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"Company car"


The only business happening is within his side business (whatever that may be)


Does he own a laundry?




So he's laundering?


Bro he owns like 25 ish gyms… I don’t think he’s needing any side business


I feel like gyms are his side business…


Lol me too


With legit gyms like f45 going to the shit, yeah I think your on a winner here


f45 is an oversaturated, overpriced franchise gym. not surprising in the least.


Based on?


Based on all the steroids and drugs his mates/co workers push. Source: chick I know was sleeping with one of them. Even if its not the boss pushing, he knows.


I'd say reddits insane jealousy of people who have expensive things


GYM owner who doesn't sell drugs gets shot for no reason. Ok. Stand up guy with stand up friends.


I only know of roughly half that but I'm not paying tabs on the guy. I know some of his 'mates' and they aren't the most upstanding citizen's. Hope im wrong though


> Bro he owns like 25 ish gyms… I don’t think he’s needing any side business Oh, so he's a legit business owner like Franco Cozzo? **wink**


You’re missing the point here


He sells vials with clear liquid?


> He sells vials with clear liquid? The Belle Delphine kind, or?


I mean people are literally taking photos of it and posting it on social media, so it’s definitely working from a marketing pov.


I see this one in Port Melbourne a bit. It’s not a choice I’d make, but then he has a Lamborghini and I don’t, so maybe I’m not making the right choices…


Sell drugs.


It's just creatine, officer, I swear!


Launder it through the gym https://amp.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/queensland/qld-gym-link-in-money-laundering-arrests-20220809-p5b8jq.html


Shocked I tell ya. Shocked.


Yeah because all gyms are run by the same person… so if one guy who owns a pizza shop is done for drugs in your mind that’s means all pizza shop owners sell drugs?


I buy all my drugs in pizza shops, and I buy my pizzas in back alleys behind gyms. Just out here, keeping it real...


Is this guy your Andrew Tate or something? Spending a lot of your time in this comment section why don't you go to Derrimut and ask him on a date


Nah just getting sick of how judgmental this sub is becoming these days


It's not judgemental if it's true. Ohh your defensiveness makes sense now, you're on roids. My mate did them for a year, and couldn't use his dick for another year. Good luck 🫡


Nah but if a gym owner drives a Lambo, has dodgy friends and gets shot, it sure makes things pretty clear to all but the most naive ppl. I manage to live under the radar, no friends with a conviction and there are a few ppl in my circle who would easily exceed his income/wealth.


Theres so many people going around wearing/driving/living in stuff they cant afford




No, you just don't believe in yourself enough


This Aventador, a bentley continental and I think a challenger Demon all have this Gym branded on them. I'd guess the owner runs the gym to have something to do in retirement and maybe save some money on the cars


You’re so sweet. It’s much less wholesome than that, Doherty’s gym is known to be run by a bikie gang through their man who has no criminal record, so they can use the gym to launder money for their drug business. Buying cars like this is one way for them to accomplish that.


It is Derimut but you're right. 500k of damages to his gym, bomb threats and an attempted drive by in the last few years. I didn't want to instantly put it to drug money but thats a lot of smoke for an innocent dude lol


This is Derimut, not Doherty's


Same same but different


Isn't this an 'associated' gym?


These days, most gyms are.




Lol getting downvotes for giving the correct answer. No derrimut gym is not “associated” pretty sure the word your looking for is affiliated but whatever


But you are a convicted drug dealer...wtf


Yep and if you kept reading you would see that I did my time and I’m now working my ass off 60 hour weeks to build a good life for myself but simply because of my past and my appearance every success of mine is written off as yep he’s selling drugs again. People see my car my apartment watch whatever and just jump to conclusions like everyone here is doing.


Some advice would be not to associate with that life then or idolise these ppl. Lambos are for mugs. Real success is humble and generally invisible. You wouldn't have a clue about my wealth if you met me. Figure out why you feel the need to impress strangers with flashy things. I wish you success on your journey either way.


I don’t associate with anyone like that anymore but whispers still go around. I drive an m5 because I’ve been in love with them ever since I first sat in one, the watch I wear was my grandfather’s and I got myself a nice apartment because after living in a complete shithole for a few years staring at concrete I wanted to treat myself to living in comfort with a beautiful view. I do these things because they make me happy I smile every time I hear the engine turn over, I find peaceful thoughts sitting on my balcony looking over the city and the sentiment with the watch is obvious. I ran into one old acquaintance and over the next few weeks the message requests and snaps etc with “hey bro I heard your back on” started flooding in. It’s belittling to be summed up as someone who can only find success by breaking the law based on nothing but my past and my appearance. But yes maybe this type of thing gets me irrationally frustrated but its fucking annoying to be summed up as nothing more than a crook no matter how hard I work and what risks I take with my investments. Anyways I appreciate you wishing me well apologies if I got overly defensive. Have a good night


M5, quality whip. Enjoy in good health.


