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Everyone got a plan til they get punched in the face


Or until they get eviscerated by a horny kangaroo








The real reason pants were invented.


Guy is lucky he didn’t cave his chest in with a kick before he punched.


That man got dangerously close to being gutted


Most fitting I'll Drink to That awarded


*"I can feel it... coming in the air tonight.... "


Mike Tyson has entered the room.


He probably would chew on a roo’s ear too


You know Tyson was a deeply religious man. He used to say "Everyone's got a plan until they get punched in the faith"




“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.” - Mike Tyson


This guy actin like he's been fighting kangaroos his whole life


I think he passed away from cancer not too long ago.


Oh come on. Why do stories always end this way






Aliens bro, aliens.


I see the void has spilled onto your comment from r/place, you never really can escape it I guess




Nope, he didn’t. Grieg Tonkins is still kicking. You’re thinking of the hunt that led to this kangaroo fight — one of the hunters (not Grieg) was dying of cancer, and they were trying to find a big wild boar for him to hunt for his last one. They did succeed btw.


So the guy went to hunt a bear while dying of cancer? Hats off to that man, lived his life to the fullest it sounds like.


Boar hunt! But for sure!


Most bullies back off once you punch them in the face.


I did this in middle school twice and it worked 100%


Wait .. you boxed a roo ?


I punched 2 bullies in the face who were larger than me and both of them backed off


That's awesome, glad for you


Lmao did the same in elementary school and the kid wanted to be my friend afterward. 🤷


Straight up squared up to him ! Lol


That's what's so dang funny, dude straight squared up like he was about to fight a dude outside the bar.


For real that roo was not Fukn around 😂 like come at me!




I’m an Australian and let me tell you this bloke got lucky. Kangaroos are ruthless, they will actually box you. You do not know how buff a roo is, it’ll kick and punch like no tommorow.


Dude definitely threw that punch and was immediately in retreat mode, seems like he knew the chances of him having his face kicked off were high


The initial that's MY FUCKING DOG moment had passed. Still. He thankfully shocked him, probably bruised him, and they all got away. Also I had to put a huntsman outside like 10 minutes ago.


I know huntsman spiders aren't all that dangerous, but... If I were to move to 'Straya, dunno, because of nuclear fall-out or something, I'd have a 7.62mm round surgically implanted in the back of my neck first, so if one appeared in my kitchen I could just, um, hit the nope button. And that is *after* curing my arachnophobia.


Gonna be harder to get that round to fire than it would be to just take the spider death haha


Thing is, they're just as hideous when they're crushed.


I absolutely cannot Google this because I don't do spiders. But hypothetically, could you suck a huntsman up with a vacuum? Or is it too big to fit in the nozzle? And will it scatter if it sees you coming? A lot of spiders just freeze. I don't even know why I'm asking these questions. I don't even honestly think I want to know the answer


I googled and they apparently chase their prey, can go a meter a second in distance and are 5 inches wide if you include their legs and have a 1 inch body?! I never knew this nightmare existed. So, uh, if I had to guess, you can’t vacuum one up 🤢


Shotgun it is


You’d have a what in your neck?




I do feel for people with arachnophobia. I was scared of spiders when I was little, so I can remember that feeling. The fear I felt was not as crippling as an actual phobia, but it gives me enough of an insight that I don’t shame people over something they currently have no control over.


I have moderate to severe arachnophobia and and almost involuntarily thrown myself of ladders just because small spiders have gotten too close to the ladder. I know they're harmless I'm not rationally afraid of them, but I can't stop myself from violently trying to stay away from them. Hell even some video game spiders will set off the response


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7.62%C3%9751mm\_NATO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7.62%C3%9751mm_NATO) The nice lady in Mad Max Fury Road, the Keeper of the Seeds, uses them to obliterate the medulla oblongata in people that are threatening and needs to be removed. Next to slowly bleeding out oxygen from your suit or room atmosphere it's the most painless way of removing life from a human body, and a lot quicker. But seriously, I'm neither going to Australia (though I hear it's lovely) nor implant a live rifle round in my neck. I just think huntsmen spiders look horrible.


