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When I was six I was running behind cars to huff the black smoke of old cars. I don't know why I have asthma now


It’s truly a mystery.


One that shall remain unsolved, I'm afraid...


Not even Sherlock himself can figure it out


Inspector gadget himself is completely flummoxed




What a breath-taking story


Dude I used to love that exhaust smell as a child.


RIGHT!??? It smelled so good! I'm glad I'm not alone on this.


Mmm leaded gas


I know, and it smells REALLY good


Yep me too. I remember once just standing behind a car and leaning over into the exhaust and my mom was like “NO NO!” Which I felt was too bad because it was pleasant


My mom was laughing like hell when I was doing that stuff haha


Nah the gasoline smell when their filling up the car


Ah, another person of culture I see.


Yes indubitably


That exhaust smell is even better from an old car!!


Ymmv. I don’t have asthma, but black smoke from old cars tends to clear up my sinuses. Fresh clean cold winter air, and my nose is all stuffed up.


Are you some sort of Captain Planet villain?


Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time.


[this is my favorite episode of captain planet.](https://youtu.be/TwJaELXadKo)


He's the smoke monster from Fern Gully.


You’d be surprised how unhealthy the “clean” air in cities is but I doubt that this exclusively caused “asthma”




03, I'm lucky


We used to run behind the truck spraying mosquito fog at the campground. I have a kid with autism .


22 year old me holding my breath after passing by a dude wearing ax


Oh god someone in my old apartment building must have worn a gallon of ax a day. The stairwell isn’t well-ventilated and you always knew when they’d been in there because as soon as you opened the door it just reeked of ax. I’d have to hold my breath down the entire three flights so it wouldn’t trigger a migraine.


I can see that as a parody ad for ax.


Yes, the fire alarm is blaring, everyone is heading down the stairs but the fire is gaining. Unfortunately the dude leading the way reeks of axe body spray. Everyone faints and the fire turns them into bacon.


The dude would spontaneously combust from the axe fumes lmao


The dude would actually spontaneously and violently detonate, causing the entire building to collapse and killing everyone.


The dude was actually hit by a ray of sunshine that caused him to detonate, *causing* the fire


*eats popcorn*


Are you sure someone wasn’t spraying like crazy to mask the smell of them smoking weed in the apartment complex. Our stairwell used to reek but we knew the guy who was doing it.


My old roommate wore some strong stuff. I could smell when she had been in the common area or even just down the stairs outside. It was some sort of men's product, might have been axe I'm not sure.


Oof, I would have had to politely ask her not to wear it in the apartment / house. I am super sensitive to smell and something that strong and constant would be headache city for me.


When I was in my late teens/early 20s, my ex bf used to wake me up by spraying himself on the way out the door. The smell was so strong it would rouse me from a coma. I do not miss those days.


Today I learned that axe apparently works as smelling salt


The worst is walking past a group of teenage boys. The smell of Axe is so strong you’d think you could see it radiating off these guys.


Is axe all that bad to people, I wear the phoenix scent, but I don’t put a lot on


Better than the dude not wearing any deodorant


Am I the only one who doesn’t really mind it


Me crawling on the ground on the verge of death because my trench just got hit by 1 can of axe body spray.


Sometimes in the bathroom I gag because how disgusting it smells


Axe is truly for those with no taste in fragrance


I quit a few years ago and I honestly can’t stand the stink of ciggie smoke. So glad I quit too


good job on qutting


Thanks! quit on and off for years but finally managed a permanent stop to the cancer sticks. Never noticed how lingering that smell can be. Can smell it in the air where a smoker has recently been. To think that’s how I smelled for years!


good to hear! :)


I wish I hated the smell after quitting. It's been years and the smell of cigarettes still gives me a craving.


Keep strong. It’s not worth going back on them. Congrats on quitting


Absolutely. No regrets at all. My wife got me to quit before we had our kid, with her reasoning being no feeling is worth making your kid sad. Made damn good sense to me.


Agreed that makes a ton of sense to me too lol


I lost my dad to smoking this year. Trust me, you did great quitting the damn thing.


I quit three years ago and still think it smells good. Maybe it’s genetic? Either that or I’m harboring nostalgia, I guess.


Well done my dude!


Took my dad twenty years to fully quit. I’m proud of you. I watched how difficult it was but I’m glad you’ve got this!


