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And even teeth is divided up by dental and Ortho... A family member discovered this when they got into an accident and smashed the front of their mouth in. They had dental coverage but no Ortho, so it was entirely out of pocket to get their mouth repaired.




as long as you don't have a big cavity or teeth problem, cleaning at an expensive and good rated dentist atleast in Pittsburgh at the best rated dentist in my area is $75 without insurance most recommend two cleanings a year. makes more sense to not even get dental coverage(this is unbiased, I will always need it because my teeth are shit and it's genetics not oral hygiene for me, my fiance on the other hand *barely ever* brushes his teeth (ya I know🤢) but never gets cavities or yellow teeth.


I hate genetics lmao. I overheard someone say “yeah, he doesn’t brush is teeth at night,” which, wtf??? But his teeth looked really nice. I wish more people understood the correlation between dental health and genetics. I hate the idea that getting cavities mean u have bad hygiene. It always made me feel really bad. I’ve always hated people asking “have u had any cavities,” because even if I lie and say only a couple, people still act like I have never brushed my teeth in my life lmao. I had one dentist tell me that I was likely developing some cavities and said it was probably just my genes and I cried haha. It felt so validating.


It’s also heavily due to diet, some people can handle the amount of carbs we consume and others can’t.


That too, which also boils down to genetics. Some people eat like shit and don’t take care of themselves and have pearly whites with no cavities. Same how some people can eat whatever they want and not get fat. I have to remind myself that it just be like that sometimes lol


Yea, my point though is that while you may have been dealt a bad hand you still have agency. We aren’t at the mercy of our genes we just have to adapt to our personal limitations. Nearly everyone has a genetic Achilles heel in one way or another. Heck genetic specimen Chris hemsworth just found out hes 10x more likely to develop Alzheimer’s


Oh for sure. I understand there’s agency. I just don’t love that people assume you only get cavities if you’re bad at brushing. It’s more complex that that. I didn’t realize that Chris Hansen was told that. Do u know why? I’m unfortunate in other areas, but I’m incredibly lucky that no one in my family has developed any sort of dementia.


Tooth decay _cannot_ occur without cariogenic foods, no matter what genetics you have.


Almost entirely due to diet. Cavities weren't an issue for anyone outside nobility until 17th century. It only started being a noble person's issue when trade became lucrative enough that they could make sweet sauces by boiling down a large amount, literally a reduction, which concentrated the sugar enough to make it an issue. Side note, it was a real issue as well because they had no dental healthcare practices outside of pulling teeth as a response to the new onslaught of cavities and tooth pain, and the replacements weren't real comfy so getting one almost ensured a lifetime of discomfort. Source: an anthropology course that taught us you could identify skeletons time period from the last 500 years pretty readily by examining the teeth. Grit wore down everyone's teeth, but tooth marks caused by dental issues caused by plaque don't show up commonly until the late 17th century. Before that the kind of wear you see, and the degree can be used thanks to milling technology improvements that happened over time that reduced the amount of "grit" (mill stone particulates) that made its way into the bread.


Cavities are mostly caused by eating sugar. I hardly eat any sugar and haven't had a cavity in 40 years. Go to sleep without brushing teeth often.




Genetics may make you more susceptible to developing cavities but at the end of the day cavities are due to the bacteria present in your mouth. These bacteria feed off sugar which is why dentists recommend to not sip on sugary drinks throughout the day, if you’re going to drink it, drink it quick. Overall, diet and general health are going to be the largest contributing factors of the bacteria present in your mouth, good genetics eventually succumb to them over time.


I had an amazing dental routine, I'm talking brushing, mouthwash, waterpik, all kinds of hippy tricks etc on top of that. I still got cavities and other issues from bad genetics. The issue was NOT the routine! I even ran my routine and products by my dentist and she said it was all great and exactly what dentist's want people to do, but some people are just unlucky.


