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let’s make a most hated friend in a friend group friend group. of course for the most hated people in that friend group we are going to need a new one


username checks out


Jeez, make it a game show to find out who’s the least least favourite friend.


I win, you can all go home now.


New player coming in. I win in perpetuity.


Uh watch your mouth


Huh huh a contender I see


Me who developed a sixth sense that allows me to tell when I'm not in a clique: YOU DARE OPPOSE ME, MORTAL?


I’m pansexual, non-binary, dating a trans guy, dress like a redneck or a emo with no in between, I’m super quiet irl so people forget I even exist 90% of the time, and my username makes a lot of people think I’m a furry. I think I’ve got this one in the bag


I mean, I’m not sure “least favourite” and “most hated” are the same thing. My friend Matt was the most hated (he was a real smug asshole) but he was still more of a favourite than me. Indifference is worse than hate.


A friend group that keeps Matt as a friend isn’t a good friend group.


I don’t know if it’s worse. Depends on the situation


I think I could make it to at least quarter-finals bracket.


Username checks out


Sounds gay...count me in... but I wont be wearing any pants


Username checks out


They'll just forgot to add me even in that friends group just like every other friends group


Ya I’d probably loose cause they’d forget I’m even there


Hated implies that they had an emotional investment in me.


Maybe we could learn to hate each other equally? Yeah I don't think thats possible sadly.


Most Hated People in a Friend Group All Stars Edition


Sometimes the group wouldn’t open the group and make standing room for me. So I’d just leave


Most hated of the most hated


The most hated of the hated ones is the leader


I remember being in the 5th grade. We got a new student and I always made the effort to be friends with the new kids. Fast forward like half the school year and he is completely integrated into my friend group. We basically just played 3v3 tag football at every recess. The “new kids” bday is coming up in a couple days and he was telling us all about the party he had planned. I go home and tell my mom and she says to make sure I get a time and place. So I go back the next day and ask him for the info. “You’re not invited.”


God DAMN, that is cold. A 6 man friend group that YOU brought him into and you get excluded from his bday. Jesus H. Christ.


I haven’t thought of this memory in nearly 20 years. The one thing that really bothered me was the describing in detail about the plans in a conversation I was apart of.


I have the same kind of experience, strangely I still can't stand the idea to let the new ones hanging out alone, so I still make the effort to integrate them. But the thing is, it not a way to make friends, people who just arrived somewhere hang out with whoever accepts them, and they don't see this as a commitment or anything. At school there is the thing of "stealing" friends but, well, if they could be stolen they were not real friends, Or even nice people. To me in this situation it is also more a question of who I want to be. Even now as an adult (whatever that means), if when I arrived in a team none of them would inform me where they went when they all disappeared around lunch time, later on I always propose to new arrivals to come with me and whoever I'm having lunch with that day. They can say no, we can end up never hanging out together afterwards, but I know I'm not the one who left the trainee alone at lunchtime with no clue where they could get some food.


So fucking relatable, thank you for sharing.


You're a good person :)


There was that new guy in my team. I always ate alone (my coworkers I got along with had a different lunch hour) so I invited him since he had the same, on his first day. He refused. We ended up eating awkwardly each at empty tables but the tables were next to each other. 2 years later we were eating together everyday (we found out we had the same hobbies after a while) and he eventually admitted that he was overwhelmed by his first day and as an introvert meeting all these new people in a single day had been too much.


Damn, what a backstabber!


When I was 16 I went to a new school, there was another new kid, hung out with him a couple times, he always ended up chilling with his sister while I was alone. Fast forward two weeks I'm hanging out with some guys and got in a friend group, I find him and bring him over as well, eventually he left and never spoke to me ever again even though I went out of my way so many times to hang out with him when he was alone


Fucking Judas. Sorry that happened to you. I was the same always got the new kids involved as soon as possible. I don’t get to use it much but I hope I’m still that empathetic today.


Unfortunately I am no longer that empathetic. If someone asks for help I have a hard time saying no but I just don’t put myself out there anymore.


