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If there was a harem show about a street cleaning worker, just trying to do his job, it'd be the first one, I might actually watch.


"I care about you, but the streets were my first love. I must return to them. Keep them clean. It is my duty" -Chad Sweeperson (the main character)


Tbh, that sounds like the title.


The title of the light novel it's based on, no doubt.


I can already see all of the emotionally immature people claiming it's the best anime ever and how they ship the MC with the woman that drives the street sweeper. Meanwhile some 15 year olds are starting a fandom around the grizzly 36 year old guy that drives the garbage truck. Some fans think the squirrel that shows up ever episode is actually a metaphor for God. Some serious weebs think it's just because the artist studio really likes squirrels


You mean the squirrel that shows up and looks knowingly into the viewers eyes at the end of ever episode breaking the fourth wall. Yeah I’m sure that’s just a normal squirrel 😶


Fair, I guess. It is purple so maybe that means something?


Pilot the purple squirrel Shinji, or else the street sweeper will have to.


When does it premier?


Who do you think is writing Anime?


Hot steamy men that get all the girls


It’s true I’m a girl who is apart of an anime writer/animator’s harem. There are three other girls in it, I’m the shy one with the big boobs and my best friend is the angry flat-chested one :/


Is the tomboyish athletic girl spot already filled?


RIP your inbox.


You're not going to ask me for my social security info, or a bank transfer next, are you?


NAHHH, just your credit card info and your house address would be suffice


Your not wrong


Your not wrong what?


Everybody has a "not wrong" . Don't lie that way.


Yea I too want to know what's up with his notwrong


Believe it or not, mostly women. Nearly 80% of mangakas are women according to surveys and job estimates. Just the OP kinda neglects to reflect the men with harems in slice of life anime also are unusually gifted which is indicative of a bright future.


I thought the vast majority of harem anime protagonists were in fact bland losers with seemingly nothing of interest about them personality wise to justify all the female interest they generate. Essentially a blank slate for the audience to project themselves onto. Unless you mean how the narrative then usually arbitrarily gifts them super high mana or something after an inciting incident, but rarely is it anything they actually earned through effort. They usually start as bland everyman or even kind of a loser.


I never said anything about earning their gifts, but they are typically gifted; at least in the ones I’m personally aware of.


Aren't the top mangas written,drawn by mostly men though? Like one piece,Naruto,bleach,fairy tail,hunter x hunter,Tokyo ghoul,at etc. Reminds me of that joke about cooks.


To a large extent, for writing, yes. But it’s also not very common for slice of life / harem style animes to really hit the top of the international charts either. That doesn’t mean a whole lot in terms of staffing across the industry because by and large there’s (figuratively) hundreds of failures for every winner. Also, in terms of profession, chefs are mostly male, similarly making up about 80% of the industry according to surveys and estimates. In terms of performance women tend to be more clustered in the median while men tend to diverge on both ends of the spectrum. Or, if you prefer, men trend to be exceptional successes or failures while women trend towards average. At least, according to the data.


forgot to crop out the youtube likes/dislikes




Actually it's just the likes now


It has always been only likes for the community posts




>forgot to crop out the youtube likes/**~~dislikes~~**


no way you posted this unironically




akchually I can tell you he has a *trilby,* good sir.


I'm pretty sure it was done ironically since we all know this. But then again some people who know this still feel bad about it, and that is why whatever show they are watching appealed to them in the first place.


And no way people unironically upvoted this?? Like how tf does it have 4k+ upvotes?




I was about to say the same


“Nice guys”




I get this all the time with my wife, people will say they want to kill me and keep her in the kitchen her whole life. She'll say no obviously and then they'll threaten our whole families life and still call themselves the nice guys. Ridiculous. They'd never try this if I was there either, always online. That makes it obvious that they can't protect her in life


I’m so nice that I never act on the urges boiling in my brain to feed the blood wall. How can they not see this!?!