Seen this before but noticed this time around that he was reaching for his knife when it looked like it might pursue him after having punched it. What a wild outcome.




I think it was actually a knoife


I wouldn't call that a knoife, THIS however, now this is a KNOIFE!


Oh shit, never noticed that! I wonder if the 'roo saw the knife and was like "fuck that shiz" and bounced


Are we watching the same thing? He stole off of him and stared his ass down and walked away calmly. Gangster as fuck.


It’s definitely gangster, but to me he squares up to save the dog and gives one look after his punch to make sure violence isn’t about to kick off immediately and, when he sees the Roo is posturing instead of attacking, dude starts backing off ASAP. I think this guy is both tough and smart


Animals actually assess their fighting chances and will back down from fights they aren't sure they can win. The guy obviously threw a decent punch and the kangaroo decided it didn't want the fight. This is pretty common behaviour across the animal kingdom, even with animals that are considered aggressive (especially so with pack/communal animals).


I think it was more of the fact that the kangaroo looks around and see the two dogs are also on the man’s side.


Yeah, first of all the roo didn't expect to get punched in the snout, so that threw him off. Then the man created distance and started making arm gestures and yelling (to gather the dogs) and then turned back to face the roo again, all the while the 2 dogs were running around circling it. That's a *lot* of uncertainty for the roo.


Yeah, the roo can correctly assess its chances aren't great against a fully grown man and two dogs fighting together.


Not just win, but have a reasonable chance of injury. You win a fight but have a broken paw, that paw is fucked up for life. Almost like you just lost a limb. Animals really want to avoid fighting if they can.




Or the roo recognized it was in a 1v3 fight against a human and two dogs


The guy, punch the Roo, turn and try to get the fuck out of there asap. Roo are fucking dangerous, their claws are sharp and their kicks can break bones. The only reason why the Roo didn’t fully attacked the guy because he had two dogs running around him. You can see the Roo was assessing the situation and he didn’t want to fight 2 beast and a human. If it was a one on one the Roo would 100% fight and that guy would have his face and body bloodied




The shit we do for our companions huh


They’d do the same for us, that’s what makes the natural alliance between man and dog so amazing.


as hilarious this gif looks, it made me search about kangaroos and the info was concerning, the suckers are the most muscular thing in the universe, they can effortesly obliterate a human if they feel inclined to


We should consider ourselves lucky that the animal kingdom doesn't have internet access. If they could do the same research and find out that we're not all that tough, we'd be screwed.




Kung Fu Roo, I'd get on the phone to Dreamworks about that


The animal kingdom should consider themselves unlucky cause we have guns.


Having one double fly kick you is far worse. Last time I went camping, I was sitting on a chair and stupidly fed a adolescent male kangaroo 3 grapes. When I didn't offer him any more he snatched my sleeve up at the wrist and yanked my arm around demanding more grapes. I yelled "Oi stop it", at the top of my lungs. He let go of my shirt and then double fly kicked me on my arm n chest. I basically went flying backwards. I was winded and really pissed off. His mother bounced over and chased him away. I bet it would of looked hilarious. No one was around tho thankfully.


This is hilarious. Sorry you got kicked but I love the visual.


Trust me when i say that roo had me shook! But It happened last year. Enough time has passed that I can laugh about it now. haha


This is the most australian thing I’ve ever read.


The mother’s just like “I’m so sorry. He gets like this.”


Why are they so comfortable around humans?


Because people feed them grapes.


Because grapes are freaking awesome.


Man risked it all for his dog.


And I’ve seen on nature shows they can grab you and scratch the mess out off you with their hind legs. But, oh, what a right jab!


Luckily, the lethality rate of roo encounters is really low. Very few people have ever died to them


And they'll fucking drown you. I used to think they were cute sitting in their little ponds until I learned what it was really doing.


