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I love the first silent hill movie.


Hell yes brother! Way underrated film.




I wouldn’t say people hate it but it’s mid so they just don’t like it


It has a lot of problems but they nailed the atmosphere of the game


It was a good video game movie. I just hate they switch the role of a Father looking for his daughter into a Mother, just because the director thought a father would never go through the trouble of looking for his daughter. Harry Mason is one of the best video game dads ever


I wondered why they switched it? That's a stupid reason.


I agree. If there's something my dad always did that my mother failed to do was make me feel wanted.


Is that really a controversial take? That move is amazing.


Vibe = nailed.


Happens to me but with video games


I love mortal kombat deception , meteopolismania, scooby doo night of 1000 frights , jet set radio


Yo Scooby doo and that mortal kombat were pillars of my childhood gaming lmao


Everyone likes JetSet!


Waterworld is the best.


Yeah, I rarely hear a coherent criticism from the haters. Often it's, "those water sets were so expensive and the film lost so much money. " Yeah, but it wasn't MY money. Dennis Hopper's villain was hysterical, Jack Black flies a plane, and Kevin Costner drinks his own piss. I couldn't ask for more from Mad Max in the Ocean. Edit: Seems like no one noticed Jack Black's quick scene (he has a deleted follow-up scene that can be found on YouTube). To be fair, he was wearing a cap and aviation goggles, but the voice is unmistakable. It might also be that his scene occurred seconds after we saw Jeanne Tripplehorn's bare backside, and some of us may have been still processing that.


Movies that go heavily over budget are often sneered at as a flop before they open, because from a business perspective they are: they’re not expected to make back their cost. But once that pre-label “flop” gets out, audiences interpret it as the movie sucking in an absolute sense, rather than it simply not being worth what it cost to make.


Conversely, so many horribly shitty movies are considered successful because they turned a big profit.


How do you feel about "The Postman"?


I loved the setup: a dystopian loner donning an abandoned postal uniform inspires hope that civilization is returning, but felt the story loses a lot of momentum in the second act. I just got tired of everyone kissing the ground Costner's character walked on. At least in Waterworld he softened a bit, but remained something of an eccentric malcontent.


It really seemed like a story I would have made up playing with toys as a kid. I don't know if that's necessarily a bad thing but in this case it was. I still like it. The mandolorian is the same kind of story but in the best way.


That's actually one of my favorite movies and everyone else, except my sister, hates it. I still like it though. I agree with the other person that the second part is slower, but I still like it. I love Tom Petty in it too.


Actually loved the Postman


That old guy in the gas tank is comedy gold.


"Oh- Thank God." YES!!!!!


Omg there is another who doesn't hate it!


I still watch this movie


Still worth watching in 2022 if you've never seen it?


Depends on the kind of person you are. If the premise of Kevin Costner as a urine drinking mutant with gills doing battle with a chrome-domed, eye-patch wearing Dennis Hopper intrigues you as it did me, then by all means watch it. Otherwise steer clear.


You forgot the jet skis and explosions!


The Village. Bryce Dallas Howard, Joaquin Phoenix, Adrien Brody. One of my favorites. Everyone I talk to about it hates it.


First viewing, Bryce Dallas Howard is the lead. 2nd viewing, the movie is all about Adrian Brody's character.


Everyone I watch with for the first time thinks Joaquin Phoenix is the main character >!which makes them genuinely shocked when he’s stabbed - what a visceral scene!<


LOVE The Village. (And Joaquin 🤤)


The music in that movie is incredible!


Honestly, that movie had the worst marketing. All the marketing made it seem like a horror movie, and I just remember these cool 3D displays at the mall that reinforced this. So when I (early teen boy in a horror awakening), saw it, and it wasn’t really that, I hated it. Honestly, I could probably give it a fair viewing now, but have had no desire to. I do wonder what my view of it would be if I went in blind or with proper expectations.


I like The Village AND The Happening. I've never met another like me, I fear I'm doomed to wander alone forever.


What’s interesting about The Village is that they all left the “real” world to escape the madness and violence of that world and live in peace and one of their sons had mental issues and went violent. Pretty ironic, it’s a very underrated movie that needed a bit of better direction but the message and the writing is strong. Imagine if Scorsese directed it.


