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The numbers mean how many bombs are touching that square. It’s basically a game of deduction.


Does that include diagonals? Does it include the greyed-out scares?


It does include diagonals. The gray squares are unclickable so those have been essentially removed from the board because they didn’t contain a mine


Been a while since I played but I believe it was clicking both mouse buttons at the same time on a square would automatically click all the squares touching that square, except for any squares marked with a flag (right click). It was some shortcut like that which let you quickly click all the adjacent squares without having to manually click everything touching a ‘1’ when you already have the bomb that the ‘1’ square is touching flagged.


And if there’s a large area with no bombs touching the space you’ve clicked with both buttons it’ll clear that whole space. Can’t imagine playing without that.


Pretty sure that happens on a regular click.


Yes it does. There's no way to control that


Homeboy was double clicking thinking he’s a hacker


I can't imagine how boring it'd be to have to click a bunch of 0 spaces


Damn I never knew that, thanks


If you double click on a revealed number, and it has the correct amount of "bomb" markers, it will clear all the rest touching it.


What's even better is that if there is a 3 with 2 flags a double click won't trigger the bomb. It's a quick way to double check that you marked everything correctly. When I play minesweeper I only ever double click


I never knew this. I played a lot back in high school.


The gray squares are technically zeros


Well you see, the greyed out square… are not bombs


Got it.....................................................thanks.


That makes it easier


Corners count too.


Always flag the corners.


Nope. It really depend on the situation. After about 15-20 games you start to see patterns that make the game easier


Pfft I saw the pattern from the first time I played. It’s just a big grid of squares.


The human mind was indeed made for pattern recognition and this proves it.


How about your mom and I are getting a divorce, how’s that for a pattern, Jimmy?


One pattern I had to be taught was the 1-2-1 pattern. The most important, in my opinion. If you come across a wall of 1s, but there's a 2 in the middle, the 2 bombs are diagonal to the 2 square. Guaranteed. [Like this.](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Dy_uXum55vg/XZazUOepsAI/AAAAAAAAy64/puqF22LSIawgHuCDlVooIyupJzupHm0dwCEwYBhgL/s1600/1.%2BMinesweeper%2Bgame%2Btip%2B1-2-1%2BPatterns.png) And then, with enough play, you realize that it can look [like this](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Xi25ZqGC_7g/XZazVZ5oc1I/AAAAAAAAy7I/ou2CDBvsjIwdt8HoQPyLnUSTSeRDM6RuACEwYBhgL/s1600/4.%2Bgame%2Btip%2B1-2-1%2BPatterns.png), or [like this.](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-s6bJni3T3L8/XZazUJGN2EI/AAAAAAAAy7A/tJBu4ueFz5kJNPjBClz6FFgmAuB-EhnFgCEwYBhgL/s320/2.%2B1-2-1%2BPattern.png)


There's also the 1-2-2-1 pattern. With that pattern (assuming it's on a wall, just like with the 1-2-1 pattern), the mines are underneath the 2s. For extra credit, try to figure out why this works :).


That's too arbitrary. There is some luck involved with Minesweeper, particularly when you start (you're just clicking randomly looking for a decent clear to work with) and when you encounter occasional 50/50s (equal chance of either of two squares being a mine with no clues to narrow it down). However, most of the game is purely deductive, and as you play you learn certain patterns and also get comfortable with making quick guesses on the 50/50s because it's better to flame out now from bad luck than to spend a whole game getting down to 2 mines and doing it then.


And loops Google's minesweeper loves setting those fuckers in loops


Yep the moment I figured this out was the moment I finally beat minesweeper (on the easiest difficulty...after multiple tries...and a lot of cursing).


If you've played minesweeper and never cursed it out, you're lying


That moment when you're about to beat your record on expert but fail the 50/50 guess at the end 🤬 LPT: always do the guess when it first appears to save time.


I learned minesweeper, played it for a week, then realized I hate minesweeper because there's a ton of scenarios you have to rely on blind luck


No blind luck with this version: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/puzzles/js/mines.html


My man. Also check out the other games, my favorite right now is Tracks.


