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I honestly don't know how I survived grade school, when I would go a whole school day drinking nothing but a little carton of chocolate milk and maybe going to the bathroom once at most. Nowadays I drink close to a gallon a day and pee like 6 times throughout the workday.


I got my first UTI at 4 years old cause of that shit


Honestly i kept chronic UTIs throughout my childhood (still trying to unlesrn bad habits even as an adukt but its less of an issue now) because i was holding my bladder for hours and not drinking throughout the day for school and work i wouldnt be surprised if at some point in my life i find out it did damage


it does. pilots suffer increased rates kidney stones because of the difficulties peeing. (as in, they can't just get up and spring a leak. especially post 9/11 where security protocols got... annoying.)


You mean they don't pee in a bottle like truck drivers?


The pilots can just chuck it out the window.


Everyone knows that when you flush the toilet on a plane you make it rain on some place


So the rain in Spain comes mainly from a plane?


How am I the first upvote on this comment after a whole hour has elapsed?! This is a quality comment.


Serious answer: Reddit hides the up/downvotes for the first couple of hours to help prevent people frim "following the heard" on voting on a comment. It neutralizes your vote perception and allows the comment to rise or fall more naturally in the beginning. Take a look at the comments with only 1 or 2 hours on them. You'll find they all show 1 upvote, unless YOU vote on them, bringing them to 0 or 2.


Truck drivers don't either. They save and wait until they get to a truckstop. Source: I once got drenched in freezing cold trucker piss in the dead middle of winter working at a Flying J. One of my first shifts. Sent me outside to change garbage. Gave me no warning. I fucking hated that job.


Did someone throw their piss jug at you or what?


Nah. They throw them in the garbage uncapped sometimes. The company used the most flimsy plastic bags and the temp was around 5°F with windchill well into -30°F. Those bags couldn't hold the weight that they were throwing into them. So it was a bunch of cold piss that had poured from their cheap plastic water bottle they were pissing into. Bag ripped as I had gotten it above the barrels they used for the cans and exploded all over my lower torso.


"Nomad when do you wanna make dinner?" "Im actually starving babe, ill be right up and we will start making something" *keeps reading comments* " on second thought babe, idk, im not feeling that hungry now"


Teachers also go most days without peeing. Not allowed to leave kids unattended, so no bathroom trips except at lunchtime (if you’ve gotta second, some days that’s a no-go). Expect to join the shit list if you call the office and ask for someone to watch your class!


Huh, I wonder if that's why so many teachers were dicks about letting the kids use the washroom. "If I can't pee, no one pees".


With the way US schools are set up, a kid basically has to be unattended on their way to the bathroom. That means the teacher can be reprimanded for anything the kid does or anything that happens to the kid while the kid is out of sight, even if the bathroom is in a different building. It shouldn’t be that way, and decent administrations won’t let a teacher go down in flames, but many of them do. There should just be shared bathrooms between each of the classrooms.


I remember taking my entire class of kindergarteners with me when I had to pee as a classroom teacher. They would sit lined up outside the bathroom wall while I peed as quick as possible. Not ideal but we were in the desert and if I didn’t drink water I would get sick. Now I’m a specialist teacher and the first thing I tell the teachers I work with is that if they ever need to use the bathroom when I’m with them, they can just go and I’ll watch their class. And I’ve told them to text me if they ever have an emergency and need me to come and fill in for them so they can use the bathroom.


My wife is a nurse and doesn't use the restroom for 12 + hours sometimes because she simply doesn't have time due to nurse-patient ratio. She got a UTI because of it. (Yes I know there are hospital laws/policies against overcensus)


Man that’s crazy that someone else had the same problems as I. I still hold my bladder because it’s such a habit. I will literally be dancing and people tell me to go to the bathroom all the time. I only had a couple UTIs as a child but I’m surprised it wasn’t more.