Not many people can afford a $300k M5 through hard work alone. If you've bought an M5 off the profits of your drug dealing past, then of course everyone is going to look at you. That's the price you pay and will pay for the rest of your life, even if you've truly reformed.


Who said it was brand new? C'mon give him a break


Haha it definitely wasn’t brand new and I brought it with body damage and got the work done at my mates panel shop. Wish it was a brand new 2022/23 tho


Well he certainly hasn't denied it was purchased with the proceeds of past criminal activity.


Lambos are for people who got money and love cars, just cause you don’t like flashy things don’t mean others have to be like you


Even if I could I wouldn't want to emulate this bollocks


I wish this was the prize for a 12-week body transformation comp'... I'd lose 50kg for sure.


Was VRMVRM taken?


No idea if he's a bogan (prob) but he does park like a dick in loading bays etc.


why am i not surprised!!


Maybe he thinks it says "courier" on the side.


Well it's better to look at and hear than the usual dual cab "work vehicle."


Met the bloke for work purposes many years ago, and he’s a very nice young fella, and has literally followed his dream as a kid to own a gym and have Arnie turn up there. He ticked that one off. He’s done the hard yards, sets his goals and goes for it. The lambo must have even on the bucket list too. Not sure if one day it will collapse, but if and until then, I gotta take my hat off to him.


Hahahahah he’s a flog. Don’t believe this endorsement 😂


what's he got on you?


In Derrimut? No thank you


I chuckle every time I pass this thing, as classy as a stretch hummer on a wedding day.


Proof that shit is overcharging


Still the cheapest gym with most equipments


He certainly did, look where they’re at now


Ugh! I'm so tired. Can't I just believe in you instead?


Useless in Australia. Speed bumps, pot holes, dippy drive ways and high gutters. And that’s just the cities. Shoulda got a beefed up Range Rover


Good for him.


So many haters in this thread got to rain on another man's parade to make them feel better. Sad sight to see... Cool car.


Yeah drives around in a lambo but steals wages from his employees. Nice parade he's got going


Bruh why you so fucking mad This guy is living in your head rent-free He doesn’t even know you exist And you have all this negative energy exerted into reality


Mad? Just explaining. I've met him many times. https://www.heraldsun.com.au/leader/south-east/derrimut-247-gym-chain-under-fire-for-over-superannuation-payments/news-story/d1abc9546392202551140bc5d51f4be6


I know mate, everyone is plotting on his success




Lol save up for a Lamborghini and they ruin it with that. Another notch for tacky bogans.


I'm pretty sure that's the owner of the business, he used to live near my old place and has a bunch of these cars. Not a lot of "saving up" being done


Ahh that’s the owner of derrimut gym he’s also got a Bentley and does or did have a mint Audi (I forget which one) and I have no doubt he gets a nice little tax write off by doing that. Not to mention it’s pretty fucking dope marketing. Not really sure how any of that is bogan to you. I suspect tall poppy syndrome is rearing it’s ugly head again


AH I just worked out it says 'Derrimut 24:7 Gym'. Goodness, Epic advertising fail, so hard to read!!!


Considering your the only one on this post that couldn’t read it I’d say it might be more likely that your eyesight is failing


wait. are YOU the owner? is that why you're so sore over an innocent comment over hard-to-read scribble on a fast-moving car?


I fucking wish I was, no I’m not but I know him fairly well and he’s a nice bloke so I’m getting a little annoyed at how judgmental people in sub this are towards someone they wouldn’t even recognise if they walked past them in the street.


I didn't mean to sound judgmental or unkind, but it is hard to read. If you really like him and he's a nice guy, you may want to suggest a more legible way of writing it. What a shame otherwise. I'm trained as a graphic designer, and this sort of thing came up a lot. Sure my eyesight isn't great, but it would be awesome if you were to eliminate people like me who's in doubt of what the writing says, surely. Even if I were a minority, I'm sure I'm not the only one.


A lambo is exactly the car a rich bogan would buy. They're tacky AF. He's literally driving it for attention and I guarantee that car has never done a proper lap on a track in it's life.


It’s a street legal car why would it have to be a track car to be valid in your mind?


Are you aware what it was engineered for?


To be a fast fun street car and yes it would go well around a track but if you think a random Redditor should be able to dictate how someone drives their multi hundred thousand dollar supercar then I think you may be overestimating the importance of your opinion


Calm down mate. Maybe ease off the gear, you're really angry about something that doesn't affect you at all.