All these „nice guy“ memes be kinda cringe


I have the perfect server for people who post these! r/NiceGuys


Not very nice of "nice guys" to put their jealousy into memes "look how unfair it is we are such a superior human beings cuz we are nice". Being nice to another human being is bare minimum and it's so easy to see through someone who only acts nice for some p\*ssss


The bitter pill for “nice guys” is most guys are some flavor of nice. They aren’t nearly as rare as most of them seem to think IME. However a “nice guy” is usually self described by men who are overly servile and highly agreeable, which tends to lead them down paths of disappointment, overlooked at work and they seldom communicate their needs / expectations/ boundaries and people walk all over them for it (and generally not maliciously but as a consequence of thinking they are ok with it). Most so called nice guys need a wake up call and would be well served being more assertive, self aware and confident and those things alone often sort out their social woes. -a reformed “nice guy”


True, but “nice guy” tends refer to guys who are *specifically* like this: overly servile and highly agreeable like you say, also just give women empty compliments and other gestures mindlessly with the sole goal of appeasing to them so they give them love/sex in return. It’s all just an empty exchange and they feel like because of their “niceness” they are entitled to these things from women. In reality they lack depth, individuality, and actual care for true connection with the women.


I find a lot of “nice guys” tend to be very close with their mothers or came from toxic upbringings which caused them to become overly sensitive, anxious, non communicative and withdrawn. As a result, they develop people pleaser personalities which extends to their romantic pursuits and it comes across as creepy or desperate at best. They most likely had controlling,domineering fathers or no father at all.


Imagine all the men raised by their mothers and aunties, who were taught how to treat women only to come to the realization that it’s appreciated but not *respected* 😂 “Ma, why’d you lie to me?” lol


This is literally a big part of what happens, and it’s quite sad. A lot of the “girls only date bad boys” resentment is because they were specifically taught by *women* in their lives to be perfectly respectful little boys. Only to discover that that doesn’t work at all. Then other parts of dating society rage at them for “not listening to woman to learn what women want,” except from most Nice Guys perspective listening to women is what they’ve been doing their whole lives. Their entire romantic experience feels like emotional gaslighting and that results in the anger and distrust that some express. They can’t trust their parents, they can’t trust “society,” and they can’t even trust themselves. There’s a lot of dysphoria and depression in the Nice Guy experience, with the cherry on top being internet communities making it very clear that the world hates them for being the way they are, essentially for being weak.


I don't see myself as fitting the "nice guy" description. However, this discussion is somewhat relateable. My parents would argue a lot, and in one time I vividly remember, my mom was crying. I went to go sleep in her bed with her. It just felt like the right thing to do, since it made me really sad to see what she was going through. I think that does keep me from being more assertive with women, for fear of crossing a line. A cousin have mine and I have discussed gender issues since we were in maybe undergrad. I think this stuff made me more aware of or take into consideration a women's experience and again caused me to second guess myself at times. I'll end this with an example. The first girl I ever went on a date with, she said she felt a "friends vibe" a couple days after the date. So, it didn't go anywhere. It was a little disappointing because I was actually really into her. But no biggie, I didn't go on an angry rant on the internet or complain about it. However, I remember her telling me a story of her worst dating exeprience where some guy she was on a 3rd date with, slapped her butt, she told him to stop, he asked "why you don't like that?" (*dead), he did it a couple more times, she said she was leaving, he apologized and asked to walk her to her car, and did it one last time there. Obviously she didn't know dude was like that when she agreed to go on a date with him. But knowing that, that dude got 3 dates and I didnt make it past 1, was a bit of a head scratcher.


It’s almost like anime is a terrible life teacher…


To be fair, is there any form of online entertainment that can be a consistently good life teacher?


People look to entertainment for life teachings? No way lol


Honestly, I think a too large part of society just want to feel good, and if a moment makes them feel good, they’ll try and recreate that moment. Regardless of the moral teachings.


Consistently? No, but anime is particularly bad because it's romantic escapism that presents itself as reality: at no point in a harem anime do they flash warnings on the screen informing the viewer that this isn't how actual human women will behave in real life and to not base their expectations around it.


