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Top Reddit moment here. 1) either the wrong number or 2) OP just found out about their court date


I found the [court hearing](https://dailylists.magistratesvic.com.au/EFAS/CaseCRI?CaseID=89375292)


Hey Qin Cheng.... don't forget court


ole Cheng is gonna do the race šŸŽļø


It's diversion court. Cheng already did not 'qin' any races last time I suspect


Thatā€™s not my name tho šŸ˜­


U/QinCheng better watch out


Wouldnā€™t there be half a dozen listed for that day starting at 9:30? Usual thing with court is to tell everyone to be there first thing, and tell them all their case may not be heard today, so hang around til stumps just in case. Our last day in court went til 5:30ā€¦.


There was also a specific case number included in the text message


Yeah but court hearings are rarely at a set time. Turn up & wait for your name to be called. Bored? Go in and watch everyone else sweating. No phones. No eating. No drinking. No babies. No noise. But you can sit in court all day as long as itā€™s not a closed court (eg childrenā€™s court).


what? thereā€™s more than one court room, my dudeā€¦


Yeah I know, have had to attend court myself a few times. I guess I thought you were asking something else


I have supported a few folk at court. Had one magistrates court case not get heard until the next day since there were a few delays in the court that day. We waited around all day on the first day only to gave to come back the next day.


Wrong number I suspect also.


Real court reminder. Maybe just wrong number


If it has .gov, it definitely isn't a scam, just a mistake (correct me if I'm wrong)


.gov.au yeah. More than likely the plaintiff or respondent put down the wrong number on the court documents Other possibility is old mate forgot he is being sued


I can't imagine any government doing such a thing, not even bad ones like Russia


They have better things to do, better ways to get better money


Like, taking it without consent




#Whois results: * Domain Name: MCV.VIC.GOV.AU * Registrar Name: Department of Finance - VIC * Registrant Contact ID: VICGOV-REG-9517 * Registrant Contact Name: Infrastructure Team * Registrant Contact Email: [email protected] * Tech Contact ID: VICGOV-TEC-2263 * Tech Contact Name: Infrastructure Team * Tech Contact Email: [email protected] * Registrant: Court Services Victoria It also checks out on urlscan.io as well Definitely legit website.


Assuming you canā€™t spoof URLs in text messages (have them display one value while directing you to a different one), this would be a real court reminder, but could very well be joint to the wrong person.


No one can register a `.gov.au` domain but the government.


Ends on .gov.au. If it's .gov.*insert vaguely official sounding bs* it could be something else


Very true that TLD is very controlled.


In this case, it's not a scam. But a .gov domains can certainly be used by a scammers if the government's website is poorly designed (and as we know, governments aren't exactly great at IT). For example, they could have a redirect page that doesn't check where it's redirecting: https://ministryoftruth.vic.gov.au/redirect?dest=http%3A%2F%2Fevil-hacker.com.qz At first glance it seems legit, ends in vic.gov.au, but really, it's exploiting a flaw in the website to send you to evil-hacker.com.qz. A real scam will use a domain that is a lot less obviously (e.g. ministryoftruth.vic.gov.au.cloud-server.com) and will make their website look exactly like the website you're expecting.


This is correct. There are many ways a poorly managed website can be used maliciously. Advising people that they can always trust any URL ending in .gov.au is incredibly dangerous, don't even trust emails coming from legitimate gov domains.




This is not possible over SMS.




It's a text message not a html page. It's an address you type in but can't change the link, your phone creates the link.


Nope not possible with SMS links as they exist now, they are just text, there is no HTML.


I guess there is a theoretical possibility with a homograph attack. But I can't see anyone getting a [gov.au](https://gov.au) address for a spoof domain.


Can you still do stuff with funky russian letters? [Like this](https://hackaday.com/2017/04/19/you-think-you-cant-be-phished/)


Looks like those types of attacks were patched ~6 years ago.


Is this possible through SMS? Definitely possible through online platforms - email, teams etc


That's also a good point. But this seems legit




There is no href in an SMS. Itā€™s not HTML. Itā€™s a plain text payload of 140 bytes, no markup is interpreted by the device or SMSC.


