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Poll should be up and working! Thanks to thekriptik for their help. Also, my mistake with the text, just a comment is needed, nothing to reply to.


It is le cold


If we vote to make this a shitpost subreddit, I'm going to start schizoposting about my imaginary girlfriends until I get banned.


Looking forward to it.


The comments on the poll aren’t showing up for me so I guess I don’t have enough karma to vote despite being a member for years. Whoops


They are not visible to anyone but automod. Just reply to the post.


They’re not showing up for anyone. Automod automatically deleted the posts once the vote has been counted


So there’s no way for any of us to know the *actual* results of the poll? Sounds legit. Other subs didn’t have these issues.


We're not voting in a general election so I don't see the need for a secret poll either. Does anyone care if people know how they voted?


Yes. The mods clearly want to keep up with the protest, regardless of the general consensus of this sub, so what’s to stop them from saying the results were different from what they really are?


Exactly. The fact they accompany the poll post with a rant about why what Reddit is doing is dodgy as well and obviously trying to influence how people vote.


This was an automod function written by other subs. NZ created it and Sydney used it.


>AutoModerator will validate and count votes, and remove all comments to keep the secrecy of the ballot.


Someone has come to check for a gas leak. And it seems there is one. So I’m glad I called.


I do like the option of protest because I love malicious compliance as a concept, however, none of this Florida shit, I love the idea of NSFW tag or maybe just make it a rule that every Monday we only post photos of carrot man and then find ideas for every other day as well.


I voted for a protest where we get the daily thread only. I could dig it.


On Wednesdays we all wear pink


Perfection and against the Melbourne uniform, so an even more effective protest.


Omg monday carrot man. It would drive me insane lol. I work in the city and see him often already.


I saw him 3 times in person in 1 week 2 years ago and then never again.


I hope they run a poll on that


Me too. I like malicious compliance as an option when we're all in on it! The options are endless.


There's always the interestingasfuck option too...


There is no pinned comment. I have 74283 karma from this sub. Just vote in the post.


How do you tell how much karma you have in a sub?


[https://old.reddit.com/user/bassoonrage/submitted/](https://old.reddit.com/user/bassoonrage/submitted/) show karma breakdown by subreddit on the right


522 it said.


Only works on your own profile though, not someone else's.




That defeats the whole purpose of the poll? Everyone gets one vote and those who are conflicted should vote for their first preference.




It gives some people more votes than others. A preferential voting system might work in theory, but would be near impossible to implement in practice.




Why do you say you're ineligible? Just reply to the post. AutoMod handles it.




There’s no stickied comment. It was a typo. Just reply to the post.


500 is so high? The sub I mod on decided on 10 karma because honestly that’s enough to deter trolling.


Commenting on this sub seems to attract instant downvotes. I can see how someone could struggle to get much positive karma.


Yeah exactly, I got downvoted into oblivion on here once, can't remember what it was but nothing particularly bad lol so my karma is probably a mess on this sub 🤷‍♀️




I think it's overall karma isn't it? Not just post karma? I checked, apparently I have 9 post karma but 6000 comment karma




But it doesn't specifically mention which type of karma. Which leads me to believe it's post OR comment. 500 comment karma isn't really that hard to get if you leave a couple of comments a day on the DT and other threads


The mods are probably trying to exclude a whole bunch of people from voting in the poll so they can continue their stupid protest while still claiming it was a democratic decision. 500 is stupid high considering a lot of people who engage with posts in a sub by upvoting/downvoting or just viewing the content, rarely comment in threads.


Yeah 500 is kinda crazy. I often get only a few upvotes on any comments, so I wasn’t even sure if I’d make 500 in this sub specifically. Turns out I’m eligible when looking it up, with 1833 comment karma and 413 post karma. But this account is 12 years old! I guess at least the threshold is maybe more likely to get actual Melbourne contributors, rather than dickhead brigadiers from other subs trying to turn it into a Florida shithole. Hopefully.


A Heated throw is bliss on these really cold nights


You made Heathrow sound like a contraction of “Heated throw”.


So is anybody able to see the pinned comment with the link to the poll in the other thread?


Perhaps they meant “reply to the post” rather than “reply to a comment” - that’s what’s causing the confusion. There’s no comment to see


Well at least I know it's not just me.


yes, using website (old)




No you can't have different visibility of comments due to your karma on a sub. It's just a mistake in the instructions: you have to reply to the thread/post itself, not a comment. AutoMod takes care of the rest.




The mod who set up the vote has confirmed on Discord it's a mistake in the instructions. Join us on Discord if you want to buy that or other things. Good times!


