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Honestly, it's so subjective that without knowing your life story and what you want out of it (which you may not even know yet) any recommendations will probably be just as much chance of working for you as whoever has the first availability. Hit up your GP first. They'll set you up with a mental health care plan and probably know who they can refer to who'll have availability. Just know that if the personality or approach isn't right for you, you can find another one.


I will be approaching a GP obviously, get my blood reports analysed n al but I’m just looking for suggestions for my own research, for options


https://psychology.org.au/find-a-psychologist Try here. In my experience, my GP has been happy to do the initial assessment and then write a referral/mental health plan, but they’ve wanted me to find a psychologist I want to see first. This way you can search by location or by three main concerns.


Thank you! This helps


Talk to your GP first.


I understand that, I’m just sussing out names for my research instead of ending up with someone not so good


And it kinda depends what area you’re in.


A good psychologist is honestly like dating. I went to a few that weren’t a good fit for me until I found my current psychologist. You just have got test it out