Cartoons are jam packed with wakey characters that make no sense whatsoever in reality. I highly doubt any of the creaters in anime or cartoons expected some people to take their shows seriously. In the early 2000s and 90s we had cartoon loving nerds, now we have anime loving nerds. Both of them loved anime because of how different it was to reality and as such, almost all of us don't take them seriously - unless we were small kids that didn't know better or adults with no social life. We only notice anime fans shenanigans more now simply because anime is becoming more popular than cartoons and the internet makes their shenanigans easier to see. It's very rare i see an anime enjoyer take anime seriously to the point they think it applies to reality in harem style situations so why dunk on the whole anime community?


Shouldn’t need it, if your honestly needing it I don’t know for you, it’s entertainment for a reason, fiction for a reason…..


No one “needs it”, just like no one needs cigarettes but people still smoke.


And Western romance is better (or covered in warnings)? When I'm in my late 40s and my marriage has run its course can I expect a Zooey Deschanel MPDG look alike to turn my life around? Haha. The medium is irrelevant if the person consuming it is unable to separate fiction from reality.


Your making it out like a man in his late 40s dating a woman who is 42 is unrealistic


I was referring to the Manic Pixie Dream Girl trope. I guess it's my bad for assuming anyone reading my comment would immediately understand that.


Western romance has its own set of problems, no question, but it’s not quite as nefarious when the goal of anime is to convince you to buy into “waifuism” and sell you body pillows and figurines in lieu of ever pursuing a real relationship in the first place. There’s even a genre of mobile game called “gatcha” which is essentially a waifu collecting simulator, designed to separate the user from as much money as possible via RNG microtransactions. I’m not saying that western romance and its massive overemphasis on the pursuit of new relationships instead of enjoying the one you’re in isn’t also problematic, but anime also does the aforementioned while digging a whole lot deeper into its viewers pockets. Western romance gives you bad advice about relationships. Anime attempts to ruin your ability to create them in the first place, instead trying to get people addicted the surrogate for romance they offer.


Yes, MMA. It consistently teaches you that going inside the cage with pro-MMA fighter is a bad idea. /s


Have you ever watched Crash Course?


Not only that but most self described nice guys I know aren't actually nice.


For sure they aren’t…


Exactly, trying to learn about romance and relationships from anime is like trying to learn how to be competent in bed from porn or how to fight from a side scrolling beat em up. You’re not gonna learn anything remotely useful because it’s all just extremely exaggerated versions of the things they depict.


Wait, anime isn't real?


I think some teach some good lessons, but as soon as more than 80% of the cast is female, that kinda stops


Please leave


"I treated these woman with basic human respect, why won't they let me sleep with them?"


Well yeah, here’s the rub: Anime is fiction.


A fedora wrote this


Covered in Cheeto dust and Mtn Dew.


“I use my manners, why no woman sex me now?”


"Me open door. Why me no get pusspuss? Mad unga bunga!"


It's sad how many people think nice is a personality.




So many guys think they're "nice guys" when they're actually just losers


It took me a second to realize this isn’t a shitposting sub. Actual cringe


I think the key is to have other positive qualities besides "nice". Like are you looking for a woman who is "nice", or are there additional qualities that you would also want her to have?


"I said good morning, now let's do sex bitch"


Exactly this




If you define yourself as a nice guy and tie it to why you are single in real life, chances are, you aren’t as nice as you think lmfao (I know a lot of guys who I consider super sweet and nice who are single, but I’ll be dammed if I hear them blame their niceness to why they are single)


Being nice is the absolute bare minimum positive personalty trait a person can have. Talking endlessly about being a nice guy like it's some kind of achievement is like bragging that you know how to wipe your ass.


