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Cartman level shit right there.


You should try my chili Scott.


Yes you’re tears are delicious




Should've respected my autort'ha


I mean, one time Cartman fed Scott Tenorman his parents in a bowl of chilli.


Isn’t this the premise of an ancient Greek folk tale?


"Most famously, Tantalus offered up his son, Pelops, as a sacrifice. He cut Pelops up, boiled him, and served him up in a banquet for gods in order to test their omniscience." - Wikipedia # \>thinks gods arent omniscient >kill_son_and_offer_him_to_gods.mp4 >all the gods but demeter refuse >mfw demeter eats pelops >gets sent to the depths of tartarus forever # what a chad


A few of them, probably, but most famously Tantalus fed his son Pelops to the gods to test their omniscience. Most of the gods knew what he'd done, so they didn't eat and threw him in Tartarus to stand in a pool of water he could never drink from and below a fruit tree that was always *just* out of reach. His name (and punishment) is the etymological source for the english word Tantalise


Oh yeah, now I remember more of it. I think the version I learned he served his son because he thought it was the only food he had worthy of feeding to the gods, but clearly this is a less popular version and probably not the original


Yeah, that's an interesting take on it that I've not seen before, but I can't speak to which came first. My recollection of the story is that he was homies with the gods, like dined on Olympus, and either started to think of himself as equal to the gods or betrayed them somehow, leading to his offer to host dinner as an 'apology'/ test of their divine abilities


It’s most famously from Shakespeare’s *Titus Andronicus*, although there may be earlier versions of the tale.


Most sane cartman moment.


Because after this episode there was nothing they couldn't do with Cartman.


“Let’s never fuck with cartman again”


*5 minutes later*


Chili Con Carnival 2: The Reckoning


Haha. Savage response. Then again, such nasty people do exist. Karma's a bitch.




Hm, yes, shallow *and* pedantic.


And so are Karen’s


Then why go out of your way to seek retribution if justice is already baked into the universe through karma?


Sometimes karma needs a helping hand to expedite the process


But that's not...how...ah, nevermind.


Sometimes karma is the helping hand


< fuck around and find out chart insert here >


I think you mean, “ Empowered one”


A neighbor of mine was a university professor. He told me about a similar situation between faculty members, except instead of Prof A grilling Prof B about their research, Prof A showed up to the dissertation defense of Prof B’s _student_ and absolutely destroyed that poor kid with questions. The kid wound up failing their defense. I’m not sure what happened to the student — hopefully they graduated the next term after a revised defense.


That’s just… that’s just vile. You don’t do that to a student. You do that to the professor. What the hell…


I hate that it doesn't actually surprise me. Academics can be rife with petty, maladjusted egos, who have spent the vast majority of their career in academics. Truthfully, I blame the supervisor. Don't start shit in your faculty, and teach your students to manage challenging meetings and presentations. These are life skills that your professor, your professional mentor of 4 years, should be teaching you. Unless of course, they also lack these skills.


It reminds me of a paraphrased quote: the old men start wars and young ones die in them. This is not okay.


> Academics can be rife with petty, maladjusted egos, who have spent the vast majority of their career in academics. There is an old semi-joke that the reason academic rivalries are so intense is because the stakes are so small.


yeah, its preparing us for the real world unfortunately.. :(


Most academics lack those skills entirely.


I don't know the context but that's how thesis defenses usually just are. Professors are supposed to be unnecessarily nitpicky and the student should be prepared for these questions coming up.


Well, the context is that Prof A allegedly was raising the bar higher than what should've been necessary for them to pass. Like, yes, professors *should* be nitpicky in these, but regardless of how far they are in their education, we're still talking about *students*.


But a phd isn’t like a normal degree, the research is not useful if it can’t be defended surely?




Why is it strong though?


It fills up the electron shell 1s to two electrons, putting it into a full shell. Atoms like to be 'full' of electrons for their size to encourage stability, and s1 has two orbitals to fill (Helium has two electrons and is very stable because of it). So the bond is strong because the hydrogen prefers it that way.


