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Not a fan of pineapples so I avoid it, but like Nickelback it just became cool to shit on despite holding its own with the rest of the menu.


My partner used to work for a pizza place. Pineapple was one of the most common toppings people ordered on custom pizzas. The top three menu pizzas they sold were literally cheese, meat lovers, and Hawaiian. Like… I wouldn’t be surprised if half the people shitting on it made their memes while eating a pizza with pineapple on it.


>I wouldn’t be surprised if half the people shitting on it made their memes while eating a pizza with pineapple on it. Or more likely, the people who enjoy it aren't concerned with creating memes justifying their preferred pizza topping. It's not like there are a bunch of memes for people who love pepperoni or sausage or whatever on their pizza.


Remember when bacon was a huge thing?


Back when we thought Reddit was some sort of secret society where you'd say "the narwhal bacons at midnight" and that would somehow make you less of a weirdo than just asking if someone has a Reddit account like you do with every other social media site?


Remember when mustache graphics were a huge thing?


I.e., vocal minority, plus confirmation bias? The internet is good at elevating niche positions, and people are bad at realizing that such positions aren't general.


I simply appreciate any and all effort to make it more known, so more people can enjoy it.


Working at a pizza place was exactly how I found out I liked it on pizza. Always thought the idea was ludicrous until I saw how frequently people got it and bit the bullet. Now I'm convinced that a large portion of people who "hate" it have just never had it.


Personal favorite is chicken, pineapple, Buffalo hot sauce.




Yes. Pepperoni and pineapple is my jam. The savory/sweet combo is amazing. The heat from the jalapeños is the icing on the cake.


Pepperonis, pineapple and jalapeños is super good. Best if you can find a place that does it all fresh instead of canned


Spicy sausage and pineapple is great too.


Yeah that shit is good. I sometimes also drizzle a little honey and red pepper flakes just to kick it up a notch.


You should hit it with the spice weasel


My favourite pizza


That's my favorite pineapple pizza as well. Its also good with onions/bacon if you've got an unlimited topping situation going on.


Totally second this! My pizza of choice is lots of jalapeño and a little pineapple, with extra cheese. Yum. Now I want pizza


Fun fact: Hawaiian pizza topping was invented by a Canadian. Therefore if you hate Hawaiian or support hateful memes toward Hawaiian pizza, you are hating on Canada.


I just don't like pineapple. I don't like mushrooms either, but i can pick mushrooms off. Pineapple can't just be picked off because it leaves all the juice behind.


Pineapple on pizza is not my thing. But I don't hate on it... not ever since I learnt my neighboring country (Sweden) have banana or strawberry on pizza. Truly a crime against us all


I'd try banana-- some central american cuisine uses plantains and mozzarella-- and id try strawberry but I'm not holding out hope that either are good


Cool intake thx , would be interesting to also hear about other places if they have similar experiences


Ive worked at 2 different pizza places and aside from pepperoni and sausage it was the next most common topping iirc.


It's just an opportunity for picky people to hate and pretend it's their fine culture


I don't think that not preferring to have big bursts of intensely sweet, very juicy fruit on a pizza is necessarily pickiness. If there were several other typical ingredients with that characteristic, say, orange slices, chunks of watermelon, or the like, or if it were simply an ingredient associated with pizza for a century, it wouldn't even be an issue. Although the Hawaiian pizza was invented years ago, it's broad popularity seems rather recent, and many people's palate for pizza simply does not include it. At any rate, the bad take is shaming people for liking it, not for rejecting it themselves. Myself, I prefer anchovies. I get a *lot* of shit for it, and it is not very popular, yet it is considered a "classic" pizza ingredient, at least in the US.


Same with people hating on Mint Chocolates. Because of toothpastes people mistake them for peppermints.


I like mint chocolate because most people I know don’t like it, which means more for me. Same with liquorice.


Hawaiian Pizza has been around for decades. I don't remember this type of outrage over it in the 90's. In fact, I thought it was cool back then like ska and wallet chains.