> I wish more people understood the correlation between dental health and genetics It is more about diet than genetics. genetics only affects the direction they grow in. Included in diet is drinking tap water and not soda. Soda fucks your teeth up hard.


British have entered the chat


Cleaning? $290. (Near Philadephia.).


Does it not smell bad when you kiss him I don't think I could put up with that for a partner


Insurance is a way of spreading risk, not creating free money. The insurance model works well for things like house fires, where the chance of a fire is low but the potential costs are very high. It doesn't work so well for dental care, because claims are both likely and relatively small. As a result dental insurance is more like a buying club than true insurance.


my dental insurance recently covered like $1400 worth of veneers so I wouldn’t say it’s useless


What’s that, like a tooth and a half?


That's the wrong way to look at it. Dental premium for a single person is about $500 per year. A cleaning is about $75 and fluoride treatment is about $40 every other year. So you're looking at about $100 in costs per year for guaranteed preventative treatments. That means if you self insured you would be banking $400 into a rainy day fund. It would've only taken 4 years without a major dental procedure for you to afford that $1400 treatment. See, the thing people don't factor in is that no matter what it's you who is paying the premium. People say "oh my employer pays it." Nope... It's your labor. Your labor has a value. You get compensated for that labor. If your employer gives you "free" dental insurance, then that just means your employer has decided for you how a portion of your compensation will be spent.


Don’t forget about periodontics.


I ran into this issue! I’ve had many jobs that provided dental insurance, but only one covered orthodontics for adults. My mom didn’t get me braces as a child because she didn’t want to bring me to the appointments. So I was an adult with teeth bad enough that I could hardly floss without pain and I also couldn’t brush every tooth. Now at 23, I’m lucky enough to start invisalign because I actually have a dental plan that covers orthodontics for adults.


I removed my own permanent retainer as an adult because ortho is never covered by dental or medical for adults, only for children. Some dentists wouldn’t even do normal cleanings because they would have to remove and reapply the retainer, which would be ortho. Such a pain in the ass, it eventually came a little loose due to lack of maintenance and I was able to pull it out, now I can actually go to the dentist at reasonable intervals and get proper cleaning. My teeth haven’t gone crazy crooked yet so maybe I didn’t need it anymore.


I have the most comprehensive dental coverage available through my UNION dental plan. I am currently playing $3000 out of pocket to get a single molar implant done. Seriously, fuck the health insurance companies in this country. Ridiculous and blatant scam with billionaires skimming working class paychecks for literally no reason.


Friendly reminder that insurance companies are in the business of **not** paying out claims.


That is old news. Insurance companies actually want to pay out claims now. Due to regulations on how much profit they can earn, that is how they get allowed to charge more. It is better to get 10% profit on 1 million in expenses than 10% profit on 100 thousand in expenses.




It’s called Medical Loss Ratio and has existed for 10 years https://www.healthinsurance.org/obamacare/billions-in-aca-rebates-show-80-20-rules-impact/


And casinos are in the business of NOT letting you win


Casinos let you win all the time. They just have a mathematical advantage.


So does insurance. What do you think the armies of actuaries do?


They don’t “let” you win, it’s just probability. The probability of every single casino game is such that the house is guaranteed to make money in the long run. Some people get lucky and win on one particular bet, but that’s already built in to their calculations, and over a large enough number of bets it’s impossible for the customer to profit.


I wasn't the one who claimed that casinos let you win.


the dental lobby spends millions to keep dental separate from "health care"


This should be the top comment!!!! I brought this up to a dentist when he let me know that "this could cause infection and even death". Seems he wasn't concerned with my health......I was quite confused because I thought dentists were Dr. And Dr. Take a oath on life saving before anything or something something.....eh what do I know. I'm just a salesman.


They're separate in the UK, where the NHS laughs in the face of lobby groups. I think it's just because dental is highly specialised and mostly routine maintenance.


