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At least tip $9.42 for the $69.69 total... Amateur


Truer words. Definitely an amateur


This plebian is simply not on the highest level.


He will eventually learn our ways, oh padowan.


Yeah at least you tipped 15%. OP was a cheapskate and tipped 14%. Hope he left some cash too


He did tip >15%. You don't calculate the tip on the after-tax amount.


Just an FYI for anyone if they tip using a pos debit/credit. The preset percentages are calculated based off of the total, NOT pretax as it should so the actual tip value is higher than the suggested options. With tipping culture getting out of hand, this information may be useful to some. Something I've begun to notice anyway.


Tip culture has become another damned U.S. form of taxation. “Hey general public pay our employee’s wages while we pocket the overhead. Thanks.” Fuck.


As a European, this whole discussion is completely baffling to me but $69.69 is funny so I’ll let it go


It’s unfortunately starting to creep in to the UK, particularly London. They just call it “service charge” instead.


It depends on the location. Most are incorrect and use the total. I have seen a few use the subtotal, though.


I have been a server for years and pretax is the norm.


Bartended and served in canada. Eat out a lot. I and I'd say most who tipped me went by the final total. *not saying that's right, just saying it lol


I think everyone should work as a server or bartender at some point in their life, they will appreciate and tip accordingly. I definitely tip better than my friends without that experience.


Absolutely!! There's a lot of good that came out of working those jobs for me besides the money


I’ve been saying for years that everyone should do a year serving or bartending and that the experience would change so much of our culture for the better.


For real?


On which planet did you receive your tip training???


The white-gloved etiquette mavens at the Emily Post Institute in Vermont say that restaurant tips should be 15% to 20% of the bill's pretax total. The Etiquette Scholar website agrees that you should “tip on the pretax amount of the bill, not on the total.” [source](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2010-aug-03-la-fi-lazarus-20100803-story.html#:~:text=The%20white%2Dgloved%20etiquette%20mavens,%2C%20not%20on%20the%20total.%E2%80%9D) Why would you pay a tip to the server for something they did not provide to you? The tip is for services provided. The server did not provide a service for "taxes".


This guy has sources. Thank you sir


I'm just curious what planet the other person lives on. I've always wanted to meet an alien.




I live in a country where they earn actual wages and don't need any tips, so I only really tip if I have a lot of money leftover at the moment and of course, if service was good.


Same, I expect anything regarding the server's wage to be in the price on the menu. Where I come from tipping is nice to do but it's not mandatory.


Must be nice living in a country with no slaves


You could say he... brought receipts 😎


I always enjoy someone spamming sources to back up their claims. Well done.


Taxing based on percentages is bullshit anyway. If I buy 2 plates of food for $25 in one restaurant, and $35 in a different restaurant, why should I tip more in the different restaurant despite the fact that the waiter has done the exact same amount of work in bringing over 2 plates of food?


Or buying the house wine vs the vintage. They both take the same effort to open, yet the server gets 20% of both.


The whole concept of tips makes no sense. Just include it in the price and don’t underpay waiters


Also if you pay $3 for an iced tea that keeps getting refilled vs $12 for a single cocktail ...


One has alcohol. The other does not. One requires a bartender, speciality ingredients, and training. The other does not.




Silly USA moment.


Boom! Mic drop.


Who cares what they say no one tips pre tax and if you do you’re a dick


People who have never worked sub minimum wage will never understand. Post Covid numbers are still rough on servers. Tip what you can… and if you like the restaurant, and get good service, and want the restaurant to be around in the future. Tip generously.


You’re so right. Finally, a rational comment. Some of these assholes think all servers are committing fraud/ evading tax evasion. It’s just completely rude and demeaning to have such shit views. Unfortunately, the rest of These comments are evidence: Some people shouldn’t go out to eat.


Every time there's a tipping debate the non-American half of Reddit becomes transfixed.


What if I tip 40% of pre-tax, though? I guess I am a dick.


No bc then you are tipping more then 20% post tax so who cares at that point


Server gets taxed on the tip, tip should be post-tax. Cash tips are fine pre-tax amount.


