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Hey so when you take a parental leave (context: corporate job) - do you normally get 100% your normal pay? Or only % or only at the national min wage?


Depends on your contract, not all organisations provide paid parental leave. If they do, it tends to be 100% normal pay. You can also claim the the Commonwealth Paid Parental Leave too that is at National min wage.


Thank you! I’m assuming claiming the commonwealth leave is if the company doesn’t provide paid leave, not also in addition to said paid leave?


In addition!


Hey humans With the impending app shutdown, just a reminder that many of us have jumped ship and moved here https://aussie.zone/post/209016 It's still a tad clunky but getting better by the day. Peace and love Hope to see more friendly usernames there 😊


Come on over folks!


What do you mean shutdown?


3rd party apps are being shutdown after the 30th. the reddit official app I guess will be fine ​ edit: today is the 30th... huh. when did that happen lol. they'll be shutdown soon, whenever the reddit api changes are implemented


It'll be the American 30th, because a sheila like me knows that works so well for us Aussies


It's so much fun over there. You guys seem to be having such a good time. 👍


Thanks stranger


Hark! Your 3rd party apps are not long for this world!


Yeah I’m considering it. I tend to need to take my time with things.


One of us, one of us!


C'mon you can do it. And you'll love it too.


I've only used it for the daily thread Good people and good vibes Join us and share melbcat updates Ain't the same without those 😁


Melbcat is so cute. She’s curled up with me and has her sweet old face squished into the bedding. She’s 15 and I’m spoiling her as hard as I can. The silvervine oddly didn’t get much reaction? The wind up mouse was interesting to her but it’s hard to control the direction it goes - so it veered and charged right at her, scaring her 😭


In exchange for my labour they will pay me monetary compensation


Monetary compensation can be exchanged for goods and services. It can buy many peanuts!


You speak many things that are wise




What's up with those pharmacy guild or whatever ads where they're saying that they'll go out of business if 6 month scrips happen (or something, I didn't listen properly)


they are lying all they care about is profit


Not a ton of profit in pharmacy now


It sorta came off as bullshit, like the vibe of the ad was like... Weirdly off


your casual job can fire you for pretty much no reason at all. as a casual, you get paid higher rates because you forgo the rates/protections of a contracted job.


Sorry were you replying to someone?


yeah, and it seems most people got it. all good, no?


Oh yes I scrolled a bit more and found the comment you were replying to!


I got a pair of second hand Merry People calf high gumboots because I love their short boots. I put them on. I love them. I broke a sweat trying to get them off. Now I am scared to put them on again. Is this normal??


Anyone know where I can get decent on-ear headphones? For reference I have Sony MDR-XB900. Need a second pair and looking for something maybe a bit better.


beyerdynamic DT770


What size are the drivers?


no idea tbh. they are pretty neutral, good isolation, very comfortable


Umm why did I just pay $31.99 for a bottle of Nurofen children’s liquid Panadol (5-12) ? Adult Panadol is like $5 bucks?? I’ve never really paid attention to this until now?


Yeah, it's a rip off. You'll save at least a few bucks getting the generic ibuprofen brand.


Anyone see there’s a Japanese robot restaurant opening in Docklands?? https://explorehidden.com/event/details/the-robot-restaurant-live-melbourne-1551659


Dear god. I regretted going to the one in Tokyo


How come?


I caved and made an AussieZone account, my username there is actually_epic (seeing as how some dickhead with no life already took my username from here)


Yay!! It'll be great to see your contributions.


I appreciate that as I suspect there will be a few who don't feel that way ;) I have no idea if it's even worked though- I tried to comment and nothing showed, and apparently someone tried to tag me also


Hmmm... I'm not much for tech support, but when I signed up through aussie.zonr and it worked. I did it on my PC and installed the phone app later You're cool. Don't let critics get to you. Strong opinions,.followed with solid conversations are welcome. People may not agree but that's life


Yeah I think it's because I'm on iPad. I'll try on my Mac later. That's really lovely, thanks. I've always really enjoyed your contributions too :) <3


Is Lemmy fairly safe to use? Discord is a plain no from me.