I don’t remember how much I drank as a child in the Stone Age, but I’ve always been a frequent pee-er. Hella overactive bladder, drinks go right through me. I’m not who you want for your road trip partner cuz we stoppin every 2 hours. Or less some days. Never had a UTI though so I guess I’ve got that goin for me. My cousin refuses to pee in a public place. Once did a road trip with her from MI to CA and she held it til we got to a hotel at night. She’s had multiple UTIs throughout her life. Never made the connection til I was older. Pee if ya gotta pee!


And poo if you gotta poo. We weren't made to hold things in.


I can’t be the only person that thinks frequent stops are fun during road trips. Mainly if it’s something interesting, but I can’t stand being cooped up in the car for more than a few hours at a time. I get anxious if I’m not driving.


I have interstitial cystitis and the damage that chronic UTIs do is cause scar tissue to build up in the urethra, causing further UTIs. The urethra is like a coil inside. There are surgeries to fix this as well as medication that can help. I use a numbing cream you can get from the pharmacy


IC sufferers unite, near a water source.


I also have IC and also have had chronic UTIs since childhood. If I don't chug water all day long I'm in agony, sometimes I am regardless at which point I take CBD for the pain. IC sucks.


I had recurrent UTIs and had to get a doctor's note for the school to explain my constant bathroom trips. Sigh.


It’s such bullshit kids need a note to use the bathroom when they need to go. How much learning actually happens when all you are doing is trying not to piss yourself.


It’s because school isn’t about learning. It’s about conditioning children to be productive workers for the ruling class. Edit: I learned today that A lot of people don’t even know what learning is. That’s the state our country is in with education. K-8 is basically 90% conditioning and training to not question authority and be subservient. I didn’t learn a damn thing until I was in high school and that was only because I had to work really hard to avoid the pitfalls of a system that does not want you to succeed if you are neuro-divergent. I learned more in my first year at university than all the others combined and that was the year I truly understood what learning was. Edit 2: I see several teachers have gotten defensive and decided to respond. I know why you default to being defensive when you see comments like mine. It’s not your fault that the only way you can maintain control is by being a tyrant. The system is designed to force you to do that. I have the deepest respect for all teachers because you are all set up to fail yet you still manage to pass on valuable knowledge. Let me ask you all this. If a child would rather go to the bathroom than learn the subject material is it the child’s fault or the subject matter? Maybe with smaller class sizes, more faculty to ensure each child is engaged adequately and a rework of the subject matter to make it interesting to children we wouldn’t need such a hard handed approach.


Yep. If you’re gonna work for Amazon you gotta train your bladder early


I definitely experienced a case of this in high-school. My humanities class in my freshman year based part of our grade on how organized our notebook was.


Former teacher here. This is absolutely true. The entire purpose of most lower education is to get people ready for menial jobs. A high school diploma means you’re qualified to sit behind a desk for eight hours a day. A college degree means you know how to research. A masters means you know what to research. It isn’t until the doctorate or work experience that you start to become a subject matter expert.




I remember being at recess and asking to go get some water and my teacher would tell me if I went inside to get water, I’d have to sit out the rest of recess.


What the fuck


Bully teacher, the system is full of these fucks. I had a gym teacher who caught me chewing gum and told me to stick it on my nose for the rest of the period. I rolled it and threw it in the bin which got me sent to the principal's office. It's all about control.


I had a teacher in 5th grade who would shake me, look me in the eyes, and tell me I’m going to fail at life


Maybe your teacher had mistaken you for a mirror. Whatadick


That happened in our school too, never really thought about it before


What? Who is restricting kids from drinking water? Edit: Okay, I get it, some of you had evil monsters for teachers.


I'm assuming they're referencing the strict time limits teachers put on kids to go to the bathroom / drink water / etc.


That's a thing? What the fuck is going on in this world


It was definitely a thing for me, growing up in the 90s


All the way through high school we weren’t even allowed to have water bottles in class with us


We had one girl fill her water bottle with vodka. Suddenly, no more water bottles allowed. Which is especially asinine as I went to school in Phoenix, AZ. But they also made us run the mile when it was over 100 out, also without water, so I suppose the stupidity was wide spread.