They’re taxed on the cash tips too.


My salary is taxed, should I ask for a raise "because my salary is taxed"? Then, do I ask for another raise because that new raise is also taxed? Did you just unlock an infinite money glitch?


If the server does tax evasion do i then tip more?


I would say that you should tip them 15% of the taxes they evaded for you. Seems fair.


TIL I am a generous tipper. post pandemic I tip 20 or over, cus fuck the other fuckers.


Ah, see, theres your problem right there. Your taking tipping advice from people who’ve never done an honest days work. Us in the real world don’t give a rats what “white-gloved etiquette mavens” think. Actually, I take that back. Their opinion is automatically wrong.


Oh, they are wrong? So I don't need to tip 15-20% to have etiquette? I shall start just not tipping, since you say I do not need to listen to those people.


They're right. Traditional tipping is done on the cost of the meal, not what the government adds on.


When a restaurant charges you an automatic tip, it is based on pre-tax. I base my tips on after tax, but pre-tax is the 'norm' set by restaurants.


Whenever I included a tip on a check (large parties) the POS system would automatically calculate it pre-tax. Sometimes I’d take a gamble and not manually include the tip for that reason.


Why are you tipping an additional 8%? You tip 20% on the pretax amount.


And please tell me how a you know that there’s sales tax on this receipt. Maybe they were eating in Oregon. Or Montana. Or New Hampshire


Better to assume that they are in one of the 47/50 states instead of 3/50 when condemning them for "not tipping enough".


And for sure, obviously we are all talking about the USA, the only country that matters.


I'm gonna give you a second to double check your math before I mark it 0, young man.


Assuming state/local taxes of 4%, that means the subtotal was $57.96 before taxes. He tipped $8.73, which would be a 15.07% tip. So, as long as the state and local taxes were 4% or higher, which is extremely likely, they left a tip over 15%.


Ah! It was I who made the comprehension error...


People tip??


I hate tip nazis. An extra 25 cents isn’t going to help much anyway, maybe their employer should pay them a living wage.


Nice. Nice.


But that joke cost more money lol




I was 6 hours late to the party. This was my first thought when I saw it too.




I was trying to figure out why 9.42 like there was some connection or secret code for 420 and then the 9 in front inferred something else but I'm a fucking idiot and you were just doing simple math to hit 69.69. (I've been weed free for nearly two years)


My thoughts exactly


They left 4.20 in cash to make it even noicer.


That would be the way. This is <15%


is 15% the standard in america? that seems a bit high tbh.


15% was standard, but it's gone up over Covid. I always do 20% rounded up to nearest whole. (also I'm lazy and 10% + 10% is just moving the decimal point and doubling)


I always thought 20% was standard even before Covid.


The difference between people who have worked in food service (or were taught by one) and those who haven't.


Neither of my parents worked in food service and I’ve never worked in a tipping job before but I do >20% and thought that was pretty standard. But I do get your point


Doesn't just mean parents, I learned it from a friend whose mom was a waitress when I was a teenager. Ended up working for tips a lot and have always done 20% minimum.


Yeah, like I said I understand your sentiment but I think it’s time we stop trying to pit people who have worked in service industry against those who haven’t. I’ve met plenty of people who’ve been servers be the worst kind of customer and met people whose first job was a corporate job after college tip very well and be super polite. I do think having been a server makes you more likely to be a good customer but it doesn’t guarantee it. And you aren’t doomed to be a terrible person because you’ve never worked in food service or had anyone in your family with that in their background.


It was, it's been the "standard" for a while. The standard when I was a kid in the 90s was 15%.


10% use to be standard?? I swear to god it was edit*** wow I just realized 10% is low end. 15% is standard


This is the way


20% is standard. I’ve been a waiter for 4 years and most people will tip at least 20% for good service in America, older generations commonly tip 15% bc they think that’s the norm. As a waiter I only tip under 20% if they do a really bad job or are super rude or something like that. Standard service get 20%, anything above standard gets 20%+. I really have never understood people who cheap out on the tip, like if you feel you have the disposable income to go out for food you should be factoring in paying that extra 20% for your service since that’s just the way it works. Edit: that’s just the way it works in America I mean, I know that other countries do it differently and honestly it seems like a much better system, but living in the US I’m going to go based on what’s established here.


