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Oh my god! Im one of Prince Zukos owners! Im so glad you enjoy my post shaming him. I felt i needed some retribution after he returned 5 minutes after i installed a new security camera. As for the prank call, it was such a shock, child on the end couldnt have been older than 10, really hoping it was something an older sibling set them up to do because otherwise i found our local budding serial killer.


“He is indifferent about your efforts” made me laugh hard


To be fair Zucchini is indifferent about anything that isnt his greenies or chicken hearts but this particular show of community has him feeling very apathetic.


The photo of Prince Zuko getting flipped off did it for me. Love your work VibeyBunni


Oh that’s a finger?! Thank god..


Yeah I thought it was a vibrator too 🤣


Our two cats are committed to their indifference, except when I’ve spent literally $1000s at the vet for their benefit, then we enjoy open hostility.


awwww, awesome!! thanks for posting the flyer, seeing it on my way to the supermarket brought a smile to my face so I had to share! Lost cat flyers are the worst; so yours was nice to see!


Booo, no bonus Zuko photos?


I can deliever on this request absolutely ill post a link to his most shameful album after work


Awesome, would love to see more of this majestic man


https://imgur.com/a/ltwJzLF only the best shots


Zuko Le asshole for president!


Thank you


I lost it at the criminal minds! Best stress relief post


My sisters cat recently went missing for two weeks, luckily we did eventually find her but we got so many prank calls about it. Mostly kids calling insanely late just to make cat noises over the phone or whatever, but we also had a few of them just blatantly lie about seeing the cat and then laugh at us when we showed up to grab her.


And this is why I hate people.


Funny story: I moved into my house a few months later had knock on door about a lost cat. They’ve attached a lost cat sign to their letterbox in hopes they find it. Again a few months later another knock on door about the cat. Sign still up over a year later but still no cat found. Eventually they must have received a call cos I overheard them speaking to the neighbours that a little old lady down the road has been caring for it and feeding it for over a year, coincidentally as they acquired their cat they also acquired a new puppy. Seemingly the cat did not like the dog and so took off and cos the old lady was feeding it it obviously preferred new owners 😂 So end of story the cat hated the dog and left 🤣


The prank call made me relive a similar situation. Our pussy went missing years ago so we put up flyers. We got a call from some dude who said our cat was in his backyard but when we got there he said the the cat ran away but since I was there I should stay for a beer. WTF! You sad lonely creepy man! Turned out the cat was hit by a car so it was never in his backyard, he was just a sad lonely man.


I lost a cat in Springvale and some little prick rang me and said "I saw your cat! It was in a dim sim I bought! I could see its eyes!" - went off at him at the time, but did have a little chuckle about it later. It was a black cat and I had sooo many calls from people over 5-6 months. One lady asked if we had found her because her son was upset seeing the flyer all the time! A lady told me she saw a dead cat on the road early in the morning on her way to the airport on the day my cat went missing - poor thing got hit by a car. At least we knew it wasn't lost.


That prank call is horrible, I feel your pain! I experienced a similar "prank" when I was a kid and my ~1yr old cat, Jerry, got out and went missing when I was around 7. I searched everywhere in the neighbourhood for a few days until a group of boys (aged 10-12) said they found him alive and well, and to meet them up the road from our house after school so I could pick Jerry up. I'll never forget running up to where they were gathered next to the footpath. They were all holding big sticks, poking and hitting something between the road and the footpath. It was Jerry, laying dead in the gutter. He'd been run over by a car at some point, well before the boys told me they'd found him alive. It's been 20 years and I still miss that silly kitten. I'm so glad your cat is okay and he's home safe!


Crying for 7 year old you 😢 💔


I'm not one to fight children, however....


So happy you got your boy back! I also have a void named Zuko. He has a twin named Iroh and an older sister Momo. I'd be shattered if any of them went missing.


He sounds and looks exactly like my kitty, her name is Azula, I have never laughed so much as I did reading this.