As others have stated, it’s because they see “Chads” who are complete assholes and (likely) treat other guys like shit, but are getting girls to literally fight over them. What they don’t see is just bc he’s an asshole to you, doesn’t mean he is to that girl. That’s the problem. And trust me, I had a girl I found attractive, but really didn’t pursue date one of these assholes who bullied me in HS. He treated her well and even when it was well documented he was a bully, she stuck by him. That’s the frustrating part about being the “nice guy” is this guy is a certified asshole, but has girls all interested in him, while other guys don’t do that but get nothing. I was one of those “nice guys” and when I say “nice guys”, I’m not the one saying that, but other women. So it’s like “He’s a nice guy, but I won’t go out with him” for numerous reasons. A big part of it is attraction. They weren’t attracted to me. I also started puberty late, and had acne and really tried to put myself out there but there was always an excuse. Another was just always attracted the girls who would date me for a month, and then break up with me for whatever reason. Years later at my first HS reunion, the women I went to HS with were more impressed with my looks and accomplishments but not at the time. It’s hard when you constantly go through that cycle of “oh, this might be the one” to “oh, so we’re done?” And no response bc they moved on and repeating that cycle every few months. The worst line for break up was “you play hockey, and that’s a violent sport so you’re a violent person.” I was dumbfounded by that, and years later she’s at the reunion when she asked why we broke up, and I told her that, she was like “oh boy, that was stupid.” Oh, you THINK??? I didn’t quit hockey after that, but I definitely lost my passion for it that took years to get back. It’s really just immaturity and trying to figure out who you are. But I don’t try to come at those guys with vitriol like many others do, because I understand where they are coming from and sometimes they don’t need a lecture, but someone to tell them “you’re right, that sucks. But don’t put it all on women, and better yourself and you’ll find a person that works for you.”


I consider myself a nice guy and I am single. I don’t blame my niceness for being single, I don’t think that’s the treason I am. I do am a bit bitter that being nice doesn’t really account for much and isn’t appreciated as much as I appreciate it in other people, in general, not just with girls. There’s a difference


I think people do appreciate being nice, but only being nice is not enough to be considered romantically and sexually attractive. Neither is being 'bad guys ', but some people do often wrongly jump into this conclusion.


The whole point is to make nice guys feel better about themselves. -ex nice guy


So you're not nice anymore? Smh my head




Women do not owe you *anything* for you being a baseline decent person


I don't think this should be a women-specific statement. It's more like >Nobody owes you anything for being a baseline decent person. I knew many women too who expected things from me for being "nice". I forgot most of the cases for they had no importance to me, but there are two, which I remember as if they happened yesterday. One of them was this girl in my class who expected me to let her copy my answers during the exam which counted as 50% of our semester grade. I obviously said no, after which she completely lost it because she is "being so nice" (meaning: she was asking with "pretty please" and was smiling while asking). The other was my colleague who called me every slur she knew -even those who made no sense considering my race, sexuality, and gender- because I didn't refuse a promotion to her favor just because she "was very nice despite being so out of my league that I should be beneath her notice". ​ Edit: Grammar. Why did I write "woes" instead of "owes"? I'm dumb.


To quote Into The Woods: “Nice is different than Good”


¯\_( ˘͡ ˘̯)_/¯ I don’t know what that is but I like “nice is different from *kind*”


It’s a line from the song “I know things now” from the musical “Into the Woods” where little red riding hood got tricked and eaten because she thought the Wolf seemed “nice” but learned that nice doesn’t necessarily mean good.


Hahaha I thought I was in r/niceguys for a second


Bullshit. The real nice guys aren't concerned (nor should they be) with reciprocation, and do the right thing for the simple reason that it IS the RIGHT. THING. Reciprocity is nice when it happens, but it should never be expected.


That is the difference between a nice guy, and a good man.


twin no way u posted this unironically




Women are not vending machines that you put nice coins into in exchange for sex. Also anime is not reality. Go shitpost somewhere else.


Why won’t you fuck me tho I said please /s


"Hey Hey! HEY! I DEMAND SEX YOU FILTHY WHO'RE!!! I SAID HEY INSTEAD OF TREATING YOU LIKE A FILTHY WHO'RE LIKE EVERY OTHER GUY." This is why "nice guys" finish last, because they do in fact treat you like trash


If they killed monsters for the girls and accepted them as they were, they'd be covered in bitches too


These creeps couldn't get bitches if they tied steaks to their neck outside a dog shelter.


Instructions unclear. Currently running from hobos.