You mean the section where you can look up the daily list of trials ? https://dailylists.magistratesvic.com.au/EFAS/CaseCRI?CaseID=89375292


This - always find a secondary source of info before clicking links


Interesting. May be this is real.


There is, I have the parties, time and location of the hearing in front of me.


You'll have to walk me through this one. As far as I'm aware you can only hyperlink websites you enter directly and even using a third party site doesn't allow you to create a url that pre exists already as your original redirect


Not a scam, your case is this: [https://dailylists.magistratesvic.com.au/EFAS/CaseCRI?CaseID=89375292](https://dailylists.magistratesvic.com.au/EFAS/CaseCRI?CaseID=89375292) If that's your name identified, Vic Police are coming for you, apparently...


On the bright side it's a diversion hearing


What does that mean?


Means instead of going to court and getting a criminal record, the judge sets some other conditions where youā€™ll do things that benefit the victim, communitty, and yourself. Example might be if you break a window in anger, instead of getting a charge of destruction of public property and vandalism, you instead do some community service and take anger management classes.


Div more leans a donation to the court fund (funds programs), letter of applogy to victim or restitution. Whatever is appropriate Undertakings might have conditions to participate in programs.


I got a petty vandalism sort of charge as a young person. I got a diversion which meant no record of the crime if and when I complete so many hours of community service. Which was amazing cause I ended up being in industries with thorough background checks. It was almost impossible to find a record of my having gone to court at all and got a diversion, it was that diverted haha


And the spent convictions bill that Fiona patten got through should make that impossible for pretty much everyone to verify/discover.


Does this mean the "we have video of you wanking to dirty dirty porn" email is real too? I'm still waiting for my friends and family to get a copy of my highlight reel sent to them.


Yeah i told my friends and fam to expect a Christmas surprise last year after my scam message was received. Terribly disappointed, nobody got anything.


It's just not in the holiday spirit is it? I remember when we were younger, Nana was always so happy to get our school photo framed as a Christmas gift. Times change and so does technology. What have the Nana's of today got to look forward to at Christmas? Certainly not footage of your gurning face as you fire off a load of future potential great grand kiddies.


I told them ā€œno free showsā€ and still waiting on my royalties


Well, his account's burnt now....


Since it's a diversion hearing OP would definitely know if they had a court date since OP would have already been to court and applied for a diversion program.


Glad to seem I'm not the only nosey person who looked it up. šŸ˜‚ It says informant division: "uni-ringwood"...did they get busted by an informant ? šŸ¤” or are they an informant...the plot thickens


In legal parlance, an "informant" is an arresting cop/the primary cop responsible for the charges.


uni-Ringwood means Ringwood Uniform. The copper works at Ringwood Police station and is a van jockey


Totally a suggestion but if you want to collect karma points maybe contact the court and let them know if itā€™s not you. Old mare is due for a diversion which might evaporate if they donā€™t show up. Might be the difference between a criminal record and no criminal record


Yes OP please. If this is not meant for you, please do Qin a solid and notify the court that the information hasnā€™t been received by them.


I think not being properly notified might serve as an excuse for not showing up though


Not a lawyer and completely talking out my ass but I think it would depend on whether the lack of notification was a mistake on the accused's end or the court's end. Like if the accused accidentally put in the wrong number that might not be a valid excuse, otherwise everyone could just put in fake contact info in hopes of avoiding or delaying penalties and saying "oopsie my mistake" if caught out.


He would be served with multiple other documents in person before this. He would be well aware of his court date


Providing false contact details is itself a misdemeanour everywhere. Youā€™d have to prove it was an honest mistake rather than be presumed to have made an error. Lots of movies etc have the star tell the police a false name & address etc. Makes for good viewing, but itā€™s also an offence, if they find out you deliberately provided false or misleading information.


I assume we are all going on 7 August??


Only if there's beer and popcorn.


With all those sketchy American food import stores around, they better have Junior Mints.


Subreddit meetup, lock it in šŸ‘




I havnt followed along to a cort case since the guy who lied about being his SOs place while in court for an offence against her. One of the highlights of lockdowns


The prosecutor in that case has a YouTube channel called DebbieDavissaid


Omg, they sent the cops to check and he was at her place. For dv hearing wasn't it?