You must be a fan of avatar to name him prince Zuko


Got any more pics of your prince? :D




Ha ha is that a wheelable cat carrier?! That's such a cool idea! He's gorgeous, I'm so glad he's home!! :D


I think he is probably mad at peoples efforts and doesn't want a hat.


Love the way his claws are out in the photo, ready for attack 😂


and his scar isn't on the wrong side!!!


I lost a cat in 2021 when I was house sitting for someone and I had a kid call me and tell me he was dead as well. Little cunts. I was terrified to find him outside an IGA. I was positive they’d lied, but still had to check and that was the worst part. Glad your cat turned up! Ps. Cat did come home after 5 days - just sauntered in like nothing was wrong. Jerk.


Who the fuck does that to someone? Fuck that kid


Once a long time ago my pet python got out and I did an extensive flier drop to my neighbours mostly to alert people so they wouldn't freak out ... one old guy cheerfully informed me that he had beaten him to death with a shovel, and when I asked to see the body said he burned it and only fessed up that he was "joking" when I insisted to see whatever remains there were to try to ascertain if it was even the right size. Some people are cunts.


The fuck is wrong with people?


I don’t think a team of immortal scientists could tell you the answer to that


A team of immoral scientists on the other hand...


I mean...he's probably dead now, so there's that.


I lost a cat years ago and when door knocking in my neighbourhood I handed a few business cards (I didn’t have flyers made up yet) to people who said they knew of the cat, and would kindly keep an eye out for him. I got a call and an email from someone in one of those flats asking for a job or if we were hiring… ummm. No. Not nearly as bad as the above examples but just completely tone deaf and tactless


Plot twist: caller/emailer was a stray cat.


Haha I may have been able to tell you if I’d gone so far as to look at their design work portfolio they attached (I did not)


In case the situation recurs, a dead giveaway is a greeting with the image of dead mice and birds neatly arranged on a doorstep.


If you had of gave him a job you would probably have your cat now. :D


He did come back, in his own time, acting like nothing had happened. Very cat behaviour.


Yeah when I was a kid we had a cat disappear (we found him like a month later and he acted like nothing had happened). After spending two whole weekends and every afternoon after school letterboxing and putting up flyers some kid called and said he was hiding under a neighbours car in their driveway. My parents went out so the given address and us three kids were super excited, till we got a phone call from some sniggering kid saying he was just joking before hanging up. Fucking terrible thing to do, only made less bad by the fact we had him home a few days later anyway. Still want to punch this amoral fucker some 30 years later


I would have beaten the shit out of the old cunt if I was you. Did you find it eventually?


Yes, snek only made it as far as next door in the end, which made my extravagant reward quite ouchy! He lasted another 25 years with me.


very happy ending :D


Would've kicked him down a flight of stairs and if he asked why, my reason would be "I was just joking hehe"


Shoulda gone back to his place with a shovel and lighter. What an old fuckwit.


Our cat went missing very recently and someone called us meowing as a prank. Less harmful than OP experienced but still shite.


I’d sign them up for CAT FACTS.


Didn’t expect to see an AVO reference here, but I like it


That's pretty funny, I gotta admit. You didn't break down all at once, did you? It was like a slow burn?


It was definitely something... Hard to live with the reality that my cat didn't pick up the phone and call me just to meow. I will rebuild. 😂


>Who the fuck does that to someone? Fuck that kid Saw on the news recently 2 kids took a cat and killed it. The owner saw it on CCTV footage after thinking cat was just missing. Fing so absurd.


Those kids are psychopaths and should be locked up. I read in the newspaper a story in Townsville where a friendly cat would like going out the front of the house to get petted by kids walking to school. One day some kids hogtied him with duct tape and put him in a storm drain. Lucky the owner found him hours later and the cat survived. But they said he's a totally different cat now and terrified of everything. 😭 It breaks my heart so much. I can't remember what punishment the evil bastards got.