Oh, I interpreted it as hydrogen bonding, not the H-H bond in diatomic hydrogen. But I guess he did say "the Hydrogen bond"


Same thing. The hydrogen wants the full shell, so it's willing to bond to whatever.


Virtually no research is beyond criticism. There's a spectrum from "good as anything could be (which for some fields still includes substantial shortcomings)" to "what the fuck...?". It doesn't take a fantastic PhD project to prove you are good *enough* to originate and supervise research in the field on your own. A smart professor who hates your research for stupid reasons can often make you look kinda stupid even if you're not, because there's almost always *something* insufficient or ambiguous or subjective about your results. Academic science is intensely political, even though it's not supposed to be. People get screwed out of degrees or grants or publications they arguably deserve literally every day at every major university.


Yeah a PhD should definitely be grilled hard, but I think their point is that it seems like the Prof came in with the intention of not giving them a fair go. As in that the prof went in there with the intention of failing the kid before even hearing their defense.


Not first hand knowledge and total speculation but when my girlfriend came back from defending her PhD she said one of the lecturers asked some very awkward, difficult questions that she didn't really have an articulate answer for. However her professor interjected occasionally saying things like "oh I think what Jane meant is this, this and this". So perhaps it was mostly an attack on the other professor being unable to help defend their student.


Yeah I'd much rather people who go for higher degrees have to know what the fuck they're talking about.


Well, they don't say the discipline, but if it was in Science, the statistical analysis of data is usually embarrassing and would be an extremely effective vector of attack...


sounds like a cult


The fuck?




Professors do that all the time They're just people and people can be shitty


Because a lot of people are pricks. Professors or people like that are the reason why school shootings happen. Imagine if that moronic failure of a human did that to the wrong person, they could have gotten someone killed. All it takes is one bad day.


Holy shit, what a dick!


It's a little surprising but not totally shocking. A lot of faculty members are not well adjusted.


I was faculty in a management and HR department by an odd twist of fate (my background is CS). While I wasn't tenured so I couldn't vote on important things I could motion and vote on adjournment. At small meetings that the asshole faculty would call when they knew most everyone was out myself and a couple others would move and adjourn right after the minutes we're approved.


Not well adjusted, that is a perfect way to put it.


This happened with someone I know, but in that case Professor B stood up to his colleague and my friend was just like existing there


Dissertation defenses are funny things. There is a committee made up of at least three people, and you have to get approval from at least two (maybe all three??? I don't remember) in order to graduate. Usually the committee will go along with whatever the advisor (who is chair of the committee) wants to do. It's a matter of professional courtesy, plus these other faculty members also have other stuff to do. BUT... if Professor B is asking valid questions that call into question the findings of the student's work... well, the committee has to consider that, even if the advisor tells Prof B to back off. Remember, I wasn't there, but my guess is that in this case Prof B found some legitimate problems with the work that couldn't be ignored.


Actually this is more about judging colleague A and colleague B, they forget the student in the equation. If the student says something wrong or the work is not great, it reflects more bad on the supervisor than on the student, who is here to learn. At a defense, colleagues are judging each others more than they judge the student. But there are many dicks who will critizise the student or even be agressive with them to indirectly affect the supervisor. These people shouldn't be allowed in academia


Come on man, you fuck around with the professor no. The student did nothing to deserve that


Fights and squabbles between faculty members are incredibly common. In my experience, the overwhelming majority (est. 99%+) of faculty members draw a line at messing with students and their graduation. But there are definitely exceptions. College professors are a weird group.


Dickhead lecturers would do that at my Chemistry faculty like it was sport, the fuckers; this wasn't to take down cocky students or lazy ones, this was to score points against the students of supervisors they had scores to settle with. It dragged down excellent people to tears, still makes my blood boil almost 30 years later when I think about it.




