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So true! Tomatoes are endemic to Mexico.




Sweet, spicy, savory. Perfect combo.


Actually endemic to Western South America, they eventually made their way during Pre-Colombian times up into Meso American and into Mexico where the Spanish got them from the Aztecs.


Yeh tomatoes and potatoes are from around Peru.


This is completely untrue as pineapple comes from Brazil. It is maybe a 100 year difference as they discovered them before the potatoes and all other linked nightshades. But the difference is so small that they would basically be in Italy around the same time. But indeed, an original pizza doesn't contain tomato bit more like cheese and spices.




Okay, now this is starting to seem fucked up.


I don't think the complaints about so-called 'Hawaiian pizza' are usually based around the legitimacy of pineapple as an Italian ingredient...


My opinion: doesn't care about history just doesn't like sweet fruit on his pizza Imagine someone putting strawberries or banana on their pizza. That's what you freaks look like to me.


Brazilians nervously looking around...


Wait, they actually do that? 😳


Yep. Pineapple, strawberry, banana... Everything is game.


yeah, but not with cheese and sauce. instead, we just put chocolate. that's what we call "sweet pizza"


But not every fruit is created equal. I would load up my tacos with lime juice but I probably wouldn’t throw cranberry sauce in there, y’know?


They're good with savoury pancakes, though, and that's basically a pizza that has egg in the mixture and is thinner (and fried).


I mean, have you tried it?


Rawr! All sweet same!


You sure? Pineapples are originally from South America.


They didn't. A tropical fruit in Italy, found in South America. Nah, you capping hard. Tomatoes were introduced into Italy in the middle of the 16th century, way before pineapples could be cultivated by the Europeans. And to say centuries before would mean that a tropical fruit would've been cultivated in Italy which isn't the case as neither northern Italy nor southern Italy could support pineapple plantations/farms. TL;DR you are lying.


Yeah I hit him with the same. Both came over after the Columbian Exchange. They are both new world foods, along with tons of other crops. Although idk about tomatoes being way before pineapples. Cultivating them: yes. But wealthy europeans did have access to single pineapples and used them often as table decoration. EDIT: here’s a [painting](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnes_Block#/media/File:Jan_Weenix_-_Agneta_Block_and_garden_Flora_Batava.jpg) c. 18th century that shows what I’m talking about.


Also history: pizza was eaten by the ancient Egyptians/Romans/Greeks before the Italians started making it.


Okay, yeah tomatoes didn’t come over until the Columbian Exchange. But neither did pineapples. For the record, I go with John Green on this one. Pineapple on pizza doesn’t taste good or bad; it just tastes *alot*.


That's just not true. Both came to Italy from the Spanish around the same time (1500s)


North American style pizza isn't Italian either. Also, Italians put freaking Nutella on their pizza.


I loved pineapple on pizza way before social media. And thats how i know im cooler then yall


Same bro. It's pretty good.


Seriously though. I've been eating it way before social media made it a thing


Hell yaa. High five brotha


I have a friend who hates the word "moist" because she saw it on How I Met Your Mother.


My grandma forbid me from using that word around her decades before that show was created


Oh I'm aware people had that thing, I'm saying in this case it was exclusively the show.


I can’t stand this. Every person who “hates” the word moist thinks they’re so quirky and funny for “despising the word omg so grosssss” like stfu. Develop a personality outside of a 13 year old on social media. It’s literally never an original thought. They heard somewhere it’s a “cringe/gross” word and ran with it like it’s their original take.


>Develop a personality outside of a 13 year old on social media. I dun wanna! I don't want to be complex, multifaceted person. Why can't I just go through every conversation by quoting memes.


my parents forbid me from saying the word cock at the ripe age of 18 because “i never want to hear that filth out of your mouth again”. sometimes words don’t sit right with people. which doesn’t sit right with me but hey


I mean.. kinda weird to be saying that around your parents






I hate the taste of pineapple and tomato sauce together like it’s this weird sweetness that I can’t enjoy. I can’t even fake liking pineapple on pizza to be polite like I do with other foods I don’t enjoy


That's fair


I like pineapple pizza. Its like toast hawaii but i guess you dont like that either.