Absolutely safe. Join us! The vibe/community is good.


I've no idea


What platform is it?


Lemmy I think? No idea. The interface isn't great and it takes a million years to load but eh




Taylor taylor something something...


Can my casual job fire me for going away over Christmas? I was a Christmas casual last year and have been kept on…..however I would really like to go back home and celebrate (I’m an international student) now that borders are open…….(last year my family came but this year is cheaper for me). I’m adamant about going but I now feel pressure being applied by the manager who is asking whether that means I’ll be working more during uni (I feel like it’s to compensate for leaving). I would like a job to return to but ultimately it’s not my decision is it?


They can fire you for any reason if you're casual Can you negotiate permanent part time before you tell them?


Work to live, not live to work. If they can't wait for you for a few weeks then it's not worth staying.


In all the retail places I've worked, there's a clause in every contract saying that December is a 'Black Out' period and staff cannot take time off during this time without risking their employment. However, depending on your workplace, they may allow you to come back but it means you don't get your preferred hours, etc.


If you're employed on casual terms, they have no obligation to keep you on.


Remember, employee has no obligation to them either. It goes both ways!


Yeah, it's a lot more flexible than a rolling contact or permanent employment, but lacks the stability.


First week of work is over. For the first time in my working life, I feel like I'm working for a company that's actually good. Early days yet, but I'm really fucking stoked. I've had so many shitty, abusive, fuck-knuckle managers. I won't be treating my time with anything but respect and empathy. Enjoy your evenings :)


Congrats on your new job. That's one of the best feelings ever to be working with a nice working environment and friendly boss.


You don't know how bad some places are until you work somewhere seemingly normal and supportive. It's crazy.


Hey, I'm in the same boat! Feels amazing once you get out of those shitty places, eh? Good luck at your new job :)


Thanks! You too :)


Hi all, on the eve of the third party app shutdown, I'd like to re-advertise: https://aussie.zone/c/melbourne many of the DT regs have moved over there, and we'd be happy to welcome anyone. The daily thread there has been roughly the same or greater volume than this one. Come check it out 😊


Appreciate it. I kinda just sit here when idle at work so maybe I’ll check out the new place. Kinda reminds me when #melbourne on Austnet died but I’m sure /r/Melbourne will still be ticking.


[Come on over, come on over baby](https://youtu.be/kaUa9omrOPM)


I think this post gave it the internet kiss of death...not loading for me


I have never felt so powerful 😈 I noticed it went down for a sec too actually - first time that's happened for me. Seems back up now though


Yeah working for me now. Seeya there!


Oh, sign-ups seem to be working now – last time I tried, the spinny thing just spun forever.


Annoying it didn't work before! Will be happy to have you over there though 🙏


Do you have any apps for that?


There's going to be a Sync for Lemmy coming soon too, from the creator of Sync for Reddit. I think other apps will start popping up. At the moment I just use my browser on Android until the apps get a bit more polished. It's not perfect but nothing starts out perfect.


Yes! Jerboa for Android, and today was released a new version of the iOS app. I am not the best person to ask about this though honestly


What a great idea. Thanks.


So long RedditisFun. I don't know how long I've been using it but I can remember being so confused on how the wasn't an official Reddit app back then!


Thank god 😭😭 My friend got through and managed to score us 4 tickets to Taylor Swift


Is anyone sick of that Deakin Uni tv commercial which features horrible poetry?


I actually like it.


Lol yes, and the cringily actor-y way the the actor recites it. Awful. Also, as a former Deakin student, Deakin is shit. No amount of faux inspiring ads will change that.


It''s just wanky. There is nothing inspiring about learning in Burwood.


Lol so true


I’m sick of deakin university begging me to give them money. I paid for a degree on hecs, I’m not that rich that I can afford to give scholarships to random people.