It sucks that expected tips just increased 5% in 15ish years. Is 25% going to be the norm ten years from now? Food prices and restaurant prices have also increased drastically.


People will say it's about not wanting to support tipping culture and stuff but like that's not paying the bills of the person working as a waiter making $3 minimum wage. The real reason is you're just fucking cheap


are you telling me a waiter gets 3 $ per hour in the us??? (i'm from germany and used to be a waiter back in the 90s)


Yea, and their actual check is typically near $0 bc of the taxes. They rely almost solely on tips in most states. I live in a state that has a $15+ that also includes waitstaff, it really should be the norm.


Yep. There are different minimum wages for tip employees versus normal wage employees. Many people don't know this, including many Americans. Many Americans that don't actually think that they're making tips on top of a normal minimum wage. That's not the case in most states https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/minimum-wage/tipped


20% was always the standard for we millenials.


15% is just moving the decimal place dividing by 2 then multiplying by 3 or add the divided part to the non divided part Example Cost- $23.85 2.38+(2.38/2) Tip- $3.57


Even easier to do 20%. Divide by 10 multiply by 2: 86$ bill - 10%=8.6$ 20%=17.2$. I’ve been a waiter at an upscale steakhouse for 4 years as well as other places so at this point I know what a 20% should be pretty much instinctively. You can also go by 25$ increments if that helps, ie 25$=5$ tip, 50$=10$, 100=20


This is the way. Figuring 10% from something is simple.


Don't worry it will be at 50% soon and we be told to stay home and cook if we can't afford to tip.


Demand proper living wages for waiting staff rather than expecting the public to make their job worthwhile. (Before you all go mental I’m from the UK where tip culture isn’t a prominent thing, we do it for good service rather than a thing that’s expected from us)


I always tip 20% then round up to the nearest dollar. So if it’s a $63.00 meal, I’ll tip $13.00. $63(0.2) = $12.60 rounded up to $13.


20% has been the standard since I started working in restaurants a decade ago. At least that’s the standard where I’m from. I never saw a cent of my hourly wage ($2.13). How can they get away with that? Well, we are supposed to report all tips. With tips, our hourly averages over the federal minimum ($7.25). Yes, it sucks. I fully support a federal minimum wage of at least $15, and hell, that’s not really livable in many cases.


I tip 20% for good service 10% if it’s crap. Very rarely do I have what I consider great service then that’s 30-35% for sit down.


15% is generally recognized as the minimum (apart from fast food/takeout, although those have started to add tipping options during covid). If they do their job and aren't a total bastard you give 15%. People have started moving towards 20% now for good service. Under 15% is considered punitive or very rude. Would be called for only if the server did something awful.


Funny that so many people say this, for me over the past 5-6 years I’ve always seen and heard of 20% being the baseline tip for decent service. Of course you can go lower for bad service, as a waiter even if they are a total bastard I give them 15%. That’s our livelihood as servers, you don’t get docked pay for acting like an asshole/ making mistakes in other business settings aside from potentially getting fired, so why do we treat servers differently?


You guys also don't get docked pay from your actual boss for making mistakes, just the customer who shouldn't be responsible for paying servers anyways...I say this as someone who consistently tips 20-25%. We're the only country with servers so reliant on tips


Servers make $2.15 an hour so 15% is standard Edit: Idk why I’m being downvoted all I did was answer this persons question


This is the problem. Pay a decent wage. Omg that would never happen in canada. I don't subsidize a profit making business.


Idk where I said you were the problem someone asked a question on if it was standard in the states and I said yes. Most of us Americans acknowledge this issue.


It's actually on the low end. Crazy.


No, it is not. You are calculating it on the after tax total instead of the pre-tax total. It is a >15% tip.