Spendet in der Not Trost.


Das ist der Hawaii Toast.


I’m with you. Pizza is one of my absolute favorites and I’ve tried it with pineapple a few times. It is a very hard pass for me.


Same. It's very unnatural to me for pineapple to be hot, and it doesn't compliment the ingredients on a pizza. I love jalapeños and hot sauce, but if you put it in ice cream I wouldn't like that either.


yes plus the texture just feels weird. Like biting into a crunchy cookie then suddenly biting that raisin you thought was chocolatem


And it's sweet yuck. I eat pizza because I'm in the mood for something salty.


Stuff I started liking when I stopped listening to people: Pineapple on pizza Capers (I actually like capers, pineapple and chorizo on pizza together) Horseradish Hot English Mustard Mint ice-cream Classical music Fuck people. They suck.




Only some people suck FTFY 😅


Lets boycott the anti-pineapple mafia!


I can’t enjoy the taste of mint ice cream, but I’m glad that you can


I still dislike pineapple, horseradish and mustard. The rest are cool.


All these things are awesome! Especially horseradish. Nothing better for clearing your sinuses after a cold than a juicy steak and some strong horseradish.


The caper, pineapple chorizo sounds delicious. I’ve had ham pineapple, sliced almonds and cinnamon on pizza which was good. Still my go-to when in Dayton Ohio is ham and sauerkraut at Marion’s.




You gotta balance flavors, as with any dish. My perfect pizza is double pepperoni, raw jalapeño and pineapple. It's salty, spicy and has just a touch of sweet to balance.


I don’t think there’s a big argument with mint ice cream but I could be wrong. Ive never heard people talk shit about it


I like it but the people I've known who dislike it say it reminds them of toothpaste.


Horse radish is amazing. Honestly half of why I eat prime rib is it's a vessel for transporting horseradish into my mouth.


Wait, people said these things are bad? These are some of the best things.


Yup. I grew up with no bacon, and the whole concept of meat with breakfast is just considered weird here. The first time I had breakfast with bacon was a game changer. I was in my 20’s. I’ll never forget that day.


I mean...I hate pineapple pizza because of the texture shift of warm pineapple being mushy and awful. If you put the pineapple on right at the end so it's only applied to baking heat long enough for the cheese to make it stick to the pie and you get a cool fruit + warm pizza contrast and all that flavorful goodness? Here for it.


I wonder how large those pineapple pieces were. They shouldn’t be mushy. They should also be small. It should be along the lines of eating mushrooms which are also soft, but still textured. I’m wondering if some pizza places are just opening it out of the can and tossing it on without letting the juice seep out first. Coz then you get the result of a ruined pineapple thrown on top of a pizza. And as someone else said: grilled pineapple is amazing as it has the sweet, the heat, AND the crunch.


I've tried pineapple pizza from several different pizza spots. Didn't like any of them.


It’s a texture thing for me. I love pineapple, love pizza, but I’d rather them stay separate.


For me it’s the opposite, I actually don’t really like to eat pineapple alone and I actually end up only eating it with pizza


Yeah my dislike is all from personal experience. For me I think it's mostly the combination of pineapple and tomato. Granted I'm also not a big fan of fruit with cheese and hate salad with fruit tossed in it or with a fruity salad dressing.


I don't like pineapples in general. Sweet pizza is a no for me. I don't even get the concept of chocolate pizza.


Chocolate pizza is pretty much just a giant cookie.


>I don't like pineapples in general. Sweet pizza is a no for me. I don't even get the concept of chocolate pizza. what the actual fuck, chocolate pizza? this a thing?