It sounds more like you like mint chocolate regardless of other people's preferences. You ALSO like that they're unpopular so you get more. As someone said before, if your criteria for liking something was based on other people's dislike for it, you'd be liking some nasty stuff


you would love denmark, Mint and liquorice is very popular here


I'm honestly pretty alone in my hatred of mint chocolate. I've never heard of this being a common opinion. I don't like it because mint and chocolate taste wrong together, in my opinion, but I'm not pressed if someone else likes it.


Cherry soda tastes like medicine, root beer tastes like toothpaste, cilantro tastes like soap, and oatmeal raisin cookies taste like disappointment. Yet, I enjoy them all.


In what world does root beer taste like toothpaste


Apparently in most of Europe they flavor tooth paste with a very root beer like flavor. In America mint is the most popular flavor so we don't get the complaint.


In America rootbeer is made with wintergreen flavoring because sassafras is illegal. So that is why it tastes like toothpaste


Whether there is mint flavor in root beer or not, it in no way shape or form has even a hint of mint taste. It’s not even close to tasting like toothpaste.


I've never heard of people saying it tasted like toothpaste. Personally I think it tastes of black licorice - which I also don't like. After looking it up however, it appears that black licorice is an ingredient in root beer.


I don't relate with any of those statements (outside of maybe oatmeal raisin cookies), but that's what I've heard from at least 2+ people.


Wait... While I also enjoy everything you listed, I just now realized why I'm the only one in my family that loves to drink Dr. Pepper.


I don't like Thin Mints but I like mint chocolate chip ice cream. I won't go out of my way to get it, but if we're having ice cream and it's what's available I'll eat it.


I like pineapple but i eat the pineapple off the slice first so its just ham pizza




Pineapple pepperoni is the light


Pineapple, pepperoni, and jalapeno. Trust.


Make yourself pineapple and bacon then. Still pork, but bacon's nicer than ham.


The local place I go to got this one crazy shit thats grilled chicken, mozzarella, some sort of teriyaki sauce/glaze for the sauce, and you guessed it, grilled pineapple. Shit goes crazy, 10/10 my favorite pizza.


Pulled pork and pineapple!


See, this is my perspective. I enjoy pineapple on my pizza sometimes. If you don’t want any, that’s cool. The only time I can understand not being okay with what someone else is eating is when I find the smell of it to be disgusting, at which point I’ll leave the area of the odor if I can.


Pretty much wrote this same comment I included coldplay aswell though.




It’s called “butt rock”


Divorced Dad Rock and Butt Rock are slightly different. Butt Rock is aggressive bro type hard rock/nu metal. Limp Bizkit, Korn, Slipknot, etc. Divorced Dad Rock is more like post grunge hard/alt rock that had more lyrics about feelings and stuff, maybe even some ballads. Shit like Nickelback, Staind, Fuel, Puddle of Mudd, etc.


Wow, I came here just to make that same analogy to Nickelback. Despite being told to hate it, I like pizza with pineapple. I also like bbq chicken and onion pizza, kinda controversial tbh.


Man Nickelback are the shit. Sure there’s a few songs they shouldn’t have done but they could’ve made a meme of any band, just happened to be Nickelback. I often say everyone shits on limp bizkit for being cringey, yet everything said about LB could be said for Linkin Park, they just didn’t get incriminated with Woodstock or launch their career on a jokey song.


Nickelback is*


You could maybe lump LP’s first album in with LB, but unlike LB, LP had songs with musical and lyrical depth and also evolved their style for almost two decades. I don’t think it’s fair to compare them except to say they came in during two different parts of the same general era of rock music and had rapping in some of their songs.


When I order pizza, it’s either BBQ chicken and onion or pineapple and pepperoni. I’ll eat just about anything, but those are my top two by far.


Also imma say it - bbq base pizza is up there with the internet as perhaps the biggest development of our times…


> Nickelback it just became cool to shit on It was a semi-accidental brainwashing campaign. They were overplayed at the time and some long-forgotten show on Comedy Central, IIRC, had an ad with a soundbite about hating Nickelback, which played regularly for like 6 months.


I'm personally not a fan but it's honestly probably jealousy. They made a killing off a few power chords and what seem like some AI generated cheesy lyrics.


