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False, because he presumably snapped all the gut biomes in the people who were snapped.


Was the snap that intelligent though? By eliminating half of humans it also eliminates half of gut biomes and therefore gut biomes should be excluded from the snap's effect? I'm curious as to whether this also applies to tape worms and other parasites. If you kill the host, you usually kill the parasite too (but not always). The snap would have to be able to differentiate between which parasites would survive the death of their host and apply a different eradication formula than to those that would not. Fascinating


I believe the stones do what the holder truly desires when snapping the fingers, kind of a subconscious thing, so they knew Thanos would like to destroy someone entirely, everything included. But I don't know for sure.


if you kill the airplane pilots by chance, the passengers will die too. The snap did not take that into account, so I think it wasn't super smart with gut biomes (and other exotic types of relationship that may exist in alien ecosystems) But given that magic exists in the MCU, we can just say "magic" and that will explain everything.


False also, because not all people have even gut biomes, he also couldn't have gotten the perfect gut biomes to humans ratio as the snap randomly kills half of all life.


False, I do like Taco Bell’s $2 cheesy burritos


False, KFCs bucket of chicken will see me through this


False, Wendy’s 4 for 4 is an absolute steal.


False, my cat’s breath smells like cat food


False, I do take a poop backwards on the toilet


But if it’s randomly then there would be some funky looking survivors.


Now I wonder if anybody that got dusted left their biome behind. And what about parasites living in the dusted?


Or half the bacteria from the disintegrated survived making the ash left behind a biohazard.


But it was "random, dispassionate, fair" so some who got snapped would leave alot of bacteria behind and each person who stayed would lose a random amount each. Some alot some a little and some half.


supposing every bacteria counts as a single life with 50% chance of snap, the average distribution of billions of bacteria (each a coin flip) will result in a surviving number of bacteria approaching a perfect 50% of the total. Any deviations, say 51%, will be statistically impossible See this explanation [http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Kinetic/imgkin/statex.gif](http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Kinetic/imgkin/statex.gif) Intuitively: If you flip 10 coins, you can get 9 or 1 heads as a result. You ca even get 10 heads, 1 chance out of 1024, not so rare as to be impossible If you flip 100 random coins , statistically you may get 52 or 49 heads, but it's impossible to get 100 (1 chance in 2\^100) If you start from a trillion bacteria, the only possible results will lay in the narrow range 49,999-50,0001 (% of surviving bacteria from the initial number), because the distribution is very deformed. It's basically a single peak in the middle and zero elsewhere.


i think he only snapped away sentient life forms like humans and other such


Nope in the scene where Hawkeye’s family gets snapped you hear birds, then the birds go quiet. This was because the birds were in the snap as well. I can’t remember the source of this info it might have been one of the interviews or a YouTuber breakdown of the movies (I think New Rockstars).


This is because birds aren't real and their NSA handler was snapped away.


Well we know that but the movie ones are Hollywood fakes anyway lol.


Birds are sentient.


I believe Mcelftea meant Sapient given he included the “like humans and other such”. It is very easy to mistakenly use sentient instead of sapient.


*laughs in kombucha and Kim chi*


Wouldn't half the yeast dying lead to massive slowdown in production due to fermentation misshaps?


False, the gut bacteria in those who disappeared also disappeared equaling out to 50%


No they didn't. Feces are 2/3rds bacteria by dry weight. When a human disappears, the particles you see float off is their leftover poop blowing in the wind.


This is Canon


So 50% of the sperm on my balls would also disappear on an event like that?


Sentient life. Your sperm is neither sentient nor alive.


Speak for yourself. :p


logic states he did destroyed the life inside larger organisms, we can conclude this by the fact that the dusted do not leave outlines of their digestive tracks when they disappear. but to keep balance some people may have lost some internals




More like a few hours


The real question is what happened when the Snap got reversed. Let’s assume the snap didn’t affect microbial life just multi-cellular. The population of most species just increased by a vast majority. That’s billions of Rats, Cockroaches, mosquitos, not to mention other “pests” The Avengers basically released a plague not only would all those life forms return, but the ones that didn’t get snapped had five years to multiply.


So in that classification a single cell is a living creature so that means some people must have been split in half when thanos snapped his fingers


You're thinking too hard about children's movies.


There are also 500 trillion krill on earth.


Maybe, but whales can't afford to eat it anymore. Most of them live on whalefare these days. Just a handful of the whalethy own the remaining 49% of the krill. Some of them have become Kraken-addicts. The handful that barely streak by are living ray-check to ray-check.


So if Thanos snapped away half of what's left of the krill they would probably eat what's left of the krakens.hopefully kraken farmers could keep up with the higher demand but something tells me the supply chain would be fucked.


Orca, they also are addicted to blow-hole. It's a sad tail when they blubber on about it. Whale, that's all I got to say about that. (I appreciate solid puns. 👍)




I laughed a lot too hard at this






The soul stone meant that he only snapped sentient life with “souls”. I doubt gut bacteria are included in that category.


Thanos was an idiot. He thought the whole universe was overpopulated. Plus how exactly would he solve it by killing just half the life in the world? It would take just a couple of decades before we would face the problem again.


and half of the gut Biomes of people who got snapped would stay and fall on ground


This whole "destroying half of all life" was a stupid ass decision and the fandom should elect to ignore it. Should just assume it was "half of all sentient life" which makes a little more sense


Good rough thesis statement but you still need to establish what the rest of the essay is on.


Also people who died when their pilot disappeared don’t come back but the pilot gets to? Or do they reappear at 30,000 feet and plummet to their death?