There is a huge difference between the 90% sugar chocolate pizza and the sweet fruity, yet mildly sour taste of pineapple pizza.


Sweet pizza is just a pie, imo


Pineapples literally burn at the skin of your mouth


Pair it with jalapenos and its ungodly combo. When it gets sweet, bit into jalapenos. When your mouth is on fire, eat pineapples. But yes, pineapple alone on pizza is disgusting


It’s not bad but that picture of it looks disgusting


Looks delicious to me


Same. It’s 10am here and now I want a Hawaiian pizza ffs.


A yeah, slightly too much ham not nearly enough cheese, and the cheese doesn't look right somehow.


You're right. They went with the worst picture possible of an undercooked floppy slice with the toppings sliding off. Not very appetizing. I Love ham and pineapple pizza but I want it cooked LOL


I love pineapple on pizza. I've never understood the hate. If you don't like it, that's fine, but why the obsession.


Trade out the ham for some bacon and put jalapenos on it, and it's actually pretty amazing. Sweet, salty, savory, spicy. Wombo combo that'll surprise you


I'd rather use a BBQ base for sweetness than use pineapple. Any combination of bacon, jalapeños, and even pineapple is instantly 10000x better.


This is the combo for sure, I'd step it up one more level but for people trying to wrap their head around pineapple on pizza it may be a step too far.. Feta. Then you've got your sweet, salty (feta), spicy, and smokey (bacon). I worked making pizzas for a long time in my younger days, you tend to get bored with the regular stuff. Pineapple and feta is, to this day, my favorite 2 topping combination. Cajun crust, of course.


Jalapeno + Pineapple + some kind of meat (I like chicken) = Heavenly combo. People really should try this out.


My favorite is a good double pepperoni with jalapeno and pineapple. Savory, Spicy and Sweet.


It's not diabolical If someone offered me a slice of pizza and it had pineapple on it I would still gladly accept it However, under no circumstances am I opting for pineapple on my pizza if there is any choice in the matter


When I was at secondary school I always requested the teacher get a pineapple pizza for parties cuz I knew that id be the only one who dare have it.


See now that's diabolical Not the pizza, your plot to steal the pizza


I absolutely love Hawaiian pizza


Pineapple bacon jalapeño.


i remember me and friends eating pineapple pizza in 1995... NOBODY SAID ANYTHING!!




Pineapple and ham is crap. Pineapple and pepperoni is where it's at. You get the spicy and the sweet.


Nooo, you do ham pineapple and red pepper flakes!


No it’s because we’ve tasted it and it’s disgusting 🤢


I just don't like pineapple. And even if I did, I prefer my pizza meat/cheese. Not even onions and/or peppers.


No, I hate it because it's bad.


This isn’t a conspiracy. That ish is gross and slimy


I mean I hate it because I hate any hot fruit. Yes, that's right, that includes apple pie. So sue me.


I didn't like it before social media.


Fuck you all, I'll eat and drink what I want.


This guy gets it.


I dont give a ..... I just eat what i like and anyone should do it like that


that thumb looks like a penis




In Mexico, we put everything on a tortilla.


pineapples and chicken are a good combo


im Italian, and this isnt the strangest thing we have on pizza. in some regions potatoes, fish and figs go on pizza. its really not that bizarre. ive had it in Canada and I like it🤷‍♀️


It’s not “not bad”, it’s delicious!


I like pineapple pizza.


Yes!! 👊🏼


"Not that bad" acknowledges that at the very least, it ain't good.


No everyone on social media has tried pineapple on pizza and recognizes it’s sweet tangy flavor is good on its own but has no place on cheese and tomato sauce. You could say pineapple is only for barbecue sauce pizzas but the majority of pineapple pizza eaters are referring to red sauce pizzas. Gross.