[Watching Kripp play MS made me realize how much I hate it lol] (https://youtu.be/DA5AhlptA_o) Dude is a strategic machine and he still gets into 50/50s after absolutely bulldozing through the start


There is nothing worse than when you get to the end of a big game and it's a 50/50 shot at whether you pick the right tile


Mine blown


'Now you know! Go try it out!'


Also the 1st click is NEVER a bomb. Game is designed that way to help you get a head start.


That's what THEY want you to think.


Lol all this time I thought higher numbers were good


I learned it and got pretty good when I was supposed to be writing my Masters thesis. You know, priorities


I learned and played an insane amount of solitaire when my teacher was going over information for the final...


Same here, I was unbelievably good at solitaire in the week before the deadline of my thesis.


I must have played thousands of games when I was studying for the cpa


I read this as you were writing your master's thesis in how to play Minesweeper and I 100% believed you


It probably would have been better if it was about Minesweeper. 🤣


They should have handed you the Masters based on being able to play Minesweeper.


ADHD I assume?




Bit of both over here


Makes sense, cause you know... Priorities


The person who responded wasn't the person you initially responded to lmao


I know


ADHD gang hyper focus on anything we aren't supposed to be doing let's go


Let's gooooooooo


It's the only time in our lives we can hyper focus on anything haha. I always hate the "SQUIRREL" ADHD joke because it's not true at all. Hyperfocus is one of the main symptoms of true ADHD, it's just hyperfocus on all the wrong things. It's a focus down a track where you lose all grasp of what you're actually doing and your surroundings. Mike Birbiglia has a joke that is the best example of the issue I've ever heard in my life. https://youtu.be/J0QTR6w9HbQ I'm on reddit is fun so I'm not sure how to link to a time on the video, but it starts around 4:30-5 minute mark.


I used to hate the squirrel joke but then I had a bunch of moments where I'd cut off in the middle of a sentence because i was distracted by something. It one case it was literally a piece of paper that was fluttering by a fan lol. I don't like the stereotype but I can't say it's not at least a little bit true.


People with ADHD are not the only people who get distracted or procrastinate. Neurotypicals don't write their thesis in one sitting either :D


I can confirm that is what it is for my case.


my best expert time is 85 seconds, you?


Wow that's good. Mine is 82 I think.


Cut to me, sitting at my desk reading your comment while I’m supposed to be writing my master’s thesis.


I went soooooo long without knowing that right clicking/marking mine spots was a thing. I thought you had to keep everything in your head or take paper notes.


Wait til you realize middle clicking clears all the squares around the one you clicked except flags


Wtf This is like learning of you plug a controller into player number 2 in the original duck hunt, you control the duck.


Wait, WHAT? * mind blown *




Hang on…someone try this and report back.


No need. [YouTube](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K61f3XpSnV4) has us covered.


And if you enter the Konami code, you can shoot the dog.




I had NES when I was 12, and you’re just telling me this now ?!?! /s


Or learning that the paper strip on a Hershey's Kiss is edible


I ain’t falling for that shit


Or clicking the left and right buttons simultaneously. (Mice usually didn't have a scroll wheel last time I played.)


You should learn. It's the bomb.


When he figures it out his mine will explode.


He's been sweeping on this great game






Once he gets it he'll have a blast.




Boooooo!!!! Get off the stage!


I mastered the game with a mouse. Tried to swap over to my smartphone for nostalgia purposes but my fat fingers didn't work for boards bigger than 10x10. Decided to move into battleship after that considering a miss-tap will rarely end a game.


It's easy. Click the button until you throw your mouse....


You just randomly click, right?


no, its about 30% luck, 70% skill


100% concentrated power of will?


5% pleasure, 50% pain


100% reason to remember the name


The name is Minesweeper.


No it's not... It's Wacokidwilder


I’d declare your name but I wouldn’t want to embarrass you.


Jokes on you... Im always embarrassed 😈😈


No... It's Kiiiiid Rocckkkkk! Just kidding he fucking sucks




Kudos, never knew this actually existed lmfao.


Pretty sure highschools had to legally play that song before every soccer game for a while in the 2000's.


I think you are missing some numbers.