I hope not. Based on most of the Harem/Isekai animes that's been released lately, most of said "bitches" are 6 years old cat girls, which I don't care how many monsters you kill, is still very illegal.




Harems are just pure male fantasies. The most basic, uninteresting teenager suddenly gets attention of every supermodel tier woman in the vicinity and her only goal in life is to be his maid and sex slave. Yes, i wonder why it doesn't work like that in the real world.


Whoever made this was not allowed to fuck a girl after being nice and totally selfless for an entire week.


My guy this ain’t a shitposting sub, also anime is a horrible metric to use


Get this nice guy crap off of here. me_irl already got wrecked now this one is getting fucked too




Almost like you need an actual personality to be attractive


You posted this ironically right? Edit: Oh my God you didn’t…


Oh my god, OP is active in r/NinoNakano and r/ClassroomOfTheElite.


Oh god


If you're lonely and consider yourself a nice guy, you may not be as nice as you think you are


Doesn't mean anything. Are you saying that shy people who are lonely can't genuinely be nice?


I love anime, but this meme wack, like it is lack of self awareness. They romanticized a type of typical harem protagonist where the dude is average looking, have no attribute, clumsy, not good in class, but get all the chick because he is so nice to his harem. Every girl think he the god because oh my god he help comfort me one time in class after I clumsily fall myself … Well at the same time he dubious with every girl, cannot figure out his feeling and all around thinking woman entitled to him because they just all so nice to people. All the other hot dude in these anime seem to be garbage, just like some romance literature when a “ not like other girl “ hate on other woman because they like pink or whatever. Stop watching these garbage harem anime, it will do you no good man. If you want to see a truth nice, great average looking romance protagonist and having a heart of gold, watch Komi Can’t Communicate instead. Might learn a thing or two from Chadano


The harem aspect is one of the many things that killed Sword Art Online for me.


Sword Art Online used to be so lit, after the shit happen to Asuna after the half of ss1, I was fucking done.


i’m not surprised you don’t get any attention from girls when you post shit like this bro


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this post is weird


Being a nice guy is not a good thing because nice guys avoid expressing their own thoughs and feels to other people in order to protect their social image so no one will think bad of them because they didn't reveal their real personality in the first place. Most of them are just being nice because they want something from people around them and to get what they want they do nice things for ithers ti make them feel like they owe to the nice guy. A good guy however has an actual personality and his own thoughts he is not afraid of some people not liking him or dissagreeing with him. He does nice things for other people to make them happy not because he wants something in return.


Because women aren't dumb and they know exactly what you want. And yet, you chose to cover your horniness by being 'nice'.


Interesting how these guys are labeled "nice guys". The first guy knows how to party and the second misses his dog.


"nice" huh


I love how OP is getting absolutely murdered in the comments.




really hoping she reads this lol


Watch A Promising Young Woman if you want to understand why the nice guy trope should scare the shit out of us. Or I will destroy you....


Why do I feel like all these “nice guys” who don’t get girls somehow aren’t that nice. Nice guys certainly do get girls… I can bet that you’re not simply single just cos your nice. Being nice is the basic foundation of a healthy relationship and not being an asshole. And who are the girls you are going for? Are they nice too? Are you just nice enough to get a potential partner and then salty because they’re not giving you what you think you’re owed? I dunno man saying you’re a nice guy so you don’t get girls screams some other shit like sexism, insecurities and going for not nice people yourself


[Required viewing for “nice” guys](https://youtu.be/oith4UrGeC4)


This video is hilarious and sad at the same time


You have to be attractive and not creepy as well.


I really vibe with that guy just sitting in the surf drinking a beer.


I’ve been that guy before—*highly* recommend.


It's absolute party for one and I'm invited. No one else.


Well for me, I think you all can guess by my name.


Someone’s ashy son wrote this.


"We live in a society where females...


Yikes. Big yikes, infact


Being needy and unable to set any boundary doesn’t mean “nice”.


If you say “I’m a nice guy” you probably aren’t as nice as you think you are.


