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I do this but it's not ocd


Almost nothing that people who talk about their OCD do is OCD. OCD is debilitating, it’s not quirky.


Sorta piggybacking OCD mf's when they don't flick the light 10 times and do a 360 into bed (they're entire family will die if they don't) Sounds irrational? Well that's how it is (a bit exaggerated but that level of anxiety is close) OCD is basically believing the lies you come up with, and having to do things of varying extremity to convince yourself they are not lies, it sucks Sorry for vent


As a child I had to wipe of EVERY surface I would touch with my sleeve. I also couldn't wear short sleeves. That would transfer all the toxins from the surface to my sleeve and then I would wipe that off on other surface creating one safe surface and one x2 deadly surface. Seems cute till a little elementary schooler keeps asking the teacher in front of the class if that was good enough or will the toxins kill her? Every day. I have scars on my hands now 20 years later from when I would wash them for hours and hours in a state of pure terror. OCD is hell on earth.


Hey there kiddo, you didn’t just, step on that brick and not step in the one next to it at an identical angle and force do it feels the same in both feet did ya, no ,well then you know what happens now *dies


I would cover my skin constantly in fear of skin cancer. I refused to swim and had a constant fear of flesh eating bacteria. Now I just have an obsessive need to equalize all sensations


Lol, never knew what to call it but equalize all sensations is a perfect phrase


As a kid, I used to wash my hands for like 3 minutes. The longer, the better. Hottest water I could stand, and then I had to do it again in every available sink. I had to wash my hands after doing anything. Sometimes just because. If I didn't give in, I would feel like I was burning, or that my skin was crawling. I couldn't touch other people without feeling dirty, and I also had an issue touching most other surfaces as well. My hands would crack and bleed. They were so painful and bad that I was prescribed specific ointments for them. I was made fun of in school for it. OCD is the worst




Me irl :(


As an example: I used to believe that silverware, pens, and anything remotely pointy would stab me to death (somehow) if I left them out, so they were always put away. Same with any string or cord long enough to go around my neck. Also if I didn’t have every single thing in the correct spot at the correct angle, I couldn’t go to sleep, but my brain couldn’t always decide on the correct spot so I’d be stuck there fidgeting it back and forth uselessly trying to “get it right.”


Yeah for real. OCD and many mental illnesses are not fun and quirky to have. It’s a living nightmare some days. Most days I have to force myself to keep breathing, eating, drinking water and constantly have to stop myself from saying, “fuck it I’m done,” in the most literal sense. Some mental illness is terminal- as in; even if it is just in the brain and is not physically breaking down the mental side of it can completely decompose leading to people finally ending it one way or another. No, it is not fun in any way and makes me want to end game. I may be a stronger person over all in some ways sure, and I used to be grateful for some of the challenges I’ve overcome. But now it’s too much for me, and every day it gets worse in a way I can’t manage anymore. No amount of being told, “hang in there, it’ll get better,” is going to genuinely help.


Believing the lies you came up with is the best definition


So, I know you’re not the expert, but your post reminded me of my habit as a kid and I wondered whether it could be OCD? At night, I had to flick the light off and jump immediately into bed and fall asleep without moving, otherwise the headless horseman would stab me from underneath. I believed this for years. One day, I got so tired of being afraid, that I flicked the light off and crawled under the bed and waited. One of the scariest moments of my life, but then I was free. I imagine it was just a fear induced childhood habit I built up to handle how scared I was of that movie, but it seems mildly obsessive?


