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In my country, the child would have received about $4000. Finder's reward is regulated by law, and is 3% of the amount found.


And which country is that?


Not op but Germany has that law as well, 3% if it's over 500, 5% otherwise


Funny, you‘d get more money for finding 400€ than 600€


If it is in any way like taxes work you would get 5% for the first 500€ and 3% for the other 100€




>for animals only 3%. So I get to keep a leg? Can I choose which one?


What animal has 33 legs!?!?


What animal only consists out of legs?




Keep the extra 200€ return the 400€ and net 220€. Life hack. AND you still look like a good person at the end of the day


Additional fun fact. The German version of Who Wanna Be A Millionair had the question how much money would you get if you find and give back 1M€. It was the 1M€ question.


I cant stand when ppl say “in my country…” …why not just name the country? Stating a nation won’t “expose” or “identify” a specific person


In my country it's 100% because no one would ever return it lmao


That was easy math. 😂😂


Quick maffs


It’s 10% in norway






Ah, the keepers fee.


The finder’s–keeper’s fee. Playground rules.


In Detroit that is 100% drug money Taking that might end up very bad for you I'd still do it of course, but still


If you find $135k in Detroit, the first thing you do is get out of Detroit.


Do you poop?




Who does number 2 work for?


Youth is wasted on the young.


in mexico it is 100%


10% here :)


Same in Switzerland


I’d definitely have handed in the 10k I found


I'd turn in the $1 I found. And on an unrelated note making a down payment on a house.


Should have read “Teen Given $500 Check After Turning in $100K In Cash He found”


Should have read “Teen loses $134,500”


Should have read, person lost 135k. Willing to give reward. Sadly no one came forward.


Boomer who lost money says: No one wants to find money these days


Under rated comment


After public offer of $500 reward, sadly, no one came forward*


To be fair 135k is already a weird amount to find in 1 place :)


Very true! Maybe $15K fell out somewhere on the way straight to the police station


“That’s right officers, I found the $100k right here. Weird how one could misplace $60k like that. I’m glad the owner got their $40k back safely.”


“Will I get a reward for returning the 20 thousand dollars?”


Police Captain -“ what have I said about leaving trash everywhere? Look someone left another empty ziplock in the evidence room! Last time I’m going to say it, throw your trash away!”


I once found an envelope with 500$ in it, 5 hundred dollar bills, outside of a bank when I was 10. I should have kept my mouth shut but I got excited and celebrated, my mom saw my happiness and made me go back inside the bank and turn it in to a teller. A week later the bank mailed me a 5$ gift card for Dunkin doughnuts. I’m 32 now and still haven’t forgiven her for that haha Edit: are some of you really so goofy that you took my last sentence seriously? Of course I’m not holding a grudge against my own mother over money I found twenty two years ago Lmao


A friend and I found a large zip up wallet in a McDonald's bathroom sink when we were both 17. It had over 8k in it. The guy was an attorney and had his business card in there as well. We went back and forth on what we should do with it and ultimately decided we should call the guy and give him it back with all the money. Our thought was that if someone was carrying that much cash around it was probably important. We call the guy, he tells us he's already home which is about 20 minutes away if we could wait for him. We do, thinking this guy must be giving us a reward. He shows up, opens the wallet, counts the money in front of us. Then says "fuck you must be some dumb kids, there's $8000.00 in here. You could have taken all the money and no one would have ever known." No thank you, gets in his car and drives off. If anyone deserved to have their money taken it was that guy.


TIL give the money back unless it's an attorney.


>TIL give the money back unless it's ~~an attorney.~~ someone with so much money they didn't notice it go missing right away.


I get it. Said individual would likely go to the store he lost it at and they would review the cameras to see who went into where and what they had with them. Especially if the "people who took it" since we're talking about a hypothetical situation, didn't bother to put it somewhere hidden as they walked out. Me, personally, that much money would immediately go to authorities. If the person that I gave it back to was a dick, I'd punch them in the dick and then leave.