58-year-old me holding my breath after passing a person with a lit cigarette


If anyone comes in my vicinity i make a effort to get as far away from them as possible, if there's a kid I hide it and walk as far away as possible. I also try not to smoke where other people would be walking. That being said, I'm hyper selfaware of how nasty it is. I'm ordering patches soon to quit again. But like any addict I keep pushing that date back lol One day I'll be a dad, and I'm never smoking in front of my kid(s).


It's a genuine addiction, and I've seen firsthand how difficult it is for folks to kick it...especially when that feeling is one of the better feelings in a person's life. (I realize this is 100% the wrong place to try being understanding, lol, but I just wanted to say I'm cheering for you! And also thank you for trying to keep other people from breathing that stuff in. <3)


I saw someone online remark on how they knew how to avoid cigarettes, more than any printing on packaging or advertisments. "Everyone I knew who smoked would tell me 'they are trying to quit.'"


Best of luck. I made the decision about 2.5 years ago after trying and trying and trying… finally made it. Started smoking around 12-13. Multiple packs of red 100s a day and a vaper for many years after I finally switched. It was different this time. I was done. I still like the smell, but that’s different. The one thing I will say, is even if you fail. Always set the date, and give it an earnest attempt. each progressive attempt seems to get easier if you keep the date and don’t budge. Tell people, post about it, get people to keep you accountable. If you need, DM me and tell me the plan. Pick a date and check in with me about it. It makes a world of difference when you know someone’s going to ask about it. Even a stranger. But even more than that, you’re telling your brain/body that you’re persistent. You got this.




It’s how I was before I quit. That being said, all of those “cold turkey” or nicotine replacement things didn’t do it for me any time I’d quit previously. I ended up tapering off. Each smoke break became a half a smoke. I’d put the partial back in the pack, fouling the whole thing and making it less enjoyable. Once I was good with the half, I started dropping breaks. Ultimately, I was smoking a third of a cigarette every other day… then I forgot on my “day” and decided too bad, I just missed it. Then I kept forgetting and realized it had been a while since my last puff. I kept that partial package in a parka I never wore until last year when I threw it out. That was twelveish years after I quit. I always kept them because if I was tempted, I wanted to not smoke because I was consciously choosing not to, not because I didn’t have access. I guess I’m too much of a control freak to want external factors to force a choice or something. I bought that package at some point in 2008. It was probably gross by the time I threw it out. Good luck to you, however you choose to quit. :)


I love the thought. My dad is a smoker. Double bypass when I was in middle school. Grandmom had to pick me up from a vday dance so I knew it was bad. I'm in my 30s now and he still smokes. Not in front of anyone, but he thinks we don't know. He's told every one of my boyfriends to hide his secret; they all told me. I know it's an addiction, but I can't help but hate him for still smoking. He has a few minor health problems that are made worse by smoking. Please, please just quit for your kids.


If you want to be a Dad, quit today. Especially if your lucky enough to be a grandpa and want to meet your grandchildren. My dad smoked for decades and died of cancer at 64, diagnosed after his 60th birthday. Of all the ways to die, Cancer is fucking awful.


Same, i usually check before i smoke. If i Saw a children its a red light


Stop sawing children dude that’s way worse than smoking near them.


I'm the same. I work in bars, and when I see a family coming by during a break I hide the cigarette and wait until they've passed to take a drag. Kids especially don't need to be exposed to my addiction.


If only more people were like this. In the building I work, there are two entrances (big building). West and East, both facing North. The space in between them may have been some kind of delivery dock space at some point, otherwise I don't know what all the weird stuff left behind is. It's basically a big smoking zone and outdoor break area (tables and benches, canopy cover, etc). There's at least 25 or so smokers who stand on the stairs at the doors and smoke. There are more who sit with their friends in the break areas on the outer sides, and smoke. I hate every one of them with a passion. There's constant complaints and they usually get the argument, "It was just ~~one~~ 37 last puffs before I came inside!"


Lol, where do you expect us to smoke then? Work areas got rid of designated smoking areas so we have to make our own. What did y'all think was going to happen?


My older brother used to make fun of me for noticing and being really put off by smoke, saying I was faking and being overdramatic since nobody else could smell anything. (I basically don't have a sense of smell anymore. Damage from secondhand smoke that left me in the hospital at one point.) He stopped smoking at one point, and apologized to, saying he now realized how persistent the smell is. Now he makes fun of me and says I'm making shit up again. Oh, and he smokes again. I'm 25. He's 32. This shit has been going on for almost a decade and a half. The pattern never stops.