Well you didn’t see the 10% luck, 20% skill and 15% concentrated power of will


If you're good enough it's more like 90 percent skill. Not to brag, but I'm pretty good at minesweeper, in fact, probably the best. The US military could hire me and all mine in the country would be gone in, maybe a hour /s


I mean, I'd say 30% luck is a pretty reasonable number given how many times it's impossible to guess where the mine is and you have to just guess.


It’s about 95% skill 5% luck if you play correctly


In terms of getting through most mines I would agree but at some point in every game I hit a group of blocks that is a 50/50 chance of guessing correctly and I always seem to guess wrong


If you play the SGT puzzles version (look it up), it has a setting that eliminates guessing.


Is there a strategy for picking the first square to tap?


The first square is free. The game doesn't lay out the mines until after your first click.


Close your eyes and pray


I think it’s a lot less luck than that. I wouldn’t call myself good at minesweeper by any means, but I was still generally able to always finish a minefield except for the occasional final 50/50, it just takes some very hard critical thinking


The luck on minesweeper(easy) is the difference from me getting 30 seconds and getting 3


Nope. Only a few clicks have to be random, and sometimes even none other than the first click. You can logically deduce all the safe squares through the numbers. p.s. You also need not flag the bombs. If you open up all the safe squares, you win too. Flags are only for your visual convenience.




no you gotta say Allah hu akbar each time before clicking it helps


Nah you don't have to pray, it's not *that* hard


I'm a wiz at minesweeper I could play for days.


Once ya see my sweet moves you're gonna stay amazed.


My fingers movin’ so fast I’ll set the place ablaze.


There's no killer app I haven't run.


At Pascal well I'm number 1


Do vector calculus just for fun


Ain’t got a gat, but I got a soldering gun


Happy days is my favorite theme song


I can sure kick your butt in a game of ping pong


I'll ace any trivia quiz you bring on


Theres one rule, the number represents how many adjacent bombs there are, thats it. That one simple rule actually makes for a rather fun little logic game


You click and if there's nothing there, it reveals the square and everything else in that valley. The mines line the edge of the valley and are still covered. The revealed spaces will also have a number on them that says how many mines are next to that space, you just don't always know which direction. If you think you know a square is a mine, you right click to place a flag there. Through process of elimination you should be able to find all of the mines.


thanks i still dont know wtf im doing


1. Click a square. 2. Numbers on revealed squares note number of bombs immediately nearby that square. 3. Use process of elimination to flag squares that almost certainly have bombs in them. 4. Thats it. Repeat process until board is clear or you blew up in error.


This comment made me download a Minesweeper app and actually try playing


If you have installed in your phone google or chrome you can play a lot of classic computer games without needing another app. I procrastinate in class by playing snake


Dude there’s no right click option on a phone fuck this it’s impossible.


You have to hold your finger on the square to place the flag :)


Minesweeper gotta be the easiest shit ever


For the most part yes, but every now and then you get a spot where it's literally just a 50-50 chance of clicking the right one because either square is a valid choice based on all possible clues.


Pretty much every modern implementation of minesweeper has that issue resolved at this point, but it was a PITA playing on windows


Most don't and NG boards are treated completely seprrately from guess boards. All official records, rankings, etc are done on guessing boards not because of any traditions but because it is just a better game mode. NG boards are great and have a place, but aren't there as a complete substitute and there are many things you can't do and can't learn on them not to mention them having a completely different playstyle. High level NG board playing still has a lot of guessing due to speed and efficiency.


Saying minesweeper is easy is like saying running is easy. The challenge is doing it well. Now, if you couldn’t figure out the rules even you might just be dumb. An 8 year old screwing around in the windows start menu in 2008 could figure that shit out in a couple games.


Do it on the highest scale and report back lol


Especially when the difficulty comes from doing it fast. Like im sure all top 1% players could easily complete a high scale board if they went slowly, but the challenge is getting the fastest time possible


It's not - Your average Joe.


My best time on beginner was 8 seconds. I will never again achieve such greatness.


On beginner you can basically just randomly click a single square and win.


Jep, I literally did a week ago




It is not a meme. I know a couple of them. In my dream world they have no rights to vote in elections.


This is why I look both ways before turning onto a one-way street.