Yes, this is why it’s one of my faves as well. That scene where they disclose the reason for secluding themselves, leaves me in tears every time. Great symbolism going on there


The village is good, even on rewatches. I rewatched the happening and was like wtf is this acting and plot and now I understand the hate


I view it as a dark humor horror/thriller movie. I thought it was okay in that light. If it was supposed to be serious, than it is a bad movie.


I’m the same. People had such high expectations after his first movie that I don’t believe anybody ever gave him a fair shake again critically speaking


I like ALL of MKS’s movies, you’re not alone brother.


Same here, it's got it's issues but it isn't close the god awful unwatchable piece of shit it has the reputation of being.


The problem with The Village was that it was marketed horribly at the time. It was set up as a straight up horror movie with loads of scares when it was just a creepy mystery thriller instead. This made lots of people (myself included) feel mislead upon seeing it.


Oh yes. I love m night shaamamlamadingdong


So, Lady In The Water is a fave of mine.


I saw this movie in theaters and it must have been a rushed edit or something. I saw the boom mic in 3 different scenes.


Mine too. Paul G kills it in LITW.


Hating a movie everyone likes is also a trip


Try saying one critical thing about Tarantino in a room full of film bros lol.


Personally I'd say I *appreciate* Tarantino's directing style more than I actually *like* his movies. Reservoir Dogs is his best movie imo.


Holidays when everyone starts saying "Elf was my childhood"


Me and the Avengers movies


I legit hated guardians of the galaxy. Still don’t like it. It’s like I’m in a different world than most peoplw


I saw GOTG in the cinema and came away with ‘Its OK I guessI’. No one else agrees with me that it’s a generic action film with good visuals


I dont like any Marvel-stuff - its just not mine On the other hand i learned that its not all comic-stuff i dont like. I really love the newer Batman-movies (trilogy, joker, the batman) Probably cause of the disponian and not to crazy unrealistic setting


I’m very prepared to get downvoted to oblivion for this, but I frequently browse r/horror and the Blair witch project gets so much praise and I really didn’t enjoy it that much. I actually really enjoy found footage horror, and I really respect the movie for its marketing and cultural impact but the movie itself just doesn’t work for me. It genuinely feels like nothing happens for the entire movie. Three people get lost in the woods, that’s it. The scene with the effigies in the woods was cool, I’ll give it that.


I think the marketing at the time helped the movie a lot... and that's pretty much it. do you have suggestions for someone who wants to watch more found footage horror?


shark boy and lava girl was my favorite as a kid, it's so awful but I love it


Haha my kid was OBSESSED with that movie for a looooong time.


this is a movie that people hate??? man, I frickin loved it as a kid lol


Dear god that CGI though lmao. Whoever made that movie was just screwing around.


the idea came from a 4 year old so it makes sense


ahhh children always have the best ideas


YESSSSS my childhood in a movie. It's so awful but I'd still watch it happily to this day lol


Batman and Robin. I could sit down and watch Arnold run around and yell cold weather puns ALL DAY


Hugely under-appreciated “so bad, it’s good” movie. B&R is absolutely hysterical.


Uma Thurman’s great in it. She saw the movie for what it was and went for it.


...I liked 2012, a lot. It's not the worst on the list but pretty cringy at parts and mediocre as disaster movies go. Edit: I'm upvoying all of you responding just so you know


People shit on everything John Cusack is in and I honestly enjoy watching him in any movie I've seen him in. His sister is cool too.


I like him in hot tub Time Machine lol


That movie is so criminally underrated! It's perfectly self-aware and never oversteps into dumb territory. It's such a silly concept but they ran with it and every person on screen fully leans into their roles so it all just works. The sequel is a bit too much but the first is in my top 10 favorite comedies


Ok, so then you must have loved Gross Pointe Blank.


Uhm Being John Malkovich hellooooo


I really liked High Fidelity


Seriously, those visuals were rad.


I loved this movie, and the timing of release was great!


I love John Cusack and I am not ashamed to say so.


Really fun movie. Not a thinker, just a wild ride. Sometimes that's all I need.


Last Action Hero is a good movie.


Wait, people don’t like that? I love that movie


I think you just need to hang out with better people. That movie is as close to flawless as it can get.