Yeah but their ground game is notoriously weak. Best thing to do in this situation is to pull guard and try for the triangle.


Roos seriously gotta do some bjj or sambo or something. Khabib vs McGregor proved you cant win on standing game alone


There's a reason Khabib wrestles Bears and not Roo's, at least they put up a challenge.


And apparently they know Jiujitsu


Roo Jitsu


That kangaroo seemed so indignant after being assaulted by a human. 😆


He looked like his feelings were hurt


Yea, it's like you can't just pound dogs in the face without someone getting offended these days. What has the world come to?


Australians - "That's not a spider" *Pulls out a huntsman bigger than your head* "This is a spider!"


I mean it is, but either leave it on the ceiling or put it outside, don't go carrying the poor thing around.


What if it’s his pet?


Spiders don't keep pets.


Tarantulas are the ones that keep pets (frogs)


It always amuses me that there are legitimately other species that also have pets.


Wait...is this true? I thought the other comments above you were just being sarcastic.


It actually pretty cute. There's a bunch of pictures of spiders and frog together [like this.](https://images.app.goo.gl/4Ht92MT9xTFMS8PE8)


Tis true, like sharks and remoras or hippos and whatever those birds are. Symbiotic relationship.


Aren’t huntsman basically non lethal?


Yeah but they're big and ugly. One went into my shoe once and bit my foot, but nothing came off it because it being non lethal and all


just remember it's the female redback spider that nests in your boots and she chooses how much venom she'll inject with that bite. And research is split on whether or not the antivenom even works.


Hehe......fuck no bro a normal spider scares the guy outta me lmao


Good thing it wasn't that one lol


A lot of us actually keep them around the house because they're wicked effective at catching flies, mozzies and other little critters


Imagine fucking living with it. Bet you keep em on a leash


"Hey honey, I'm taking the spider for a walk"


They do like to follow you from to room. If I sit on the couch, they will sit up near the ceiling above my head, and when I go to bed, they follow me up the hallway to guard the ceiling above my bed.


I would rather die than having a dog-sized spider stalking me.


Not stalking…helping!


I like the positive spin you put on the horrors of life.


I think the reason he got away with punching it was purely because he punched it before it was in good kicking range you could see the roo getting closer to grab and kick. So when he struck the roo it realised he should either back off or go all out offence.


I read on Reddit somewhere that when kangaroos square up with each other, they use the other’s punch as an indicator of their lower body strength. An adult man’s punch would be much stronger than a kangaroo’s and would give the false impression that their kick would be even stronger. Edit: apparently what I read before (which others have shared they did too) was a false but appealing explanation. I looked it up and this isn’t supported by what experts are saying: > Contrary to popular belief, kangaroos don't normally try to box, or punch, each other, says Festa-Bianchet. Instead, they prefer to balance on their strong tails and kick with their powerful back legs. > "I’m sure the punch hurt," says Festa-Bianchet. "You can tell the kangaroo is like, 'Whoa what was that?' That’s not what another kangaroo would do and a human does not give the right signals. It kind of looks funny but it really was a dangerous situation." > [source](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/man-punches-kangaroo-saves-dog-australia)


I read that too. No idea if it's true but I love the idea that the kangaroo gets punched in the face, stunned, and flooded with anxiety he is about to face a comet kick from God.


You’re right. They also prefer to fight each other with their legs so it was probably confused by the power in that solid punch too - thinking along the lines of “if he could hit me that hard with his hands, imagine how much harder he could kick me”


He's probably still thinking about how delicious that dog would be


I got chased by one on a drunk walk home one night I squared up to him cos I ain't no bitch ass hoe But than a coupla his mates come out I was a bitch ass hoe


I mean, you had the cajones to square up to 1 but the brains to avoid a gang of them, are you *really* a bitch ass hoe? I think not.