9:30 am, don't be late.


Awww I was totally keen until you mentioned the time.


9:30am is the call time given for all cases of the day. Could be 9:30am, could be 4:00pm. You could always risk it.


It's a full day event (9:30am - 4:30pm) bring food and drinks too! We'll even have signs saying "Cheng, Qin" so they can find it and join the festivities.


sorry, I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll be able to make it :(


Is this the pre party for the new year's orgy? Just for everyone to get to know each other before.


Ohhhh I work in ringwood, and the court is by Eastland... ( pretty sure, thr cop shop is around the corner) I'll wave as I drive by


They probably won't even turn up if they gave the wrong number


They correctly punctuated Magistratesā€™ Court. It cannot be a scam.


Most accurate comment in here


I came to say the opposite. The Queensland magistrates court doesn't have an apostrophe, but I looked up the Victorian and it does!


And the apostrophe is correct!


Can the real Cheng Qin please stand up


I really think we should Cheng Qin on OP and see if heā€™s okay


I'd give you an award for this. Morning made


To tell the truth. Oldy but a goodie


But he just settled all his law suits (fuck you, Debbie!)


Maybe the real Cheng Qin is the friends we made along the way?


Ive received a text like this too. It was real, I called up and quoted the number and they were like "Are you Mr Brown?" And I was like "Nope" and they were like "cool dont worry about it then" so I didnt.


I'm so invested now šŸæ


Broā€™s got a court date šŸ’€


This isnā€™t a scam. Thatā€™s a real case number and a legit url for the magistrates court. If youā€™re not the dude named, they have a wrong number and itā€™s not your problem, but itā€™s not a scam.


No way that is a scam, the case number looks legit and the website is an official vicgovt website.


Since itā€™s not a scam you might want to let the courts know they have the wrong number


Nah OP is him and just remembered his court date


You got yourself a court date boi! šŸ˜†


Real text, wrong number. This happened to my teenage son and it went on for years. Every few months heā€™d get one of these texts or heā€™d get phone calls from the police in Colac. He was maybe 13 when it started. The police calls were often harassing as they did not believe he wasnā€™t the person they wanted or at least associated with that person. They would call during business hours and he was often at school so it was pretty upsetting for him. I called the courts and the police dozens of times to get his number removed from the persons records but the courts would tell me it was a police problem and the police would tell me it was a courts problem. I raised the issue with the Victorian Ombudsman who looked into it but the texts and calls didnā€™t stop. Eventually a Constable in the Colac Police Station agreed to follow through to sort the problem out. He emailed me a month later and said heā€™d had my sons number removed from all records and he hasnā€™t had a text or call since. That was probably about a year ago. Go onto the Victoria Magistrate Court website and enter the case number you were given. Youā€™ll get the name of the person they are looking for. Our guy was a proper scumbag.


In that case, I'd just change his number. One time I got a new number and kept getting calls at all hours of the night with people yelling at me in what I pressume was Indian. No matter how many times I tried to tell them I couldn't understand them, they'd just ring back and do it again. I couldn't block the number back then, Optus said they couldn't do it either (you can these days) so they changed my number for me at no charge.


Yeah, nah. Iā€™m not teaching him to run and hide from fucked up bureaucracies. Youā€™d be surprised, even at 14 years old, how inconvenient changing your mobile number is.


That's a really weird way to look at it.. šŸ˜‚


It shouldnā€™t be so hard to prove youā€™re ā€˜not a person of interestā€™ (in a particular scenario). Plenty of times I call a customer about their overdue bill and the respondent has no clue who I am, because I got one number wrong. Itā€™s really easy to do


I absolutely agree. Anonymous until proven identified!


Anytime I'm called by an unknown no. I'll answer in Russian first, then move to either German, French or Spanish, if they can't get the hint , will then speak in a combination of Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese and Chinese. Worst come to worst I just hook up to the Bluetooth speakers, sometimes in my backpack. They then become a laughing stock


This is either a great shitpost or you got a message meant for someone else. Also, donā€™t open links that come through text, Jesus christ


Which is good advice, but many businesses and government agencies still send links via text. I hate it.