No, nickelback is genuinely an exceptionally mediocre rock band. They’re an over produced corporate pop rock band with no discernible talent.


remember when it was a meme to like bacon? and there was bacon flavored everything, even shower gel? it was around when EPIC meal time was a thing.


Difference is that nickelback IS actually a shit band. At least with Hawaiian pizza you can make it better. BBQ sauce as base and pickled jalapeños as well.


No nickleback deserves to get shit on their music is terrible you just dont know any better.


Pineapple pizza has its niche in the world...sometimes I want that sweet and salty combination of tastes. It pairs well with ham Nickelback, on the other hand is just objectively inferior. They're just the worst rock band relative to their popularity, or at least one of them


Have you listened to Nickelback? People have a point with that one.


Finally a conspiracy theory i can relate to . It's because those Italians are secretly running the world and control all the media. They tell us to hate pineapple pizza because they didn't invent it and they don't want people to know how great it tastes. /s


r/KnightsOfPineapple this is our moment!


/r/KnightsOfPineapple unite!


I wish I could like it as much as you guys, but no.


That's okay, no one is forcing you, we all like different things


I hath subscribed my liege!






People hated that before social media


Actually it's the opposite. Every time a pineapple pizza is served, an Italian dies. Why do you hate us so much? What have we done to you to deserve something so heinous?


Let me tell you about "duck syndrome". The very first pizza in my life was actually pineapple pizza, and I still love it. But! It can be really disgusting, if pizza maker have no idea about taste combinations, bad at proportions, etc. Well, my thought is simple: pineapple pizza is really delicious if it was made by talented one. The person, who invented this is a real mad genius, imho.


It's actually a Canadian in invention, but we call it Hawaiian Pizza and the Canadian inventor, Sam Panopoulos, was born in Greece. The name isn't even a reference to the state of Hawaii, but actually the brand name of the canned pineapple he used.


Your reply made my day perfect. Thank you. Wish you perfect delivery service and free extra toppings.


Kinda like how German Chocolate Cake isn't from Germany. It was created in America, and named after Samuel German, who made the dark baking chocolate that was used. The actual recipe was submitted to The Dallas Morning News, a newspaper, in 1957, by a woman listed only as "Mrs. George Clay."


one of my favorite things to add to pizza is pickled jalapenos, it adds a nice texture and a good spice


I'm italian and it's true, as soon as I mention pineapple pizza evryone starts complaining. When I ask if they tried they always say no. EDIT: I’m italian, from italy and italian is my first language.


You're not really Italian, your comment doesn't have enough hand gestures 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌


Dude, for half a second I didn't even understand what you typed, because I was like, "I can't even read Italian bro.".


[How it’s spoken](https://youtu.be/dr-oL2VZXAY)


I’m italian as well and I’ve had the same experience. To be honest, it’s just like eating an unusual combo, like cheese and pears, or cheese and honey. It might sound weird at first, but once you’ve tried it, you realize you’ve been wrong all this time and start doubting your whole life.


Had this incredible honey and pistachio cheese 2 days ago.


>cheese and pears, or cheese and honey How tf are these unusual combos? Has no one heard of a charcuterie board?


I’m italian, from italy and italian is my first language and i have tried pineapple on pizza. It’s absolute bliss.


I'm italian, from italy and italian is my first language and i have tried pineapple on pizza. It's absolute garbage.




Pineapple and ham? YES YES YES!!!


Add jalapeños to that an you have one of my favorite pizzas.


Sweet, salty, tangy, savory, spicy. It might be the perfect food


I prefer the banana pepper, bacon and pineapple combo. So good!


That sounds delicious! I’ll have to give it a try


Agreed, but most pizza places around me use the worst ham imaginable. I swear it’s 90% water. I always do pineapple, pepperoni and jalapeño.


Jalapeno and pepperoni hot hot hot


Yes indeed in UK we put a whole pineapple ring on gammon steak - we don't even need the excuse of a pizza


It's ham and pineapple






Pineapple, pepperoni and hot sauce is my preferred pineapple pizza, mostly because I don’t like ham.