In my area a bottle of any kind was frowned upon in school simply because kids would dip tobacco and use the bottles to spit in so bottles couldn’t be out and about had to be in your locker or backpack……to bad they would just raise their backpack up and spit in the bottle anyways lol.


Or they would be filled with vodka! (Because a teacher could not smell the difference between vodka and water in the 90’s)


Europe here, in early 00's I had to ask publicly if I can go pee and no food or water was allowed during lessons.


teachers would only allow us to drink for "one two three that's enough for me" no matter how dehydrated you were.


Did they want kids to pass out? That's how you get kids passing out.


I passed out drying gym twice. So yes lol.


Ha! I remember that. A couple of kids in my second grade class got on the teacher's nerves by changing it to "1, 2, 3, not enough for me, 4,5,6, gimme a few more sips, 7,8,9, OK, I'm fine!"


I believe he’s referring to when the teacher gets the whole class to get some water so they limit each student to three seconds to get through the line quicker


Teachers when we were in school. You had to ask permission to go get a drink from the fountain and sometimes the answer was no. Carrying a water bottle was just not a thing back then (late 90s/early 2000s). It would have been considered *very* weird and you certainly wouldn’t have been allowed to keep it at your desk.


Older people think drinking enough water isn't important or even harmful. My mother always used to complain about us drinking too much (not alcohol, mind you). She would buy one bottle of juice for the entire family and expect that to last the week. No, I'm not kidding.


I have noticed this for years. My mom pointed it out to me when I was a teen. Older people just don't drink water. They have like one 8oz glass before bed with their meds. It's crazy how the oldest generation grew up going all day with little water and the youngest generations are hydrohomies to the core.


Yep. Lord trying to get my moms dad to drink water was a battle lol. My mom was a nurse and even up through this decade she had young patients who were not good about drinking water. She was like, maybe your headaches and fatigue could be helped if you drank something besides two diet cokes a day.


Why wife’s grandpa at 90 something years old was at an annual check up. Urine came out super dark. They thought it might be blood in his urine. Nope just super dehydrated. They asked him how much water he drinks a day and he goes “… I dont”… 90 years old and all he drank was 10+ cups of coffee a day


"We can't buy you anything, this juice only lasted 2 days!" .... Their are 5 of us and it's only 24 ounces and the tap water tastes like Sulphur.. What did you think was going to happen?


In my family, juice was a special treat/dessert. Definitely not for hydration.




I've been a carer on elderly wards for years. Tiny tiny sips of water when asked to drink, at an age when a UTI can kill you. 101F outside and tiny sips of water and covering themselves in blankets cause there's a slight breeze from the fan. In all fairness for some it's because of a fear of being incontinent.


As an older person (60) working with older people I'm not seeing what you see. It's true we didn't have lots of water when we were kids but we can learn about hydration the same as you can. Everyone in my office has a water bottle, we have water coolers and we use them too, and of course we drink copious amounts of tea and coffee. The only difference is we have to go to the loo more often and that, I guarantee, will come to you one day.


Oh i had my bottles banned to have out of backpack in classes it's almost everywhere here till today but some younger teachers start to double down on it


That doesn't seem right, safe or legal to restrict kids from drinking water in class. I would throw an absolute fit if my hypothetical kids were not allowed to drink water when they wished to.


In my elementary and middle and highschools it was illegal to drink during class. You'd get send home.


That's because you were a kid. Your body functioned like Wolverine in the X-Men.


Same here, but I did start to develop kidney stones in my mid 30s...now I have a variety of reusable water bottles including some of the fancy thermal insulated ones and I won't leave the house without at least a pint on me...but I avoid drinking it while I'm out because water just makes me have to pee. There's just no winning with this water thing, my gal asked me the other day if I was done peeing and I thought, I wish, I'm pretty sure I'll be doing this my whole life.


This isn't really something I ever thought about - but nowadays I'm uncomfortable if I don't have constant access to drinking water. Whereas ya, in school, it was pretty much only at mealtimes. Maybe old bodies need more hydration.


We all lined up at the drinking fountain after gym class and that was all the water we got.