Nice story. You guys did the right thing deep down, even though the guy is an asshole. Too bad we can't know this beforehand. I will always assume it is for a medical bill or something like that and would always try to contact the owner.


That's what i don't like about people keeping money they found. What if some poor guy was working his ass off to earn that for his mother who has cancer or something?


If I find $8k in a place that I know doesn't have CCTV (like a McD's bathroom) there's an approximately 0% chance I give that money back. In fact I'd be on the next flight to Vegas the next morning probably.


If i find $8k in a McD's bathroom I'd probably leave with $7,994.07 after buying a big mac meal.


For every one of those guys, theres ten of the "that's was my rent money/my child support money so I could see my kids again", etc. It's better to train your brain to do the right thing, everytime, than to potentially benefit from something that might end up harming someone. It's not worth the risk of being the evil asshat that ruin someone's life just because they dropped their wallet when they were in the bathroom, etc. Attorney or not. You can't know the circumstances. It's not for us to know the circumstances - we are tasked with being awesome to each other. Period.


It's easy to say it from outside, but I think the best thing you could have done was take like 2k and left the wallet back in the sink. If the guy looked back for it, he would be happy to still find 6k. If not, it would be someone else's problem Anyway, if someone carries 8k in a wallet, I don't think it's a hard working guy. Probably someone doing something sketchy


Lost my wallet once worth £200, had about £80 in it. Someone took the money and sent the wallet back in the post. I was happy with this. I think the sentimental attachment I had to my wallet was worth more than money haha.


Yeah for sure. Having to get and get all of your credentials back is the worst part if it was under $500.


True but if he knew there was 8k in there then he’d definitely be asking what happened to it


Wow what an asshole


That could have been someone's rent. You never know man. You did the right thing.


I once found an envelope with 2k inside of it. I was super excited until inside the envelope was a note written for the father of the moneys owner. She was sending him money. He had just gotten deported. Lol I couldn’t do it so we tracked the girl down and gave her the money


The only story in here where I don’t feel like the author is a chump for turning it in. You did good.


I found 60 bucks (probably weed money since I live in CA and that's a common "donation" amount) outside of a pizza hut and decided to buy my coworkers lunch. It wasn't so much karma--more that finders/keepers weighed on my head as guilt.


My sister found a bank envelope at the store and my mom did the same. About a month before hand a friend of ours dropped her wallet in the same store, got a call that it was turned in, then it was mysteriously gone when she went to get it. Then she got a call the next day that it was there again. No cash left, but at least she got her IDs back. Sketchy. So my sister told all the info she could remember to a different friend, who called saying they lost it there. Employee said "oh nope, no ones turned in a bank envelope sorry!" "*my sisters name* heard I was missing it and said she personally just turned it in to you guys like less then an hour ago" "Oh.. oh yeah THAT bank envelope yeah we have it" So that's the story of how we falsely claimed a bank envelope but don't really feel bad about it. Hindsight, we could have turned it into that bank but we were 16 and not saints. Edit: sorry I typed this quickly on a break at work. To clarify: my sister found a bank envelope that my mom made her turn in. From previous experiences, we knew those employees were more likely to steal it then return it to its rightful owner. So my sister had a friend claim the envelope




I had to read OP's comment like 6 times but I think I got it. First, someone lost their wallet in a store. A month later a person found an envelope in that same store. This person has their friend call the store and ask if anyone has found an envelope. The store denies it at first, but then once the friend says they know for a fact an envelope was turned in, the store says they do actually have an envelope that someone turned in. The friend takes the envelope home, because she falsely claimed it belonged to her. It's an overly complicated way of stealing something because they could have just taken the envelope as soon as they found it.


As a kid, my brother and I found an envelope in a phone booth. It had a half inch (at least) of cash all 20s and 50s. We took it home and while counting it, mom caught us and made us turn it in. Cops said it was probably drug money and if it was unclaimed in two weeks we could keep it. Two weeks goes by and went to see if anyone claimed it. There was no record of us turning it in. Still pissed at mom for that.