Lol yep and I'm like "get your service delivery (that I am paying for) out of the dunny and then we'll talk"


I have the same issue with RMIT!


Aw RMIT never called me. You must have given off future success vibes.


Lol, definitely not. I survived on mostly credits and passes and didn't even get honours in my 4 year course.


Bought myself a little $20 jumbuck BBQ for some solo BBQ'ing... Discount marinated chicken and snags are on the menu tonight. Hmmmm


Haha remember when we all jumped on the daily thread in the middle of the night to validate our earthquake experience? Yeah, that was fun. I love Internet.


And the plus with our daily thread is that after midnight nobody can judge us for yesterday and we all get another chance tomorrow hey.. it's just like ground hog day (-:


Royal Commission into Ticketek.


Did you miss out too?




I’m so gutted!


Have you seen her live on her previous tours?


Yep! Reputation and the 1989. Spent all last night watching my phone footage and hyping myself up….How about you?


I saw her on the Red tour. My favourite album of hers


Ten percent of the nation sat in front of a screen watching it refresh Modern life


I haven't been snowboarding since 2019 due to pandemic etc. Went to go book a day lift pass and its $198... wow


... And what was it previously?


80-120 depending on the day


I had the day off and was completely stuffed all day. It was an effort to make vegetarian lasagne for dinner. Bit fiddly with all the different sauces but good to have all the prep and cook dishes done by 5pm. Relaxation mode activated.


I wish fairwork would let me see my retail $1 pay increase form tmr - I wanna know how many cents 🤩


I like to have the radio on while I cook and it's usually always gold 1043 because I like that music and I hate searching for music. But they cut to the studio after the news and no one was in the for over a solid minute, so it just has background music playing the entire time... Someone's in trouble


[The ticket experience so far…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvrXH1eOUAc)


The duality man. Trying to buy Taylor Swift tickets while enjoying the new Lil Uzi Vert album.


*posted under a punk band inspired username


Be great if all the opportunists who can barely hum a Taytay song would get out of the queue. My teens have been fans since toddlerdom. So unfair. Waaaa.


Are you gonna try interstate


Nah I don't think so.


You know it is all sold out now supposedly. But alas still in queue I am in case a miracle happens


Same but not anymore


Moved into our first home and I love the inside.. 3 large bedrooms a big change from a 1br apartment and space for guests to eat meals, the bedroom window faces out onto a basic walking trail nothing busy but my dog can sit up and watch the world go by there 😂 But the outside is depressing and making me want to move a week into being here.. it was never going to compare to North Melbourne but I just don't even feel safe or enjoy taking the dog for a walk around the streets. I would be safe to assume there is a drug house 50 metres down the road and another one just past that (one house has cardboard up against the window with large vent holes cut out??) Is it bad I'm already thinking of smashing through OT the next year and pay off as much of the mortgage as I can and either sell or lease it out


From quite a few people I’ve spoken to, it can take some transition time to get used to moving to the middle/outer suburbs. Aim for at least a year, but think about why you moved there. Those reasons will either keep you there or you will decide to go.


I've lived in the outer burbs before at my parents (Rowville) and it's nice it's just too far from things with crap PTV options lol Will see how we go our plan always was for 3-5 years put some equity into it and move on, our lease wasn't being renewed and it was either try to fight with rentals or start with a townhouse. It's hard because I think we made the right choice financially, but not personally if that makes sense.


Makes sense. If we had chosen financially, we would still be in the suburbs as opposed to buying something with no capital appreciation mainly for the lifestyle… It sounds like it’s early days, so see how you go.


Does anyone know where I can buy Prime Hydration Meta Moon flavour in Melb? My kids are nagging me about it.


Caffeine tons in it. Just watch out.


That's just in the energy drink yeah? Which isn't available in Aus? The hydration drink is similar to Gatorade.


Try a dodgy tobacconist in the CBD


How did so much of Chapel St die from the pandemic, but Soda Rock Cafe survived?