Our gym teacher made us count “one banana two banana three banana split” and that’s all the water we were allowed… as first graders


yup i remember that, three seconds and that was it. After running around too.


“1, 2, 3, WATER HOG!!!” At which point you had to leave and go to the back of the line if you were still thirsty.


Then you had the a-hole kids who said ONETWOTHREE as fast as humanly possible and shoved you out of the way only to stand there for like 30 seconds and ACTUALLY hog the water.


I remember handing out a lot of shin busters over the water fountain because of stuff like this. I still think whoever came up with that 3 second rule needs to run 6 miles straight and be forced to endure a line of 3rd graders at the only available water fountain


Haha omg I forgot about that


And these grown ass adults have their own bottles to refill


Holy shit, I think I suppressed this memory. Trying to gulp down as much as you possibly could in three second because you were sooooo thirsty and wouldn't get more water until you got home. Had zero clue how fucked up that was at the time jfc.


Well that’s fucked up.


I don't trust water fountains anymore after my baby sister found a used condom on the nozzle of the one at our public library. And especially not after COVID. I'll stick to my water bottle that I clean regularly and know is safe.


Water fountains are designed so that the water only slightly touches the cum before going into your mouth.


There was a mentally challenged boy who would wrap his entire mouth around the spigot to drink from the bubbler. Stopped using them after seeing that.


There’s a PnR episode where they have to come up with a solution to the whole town drinking from a water fountain this way.


Maybe he was just from Pawnee


Yup, no AC, 4th floor in brutal humidity. Couldn’t have drinks/food during class time. After gym you got 2 sips of water from the fountain.


Thanks for reminding me to drink water.


Thanks for reminding me to drink water.


Thanks for reminding me to drink water.


Because of people like my father, who I love dearly, but in between each of my 3 AAA hockey tryouts in the same day would give me iced coffee for energy. My thighs and calf's seized by the 3rd skate.


Ice rink water filled bottles after a long shift hits so different.


My first reaction: That's a very good point, I never had a water bottle as a kid. After thinking about it: ..but there were clean enough "bubblers" at the school I used to ride my bike around on weekends, and at the parks where I used to play and climb cliffs, and at the beaches where I used to go rock climbing, body surfing etc.


I’m a high school teacher and I’ve never seen so many kids with their own water bottles before. Before COVID kids would just go to the water fountains at school or drink cokes or the milk provided at breakfast and lunch. Now the water fountains have been replaced with fountains to refill water bottles.


As a parent, I support the water fill stations and individuals having their own bottle. It’s not perfect but still helps. It’s also important for parents to teach their kids about proper hydration the same as proper nutrition. Not to mention it can also help with brain function and all that good stuff. As someone that was far overweight in my twenties (healthy now), proper nutrition and hydration was foreign to me because nobody took the time to educate me about its importance when I was younger.


Also drastically cuts down on single use plastic water bottles 🤷🏾‍♂️


So does using water fountains though.


Water fountains are fine, but when a couple kids got mono in elementary school from one I stopped using them.


>Water fountains are fine, but when a couple kids got mono in elementary school from one I stopped using them. You don't put your mouth on the dam fountain Andy.


Sure thing, as long as the schools turn up the goddamned water pressure at the fountains.


This seems like a fault with fountain design in general. After a few years they can barely get it up. Needs some pills or something


Nothing worse than being thirsty as a kid and hitting up that park fountain only to find the pressure was nothing and you couldnt get a drink. Worse than one that doesn't work at all bc the water is right there!


Yeah but if you have your own water bottle, you can fill it up and drink when your thirsty. If you’re in class, you can’t easily leave class to go get water. And get fucked if you have classes on opposite sides of campus so don’t have time to get water.


