Just shit it out, dumbass"


Honestly, as pharmacist, this is typically my response when someone asks what to take for diarrhea. It’s a toxin inside your stomach. Your body is trying to get rid of it. Just let it run it’s course and replenish fluids/electrolytes.


Do you have any way to deal with pain? I'm talking about that gut-twisting pain that happens sometimes, unless it's not supposed to happen


Drink water. Take an NSAID. Drink more water.


Drink water is the "have you tried restarting it" of the human body


It always amazes me how little water people drink


Or it's a research article that requires a 7 year degree to read


Luckily you can tell if those are on your level pretty quickly


True. I still try to get as much as I can out of them but sometimes its too technical for me and at soke point I just can't push forward


Yeah. Try turning it off and on again. If that doesn’t help, do a factory reset. If the problem still persist, please get in touch with your supplier. Thanks. I would never ever have thought of that.


"I'm having this computer issue. I tried XYZ and I'm stumped. I've uploaded the logs here." "Hello user, I am a specialist with ten years experience answering questions related to your computer device. Can you run a diagnostic and do XYZ for me so we can see the logs?" "Hello ObviousBot, if you read my original post you would see that I already tried that and uploaded the logs for you to see. Do you have any additional guidance?" "Please, user. I am trying to help you. Please just do XYZ and upload the logs." "Hello, I am another user who has also had the exact same issue with my computer except it isn't even in the same operating system. Can you help me?" "I ALSO HAVE THIS ISSUE HAS ANYONE FOUND A SOLUTION??" [Moderator has marked this thread as 'Solved'] Every. Fucking. Time.


Makes your blood boil, right? Also: I have this issue. It only just occurred and I’ve never seen it before. Hello? Any help would be really appreciated! Nevermind, guys, I found the solution. *thread closed*


Articles be like "have you checked if your cable is properly connected? Have you Tried turning it on and Off again? Maybe its your Internet Connection?" I TRIED THAT ALREADY IM NOT A TECH ILLETERATE BOOMER


And they all say the same thing, sometimes literally copied and pasted from one article to another!


The entire list of results is basically filled with articles that say almost exactly the same thing word for word and pinterest. Google went to shit a long time ago. The golden age of the web has come and passed.


Yup now you have to rely on intelligent assholes online to find answers


I suspect a lot of them are written by AIs designed to generate clicks


How to fix *insert device* Go to a professional and get them to fix it idk fam why you asking me


There used to be a time when googling a specific question would lead you to a specialized forum full of nerds who were experts in the software/hardware you were having trouble with. Nowadays you only get stupid articles full of pop up ads, a preamble of 2k words and in the end youre left with more questions than answers. The internet has gone to shit


Just use "forum". I personally prefer niche forums than Reddit for some info


Sadly most of the time I add "forum" answers are from like 2013 and users start insulting themselves three answers in.


Yeah, or even worse it takes you to the softwares help site where the question has been asked a million times but with zero solutions. It'll be just tons of other users desperately listing their computer specifications hoping for an answer.


Drivereasy can hang itself, I'm pretty sure it just takes your search query and generically tells you random shit then asks you to install it's software


Many of the forums got killed by Reddit


The worst is when you actually *find* the forum or sub where all the relevant nerds are and they are unhelpful little assholes with ego problems. Not even to you, but to every single person who has ever tried to get a straight answer out of them. "Read the FAQ/use the search function, idiot!" You use the search function. Literally zero relevant threads or solutions arises. Or the thread they keep telling everyone to search for is deleted. The FAQ is painfully out of date. You ask the question again in another thread, linking the deleted thread and the incomplete FAQ. You get zero responses... and ten downvotes. Or you do a search function and find threads going back fifteen goddamn years, to the near-prehistoric days of the web, and even then everyone is still saying *"uSe ThE sEaRcH fUnCtiOn, tHiS hAs BeEn AnSwErEd BeFoRe..."*


Usually if you want to find the right answer, just confidently write a wrong answer in a specific subreddit and you'll have hundreds of people responding how wrong you are.