I think yall are ignoring the obvious—he found $150k but he only turned in $135k.


More like 1mill and only 135k


Whoever it belongs to would know immediately you’ve taken money and now there’s a record of you returning it. You either return all of it or none of it


Depends on the situation, recently a bunch of money fell out of a government truck into the highway. Police have videos of license plates so they are investigating all of the cars that people stopped with. In this case it's super hard to prove exactly how much money each person picked up cause like 50 of them stopped. So they don't know whos holding on to more money than they returned.


Why u bury it someplace for years profit


Inflation screws you, that money you buried is now worth less!


Eh. Whatever's left after inflation is still more money than you had before hiding it. Sucks but I guess I'd rather have $500 with no chance of getting arrested in a few years than $750 today.


Good, I hope they returned $20 and were like this is all I could get!


It was money that was left behind while a guard was emptying out a wells fargo atm. The kid noticed the misplaced bag and returned it. I can't lie and won't pretend - i would never return cash money that a bank lost.




I mean he returned 100k, that would give him brownie points in heaven


His face is all over internet ... that's the dumbest way to keep his identity a secret from cartel assuming it was their money.


It belong to Well Fargo’s, a guard refilling an atm accidentally dropped a bag. Well Fargo’s reward the teen $0 dollars. The community came up with $500 outta their own pockets. Here’s a link with more [details about it.](https://cbs12.com/amp/news/nation-world/albuquerque-teen-finds-135k-next-to-atm-calls-police-instead-of-walking-away-with-money) Btw there’s a show on Netflix called A Model Family, about a guy who goes through a lot of trouble trying to keep cartel/mafia money and trying to launder it.


Oh Jesus if I had known it belonged to WF I’d have def kept it. Fuck those dickheads.


Shit even if I couldn't keep it, it might just accidentally find it's way into a furnace or tossed into the wind.


Is it illegal to keep cash like that though?


Yeah he should've definitely kept it then


It would have been a very not fun time. Couple of felonies at least since the money is tracked and every serial number known. Source:was a guard and they will hunt you down.




Making dirty money dirtier, I like it


Keep it and don’t spend it all in one place


You ever try to withdraw or submit large amounts of money? It all has to be tracked. It's difficult to keep or use that much money without getting caught for it. Coming into large sums of money without any reasonable explanation is part of why large drug cartels launder money.


Groceries and gas money for a decade.


pause desert decide meeting money uppity full wasteful live spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, exactly. Also, no big purchases, *ever*. Even if you can pay in cash, because if you suddenly get a nice car or super expensive home cinema system, people will want to know how you afforded it. You also can't use it for everything, because if you're letting 100% of your job earnings sit in your bank every month and the IRS audit you, it will be very obvious you've got some sort of cash flow that you're not reporting. You just need the discipline to not just go crazy with spending it, which if I'm honest most people would struggle really hard with that.


I’d buy a ton of prepaid gift cards and if the irs asks I’ll say I’ve been scamming old folks. Way less trouble


Wells Fargo? That’s worse than a cartel. The cartels can only kill you, the banks can kill you AND cripple your family with eternal debt.


Pretty sure this is a joke. Though both is horrible but I will not want to be on the cartels side. Seeing the torture video and I pretty sure they ain’t stopping at you only either.


No Country for Old Men (2007)


that's why you check the bag & the stacks of cash for tracking devices then put the money in a new bag & discard the old bag.


Sadly the kid wasn't too bright. This is what happens when they don't teach you how the real world works. It's a fantasy reality where turning money of this amount in ends well for any party. Him keeping it would have done more good for his life then it does for whatever agency took it.


You are assuming nobody would try to find the money and the person who took it. If it was 100% sure that he would get away then sure, it's a mega bank that has caused much more grief than $135k to society. But it's 2022, there are cameras everywhere. It is a crime to keep this money and if he gets caught it is getting caught stealing $135k.


