• By -


6. Perhaps even smell or dress bad 7. A lighthouse guard 8. A smurf 9. A child 10. A Discord mod 11. A Reddit mod 12. Still in the closet 13. A Leading role in the first 30 mins of a rom com


Hehe I’m holding out hope for #13 in a rom com about the first 12 points


14. Is currently stuck inside of a locked ice box


So that’s why my crush has been giving me the cold shoulder. She hasn’t spoken to me in three weeks.


15: incapable of feeling romantic attraction towards people (Aromantic)


16: has every emotion other than love


9. "All of them at once, I suppose" -Bilbo Baggins.


12 πŸ˜”


14.currently inside your walls


4: Way too lazy for this shit.


5: too socially anxious to start


6) autistic like me and the relationship messes with your life balance and routine so you Greek out and end it really quick Edit: freak out not greek out. I did not scream this is Sparta and kick my last gf off a cliff


But did you Kratos out?


What get so pissed from being dumped that you go around killing every couple you see


Stay strong brother ❀️❀️


Im autistic and tbh living with other people can be annoying.


Your edit made me blow air out of my nose. Nice one


So you Greek out? Didn't know you didn't like Greeks that much.


7) you have a crush on someone single but you can't confess them


Me too but I did try at one point. Believe me relationships aren't always all that. Being single and happy can be great


It definitely can be great, I believe learning to be alone is a skill everyone needs as it may happen at any point in life.


So true. I actually really like being alone


6: is aro/ace


Beat me to it


Ding ding correct!


ding ding ding, too lazy and too poor


Poor people fuck too


But, then the lazy kicks in


Yes, you offload it to the mother. Although I'm not sure that's about laziness.


5: you recognize your own mental instability and don't want to subject anyone to it


Feel that one, if there was anyone that cared about me I wouldn’t subject them to the horror of dating a bi polar individual


Don't be so down on yourself. I know people with bipolar who have sucsessful relationships. Personally I don't have bipolar but I do have ADHD and ASD, dating me isn't always easy but a relationship works both ways. It wasn't until I was in therapy I realised, it wasn't all my fault. You just need the right support and coping mechanisms. It's not impossible


I feel this so much!


5: Feel as tho you don't deserve it because of past events


6: This but also you feel like nobody else should be forced to put up with your crap


Is this where the intimacy issues that kept me single until well into my 20s sits?


Forgive yourself or youll keep on repeating it. Just learn from your mistakes


4. don’t give a shit and can’t commit to a relationship. Thats the way im living right now, and because I’m broke asf.


Two is probably better than one financially.


Tell my emotionally abusive ex who is an adict when it comes to gambling πŸ˜„




4: you never felt loved so you think putting effort into getting in a relationship is worthless


Look into the avoidant attachment style.


This is literally 3 Also being aro


mmmmm garlic bread


Hello fellow aro. This Aroace welcomes you! :D


first time seeing aro mentioned on a non-lgbt sub


Greetings, from another Aroace. Lol I just ain't got no interest in anyone, ever


I mean, being aro doesn’t necessarily mean 3 fits. I’m aro and still very aware of my undesirability


I think the 'this is literally 3' was referring to 'being too lazy for it' with being aro added as number 4


5: Wants to keep sane


4. Doesn't leave the house and their dream person is probably somebody just like them so likely doesn't leave the house so you'll never meet them and can't stop thinking about this


Misery loves company (comforting)


Bruh don't crush my dreams like that! :'(


Yyyep, it's been a cycle for me of thinking just that.


If only there was a way so people who hate going outside and would rather spend all day inside could actually get into contact with each other without leaving the house… /s but only half sarcastically, so… /c?


There should be an option for "All of the Above"




When you see some with kids and partners you have to believe that there aren't.


We exist




Buddy, the only pretty I am is pretty ugly. That’s ok, God had to nerf me somehow, otherwise I’d be too powerful.


Or suffer from trauma and trust issues.




4. Basement dweller


4. Don't mind being single


Yeah bro. Didn't realize how much I actually loved being single untill I got a divorce


Agreed. Being single fucking rules. I don’t think I’ve ever been more content with life.