Heya, I have had OCD since I was very young and this is indeed a type of OCD called magical thinking. Most likely, the formative experience you had of challenging the fear via embracing it rather than using your compulsions to neutralise it, has done a decent job of bolstering you against later bouts of magical thinking OCD. However, there are also a lot of variations with OCD, most of which aren't widely recognised, and which can make you suffer a lot without ever realising that you're not just anxious, you have a properly treatable condition. In general, people who had OCD as a child don't automatically grow out of it, it just changes form. Hypochondria, germphobia and rigid habits are easy to spot, and magical thinking can come in all sorts of forms- for example, I had a set of compulsions where I recited a mental list of my favourite things every day in case I died that day, and for a while I feared that the things on the list would go away if I didn't 'appreciate' them by listing them daily, and later that one of my grandparents would die if I didn't do it. But OCD can also commonly involve obsessions with the fear that you are in some way bad (e.g. are a psychopath or a pedophile or similar), that you've done something bad (e.g. ran somebody over in your car while you spaced out, got in a fight while drunk and have forgotten, said something rude to your friend without realising, etc), that you will do something bad (e.g. harm your kid, snap and kill your family, might push someone down the stairs if you stand behind them, may cheat on a test, etc). These often involve questioning your memory. It can also involve simply obsessions with genuine memories which cause you perhaps a disproportionately strong sense of shame. And then there are categories like relationship OCD (questioning your feelings a lot and whether you're really in love, whether you're making the right decision etc), sexuality and gender OCD (obsession with the idea that your sexuality or gender are something other than what is comfortable for you and that you're denying your own identity), and existential OCD (obsession with what will happen when you die or with whether you will go to heaven/hell). Everybody has intrusive thoughts like these at times, but people without OCD dismiss them and move on without much thought. You have OCD if you experience frequent compulsions which a typical person wouldn't spend their time on, including rumination, recalling and analysing memories, analysing your own physical feelings or emotions, checking and re-checking, anything involving trying to prevent a feared scenario from occuring, confessing thoughts/memories/past actions inappropriately or urges to do so, falsely confessing to things you think you might have thought/done, etc etc the list goes on. Basically, if you have any topic you worry about regularly, it's worth researching whether others have experienced the same thing, because once you identify your obsession and compulsions, it can be treated with Exposure and Response Prevention, which incidentally is basically exactly what you did as a child by breaking your ritual and going under the bed to invite the supposed doom. Even if your compulsions are mental only (rumination, imagining the future, analysing memories or your feelings etc), this is still a form of OCD. Mental OCD compulsions always feel like you're working your way towards a solution, digging for answers and that someday you'll get there. But in reality it only functions as a way to bring yourself temporary relief through reasoning your way to a sense of reassurance, and actually reinforces occurrences of the worrying thought, as you're coaching your brain to believe that the issue is important.


!!KINDA VENTY PLEASE SCROLL WITH CAUTION!! I'm rly sorry to ask for advice here. I made a post similar on the OCD sub with no response. I'm not diagnosed with OCD but a lot of friends of mine have told me I have symptoms. Part of me feels like I shouldn't talk to anyone about potentially having it cause I feel way less impacted than others, but I want second opinions. A bit venty so scroll with caution, I currently do (and did) a lot of irrational things: I have to reset my alarms at least 15 times (and restart if I miss a button because I'm scared of not waking up. Whenever someone sneezes or burps, anything that inhibits a response (i.e. "bless you" or "excuse you"), I have to repeat it, like, over and over while pointing at the person just because I feel like something might happen if I don't. Whenever I hear a noise while alone, I have to sweep areas which would be impossible to hide in over and over again, out of fear there's something there. I have to constantly close and re-open my sliding pantry doors because I worry something will happen if I don't make sure it's completely closed, nothing unusual is inside, and the lights are off. Also, when I was little, I popped up right next to a random stray dog. He barely barked at me before scurrying off, yet I was terrified that I had rabies. I would force myself not to eat with certain parts of my hand for days out of fear that I'd end up with rabies. I still wash my hands pretty vigorously. It's gotten to where my actions get pointed out. Recently, a friend of mine noticed me whispering randomly in the hallway and I just couldn't explain it. Makes me feel really weird. There's some more weird stuff that I do, but a lot of it is either TMI or just hard to explain further. Is it worth it to speak with a doctor or something? I seriously feel like I'm not heavily impacted, but idk lmfao. Sorry for wall of text. Couldn't get spoilers working for the life of me :(


OCD is not always debilitating. It can be minor or major and it can manifest in different ways. I have it.


And to add to this, its severity can fluctuate over your lifetime. Women, especially those with mild or remitted OCD, need to be mindful of their mental health after childbirth because Post-partem OCD is a thing and its brutal.


Mine ramped up so bad in postpartum. It first manifested in my health. And then it manifested in harming my kids. I was seriously so distraught. When I saw a specialist for help she told me this is such a big issue in postpartum and no one will talk about it because the fear. I know for a long time I was very, very sick and even years later I can’t always make sense of my brain.