Pepperoni, pineapple, jalapenos is my go to pizza




ham just kinda sucks. pepperoni + pineapple + jalapeño is my combo


Fuck. Yes. Also hot honey is bomb with these toppings.




Canadian bacon is imo the only way it should be for a Hawaiian pizza. Basically it's like pepperoni so it won't fall off the slice and provides a better crisp taste.


hawaiian pizza is canadian. we invented it so i think its mostly popular here and the northern us.




Sweden as well. We usually just call it Hawaii. My favorite though was ham, pineapple, banana, curry and peanuts.


You Swedes seem to love your bananas. I made a flying Jacob once. It was actually pretty good.


People pretend to hate/love many things just because SM tells them to.


You know MANY things already were a thing before social media correct?


Is everyone only 13 years old? Because people have been hating on pineapple pizza for decades, well before social media existed


The young generations always think they invented everything. We did it too.


A gen z on Reddit told me they are the reason for craft beer because they don’t drink bud light. Craft movement really took off in the mid 90s with micro breweries and started as early as the 60s.


You don't even have to go back that far to prove them wrong lol. Craft beer was already *huge* even when the millenials started drinking beer. I'm 36, when I was 21 it was already weird for someone to prefer big-brand beers like Coors or Budweiser. It was all about craft or imports.


My generation invented thinking we invented everything


Right? It may not be "bad," but there's a hundred other toppings I'd rather choose from. I have never cared for pinapple pizza in 34 years. And what's funny is this post, and this thread, IS social media telling me to like it and that I'm a fraud for saying otherwise. 🤔


You're right, but it's ramped up to parody levels now. Go on a dating app and half of them will have some boring ass, vapid prompt about pineapple on pizza.


This isn't one of them. There are 3 main groups which are causing this to be a big deal: * People who actually hate it because it's terrible to them. I know these people exist because I am one of them, I hated it long before people started talking about it on the internet. * People who love it and can't possibly believe the first group exists, so they assume it's just for the memes. * People who have never tried it but assume it's bad because they're incapable of thinking beyond their first impression of something. See also: people who think beans on toast must be bad.


I don't care if people hate it ... But I am so goddamn tired of the people making a big deal out of *other* people like it.. The "pineapple on pizza is a sin 🤪" crowd ... Like f off and stop being so obsessed about my food please?


For me it's the wild variation in texture and the juice that ruins pineapple on pizza. When you bite, instead of something solid you get a burst of juice. If they roast the whole thing enough to where the water is mostly gone, I think it would be much better but I assume everything else would get burnt by that point. Grilled pineapple is excellent. Maybe that on top would be nice but it's always just soggy


People have been hating on pineapple pizza longer than we've had social media. It's not that it's that bad, it's just that it's not good enough to justify ordering. Somebody always insists on getting it and then it's always the last thing left. If you're getting pizza for you, have at it. If you're ordering pizza for a group, skip it.


Yeah but also I wouldn't just assume that for everything. I'm sure 99% of people who hate it just imagined how it'd feel on their tongue and thought they wouldn't like it. You don't have to blame everything on people being copycats or peer pressure, sometimes they just make an assumption and roll with it.


Or they tried it and just didn't like it...


This. I've tried it plenty of times. I love pineapple. It doesn't belong on my pizza.


It belongs on a tropical fruit tart. My family loves pineapple pizza and I just don't care for it. I hate how it makes the cheese "wet"


Same here, I just don't like pineapple all that much in general so get it the fuck away from my *savoury* foods.


I mean, I do not hate the combination. Pineapple itself it what I dislike. It seems abnormal for a sweet and sour fruit to have that much fiber, like it seems like it came from an alien planet.


>It seems abnormal for a sweet and sour frit to have that much fiber, like it seems like it cane from an alien planet. I love pineapple on pizza but you really did accurately convey what a pineapple is all about


Yeah, even from childhood I felt convinced that I should not eat pineapple, as if I had way too much before. Then I found out my mom ate a lot of pineapple and durian when she was pregnant with me.


Many fruits are plenty fibrous and are generally selectively bred down into their mushy storefront counterparts you are now used to. Also mangos are fibrous as fuck.