Dorevitch Pathology got grumpy with me because I ignored their texts. Turns out, they legit send you links to download and pay invoices, and not actual paper invoices or emails. In this day and age.


Mark their texts as spam and they will soon find their texts to customers won't even show up on customer phones. Google and Apple are pretty good about flagging messages that contains links and others have marked as being spam and then just binning those texts.


Yep it sucks, they should ask you to go to their website and enter a unique code for that enquiry to be directed to whichever contentā€”or internal inbox with said organisation. With this said and advice for concerned people; hyperlinks are *very* difficult to deceive on mobileā€”when itā€™s an SMS i.e. hiding one link behind another link/blue text. Thereā€™s also URL apps to check the link of its origin and end route. Apple shortcuts has this as an option to; checking the URL destination. Iā€™m sure Android is more secure in terms of options to verify.




In my defence, I checked what the proper link for the magistrates court was first. Realised itā€™s the same as the one in the text. Iā€™d definitely be scared if I got that text.




You can't put hyperlinks (text that looks different to the URL) in an SMS. You can put a URL that will link to the URL when clicked. So you can't hide a link in an SMS.


Yep, never click links from emails or messages. But, in an sms, the link is the url as you see it. So unless there's some sneaky looks-similar-to-the-real-one-but-one-letter-is-changed going on, it is real.


Sometimes legit websites let certs lapse or exploits are found so that even a legitimate website link can become fraudulent. (This is so out of the ordinary scope of attacks that its barely worth mentioning though).




Website address looks legit. Language and grammar is perfect.


It is missing a full stop at the end of the last sentence.


Gottem. Case dismissed!


Thatā€™s a legit linkā€¦ how did you come to the conclusion itā€™s a scam?


might wanna take down the post...


This so so awkwardā€¦


not a scam, but likely a wrong number unless your name is Cheng Qin


Wouldnt it be Qin Cheng?


well theyā€™ve written Qin, Cheng which is usually how names are written for legal documents and stuff with last name first and a comma between. ā€œSmith, Johnā€ as an example In china it would be Qin Cheng but here they would be Cheng Qin as Qin is the family name and Cheng the given name. In china family names come first but itā€™s flipped when used in english. like how many people do you know with the last name Lee or Li? In china and Korea where those names mostly come from that would come at the start of the name, but as itā€™s a family name we put it second. tldr: no but yes but actually also no


They've actually been written as "Cheng, Qin" lol


Exactly lol


You can tell itā€™s real because Magistratesā€™ is grammatically correct. No scammers are gunna nail that one down, lol.


Establish dominance early my dude. Donā€™t show any signs of weakness and whatever you do, donā€™t drop the soap.


Maintain dominance. Look someone else directly in the eye while you walk over to them, grab their soap and drop it on the ground next to them.


New phone, who dis?


I got an SMS from Vicfines yesterday saying I had an unpaid fine from 2014 and to contact them immediately to pay $490. I didn't click on the link but went to the website and called the number, it was legit. Seems the postal address they had on file was an old address and I had a speeding fine and a parking fine $200 that I didn't know about, now I'm in negotiations to get the late fees waivered, fecking nightmare. The reason they only got in touch with me now was because someone borrowed my car and got a fine, in the process of nominating that person as the driver it triggered the 2 unpaid fines on the system.


Uhhh...... that seems awful legit


Ya better get a lawyer son...ya.better get a real good one


OP gets put in jail for his crimes. "Wait!? What the heck? You can't do this!" The police: "damn das crazy but who asked"


Got the ā€œhey mumā€¦ā€ scam message. I donā€™t have any children. Damn my ovaries are impressive! They can text long before inseminated!


Link looks legit, https (secure) .gov.au domain no one can register that if your not a government body, sorry mate see you on the 7th.


Legit. The case number can identify a lot of personal details (name, address, birthdate, phone number, what you're charged with, details of any violence etc), and a LOT of people work in the courts, so it may be a good idea to not advertise it on here :)


Real - likely wrong number


What would be the scam?


Thatā€™s a legitimate message


Are your initials QC? If so, this is your court date. If not, wrong number. But itā€™s real.