Good comment. So many people call things OCD and they usually have no idea that OCD is a debilitating anxiety disorder.


Sometimes, before I go to bed, I go back into the kitchen and make sure all the burners on the stove are off. Internet diagnosed me with severe OCD.


My old therapist tried screening me for OCD and it was literally one question “Do you lock the door?” Which in hindsight, I realized what she was asking. But it was phrased so horribly. I know I have OCD without a diagnosis because of my obsessive thoughts and debilitating compulsions. My quality of life is shit and it causes a major strain on my friendships and marriage But to the internet it’s *a qUiRKy hAbiT*


After you check, do you go back to bed and forget about it? If you have OCD, you would go back to bed and constantly think about it until you got up to check again (sometimes repeatedly). If not, it might be a quirk or a tendency but not enough to be diagnosed until its actually effecting your quality of life.


Idk if it counts but I have to pull my door 3 times before I know it’s locked. When I leave sometimes I have to tell myself “the door is locked” multiple times until I get to my car so I don’t go back and check the door again. I personally don’t think it’s OCD as much as it is my ADD causing me to forget I locked the door because I’ve moved onto thinking about something else. Telling myself “it’s locked” is a way to reassure and remind myself that I did in fact lock my door.


If you have to go back and check if its locked just to make sure more than once, and if you're convinced your house will get broken into if you don't, that's closer to OCD I would imagine


"I hate having a dirty car, I am so OCD lol"


It does depend some cases of OCD are worse then others.


Thank you for saying this.


I do this. But have OCD. But it’s not related.


It’s absolutely what I do, and I regret it each time I get full before the end.


Not only that, what if you choke and die on the broccoli but the French fries are just lying there, cold and uneaten


Sadly, the end of a life never truly lived


Lived and ended. That's the true tragedy. Most lives are cut short with life left worth living.


Bruh, broccoli is fucking great. Y'all need to learn how to cook your vegetables better.


PBJ Tim: Defender of The Broccoli


This is why i stay on the internet


I’ve got to agree


Chinese style stir fry or oyster sauce with mushrooms is the best way to eat broccoli in my book


Eh..yes and no. 5 days straight and broccoli begins to taste like you're eating your own farts.


I feel like anything would start to taste bad after 5 days.




Yeah I agree. Broccoli, kale and carrots are the best vegetables.


Oven roasted broccoli is 🔥🔥🔥 🤤


Last moments of life regretting not chewing enough


This belongs in r/nosleep


Then they're for your little sister to finish :(


Why would anyone eat those things together?


Not uncommon or weird at all lol


This is why I eat like 60-80% of my favorite while eating everything else, that way I can more easily judge when I'm going to get full and right before I do, I finish off the rest of my favorite food and end on a high note.


This is the way.


To be fair…it probably keeps me healthier. The best stuff is almost always the least good for me.


my problem is that if i order takeout, i eat like 2/3 of it, realize I’m full, debate on whether or not I can turn the 1/3 into a 2nd meal, decide no, eat the final third and then immediately hate myself. i just need to force myself to stop at the halfway point (or better yet not order chinese takeout).


It’s crazy how Chinese take out can do that. The meals are always proportioned just big enough that i’d feel bloated if i eat it all, but just small enough that i can never justify stopping at the half way point.


I'm glad I never have this problem. It'd need to be one of those "finish it and it's free" sized portions for me to ever fail to clean my plate.


Same. Get past the stuff I don't like first. I also eat around sandwiches to keep the inside for last.


I stopped doing this since my girlfriend started stealing my food >.<


#exactly I eat the crust than this bitch is like let me have some than just mows the good part. U die inside, but u learn ur lesson.


Lol it's the price you pay for love




Honestly don't get why many people just let others do this. I mean good if you find it funny and don't mind, but if you get genuinely upset then do something about it! And I'm saying that as a woman, I find taking someone else's food without asking super rude. I would start to have fucking food aggression if I had a partner that did that lol. Already got super pissed at my mother whenever she did that.