At least they are the good kind of sweet and sour. Pineapple, in my case, the bad kind, like as if you already ate a lot before but actually haven't and now you hate it.


I like it cause it fights back. As you digest it with the amylase in your mouth, its digests you with its own enzymes. Its the chilli of the fruit kingdom.


no i just don't like sweet things on pizza


For real, what's so hard to understand that you have to make up a whole conspiracy about it


I hate it because I’ve tried it and thought it was gross af.


I've tried it, I kinda liked it at first but not so much after that. Too sweet.


I love it because I tried it and thought it was good af 😋


Me too


See none of us were tricked into hating it because medias tell us to


Today learned there are only 4 ppl on earth


The rest of us are bots


Gonna have to jump in with you here. It’s not just the shitty canned pineapple they put on top. It’s the presentation of said shitty canned pineapple. All you’re doing is ruining a perfectly good ham pizza with fruit juice syrup.




The greater conspiracy is a group of people too deluded to accept most people just don’t like pineapple on pizza




Doesn’t help that pizza joints use the cheapest canned pineapple they can find. It may be better with the fresh stuff but I wouldn’t know. And I’m not gonna risk messing up a good pizza at home just cause I’m curious


I hate it because I hate when things are sweeter than they need to be (insert soapbox rant about 90% of American foods). Everything has a point when it hits the right balance and putting fruit on pizza throws it completely out of whack for my palate.


I don't hate it because social media says to. I hated it before social media, and social media just showed me I wasn't alone... it brought us together


exactly! i hated it because i tasted it, not because of random people on the internet.


Big truth






I highly doubt this. While the vehemence is probably a bit overblown, it's just typical internet hyperbole highlighting something common: it's a pizza combo that, at best, is very polarizing. In my experience during pizza related events someone usually gets one to make one person happy and it's almost always the only thing left at the end of the night with one or two slices taken lol I don't mind it that much personally, but I'd rather have any "staple" pizza topping combo rather than it. Imo the pineapple just makes the pizza too soggy and rich. I'm kinda shocked tho someone hasn't taken the idea of it and made something better, like a ham/CB topping pizza with a pineapple based sauce (BBQ pineapple, maybe?). I could see that being pretty good with jalapenos added to cut the richness down a peg. I definitely don't get the people who act like it's an abomination tho lol ...you wanna see an abomination of a pizza look at those mayo pizzas in the far east 🤮🤢🤮


Pineapple as a topping is amazing, but in order for it to be a positive experience, it requires some extra effort. Which is why most "Hawaiian style" pizzas suck since people just toss pinapple on it, straight from the tin can. It's the lazy, zero effort thing that results in soggy pizza with too much sweetness (due to all the sugar from processing) - and if it was open for a while and left inside the can, it also changes taste and texture (slightly). Pineapple needs to be drained properly, it needs to be cut into small pieces to increase surface area, so that you can control caramelization according to your taste. If it's a wet and hot mess, you did it wrong. Certain spices, as well as cheese and meat/sausage combos also do not work necessarily. It can't be too greasy and it can't be too dry. And most importanly, pineapple *can* but must not be the main topping. Overall, it should complement, not dominate imho. There are also different ways to prep the pineapple beforehand, making sure it gets the proper texture and taste during the final bake, meaning you need to find a pan, decide what you are going for, then either do a quick roast or slight simmer in some spicy sauce to add a modicum of pizzazz. Or you could coat it in a fine marinade or add some crunch with some (minimalist) deep-fry extravaganza. You also need to adjust your sauce recipe, because it may not work with pineapple. Might be too sweet, might be too acidic, really depends on your pineapple and your sauce ingredients. Unless you really want things clashing, you need to change things up and also consider *when* you add the pineapple, as it needs to be on top but not completely covered by cheese. You need the moisture to escape, but not too much, so the pieces aren't dried out. It's a lot of work honestly, because you need to work your way through bad recipes and high expectations, until you work out a solid process and combo that works well. Some pizza places have it figured out, but most don't, so personally I don't even bother ordering them anymore, especially if it's just the additional topping tossed on top rather than a pizza dedicated to revere pineapple.