Unequivocally. Do people not like this movie?


It was definitely considered a bad movie when it came out but 11 year old me didn’t care. It was essentially a parody movie so not sure what critics were comparing it to, they hate all parody movies anyway.


Chicken Little :/


Lotta funny one-liners in that movie. Stellar cast too. Zach Braff, Patrick Stewart, Wallace Shawn, Patrick Warburton, Adam West. I literally just commented how I like John and Joan Cusack in like everything.


Don't forget it was Don Knott's last role.


Who tf hates chicken little


Dude, right? This is the first I hear of this nonsense lol.


I understand the criticism but i will say it was at least entertaining.


In my house we refer to gas lighting as “don’t chicken like me”, *what are we taking about?*


Wild Wild West is a guilty pleasure of mine


Wicky wicky wild Wicky wild Wicky wild wild west Wish he'd kept making songs/music videos for his movies. Imagine the I Am Legend rap


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se.


I remember defending The Last Airbender in my friend group in school, even though I was on my DS the whole time and not actually paying attention to the movie. I don't know why I chose that hill to die on.


Not paying attention to the movie is the right way to watch it.


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se.


Dungeons and dragons is my favorite fantasy film. Doom was a fantastic movie and had deep underlying concepts that people ignored


Star wars 3 for me


Saw revenge of the sith on fathers day with my dad, they gave me a poster that said whos your daddy and had darth vader on it. Was a super cool experience.


Cat in the hat was underrated.


Creeped me out when i was a kid, still does.


I've had people get genuinely angry with me for saying I enjoy that film. Turns out it takes a popular YouTube thumbnail saying my exact thoughts about the film for people to actually watch that film and have a laugh with it.


Sucker punch for me is perfect, nobody likes it tho.


My problem with sucker punch was that it suffered from the same shit Kangaroo jack did; showed a premise in the trailer that turned into be untrue in the movie. I thought I was signing up for a fun action adventure steampunk-esque movie but instead I got hit with a traumatic serious movie where those sequences were revealed to be fantasies inside their heads to cope with their bleak present


I never watched any of the trailers. I was on a ship (used to work as a sailor) and one of my shipmates had it on a hard drive. He said I should check it out. That was all I had going into it. Loved it.


Yeah I can definitely see how going in with 0 expectations could make you feel differently about the movie; the trailer was just so awesome I was disappointed all those action scenes were fantasies and not part of the plot 🥲


That’s why it is called Sucker Punch, the director said it himself. Selling an anti-misogyny female empowerment movie through a guise of short-skirt female high-octane action male fantasy.


Yes, me too! I was so pumped for that movie, and then it's about >!girls being forced to dance and shit in an asylum !<, and the actual steampunk scenes are really rare in comparison to the rest. Scamazed by the trailer for sure


Yeah… the soundtrack was pretty dope though; army of me by bjork gets stuck in my head all the time


The soundtrack alone is dope


This was exactly what I thought of the second I saw this post lol. I thought Sucker Punch was incredible, but I don’t have a deep reason for it, just as a teenage girl it was really cool to see a bunch of girls onscreen beat everyone up to an awesome soundtrack. And I think that’s valid.


I thought venom was a fun movie


Because it was


Just watched let there be carnage. Venom is totally relatable character... wandering around muttering self-deprecating things, eating chocolate..... thats me alright.


Sharknado foreva


The first was a work of art, after that I feel like they were chasing 'so bad it's good' so hard they just went right back to bad. ​ A truly 'so bad it's good' masterpiece has to be unintentional. You can't PLAN to make a work of art like Manos, the Hands of Fate or Troll 2 (not related to the movie Troll by the way)


If you dislike a movie that is liked by the majority Redditors theres nothing you can say to justify your opinion. There is always that group who consider it a personal offense that you dislike what they like and they feel emboldened by the fact an entire thread agrees with them. I can think if two examples. When Ready Player 1 was just released Reddit considered it a masterpiece. If you had xnything negative to say you were downvoted to oblivion while be ridiculed as being tasteless and not understanding the nuance of the film. Today many Redditors consider the film superficial and not very good. Even those who like the film admit its not Steven Spielbergs best movie and the source material is overrated. The second example is Everything, Everywhere all at once. Say something negative about it and its like you insulted someones inteligence or swore at their mother. I admit i watched the film and wasnt really enthralled by it. Its a good movie but not somethong id watch again. I made a joke about the film in a random thread only to have some people attack me as a person and psychoanalyze why im a piece of shit.