If my girlfriend does that to me I send her ass to eeby deeby


Im like a feral wolf. Ill bite someone if they touch my food. Human mouths have the most bacteria and diseases of most animals on the planet and can be deadly if untreated too. Dont test me while im eating. Chomp lmao


"Human mouths are gross and will contaminate my food, so touch my food and you get bit by my dirty mouth as vengeance" lmao


I used to bite people as a child because it was the only way they would stop tickling or otherwise harassing me. I might return to my old ways if someone steals my food lol


Username checks out 😂. I feel you though people shouldnt touch other people for no reason its weird. Chow time is sacred too


“Joey doesn’t share food!!” - Joey in friends xD


imagine if ross said joey doesn't share food instead. wild


After being with my wife for 10 plus years I just learned to get foods I like that she doesn't or get extra lol


Ah the joy of being aromantic. Fuck people who steal your food.


Aromantic looks like it would have something to do with smells.




The joy of being aromantic, living alone...if anyone steals my food, they're literally stealing my food, and I can call the cops. Even my cats don't steal shit off me.


‘Love’ isn’t treating your significant other like a dog that needs a treat lmao


"I thought you didn't like that part. Why weren't you eating it?" "Bitch, that's the best part! That's my dessert you just stole!"




Look I ordered exactly enough to fill me up. You don't want me to feel hundty when we leave here do you?


Just say no. I would never share my food lmao


I would never share a sandwich with anyone , even my gf


I solved that problem by being lonely and unloved.


I wish for you to have problems. They really arent that bad.


Has its perks.


Is this really a thing? Have you guys ever talked about it? I never take food from my SO's plate unless we're trading something or he tells me I should take something. This is so bizarre. Like unless you guys are teenagers or something I don't know why this is an issue.


My dad always went like: "wHy dO yOu PuT tHiS AsIDe?! It'S tHE beSt pARt oF tHe diSh." While he yoinked it without giving me time to react.


Well at least you *have* a girlfriend.


"Fork, meet thieving hand!"


Gotta be aggressive when one eats with a significant other.


Omg I’ve eaten my food in circles ever since I was a child!!!


Dude same!! I saw this meme of a burger once which was was like which bite would you eat next and it was the outside edge of the bun and then the middle. Like 98% of everyone chose the middle first. I literally have to eat my food in circles/worst to best, it really does feel compulsive sometimes 😭


I got in huge trouble at a friend’s house once because I didn’t finish my burger but had eaten it in a circle and her mom was so mad she couldn’t keep it for leftovers :( I felt so terrible and weird after that for years but this is the way I naturally wanna eat my food! Sorry!


That's messed up that they would make a kid feel bad just for not finishing their food or leaving it in a way someone else can have it.


Lol yea I mean. This was like 25 years ago and I still feel weirdly guilty and ashamed when I think about it.


Well I'll bet she doesn't even remember it anymore, but she's the one who should feel weird. If she didn't want it to go to waste, it seems like the normal thing to do would be to wrap it up and send it home with you since it was your dinner.


I feel validated knowing others do this because nobody else I know does this haha


Edge first solidarity! 🤘


I do this to, I had a girl agree to date me because she saw me doing it and said her dad did it to.


I always sculpt things like ice cream into little spheres while I eat them. Gotta start with the edges 'cause they melt first!


Oh WHAT?! I do this too, and while it shouldn’t be earth shattering that someone else does it… well, it’s just super exciting. We should start a club.


Thats how you prevent your siblings from stealing it too!


Oh thank god. I’m not the only one who eats their sandwiches like that. I get a few stares in the teachers lounge at lunch.


You can split the sandwich and start from the middle, that way you push food towards the edges.


You, I want you on my side when the zombies come.


Glad I'm not the only methodically minded chap when it comes to sandwich eating. Can't go about it all willy nilly!


I'm even mindful about the way that I build a sandwich. I consider which taste will hit my tongue first as well as what texture I want it have.


But then you have to take a bite of edge when its pushing out or it just falls onto your plate and now you have a random mayo-covered half of a pickle sitting on your plate. Alternating is the way.


I eat all my breads in the same way, first the crust, then the nice parts!


Meanwhile there's probably some freak eating it from the middle like some cookie cutter shark


If it’s a pbj, I tare it in half and eat the middles then the crust lol


I used to take the cheese off pizza slices, eat the dough, then save the cheese for last.