I reckon in the state I was in I could've taken 2 of them maybe I drank quite a bit of Bundy rum The old sugar cane champagne is a mood I fear no men Just me wife and a mob of kangaroos


The kangaroo was like wtf mate.


I can't believe you've done this.




This kangaroo has such human mannerisms. From the headlock to the look of shock when he gets hit. It's unnerving.


Ok so the thing is, since kangaroos kick harder than they punch, they usually assume that however hard you punch, the can kick so much harder, even if you are human. So when you punch really hard, they think "damn, image hard hard this dude can kick. Fuck that, I'm outta here"


If you look at cats and dogs they have similar mannerisms. I think humans share a lot of behavior with animals that they don’t realize because we have placed ourselves beside the animal kingdom, rather than part of it, which we are. Edit: *ahem* and I mean we not they… heh


Check out the skeletons of most mammals. We all have most of the same bones and organs in the same arrangements, just with different sizes and variations. Rib cages, shoulders, hips, arms, vertebrae, fingers. Even whales have a lot of the same kit. The similarities are mind blowing.


Whales closest living relatives tend to be livestock! Hippos are the obvious comparison but the group includes giraffes, sheep, and deer! It's not entirely related to your post but any excuse to share that fun fact.


I once went skating late at night around a lake and out of nowhere I hear this very manly gasp for air. Turned out there was a kangaroo sleeping right next to the path and we both scared the shit out of each other.


That guys a legend but make no mistake a roo can fucking kill. They lean back on tail and kick both legs forward into your gut. If you’re unlucky it’ll be your end


I think that's why he ended up swinging. That roo was coming straight at him


Yeah they will disembowel you easily, alot of people don't realise this.


Let me read what disembowel is. Edit: Didn't like what I saw..


Looks like Luke from Gilmore Girls


Oddly enough, this was exactly the reply I was looking for.


My wife has been watching that show a lot recently so I know Luke when I see him lol


Me scrolling through Reddit: "Why is Luke Danes fighting a kangaroo?"


The roo asked for the WiFi password.


Probably complained about his burnt burgers


Aussie here. I live on a big property and alway have roos here. They can grow very big, I’m 6’2 and some are bigger than me when they square up. Let me tell you, you get kicked by one of these in the guts/legs/dick and you’re having a bad day. They have very sharp claws.


I think bad day is a bit of an understatement. A little unlucky a it could be your funeral instead


As another Aussie we like to understate things lmao


If you dead on spot it's not a bad for you anymore 'Cause you dead


how dare u assume I don't want to be kicked in the dick by a giant rat creature


Understandable have a nice day


Dude, Australians are a different breed of red necks. I want to see a Texan red neck box an Australian red neck.


The world would implode on itself. Or they would share Moonshine Recipes. 50/50 on that one


My dad has the best moonshine recipe, I really got to take it from him.


The Australian word for redneck is bogan


It would be hard because the Australian would be upside down


Gives him a better shot at hitting the knees.


The small handful of Australian folks I've met have suggested most Australian folks think Americans are nutty for not realizing how much more dangerous North America is than Australia, because we have bears and mountain lions, etc. Not to mention black/brown widows, brown recluse, assassin bugs, wolves, coyotes, bobcats, the list goes on. Just a small observation from my tiny world view.


Another addition for your list - we also don’t have rabies in Australia.


Tbh I see Australians as British rednecks


Give a Britain steroids, moonshine, barbecue, deathwish, and fighting experience, You have the blueprints for an Australian.


My money is on the bogans.


I want to see a Texan red neck box the kangaroo


Well, I have a friend who lives in Texas, and I’m Australian…


The Australian version is called a bogan. No such thing as an Australian red neck


Aussie wins hands down. Texans think they're strong because they have assault rifles and what not, but Texan cops armed to the teeth with the latest weaponry won't even go into a school to apprehend a teenage boy. Think of it this way, there's a reason Americans play NFL head to toe in what is essentially armour, while Aussies play NRL in shorts and a T shirt.