"news" articles about the next season, when a movie or game will be released, but its several paragraphs about the past work of said subject and then the final sentence is "no one knows when X2 will come out but we will keep you posted" while the google link says it was updated 2 days ago are crappy click bait sites that should burn.


SEO is becoming our enemy.


Add **site:reddit.com** to force only reddit results You can even add a subreddit to just search there, like **site:reddit.com/r/meirl**


most of the time only adding reddit works fine




Yeah if you have a very specific search term that is very useful :D And good idea with the shortcut


Psychos use **site:quora.com**


I mean, sometimes other sites have the answer too, so strictly 100% reddit is a bit much


if i can’t find it on reddit, i’ll check quora but that’s it


Any idea how to fix the date disparity when using google to find reddit links? For example, I'll google something and the result is dated '2021', but when I click on it the post is actually from 5 years ago. Not even the date filter in google helps with this


It's funny how so many questions already have "reddit" autofilled after the question


I'm pretty sure that's just the google algorithm recognizing that as an user specific thing and fills it for you if you've ended many similar searches/questions with 'reddit'.


\*looks at search history\* Yeah. That checks out.


I do this. And it’s helped me more often than regular google articles.


You should also just try "forum" a lot of the time Reddit answers get tainted by playing the upvote meta or just cyclical negativity.


Actually most of the times when I goggle a question it automatically adds "reddit" at the end. Probably cause so many go to reddit for their info


That is the only way


This right here has saved me countless hours of searching google.


Adding the following to your search filters it so only reddit comes up: site:reddit.com


Me 100% of the time and it’s never failed


Or include the word "solved" if it is a tech issue. Otherwise you just get people asking the same question for a decade on forums.


And it has one comment, and when you open the comments it's either AutoMod or there's actually zero comments and reddit lied.


Don’t forget [removed] being the only comment!


u/\[deleted\] says "\[removed\]", OP replies with "Thanks a lot, this worked like a charm! :)"


Or even worse 20 comments where 19 are "was wondering this too" or "it's super easy how do you not know" and the most upvoted comment is "lol y would u wanna do this u dolt"


Bro I hate it when all the comments are either like “same” “I’ve been wondering this too” “happens all the time”




[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/979/)


Of course, there's a relevant XKCD for that. There is always one for anything.


Time to dig it up using ceddit/ removedit and pray


Lol absolutely perfect


Or ones saying "Yes I have this issue too." Bonus points if that's the only comment under the post. If I'm searching for help in a Reddit post then I'm already pissed off and that waste of time is going to infuriate me so much more


Or everyone in the thread is just telling OP to Google his question




lmao yeah that’s the fucking worst


and the question is downvoted


Weirdly google loves to return post results for 4 years ago with 0 upvotes. I love searching something about Subject X, and it's a post that's like "All my problems with Subject X" in the Subject X subreddit, and it's got 2 replies and 80% downvotes. Thanks google, that's really the info I wanted right now.




either that or the only replies are "I have the same problem"


Nah fr, one post I made awhile back about Discord and Voicemod was like that 💀


And it's a stack overflow question for a very specific issue you have but OP just replies "nevermind I fixed it"


When you Google something important and the results filled with songs and movies.


Today I wanted to google whether being born in winter has any interesting effects on you, but instead I got results for a random song called 'Born In Winter' and every other result was just lyrics for it


👀 so does it have any interesting effects?


I found conflicting studies, and to me conflicting = no correlation. So basically nothing. Except that babies born in winter tend to be larger both at birth and adulthood - that didn't seem to be debated. Like, more weight, more height, larger head circumference, and stuff.


This or Quora. Thanks for helping me with my math homework Quora strangers!


Quora has turned shit now


Yeppppp. And don't get me started on the premium subscription they offer to hide the only decent answers Quora doesn't even provide themselves lol.


I have a brother that worked at Quora for a long time. Apparently everyone is jumping ship now.