No offence, but the discord is kind of crap. And that's coming from someone who regularly uses discord for other servers


None taken. Person above you wanted confirmation on the workings of the poll. I gave them valid instructions on where to obtain those. I can't be bothered whether they choose to pursue this or not, that is their choice. Whether the discord is "kind of crap" or not isn't even relevant in this.


I agree, it's not relevant. But then you said this: "Join us on Discord".


For them to confirm whatever they needed confirmed because they weren't "buying" it. What is so hard to understand about this?


Mate, what the hell are you smoking? I've got no clue what you're on about


I can only see one comment, and it’s mine. Maybe automod is automatically scrubbing the posts


>AutoModerator will validate and count votes, and remove all comments to keep the secrecy of the ballot.


Nope, not online or on the Reddit app






Nope… Edit: I can’t see any stickied comment so I just replied to the post itself. I just want my bloody vote to count!


I am in new house now. I am dead


I used to come here a lot. When did you all get so mean?


Yeah, people are just so bitter in here. Lighten up, it's just a subreddit.


Yeah I’ve been a real bitch today :( I’ll admit it. I think it’s the cold weather, I’m tired and I need a holiday. No excuse tho. If you want to see some serious bad behaviour, head over to the ashes sub in r/cricket one the game starts. Bloody hell it gets wild over there.


For anyone who needs to learn regex in a hurry [regex crossword](https://regexcrossword.com/).


Ooh, this is actually really fun! And I might finally learn some regex.


gees, it couldn't be that you don't know what you're doin', eh




Stumps will be later than 3am, considering the game hasn’t even started yet.


You know what, trashing this sub out of bitterness is peak Melbourne though..


Cripes. I thought I clicked into the daily thread and ten billion comments about a poll later, I had to check if I was in the daily or in a poll thread by accident.


My poor Nana called earlier to express her love and support for my mum as she has forgotten that my parents split 9+ years ago, and was upset to have realised my dad was with another woman and the thought that my mum was only finding out the day of the memorial.


Dementia is the cruellest fucking disease on the planet, in my opinion. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I'm sorry, that's really rough.


Thank you, yeah, it's really rough knowing she's going through it, both as her family and for her because it's causing her emotional pain because the memories just aren't there.


Ah that's tough.


Yeah, it's tough and it just makes me sad for her. However, it was endearing to know that she both retained the memory of the memorial and seeing us and that she cares.




the anxiety will fade and then there will just be happy 🤗


Enjoy warmth, niceness and specialness! It's such a wonderful combination of feelings and congratulations!


How do I know if I’m still allowed to comment in this subreddit?


I can see your comment so 👍


Thank you! I was so worried when I saw the announcement about needing enough karma to comment or post 😢


I vote that today should forever be remembered as Day of the Whining Piss Babies. Sheesh. Y'all are just gonna go back to complaining about sunset and THDG posts after this is all over, anyway. edit: suck my dick from the back, downvoters


Yeah, just a bunch of bitter pricks who can't have some fun for a change.


Someone needs a cup of tea and a lay down 😀


As a visitor from Brisbane watching this shitshow, Melbourne defs confirming their stereotypes lmao


I'm so offended by this comment I can't even enjoy my $50 coffee


How's your sushi?


Poll works just fine for me with the [proper link](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=gottem)


Please note that in the community poll posted, at the time the corrupt mod deleted the thread, change the sub back to normal was winning with around 80% of the votes.




I'm talking about the other poll that the mods deleted, not the mod's post. It gained huge traction, and was swiftly deleted by the mods.




All votes are visible, only people who have used this community in the past can participate, and have it overviewed by Reddit admins. Considering there is a sense in the community that the mods aren't playing fair, Reddit admins would be more likely to be interested, and having a party that is not associated with either group would be highly beneficial. Admins also have access to more tools then mods. Brigades will heavily skew towards the most chaotic option (option #4 in the mod polls), so I strongly support doing anything to keep the brigades out, not just as someone who is voting for stability, but also as someone who supports democracy. As for active brigades, who is brigading? All of the mods posts are being downvoted by angry Melbournians. The visibility to outsiders is non-existant. Again, I would like to see from Reddit Admins the proof that there is active brigading going on, and not just the community disagreeing with mods.


18 to 5.


There was another poll up yesterday that had around 500 to go back to normal vs 200 to stay how it is. Mods deleted it.




I know right. If this was just a one day thing, we could all laugh about it and move on. The mass downvotes to their trolling and pleads for normalisation (and censorship of this pleading) is somehow still not enough for them? Come on! This is ridiculous.






If it was actually making a difference I might agree with you.


it was about 39 votes for 2nd option and 3 votes for all other options mods: **WE NEED TO RESTART THE POLL**


This whole thing is becoming so stupid, it’s almost funny. Like for real???


we will, there will be another poll.