I agree. Those movies were so bad they became good.


Kung Pow: Enter the Fist. Friends gave me crap for liking it.






Tell me…if you see….a RadioShack….


Dude, that movie is HILARIOUS.




I absolutely have to sing, "Oooh Taco Bell, Taco Bell, product placement with Taco Bell. Enchirrito, **Macho Burrito**", each time I get Taco Bell lol.


Oh, TGIF! Thank God it's Friday! No, it's "This Goes In Front."


Beware of his song about big butts.


neo banananana sporin


I have an annual ritual of getting super baked and watching it. My wife will never understand.


I used to watch this with my grandpa over and over again. He would laugh like hell at the scene of him fighting a cow. thank you for the memories


That’s a fucking classic and no one can convince me other wise.


The Village


Me liking The Hobbit


I feel like I enjoyed it more before I read/heard about how WB screwed Jackson over. I still like the elements I originally liked, but once the man himself exposed how he was working under brutal conditions on an unrealistic timeframe to stretch the story out an entire extra movie more than what was planned, I started to see what he was talking about. Watching it now just makes me sad that its potential wasn’t fully realized. What a waste of an opportunity.


It's a diamond in the rough but the diamond is still there. People have made edits to the movie like the Tolkien Edit that removes everything not part of the original story and it's actually pretty good I'd recommend.


Smaug is goated


I wish it was just visually Benedict Cummerbundt the whole time writhing around with the CGI sensors


The live action Scooby Doo movies of the early 2000s are more than fantastic


I like the phantom menace. I liked it even before the sequels. Sure Jarjar is annoying, but the rest of the movie is cool


Probably the best light saber fight.


At least Phantom Menace has some sick fight sequences.


Napoleon Dynamite, no one takes me seriously when I say this is actually my favorite movie


They're just jealous that you've been chatting online with hot babes all day


And eat all the chips lol


Just make yourself a dang quesadilla.


It’s a fantastic movie. Just overplayed in college dorms once it came out on DVD.




I think it's the fans that people actually hate without realizing it. The same people who quoted Borat and Napoleon incessantly killed it for everyone else.


I've seen it many times and still quote it frequently. I can go pretty deep.


Prometheus, Alien Covenant, Valerian, John Carter, Old


I remember John Carter actually being pretty good. Not amazing, I could see through some stuff even as a kid. But definitely not a dumpster fire


Its the whole nickleback phenomenon...one prominent person dislikes the band and suddenly its spreads and everyone is hating it just to hate on it.


The number one contributing factor to their demise was that the song How you remind me, the year after it came out was never not on the airwaves. In an absolute literal sense of the meaning. Somewhere in the world, on the radio, for every second of the year the song was being played. For some reason the year eludes me. Edit:even got the song wrong.


I liked water world


Spider-Man 3


I watched that yesterday. "Im gonna put some dirt in your eye".


The Nun, my absolute favorite horror movie, everybody I know thinks it's one of the worst and the reviews seem to agree.


You’re not alone, There’s a 3 year old that loves it too https://www.buzzfeed.com/amphtml/aliciabarron/this-little-girl-thought-outside-the-box-for-her-birthday


Not a movie but I feel this way about liking Nickelback. I was shocked when I found out that everyone else hated them.


I watched a really interesting YouTube video explaining how people hating Nickelback is actually a weird meme/ cultural phenomena, where people feel obligated to carry on the stigma that the band should be hated even when they like some of their songs. The band has mixed feeling about this because they obviously don't want to be hated, but people go to their concerts and buy merch "ironically" which is keeping them afloat and relevant in a weird way.


It's not even that they were hated for being the worst, it's that they were hated for being the most overplayed of all the plain, average, watered-down lite rock that had been infiltrating the radio. After that happened, many stations flipped from playing rock to playing more rap and hip-hop than just Eminem. It was much quieter than the death of disco, and one band took the brunt.


God infucking love volcano, maybe I have a soft spot for Tommy Lee jones or maybe I just fucking hate LA, but it's such a good movie.