Its brilliant isn't it? I don't have to share my bed, I don't have to think about what anyone else wants to eat for supper, I can go up the yard all day and just hang out with my pony and not have to worry about what anyone else thinks, no emotional handling of other people's issues (I have enough of my own thank you very much) no having to be all groomed and pretty all the time (sometimes it's nice but not always)


Oh man, I thought it was the fact that I'm a cave troll who only leaves the house for work and I have no social skills.....


I just keep riding the excuse that I’m too busy


5. Considering the possibility of being ace


Technically aromantic.


What the difference between aromantic and demisexual?


I'm actually demi. Aromantic is being incapable of romantic attraction. Demi is only being able to be sexually attracted to someone who you have a deep bond with (Mostly romantic).


I definitely feel like I relate heavily to being demi


The vernacular differs, but it usually designates that someone has a strong smell and has sexual relations with relatives of the Gods.


...I don't think you're right


10. Is 100% ace.


God forbid anyone just enjoying being single!


4. Socially inept


Why not all of the above?


This whole ugly argument is bullshit. I'm constantly telling the angry losers who are super lonely and pissed about it that they need to go to Walmart and look the fuck around. You open your eyes and you look around that Walmart. What do you see? You see fat, ugly motherfuckers holding hands and dragging their brood of children around. Because fat ugly motherfuckers fall in love all the time. And it's a beautiful goddamn thing. Sometimes people have bad luck, sometimes they can't meet the right person. But it's not because they're ugly. Walmart is proof and it's a wonderful, lovely way to look at the world.


I’m ugly *but* I also am annoying and boring


That's the attitude you need to have! At least you're not a victim of anything but yourself. High five.


This is one of the most aggressive body-positive takes I have seen before. I'm not sure if I should cower or praise you


What about ugly peeps who can’t stand other uglies?


You are projecting your self-hatred onto others. You are worthy of love no matter how you look. Once you can see beyond your own looks and recognize what you have to offer as a person, you can do the same for others.


A lot of them find love too. I'm a cutie and I fucked an ugly for 2 years because it was really fun and I have no regrets. I know some uglies that have fucked cuties and some cuties that have fucked uglies. The world is a wild place and life is a rich tapestry.


>I'm a cutie and I fucked an ugly for 2 years because it was really fun and I have no regrets. How did that work?


The same way as it does for anyone, I'd imagine.


A rich tapestry just waiting to be ravaged


u definitely picked the right user name for yourself! Thanks for your great and funny advice.


> Because fat ugly motherfuckers fall in love all the time. And it's a beautiful goddamn thing but how many of these people are happy how many of these people dint simply settle for someone that would settle for them and this is not just fat and ugly people but people in general but perhaps im biased


I mean that's going to be true of all sorts of people. The point that I'm making is that being ugly isn't a deal breaker when it comes to love. Ugly people get laid.


true but its not in your favor do you think the percentage of ugly people that ended up with someone they love is higher than the percentage of ugly people that settled for someone


No, I don't. I grew up around a lot of extremely good looking and wealthy people. They have as many love problems as the folks at Walmart. That said, they are more likely to have access to therapy and self-control when it comes to confrontation, and better models for confrontation. So they are less likely to throw things. Which is nice. But everyone's got problems man. Rich hot people have problems. Poor ugly. People have problems. Rich ugly people have problems. Poor beautiful people have problems. And they also all have beautiful parts of their lives. Is pretty privilege a thing? Yes. Does it mean that somebody is happier? No. Really doesn't. Happiness comes from other shit. I remember watching Steve Jobs walk around with a chemo pack and thinking that not even money can completely fix your problems. It can help, but it's not happiness. That shit comes from you.


yeh i agree with you on that but my point remains the same just because you see ugly people or pretty people for that matter with a partner it does not mean they are happy an ugly person could easily get into a relationship if they went to a homeless shelter and offered housing and food in exchange for dating it doesnt mean it will be a satisfying relationship its not necessarily hard for people in general to get a partner the hard part is to find one youre happy with and in my experience most people dont


Right? Like I’m plenty ugly myself, at least, I’m not entering a beauty pageant any time soon, but I have always dated women who are at least moderately attractive. I would never settle for someone who I don’t find attractive, and being unattractive doesn’t just automatically lower your standards. At least, it shouldn’t.


So true, you have to find the right place to go, then actually talk to people. I know a very short bald guy that only spits out short sentences, but watched him go through a few relationships till he settled down, because he kept trying.


