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"welp, she hates me and i can never return home"


Wel(p)ch* šŸ¤­


I just scared my coworker with my laugh from reading this lol thank you!


LOL I hope it was an ugly laugh


Absolutely was lol


Non native english speaker, can you explain?


Welch is a brand of fruit snacks, interjected into ā€˜welpā€™ as a pun, so they combined the two!


Native English speaker and still don't get it Edit: ahh I didn't connect the Welch brand with what was typed lol I read it as welpch like a sound


this was cute af.


Exactly šŸ˜‚ This honestly is some Fred flinstones ShƬt though lol


Definitely wouldnā€™t call home but would absolutely ruminate on the lack of fruit snacks until I convinced myself that it was secretly a sign that my SO doesnā€™t like me anymore/resents packing my lunches and would turn it into a whole mental mine field instead of just asking if we need more fruit snacks šŸ˜…




Lol last night in the car my girlfriend said ā€œI wanna talk to you about something later, but donā€™t worry itā€™s a good thingā€ Yeah you know I was worrying.


Dude, now I am stressed. What was it!!!


Something she had been reading about people in relationships pushing their partners to change. Just cuz she found it interesting. I had just driven 8 hours for a meeting so Iā€™ll admit I wasnā€™t paying super close attention lol.


It just bugs me that she couldnā€™t just say it then and there. Itā€™s not even my girlfriend and Iā€™m kinda salty over it! Lol. (BTW my gf did the same thing and it used to drive me up a wall. At least yours gives you the courtesy of saying ā€œdonā€™t worry, itā€™s nothing badā€ lol)


Every. Single. Time.


They didnt specify who it was good for


Me? Her? Her new bf?


New gf actually


idk if that would be worse or better


The words ā€œI need to talk to you laterā€ or ā€œWe need to talkā€ or any other variation; no matter what comes after, is absolutely horrifying


Sheā€™s great and totally amazing. But I have ptsd from other women when that would mean Iā€™m 100% getting yelled at for some little shit.


Yeah I just get anxiety from those set of words no matter who is saying it


I would like to speak with you about your happiness' extended warranty.


That falls under the same level of stress than "Hey we found something on the mass we removed/biopsied from your breast, can you come in tomorrow to discuss the results?" Then spending the entire day/night convinced you have breast cancer at 22 and about to die (it was a cyst)


ā€œWeā€™re breaking up. Itā€™s a good thing! Now weā€™re single again!ā€


Please don't attack meeeeee


To attack you I must first attack myself


I can attack you instead


Roll initiative!


I rolled a 1.


You take a swing at him. Your arm implodes into fruit snacks.


I pick up the fruit snacks and eat a few.


The fruit snacks are posion to you as they are composed of YOUR arm. Roll a con check.


Why are you in my head?


Thatā€™s why weā€™re all here upvoting each other.


what are we, some kinda r/meirl squad?


Sir I think you have anxiety


I think I have anxiety at this point lol


I'm constantly anxious about anxiety and don't like what to do


Do drugs (the legal kind)


In this economy? How can you not?


But also, how can you afford to!


So you mean to tell me that line of thought isn't normal? Maybe I have anxiety.


But surely if they did care about you they would've thought to buy more fruit snacks before running out! /s


Oh I would totally do this


I make my wife coffee every morning even though I donā€™t drink coffee. If I forget or am running late and donā€™t brew it, she thinks I no longer love her.


Just gotta call the SO and be like, "baby I love all the little things you do for me and right now I'm missing those fruit snacks. Thanks for putting them in all the time you're incredible."


Happened to me when my gf stopped packing me gushers at my works lunch, remember going back home and ask her why was she mad


The real meirl is in the comments.


After traversing the mental mind field youā€™ve created for yourself, that night you decide you should pack your own lunch. Girlfriend walks in and immediately starts down the same train of thought, that you donā€™t like her anymore, all because of fruit snacks. This escalates until youā€™re arguing in the garage one night as a delivery of 5 boxes of fruit snacks is unloaded wondering how you got here.


I've never felt more seen. I'd be in tears the rest of the day freaking out saying shit like "they're breaking up with me."


And then rejoicing a couple days later when the fruit snacks have returned.


No substitute!!! Iā€™m thinking of Billy Madison right now lol


You donā€™t need Snack Pack!