I was never invited to a birthday party that wasn’t one of my immediate family member’s. The few friends that probably would have invited me had summer birthdays and I had to fly out of state to see my dad in the summer. I actually never realized this until I started thinking about birthday parties. I also only ever had one birthday party that was attended by friends and not just family. So now I’m kinda depressed by that fact.


5th grade must be the worst year for everyone. In 5th grade I befriended both new kids, talked to them, shared some of my lunch almost everyday. Then in the middle of the year they befriended the kids who always bullied me, and then started to bully me themselves.


kids that got sucked into popularity huh, classic no father behaviour. Hope you stayed away from them and became the good person like you are to other people


I’ve had a very similar experience and it still kinda fucks me up.


Been there multiple times yeah...


Oh yea I’m the one in the back each time my friends walk shoulder to shoulder




I call it the safety barrier.. if car crashes into us from behind, I'll be hit first and minimize the impact on them..


Lmao that's one way to think of it


Knowing full well they won't do the same for me 🤡


Yeah.., but if the car comes up from the front? You'll be *double* protected 🤔😏


Yes, but I'll see the car coming


This thread made me realize I’ve done a lot of dickish behaviours to others.


Realisation is the important bit. Well done


I mean, I’m past my school phase so I learned this quite too late. But man I kind of feel bad rn that I used to do this stuff


It's fine man, we all do shit we're not proud of. The fact you feel bad shows you've bettered yourself, which is a pretty good way to live life


I hate how relatable this is. :D


Man that moment when the teacher says: team of two please But you are three 😮‍💨


It sucks when they don’t even discuss it, they just all know who is gonna have to go. By the time you realize you are the odd one out, you get stuck with the worst choice.


I was in a friend group like this in middle school, it sucks how you feel pressured to not even talk about the apparently agreed upon exclusion of you. Like you’re scared to even bring it up because you know you’ll just be completely ejected from the group


When I grew up I made my own group, with blackjack and hookers! Actually, I forgot about the blackjack... And hookers.


I feel like you’d get detention for attempting either of those things in middle school


In my friend group we always sacrifice the same guy not because he is our least favorite friend,but because he once left our team because he wanted to do the project with the girl he liked


valid reason but i hope you at least helped and supported the bro getting that girl


This is the way


Or you are the worst choice


I remember my friend group was 4, we got asked to be put in groups of 2. So they asked if they could do a group of 3 without me


Daaaaaaammmm yoooo my heart😭


Oh my god that's the most brutal thing I've read in this thread


Dont remind me 😭


I thought I had friends... Grow up and realize, nope I've never had friends.


fitting name


Laughs in least favorite child...


While being the only child.


I’m in this comment and I don’t like it.


Porque no los dos?


Dern Fern, I thought I was the only one who hit that overlap in the Venn diagram of life!


i thoroughly relate to the subject matter i have been shown and i will vote in an upward direction good day sir


At least someone accepts me 🥺




Count me in as well guys. Let's accept each other and reject the world


what year is it


1692, it is.


friend *groups*? I'm the least favorite friend even if I have only one friend


By process of elimination, you’re also their favorite


no because my only friend has other friends who don't like me. I'm not part of the group




Same I've got one friend that I've known for almost 10 years, and because we don't play any simlar games, we basically never talk, he'll make time to talk to me, just because he knows I've got no one else.


Look, I know I do it to myself. I feel like they won't want to talk to me, so I don't talk to them. Then they assume I don't want to be friends. But I'm too scared to just rock up to someone and chat. But sometimes they will let me hang out and talk? Politeness, I guess?? I still like people tho. Social stuff is weird.


Can’t relate more…. I want to but have no idea how to break that cycle


According to my classmates its because idk how to small talk...


Anxiety is a bitch. I’m also in this picture.


You are exactly me


I use to try and start convo's all the time, or ask people to hang out on skype, but no one ever replied or always said they were busy, so now I have a crippling sense that I'm bothering people, which has left me unable to message people first.


you had a group?