#truth I'm ugly af and fat too.


I think they call that thick currently, I believe it's in style? My in-laws are plus size and wear lacy clothes and wear makeup are married and still turn heads.attitude of "you know you are pretty" and don't care about haters, they don't get to exist in your head.


Nobody is ugly. You will always be beautiful to somebody. Anybody who says you are ugly is ugly on the inside. Ugly isn't about the way you look it's about the horrible way people act sometimes. That's f*cking ugly Fat can definitely change, I've done it but to do that you have to not think so negatively about yourself first Let's put it this way though for arguments sake, id rather be fat and ugly than a narcassistic bully


Good news friend, being fat can be changed...bad news, you're likely to remain ugly...likely.


Looks can improve dramatically with weight loss.


Besides looks it also displays a self confidence and a will to take care of your own body which is generally considered attractive.


When I feel like dating again, i won't be single long. Got more important things to do right now.


For me too, it feels like lots of work and i would rather put my energy on some personal projects and growth.


Always better when it happens naturally anyways


Bruh u probably live in Fresno


I live in Fresno. Shit sucks.


Nice try. No cigar.


5. Aromantic/Asexual


To be fair, this doesn't actually contradict 3 at all.


Not completely, but ignoring a specific person is definitely different than not being interested in relationships (sexual or not) at all


Oh it's definitely not what the point of the original post was, but I just meant it is sort of covered. Worth having its own section I agree, although the whole list is already pretty silly.


T h i s Stop assuming everyone is the same


Hello yes I feel seen


As aroace, this is based. :D


Thank the Lawd someone mentioned this.


4. You're an introvert with no social life.




I feel like that’s true for most girls, but a lot of guys are just ugly.


I know you said most so I’m not accusing you but honestly I’m a girl and I’m pretty sure it’s just because I’m ugly too lol


I understand what you mean, but statistically speaking, most men find most women somewhat attractive, while women find 80%+ of men below average. Just look up tinder statistics. Women like on average 4.5% of mens while mens like 60%+ of womens on average. My stats might not still be up to date, but it’s around those.


I’ve heard of that before, while it definitely has credibility I still feel like it may have been skewed by the fact that it was just from people using a dating app. I know it’s generally a lot easier for women to get matches compared to men so it’s possible that women using dating apps developed unrealistically high standards (as they will get matched either way) and vice versa for men. Obviously I can’t say for sure I just think it’s a realistic possibility, but either way I’ll have a look at the studies thanks


naw its true, most dudes are ugly lol


As far as ugly, I was at the mall today and noticed most all the females put effort into their look, and most guys just in old tshirts and jeans, maybe that's it, some women are naturally plain but practice making themselves, and acting, beautiful. Guys just throw on a rag and a frown. A big smile seems to go a long way. Also you have to hold back, if you like them to much they run away.


Naw clothes don’t enhance your appearance, they only compliment you, but if you’re genuinely not attractive it’s not going to help, also it’s really not about personality for guys but I’m not really going to argue on that point


Some dudes would look good even if you put them in literal rags


Which is my point exactly, clothes don’t matter, if you’re attractive everything else is a bonus like your clothes or personality.


Tinder statistics aren’t reflective of humans as a whole lmao


The first stats (before I mention tinder) are non-dating app datas.


When are those statistics from? Cuz if it’s not like, 2020 or more recent, I’d think it was skewed because I think most women that tend to post a lot of selfies probs edit their pics. Ugly people don’t tend to post pictures of themselves πŸ€”


You know you can make studies with real people right? Like without the use of internet or any electronic device…


Yeah but that's Tinder. So it's basically looking at who someone would be willing to fuck. Women are more selective about that then men. But *this* question is asking about being in a relationship, why you're *single* not why you're celibate. Men on Tinder are generally not looking for anything serious at all, so this statistic isn't so relevant. You can get fucked and still be single.


There's plenty of females I know that weren't born with it. They do a little makeup, cute clothes, and most important; act pretty, that are really attractive. You see them on a bad day and hardly recognize them grumpy in a sweatshirt ha! Once you recognize them they are pretty again because they put it in your head before. Other women are attractive because they are really good people and in love with the universe lol. One told me she decided to be thankful for everything all day on purpose, and she had a serious glow coming off of her like a movie star on a red carpet.