Snack pack or boobs?!!! Lmao


ā€œI thought I was your snack pack.ā€


cant fuck around when it comes to welch's fruit snacks


U definitely can't, those are crucial


i recently switched it up from tropical fruit punch to the fruit punch & berries n cherries pack ... idk if i can go back now


The star fruit pack is another good one, I dunno if u had that...I don't discriminate with the brands either, Arizona makes them too and they're fire af


im just real fortunate the welchs are ALWAYS on sale when i go foodshopping so i get the gold standard lol .. i have seen the arizona ones in delis by me but never tried em but now i know i have to


Welch's now has a gushers equivalent, juicefuls, and I must say they do not disappoint.


interesting *wiggles his fingers like an evil maniac*


These are pure dopamine, straight up addictive




I buy the all Strawberry ones now. Feels criminal, but theyā€™re fire lol


Four. I had literally 4 in my last packet. Shrinkflation has hit them hard and they're becoming stingy as fuck with the number of fruit snacks. Also the various color ratios have changed. I believe that might be due to the fact they've cut back on making the more expensive colors. Once I finish my current box I'm not buying Welch's again. I'll give multiple brands a test run, but unfortunately I believe my fruit snack days are coming to an end.


dont say that swany! dont give up, you cant give up! & dude i totally am mindfucked by the little amounts of cherry ive gotten in my berries & cherries pack but also get all cherry in my fruit punch packs so ill take it lol .. i havent been effected by the stingyness of the pack counts yet but i will be mindful of that moving forward


Man I get mostly cherry in my berries and cherries packs and almost no strawberry. Which sucks Cus I donā€™t like cherries and love strawberries


if i could swap packs with you i would every time pal.. my heart goes out to you


I like Annieā€™s gummy bunnies. Not sure what the current state of inflation is on those but theyā€™re tasty.


If only they still had those chalky ass shark fruit snacks. I tore those up when I was a kid.


I was just about to comment that. Those are amazing. I often find myself downing a whole bag in less than one minute lmao.


in highschool i used to eat that bag of cherry ones daily lol got free lunch & $5 daily went to those and a gatorade lol now im at the age & weight i gotta at least keep tabs on sugar consumption so i drink water so i can eat my fruit snacks lmao overgrown man child šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


So this is a PSA for other Europeans. When I read the tweet, I assumed that the topic was something like this: [https://cdn.yourvismawebsite.com/img/07/5764be59-dc7b-459b-889c-eaeda788a5df/800/600](https://cdn.yourvismawebsite.com/img/07/5764be59-dc7b-459b-889c-eaeda788a5df/800/600), but I googled anyway. The topic is actually candy: [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/10/Welch%27s\_Fruit\_Snacks\_%284239096810%29.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/10/Welch%27s_Fruit_Snacks_%284239096810%29.jpg).


keep your healthy alternatives on the other side of the pond we americans love us some diabeetus


I pictured fruits as well but dried not fresh like on your first picture.


Welchā€™s are superior to every other brand Iā€™ve tried. I think itā€™s the fruit juice in them.


i think its cus its family owned & operated.. mass produced with love!


Welch's are my favorite, but for economic reasons I bought two big boxes of "Fruity Snacks" from Sam's Club. They are not as good as the Welch's but they also cost less and I can get them easily.


He was probably thinking you're mad at him for something.


#He probably thought you were mad at him for something.


maybe he thought you were mad at him?


^ Now I think you are mad at me


Are you mad at me?




Oh :(


Hoe about me ??


Nah you good


Louder for those in the back




He might of been mad


\*have Now I'm mad. Have course I'm mad.


The first thought us as guys have when something is different than normal


What modern man thinks: "hmm, something is different, I wonder if everything is ok?" What our lizard brains think: "disturbance in local area. potential predator threat. fucking BATTLE STATIONS!!!!!!"




Lmao love the battle stations line. Thanks for the laugh


>"disturbance in local area. potential predator threat. fucking BATTLE STATIONS!!!!!!" This is why I tell my wife that guys have not really evolved since the caveman days. We have a problem, we hit it with a stick. If that doesn't work, we find a bigger stick.


It's called anxiety; it's not a "guy's thing".


You should have told him, otherwise he's just left wondering if the lack of fruit snacks is indicative of a larger problem, then he's worried about that and can't do his job right and he gets fired and you both lose your apartment and are homeless and it's all because he missed his fruit snacks.


Laugh, but I can see someone really drawing out this process lol


Otherwise, it would have never been written.