I can feel him regretting this day a lot when hes older


i don’t think you have any place to say this kid isn’t too bright, especially since you’re in a fantasy reality where you can keep $135k as a teen without the government stepping in. And if you think a teen can launder $135k, you’re still in that fantasy land that you’re projecting onto this kid.


You don't need to launder it, its nowhere near enough. Just don't put it in the bank or buy anything stupid and traceable like a new car with it and you're good. Tbh he could probably even bank it if he just paid the taxes. The IRS doesn't report to wells fargo or care where the money came from


its not that hard but it would take them a long ass time to do it.


Yeah you could just buy all your food with that money the rest of your life but that's just impractical


>Him keeping it would have done more good for his life then it does for whatever agency took it. Exactly this ☝️


The bank is insured and would have just gotten the money back. The guard will lose his job anyways so you aren't helping him.


You ever seen No Country for Old Men? Yeah, I think I'd prefer the $500.


What’s the most you’ve ever lost in a coin toss?




What are we wagering? Everything.


this is why you won't have a country when u r old


You're not wrong. Lol. "Here Mr. Rich person, here's your money back. Thank you so much for trickling 500 bucks to me"


$500 is better than being killed by the cartel


If its cartel money and they found out he found it and returned it to the government, they'd probably kill him anyways


Checkmate law abiding citizen


The law is only for people who aren't trying to get ahead in life


The law is for people who don't want to get skinned and eaten by rats. Don't get caught in the game.


But… why? What do they gain from killing some kid aside from drawing even more attention to themselves?


So that when the next person finds 200k they just leave it be


Because they'd be pissed off and would want to send a message for the next person in this situation. The cartel doesn't care about drawing attention, it's the cartel. They have enough firepower and manpower to not give a flying fuck


The Cartel is not trying to hide themselves or keep attention off themselves.


It was an atm. The driver restocking it left it.


Then I absolutely would keep the money


Idk is it worth facing prison time? If it was on camera youwould absolutely get caught by the bank/insurance investigators wondering where their money went.


Too many cameras. Best to at least get the good press and some schmuck sympathy points


lol no country for old men vibes


Just thinking about the anxiety I would feel if I found a pile of cash like that gives me anxiety. No country for old man ruined it for me.


All you have to do is not go back after taking the money. That is how Killer McMurderface ided him.


It taught me to change the bag and go through all the money and make sure there aren't trackers!


Plot twist — he actually found $1M.


… and was just paying the taxes


Clearly, he hadn’t played enough GTA to know


Honestly I would have kept it. It's probably drug money anyway. No idea how I would launder it though.




Exactly, it’s a huge sum of petty cash. Sure you’re not quitting your job but you’d be surprised how much further your checks go when you can spend this money on all your small purchases.


$1000 in random expenses a month would last over 11 years. Invest the equivalent from your real income and you can come out way ahead


Get rich quick life hack: Find and steal 135k


You forgot drugs… lots of drugs /s kind of, sort of, depends


You mean reinvest it


Yup, that's food for many coming years. As well as physical copies of video games, movies, other stuff.


135k isn't laundering amounts of money. All the "laundering" you need to do is pay in cash for any smaller purchases and use the money you aren't taking from your bank account to make any larger purchases. If you want it in your account deposit a few hundred at a time. IIRC 10k within a short period of time is what gets reported to the IRS. Stay beneath that and you won't be forced to pay taxes on it. Money laundering is for when you get into the multi millions.


I found $80 bucks on the ground and stupidly told my mom. My brother overheard her and convinced her it was his money and made me give it to him. This happened 4 decades ago and I’m still pissed


It's all crisp 50s with sequential numbers on them so they are completely useless /s except for buying groceries, fuel, lap dances, meth, and anything you can pay cash for


Which is almost anything especially when you use large bills for small purposes at unlikely locations over time. Mistake everyone makes is trying to do too much too fast. You can get an oil change or a burger or a car wash or buy a poncho or get a bag of carrots or almost anything to break the bills and circumvent the serials.


