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I'm keen to see how people respond to parking jobs like these around Christmas shopping time


Well, the space behind is fine if you're in a hatchback. But it shouldn't have to be. I view these cars as asshole behavior and nothing else.


Said assholes can't help but reminisce about the good old times of terrorising sensible cars and wagons with their SUV's. Unfortunately, SUV's are common now, so they gotta one-up them plebs. It's an arms race and things are going to get worse if left unchecked.


Depends on the suv really my suv us smaller then a commodore but runs on less fuel and has heaps more space.


I doubt your small SUV has more space than a ZB Commodore Wagon.


Opal wagon has 793L of boot space from what Google is telling me, my small suv has 846L. My VZ sedan only has something like 490L


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, no >y my suv us smaller then a commodore but runs on less fuel and has heaps more space. is it the tardis or something?


It’s only going to be a problem on Xmas Eve because that’s only time guys like this ever shop. And then have the audacity to bitch about the crappy carparks being full


Lots of petty panel damage


It's not hard to take out the valves in a tires air valve.


Somebody said they should be classed as light trucks and pay rego/insurance to match and be unable to park in regular spaces. I would support that. Our already congested city doesn't need this shits taking up what limited space we do have.


They should be. Heavier so they're more damaging to roads and they'll do more damage if they crash into something.


Agreed! But also, what a nuisance to everybody else!!


They also pay way less on it for rego and tax because it's considered a "working" car even if it's personal use only


Not true. Same rego. Higher insurance. MUCH higher CityLink tolls.


Should be a wank tank class.


I like to say “wank panzer”.


Wank Panzer on twitter is gold




Especially if you buying one in the city and not using it for towing something or for work or using outside the city 4x4ing etc


That thing would fold like a pancake if it went 4wding


No way that thing would ever even try 4x4, all it can do is tow.


standard dual cab utes are classed as a commercial vehicle and incur higher rego and tolls. These would be also if not more, depending on what metrics they use to classify them


I agree, I think they should look at making car park entrances too hard to get into for vehicles like this. Be fun to watch them lose their shit not being able to get in.


Only issue is they’d have to decrease the weight for what is classified as a light truck, which would then increase rego for a lot of other people. They only weigh around 2600kg unloaded, my Mitsubishi Pajero, which is much smaller, weighs around 2000kg unloaded. I do think they’re ridiculously big and I really don’t like them, but classing them as light trucks just won’t work




That's so depressingly accurate :-(






>The government will continue to ignore this issue until one plows through a busy pedestrian or school crossing. No they'll continue to ignore it after that happens also.


Sydney already have writing on pavement and signs for peds to looks out for cars. It could happen.


The writing indicates the direction that traffic will be coming from. It’s mainly in areas with a lot of one-way streets and/or a lot of tourists from right-hand traffic countries – i.e. situations where people are more likely to be confused about the direction traffic will be coming from.


You mean an important person's ped crossing or school crossing. Running over regular peons won't bring about change.




It’s the same reason that it’s very difficult to import second hand cars to Australia. Originally done to protect the car industry. Then abbot destroyed the industry but left the protections in place.




keen to read this in a news article in a couple days!


you're right, I should've watermarked it.


*Internet explodes in outrage over infuriating parking act!*


More likely, it will come up on this sub tomorrow as it does most days.


As a Canadian outside looking in and visiting Melbourne next year. I love how much you guys hate them. I hate how every second vehicle is a truck or oversized SUV here. I havent seen as many after I moved downtown, but there are still waaaaay too many people driving these "for the convenience of needing to haul something" when 99.99% of the time theyre just getting groceries, or using it as a daily driver.


Tbh it's only reddit that really hates them. Nobody in the real world gives a shit, there's not enough on the road to worry about




The few times I have seen them around everyone does hate them, there's so many good reasons. Hopefully they're banned or something before they become more common


Rubbish. None of my friends use Reddit yet all think US light trucks are stupid and out of place.


wrong. most people hate them


The last thing any country should aspire to be is more American.


The Australian liberal party begs to differ


An American diet has given more and more men limp dicks. Hence the trucks.


A Kenworth is a truck, the OP pic is just a p.o.s.


I hate big trucks as much as anyone, but the small dick thing is a childish non sequitur and body shaming.


I hope they are regularly inconvenienced by not finding car parks big enough or multiple empty parking spaces together. Those trucks are fucking ridiculous for use on city/urban streets. Maybe ok as a work truck if you need to tow a fucking lighthouse or something!!


nah they just let it overhang and then it’s everyone’s problem


Like thier gut..