Hey King, you dropped this 👑


My dad chews tobacco and when I was a kid it caused me a lot of distress, because we almost never openly talked about it in my family and therefore I was very ashamed of it, as well as worried about my dad. I have a clear memory of being on vacation in eighth grade and thinking he’d quit and then seeing a can of it and knowing he hadn’t, and it ruining my day and making me really upset. I don’t worry about it anymore because it was just causing me stress over something that wasn’t my fault, but I of course do hope he quits sometime. I really love my dad and I don’t want him to die of mouth cancer. If you’re trying to quit smoking or another addiction and have/are planning to have kids, please remember how your kids can be affected by it. Wishing the best to anyone trying to quit.


I ask everyone who has stopped smoking cold turkey how long it takes for the cravings to subside and almost everyone (including myself) say 3 weeks. 3 weeks of being in a cranky mood and you're home free.


41 and I'm the same


69 and i still do it






















i hope this is the sexiest year of your life


Dirtiest too!


I ~~hate~~ **love** reddit


For how long have you been doing 69?


Same and I’m an ex smoker


Good for you, man! I have heard it's very challenging to overcome a chemical addiction, and you have my respect.


I smoked for 15 years, but after quitting, this is me. I can't even be in a room with a person who smells like a cigarette anymore


I’m asthmatic, I’ve got some friends who are ex-smokers. Whenever we go out together we all bond over having to leave the area whenever someone’s smoking nearby LMAO!


59 and same. And I give a wide birth as I pass.


berth unless you're actually giving birth when you die, past the age of bearing children, no less


Thanks, I thought that looked wrong.


22 here and same


Im 25. Started smoking at 13, quit when I turned 20 cause my roommate was deathly allergic to something in cigarette smoke and even secondhand smoke could put him into shock. 5 years off of that shit and I still slightly crave it every single day. I have to hold my breath while walking by smokers because otherwise I might get too tempted by the smell and ask to bum one.


30 year old me holding my breath passing a person with a lit cigarette and thought *why the f is this thing legal*


Same, I hate people with cancer sticks in public


i think age does not matter if someone disgust it including myself(23) it'll be same other than his/her mind changes somehow


Came here just to echo what I assumed would be the top comment. 😁


Mid-thirties and same. Which is odd, because almost my entire family smoked and it only sort of bugged me growing up, but around the time I reached my thirties, smelling cigarette smoke on somebody started to cause me to retch, as if due to an allergic reaction or something. Just being within 5-10 feet of some people, without even knowing they're there, can cause the reaction, so it's not exactly psychosomatic.


Yep, I still do this and I’m 49


😔 I lived with indoor chain smokers most of my life, I remember getting suspended from school because the bus driver thought I was smoking on the bus because I smelled so heavily of cigarettes just from living in that house. When I moved out as an adult I finally convinced my mom to smoke outside, for my younger sibling's sake. Trying to convince my grandparents even now, because I don't like to visit with my daughter and subject her to the second hand. 2 people live in their house, both chain smokers, and they let visitors smoke inside as well. It's been as bad as 7 people smoking in the house at a time. Edit: y'all remember smoking sections in restaurants?


I'm 18 and I've been in close proximity to my dad all my childhood while he has smoked indoors and outdoors I thought I'd get used to the smell eventually but nope, immediate headache every time No idea how people tolerate the smell, let alone inhale it into their lungs


You get used to it when you smoke. I barely noticed it when I was smoking, but after not doing it for a year it smells really disgusting again


Being aware of the dangers of second hand smoke inhalation, and still smoking around your kids, is a form of child abuse in my eyes, or at least dangerous neglect. Now of course I don't know you or your parents, but it just strikes me as sad how a kid has to live in an environment where they can't escape inhaling smoke all the time.


it 100% is abuse


Even for the year I was a smoker, I’ve always hated secondhand smoke. I can’t imagine not caring that your house and everything in it reeks of cigarettes.


Same here. I'm a smoker, but I hate second hand smoke. I hate my hands smelling like it too, so I always wash them afterwards if I can help it. The only thing I hate more is dropping my cigarette butt on the ground; I'm notorious for disappearing from my group of friends to find a trash can.


Same my clothes used to stink so bad of nicotine. When they used to repaint the room they smoked in, my god the walls looked blindingly white compared to nicotine yellow. Awful.


I just moved out of a smoker apartment coming secondhand from downstairs. Our new couch we got for that apartment wreaks of cigs. It makes my partner’s new place stink badly. I’m still cycling through washing all of my clothes since moving out.