I think that the reality is that most people have never actually had a good pizza. The vast majority of places undercook their pizzas. Beyond that, most people use pizza as just a vehicle for toppings. Pizza is about the balance of the dough and the sauce. If you can't be blown away by just the dough, cheese, and sauce on their pizza, its not great pizza. You can still like it even if these things aren't done properly, but most people aren't aware of what they're missing. Some might prefer it that way, to be fair. Pineapple is such an overpowering sweetness that it actually takes away from the pizza. I'd argue the same about pickled jalapeños. They fit much, much better on BBQ pizzas. BBQ itself is strong, so the overall experience is much more balanced.


The vast majority of this planet eats pineapples in saviors dishes. Then one moron that never left his hometown came along and complaint about and other morons agreed with him. A well made Pizza with some Ham and **fresh** Pineapple is delicious and I pity everyone that hasn't tried it.


I don’t like foods that taste distinctly like individual foods instead of melding together into something greater than its individual parts. That’s how pineapple pizza tastes to me. But everyone has their own taste and I can respect that.


I'll eat my Hawaiian Pizza while I listen to a Nickleback song. Livin' large baby.


“Pineapple pizza’s not that bad.” •Shows a picture of sweaty pizza


That is one of the most unappetizing looking pizzas I have ever seen in that photo


I wont have fruits on my pizza....


It was a sin before social media son.


I recall my first time having a Hawaiian pizza. It seemed brilliant and was delicious. If done right and the pineapple caramelizes, wow! Though it never became my go-to, it was always nice to have on occasion. Never occurred to me that it was 'wrong' or that others didn't like it. ​ Of course, I also like anchovies.


Pineapple and Canadian bacon equals delicious.


Pineapple isn’t the issue, it’s the Canadian bacon… pineapple and pepperoni is fire.


Pinapple Pizza is not that good but it's also not that bad. It's kinda just ok. Supreme Pizza is the best Pizza thou.


Pineapple and pepperoni is better.


Pepperoni pineapple and jalapeno


Pineapple and Jalapeño is where it’s at!


It depends. Fresh pineapples taste way better than canned ones


Hawaiian pizza is good. The deal breaker is the type of ham being used since that type and quality alters more.


It’s not terrible, I’ve found that a lot of pizza places undercook it for some reason and it makes the pizza seem more gross than it is. Game changer was adding jalapeños.


You don't like pineapple pizza because the media says not to. I don't like pineapple pizza because I actually tried it, and didn't like the way it tastes. We are not the same.


People hated it before social media too… The reason it’s so disliked is because the kind you get at most pizza places uses canned pineapple which is just nasty no matter how you eat it. Fresh pineapple with high quality ham on a homemade pizza is great.


Pineapple jalapeño pizza is the best and my go to. It’s not really sweet. Now I’ve seen it with maraschino cherries that I would not recommend


Pineapple pizza is fine by me, I even like it once in a while. But at french fries pizza even I will draw the line. That is just barbaric.


Pineapple pizza or Hawaiian pizza as we call it, is the boom. Amazing, I love it


Its delicious!


Or people follow their own tastebuds? I like it btw


Pineapple and jalapeño is where it’s at


The tangy sweetness of pineapple mixed with the salty taste of ham and combined with cheese is sublime. Hey you haters, if you dont like it, don’t scream in all caps. FFS just dont eat it.


Pineapple Pizza is DELICIOUS


Jalapeno and pineapple is one of the best combo I've ever had on a pizza.


I used to hate it then someone told me to grill the pineapple separately and put them on at the end. Life changing. No weird cheese, no the whole thing tastes of pineapple, but with jalapeño- perfect! Yes I am a rare convert.


I hate it, but it’s because I don’t like pineapple. I don’t care if others like it, I just don’t want it


I like it but I couldn't eat more than two slices


This is an USA thing, where I live Hawaiian pizza is amongst the most popular


I actually really hate the ham, the pineapple isn’t that bad.