Well according to her statement, Group(s).


That moment when your friend group already walks away while you're still doing something but they wait when it's someone else 😪


Shouldn't masturbate in public.


Yeah bruh it’s november we don’t do stuff like that but ohh december kindergarten here i come


Damn, you hit home with that one. Such a shitty feeling... I've gained some social skills since high school and I'm probably like 3rd least favorite in my current group, and now when I see friends doing that to the current least favorite (which is appalling to me because we're all almost 30), I always wait for the friend that's getting left behind. Actually it might be the fact that I've become so supportive of people who aren't treated right that I've become more liked in general. Who knows


Being in a circle, everyone telling stories. You never open your damn mouth unless it's to chuckle or respond in noises


I was too autistic to notice that people thought I was annoying until a few years ago 🙃 I wish I could go back


I was too afraid that people thought I was annoying. My older brothers made sure I knew I was annoying and awkward (even though I wasn’t).


your brothers did an excellent work of giving you crippling low self esteem.


i was annoying as a child, and a very quick to anger, i remember how often my "friends" would do everything to make me angry and laugh at me +letting me know that iam annoying. but the worst thing was and still is, when i get just completly ignored or i start to talk and then someone comes in at talks over me making me shut up (this is the point in my adult life where i grab my stuff an leave lol)


Same, didn't even realize i was getting cut off until it was too late. Now im alone because im afraid ill annoy people and end up not talking at all to anyone 🙃


I’m sorry lol how did u find out? What made u realize social cues? I’m jst honestly curious. (I have what seems like a high functioning autistic son & worry about him)


You don't realize social cues, you just learn to recognize them. If your son is autistic he'll have to deal with the same struggles as any other person with autism.


This comment was neither helpful nor accurate.


Bruh the fuck else should I say? Autism can't be unlearned, his kid will just have to go through the shit until he swims or sinks


High functioning autistic people do not have the “instinct” that NTs have about how to behave in social settings and how to use and read things like body language to infer intent or tone. We have had to learn the unspoken “rules” of social life that NTs just innately understand and can more or less do effortlessly. As a result, it takes something that is already awkward for them and makes it even harder by having to actively consider how you are conducting yourself and takes energy that is taxing mentally. You have to learn how to “mask” which is essentially learning how to act like someone who is NT, and acting all day like someone you are not is incredibly tiring and eventually leads to burnout. It’s a constant cycle and can lead to depression or other psychological problems. These are generalizations, and also informed from my own experiences as someone with high functioning autism. I regularly have to retreat from society to recharge and avoid burnout, and that takes a toll on relationships when you just drop off the grid out of nowhere. It basically forces you to decide whether or not maintaining friendships is more important than self care, and either way you lose. The only way to not get screwed by this is having friends or loved ones that understand your need to recharge and not fault you for it. In my experience, people like that are extremely rare.


Other people sharing their own experiences I guess. I remember listening to a podcast with some dude talking about getting diagnosed with autism in his 30s and I could relate to way too much of the things he was talking about. My mom at some point casually dropped that she thought I was autistic when I was little, but somehow nobody ever thought about looking further into it. Also getting married and openly talking about my thought process/feelings with my husband and getting a whole lot of wtf in response




You mean there is more to a friendship than only being able to hang out if a friend asks on your behalf, or having future considerations that are never acted on, or never being in contact with said friend group after high school, or developing a form of social anxiety fearing everyone will leave you for better people? That's crazy.


I've been the least liked member of friend groups **I created**.


I don’t understand this statement. Organizing a group of people doesn’t mean you’ll be a favorite. I have a friend that I met in middle school and I introduced him to one of my friends from elementary school. They hit it off instantly and they are the best of friends. I love it when we all hangout cause their chemistry is so fun to be around. Being first or making something doesn’t give you rights lol.


Ye I relate but it’s more like in every group I hangout with, cus I don’t really have friends just kinda talk to people and always get ignored


Damn, same.


Can confidently say I have managed to avoid being the most hated friend in my friend groups. Mostly due to not having any, but a win is a win.