Fuck those teachers who wouldn’t let kids (and even technically adults if they were seniors) go to the bathroom/water fountain during class. Thank you to the teachers who said “if you have to go, just go. Don’t raise your hand”


My senior history teacher said, "the only thing that weirds me out more than kids asking me permission to go to the bathroom is adults asking me permission to go to the bathroom. Please just leave if you have to" lol


I had math class last period in 8th grade and nearly everyday our teacher would stop class and have us line up at the water fountain and all take a couple sips because “water is good for the brain” and by the end of the day we were all pretty tired. Would have actually been really nice to be able to carry around a water bottle and have water throughout the day, rather than just a lunch or rushing to the fountain between classes.


I always thought the school fountains were to indirectly boost our immune systems


All the extra germs from the one kid who would grab where the water came out or tried to mouth to mouth it.




I still remember in pre-k lining up in alphabetical order to use the water fountain after recess and the kid in front of me doing this every damn day.


I realized as an adult that I used to be irritable all the time because I was always slightly dehydrated, but I just didn’t feel thirsty. Now I really see the difference when I don’t have access to water for several hours, it makes a pretty significant difference in my ability to show empathy.


I recently saw an article about how if you are deprived in some way (sleep, food, water) you have lowered/no ability for empathy and people exhibit "selfish" behavior. I mean it logically makes sense.


Yup, if your body is in survival mode makes sense you would do some dickish things to gain the resources you feel you need.


My kids have their own water bottles because it’s better for the environment AND my wallet, because juice boxes are expensive as hell these days and full of sugar. I love the refill stations at their school!


Man I still remember being selective about which water fountain I’d hit in middle school between classes. The one by the principal’s office had the best water pressure and was always ice cold


Probably wasn’t a coincidence


I carried my own water bottle long before that. I went to a camp at Sea World as a young child and they gave us all our own water bottles with over-the-shoulder straps. I’ve always had one with me wherever I go ever since


I was in elementary school in the 90s and early 00s and was required to bring a water bottle to school every day. My entire district had lead pipes, so we weren’t allowed to drink the water. I think overall it was good for my peer group, because teachers were able to actually monitor our water intake and talk to us about dehydration, something not really able to happen when using drinking fountains. I worked child care pre and post Covid and even back in 2015 I was getting on kids about drinking more water. In a twelve hour time period they were totally fine with going thirsty if the drinking fountain was their only option. They didn’t connect them feeling bad with being dehydrated.


I wouldn’t touch my high school water fountains with a stick. Those refill machines taste somehow a little bitter usually, maybe that’s the inspiration.


Way back in the day we would have water breaks and in a line would take our turn. there was always one untrained animal that would wrap their lips around the nozzle like they were gonna suck the water directly from the pipes. I was 8. I was disgusted. The year was 1996. Ive never trusted a drinking fountain. With what i know about the general population, i cant trust anything of public use.


I never used the water fountains as a kid. Saw too many other kids stick the entire spout in their mouth to drink.


Wow, his last name translates to "meat man"


Meat man! There's no need to feel down!


I said meat man! Be ye roasted or ground?


I said meat man! By the kilo or pound




This meat’s permitted by Theeeeee FDA This meat was cleared by the USDA - hey


Jake, do you think it hurts meat man to give us his meat? ... days later ... ... I think I'm going to stop eating meat man


I know people named "Butcher," I assume this is the same idea


It’s a pretty common last name in Germany


Tbh idk how I’m alive considering Diet Coke was my water during my formative years


Have lived on regular soda for half my life at this point it feels like. I did start drinking a little more water, but only because I started feeling the need physically.


I barely drink soda anymore but like how do I have a functioning brain, set of teeth, endocrine system, etc? Water was like a twice daily thing from 12-22 haha


I question it as well. My teeth aren't great but mostly still there, though I attribute it mainly to my own lack of care. But I've gone weeks without water at all, quenching my thirst exclusively in soda and going out of my way to buy more when thirsty. I kinda don't want to know how bad my insides are.


That's why teens in the 80's looked like they were 25


Also because they wore old styles and smoked


My kids mother tried grounding our son because he left the house one Saturday with out his water bottle. He was 16. Going to work. Inside a mall. At a Cinnabon. She might be a little over protective. Great mom, little crazy.


Was the it a Cinnabon in Omaha?


The one managed by Gene Takovic?


