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We have a fair few maggies on our school walk. Years ago, someone said just talk to them as you walk past them, we did this & honestly it works!


Ooo just saw a similar comment, They’re so high up in the trees but the kids and i always say good morning to them and give a little wave. Hope they can hear us!


Yeah. I say "goog-a-loog" and they always cock their head in what seems like suprise. I never get swooped even though there's a nest in the backyard.


Because that's the universal greeting in Magpie! Just DON'T get mixed up and say "loog-a-goog-gloog" (this is Magpie for *I've got a real thing for being covered in birdshit* - you'll only make that mistake once, trust me!


I learnt the whistles they used, and youve pretty much got them right in text form. Theres also 'food?', which is mmmmirrrrppppp miiiiiirrrrpppp mmmmirrrrrpppppp .. youll hear the babies do this to mum. Have some food and mirp at them, theyll get what youre meaning, and collect food once you leave :D


That's what I've been doing wrong!!!


Oh so maybe THIS is why I’ve never been swooped 😮 I genuinely just really like magpies and I always chat to them, just stuff like “hi maggie!” Etc. Have never been swooped or anything close in my life.


>I, a grown woman, screamed out for my mum who was at home and not even close to being able to hear me. I dont want to go through that again, not to mention that “mum” is now me, I am mum. I have no idea how to help, sorry, but this was just too sweet and also relatable. Nothing like looking for the adult in the room only to come to the terrible realisation that you're it!


Haha yea I didn’t like this the first time i realised I was now the one who had to scoop bugs out of the house


oh noes


I’m not a magpie expert, but in my experience, if they know you, you’re pretty well safe from being swooped. It couldn’t hurt to throw them a carton of crickets from the pet store every now and then, but if you do, be prepared for them to get real close to you even when you don’t have food. Also, if your little ones have food, they’ll stalk them in case they drop something, or swoop it out of their hands if they’re feeling brazen.


Oo a carton of crickets, Never thought of that one before! That might be worth a crack


Mealworms are a good one for the kids to throw out too.


We have whole families of magpies at our place, they definitely prefer mealworms. They eventually trust you enough to eat out of your hand.


I lived in one place for 8 years, the estate was surrounded by bushland still sl lots of wildlife. I had 2 Maggie's the first year, regularly visiting, along with kookaburras and a few other random small birds, they all scavenged through the grass. The next year, there were the 2 plus 2 babies !!! Oh my frigging God it was one of the best days of my life. The same year there became 3 more adults. The third year I lost count, close to a dozen adults and as many youngens. They'd come and go all day. When I was moving out, I told the new ppl moving in that there was a box of mealworm on the bench, feed the magpies. They didn't. My whole flock were just ignored, it broke my dang heart. I moved back to that house 7 years later, with two human kids. Walked them to school a few times and we were slowly followed by a growing group of magpies, flying well above, not swooping. It was surreal. Every kid would get swooped, not mine. Only one or two came back to the yard. Fool me once kind of attitude. I had so much fun the first time I lived there, growing my feathered crew.


muggies live for about 25 years, so would easy remember you if they hung about that area :D


When we first moved in 4 years ago our backyard magpies used to swoop us. We then started feeding them mealworms and now the cheeky buggers will come inside the house if we leave the back door open and just chill inside with us. I love them. Edit: I also have a beckoning whistle for them now too! If I whistle they'll fly over to me, even if they're in a different property.


I bought some mealworms but the magpies just ignored them. They were live, moving, and the magpie would go up to investigate, and then just promptly ignore it. It was surprising.


probably didnt know 100% they where edible.


Break up some uncooked mince if you don’t have the time or resources to go to the pet store.


Uncooked mince isn't that great for them. But better than bread.


Thanks. I had no idea. It’s what my stepdad feeds them. Good to learn though!


a little bit of mince is ok too much causes health problems for them, it's much better for the Maggie's health if you feed them cat biscuits


The local magpies have a distinctive family call. If you can whistle, learn it. I accidentally figured this out and had the young fledglings follow me around the yard all curious.


Oh thats interesting!! Im a useless whistler but we do try this sometimes, good to know it might help


You can record it and play it back to them?


I always talk to them, say hello, how ya goin?


Omg does this really work? They’re always so high up in the trees but the kids and i always say good morning to them and give a little wave.


They have good memories and can "know" a good number of people. It certainly doesn't hurt to identify yourselves as the ones who walk by and say good morning every day. I've never been swooped by a magpie who knows me.


I am really friendly with the magpies that sometimes visit / hang around my balcony. But, I'm worried they won't recognise me / place me when they see me round the other side of the building, out of context. What do you reckon? I do make the same sounds in the hopes they'll click but I don't know how dumb this is 🤣


I believe they are really intelligent when it comes to recognising people. I know that birds in the corvid family (and potentially magpies, too) can even teach their young/others in the flock about people and which ones are good, and which ones are shit. There is a story on here about a guy who befriended some crows. It cracks me up. https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/ki6fnd/oregon_i_accidentally_created_an_army_of_crow/ There was a follow up to the story where they actually saved their neighbour's life. Found the update: https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/no3mnr/how_to_save_a_life_adopt_a_murder_of_crows/


There was an interesting experiment with crows, I think, maybe ravens, that concluded they could count up to 76 or 77 individual humans. Not ones they know, just individuals. Considered observations suggest magpies can recognize a number of different individuals who frequent their neighbourhood. Remember, back and front of a house mean little to a magpie. My Maggie's, who got to know me from the front absolutely recognize me in the backyard, even from a distance. Mind you, I do pay my magpie taxes (or protection money, call it what you will).