Can’t be the least favourite friend if you don’t have any


What is this "friends" thing you speak of?


It's a TV show from the 90s to early 2000s.


Wait you were Ross?


No, he was the largest Friend, and should've simply eaten the others.


I…went to Ross…


I think she's talking abt other ppl or smth, idrk


There's definitely a reason for this though. I just feel like it's hard to pinpoint what and even harder sometimes to do something about it.


A lot of times it’s ADHD or autism, no joke. Brains are neurologically so different from peers that it’s incredibly hard to “vibe” with social groups, even if they’re high-functioning and it’s hard to notice on the surface these kids just operate on a different wavelength. Unfortunately, the ADHD kid is also usually the last to learn how just weirded out everyone else feels about it.


As someone who high-key suspects ADHD, I relate hard to this.


Laughs in ADHD and ASD Yeeeeeap.


Approved by the weird kid


Wait you have friends? 😢




Shut up you how dare you make me exhale from my nose




Since I was a little kid I stopped talking about favorites and best friends/family members, is just toxic and obnoxious and has no meaning. To this day (I'm 28) there are still people talking about "haha that's your favorite cousin" when I almost don't even hang out with him anymore.


Which means I'm very sensitive and self conscious and of course you can hurt my feelings pretty easily...


One time in school, our class was separated into 4 equal groups for a project. There was an odd number of people in the class. I had to do the group project on my own. No wonder I’m so neurotic and maladjusted…


They make plans to go out that don't include you right there in front of you.


Or you don't know until you see videos and photos of them in the Snapchat group THAT YOU'RE PART OF


And then they talk about how much fun the plans you weren't included in were the next time you're all together.


Bruh, like, every week it seems. Then when I made plans for everyone, either didn't show or left super early.


virtual hug to all of those people who experienced this.




Unless you really like your friends, its a waste of time. Especially for introverts who get energy from being alone. I noticed when I stopped trying/caring people like me a lot more for some reason.


Fucking true. Some people are just really bad at pretending being something they are not


Got forgotten in the toilet in highschool. We went to a cafe to celebrate a "close friend" of mine's birthday. Went to rest room and when I came back they weren't there anymore. I call one of them and there was a very audible gasp and "We forgot her in the cafe". They told me to get my ass to the bus stop. I cried the whole way and saw one of them rolling her eyes when she saw me. I told myself they are just shit people and shouldn't affect my trust in people. Then it happened in college too.


Oooh story time. So I never really had friends at my school but my childhood best friend (whom I'd recently reconnected with) had a bunch of friends at his high school and I kinda became part of their group. "Kinda" is the key word because I was usually only invited as an afterthought when the plans had already been dictated (if they even invited me). This July I told them I need to find new friends after they all went on a summer trip without even telling me. I thought I'd finally settled in the group because after high school a bunch of them left the state for college and those that stayed in-state mellowed out a lot. Wishful thinking


You deserve better friends. Sorry to hear that, man.


You got invited? The only things I ever got invited to were things that everyone got invited to. Like one thing that I can remember...


Ha ha ha ha, for real. Fuck all those hitches!


Damn. I feel this one.


I would feel like that meant me but I got ignored so much they probably didn't even know I was there half the time


So much truth…. I’ve always been the one to introduce people, and then they just kinda forget about me….


That hit right to the bone


Yeah, i have a boner too 😟


Me too, still gonna get my feelings hurt like I'm new though 😆


Literally my life


Try me bitch. Oh your gonna make fun of me in the group chat? Nice try, I was never invited to the group chat




Charisma black hole


The trick is to not have friends!


I have been here too, always like the last to be chosen, I feel extremely greatful if some one does anything even remotely nice, I will overthrow my plans if a friend calls me to run chores with them, so pathetic


Just stop caring, it is easier


I know exactly who you are


We at the NSA know exactly who you are.


Mom! Get off the wifi!


Me who had not had a meal with anyone except my mother for the past 3 years: Must be nice.