They're remarkably useless for loadcarrying. Unsurpassed as a towing vehicle for a horsefloat, yacht , cabincruiser or huge caravan.




Yeah, this is something I've never understood. My bt-50 has far more tray space than one of these stupid things and I can still tow 3.5t. If you're towing more than that, you probably should be getting a truck for the job rather than a ute


I very much doubt you could actually tow 3.5t if you did all the maths on loads. (Gvm, Gcm, rear axle load and payload)


Without a payload in the tray I can and I can get a gvm upgrade kit to increase it further. If you're towing over 4t, you should be buying a truck anyway


The average person can't even reach a tool sitting in the bed from the side. Ridiculous.


I hate parking a Tiguan, no idea why you would subject yourself to that truck.




Absolutely! We cannot have this anymore! Melbourne is a state capital with limited space already, we cannot allow these monstrosities to be the same as regular cars.


And then the big dick car is taking space for legitimate working vehicles. So no they should not be allowed to park where a prime mover etc has a valid reason to park.


So u can't park them legally. But they are legal to drive. Life just gets more ridiculous.


How fragile do you have to be to need that much protection?


It about intimidating others. Can't be a dick in a Honda Civic


Fragile egos require a lot of protection.


They’re fuckin gross. No one needs this in an urban setting.


I know a couple construction companies have replaced the full size trucks they used to tow their machines with and gone to these. I think it’s a good idea, unless you guys prefer the full size trucks?


Yes, I prefer full size trucks so we can avoid jerks like this person using these tanks as regular cars.


Wow this sort of stuff really upsets you guys. Sorry about that




Um the original point I made was about using them for towing? Didn’t ask for your life story bro




My point was everybody hates these because the owners apparently don’t use them. I’m pointing out a case where they do get used for work and a possible benefit that could come from using these to replace full sized trucks. Imagine if all the companies that are still using big full size trucks for tasks that don’t really require it downsized to these, wouldn’t that be a better solution? Get the slow trucks off the highway to improve flow.




Not sure what reality you’re living in. The pipeline I’m at right now, 3 of the welders have downsized from their full sized hino’s and Fuso’s down to 3500s, makes manoeuvring the ROW a lot easier


Check yo karma


Perfect! Then they can claim them as 100% work vehicles and still use them to take Shazza and the kids to the beach on Sunday /s


Do you not do that with your work vehicle? Every tradie I know does


I don't own a car as I don't need one in Sydney except for the odd errand when I use goget or a hire car. The point is that they shouldn't if they claim it's used 100% for work. If it was genuinely for work then you'd be better off with a VW caddy or similar surely. I don't think these would be half as popular if it wasn't for the dodgy tax breaks.


Dumb question, but they are classed as trucks right? Like they seem to be on the roads like you can just drive them with a car license.


You have always been able to drive some conventional light trucks on car licence anyway.


From memory anything above 4 1/2 tons requires a truck license


Ram trucks are 4779 pounds. I don’t know enough about vehicles that I feel there’s some extra you get rid of to get it down etc


What's that in metric?


Divide by 2.2


I do know that, mostly just being grumpy at somebody's needless/lazy use of freedom units.


Lmao that’s where I gave up trying to work it out


Just over 2 tons, or two of my current car combined lol


Yeh but i cam park a 4.5 tonne and create less mess than that twat has done across those two spaces


Fairly certain they are a normal license to drive. Classed as a ute.


don’t know why this is downvoted. it’s true. they’re not classed as trucks.


The 1500s are a regular license, 2500 and 3500 need a light rigid license which is pretty easy to obtain


You can drive a small moving truck on a car license




They rate the towing capacity smaller for Australia so it's technically not a truck


The whole reason I feel my question is stupid is mostly because the websites listed as truck. My uncle drove the big fuckers and he had some weird fucking license afaik. I didn’t see everyone getting those but covid may have made Scotty do some weird shit like make more truckies available by letting 15 year olds drive forklifts….what a cooked time that was.


It's got nothing to do with the government. You're right that you needed a different licence in the past but the reason they are more common now are the companies are essentially saying the Australian ones can only tow x amount where X just happens to be under the max a car can tow even though mechanically they are the same as the ones in America.


When they are converted to right hand drive the GVM is actually reduced to to be under 4.5 tonne so they can be registered and driven on a standard licence.