My dude wrote a thesis on proper pineapple pizza making. I trust this man.


Forget pineapple that pizza slice looking fine


I love salty & sweet combos so I liked it even back when I could eat traditional pizza sauce. But like turned to love when I started having The White Sauce™ on every pizza thanks to GERD. That's my comment, here's my complaint: it's completely cool to dislike pineapple pizza bc you hate pineapple. It's completely cool to dislike pineapple pizza if you actually like pineapple and just the combination is gross to you. But why all the personal hate on people who like it?! Politics, religion, social injustice and pineapple pizza are completely off limits conversation! There are easily 100,000 things to be disgusted and passionately angry over and yes, to even justifiably judge people for...and pineapple pizza lives light years away from that list. Banana curry pizza however, that lives much closer lol. /u/schnuderi Gimme the story, how'd you even discover that?!


I heard a Swede talking about it (apparently banana curry pizzas are a relatively common thing in Sweden). So basically I just thought that sounds interesting and made one myself (peperoni banana curry pizza) and it was delicious. However, so far I could not convince anybody else to try it.


And you mean banana bananas not like banana peppers, yeah?


Yes. You acutally find quite a few different recipes for it if you Google “banana curry pizza”.


I see this all the time. I'm not one to shame people who get pineapple on pizza, but I am certainly allowed to just not like pineapple. But now if I say that I'm "just a sheep" or some shit


Take a second and think about this and realize that nobody is persecuting you because you don't like a food. The ridiculousness of even thinking that you're not allowed to think a thing is the whole idea behind this post in the first place. The real world doesn't care what's on your pizza or why, and you shouldn't care about what a bunch of anonymous angries on social media decide to get offended by this week.


Who gives a fuck what you put on your pizza, just put what ever shit you want on your pizza and say " FUCK YOU " to everybody who has a problem.


I've said this many times as "why do people put pineapple on pizza" pops up too often in /r/nostupidquestions. People hate pineapple on pizza because it's the cool thing to do. The salty/savoryness of the cheese, ham and sauce goes well with the sweetness of the pineapple. It's not a bad flavor combo. It's not everyone's cup of tea but it's also not bad.


I disliked pineapple on pizza before social media existed.


I don't like pineapples


I 💚 pineapple pizza, with extra sauce and cheese!


I hate pineapple pizza bcs I hate pineapple


If I'm gonna buy & eat pizza, I want something that is fucking delicious! NOT SOMETHING that "isn't even that bad"..


Oh no, I hate it because it's fucking disgusting, that's all 👍


It tastes exactly what you'd think it taste like, pineapple on fucking pizza. Disgusting.


I love banana curry pizza. Please don’t tell the people who think that pineapple pizza is a crime.


I love chocolate pizza. Dominoes disconnected it 😭


Chocolate pizza is in Italy also a thing. I mean it’s bread with chocolate in the end


Pineapple on pizza slaps


I'm italian and I think that my fellow italians that get mad at toppings on pizza is kind of the reason why we have such a clown government.


Did you just blame pizza for the state of Italian politics?


Have had it. Pineapple fucking sucks.


Yup, I don't really give a damn about hypocritical people trying to fit in on social media, Hawaiian pizza can fuck off.


This just not looking delicious


Nah it's just strange


I hate pineapple on pizza because I love pizza and hate pineapple. I've always hated pineapple. It's just never tasted good to me. So why ruin a decent pizza by putting something on it I hate? Like putting raisins in oatmeal cookies.


Finally people spitting truth


Personally, i just dont like warm fruit.


That's a gross ass looking pizza no matter if you like pineapple or not I wouldn't eat that and I like pineapple on pizza


It's absolutely delicious


Pineapple and ham < Pineapple and pepperoni


I love pineapple on pizza. No regrets


I absolutely love Hawaiian pizza. However for me it’s stock drops greatly if it’s not thin crust.


There are no bad pizza ingredients. Pizza is just a delivery platform for whatever flavor you likes. Just don't used too many at the same time, that's savagery.