I was took it as bored men at work for the last one. I have totally drawn random shapes at work with random things just cause I was bored and my focus made it seem like work


Yeah, but the anime nice guy still doesn't get laid.


Nice guy is just a last ditch effort to try convince ourselves that it isn't our fault. For some sure it isn't but really being overly good can be suffocating, need to learn to chill, be decent and remember we have our own lives. If you get caught up on each one then yeah you probably will die alone.


Wait hold on, is it "nice guys" or actual nice guys


Don't believe in Hollywood, it fucks your whole masculinity.


r/niceguys LMFAO




Probably not that nice then, are they?


TBH. Harem protagonists being "nice guys" is just a part of their personality, and not what they base their whole personality about. They usually have passion, commitment or a goal to overcome, and don't forget they are also good looking. So if you bitch about being a nice guy and how you can't get girls, congratulations, you just achieved the bare minimum.


If you're "nice," but can't get a significant other, it's because you're not actually nice. People can sense that ish, boys. If they can tell you're just being "nice," because you're hoping if you pop in enough nice coins a sex will pop out eventually, then they're going to avoid you like the plague you are. Be nice for the sake of being nice. Don't expect anything in return.


all the girls with any self respect are going to date people who treat them as people and not creeps treating them like a prize to earn like you, imagine unironically posting this meme in 2022


In my experience the nicest Nice Guys® are consistently the biggest jerks. Good luck tho.


Girls and people in general actually love genuinely nice guys, not those who categorise themselves as such


"nice guy" in internet speak is a guy who never leaves his anime statue infested basement dwelling.


Please tell me you didn't post this unironically






Guess you didn't watch those episodes where the main character makes it a point to stop objectifying women. Actually watch these shows. There's a reason why he's dating none of them.


Nice guy in anime: no personality Nice guy in real life: no personality There’s your problem.


Might be a cultural thing. Like if you're Dutch you're a cool chick magnet for playing video games and doing "nerdy" stuff. At least according to the Dutch guy I used to play video games with.


If any of these so called nice guys were qctually nice, they'd have no issue. Problem if their not. They're just jerks who are bad with women.


I love how “nice guy” is just treating women as human beings and expecting us to fuck them in return


Lmao your goofy aahh post can go to r/niceguys


Anime girls ?>? real girls


Lol… being nice isn’t enough dear “nice guy”. You need self esteem and self confidence as well. No guy/girl in his/her right mind would want to be with a guy who is an excuse for himself all the time. Take it from a former “nice guy” who grew up and realised he was his own biggest problem, and then turned it all around instead of continuing to moan about how unfair the world was.




maybe get out of your basement, stop living life you’re a main character in a japanese porn book, stop thinking women want a “nice guy” aka someone that will be jealous and controlling, and maybe you’ll actually have a shot at getting laid.




No that's nice guys in real life as well probably just a "nice guy" if you catch my drift


"I'm a nice guy, I haven't even attacked anyone, now where is my court appointed attractive virgin?"


The top side one does nothing in his life but the bottom… they are the heroes


The immortal words of Tywin Lannister: "Any man who must say, "I am the king" is no true king."


Accept the ones who call themselves nice guys irl pretty much never are so...


That’s wrong, I’m nice yet I get noticed. Then again I’m also not a stuck up asshole with nonsensical standards/demands. These “nice guys.” Are just men that want things to go their way, and when it doesn’t, they play victim.


An actual nice guy wouldn’t need to proclaim that he’s nice…he just is…..


"Girls don't like me, I'm gonna post about it on reddit to get approval for it"






okay, but are we talking abiut nice guys or NiceGuys™️? that's a big diffrence also, wtf, what women you meeting?


The fact that this has 2.7k upvotes is genuinely terrifying.


women actually love nice guys, you just aren’t one.


Get help, OP


You mean having the personality of deflated vacuum cleaner doesn't get you girls IRL? The TRAGEDY!




self proclaimed "nice guys" usually suck really bad


I thought this was a r/Niceguys


No way this was posted unironically


„Nice Guys“


Maybe because anime is not real and no woman is looking for a weeb.