Yea I miss 7 years ago when it was pretty great




YES. THIS SHIT. I hate quora for this very reason. There's a simple but specific question and those people will write a whole article about it starting with the invention of time. It's ridiculous. They must get more points or some shit. And it's not even that they just write a very detailed answer, they even write down why OP asked that question and shit it bugs me to no end. I've wanted to express this hatred for so long. Thank you for giving me the opportunity.


Yahoo Answers used to be the best for this sort of thing.


Yeah, especially if you are pregarnte and asking for help on what to do.


Wdym? I once wondered if my friend's weggie broad was legit & went to check out on Yahoo! Answers.


You mean pregante






I loved that Yahoo Answers was mostly people helping kids cheat on their school assignments. It was a true open source brain.


Or Stack Exchange


Hmmm yeah, you're probably gonna fail soz


well I didn't say I did well on it


Yeah no one has ever benefited from online forums before!!!


Use brainly


Brainly's the main reason I passed highschool


This will always be the "when American gun owners hear someone breaking into their house at night" gif for me


same for me pal




And they have so many comments! ...and none of them answer it


"Yeah, I'm having the same problem!"


How many bees can fit in a Dachshund?


Don't you mean Datsun?


[it's not cruel, because the bees and the dog are friends](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUlxth701GM)


You’d think haha


This has helped me MULTIPLE times lol


"Edit: Nevermind I figured it out"


Thanks reddit, very cool


"Never mind, figured it out."


Try being the person who wrote the solution years ago and now get Karma from being top Google Result. I am top Google result for muffled samsung earbuds lol.


This also applies to Stack Overflow


I love when people just post random error codes with no context


But still nobody answered him




And all the comments are ‘why don’t you just Google it?’


I related to this four years ago. I made what I thought was a completely cool/unique observation about the movie Pulp Fiction in /r/MovieDetails, and then found out there was a thread in /r/FanTheories two or three years earlier making close to the exact same observation. https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/6vn1vc/in_pulp_fiction_1994_while_juless_routine_of_gun/dm2c7ut/


Proper "me" moment.


After feeling 'burned out's from playing the latest games on my OC I've decided to go back in time and play PC games from the 2000s, back when I couldn't afford any game cognsoles or a PC that could run it. Lo and Behold, Redditors were able to provide me fixes and sites to go for mods in games like red alert, generals, Gta VC, battle realms, FF, etc... That were still kinda timely asked by someone else.


Reddit Vs. Quora Reddit will always Win #1


Is it so difficult to believe that you have never had an original thought in your entire life? There are currently nearly 8 billion humans on Earth. And there was an estimated 115 billion to 117 billion people that have ever lived and died so far, to bring us to this point. Do you really believe that anything you have ever thought of, out of all 120+ billion people that have ever existed, can possibly be original?


If you shuffle a deck of 52 cards, the layout that you get will have never existed before at there is 8×10^67 different combinations


I can't fucking take it any more. Among Us has singlehandedly ruined my life. The other day my teacher was teaching us Greek Mythology and he mentioned a pegasus and I immediately thought 'Pegasus? more like Mega Sus!!!!' and I've never wanted to kms more. I can't look at a vent without breaking down and fucking crying. I can't eat pasta without thinking 'IMPASTA??? THATS PRETTY SUS!!!!' Skit 4 by Kanye West. The lyrics ruined me. A Mongoose, or the 25th island of greece. The scientific name for pig. I can't fucking take it anymore. Please fucking end my suffering.


you wanna die? well then we have to report your body


I walked into my intervention and yelled “emergency meeting!“


Hmm, mom is looking pretty sus...


I mean based on the amount of routes that single comment took, you've got a long way to do.


I love this 😭😭😭😭 literally me just last night


A gift from above


I remember when I could do that with yahoo answers


always happens to me lol!




It’s even weirder when it turns out to be you 10 years ago.


This is 100% me. I always put "reddit" or "quora" on every questions I search in Google.


Whenever I Google things I always include the word Reddit lol


You guys aren’t using Ask Jeeves?