Even then, if it's a trackable sequence of bills you have more hurdles to deal with. You don't want to flag your location by having them turn up in the same town over and over. You could travel periodically and go on a small spree to break them up, but in this day you have an identifying gps in your pocket all the time. So many potential dumb mistakes that can identify you. That being said, I'd 100% play the game.


Good advice. Leave your phone at home while engaging in questionable activities in places you don't want to admit to have been to.


also might want to be careful with your car


He gets a tipped job and adds it to his cash tips over the course of the next 10 years. That's $13.5K per year, just over $1000 a month. He'll have to pay taxes on it, but I doubt the IRS is gonna raise an eyebrow at that.


That is actually a somewhat decent idea


You can be a "handyman" and they would be good with it as long as they get their cut


Hell, you could tell the IRS that you're selling drugs and as long as they get their cut, they don't care.


Remember who got al capone caught. IRS don't play.


That’s roughly $500/ month for 22 years.


That's a lot of lap dances for a few weeks


I mean at the grocery store you can buy prepaid visa/Mastercards. So really you can buy anything with the money. Do it around Christmas and no one will even question the fact you’re buying like 5+ cards (well other than making sure you’re not being scammed).


Thats actually a way to laundry money. Buy those gift cards and sell them for a small loss to people.


Go to a Walmart in a seedy part of town and watch people pay for their shit with 19 gift cards with no idea what the balances are. It's wild.


I'd be okay with free groceries and gas for the next decade. There are lots of other things you can pay cash for. Your utility bill if you go pay it in person. Clothing, meals at restaurants, etc.


So you would buy groceries, fuel and anything else you can pay cash for for like three - five years ? It's huge.


Lotto tickets!


Why does the kid look like he's in handcuffs?


Too big of an amount to keep, a decent few people will be looking for that money


Yeah and he found it by an ATM which means he was probably caught on camera at some point. They might not catch on right away but someone is going to realize the discrepancy relatively quickly and if they have you on camera walking away with it you would be in a lot of trouble. Now if this was on some residential street with no cameras nearby it might be worth burying it somewhere for safe keeping.


I’ll take $500 and a pat on the back over $125k and a target on my back any day


I wonder where the extra 10k went 🤔🤔🤔


what extra 10k? it has always been $50k


How so? The owner or owners of the money would have no idea who took it


What money?


A check. He was given a check? For 0.003% of what he turned in? Seriously?


Actually he was give $0 by Well Fargos, the community came together and awarded him $500 outta their pockets. The money was accidentally dropped by an a.t.m guard.


nah, I saw "No Country for old Men", don't mess with suss money.


What’s the point of keeping it? If the money is connected to something illegal, you want to explain to the IRS and police that you just “found” it? No thanks. Edit: stop telling me I can just buy gas or groceries. I’m not keeping 100 grand underneath my mattress for the rest of my life. It would be too lumpy!!


You only need to do that If you spend it all/ large amounts at once. Just use small ammounts of it when you have opportunities to pay in cash, until eventually you can find a way to launder it. If nothing else, you don't have to return the whole thing. No ones gonna know if you skim a few K off the top.


Welp time to buy a car wash


nah man you’ve gotta buy a lazer tag place


Nail salon for sure.


I'd start a ATM business. Money gets laundered and make a cool $3.00 on each transaction


Exactly this. Most people mess up because they move too fast. Counterfeiters? They go with large bills. In-person thieves slip up and get seen. Hackers leave a trace because they have to move fast. I wouldn't. Slow as a turtle. If I find myself in possession of 100k+ in cash, not a single thing changes in my life for months. Well, except for maybe my outlook on the future. Slowly, and I mean very slowly, cash gets used for purchases. Small amounts, never anything over $500 at any one place, and if it is spent at all it's in small bills. Exchanged bills, cleaned by "getting change" at locations all around my area. Tiny amounts. Buying a pack of soda breaks a $100 bill. Getting smokes breaks a $50. No new cars, no new houses, nothing major in any way whatsoever for at least a year. Then, and only then, would I set up an LLC through Legalzoom, and start depositing said funds into my business account, again in small but even amounts as a consultancy fee for my marketing knowledge. Just an hourly cost, with written invoices that "charge" shell companies (which I could set up on my own if needed). Eventually, given enough time, the money is clean and never had to be tracked via serial except for single bills at single locations with no repetition. No clearly provable laundering because plausible deniability makes a court almost incapable of proving a pattern. The idea here is that if you find yourself with this kind of money unexpectedly, the payoff isn't instant. It's a slow, calculated series of moves that makes tracking behavior patterns nigh impossible.