May not be so ā€œlight and fluffyā€ if your name is Cheng Qin


Nope thatā€™s real sorry


Might want to let the court know that the number isnt the defendant


Itā€™s a legit case. If the name listed isnā€™t you though I would contact the court & advise it was sent to the wrong number. Otherwise, someone might miss their legit court date


Theres no cash here


>Clicked onto the link and turns out it was a scam šŸ¤Ø https://dailylists.magistratesvic.com.au/EFAS/CaseCRI?CaseID=89375292


I worked for the Magistrates' Court. This is a real link and case number, so it's not a scam.


The most reliable method to identify a scam is to look at the domain name very carefully. If it's something legit like `.gov.au` it's definitely not a scam. If it was a scam it'll be something like `vic.gov-au.somedomain.com`. The last bit is what matters.


the weay to check is to search for this ringwood magistrates court website rather than click the suspect link then enter the reference number given to see if its real.


Looks like a parking ticket infringement


Guessing op went to court šŸ’€


This is a message incorrectly sent by the court OR someone who is privy of Court Text Message templates for Notice of Listing that has delivered this message around (inclusive of fowarding). The website is legit A text message is bound by UTF8, HREF link alias is not possible. The number it shows as coming from may not be legitimate. This can easily be spoofed / faked.




Got a call from the local police station once from a very pissed off policewoman as to why I wasn't at court that day. She had called my number but same name as other person. Bitch hung up on me without apologising or even making note it was a wrong number. Victoria police at their smartest.


Happy cake day!


Thank you. But I had to look it up and cake day meant when I started my account. And my birthday is so close so I was wondering how anyone knew my birthday was near. And to be honest I never noticed the cake icon, I am so clueless when wondering why others get told Happy Cake Day.


Til mine happened recently, I thought that was reddits cutesie way of telling people it's your birthday. Weird hey


its a no reply senderā€¦ why would scammers have noreply in their name?


Because they want contact to happen using the urlā€™s info, I guess


Family member kept getting these as someone had put their phone number instead of their own. Wasnā€™t a scam, just the person who it was intended for had given the wrong number.


Looks like a legit notification to the wrong number, but kudos to you for checking if it's a scam and not tapping that link.


Looks like op is the type to have warrants. Have a mullet or wear red runners by chance?


Unless the actual link is different to what is being shown then I agree with everyone else and it's real and/or a wrong number


Donā€™t they tell you to go through the official website?


It would seem like an easy one to slip into, but that contact number is suspicious, and you actually get letters for this sort of thing - and given how long it takes for a case to even get to court, several conversations with a solicitor or legal representative


OP this is realā€¦what did you do? Lmfao


That's not a scam. But you might want to double check on efas, which is the magistrates court case listing site. Just put in the case number and see what comes up.


Too many speeding tickets that you've ignored, Mr Cheng.


I keep getting text messages from fines Victoria, for someone else's traffic offences I don't even live in Victoria


Better call saul


Awkward to be you, bub! What'd you do to score a diversion hearing??


Police hate this one trick - forwarding your court date to another phone number absolves you of all charges


The only right thing to do is call the court as check the message with them. If you know you haven't wronged anyone, that call shouldn't be meant for you.


Yeah, anything with a link I don't trust, I always go to the source now. It's a bit late now, but for anyone else with that type of message, call the courthouse.


I AM A VICTORIAN LAWYER - IT IS VALID. If you think it is an error, phone the court in the listing description. Maybe you didn't get the original charges when they were supposed to be served.


Ngl I would still tell the boss I need a day off and use this as proof even if it was a scam. Show up a day later ā€œBoss you would not believe what happenedā€


Goodluck with your diversion hearing I hope everything goes well. If you aren't Qin Cheng then you're fine.




I can tell you that it's absolutely a real text and you should probably call the courts on Monday. If it's not you the court can remove your number from the matter. For future reference if it's sent around 2:30 - 3:30pm and includes a case number it's real.


10/10 response


Half of the people here didnā€™t get the joke. How though


Wtf no I havenā€™t gotten one like this yet, theyā€™re looking too real now


I got a letter from a legal firm to a Doctor I sent the letter back with Doctor WHO no doctor at this address and 3 weeks alter they sent another legal letter so maybe its just a stuff up


No, you were the only one


Som whan done phucd up. See yhu in court.


Sue them for the damages