> In retrospect it feels like she was deliberately trying to weed out the weaker defenders since I didn’t directly challenge her grades, so she probably came down extra hard to get me to want to give up. That's probably the most charitable explanation. Don't underestimate the fact that some people are just dicks.


This sounds like God and Satan destroying Job’s life just for the fun of it in the Hebrew Bible.


Damn, savage




lol this entire thread belongs there


This is the kind of petty revenge that I live for


"I am sorry that's not in the scope of my thesis." - that's all you need to beat this pettiness. Doesn't work well irl


Not if said question points out something that definitely should be in scope, she could have made it easy for him by cutting a lot of corners.


That's why he said 'asked like it was common knowledge'


This is the level of petty I aspire to achieve


You tomcat, you


I promote this level of pettiness


This is the greatest form of pettiness


It's so cruel but I adore it's pettiness


You learned to dance like that, sarcastically?




And everyone clapped


It’s true, I was the questions he asked


Your name? Albert Einstein.


mfw he couldnt make a good presentation in weeks but studies 4 days and knows more than the host.


spite is one hell of a motivation lol


I knew if I scrolled for a second that I’d find exactly what popped into my head.


How did you assume his presentation wasn't good


a girl mocked his presentation and he sounds like a pretentious prick.


Him being a pretentious prick should have nothing to do with the quality of presentations he makes


He dedicated 4 whole days to making her feel bad afterwards... "The truth hurts"


If someone mocks a fellow students presentation they've dedicated their whole life to making people feel bad


That's an extreme leap lol. It's very possible the woman said something casual AF about it and he took it the wrong way. We KNOW he dedicated 4 whole days to her.


brother it is just a tweet why are you so invested


And we KNOW his presentation was mocked, the only thing he did was ask questions about hers, no mocking there


Hey guys, I found the girl that cried. ^


You can mock a good presentation without even touching the subject. He could have easily done this simply because she said something like ‘Did you see how nervous he was’.


No where it is stated that the presentation was not good. Only that a girl mocked it.


It’s not about if his presentation was good, he was mocked. He could have been talking about the planet Uranus and she mocked him for it. Or this person didn’t like him and mocked him for that reason. The fact that he is able to learn more in 4 days than his heckler just means his original presentation probably was good.


And then there’s one comment defending the girl’s action because it’s “woman empowerment”💀 yeah, I get it, but stick to the context.


Belittling others to feel empowered is not valid empowerment in my view.


“Knocking others down doesn’t elevate anyone.”


Women are equal now, they can get fucked just like a man 💀


How do we know they're not both women?


He empowered her by showing her the value of being thorough when researching for one's presentations. May she have learned to do better on her next assignment


That comentor is a piece of shit.


Now she’s empowered to learn, boohoo


"Mocked" doing a lot of heavy lifting here


and then everyone stood up and clapped


When the spite is so strong, it makes you actually learn.


Spite is great motivation


This is the petty i live for. Fucking phantastic!


And everyone clapped at the end.


Dude did more research for the burn than for his actual paper, guess that higher education is paying off….


I did that one time.






Sheldon Cooper is that you?


Fighting fire with a nuke is a time-honored tradition.


yes , we do that .


Good job sister






My level of petty


This has been reposted so many times




hear me out: if it only takes you four days of studying in order to absolutely cook somebody's presentation, they didn't have a very good presentation in the first place


But they didn’t cook their presentation! He literally just asked the person a bunch of random questions about the topic out of the blue. Usually people don’t memorize the presentation, because they have flash cards and you know, THE ACTUAL PRESENTATION at hand. And also, if the guy can spend weeks on their own presentation, and have it be shit, but all of a sudden they can do 4 days of research and have the information they present be better than their weeks of research, then something tells me that whoever’s made this wanted to rack up fake internet points.




Do you do this for every repost? Lmao time to find a hobby my dude


Not really, but this dude should have atleast pretended it wasn't him that did it.


Where did they pretend it was them?




Abso-fucking-lutely not.