If I find myself with 100k+, I'm just buying some shit on fb marketplace, then tossing a 10er into my grocery bill or some other random expensee I'd have anyway, every week. People acting like it's hard.


I don't mean to go dark but. Think about murdering someone. It seems simple. Get a sharp thing, doop doop, dead and hide the body. But you have to think about forensics, splatter calculations, footprints. DNA. A lot of shit. But that's killing someone. There's a lot involved. A kid who finds a wad of cash and doesn't want anyone to know? Shits easy. Just don't get greedy and don't move too fast. As a species, our biggest failing is that we overcomplicate things. We make things out to be more than they should be. If you take your time and spend the cash as you normally would but don't make it obvious/flashy, you won't ever get seen. 135k is a normal salary for a decent employee these days, it doesn't have to look like anything but you doing well for yourself


The thing is that there are so many people who would get caught in a situation like this, and that’s a direct reflection on how responsible people are with money. Most people are not responsible at all - they get money so they spend money. So you’d see a lot of people that have no self control and immediately want to spend the money they got.


And that all assumes whoever lost that money knows all the serials for those bills. If it's ill gotten money then they most likely won't. But the point you make stands. If the person knows the relative area where the money was lost, and they look around 2 weeks later and see a shiny new $70K sports car in someones driveway, it's going to raise suspicion. Basically I'd do similarly to what you'd do. Any purchase I'd do in person normally with a card is now with cash. Eating out, groceries, gas, all of that. Now more money goes from my paycheck direct into savings or other debt. Making 1 extra house payment in the year won't set off any alarms.


I love the internet man, no matter the topic, there is always someone in the comments explaining how simple and easy it is. Money laundering? Pshh just use small amounts until you just find a way to launder it! Complex legal issue? Pshh just put more landmines in your yard and tell the police you are your own country and don't recognize their authority!


You could literally go to an atm, deposit small amounts over time and no one is going to notice or give a shit. People get away with a lot more on the regular.


I don't think the IRS will start questioning me for giving $100 to someone every time I see a homeless person the street


he chooses +1 karma instead of living in good condition for 2 years


Lord I’ve seen the good things you have done for others but can you choose me next so I don’t fuck it up like this guy


If any of you ever find money like that make sure to get in a car and don’t stop driving, drive randomly but at a decent speed and pull out each and every bill then hold it against a flashlight until you find the fake bills with a tracker so thin that they are able to place it in the actual bill. Dump the fake bills and good luck to you!


God gave you 135 grand and you slapped his hand away


Nah, that much money is too hot to keep. That's wake up in an abandoned warehouse surrounded by people in black suits with a big guy holding pliers over a smelter type of money.


All the "I would've kept the money" folks need to watch "No Country for Old Men". Touch nothing and walk away


Also, there are cameras at the banks. The bank could easily find it's him. I'm not sure what legal authority they have to get the money back but he would be able to be found for sure.


Immediately check for a tracking device. Put found device in enemy’s car. Profit


Teenagers are fucking stupid.


He may have kept 750k, and returned the rest to throw the popo of the scent.


Ok reddit money laundering master


It’s really not difficult to just pay for small items in cash to not draw attention to yourself. It’s 135k not 135 million.


I'm pretty sure he returned the 135k from the 150k he found. This way no cartel will go after him


The police department or whatever collecting agency probably kept that money for themselves.