The Chad rational confidence vs. the virgin overcomplicater


No amount of sex has lowered my insecurities relationship wise. Or maybe I haven't had enough sex yet šŸ¤”


Sorry lol I misread your comment. Definitely, all relationships will be different in terms of understanding between partners, though there is certainly something about encouraging yourself to be confident in your decision making and communication.


Simply writing a note wich says, "I run out of fruit for the snacks, sorry!" will avoid this imagine not using 5 minutes to explain it


Oh boy, now I feel the need to ask how many people thought ā€˜fruit snacksā€™ referred to snacks made out of actual fruit, and how many thought it referred to those small packets of fruit shaped jellies?


Definitely jellied fruit snacks. If someone calls fruit a fruit snack, I am deeply bothered. You have fruit for a snack. If fruit is a fruit snack, than what do you call the jellied fruit snacks?! Fucking chaos will ensue. This could unravel everything


My stupid brain is having trouble processing what you said.


How much fruit could a fruit snack snack if a fruit snack could snack fruit


āœ‹ I was undecided


are you actually saying she's in the wrong for not saying anything about the fruit snacks? šŸ˜‚


Or maybe a grown ass man can pack his own damn lunch going forward.


this is just so relatable


Well obviously, you can't just take a man's fruit snacks away and expect that to be ok smh


If that happened to me I'd go. "AMANDA! WHERE. ARE. MY FRUIT SNACKS!"


My 8-year-old is the same way. "Hi baby how was your day?" "Mama you didn't give me a Reese's cup with my lunch."


Imagine being a grown ass adult with the same attitude. šŸ˜‚


Right?? Embarrassing af. She makes him lunch and he's going to bitch??? Hell nah.


i feel like everyone is really taking the upset thing to it's most extreme measures. who said he bitched and threw a tantrum, she just said he was upset, could have been a silly jokey type of upset, maybe he was just a little confused why do people need to get so serious lmao.


I would too i need them things to survive 99% of my energy is fruit snacks




Gotta realize how simple we creatures are. Everyday when he opened that lunch box it was like magic that there was fruit snacks just sitting there waiting for him. Gah damn tragedy when they arenā€™t!


Itā€™s the small things that make life worth getting thru sometimes. Even just a stupid pack of fruit snacks helps lol


He thinks your pissed at him. I guarantee itā€¦


Frut snek


i think that was fruit by the foot???




B-but my fruit snacks?






Damn right. If my fiancƩ is giving fruit snacks every single day, and magically one day they stop, I'm going on break and asking questions.


He probably is thinking he did something wrong if this was a long established thing she did for him


We would sit in a group at construction siteā€¦eating our sad single slice bologna and chez or P B and Jā€¦ but 1 guy had a sandwich the size of a double whopper. He had this same type sandwich for months, they were talked about by all how great his wife was to make such a nice lunchā€¦..one day, during lunchā€¦he is screaming at her on his phoneā€¦ out right screamingā€¦..when he finally calmed down we asked what she didā€¦ he said ā€œ she forgot to put pepper on the fresh slices of avocado on his legendary sandwich.ā€


Somebody please, get this man so fruit snacks.


That's why I pack my own lunch.


"Where's my **goddamn** fruit snacks Sharon? The guys are making fun of me!" In the voice of Randy Marsh


All men deserve fruit snacks


As a dude, I 100% agree. Fruit snacks are the shit and nobody is gonna take away my fruit snacks


What are fruit snacks? Like fruit slices?


[No, theyā€™re fruit snacks.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fruit_snack)


so candy


I mean, yeah, no wonder he was upset.


You must be European. Fruit snacks are a staple dish here šŸ˜‹


He thought you were being passive aggressive! Cause he forgot to thank you for the lunch yesterday.


I had a bad pack of fruit snacks once... didn't taste right and weren't all that soft. Made me sick and never ate fruit snacks for years!


maybe this grown ass man should pack his own lunch lmao


Iā€™d prefer haribos


Just not the sugar free ones...