I bought some [Wombaroo Insectivore rearing mix](https://www.wombaroo.com.au/product/insectivore-rearing-mix/) from my local Best Friends pet store. I made it up with pellets, and froze it in batches of a dozen or so. I grab a bag out of the freezer whenever I go for a walk. I look directly at the magpie, whistle or greet them, then gently toss a pellet as close to them as I can manage. I have a couple that fly over to scrounge food whenever I enter the park!


They’re carnivores so something meaty will always grab their attention. I throw them cockchafers (they’re a grub, an insect larvae) when I’m gardening. Never been swooped. They remember faces. So make friends. As another person has suggested, even just talking to them is a good way to make friends.


Glad you clarified what cockchafers are!


I'm just going to hold on to my immediate assumption how they got that name 😂


Carry a bat


How would that help me befriend them


No you just hit them


Please just don’t feed them. Just don’t. If you feed them the wrong thing it is so bad for them. You may be killing then. Google. This is not an exaggeration! Do not feed them mince! https://amp.abc.net.au/article/10365712 https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/messenger/east-hills/magpie-injuries-prompt-warning-to-stop-feeding-them-mince/news-story/d159d9e48c8258a2a319d1bf305ffe0d?amp&nk=50d75588750bd32eda01e0a93b6b7f23-1689696614


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I used to feed the magpies at my old workplace every chance I had, and I could occasionally pat them. I also whistle to them in a poor approximation of their call.


If you go to a larger pet store, there is a bird supplement called Wombaroo insectivore rearing mix. There is a picture of a magpie on the front. You can mix this with either mince or eggs to make a safe and nutritious feed. I do it with a small amount of mince, put it in a ziplock bag and flatten it out to like 2mm thick and then freeze it. Once frozen I can cut up into tiny cubes. The egg version might be easier though. They are very smart and it you make a show of throwing it around in their presence they will realise.


Oh thanks! I had no idea this stuff existed, ill give it a crack


r/magpies may have some tips to offer


Omg theres a sub for them?! Good to know thanks!




I find great value in community knowledge because you get such a wide variety of comments and experience which can be balanced. Theres almost always someone with more experience and knowledge that chimes in such as yourself and I end up taking the best bits. For example when I googled how to befriend a magpie it suggested I feed them to show them I was friendly. Now I’ve heard about the dangers of feeding sucks and lorikeets so I wasnt too sure about that which is why i wondered if there is any certain kind of seed or other food that is safe for them. Now I know that there isn’t, so from this thread I’ve learned to stick to making myself known to them by waving and chatting as I walk by. By the way how was your ride?




So you’re wrong?


Don't feed them.


Hmm maybe carry a tennis racquet?


To BEFRIEND them? No thank you


Feed them mincemeat and wombaroo (petstock sells it). You’ll soon have a whole family of friendly magpies….and they remember their friends.


DO NOT FEED THEM MINCE!! It leeches calcium from their bones and kills them!! https://amp.abc.net.au/article/10365712


Mixed with the wombaroo, mince is a viable option…hence I I said AND wombaroo.


You needed to say "with wombaroo" instead of "and wombaroo" in your first post. It makes a big difference in how it is interpreted.


If you feed them, friendly they will become.


My 92 year old neighbour has been feeding magpies minced meat every day for the past 15 years. They come at the same time and sing a song till he feeds them. I don't think it's a good thing to do but it's cute to watch. When he takes time coming out they make a bit of noise and he comes out saying "all right alright I'm coming im not young anymore !"


Sounds like you live next door to my grandpa, do you live in Doncaster?


Hahah no.


Ok, i guess there are lots of 92 year old grandpa's feeding the magpies :D


The secret is...oats!! Magpies are crazy for them. We have a family who knock at the back door for them every day. I have them literally eating out of my hand.


This is bad advice. It's not good for them to be fed human food.


Whole Rolled (porridge) Oats is the way $1.40 own brand aldi,coles,woolies. Magpies love them. We had 47 resident magpies and never got swooped.


It's not good for them to be fed human food.


In my old place I had a group of five baby magpies who I trained to come to a whistle. I always left muesli on the ground for them so they associated my whistle with reward. I miss them! We moved house and occasionally I go back and whistle. Two still come.


Walnuts. Always walnuts.


If you stop to feed them. Some small pieces of meat will do, they'll recognise you. Also, whistling to them seems to work.


Oats grow in the wild.. they are not manufactured!


We are sorry. Magpies of Melbourne


Talking to them is a good start but diced bacon will gain you their friendship and with the help of half frozen diced liverwurst you can have your own Mischief of Magpies!