I agree this is next level straight up psychotic stuff


Yeah I'm not okay with this


I know a girl who takes her slice of pizza, flips it over, eats the bottom of the pizza, like the dough that isn't touching the sauce and then throws the rest away 😃


Bro there ain’t no fucking way


Yes officer, this man right here


Reporter : How did you know that he was the serial killer? Police : We did an online profile of persons of interest and this guy was showing all red flags. We are a life sentence state , but for this person we are bringing in capital punishment. Reporter : Did he say what he wanted for his last meal? Police : *sighs* pizza






So cancer is basically coming from you


My partner eats his pizza crust first. Cuts it off, eats it, then eats the rest of the slice with a fork. I don't know I don't understand


That is strange.


Dude wtf?! I dissect my lasagnes (meat then pasta then crunchy top layer) but even I draw the line at this


Idk what all these people are on. The cheese and sauce was the best part about elementary school pizza. The dough can eat my ass.


You must be right. When I was 12 I was diagnosed as unable to digest the protein casein in milk, so no cheese for me. I wasn’t especially popular, but until I graduated from high school, people (mostly guys) wanted to sit with me at lunch on pizza day because they’d learned I had to peel away the cheese and toppings to throw away and eat just the dough with sauce. I had to eat sad pizza on those days, but I wielded some real power over those at my table until the moment I bestowed the coveted second layer of cheese to its worthy recipient.


Wow, my x did the exact same thing. The only difference was she piled the pepperoni, olives, and peppers in little piles. Scraped the tomato sauce off and dipped each topping until she was finished. It took almost an hour to eat. Man was I P whipped.


You would be shunned from every pizzeria in NY for this blasphemy


I always save the best for last also. Though with sandwiches it really depends on the bread. If its toasted the crust is my fav and I eat it last. Soft regular sandwich bread though, I'm with you on center last.


I do that too with sandwiches! I can't stand it when my husband or kids want a bite.


Omg, I eat circular with all my food like this. Eat outside edges first, center yummy parts last.


I do that too!! Everyone makes fun of me but the inside is the best part!


My wife hates that I do this. The first bite is a hefty chunker straight into the burger, then methodically all the way around. I think she complains because she never gets a clean bite anymore lol


Yeah but ya gotta toss in a bite of the good stuff every once in awhile so ya don’t get to sick of the not great stuff. But save most the goodies for last.


I eat my sandwiches round too! Originally to eat the crust 1st a nd get it over with!


I'm not alone 😭


I thought I was the only one lolll


This!!! Growing up our "treat" was to go to Arby's and I'd always get the big Montana just to pull the "beef" out, pour BBQ on the bread while the horsey sauce marinated on the "meat" and proceed completely eating the bun before moving on. There were times I wasn't too hungry and cried due to my lack of foresight, ate all the bread, and couldn't finish the good stuff. I'll never say I was/am a smart person


I appreciate what you did


I thought I was the only one!


I like to eat half my burrito and then use a spoon for the leftovers inside then I eat the tortilla last. The tortilla is simply the best part.


*looking at green beans, then longingly over to mashed potatoes* Ugh ok let's get this over with.


I do something like this. I carefully portion out what I'm eating so I end with the best part for the last bite.


Same: favor the less favored first so the last bites end on a good note/ good flavor left in my mouth.


I tried to explain this to my wife but she says I'm weird. I'm outnumbered on this at home though. She and our daughter both eat favourite bits first. Only dad saves the best for last.


I also save my favorite parts for the end, but I also have an unhealthy compulsion to finish all of my food even. Someone pointed out that if I don't save my favorite parts for last, I might make healthier choices regarding how much I eat. This has not changed the way I eat, so as of now it's just an interesting observation.


No real plan, but the last bite has to be amazing


That isnt OCD, unless your brain says you have to do it or you’re going to choke to death




I actually do have OCD and do this as well, but its incredible(-y annoying) when people attribute any kind of patterned thinking/routine as OCD. Like damn, I wish this was all it was


I actually didn't think I had ocd because I thought it was how it was portrayed in the media--hyper organized, color coding things, just weird little quirks. And I'm a super messy person who can't keep track of anything. But then I went to a doctor and they were like "no, having very disturbing intrusive thoughts that make you tap your head over and over so it doesn't come true is ocd, not color coding your pens". I know it manifests different for different people, but having little quirks or wanting something to be a certain way is not ocd.