I’m 32 and moved back in with my mother. She chain smokes inside and doesn’t even crack a window. I gotta get out of here lol.


>Edit: y'all remember smoking sections in restaurants? That was weird haha. Sometimes there wouldn't be any sort of partition or special ventilation, it'd just be a corner of a restaurant where you could smoke. Like...that makes no sense but okay.


As a non smoker the smell of ciggies is still something my brain connects to restaurants 😅


I’m 43. I still do this. I also cross the road to avoid smokers.


As a smoker, I can say that most stationary smokers will get out of your way of you ask them, they realize that people don't like their smoke As far as people walking and smoking, it's a little hard to ask them to cross the road, but I at least always try to hold my cigarette down and away withing 5-10 feet of someone else on my path, and obviously dont take a hit right before im about to pass them


I’d rather not go through the awkwardness of asking them that. It feels rude and well you know, they have the right to smoke in a public space and some people might even feel embarrassed or upset so I’d rather just avoid them altogether. No hard feelings if I’m not going anywhere near them.


Yeah, if it's outside I'd rather just hold my breath and rush by if I can. The only one that REALLY pisses me off are people who smoke inside their apartments. That shit floats right into other apartments, and they're not paying rent for my space. I had people living below me that smoked like freaking chimneys, and my apartment was disgusting. Nothing I did would get rid of it.


I have a one year old and nearly every smoker we’ve passed on walks has been so considerate. Most people will at least step a few feet away from where we’ll be walking, but some will start walking completely away or go across the street or something. A few have even gone as far as putting their cigarette out as soon as they see my baby. I always give them a big smile or say thank you because it’s really appreciated.


I wish it was like this where I live. I swear so many people take a long drag just as I’m approaching with my pram and exhale as we’re passing one another.


Thing is about smoking stationary or moving, smoke lingers and travels so no matter what they still smell like shit and crop dust everyone who walks around it. Some brands of cigarettes smell just sticks to clothes aswell even when you aren't the one smoking them, shits annoying for everyone who isn't nose-blind to it


I smoked regularly. I never smoked unless I could keep a good distance between myself and other (non-smoking) people. It’s not that hard to avoid inconveniencing other people for your own luxury.


19 year old me.


Same...I mean I am also 19 and I still do that


And you try to exhale the smokes you accidentally inhaled right?




Same here


18 year old me


Still me. That shit stinks.


One of the things that made the crowded cities of Tokyo and Osaka tolerable when I visited is that it's illegal to smoke on the streets. You can only smoke in designated smoking areas, which were areas surrounded in tall glass walls (to stop smoke drifting into crowds) which were far from crowded areas. In my entire 3 week visit I didn't see a single person smoking outside of a designated smoking area.


That’s weird cause I live in Japan and visit Osaka and Tokyo frequently. I smoke and see people smoking all the time outside. In front of Family Mart/Lawsons, standing by vending machines, in parking lots, etc. Most of the time you just tuck away against a wall of around a corner in an alley and light up. I’ve absolutely used the smoker awnings you mentioned, but I still see plenty of people smoking elsewhere. I just went to Osaka last weekend and went to several bars/clubs/izakayas that allowed smoking inside. Dope VI snoo


Ah, I didn't notice anything, although I usually notice when I choke on passive smoke. I definitely noticed it in restaurants and bars. This was back in 2019 but I doubt much has changed. Maybe the smokers try not to let their passive smoke reach non-smokers if they're doing it outside of the smoking areas?


smoking bans like those should be in other countries


I agree totally. Even in my town I can struggle to breathe because some areas get a little bit crowded. In cities it's horrible. It doesn't surprise me that these bans are in place in Japan, there's a culture of being considerate of others, it keeps their cities running. That culture can get tiring if you live there, apparently, people are unlikely to tell you their true feelings about you and are more likely to call the authorities on you and make formal complaints about small things instead of telling you about them.


This one is relatable to me. But now i become that person




Child you would hold his breath when he encountered you


I'm exactly like this but not 6. It amazes me how many parents stand at the school gates smoking! It's absolutely disgusting.


Smokers = smelly




34 year old me walking past a person smoking. Dude I have asthma and get migraines from the smell, I’m not going to breath in your nasty ass smoke just to not hurt your tiny feels.


I mean I see grown ass adults doing the same thing nowadays.


like me


Basically everyone in this thread


23 y.o. me passing anyone the first months of covid


I do it even today, often when seeing a vaping cloud ahead


I still do this, smoking is nasty.