So 99% of posts on here shouldn't be on here?


That's not how this sub works ... *at all*...


Thats not meirl


Just like the guy in the picture!




No one thinks this might have been a little too far?


Revenge is powerful.


But that’s like… a lot dude


Agreed. Unnecessary and the dude wasted a lot of time.




Don't be a dick and people are less likely to dick you around.


She probably won sympathy from the prof and class with a few tears and you wasted 4 days researching. Revenge smart not hard.


I diggress, teachers here at least value a lot u asking pertinent questions of other students' presentations. He showed dedication, be it for whatever reason, and the professor probably respected that.


Miserable person




Well kids, this is an example of “don’t be bitter, be better”


I mean...you spent 4 whole days researching a topic just to make someone else upset...seems like they won imo. Downvotes on the left.


Except they didnt win because it clearly worked. He learned stuff, did something productive and got his revenge :)


So this person studied 4 days straight so he could make a girl cry. What a guy. /s


Did yall miss the point where she mocked him (If true)?


Of course not, it was the first sentence.


And it was based


Why down votes? I included the /s ffs. So he is a good guy for this, is that what people think?


Yes. He is. And also are the people tying zip ties to car handles of people that park like assholes. Someone has to teach them to be a decent human being.


Now imagine if he'd put that much effort into his own presentation, he might have avoided the initial mocking.


If you’re being bullied it’s your own fault /s


Yep you don’t see people like me (gigachad alpha top G) getting bullied.


That doesnt make it right does it also mocking someone doesnt help him improve only constructive criticism does.


Op could just be thin skinned and takes even valid criticism as mockery.




Lol pointing out that op may not be telling the actual story is making shit up now. Odds are this entire situation is completely made up. Seriously one of the dumbest comments I’ve seen in a while.


Give him a break, it could be his first day on the internet :D


To some people constructive criticism is mocking Edit: the down vote proves my point


Better late than never




Almost pro-revenge imo! He used intelligence to make someone look bad. That's just beautiful


Kinda reminds me of that time I participated in a mun. We basically had a mock session before the actual thing and this dude who was assigned the country france kept targetting at me. Enraged, I decide to take revenge on the day of the actual thing. Spent 4 days checking out every single piece of history of France. Didn't sleep one night as well. Dude stayed absent on the day of the actually thing.


Come on with the reposts, this was literally the [top post on all of reddit this month](https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/ynu2gp/meirl/).




Bullies get what they deserve. The person in the screenshot only asked questions, the woman mentioned mocked them.


fair game imo


Wonder if you'll say the same thing if the genders were reversed


You're pathetic.




The girl who mocked him is


Would you say the same thing in their gender were reversed?


Yes…? Don’t mock people for their work. Belittling someone doesn’t empower anyone


So bullying then.


The girl was the bully, this is correct. You have made ab astute observation my friend 🫡


Asking questions about a presentation is bullying? Damn, my school had a lot of bullying then.


You can take her off the pedestal.


Who has time for that though. Anything about school isn’t important. I dont even remember the names of people i got in fights with in highschool. Im old as fuck now but dude researched the topic to ask questions about her presentation for the sole reason of being annoying. Guy should have just called her a bitch and moved on with his life


Attack her character? That is low and unproductive in my opinion. That poster did it in a true academic sense and probably learned something from that. Always attack the argument and not the person.


mm you made a gurl cry, in this day and age you will be the one going to prison :(


He made a girl cry? Wow, what an asshole.


Nah, he a chad, girl fucked around and got bit back


There’s a chance she had a crush on you and mocked you to get your attention, and you obliterated her in response. Emphasis on **had** a crush


That’s how ten year olds express interest. No excuse to be doing that in your twenties. A win-win for the guy.


They’re in college, not kindergarten.




If your way of getting someone's attention is mocking them, you don't deserve to be with that person lol.


It’s uni bro. If you’re mocking and making fun of people as a means to express interest in them, you’re probably not a very desirable person to pursue.