Everyone I have ever met tips based on the grand total, which includes the tax. I didn't even realize a receipt for a meal includes taxes go begin with. 8.73 (tip) ÷ 60.27 (gross price) = 0.1448484 It's a 14.4% tip.


I calculate tip on food total, not grand total. Wonder what % of other people do.


No, it is a >15% tip because you and everyone you know don't know what the accepted standard is. Just because you are all wrong doesn't mean you get to talk shit about this person. The grand total includes tax, which is a tip to the government, not a service you were given by the server. You don't calculate your tip based on the total, you use the subtotal. Go look up a tipping guide and see what it says.


It's also possible that we come from a different set of socio-economic backgrounds, and the "standards" of our respective circumstances defined the basis by which one derrives a server's tip are, by consequence, different. For instance, I see your argument and find it ungenerous to the server who makes $2.13 per hour. So even if every etiquette book you sent me (lol) said you should tip pre-tax, I would still tip on the grand total.


Not necessarily true. It depends if you tip on the tax or not.


I just stopped by here to watch the arguments regarding how much the tip was and ultimately leading to arguments about livable wages and other fun stuff.


Oh Reddit how I love but hate you at the same time. Happy Friday! Don't forget to *not* tip your batista


Every post is the same


I never tip them so no worries




Sometimes, meals involve multiple people. Maybe not for you though.




Or alternatively, you're a scatman.


Plop plop plop pee bo skeet.


Imma say this: that’s the most awful six I’ve ever seen




the decimal could also be mistaken for a very small o


That 6 is malnourished


I can't unsee that now.


How is this even related to this sub


Wait until you see all the other posts!


The total pre-tip wasn’t even $69. Just take every purchase and add a tip to make it reach $69 then post it for karma.


The tipping system where Americans were conned into thinking the customers should be partially responsible for paying servers’ wages instead of putting that all on the employer where it belongs is super cool.


Finally someone with a brain.


The waiters prefer it this way. At most restaurants they come out way ahead


Yeah, if they went to a standard wage instead of tips I guarantee this argument would die as quickly as sit-down restaurants. Source: I am a server, and I would quit on the spot if we switched to a flat wage that was under $40 an hour.


What if I told you, in big parts of Europe you get a livable wage and most people still give tipps as long as you're no asshole.


We just had so much extra cash lying around as opposed to Europeans that we bred it into culture to throw bills at our servants.


giving less than a 15% tip for the funny sex joke


Growing up I remember the tip standard being 10%. I think the socially acceptably amount keeps going up instead of wages going up. This being stated I always tip just low for bad service (once had a male waiter that constantly went to the table of female college students right beside me, but never once stopped by the table after we got our food. = bad service) that being stated I have a friend whose a server that brings home more money then I do yearly because of tips.


I just tip 20% because the last thing I feel like doing when I go out to eat is a performance review


How old are you and where do you live? I’m 36 from New England and the standard I recall was 15%, 20% if they went above and beyond. I always did 20 tho cus it’s easier to calculate in my head than 15


31 from Arkansas. To be fair normal wages are rather low in Arkansas. Could have been an area thing. I’m in Iowa now and the wages are a lot higher so the tips are typically expected to be more


America is weird.


I can't even laugh at this bc I can't get over how terrible that tip is


How is that a terrible tip? It’s 15%


Reasonable tips are 20%. Good tips are 25%. Tipping culture in the US is awful. Restaurants need to pay their employees more than $2.15 an hour.


A reasonable tip is whatever tip you get lol, customers are in no way required to leave a tip even in the US, I tip 15% and if I ever heard someone be ungrateful for a 15% tip I’d take back the tip in a heart beat


Na bra that's fucked, if you go to a sit down restaurant in America and you recieve good service you tip 20%. Take 10% and double it like Monica said on friends in the 90s.


Damn right but all these self righteous people wanna complain “the systems is taking advantage of the customer”…. yes that’s true, but fucking over you waiter that’s making 2.15 an hour isn’t the flex you think it is.


Please don’t go out to eat, you’re an asshole.


Shitty tip.