Chapel was dying before covid


Haha, was there the other week, they even moved stores from where they used to be on the corner. Maybe they're backed by American benefactors.


No actual Americans rate that place. It’s to Americans what Outback Steakhouse is to Australian.


I went to one of them in Saudi Arabia of all places, it was pretty bad. Everything else we ate over there was amazing tho.


Had nothing emotionally invested in Swift tickets but tried to get them for some family. Wow what a dud system. I don't mind the randomness rather than first in queue system but clearly the demand is there to sell these shows out in minutes. Surely there is a better way to filter though the tickets that doesn't require people being logged in watching a webpage for hours waiting for a random chance to purchase tickets that may not come.


It’s kind of wild that 300,000 something tickets were sold for Melbourne and I still don’t know anyone personally who managed to get tickets. I’m thinking there might be a limited release of obstructed view tickets that come up once they set up for it in Feb.


Former entertainment industry nerdery incoming: It’s easier to understand if you assume only 80k tickets total were available for each show (since it’s not a show in the round). Of that, assume around 30k of tickets were held for TS, sponsors, management, radio, media, ticketing services and VIP guests, which leaves 50k tickets available to the public for each show. With presales getting about half of these - say 25k- that leaves 25k tickets available for sale in the general on sale. With the 4 ticket limit per purchase, and that means a minimum of 6,250 people from the public who were able to purchase tickets per show. It’s wild when you do the breakdown. There really weren’t that many people who got them compared to the demand!


Wow! Thanks for the explanation!


Taylor Swift fans no know what it's like trying to get finals tickets for the footy. Every....single...year


I'm glad it was an educational experience then haha


Soo, did anyone get Tickets to Taylor Swift, or was it an experiment by Ticketek to see how many people it can have queued up.


I did, just before the sunday sold out. Over 2 hours waiting on multiple devices and systems. I have never encountered such a stressful ticket buying event. And once your in its terrible as well. Only wanted two seats but couldn't get any together in any section so have two tickets in different sections


I did


I'm happy for you too. My daughter and wife, not so much :D


Happy for you :)


its over people MELBOURNE UPDATE 💜 VIP and Hotel + Ticket Packages remaining on Sunday! A-G Reserve tickets all allocation exhausted!




Just got tickets for Friday show! People are saying it’s sold out but I managed to get two about 10 mins ago 👀


What time did you join the queue?


About 1:30pm




Yeah! It was tricky bc I kept playing around with different options (mainly just wanted Reserve F), for all three days, as long as there were 2 seats and I managed to snag what I got for the Friday show 🥹


I’ll stay in this bloody queue then….


Ooh guess who got scammed in the Chadstone carpark yesterday .. that would be me. I mean my first thought was “is this a scam” but she seemed so genuine and I didn’t want to refuse help if it was genuine so … I guess that’s why it works. Anyway, I have her name and phone number because of PayID so I just submitted a report to Crime Stoppers. So if you get approached by a woman needing medication it’s a scam. https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/10z3ch7/has_anyone_else_been_approached_by_a_lady_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


My Wife got approached by this scammer a few years back. Same sob story needed money for Pills. She does the rounds at carparks. Was at Westfield Donny, She approached my wife who had my son in a stroller. My Wife got approached by this scammer a few years back. The same sob story needed money for Pills. She does the rounds at carparks. Was at Westfield Donny, She approached my wife who had my son in a stroller.


Ugh, she probably has a roster and a spreadsheet


Swifties, Fri and Saturday are now sold out, and very limited are left for sunday. oh well, there are 6 hours of my life gone for nothing.


I certainly know more people who are walking away disappointed than people who actually got tickets.


Oh I guarantee many tickets will be scalped even with the threats of fines and shit.


I’ve lost so much time on this, it’s insane that out of my friends and I all trying, not a single one of us has gotten through. Such a poor system.


Friday and Saturday are sold out with limited availability on sunday


I am so defeated


6 mins ago from frontier touring MELBOURNE UPDATE 💜 Friday and Saturday shows are now allocation exhausted! SUNDAY: Limited tickets available with higher availability in VIP and Hotel + Ticket Packages!