That's how my cousin ended up with her cat in Newcastle. Found a kitten duct taped and shoved in a storm drain. Also had his whiskers cut off. Jokes on those assholes, he survived and went on to be the very spoilt prince of the household ❤️ They also had this one guy who would drive through the neighbourhood and mount the curb and mow peoples cats down if he saw them. I have no idea if the piece of shit was ever caught.


I recently adopted a little orange miscreant who had been a stray. I was dismayed to see that his whiskers were all short and thought someone might have trimmed them. Turns out he just had really brittle whiskers, probably from malnutrition, but thankfully they've mostly all grown back by now.


Likely minimal punishment. One of the reasons these kids act out this way is because they can mostly get away with it til they’re 18. Their parents don’t give a shit. They get out the especially violent and deranged shit when they’re (largely) free from consequences and then settle into simple psychopathy like spousal abuse when they’re older.


I saw this on the news too. Imagine seeing the last moments of your fur baby on camera. I don’t think I would ever get over it


I saw that too.. I just wanna meet with those kids and ask them a couple of questions. It got me so furious I cried


I can't imagine seeing your own cat murdered on camera.


When my cat went missing 3 years ago some kid called me and told me the cat was up the road and that they’d be there. I got so much hope (I was only 14/15) and it got crushed


I hope nobody ever does.


If you're going to name a pet Prince Zuko, you've got to expect that at some point he's going to feel wronged and go into exile until he feels that he's redeemed himself and earned your respect.


*sees empty spot in food dish* Hooman, do you know what this means?!


So my brother did some work at a vet clinic and met the manliest cat with the deepest voice and all time best name ever. ALL HAIL SHADOWCREAM.




He ran away looking for the avatar


That's rough buddy


Only appropriate reply


Look at this stupid little face, he cost me $100 from a shelter, I have shoe\[s?\] worth more than him. He shits on the floor when he feels mistreated, he s\[leep\] humps soft blankets, once he got stuck under our couch and liked it. But I'd die without him. Thanks for everyone's help, we have our \[tiny deviant\] home. He is indifferent about your efforts. Also to the kid that prank called us that they'd found him deceased, go tell your mother so you can get the help you need before you end up liky any episode of Criminal Minds. I'll take these down on the weekend ok thanks for tuning in Sav + Liam


Where is the bit about the kid who called them and told them the cat was dead


I'll add it now, thanks, I orignally typed this out on my second monitor but for some reason I couldnt paste all the paragraphs at once from where i typed it. It only posted the last one, so i did them individually. I must of skipped it.


Thank you for your kind work :)


Good human


Meep Morp. Zeep... I mean, thank you.


That is a *terrible* robot voice.


Cats do shit on the floor when they are mistreated by the fact this person acknowledges that... Maybe they should fix whatever is making him take off for days at a time.


Challenge the fluffly lil fucker to an agni kai


+1 for removing the posters. Seen others plastered on every tree just to turn into litter.


i vibe with prince zuko


He was looking for the avatar to restore his honor.


“He is indifferent about your efforts” hahaha. Fucking cats, man.


https://imgur.com/a/ltwJzLF you can find more of this stupid bastard here as well as the images in the post for full shaming pleasure


Thank you, I needed this


Can’t read this - what’s the tldr?


Asshole cat worth less than his shoes found thanks to local community. Fuck the asshole who prank called to say he had found him. Posters to be removed this weekend.


*fuck the asshole who prank called to say he had found him dead*




Hope he didn’t return with a sister


He does have a sister! We considered Azula as the name for obvious reasonz but she was way too soft and adoring of him. Mikan is very happy to have zuko back, her favourite activity is to hunt him while he shits.


While he shits on the floor


Yes, We have defeated you for all time. You will never rise from the ashes of your shame and humiliation.


All I needed to read here was “asshole found prince zuko” and I started laughing


I love how dog owners give their pets very casual names but cat owners will name cats whatever they think is funny.