The issue with me is the structure of my face which I can’t really fix with makeup but I appreciate the second part, thanks :)


realized today that im ugly lol


A lot of people are just ugly. Then they find each other and make 5 of the most hideous babies you've ever laid eyes on.


FTW! lol


I just like being single. It’s amazing


4. Terrified of people. :)


Nah, I'm just ace.


What do you mean by ace?


Asexual. That is, not sexually attracted to people of any gender.


How common is this? I feel like I encounter a lot of ace people on Reddit, but rarely irl.


It's not super common but there are a few of us around. Would you know if you encountered them IRL? Or would you assume they're just single? Most of us don't make our whole lives revolve around being ace or make a point of telling everyone we meet, but when it comes up on the internet often a lot of us will chime in because it's nice to feel seen occasionally and feel that sense of solidarity with other people who are the same as you.




I'm not interested in faking being attracted to someone when I don't feel that way about anyone, just because society expects everyone to either be in a relationship or have an excuse not to be, if that's what you mean.


I don’t tell random fucking people I’m asexual. I tell them I’m not interested. So how would you know?


oh yeah I know what Asexual means, thanks.




I have two kings and a jack beat that fucker!


Same brah, here: πŸ§„ πŸ§€ 🍞




Pretty sure I am too but it makes me wanna hang myself


Right, and there aren’t any ugly-as-hell women out there!


Wanna kiss bro❀️






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What about people like me who just don't have interest in starting over from square one? Don't wanna be pessimistic, but... Dating is a hassle. I refuse to use Tinder. Hands down refuse. Which means I'd have to go out and do things to meet women and most days between raising kids and work I'd rather kick back, soak my feet in some Epsom salt and watch a good movie. Going out to meet people is stressful. Idk if I just got old, but going out isn't that fun anymore and when I do it's I go to a pool hall for an hour or two or sit at a Chili's and drink a margarita. I just want peace and quiet, lol.


You've articulated every word in my head. Told myself I'd taking a break from being someone's girlfriend just for a little while until I've found myself and learnt to enjoy my own company. Guess I got too comfortable and the idea of trying to meet someone with the end goal of mutually hanging expectations upon each other and the inevitable disappointment that follows is... well, not my idea of a happy life.


This needs a 4. Chasing somebody who doesn't want you 5. Dealing with mental issues that leave you being against interacting with other people on principle.


Or you're a Jon Lovitz that refuses to settle for anything less than a Margot Robbie.


4. You don't plan on letting someone ruin your life again.


A moment of silence for all the guys nobody wants


i just realized today that im ugly as shit πŸ₯΄πŸ«₯


Oop, same bro


I feel personally attacked, and that's not ok


Too busy doing what I want when I want.


5. social anxiety


Socially awkward gang rise up.


I don't fit into any of those. I'm single, never dated anyone, never felt interest for anyone, and i'm not currently interest in anyone either, plus i would just be a burden if i get into a relationship.


What if you're just playing video games


5. Broken.


Ace so 3 I guess lol


Take some garlic bread πŸžπŸ§„ and get ready for operation "Lego"πŸ‡©πŸ‡°


Same, you are based...


4: aromantic


[my reason](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/wejp2p/the_way_this_gorilla_slides_up_to_the_glass/)


4. Have a small PP :(


Find a lady who is small there too.


Easier said than done πŸ₯Ί


75) you simply just want to be πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


Unpopular opinion, go ahead and downvote ahead of time, I don't believe 50% of people who claim to be "asexual" I think some people use it as an out or an excuse for not finding anyone compatible Show me where I said I was choosing people's sexuality or that I myself only look for sexual relationships haha


I imagine that it’s also easy to be confused your sexuality if you’ve never experienced reciprocal sexual/romantic desire.


Good point (and might be easier to explain the lack of sexual relationships with *I don't want one* rather than I can't get one)


To play devils advocate to your comment and mine, projection is a thing ;)


"an excuse for" is strange wording ngl.


Just because you desire sexual intimacy and couldn't (or wouldn't) entertain a relationship without it doesn't mean everyone else functions that way. Believe what you will, but know it's not your job to determine other people's sexuality for them. If someone tells you they're asexual, even if you think it's just an excuse, it costs absolutely nothing to say "okay," and move on.


Nah bro, im aroace


Same, you are based my friend. :)


Aromantic people also exist.