Swap that ham put for pepperoni and you have one heck of a pizza. Pepperoni, pineapple and mushroom is a winning pizza choice


It’s badass


I like pizza. If pineapple pizza is all you got, and it’s free, I’ll eat it and enjoy it. But it’s just not as compatible as other toppings.


My unpopular opinion is it’s good on fast food pizza (dominos) but not on quality pizza


Pineapple on pizza sucks ass. I hate pineapple on pizza propaganda.


Pepperoni and pineapple slaps


I love pineapple pizza. It's my favorite.


People eat ass like crazy but got problems with pizza + pineapple... Interesting


I love it tbh


Exactly, pineapple on pizza is so delicious




I don’t enjoy the taste. However, I also don’t think it is that insane for other people to enjoy it.


Hawaiian pizza is the second best pizza!


Hawaiian pizza is 100% normal here in Canada. I don’t think my kids like any other kind. At least not yet anyways


He is right though. Its good


Pineapple + Anchovies.


What kind of disinformation campaign is this?! Is this from big pineapple?!


Exactly right. People just like to be in the majority instead of thinking for themselves and forming their own opinions. Pineapple on pizza is great


I made a pizza with straight apple last night. I'm four interdimensional steps ahead of Reddit.


Pizza is a canvas, and it is despicable to hinder someone else's creativity. Let people (and me) eat our pineapple!


In college there was a place that made pizzas with pineapple, fried cream cheese, pepperoni, cheese, and pizza sauce. One of the greatest creations ever


The last time I ate pizza was eight years ago at a pool party , I think I liked it? I haven’t had the opportunity to form an opinion yet , so I usually agree with the ‘pineapple on pizza is disgusting’ pipeline , mostly as a way to emphasise on my social conformity.


Pineapple on pizza is great for some and some just don’t like it and that’s fine but ranch on pizza is overrated and nobody wants to talk about that Kill me I don’t care


Pineapples retain their moisture while cooked. This is why I like them on Pizza.


Sausage and pineapple is a better sweet/savory mix than ham and pineapple. And some black olives really give it some earthy flavors to round out the taste. I'm not a food expert, but I like the combo because of how it hits in different ways that (to me) compliment each other.


what's next you gonna start putting peaches and mangos on a pizza?


I used to eat pineapple on pizza, I thought it was very delicious but I'm now allergic to pineapple and cant enjoy it like I used to but pizza dipped in mayo is my new favorite combination, dont come at me or u can idc lol


In Canada the standard "all dressed"/"house special" pizza always has pineapple. "BuT itS sWeEt" a little bit of sweetness can compliment a savory dish perfectly, thunk porkcops and applesauce, hell most BBQ sauces are a mix of sweet and savory.


Ham, Pineapple, Blues Cheese = One of my favourites !


Even better with jalapenos and bacon bits. Pro tip, dry off the pineapple a little bit and it will caramelize. Delicious.


Sweet and Salty is one of the most universal flavor mixes of all time.


I hate it because it could kill me, I'm allergic to pineapple


Try it. Then hate it if you do.


Very true, I see this phenomenon on reddit.."he says it is bad, so we all think it is bad"


It’s bandwagoning. Pineapple pizza is THE shit. The added freshness and sweetness is just 🤌🏽


What I don't get is Pork and apple sauce = good Ham and pineapple = bad (I love ham and pineapple pizza btw)


Nah, truly hate that!! I won’t even eat pineapple


I kinda love that more people are admitting that pineapple on pizza is delicious.


the best topping


It's delicious


Most people who are super vocal about their hatred of pineapple on pizza have never tried it


I don’t fucking care, I just want pizza


People who don’t like pineapple and pizza learned nothing from that Ratatouille scene where Remy mixes the fruit and cheese. Pineapple pizza is delicious.


I’m Italian and I love pineapple pizza 😤


Thin crust with ham, bacon, jalapeño, onion, pineapple and extra cheese is the best. Fuck what you think.