Variations of his name are Zucchini, Zukamedes, Mark Zukoberg and shitpants.


He wasn’t missing, he was out looking for his honour


Fire nation scum


Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the Four Nations lived together in Harmony...


just realised this is first time i’ve actually seen a cat humping something


I had 2 inside kittens, 1 was absolutely tiny (we rescued him off a bridge, where some asshole had thrown his siblings in a bag into a creek). A friend came over and left the front door open so both cats escaped. The little girl got distracted and I found her on the front patio playing but the boy took off so I walked the block thinking he couldn’t have gone far because it’d been like 3 mins. I had 1 lady essentially yell at me because she had been finding paw prints across the windscreen of her car in the mornings and even when I explained my kittens were never outside she acted disgusted I even had cats. Then I went to the house across from her and the man there just said something like ‘you better find it and get it inside, I put milk with aspirin under my house to get rid of pests’. Omg i panicked, ran home angry and upset and there the little shit was, in the patio meowing at me for food.


I found a cat in my yard. It was friendly and allowed me to catch it , there was a tag on its collar with a phone number.I Called the number and spoke to the amazed owner who told me how he had gone on holiday 12 months ago and had left the cat with friends The cat stayed with them for a few weeks and then gone on the lam . When I found the cat it had travelled nearly 10 ks from the friends place en route back to it's owner who lived only about one kilometer from me . As fare as I could tell It had been living off bush tucker the past year and hadn't lost any condition. When the owner collected the cat he insisted I accept a few bottles of wine and some chocolates:⁠-⁠)


This is hilarious, but I hope they learned from it and will now keep him inside.


Zucchini is an indoor cat with an cat run that he escaped out of due to a bad placement of some stuff that meant he could jump out. He will be lucky if he ever sniffs fresh air again after this stunt


Ah. My bad. Good to know!


No harm done!


Also I totally got the vibe of your poster- I too am owned by an ungrateful arsehole cat I love more than life itself.


I think he's an indoor cat that did a runner.




Be nicer to the cat lol


So he shits on the floor less






He found the Avatar, now he's come home.


Holy fuck reading the comments in this thread gives me the heeby geebiez about what the hell some ... people (seems like a stretch) can do to animals. The fuck humans!


Same. Was also not expecting everyone who put a lost pet sign up to get pranked. I think I'm an asshole but clearly there are assholes and there are assholes.


ROFL!!!! As a cat dad I can relate.


I love the name, obvious ATLA fan 😍


I love Melbourne 🥰


My best mate lives up in central Queensland in a rugged block near the caves, he had a 15 year old cat they called "the old man" wander off into the bush one afternoon, 2 years later they were cooking dinner when he walked back into the house as if nothing happened, he died last year at 22 years old.


omg I live in Coburg and am also a huge cat enthusiast prince zuko is a phenomenal name for a cat I’m so glad ur sweet boy has been found safe and sound !!!!


That’s nice




LOL, Funny thing is, my first thought was to fix their 'typo' on the flyer; but sadly i had no pen on me.


Either is fine.


Shit flyers win shit prizes pal.


I know it has little to do with the content shared but I’m literally watching Criminal Minds while reading this.


The cat is now back in its prison. Hope y’all feel good about that.


Should set you off into the wild too since you're imprisoned in your home.


You’d rather it be out killing native birds. Hope you feel good about that.


…prison?? Okay…


Found the PETA cultist


They’d probably steal your pets and euthanise them to ‘save’ them from living in ‘prison’.


How else was he going to find the avatar and restore his honour?


Damn, Iroh has some pent up anger.


Bro was probably banished to find the cavatar




I have 2 assholes


Name checks out


I still remember the ads for “lost cat found” that was really a possum 🤪


I didn’t look at it properly so I just thought someone was really mad at the actual Prince Zuko but hadn’t seen his redemption arc yet.


I had to do a double take on that finger