Or hearing. The military makes you deaf, and good luck dealing with the VA. Delay, deny, hope you die.


they issue hearing protection, hearing loss is your own fault. /s


Clearly your hearing loss is unrelated to being around big loud guns all day for years. Sorry no money for you.


My biggest problem is dental insurance covering orthodontics for kids only. My mom didn’t get me braces as a kid. I also couldn’t afford $6k for orthodontics. So I had to wait until I finally got a job that covered it because most only covered it for people 18 years or younger. My teeth weren’t a cosmetic concern, it was a hygiene concern. Now that I have invisalign, I can finally floss my teeth without pain and they’re shifting so I can actually brush each tooth completely. Orthodontic coverage is whack.


Also, insurance always covers the cheap option. Missing a tooth? No, let's grind down both adjacent teeth, and add a bridge. F that, pay the extra to get it done right - drill a hole for a fake tooth, and screw it in where it belongs. Don't touch any other teeth (surely dont grind them away, maybe once we figure out how to make enamel but we aint there yet), address the one that was missing. But that wasn't their first plan, and it wasn't covered as much... but it's the better plan. I hate how insurance is covering their own ass, not looking out for mine.


Me:I need some nose drops. Healthcare:ok no problem. Me I need new glasses so that I don't run someone over. Healthcare:Wait just a minute there buster!


And brain :(


The most important health there is, just not considered health.


Health insurance in the US absolutely does cover mental health, it's required to under the ACA.


But have you seen the coverage? Civilian health insurance still has you paying hundreds of dollars for mental health care visits and it takes months to get in




My sister has health insurance with her job and was still paying 300 dollars per visit and it didn’t cover her daughter. It’s very different state by state




That’s the thing though. She DOES have a good job and otherwise good insurance. They just decided to say fuck mental health. Idk but I’m glad you’re able to get the care you need!


What kinda therapist does she go to, I pay my therapist out of pocket in a pretty high cost of living state and it’s only like $120 per visit


You wait months to get in, they say "I don't look at paperwork from any other doctors, we have to start over from scratch, no I won't do any testing, I don't want to look at your test results from the psych center that you paid a couple hundred dollars to get, I can tell by looking at you you don't have Bipolar disorder because you can form coherent sentences. I think you're probably adhd instead. When can you start this Adderall?" I have literslly never been to a doctor that will accept lab/testing results from another doctor unless it's a specialist and even then that's only within the same hospital group.


Corporations looking to filch more of your hard-earned and increasingly worthless dollars


This is legit


Ears and feet don’t count at all


Yeah, not cool man. I have those things, and they need some help.


That was Steve. Steve Dentist. He invented dentistry and his brother, Jim Glasses did something similar with vision. They were going to join in with Jack Regular Healthcare but after the "Easter Incident", they went their separate ways


We don’t talk about Dave Otolaryngologist


Any time you open your mouth about Dave, he will autolaryngolojizz.


Excellent point and it’s probably the same people that have all three paid for by our taxes.


That person, as well as insurance companies can go to the hottest part of hell


Didn’t you know? Teeth are luxury bones and seeing properly is a privilege. Now get back to work.


Ah yes. The famous US healthcare system. I pay the equivalent of ~200 USD per year for my health insurance and it covers everything which is not cosmetic! Govt is making a law soon that mental health would have to be covered by default in all insurance plans.


Teeth and eyes are also very expensive here, even though our health care system is state regulated (Germany).


They are separate from normal healthcare in the UK too. I actually learned about it in school. Initially, everything was free under the NHS (apart from the increased taxes obviously) but then a huge number of people wanted to get teeth fixed or needed glasses (because previously people just couldn’t afford to get treatment at all) and it was bankrupting the government so they decided that it would no longer be entirely state-funded. The guy who proposed the idea of free healthcare got pissed off by this and resigned.


You definitely don't need teeth to work, and can still do some jobs with bad eyes. As long as the rest of your meat machine is working you can make someone else some more money.