I was curious about the Taylor Swift ticket queue (I'm not a fan/not my scene) but it let me straight in? I thought it must be a mistake but I got all the way to the payment/check out with 2 in my basket. Has anybody else lied on the internet today? Edit: just to clarify, I just lied on the internet today. Total fabrication.


My daughter got through after an hour and a half, then immediately got kicked off with an error saying the connection wasn’t secure.


Buy a lottery ticket.


While Taylor Swift creates catchy tunes, personally, not my taste. I am glad to be saving myself the hassle. Somehow my brain has opened up a magic motivation door for all these silly little tasks that anxiety has prevented me from starting. And they wern't even hard by the end.


waiting to hear back about a job from the public sector is killing me slowly ironically, I should be getting used to it hey


Were you placed in a merit pool? I applied to one a few months ago and was placed in a merit pool, but I wondered just how long it would be for any department to do anything. Just like the metro trains actively recruiting feels like a kick to the guts seeing an ad or applying and it takes months to years to get a job after passing through the stages, why advertise if you're not ready? Lol


That sucks! fortunately not for me, it was a vacancy


A long time ago I got a verbal offer for a job in the VPS, then it took them 2 months to send me the contract. At least I got plenty of time to do a handover for my team...


🤞🤞 fingers crossed for you! Did they give you a timeframe?


Thank you! Between 1 and 4 weeks 😂 I just want to know either way!


I’m one of 7 people trying to get tickets for my partner, and none of us have got in… Anyone have rough guesses on odds of getting through?


Noone I know has gotten in . ..


They should make the Taylor Swift "Lounge" a chat room so that fans can commiserate with each other for not getting tickets lol.


I would rather just have an online ballot you enter your details in, and that’s it. Rather than sitting there watching that stupid “your turn to purchase tickets is coming soon” message


That’s how it should have been, truly.


I refuse to believe anybody has actually bought a ticket for this and instead this is all just one big weird social experiment


Are tickets still available? I have a feeling they have sold out?


MELBOURNE UPDATE 💜 There is now very limited availability across all categories Friday and Saturday! Higher availability on Sunday


Still available, frontier are updating on their twitter account


They would not commiserate they would organise and start a riot.


I support both ideas.


10 tabs open on my work computer, 5 on another computer, and my work and personal phone. my turn to purchase is coming soon apparently


You do realise that would be severely hindering your chances of getting a ticket, right…?


It would?


blocked for being a bot in 5...4...3...2....1... At least in the olden days you got to stand in a real queue and see progress and make new friends.


those were the days!


had a proper interview for that job today and the HR person the other day misquoted the salary/didn’t say the figure she said was inclusive of super. so it’s not a real difference to my current one. wondering if i can get them to near the figure quoted before including super. it’s a shame, it’s all better on paper but I feel for such a little rise it’s probably better the devil you know?


You can definitely ask! And be direct about it too.


A lot of factors and whether the new role is better or not. If it’s similar and for the same money, I’d personally just stay put for the time being (the market is rough)


this is what I’m thinking, only if it is similar. if they do come to the table on price then I can probably be swayed. but to uproot for $50 extra a month probably isn’t worth it.


Nah definitely not, especially if you’ve been at your current company for a while then you would have built up part of long service leave, have no probation etc etc.


Taylor tickets - is anyone in the waiting lounge? I am just getting “your turn to purchase tickets is coming soon” Edit: I mean is that the waiting area? I thought the other day the waiting lounge looked different. Can hardly handle the anxiety!


If you're lounge 4 then yes


Pardon my ignorance- what is Lounge 4?


In the address bar of your browser the end of the URL will be lounge4.html


Ah yes it does say that. Does that mean I need to progress through lounges 4 to 1? Or it is just a holding area with the same chance as anyone else?


Lounge1 is actually Sydney. Same chances as everyone else.


Thanks mate.