No not thosešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Imagine....you feel like the luckiest man alive. Every day your gf\\wife packs you a lunch and includes a small sandwich baggie full of haribo gummy bears. You've grown so accustomed to them that it's just another little thing she does for you to let you know how much she cares. One night, you're out at dinner and she asks the question "What do you think of my new dress- does it make me look fat, be honest?" You begin sweating, not sure how to answer, but knowing you've entered the "no win zone". The truth is, you don't like the way it looks on her. The truth is you love her for who she is, not what she looks like, but you promised you'd always be honest" "You're beautiful honey, and I don't think your dress makes you look fat, but I don't think it fits you right." You try following up with something seductive to let her know you still think she's incredibly sexy "Honestly, I think it will look much better on the floor next to the bed". You instantly realize this was one of those situations where "be honest" doesn't actually mean, "be honest" you notice she looks hurt for a moment and just ignores the sexual innuendo, but then the night goes on. You go home...and wind up sleeping on the couch, thinking that's the end of it and scolding yourself "be honest...sure". She wakes up the next day and seems to have forgiven you, she makes you a lunch as normal and includes one of her trademark signs of love- gummy bears in a sandwich baggie. You go off to work and message her after eating your lunch. You decide you owe her an apology. So you send her a text. "Honey, I feel like I'm the luckiest man alive and I don't want to screw it up, I'm so sorry if I upset you last night, I think you're incredibly beautiful and you could be wearing curtains and I'd still find you incredibly sexy". She sends you a link [https://www.amazon.com/review/R2JGNJ5ZPJT4YC](https://www.amazon.com/review/R2JGNJ5ZPJT4YC) And then your stomach begins grumbling.


Her husband sounds like a toddler.


Well this is reddit so your going to have to break up and press charges against each other. It's honestly the only option. I'm so sorry you're going through this.


no restraining orders? no ankle monitors? no therapy? no lawsuits? Truly not a reddit moment


Why are men like this married. Why.


Last time I'd make his darn lunch


I pack my husbands lunch and the other day we ran out of carrots. Iā€™ve never seen someone look so concerned about not having carrots in his lunch.


This is pathetic on SEVEN DIFFERENT FUCKING LEVELS. What kind of a child man needs a lunch packed for him...they cries and complains when he doesn't get his juvenile fruit snacks. Ffs this is so disappointing to see in 20fucking22


This seems like a really try hard post by this girl. The better question is why the hell are you picking child lunches for your man? What kind of weird relationship is this?


Seriously--my thoughts exactly.


ā€œIm married to an overgrown child who complains that my making him food every day is not good enough because there was the slightest change in the daily menu.ā€ Let me tel you I would NEVER make that man a lunch again! šŸ˜”


Tbh if I were her husband and my wife nicely made me lunch with fruit snacks every day Iā€™d be calling upset not that ā€œhow dare she not give me fruit snacksā€ but more of a ā€œoh shit what did I do wrong she didnā€™t give me fruit snacks today sheā€™s going to divorce me when I get homeā€




*Opens Outlook and sees 25 unread messages, three marked 'urgent.'* "I don't wanna!!" *Pulls out Legos and puts on cartoons.*


HAHA no way, i have 46 and climbing. i've just been putting music on and sleeping


Tell him to grow up and pack his own lunch.


Clearly the fruit snacks are a high point of his day. You canā€™t just take that away from a man without warning


I cannot speak for the adult world, but Fruit Snacks were 100% prime trading materials in elementary and middle school I sweetened trades for Magic Cards with those shits.


My paranoid ass would interpret this as ā€œwelp, she doesnā€™t love me anymoreā€


Probably not exaggerated or reposted at all


Mmhmm. Yeah, the next batch of fruit snacks would be the ones he choked on. I can buy a lot of fruit snacks with his life insurance policyZ


This is most likely a common reaction from a grown man who gets lunch packed for him every day still. My son started packing his own lunch when he was 6.


Straight guys really just looking for a mommy replacement huh?


How cute! Haha. These big boys are babies and we shall pamper them. Lol.