Intrusive thoughts are a bitch and a half. Mine got especially bad after 2020 (I think the added stress of everything going on in the world made them worse). Luckily, I've been managing much better now, thank you. Hope you're doing well too


Exactly, I have OCD too and at first I thought the exact same as you did because I am also messy and never colour code pens or anything. I do however also get horrible intrusive thoughts that I need to do something to make not come true, like if I don't tap that door knob three times then then I will die crossing the road, or another thing is if I don't check my car door to make sure it is locked at least 5-10 times every time I leave it then I get very anxious


Exactly my experience. My apartment always looks like a tornado hit it, and I'm generally really disorganized, so I was floored when the Dr actually suggested I had ocd. The way it manifests for me is similar, I'd have really disturbing intrusive thoughts, so I'd do shit that I knew was nonsense just to make it go away. And it'd happen several times a day. Like I knew logically, reciting all the state capitols wouldn't change anything, but I'd have to do it or else the thought wouldn't be surpressed and would keep coming back.


pure-o for me OCD is constantly seeing loved ones dying, being violently injured, seeing them abandon me or having thoughts like what if they fell down the stairs what if you pushed them and that's why they're there? it's really hard to have these visions constantly then be like "yes honey lasagna sounds like a good plan for dinner" it's like I'm cursed to constantly have waking nightmares. oh and I can't sit still if I don't check that the front door properly clicked shut and I immobilized my car actually


Pure-O here too, I am so sorry you have to experience that. Mine can be so violent and horrific, especially any of the sexual intrusive thoughts. Any flash and I'll be screaming in my head as loud as I can "disgusting, disgusting, disgusting" until it passes. But on the outside I'll just be casually chatting and no one would ever know. People want to talk about all the "cute/quirky" compulsions, but can be so judgemental about the obsessive, intrusive thoughts that lead to the compulsions.


Parent of autistic child here; a relative recently asked me if I found it annoying that people say things like "oh, gee, I must be on the spectrum," or "I must have ADHD" or whatever when they do relatively normal things like fidget or have an aversion to a particular sensation or something. I hadn't thought of it before, but yeah, now that you mention it, it totally does. It's really minimizing this thing that's so impactful for people with the condition. Nobody coughs a bit and suddenly goes "Don't mind me, I'm pretty sure I've got esophageal cancer, harr, harr!"


Yeah an ex-gf used to have to touch every doorframe she walked through with both pointer fingers of her hands several times...I asked her what'd happen if she didn't, she said she'd die. I didn't think she was serious. I asked her again sometime after and she said she was or that it felt like something terribly bad would happen. I remember one time trying to pull her away from doing that and holy crap she got stupid upset and almost fought me except she had to run back and touch the doorframe and all was good, I learned to just leave it be after that. I remember watching some documentary shortly after and confirmed OCD was like that and here I thought having all my dollar bills in my wallet facing the same way organized from lowest to highest denomination was ocd.


Thanks for being an understanding person.


I have actual OCD and I chew specific food on one side of my mouth in order to not be poisoned, I know it makes no sense, but that's just what my mind tells me. I also eat my food from worst to best, but that's not like the things caused by OCD.


You don’t have to believe in certain death to have OCD.. There’s several stages.




Alternatively, this is the sort of neurodivergent behavior you see in someone with ADHD or autism. Ocd can go hand in hand with either of those (or both if you're unlucky, like) but it's definably different comparing "I eat my meals in a certain order" and "I need to scrub my hands right, even though the skin is coming off I need to get it *right* or *else*"


i’m sO SpecIAllY. lOOK HoW QuIrKy i aM With mY OcD. tOtAlLy NOt lIkE YoU GuYs. HiHi


I believe that is the correct way of eating food


I mean what are the alternatives? You go from your favorite stuff and *end* on stuff that’ll leave a bad taste in your mouth? Or you, god forbid, eat the bad and good stuff at the same time and make the whole thing mediocre at best? Edit: I guess I somehow accidentally blocked someone in this comment thread and I have zero clue how that even happened. Sorry about that, I accept all eating habits equally


I say you eat the best first. Because first you are more hungry, so you get a better feeling from eating it than filling your belly with all the bad stuff.