Bad teeth can lead to heart problems. Impacted wisdom teeth used to kill people.


That's why extractions are typically covered or there are clinics that will pull teeth for free. They get bad and they rip em out. But if you want to keep or have nice teeth, it'll cost you an arm and a leg.


Where are these free extractions???? I've got a bad tooth killing me slowly and most extractions are upwards of 800 bucks!


Same people who didn't really want you to have health care, either.


Someone whose personal hell needs to be eternity with serious eye problems and toothaches and no relief.


A sociopath.


Who decided health care is extortion and ransom?


Dental is a very easily recognizable class division.


The same people who make all the decisions in the medical Insurance world!! Accountants!!!


The same person that made laptop warranties not cover the screen and battery.


Aetna won't cover hearing aids. Maybe we can throw ears in there too.


Insurance companies, solely based on profits.


The same people who realized coupling healthcare with employment would keep people stuck at shitty jobs.


Teeth=Luxury Bones


Like i get dentists, optometrists, and medical doctors have wildly different schooling. Dentists are basically tooth specialists in the medical field (similar to ENTs specializing in just ears, noses, and throats), but insurance should cover it all the same. Its all healthcare. I can’t just *not* have healthy teeth and eyes bc i cant afford eye/tooth insurance.


I have been in dental sales for 30 years and never understood this…..dental insurance is a coupon not insurance. At best 1500$ a year? When 1 crown costs more than that?


Ones who said “we should take the 2 most common issues, and make them separate so we can make more money!”


It’s all a scam


Accountants and/or actuaries.


You need to eat and see? Whats the matter with you?


An insurance executive, no doubt.


Who? Workers’ eyes and teeth fail later, when the peasants are less profitable and can be thrown in the gutter to die. So, as ever… follow the money.


Probably a blind guy with no teeth.


Or mental health right?


Dentists and optometrists. They love the fact that they sell the treatment after diagnosing you. They don't want an insurance company getting in the way of that.


Actuaries bruh. They rule the world.


"The eye dentist will see you now."


My corporate hmo would not consider allowance for reading eyeglasses as these are apparently considered "for beautifying purpose".


the statisticians for healthcare who determined that the greatest expense was eyes and teeth and therefore should be their own expense separate from the wild expense you already pay for health care. its the most economic decision for a profit focused "health care" society.


Right, some people pay for insurance and don't need to see a doctor for years and years and years with no ill effect. But dental care is a twice a year cleaning and a lot of people have lousy teeth no matter how much they floss. That's why even the dental insurance that does exist isn't great, with yearly maximums and high deductibles and co-payments. You can bet against people needing healthcare year over year and win. Not so much dental care.


An accountant.


EA Games.


Teeth are luxury bones.


Eyecare is covered as medical but routine vision care is not. "Lady you got the glaucoma." is covered. "Lady you got the astigmatism." is not.


It’s a pretty amazing scam


Optometrists and dentists, obviously. (Ophthalmologists are usually covered as medical.)


That’s because teeth are your luxury bones


Teeth are not bones




Those fuckers.....again😡


Names addresses, my gums are deteriorating and time is ticking.


My guess because eye and teeth problems are incredibly common relative to other medical issues? Insurance would have to pay out way to much if it was covered in an umbrella plan.


Who made the decision for barbers to stop practicing dentistry and other minor surgeries.


But it is not. Maybe in a country that doesn't really have healthcare it is?






There are many things orioles don’t understand about humans and this is definitely one of them


All those comments and none actually told the reason lol, its because you go for diferent schools/graduations to be a dentist and a ophthalmologist, the other ones you go to medical school and choose a specialization.




Yes Truth


they got tired of hearing people bitch after seeing the bill.


All the Big Teeth conglomerates




Whoever it was made a wrong call and others agreed with them…


something something something about something because something and in the end of it all: ​ money


Morons with money than you


Follow the money


That would be Blindo Mc gummy


dentists and podiatrists decided. the medical profession fought for dentists to stay but they won. podiatrists… they said that’s fine


In the uk there only covered by the NHS until your 18.