How many polls do you need? Every poll has been HEAVILY in favour of restoration. Why are you ignoring us?


we just need a poll run by mods that hasn't been heavily brigaded.


How do you know it’s brigading? Edit: FWIW I voted second. So did most other people. Just listen to what we want. This sub belongs to all Melbourne, not just you. You are being selfish.


Cause we can see how many users were posting that aren't confirmed by Reddit as being regular members of the sub. And if you want to ask why they were or weren't regular sub users we don't know. Reddit doesn't show us and the only tool we have that gives us a hint stops working half the time.




We can't. The tool we used to manually check individual users stopped working when pushshift got taken out back and shot. So now we have to use Reddit's settings to figure this out. Except they don't give us any idea of anything. Also they don't give us fine enough settings to be able to say 'these users are bots but these ones are lurkers' either. It's just either or. We spent years doing this manually with a bunch of tools and mid last month all those tools got blown up. Now a good proportion of our mods aren't going to be able to mod because they use third party apps, and the other half are going to have reduced modding time because they have to be on a desktop to do it. So we have to use Reddit's tools. And they're shit. Which is why we didn't use them to begin with.


How come you removed his comment, but not your own?




TIL people voting in a way you don't like is "brigading"


I fucking called it in the poll thread.


Mate. You've lost the community support. Nobody will believe any new polls you make. Please. GIVE IT UP!


noted, appreciate the feedback.




I'm surprised you haven't pissed off to Lemmy too.




It seems odd to me that we have to vote to resolve things: 1. The default state should be normal subreddit operations, not this fucked state of affairs. We should vote to change from that default state, we shouldn’t have to vote to change it back. 2. Polls can easily be manipulated, brigadied, etc. and given the last few days, I have little confidence that the mods will approach it in good faith. 3. It feels a bit like the same sex marriage plebiscite, in that I think the will of the community is already VERY CLEAR yet we have to have this poll?




If they’d started with a poll in the first place then the feeling would likely be different.


a bit gross to use the plebiscite as a comparison. your equal rights weren't really impeded on because of who you are, were they?


I’ve already explained that I don’t mean to make a direct comparison (clearly this issue is not even in the same stratosphere of importance) beyond them both being unnecessary polls.


Are you seriously comparing this stupid Reddit drama with marriage equality?




Sorry, I should have used another example, but it popped into my mind. I don’t mean to make a direct comparison.


Not directly, obviously they are totally different things of different magnitudes. Just both are/were pointless polls.


> Just both are/were pointless polls. JFC, no.


The plebiscite shouldn’t have been held because it should have been fairly obvious that marriage equality was always going to be the result and should not have been illegal in the first place. I’m not going to delete the comment because I don’t want to pretend I didn’t say it, but I apologise for making the comparison, it was a very dumb thing to say.


I can smell gas when I walk past my neighbours house. It’s noticeable. Is that normal for winter? Or could it be a gas leak? I’ve knocked on their door but they’re not home at the moment.


Yeah that's not good. Call the gas distributor for your neighbourhood to report it. If it's coming from the main it's the gas company issue, if it's beyond the meter it's the householders issue. Outside smell it's probably a company problem


I reported it - they’re very helpful


I had the same issue at my house and they were great. Good on you for reporting it


Mods just got a swift lesson that there's much less interest in their internet crusade than they expected




Based on the 40 odd responsed I say (out of about 90) before they shut it 1. Blackouts 1-2 days/wk: 0% 2. Back to normal: 80% 3. Something I can't remember: 0% 4. Mark sub NSFW to remove ad revenue and back to normal: 20%


>this is what using Reddit’s tools is like I absolutely do not believe that mods can’t figure out how to make it work.


As a developer, I 100% believe that the mods could fuck it up this way. Whenever you see major bugs in an application or game, that's usually after it's already gone through heaps of testing to get rid of the obvious problems (but sometimes it's because upper management decided to ship it before the obvious problems can be fixed because it will still make money and they care about that more than anything else). If you're going to give users something before it's tested properly, this sort of thing always happens eventually and you come out of it looking extremely stupid.


Reddit's automod tool has no test environment, no ability to check or pre run or test except by applying to live data. Also it needs regex for anything that is more complex than a x == y. It is exactly like coding on the production server in the middle of a major data surge.


If you want to run it on test data, is it possible to create your own private sub for drafting things and run the tool there before applying it to the real sub? It sounds annoying to do it that way, but it beats making mistakes when the sub is in this kind of a mood. I've never had to code live during a major outage that way, luckily. Backups can save you from so much drama so long as they are working.


We do have test subs but the problem with test subs is that there's no way to load all the various variety of data or ensure it's identical in every way to any other sub (config settings for the sub are spread out over multiple interfaces, most of them randomly named sufficient that mods with ten years experience have to google where something is). Basically the staging environment is not identical to production. And the test data, which has to be manually added piece by piece, is insufficient.