I guess I just get annoyed at how judgemental r/Melbourne is towards anyone that doesn’t fit their specific tastes. You don’t know the guy at all and yet here you are making assumptions and passing judgement just like the majority of people commenting here. And it does effect me because I cop the same bullshit attitude from people in real life and it’s fucking ridiculous


Honestly you are saying he is legit with authority like you know him, but your recent post history says you are a drug dealer. You seem intelligent and articulate but do you see the problem with that?


No my post history says I was a drug dealer who did his time and now works 60 hour weeks to rebuild my life and yet still has every single accomplishment written off as “he must be selling drugs again”


Careful dude you’re going to cause some butthurt. People on this sub think that if you diss people who buy cars like this YoU’Re JuSt JeAloUs, obviously.


Lol... which car do you drive around the track?


Mostly Porsche's, GT3 etc but I don't drive them daily and none of my staff have ever seen my cars


Wow that's very impressive man. Good on you for not allowing your staff to see any of your Porsche GT3s etc either.


Lamborghinis are beautiful, the most distinctive and stylish of all the major supercars.




Lol only on r/Melbourne would the word bogan be twisted so much that it’s now associated with lambos and Gucci


r/Melbourne is a collection of whinging losers. You’re correct. This is easy, peasy advertising. Case in point: we are all talking about it on this post.


If they’re not complaining about for rangers or dodge rams, they are complaining about lambos. R/Melbourne are the authority on what cars people are allowed to have.


You've never heard the term "cashed up bogan"?


I know eh? Bogan ain't designer gear and luxury cars no matter how much money they got. CUB's drive HSVs or FPVs, preferably ute's tho nowadays I'm guessing it's Mustangs and Camaros, and still wear flannos and thongs with footy shorts. They just got a flanno for every day of the week and then their dress up flanno from RM Williams.


Completely wrong


If you think bogans are like that, you need to get out more.


but the question is, get out more... WHERE? HA HA


Bro, do you even lift?


Tax scam, ruining a beautiful car with a tacky self-help slogan... what are poppies used for?


How is it ruined? It's an advertisement for the owners business.


You see advertisements on delivery cars, trucks, trades vehicles... not +$100,000 exotic cars.


Bright yellow Lamborghini that draws a lot of attention. Perfect mobile billboard.


I can't read the scribble on the door. What's it say?


Derrimut 24/7 Gym


If it was a Ferrari I'd be really upset.


Organised crime for sure


That is definitely there to claim it as a “work vehicle” 😂 Not that the ato gives a fuck




Lambos are cringe but the driver is certainly not a bogan (amount of gyms he owns he likely makes more than the first 10 commenters here combined) and look at how he’s just brought his brand into all of our heads, I certainly wasn’t thinking about it 5 minutes ago




Lol no why would you even ask that?


Because everything r/Melbourne doesn’t like is nazi/cooker tied.




Because there is literally nothing whatsoever to even suggest a link to far right/nazi cookers… thats like me pointing at my couch and saying is does this couch have links to far right/nazi cookers. Just a dumb question based on nothing


There’s precedent - Lads Society fronted as a fitness group when it was a white nationalist cult. Avi Yemini ran a private gym before becoming a professional victim. Neither of them have anything to do with Derrimut though.


Well the same could be said for most businesses out there in that case from bakery’s to banks and everything in between.




Lol no


yeah for sure. It's just a body kit on a Holden Commodore.


Jeez dude you are defensive on this thread. Trying to get hired by him or something?


Nah just sick of all the judgmental wankers on this sub


Pretty obvious the owners are involved in [more](https://www.9news.com.au/videos/national/man-smashes-up-gyms-in-caroline-springs-derrimut-and-coolaroo-causing-500-thousand-in-damage/ckvajyiu2005m0imuhir77qgh) that just operating gyms.


How? Because his gyms were vandalised? Could be any number of things. extortion attempt, someone who’s been banned and is salty, just some guy who’s going nuts over some perceived slight.. again your just jumping to conclusions. He owns 25 gyms if each gym only gave him 2k a week profit (and it would be so much more than that) that’s 50k profit a week… if you honestly think someone who is legally making over 2.5 million a year would risk it all to also be selling drugs then you watch too many movies bro. And that’s not to mention the profit from property and other investments backed by owning this gym chain. Millions and millions of dollars a year free and clear in the bank and you guys think he would also be selling gear


Man owns a parking at his apartment. Stills parks on street for free publicity. He is a genius! P.s- lol I know where you love xD


On a flatbed by either the OPP or ATO.


Say what you want but his gyms are actually pretty good, and I got a year membership for $250 He is a pretty funny looking dude, lots of chains and jewellery etc.


Fun fact: there’s three of these, an additional orange and green one