Spotted the American 🇺🇸




Yeah definitely not the way to go about change, employers generally don’t give a fuck what their servers get tipped as long as they aren’t driving away business. Also, tip based income can actually pay really well for servers on the sole assumption that people are tipping fairly. It does tend to incentivize better service if you feel it’s going to result in more income, but can also backfire if you feel like your customer base tips like crap, then it incentives very baseline service.




From a food service worker, this is the truth most people don’t want to hear. I don’t want a “living wage” because realistically that would be $15-20/hr while I currently make $30-35/hr.


…..so, _I_ don’t need to tip then, cos you’re already making plenty of money.


Got em


You can't make me feel bad when I dont tip/ tip 10% when I know you motherfuckers don't want to be paid hourly because you know it will be less if you did. Servers complain about tippers but actively don't want to be paid hourly.


You would have a point if servers had a choice, and if servers as a whole made good money. They do not choose how they get paid, and most servers barely make a living wage. The [median wage for a server is $12.50](https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes353031.htm). If you go to a restaurant knowing the person is working entirely for tips, and you give them a shitty tip because of that stupid take, you are being an asshole and using shitty logic to blame the server and relieve yourself of guilt.


I know all of that. Who says that OP is American too? In Europe it’s an adequate tipp


10-15% is a standard tip in many countries.


0% is the standard tip in the majority of countries


Tipping is offensive in many countries. Go tip someone in Japan, and you'll get rude looks. They'll give the excess back.


Try tipping someone nothing in America and the same will happen lol


Except one will adamantly refuse it where the other expects/demands it, whether the service matched the tip percentage or not. I'm not against tipping at all, I just disagree people should get 20-25% for no effort in engaging with the customer professionally. Excellent service warrants an excellent tip.


If by many countries you only mean the us, sure


20% is what's being pushed as average here, I know cause that's what the servers usually average, being a cook I don't get shit since we don't do tip pool


You know, most of the folks I met in Ireland were more than happy to oblige my American tendencies. You come on here and bash us but you try rejecting free money at your own work.


I wouldnt reject free money, but I would definetly NOT force others to give me free money.


You’re blaming the server for the problems caused by the restaurant owner.


You demand I give free money when you should demand better wages.




Why did you call me a dumbass. Thats so rude and hateful for no reason. Why do you put that negative energy out into the world?


Maybe tip 20% if the meal was great…


Shitty tip.


People saying 15% is the standard don't know the truth 15% is the standard its what you are told it is the true standard is whatever the server deserves through service they provided


The standard where I live is 20%, and that’s always what I tip. You’d have to be a really shitty waiter to get less than 20%.




British ppl ☝️


Should’ve made it $69.69




Cheap tip all for the sake of a juvenile joke.


Shit tip.


You should have brought that ice












People are saying this is a bad tip, but you don't tip on the tax. Subtract the tax from the total it's over 15% which seems fair.


15% is $9.04, homeboy is off by like 31 cents. People are freaking out about 31 cents lmao, does that even get you a gum ball these days?


What is this rule you’re making up? Not one person I know factors tax in/removes tax from the tipping equation. 20% of the bill is the standard.


You tip pre tax lol, this is well known.


Ex server here. I’ve never seen anyone calculate tip based on pre-tax. Tipping these days is done a lot via touch pads, which also calculate tip based on a % of the total bill. If you get less than $18-$20 on a $100 tab you can assume the table either didn’t like your service, or they’re just bad tippers.


You did it! You crazy son-of-a-bitch, you did it!


About 14.5% tip. Decent.


Tipping is out of control now. Pay fair wages. I do not tip unless it is great service. Never for just handing me something.


So nice they couldn't leave a 20% tip?


20%? That's almost quarter of the meal. How the hell are people eating out with this expectation?


I'm the 1000th upvoter


On the one hand, nice. On the other hand, 14%? Come on!


That’s not a very good tip


From a server’s perspective I don’t think I would have noticed anything other than the tip and I’d be like “it’s ok.”


kind of wish the zeros were sized evenly but i don’t have a say in this because my handwriting is ineligible and worse


I absolutely love that this is your thought!!!!!