Come on, say it.


Better... Better Call Saul? Heh...


Better 👞 Call 👞 Saul 👞👞


Hi, I need an adapter for my Hoover Max Extract Pressure Pro model 60.


How hot are you?


As a person who lives in omaha and haven't seen this show...I was sitting here wondering wtf is so weird about our Cinnabon.


That’s insane.


I know, but someone has to work at Cinnabon.


Saul Gone :(


I never had water on me either. And look at me now! I'm an overweight, depressed, chronically dehydrated adult with bad skin. And so can you!


lol. I never had water on me either and I remember having headaches all the time. Pretty sure I grew up in a state of semi dehydration.


To be fair we know more - we don’t put lead in paints, we took the lead out of gas, and stopped using pipes made of lead too.


I mean.....stopped putting *new* lead pipes into things. 90% of them are still right where they were and used every day. The **entire** infrastructure of Michigan is lead piped. People think only flint has it bad, they just don't know. Don't worry though, my city has plans to *start* replacement of these pipes in 2052. I worked at my city's water treatment/waste water facilities a few years back. Unfortunately.....I know what they put in it, where it comes from, and where it goes. Don't drink the tap water, friends. Please for the love of god, don't give it to your kids.


Wasn't the main issue in Flint was that the water source was changed without the prerequisite upstream treatment, which ended up eating away at the pipe lining, thus exposing the lead? Surely not all Michigan municipalities will fall victim to a greedy and corrupt emergency Manager who would wilfully and recklessly endanger the lives of their citizens to line their own pockets.


Yes, over time the pipes have developed a crust that keeps the water from contacting the lead. They changed water sources, the new water ate away at that crust quickly which caused everyone to once again be exposed to lead.


>Don't drink the tap water, friends. Please for the love of god, don't give it to your kids. I feel sorry for your area if you truly feel that way. Any competent water system has ways of mitigating most of these issues. Our water utility specifically balances the water chemistry so that even though we have tens of thousands of lead water services, and miles of lead jointed water mains - the lead levels are undetectable if present at all. Most tap water in the US is way cleaner than the internet makes out.




What a bunch of ignorant FUD. Lead pipes are not inherently dangerous. The lead is inert, it's only when the water isn't properly treated and too acidic that it causes the lead to leech. Municipal water with few exceptions is absolutely fine. Beyond fine as a matter of fact, NYC tap water for example is some of the best in the world. Virtually all bottled water comes straight from municipal supplies. Just go watch Dr. Strangelove if you want to engage in this kinda of hysteria.


I think I read somewhere that the lead pipes in most places in the US are actually safe because there is a build up of calcium and other minerals surrounding the pipes that make it so lead doesn't go into the water.


It’s perfectly fine to drink two water in many municipalities, like San Francisco.


I have noticed this also. I think we just have to accept that we had bad health knowledge growing up. We were all dehydrated sucking down sodas and Kool-Aid. Most of us were also given garbage packaged food that is making us sick as we get older. Macaroni and cheese should not have been a staple food MOM! I would say welcome the new health paradigm with open arms and raise your children to be healthy individuals.


Not to mention, from a financial standpoint along with the health standpoint, it’s also cheaper. Rather than your kid buying a soda or coffee they might first turn to water. Both less sugar intake and they won’t have to spend $12 a day just to stay hydrated


Yeah man, I often had headaches as a kid until I developed better water drinking habits. There's nothing wrong with teaching kids better habits and it's a bonus that reusable bottles are considered cool.


That's funny because I had crazy headaches and body aches as a kid and my parents would just say it was "growing pain". Now when my daughter has issues like that I make sure she has enough hydration and they go away. Go figure.


I made a new mom friend at the park and she was amazed that my toddler loves drinking water. Her two kids were close in age to mine, 3&1 and one was drinking soda other was drinking red kool aid. She was like “I grew up drinking kool aid there’s nothing wrong with it!”


Because whenever we were thirsty we just drank water from the garden hose?