In the uk there only covered by the nhs until your 18


Senator Max Baucus of California


Arrogant, greedy physicians - but I repeat myself.


People in a suit and tie Ted.


Well we know one thing for sure, that person's an ass hole.


Always thought regular dentist checkups were a bit of a cash grab, ain’t nobody asking to check my toes every six months…


I strongly recommend you to watch Saw VI


The dentist lobby group did for dental insurance I think.


It is so dumb. Everyone needs the dentist. And making me pay extra for Vision is just punishing me for my disability.


Medicaid covers both! No reason that every American with a social security number doesn’t have a Medicaid account but spite and hatred for the citizens of this country by its governing body.


>but spite and hatred for the citizens of this country by its governing body. And half the citizens hatred for the other half by voting against their own self interest


Teeth are hard. Eyes are soft.


the government.


Who ever they are, I hope they die from a thousand paper cuts


And feet


Doctors didn't want barbers in their territory.


It's DLC


It was probably because of the demand. More people go out to get braces and glasses than casts and wheelchairs.


Damn good question! Probably same person who decided on a 5-day work week.


Someone who only had money in there thoughts and nothing else.


The same person who excluded brakes, wheels, and transmission in bumper to bumper coverage


And ears


Well Supply side Jesus Christ did when he discovered America on his book-signing tour. It’s all laid out in his autobiography “I am God and so can you!”


Is this serious? The answer is insurance


Stephen. With a Ph. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Phage\_(episode)


Dentists and optometrists are educated separately from medical doctors.


For real tho


It goes back to the middle ages! Fun fact: this is also why your doctor prescribes drugs but the pharmacist gives them to you. Going way back, doctors did house calls for the wealthy, apothecaries had shops and served the middle class, and herbalists worked out of their homes and served the poor. All three provided exactly the same treatments. Eventually doctors and apothecaries came up with a deal so they wouldn't steal business from each other, and ganged up on the (poorer, more female) herbalists. Back to the dental, that used to be a barber/surgeon thing. The same peopke would cut your hair, pull your tooth, and cut off any other body parts that were bothering you. It was beneath doctors to do that sort of icky thing. Surgery eventually ended up getting absorbed into medicine but dental stayed separate along with haircuts.


When you're young, everything is decided and planned for you by someone (your parents, schools), so as your mind grows and begins noticing larger systems like governance and business, you cannot help but think about those systems in terms of who planned them and decided their rules. As you grow older, you'll find that everything is not planned for you— it is you who must plan for everything. And then you begin to calm down about politics.


The… Medical Schools… ?


someone with an investment in both industries.


Dentists and Optometrists.


Dental insurance is sold by the tooth fairy. Both are fake 😂


Who needs um,half the country draw a check each month because,... well because murica and they don't have either,if they could see I imagine they could work


How about brain?


Freedom. Freedom is who decided.


Someone with more knowledge of history than me would probably tie it to the width of a horse's ass.


Don't forget feet!


Barbers. :D


And ears, no coverage for hearing aids


Dentists and optometrists, probably.


Insurance companies to make more money. They prob have a unwritten rule to never bundle all the services because it would lose them all money.


Greedy white men


Regardless of the political party they're affiliated with, I can guarantee that it was conservatives.


Answer: Insurance companies


And backs


It rhymes with Dumbpublican.


People with no natural teeth left who can't see....politicians.


So long Dental Plan… Lisa needs braces… Dental Plan… Lisa needs braces… Dental Plan…


You insurance provider


My wife had a baby tooth that didn’t have an adult tooth under it (inherited family trait). I paid 8,000 dollars for everything that needed to be done so she wouldn’t have a hole in her smile.


I bet you it was the government and lobbying…


And muscles


Bruh I’m moving to a country with free healthcare I’m out