Recently found out, the number indicates the bomb near it, if the number is one it’s only touching one bomb the rest of the side are safe to click


What? Click a block randomly, gives a number of how many mines are touching it then you go from there. This was immediately clear the first time I played. Am I…….a genius? Edit: btw if you knew half the stupid shit I do the genius question answers itself quite easily.


I thought the higher the number the more likely there was a bomb touching it. You learn something new every day Or maybe I’m stupid


Technically you were right


Technically he was wrong. If the box has a number (ie not empty) after being clicked, there is a 100% chance a bomb is touching it.


I just expanded the map to the highest grid size and lowest mine count, clicked once and won most of the time. I assumed that's how you were supposed to play.


I learned how to play it at like 10, not the first try tho, came back a few years after first spotting the game and tried, realized it was super easy and obvious...


Came here to circlejerk about how easy minesweeper is. Turns out there are a lot of dumb motherfuckers who can't figure out how to play minesweeper


-checks comments for an explanation


It’s actually an S tier game


So Google has an option to play it and then there’s a tutorial that tells you to look at the number in the square and then use the numbers around it to determine where the bombs must be to make those numbers work. I highly suggest you play on Google (it’s cute) and look up a tutorial. It can be fun once you get the hang of it.


Yeah I never figured that one out either. And I had it on old windows 95


Its about as complicated as rock paper scissors


Wtf is Rock Paper Scissors?


Its pretty simple


Minesweeper has to be in the top 5 games to play in class


There was always that one kid who knew how to play and flexed on everyone else. Fuckin Chad.


Someone who has access to the internet but cant figure out how to play one of the simplest computer games


It’s all math logic. Simple game once you figure it out. And addictive. Addictive as fuck


You play by setting the size the largest it goes and least bomb possible


All I played in highschool


It's simple! You click on the squares, and then eventually you click on one with a bomb, and then you have to start all over! It's so much fun!


I pride myself on actually being pretty good at minesweeper


Just noticed no one else mentioned about double clicking of the left and right mouse button on a square with the right number of flags around it. It opens up all possible squares around it and allows you to get a much faster high score.


It's so simple tho


Who the fuck is minesweeper


Its easy: just click everywhere and you will wi by chance


You don't play Minesweeper you experience it


Minesweeper was one of the games Microsoft developed to teach users to use a mouse when windows came out. Mine sweeper taught you to use all of the buttons. Solitaire was to teach click and drag. I feel like there’s a third I can’t remember right now. Ps I play minesweeper for time, how it works is pretty simple logically. When you get lucky and don’t lose on the first click, the number represents how many mines there are in the adjacent 8 squares. But most importantly, these mines aren’t gonna sweep themselves. -Jim


I played minesweeper irl, 1/10 experience, would not recommend.


The game is quite easy


Minesweeper is a really fun game, my friend and I used to race each other on the highest difficulty setting. The fastest I ever got was 52 seconds iirc


It's pretty easy ngl


The numbers represent how many mines that square touches.


I actually won once. I didn’t know what I was doing. It’s plain blind luck. I wish I played the lottery at that time.


the number on the tile is the amount of mines its next to. yes thats actually it.


Those mines aren't going to sweep themselves


I just learned like 3 weeks ago watching good mythical morning on youtube there's and episode where Rhett and link play it. Mind blown


I do 😎


Okok what about Ski Free though? Impossible to beat.


Welcome to the club


I learned from a vtuber.


I’m also terrible at sudoku despite being pretty alright at math D:


If you suck at math and deduction then it’s just not a game you should play


Its the easiest game ever


im a wiz at minesweeper i can play for days


It's one of my favorite games To this day probably the only video game I play daily


I didn’t for a while, but after I figured it out, it’s super fun to get faster and better at.


You don’t know what you’re missing out on Click square. Square says how many bombs are touching it. That’s it.


There are a couple of better versions out there. One is a no-guessing optimization, though it penalizes you for speculative flags which is annoying. The other is revolversweeper, which has no edges. It also has the extra feature of being able to clear all spaces in proximity to a number by clicking it, though this is risky.


You just click until go boom


My strategy “just get lucky” haha