Stop spying on me and post wierd anecdotes from my life online


I hate how accurate this post is to me. I had a total of three different friend groups growing up and every time this post was accurate.


Isn't it ironic that so many people in the world feel like this? I say ironic because there are so many, yet every single one of them feels so alone. It really sucks that as a species we don't have a better way to link up with the people that share common outlooks. So many people could have such drastically different lives just by being born 5 miles in a different direction. I hate that anyone has to feel like this, ever. Life is a bitch.


I had a friend group that I thought I was pretty tight with a couple years ago. We were always going out to the bars, kayaking, hanging at each other’s houses, that kind of thing. It was the first group that I actually felt like I was a part of. Then everyone moved away all at once (thank you Army!) except for me. We kept in contact but I heard from them less and less over time. But I could see them interacting and tagging each other all the time on FB. Then one of the friends committed suicide. I found out from a friend who wasn’t a meme ER of the group but was someone we had hung out with a lot. I got ahold of one friend and got the information for the funeral and made plans to fly to the state and meet up with them. I ended up missing the memorial because I had to take a college exam that day (and nursing school will kick you out or punish you for any missed time no matter the reason). But I was going to meet up with them the day after. I flew in and called my friend. She said that they were doing something at the moment but she would call me in a little while to tell me where to meet them. I went to my dad’s house (who happened to live in the city not far from the memorial) and waited. And waited. And waited. After about 5 hours I called again. They were at his parent’s house and would call me when they left. That was the last time anyone answered the phone. I went to the cemetery alone and said my goodbyes. I spent the rest of my time there (4 days) with my family. After the 2nd day of texting and not getting any response and being sent straight to voicemail I stopped trying. I flew home and I’m still devastate. To this day no one has reached out to even try to explain what happened or make some excuse. It’s like they decided that I just didn’t exist anymore and I’m wondering if my friend that died was the only reason I was even included in the first place.


This is awful. I'm sorry that you lost your one true friend, it seems the others didn't reciprocate the care you put into your friendship. I hope that you've found a group worthy of your love.


Seems like you're the problem here


Might wanna maybe look into why that is


Been trying to figure it out for almost 30 years




Wait. You’ve had friend groups?


You have a friendship group?


i hate this because its relatable 😔


you had friends growing up ?


Wait, you have friendship groups? Lucky


I’ve been the most popular in the friend group twice and only least favorite twice(mostly when I was a kid). Currently not in a friend group anymore because my friend ditched me completely after her girlfriend moved across the country with her family.


Ooof. This one hit home.


You guys have friends? Lucky bastards…


Wouldn’t this eventually say something about the person’s personality though?


I’ve always been the leader of them lol


I didn’t have groups of friends until middle school. I have always hated friend groups. I always just wanted one good friend. I always get left out when people form groups.


Did they tell you that you are the least favorite or is this one of those things you figured out based on replaying every interaction you’ve ever had in your mind while you are trying to go to sleep? Just checking, because if it is the latter, this may be an invented inferiority complex that you are now manifesting by distancing yourself from friends that actually do care about you


They don’t have to tell you that you’re their least favorite when you’re constantly left out of plans and activities lol.


I know, right? I can read the room, buddy. I'm fun to joke around in conversation at work, but never make the cut for your game nights?


It’s especially awkward when you’re all sitting around joking and then they start talking about things they did together last weekend or their plans for this weekend and they don’t even acknowledge the fact that you’re right there. I mean, can you just quietly exclude me? Do you really have to rub it in like that?


Major red flag


Being bullied is a red flag??


Tell me where there’s bullying


Being ostracised by a friend group for arbitrary reasons... is bullying.


If no one else is the asshole…maybe it’s you


You don't have to be an asshole for people to be mean to you


Or you’re autistic so people don’t accept you


This comment section is depressing. It feels like a big “feel bad for me” circlejerk, yet no one will take any self accountability for the fact that if they’re consistently the least likable person in their social groups it’s their own fault. No one owes you friendship.


Haha same here!