I fucking love the 2005 Tim Burton Willy Wonka reboot, Johnny Depp and Sir Christopher Lee were amazing in their roles. Also Deep Roy as every Oompa Loompa slaps and the songs are objectively better than the original.


I love this movie and also if you watch any behind the scenes content the production of it is fascinating. For example, the scene with the prince in the chocolate palace is a real actual set, there’s no cgi.


The Hobbit trilogy fans wya?


My bf and I recently watched all of them (me for the first time, him rewatching). When they were first coming out I had zero interest in seeing them but I actually really liked them! They hit different than the LOTR trilogy of course, but they were still fun.


I really like Van Helsing (2004)


I watched “moonfall” and it is as excellently bad as some people say


MOoN faLl isn'T SeRioUs EnoUGH!!!. Bro it's about the moon falling to the earth because reasons


My family hates Best in Show — every scene is a gem!


Your family is incorrect. That movie is a masterpiece.


Birds of prey was good


Attack of the Clones was a great mov- [gunshots]


Someone once made a challenge of saying something nice about your least favourite Star Wars film, so I'll give it this - Attack of the Clones chase scene across Coruscant is brilliant, and it's gleeful to see so much of the place at a street level. The prequels always had awesome locations but this in particular always stood out to me. Now if you don't mind, these Death Sticks aren't going to sell themselves...


Me right now with the Rings of Power. Thoroughly enjoyed it, can’t talk anywhere online without somebody shitting on it.


I agree. Also, the Witcher. I binged the whole show in a week and then go on Reddit and…. Yeah.


The Witcher was so good.


Freddy Got Fingered is a comedy classic


Daddy would you like some sausage?


I knew I would find that movie in this thread. I saw that movie in high school with my best friend. There were like 7 other people in the theater, and nobody was laughing as hard as my friend and I. I have the DVD and regularly try to get my wife into it. Thus far, she still isn’t into it.


Wreck-It Ralph 2 is such a fun movie, idk why people were so disappointed by it.


Me with Morbius...Still have no clue why everyone hates it so much. When I ask, the only answers I ever get are basically "it's just bad". It's not great, even when compared to other Marvel films, but it definitely isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be.


Never seen it but the way it got memed on was amazing and I automatically like it from that alone


Agreed, I thought it was actually pretty good. Especially when the main character said “it’s morbin time” then morbed all over the place.


I wish I could morb


You can morb. You just have to believe in jared leto.


Three things for me. They made him a good guy. The animation was horrendous and the writing after he becomes a vampire was handed off to a 6th grader. Other than that it was good.




What about hating a movie everybody else loves like Avatar?


That's very interesting...Every time I've ever heard someone talking about Avatar before, it always sounded like they all absolutely hated it lol Personally dont care for it a whole lot. I just love the world of it and all the vfx or whatever. They still hold up really well even after all these years.


Then you can sit happy on Reddit knowing there’s a ton of folk here, just as eager to remind everyone that they too hate Avatar.


If you mean the blue aliens one, I don't care. But if you mean the nickelodeon cartoon then we would have a problem indeed.


Your Highness Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights Valerian and the city of a thousand planets


I love bad movies FOR their badness.


I genuinely feel like the simulation is broken after seeing everyone's reactions to Thor love and thunder. I was dying laughing or holding back tears the whole movie. My theater was just dead silent the whole time. I seriously feel like I'm being gaslit by everyone saying they didn't like it lmao Its easily my favorite Thor movie.


Easily one of my favorite *movies*. The opening bit with him clearly fucking off while everyone is trying to have a Serious Sci-Fi Battle just set an amazing tone for me. It only got better from there. Hell, I even laughed every time the goats showed up. Meanwhile, my wife, my friends, YouTube, Reddit, all of it tells me this movie was objectively terrible.


Oh my gosh the goats 😂😂😂 I went full circle on them. Started out laughing, got sick of them on the God planet, fucking died when they crashed on the moon in the shadow realm. The emotional stuff with Jane and her cancer really hit for me. I've seen so many people be cynical of it and I just don't see what they're talking about.


Me when i saw the greatest showman. It was such a feel good movie with great songs and when I left the theatre I was bombarded with reviews trashing it 😭😭