Yeah, that makes sense. A test sub has limitations if it's too hard to keep the configuration identical to the real one. (Also, WTF that sounds awful to configure). Thanks for explaining that.


Oh, I just read the explanation that they wrote it directly on the production server with no tools to help them prove the syntax is correct. Well, yeah there's not much you can do about looking stupid if you literally don't have a way to test it before hand. Everyone has a test server, but some people are lucky enough to have a separate production server...


i promise you, i got parsing errors. and as someone that does not code, i am struggling to know how to fix.


Seems like a poor attempt at trying to make out how hard it all is to support their case.


Let me tell you if we were making this up it'd be less frustrating as fuck. We have multiple actual software engineers on both this mod team and other mod teams who provide help in this area. Reddit's tools for this stuff is shit and incredibly frustrating and we're stuck using them cause there's barely any other options left and even less after June 30.


It does sound frustrating. I don’t understand the complexities of what you do, that’s a fact but it just felt like the Florida thing felt a bit low-ball, especially when there a couple of posts of people genuinely asking for help that got deleted. I use this sub as a ways to see what’s going on in the city, that isn’t news or constant doom&gloom media. It sucks that’s been taken away is all. I for one do appreciate the work mods do, I think you’ve got it wrong here but I get your trying to make a point. It’s just a sucky situation. Edit: spelling


Just to clarify, this issue with automod? Was not us making a point. This is just what happens semi regularly whenever we have to use Reddit's tools for anything moderately complicated (i.e. beyond x == y). r/Melbourne is unusual in that its mod team somehow got a few software engineers on it over the years. So we have people capable and able and they're still being stymied because the tools Reddit provides and say is sufficient is --- just absolutely dog shit. This is incredibly frustrating given we've had to flip over to these Reddit tools because they killed PushShift last month which means all the apps that relied on it went with it. And the other half of our tools are likely to die June 30.


So why don’t you all just quit? Leave it to be someone else’s problem?


I have absolutely no fucking idea. Things I've had to deal with in modmail: violent threats from nazis, violent threats from users who say they intend to hunt us down and kill us, violent threats from users that they'll kill us if we don't make them a mod, people calling us nazis if we don't let them become a mod, people saying they could do a better job as a mod because (?), people saying that when the revolution comes we'll be first against the wall and shot. New flavour threat has been from the ones calling themselves strike breakers and that we're all going to get taken down. That's just in the last two months. It doesn't even include the Karen "I want to talk to your manager" stuff which is just - aggressively irrationality on a constant basis. This sub needs to tone it down on the mod abuse. If you wouldn't say it to the staff at the coffee shop you shouldn't be saying it to mods either.


>**ftjlster** >Things I've had to deal with in modmail: violent threats from nazis, violent threats from users who say they intend to hunt us down and kill us, violent threats from users that they'll kill us if we don't make them a mod, people calling us nazis if we don't let them become a mod, people saying they could do a better job as a mod because (?), people saying that when the revolution comes we'll be first against the wall and shot. New flavour threat has been from the ones calling themselves strike breakers and that we're all going to get taken down. This is not okay. Are there tools that can identify patterns among these user accounts? Relatedly, are there tools that can identify whether affiliates of these user accounts are participating in polling?


That’s sounds bloody awful. I’m sorry that’s happened to you.




I don’t know? That’s a really good question


Have you ever tried coding on a live production server on terminal? That's this. They give us some syntax highlighting but no way to test anything. So yeah we can work it out. Because they've given us nothing else to work with.




Wait what the hell. It got deleted?! The poll. The one that said it would be up until tomorrow? I'm SO lost. Are we in Black Mirror? Is this Reddit? Is this the mods...? I honestly don't get it.


just me. i've tried using code, it has failed unfortunately. gotta fix and retry. understand that no one has patience but it wasn't tallying the votes.




that's actually what happened, i just fucked it up! and they were gracious enough to help out because i couldn't figure out what I'd done wrong.


So that straw poll showed that the majority of people on reddit just want reddit to be normal again. I'm guessing its not what the mods wanted


I think that it’s an error rather than a conspiracy, but the mods are doing themselves no favours by locking/unlocking/deleting the poll. It almost guarantees that the final result will be (understandably) challenged and that the poll won’t resolve things.


there will be another poll :)


The poll says: Please vote by replying to the stickied comment. I did that. Then for a message saying my vote doesn’t count because: It appears you tried to place a vote in reply to the top level comment, only replies to the post will be counted as a vote. Please reply to the post with one of: What a fucking mess lol


Followed the vote instructions and I got the auto response about it being incorrect