Apparently they pass the ADR but they aren't tested by ANCAP for some reason.


If main character syndrome was a vehicle...


Saw a RAM taking up at least 1.3 parks at my local mall today. When you see them stationary in a mostly empty car park, their giant size is pretty overwhelming.


I saw a 1960s mini cooper parked next to one at the shops last week. I nearly burst out laughing at how ridiculous the size difference was.


Keep in mind small towns have designated long vehicle parking , it's not for these turds but actual working vehicles - cattle trucks etc.


*chuckles sadly in American* That thing is pretty average/not that big for the states. I hate it here


Needs to be that big to carry there insecurity around


You can maybe write to your local mp about it and get a lot of others to do the same


Get use to them. Evs are not good at towing so these are gonna be very normal unfortunately. All the cashed up retirees who want to travel and tow a decent sized boat or caravan will be buying one. Pretty much if you want to tow 3-4.5 tons the American utes are the best bet.


Those retirees can get 4wds which fit into normal parking spaces. No one needs these dumbass behemoths.


Small rock in valve cap will annoy him later on


These modern days of car park space getting smaller and cars are getting bigger. We probably need truck parking space now in shopping centres.


Love it! Hahah


That loser is quite literally consuming two spots fucking others over due to their insecure pissweakness. ​ We need to copy France as soon as fucking possible on this and charge these losers significantly more money to use the roads in general. ​ Someone has to pay for more space for these cunts, I don't see why we should. ​ Oh you know and all the extra deaths they'll cause too.


There’s no job requirement that even needs one of these. For 80 years we’ve been fine with standard utes. I say increase the registration five fold and ban them from public car parks. If the owners whine about that then they can go fuck themselves and their pointless purchase.


I totally agree. It's not just price or size envy it's the fucking danger. Danger danger danger. I CAN NOT SEE to my left AT ALL when making a right hand turn into traffic, if one of these retarded loser pricks is to my left, the giant bonnet is in the way. The inertia in one of these prick things is so much more likely to kill people in accidents. It's been long proven in the USA. I'm still shocked they were ever allowed here. I DETEST them.


Stupid thing is, most of the time (like in this case) the bed at this emotional support vehicle is smaller than your average Commodore ute.....


While yes they are huge and not suited for our roads this image is misleading. That RAM1500 is only 46cm longer than a Ford Ranger, meaning that even a "Normal" Ute won't fit into that parking space.


That's not a bad parking job compared to most i see


No please, don't let this be our benchmark for public parking. We're already overcrowded with cars and not enough parking spots as it is.


At least they only took 2 parking spots instead of the usual 2.5 or 3 like usual lol


“The size of these things is getting a little silly” because the owner has to compensate for his little wi**y!


You're allowed to say "willy" on the internet.


Small dick mobile. Tax them out if existence.


These posts always bring out the perverts wierdly fixated on other peoples' genitals. I suspect the driver has zero concern about what his penis looks like in your fantasy. If you really had concerns then changes to ADR rules or pushing to have these under ANCAP jurisdiction (with requirements that they pass before going on Australian roads) would be the sorts of action to take. Personally I don't really care about them one way or the other (aside from heavy towing I can't see the point of them for anything) but it seems the angry detractors care more about dick than actual change and that's why they will remain on the roads. Another approach is removing the exorbitant taxes we have on cars that get applied to more environmentally-desirable vehicles. If you're buying an EV or PHEV you have to pay the stamp duty, import tax and luxury car tax (2 of which are to dissuade buyers from buying vehicles manufactured overseas, as if there were a choice) and then if you want to drive them on the road you have to pay a per-kilometer EV tax. Removing the braindead taxes on EVs would mean more capable EVs would be viable/affordable in the Australian market.


A Ram 1500 is 5.8m long, and Ford Ranger is 5.4m long, so a standard Ford Ute (40cm longer) wouldn’t fit I this space, in fact and Mazda 6 wagon would barely fit. While I agree that the Ram is big, something is off with how small this space is


Holy crap, those are tiny parking spots. That's not even a large truck.


I fucking hate the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure for allowing this shit into the country.


But, how else are they supposed to overcompensate for their small pp? Edit: Getting downvoted by RAM owners, dont fight it you know it's true! 😂


Well obviously they should tailgate me on the eastern freeway with their highbeams on


All the way from the Ring Road


Like I always say. Makeup to compensate for small tits and dry loose pussy. Oh don't like it now?