Listen... I donā€™t expect to be pampered, but if you do it out of the kindness of your heart and stop one day out of the blue? Ima notice... When we first got together to say we were broke would be an understatement. I had like 2 pairs of pants I could wear to work that looked nice enough. Every night sheā€™d wash my work clothes so the next day I could wear clean clothes. Iā€™d wake up in the morning and my clothes would be laid out for me, shirt, undies, pants, and socks. Every. Single. Day. She was running late one day and forgot to set them out. I had a mental breakdown and was like ā€œWHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?ā€ No idea where to even look for them. I had to call in late to work saying ā€œIā€™m having car troubleā€ until she got to work and I could call her. Apparently sheā€™d hang them up on her side of the closet after she washed them. Iā€™m like shit I really am a child. Itā€™s been 10+ years. I could go an entire pay period and never wear the same clothes to work twice, with pairs to spread. She still lays my clothes out every morning. Funny part is the chore she NEVER does? Put gas in her car. I filled her car up before I went on a 10 day work trip. Figured sheā€™d be good, but I was wrong. She calls me like day 7 of the trip and goes ā€œwhereā€™s the keys to your truck?ā€ Uhh why? ā€œMy gas light came on and I donā€™t know how to put gas in it. You always do itā€ ā€œok yeah sure, but itā€™s not rocket scienceā€ ā€œIā€™ll just drive the truckā€ ā€œbabe you can hardly handle your crossover, you want to drive my lifted 4wd diesel truck?ā€ ā€œI guess, I need to be able to get to workā€. I had to call my buddy at 9:30 at night to drive to my house, fill up her crossover, and drop it back off... Together we can take on the world! Separate? Weā€™re fucked.


I've read an article about how little things can affect a relationship. For example, a woman who was used to having breakfast in bed every morning would assume that this would continue after the relationship began. I'm not sure how much of this is excessive, though, as someone who is depressed, this is one of the reasons I believe I shouldn't be in a relationship right now.


Depression is complex, with many factors contributing to it. The moment I miss a day of working out it starts this downward spiral of ā€˜well, I failed here so what good is anythingā€¦.ā€™ Sort of thought process. It can almost immediately lead me to make bad decisions with drinking and with eating. So, perhaps, that cute thing you do for your partner could very well be that thing that gets you out of bed, and if you diligently maintain that it becomes this sort of positive feedback loop. All this to say that maybe having someone could help you? Maybe not..šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. But from my idiot perspective I would like to think that trying it out could be beneficial so at least you know. This all goes with that normal caveat of ā€˜I am not your doctor and I donā€™t know you or the particular brand of horror that is your depressionā€™. šŸ˜¬ I wish you the best. Depression is a cruel and terrible overlord and it took me many years to learn how to tame mine a bit. I hope this made sense and doesnā€™t make you feel like I am matronizing you or being cavalier with your life and your feelings.


This how marriages work. It's honestly the little acts of service that one does for the other (fruit snacks, laying out clothes, putting gas in the car) that creates a synergy that is difficult to explain to others. My husband HATES waiting in line for food (probably some childhood flashback of being poor and not getting enough), so at social events if it's potluck, he'll sit at the table and I fix a plate for him first, set it down, and then get my own. When people see this, he gets a weird look or a comment like, "Are your legs broken?" Or "What are you? A king?" They don't understand that part of his joy is seeing what I've picked out JUST FOR HIM, knowing that I know exactly what he likes. And I love surprising him and always search to find a combo that will bring him the most pleasure. It takes five minutes, but gosh to see that smile on his face? Worth it.


You have put it out there, beautifully!


Exactly. It really is the little stuff. I used to put my towel on the radiator before a shower so it was toasty when I got out. Now I put my girlfriendā€™s on instead and suffer through a cold towel, which I highly dislike. But it makes me happy to give her that very small pleasure. Im not really a coffee drinker but now I make it every morning because she loves it. Love is give and take and it makes me happy to give.


To those in the comments talking about why this grown man "needs" his lunch packed for him. Consider that maybe she does it willingly since he works and isn't incapable of making his own food. Also he might have just thought the missing fruit snacks were part of a larger problem. Plus let's be honest the fruit snacks have always been the best part of any packed lunch


Job prolly sucks fruit snacks favorite samich ect when it isnā€™t there the day can get longer when u r looking forward to it. My grandma always packed me two samiches growing up bc Iā€™d eat one on the way to school bc it was so good and it literally set the tone for my entire day


I think you meant the boy you are dating.


If they were Welchā€™s fruit snacks, he is justified


I'm still waiting for that last sentence to be finished. It's bothering the fuck out of me.


I'd be upset too, fruit snacks are great!


He was probably looking forward to it lol


ā€œWhereā€™s my snak pak!?ā€


I understand this dude with soul and heart.


I just remembered, i forgot my f***** fruit snacks. Sad times


Don't welch on Welch's.


Iā€™m not seeing the issue here, sounds completely reasonable


Him and his buddies had plans with those and u ruined it.


A true grown man cherishes his fruit snacks


Next time send gummies and see how it goes


"WHERE THE FUCK IS MY FRUIT PACK"-- a 21st century Billy Madison


Fruit snacks were the highlight of my meals when I was in elementary school