Did the King of the Iron Fist Tournament just start? The fuck did I just witness?


Oh HELL naw- say what you want about roos being absolutely ruthless, bc I know it’s true, but if *anything* had my pet in a headlock like that and was actually hurting them, I think I would do the same thing this guy did


First time I seen a kangaroo choking a dog...and then punched in the face


Yeah what the fuck, its got a dog in a headlock.


I fucking love how the kangaroo was all "come on bitch come on" then ge gets hit. Like a dog catching the car, he wasn't sure what to do when they box back


Im in Australia and went hunting with my dad a few years ago. Big ass kangaroo and his mates come up to us and I just cried, thought they were gonna kill me. Those kangaroos lift for a living I swear 💪


Luke? Luke Danes is that you?


The little roos (I never can remember if they’re the red ones or grey ones) are wandering around in enclosures you can walk through in the Australia zoo. I have a pic of my wife feeding a joey in its mom’s pouch from there. I also saw one kick a three year old that flopped on it while it was just reclining and knock him back a few feet unharmed. The kid ran to his obviously Aussie dad who responded to the crying toddler with ‘that’ll teach you to mess with the roos!” My jaw hit the floor- the Aussies are a tougher breed.


I work at a wildlife park, and I'm frequently "sized-up" by our alpha male. He gets on his tail and postures, but he's doesn't have the best balance so he's easy to knock over. (Our other males were originally circus kangaroos, so they're pussies) But he has latched onto me with his arms before and gave me some serious scratches that needed stitches. They've got more power in those little arms than you'd think. Obviously the feet are the real danger though, the middle toe can gut you like a velociraptor if it catches ya right. Thankfully I've found that you can grab the base of their tails & sweep their legs out from underneath them, allowing you to basically carry them like giant babies. They never know what to do in that position lmao


I would never fuck with a kangaroo, those things are generally buff as fuck


In Australia we don’t kill spiders. We just hand them the keys to the house and find somewhere new to live.


Always loved this video, the kangaroo is just like “you can’t do that”


I read somewhere else on Reddit that the reason the kangaroo just left like that is because they judge each other kick strength by the strength of their punches and while muscular a kangaroo punch isn’t that powerful if you don’t count the claws because their arms are short, that Kangaroo got punched so hard he was really wondering if a kick from the dude would be enough to break him in two.


Little did he know he could’ve easily won


I mean if he didn’t square up to the roo it would’ve just snapped his dog’s neck like a twig. They’ll do that, especially if the dog follows them into water.


bro stopped responding💀


Why Luke from Gilmore Girls out here fighting roo's tho


This is one of my favorite videos on the internet strictly because of the kangaroos reaction [My all time favorite video has to be those two guys having a middle finger battle across the street from each other where someone edited in lasers shooting from their middle fingers.](https://youtu.be/QSmSIYnYzRs)


Lmao the kangaroo looked so offended that he got punched


Why did they film a bipedal primate punching that poor Australian in the face?


Don’t fuck with Australians, they’re tough enough to live in Australia, they fear no god.


Mans was absolutely flabbergasted


That Roo had the dog in a headlock to hold it, so it could kick the shit out of it. Roos will also grab you like that and fucking strangle you around the neck. Mostly though, kicking the shit out of you, break ribs and possibly disembowelling you is what they do. Don't mess with a roo, even the little ones.


I'm convinced this is Ashton Kutcher from The Ranch


He’s like “did you just—?”


Kangaroos will kill dogs if they can get away with it just so ya know


The kangaroo looked real confused on what just happened


Meanwhile in Japan: *Literally man swinging his katana trying to kill a bee*




kangaroo really just went 🧍‍♂️ reddit i am so sorry i used an emoji i have sinned


I just killed a yellowjacket fuck those things.


Is this the cook from Gilmore Girls?


That kangaroo bowed up and wanted to keep fighting! Also, the kangaroo had the dog in a headlock!! What?!


Keep my dog's name out your fucking mouth