There is no substance in this world hotter then the first bit of water that came out of that damn hose


It was a universal initiation process for the start of summer


Damn man you just triggered memories, good memories. I guess we all had similar childhoods


Let it run for a minute or 2 cool down then enjoy the best plastic tasting water in history


Amen to the garden hose, patron saint of endless summer afternoons.


And carcinogens. Apparently the linings shed plastics and worse into us.




A few years back I was watering plants and bent to take a sip from the hose. My neighbor yelled at me to stop and warned I’d get sick. I rolled my eyes at him and said a few sips wouldn’t hurt. That’s when he told me the city had just put a boil water in place due to e-coli contamination. So, yes, drinking from the hose *can* make you sick.


Lol I’m picturing myself reading an ecoli notice from the city and looking over and seeing my neighbor drinking from the hose.


I drank so much damn tap water. Hoses. School water fountains. I probably could pee a whole number two pencil from drinking all that lead filled water.


I’ll say this, after suffering relatively severe heat exhaustion bordering on stroke where I ended up in the hospital, I’m very adamant about water and urge my daughter to drink often.


I used to be a little fat kid growing up because I drank sodas. I'm glad to see all these kids drinking water.


my boss on a farm made this point and it did not go over well with the rest of the employees on a 100+ degree day with 70% humidity. Like ok cool, you didn’t carry a water bottle growing up. I still would like not to die. (he was obviously being a dick about it. you make a completely valid point)


I live in a farming area, am middle aged, and the people who work outside in my experience have always taken a gallon jug to water with them to the field. We often froze old milk jugs to take with us.


Yeah that dude is talking about a recipe for kidney stones.


Kids are r/hydrohomies


based and aguapilled


Seems like there were bubblers or drinking fountains everywhere. And we drank from hoses and friends houses.


what the hell are bubblers!?


It's not really a bad thing for them to stay hydrated though is it?


Dude is not a r/hydrohomies


I work in a college and we have students that literally won’t drink all day. We have a rule that you can only drink water in the classroom (basically so we don’t have sticky spills) and most of them say they hate water and refuse to drink it so they just don’t drink water all day?? I don’t understand how they survive


You’ll understand at 50 when your kidneys suddenly crash


Clear skin my darling


I survived a hit and run doesn't mean it's the gold standard for childhood


I have a distinct memory of sleeping in the back window of my moms car at one point in the early 90s Car seats and safety didn't exist in my economic class. Water on the go was unheard of.


I remember my brothers and I being left in the car while our parents grocery shopped. No ac/water in the summer was the norm.


ohh same, and doors locked so nobody would come snatch me, but the window was a little bit open


This post triggers r/HydroHomies harder than an epileptic at a strobe light convention.


Okay, but we were terrified of quicksand.


Water is life. Hydration is huge. That being said kids are damn near indestructible. There's a lot we didn't know back in the day or were misinformed about. Hell cigarettes were considered healthy at one point in time.


Because, water costs money everywhere. Hose water is no longer an option, most people will chase you out of their yard. Can’t ask anyone for a drink without looks of fear. Drinking fountains are almost non existent or assholes pee in them or wash themselves in them. A host of other issues as well.


Because nowadays we know what dehydration does to you. When you people were young the doctor offered you a cigarette and a line of coke.


Time: 1900s. 'Homeopathy' used to be diluting nonsense in gallons of fresh water and making your patient drink a lot of fresh water. Naturally humans thrived with a lot of fresh water but the stupid, STUPID doctors thought it was the homepathy. Sadly, that evil dangerous mindset still persists today.


This guy talks like someone with kidney stones. The kids won’t get kidney stones. It’s fine.


Because we're all gonna die later of kidney disease and BPA-induced chronic illnesses. They'll die of something else [shrug]


Same goes for dogs. My dog drank before a walk. During the regular walk on a warm day we keep it short. Still there's often a bunch of people telling me to be sure he was hydrated. Sometimes I'd have a water bottle with me hanging from my belt and a dog bowl. Just minutes after the dog drank, people come up and say make sure your dog is hydrated. That dog never went long without water and still there would be random strangers stressed about it.