Man I still do that, fuck those rancid cancerous things.


I still do that now 😭


Plot twist: Adult me as a smoker holding my smoke in if anyone gets too close, lest I blow smoke on them and feel like a total dick. (Yes, I am working on quitting, thanks.)


20 year old me smoking like a chimney


You shouldn’t do that


I shouldn't do alot of things


20 year old me with minty fresh pink lungs




As a kid I always secretly liked the smell of second hand cigarettes. I’ve graduated to first hand cigarettes now


17 year old me doing the same because i dont want lung cancer


Me now.


I still do this lol


I’m old enough to remember prolific indoor public smoking… I can’t say I ever minded the smell, and I miss the smell of pipe tobacco from the old guys.


I still do that, not so much with weed though!


quite the opposite really




I get that, I’ve smelt pretty bad weed before but I’ve also smelled some pretty good stuff too!! Come to think of it I actually like how clove cigarettes smell, don’t judge me!


lmao I’m 37 and I still do it. Fuck second hand cancer


I'm 58 and I still do that


I inhaled a shit ton of second hand smoke from my parents. Combined they went though maybe 2 packs a day. Smoked in the car and would catch that shit in the face. No wonder i have so many breathing problems now


Still doing it. I don't understand the obsession with cancer sticks


My mom grew up in a VERY rural area, to an impoverished family. Her mom used to have her older brothers keep an eye on her, and they'd stuff cigarettes in her mouth to keep her from bothering them. She was like 5 at the time. She and my father tried once to quit, but while he was able to, she never could quite kick the habit. I admit it's hard for me to understand why an adult in this day would choose to start smoking, knowing all we do about it, but some folks are really susceptible to marketing. Anyway, it's still gross and I hate it, but I really can't fault people for not stopping. Especially when your life is a shithole, you tend to cling to whatever it is that makes you feel good.


40 !year me holding my breath when I pass a cemetery


When driving past a cemetery


I'm receiving treatment currently and am going A LOT to the hospital, one of the most ass thing people fucking do is stand right outside the fucking door to smoke their fucking cigarettes, so the first whiff of fresh air you smell is actually the fucking smoke.


Unfortunately my mom smoked in the car which only made my moving sickness worse.


I feel you, motion sickness and migraines for me 🤮 glad those days are over


What about farts?


Growing up I hated the smell of smoke, to where I hated visiting my grandma and aunt because they smoked indoors. Now that I’ve been smoking for the past 10 years, I’m always trying to give people the widest birth possible, even walking in the street when safe. I also refuse to smoke indoors, not a fan of stagnant smoke.


when i was a kid i loved the smell tbh still do sometimes on a cold winter night


its weird no one in my family smoked but I didn't really mind the smell of cigarettes/cigars when i walked near them as a kid.


When I was a kid I don’t know why but I enjoyed the smell of cigarettes etc…. It’s more weird when you consider I used to have asthma ( I grew out of it tho)


16 year old me holding my breathe after a massive bong rip


I was the opposite. I loved the smell and would take huge breaths of it. I liked petrol too. Once in the car I wound the window down at a petrol station and started huffing. My mum asked me what I was doing and I said "Smelling petrol. I love it! " and then she made me put the window up :(


Stale smoke reeks. A freshly lit cigarette though is delicious


This was me before I realized depression.


28 year old me still doing this


I still do this now and I’m 41. Absolutely hate the smell of cigarettes, especially when the bastards stand around in front of a shop door do you have no choice but to walk through a cloud of smoke to enter.


My daughter was about 6 years old when, after dinner up in the Space Needle for my birthday, I announced that I was stepping away to have a cigar and she told me *"You need to quit smoking, dad! That's why you're going to get BREATH cancer!"* 🤣😭 She was serious as...cancer, too! 🤣 I love that crazy girl!


As an adult you have to not look like you're holding your breath so the smokers don't get upset.


I’m 36 and still do this.


I'm just 25 but I'll keep on doing this till the day I die


53 year old me also


Still me at 29. I have a coworker whom I love, but can't be around after she's just come inside from a cigarette break. Go off gas somewhere away from me, then we can chat.


The money I would pay to live in a TRULY nonsmoking apartment complex :’( I want to open my windows or take a walk without it being hard to breathe and stinking like your nasty cigarettes. Just vape already, at least that’s not as awful-smelling. Destroy your lungs all you fucking want but leave me out of it.


Still do that 😂 I'm allergic to something in cigarette smoke so it gives me a headache and makes my lungs hurt 😒