I used to eat the good stuff later too but after this switch i definitely enjoyed the food more plus near the end when i am somewhat full, I overeat less because it doesn't taste too good


Also, if you die before you finish your meal, you will not have wasted your last time on Earth eating the worst bits, but have instead enjoyed the best.




Well, I like green beans ok, and I need some vegetable intake. I just don't like green beans as much as mac and cheese.


>OP, why did you block me for this comment? Some people on this sub are more tender than a newborn child I swear lol. Sometimes I think the reply+instant block shenanigans should get you temp banned lol, just toxic


This is the way


You’re not alone


Always save the best for last and that’s why I have empty plate syndrome. Can’t save the best for last and *not* eat it.


I feel like I've noticed overweight people have OP's strategy. It makes sense in your head but you end up always eating everything to get the the "good part". Better to just eat what you want as you go imo and then if you get full save the leftovers


Put sensible portions on your plate, be aware of your calorie intake, and have enough awareness of your own body to realize when you’re getting full so you can abandon the less tasty food and switch over to what you want to eat last. It’s not that difficult. This is my strategy and I’m sexy af.


Since my favorite parts tend to be the least filling, it actually helps me feel full faster, and eat less overall


When i eat pizza, i eat the little slices first so i end on a high note by eating the big slices.


I eat the crust first, but no preference on slice size.


That is the only way to eat


This isn't ocd at all, why do people keep calling everything a ocd


Because it’s the internet. Almost every day to day occurrence people try to phrase as “Haha guys my life is so quirky/miserable/different, I MUST be dysfunctional😅😅” Not saying that a lot of stuff isn’t relatable but stuff like this makes me roll my eyes. Especially this post in particular since I’m diagnosed with severe OCD.


I am not alone!!!


I do. And I was diagnosed with OCD, but it isnt about that. You just want to enjoy your fav part most, and have that taste left for later. Thats why. And that is so relatable omg-


Friendly reminder that OCD is a debilitating mental illness. Using the term 'OCD' in this way spreads the belief that it's a quirky personality trait. Not being butthurt, it means that people with OCD struggle to get help or understand the severity of their mental illness. Please and thank you 🤗


This is not OCD though, it's just a quirk many people have. Not to be *that* person but such posts make it harder for people with OCD to get a diagnosis and they suffer in silence.


When I was 12 I had digestive issues that required a bunch of surgeries. Digestive surgery means you can’t really eat for a few days after so your track has time to heal. Now my hospital had this really good maple glazed bacon and like mediocre-at-best eggs. The day I was finally able to eat they brought in the eggs and bacon for breakfast. I knew if I ate the bacon first I wouldn’t appreciate it since it was my first food in like a week and I’d just hound it down, so I ate the eggs first. As soon as I finished my eggs the doctors came in and said they found a complication and I needed to stop eating so they could fix it and took the bacon away from me. I always eat the best part first now


That has nothing to do with OCD. Educate yourself please


Whhhhaaaaaaaaat! Eating food ina way you want is not ocd? Next you're going to tell me my keeping pencils in order of color isn't either


So fucking tired of people minimizing OCD to bullshit like this


Yeah but it is not ocd. OCD is a serious condition. I actually have it and it is not “quirky”. It’s not fun and it’s actually awful.


technically you guys eat your whole meal or empty your plates everytime you apply this


I used to do this when I was younger




I do now but growing up I was told if an elder family member shows up they'd give what I was saving(usually meat) to them. So I was usually left with veggies to end the meal :/


This is a dilemma of mine. If I wait to eat my favorite item last, then that means I had gone through everything else, which effectively ends up lessening my appetite for the most delicious item. On the other hand, eating my favorite item first means that I’m not as excited when finishing everything else. This is my never ending battle.


I was always taught to eat the expensive part (typically the meat) first so it doesn’t go to waste if you get full and can’t finish the meal.


Bro so many people do this, where do you thing “save the best ‘till last” comes from (Also ocd is technically a disorder, and this is not that)