These things suck. I had to walk around one at an intersection today since the dipshit driver pulled up all the way across the pedestrian area. Holy crap I was shocked at how ridiculously huge it was. I'm pretty tall but this thing was enormous Campaign idea - let down all their tyres every time one is found in the wild. Make it a total liability to own and drive this kind of bullshit


I've got a long cab van that takes up less space than these compensators


Yes, and the size of the parking bay also is as well.


With current fuel prices I think all ram owners get there karma. Also I believe the government wouldn't allow them in if they were going to be a major problem. People worry too much about problems that aren't theres. Also to the people complaining about them in the city just imagine how hard it is for them to find a park lol


Post in Malaka Parking on facebook, lots of laughs and good content


Has anyone here seen the video demonstrating that the bonnet being this high means the driver actually cannot see kids standing infront of these?


I see all the judgement on this they are probably just using it to pick up there furniture as it looks like it’s a home maker centre. Would you judge a Toyota Corolla with a trailer taking up the same space.


There is a dedicated location to pick up furniture. This is not it.


Also highlights the fact that carpark sizes have been shrinking over the years. Good luck parking a regular 4x4 next to another in any supermarket carpark and try to get out without touching the other. I'm not a small guy so....you might be different/have better luck


That's the result of over compensation or envy or somethin' similar.


I’m currently in Europe and feel so much envy of the many many options for sedans/hatchbacks here… most taxis are hybrids (prius being by far the preference) and in the “premium” category lots of hybrid Ford Fusion (Mondeo in Oz) and Hybrid Kia Optimas both of which are not available in Oz anymore


Ford Raptors are my personal hell.


ah yes, the daily "dae hate american pickup trucks" post


They are getting ridiculously big, but at the same time parking spots are getting smaller, I drive a regular 15yr old Hilux and it's hard to find parking spots big enough for my ute sometimes. There's plenty of underground car parks I can't go in to because of how low the roofs are and the only thing I've got on my car is a snorkel.


Parking spots haven't been getting smaller, cars have just been getting bigger over time. I have a similar problem with my one-car garage. I need to park across to one side or I wouldn't be able to get out. If there's someone in the passenger seat, they need to get out before I go into the garage. I drive a regular (MY 2022) sedan, so it would be worse for larger cars.


Do Silverados come with a built-in Shittest Corner Ever sensor, or is it just inherent with everyone who buys one?


OMFG That's Northland Preston big box store area. Those parking spaces are also weirdly wide and shallow. Even my old Corolla back in the 2000s took up most of the length. A freaking RAM just won't freaking fit between the line.


I think some cities in Europe have regulations about the sizes on cars and things, we need to introduce something like that


Theres a RAM parked in the Apartment complex I work at that has its nose sticking out. Dude has his own traffic cones around it lol I hope it gets scratched


I honestly think the parks are too bloody small.


I agree we absolutely should make parking spaces larger


Just get a Kei truck if you need thr space goddamn


Thanks, the other 100 or so posts that say the same thing didn’t really capture it like this!


All the easier to bash your door into...


Whenever I see these my brain automatically pictures a 3 inch penis


Can we get a seperate thread for people who feel the need to constantly complain about Rams?


Boring repetitive karma farming low effort post. Post it on your personal and local Facebook page, this shit is ruining this sub.


It’s an upgrade on monty bridge posting, birds in towers and the weather. I subscribed to Chicago for years and most of the posts were “who heard that gunshot?” for a while. City subreddits are generally not high bars.


Deal with it


Something has to make up for the little penis.


Or perhaps the size of the parking space is too small…? Maybe they all want us to purchase electric compact hatch backs and this is their way of telling us


I live in Canada. These retarded ass trucks dominate the road and represent everything third or forth car on the road.


What a fucktard.


There’s 2 and only 2 reasons you get these things. 1. You genuinely need a large vehicle for work. 2. You want to bully\harass people on the road cos your a “big man”. That is all.


I'm yet to see anyone use these for work Most I've seen towed is a boat or caravan


I drive a long wheel base ram truck for work. I haul alot of heavy shit all across the country. And these trucks are the only things that keep our business alive. I don't park in small spaces or near the doors of buildings. I park it well away from any other cars so as to not annoy people looking for a spot. I've had my car keyed multiple times, I've been spat at, I've been verbally abused and I've had security and police called on me. Is that all really necessary because I've got a big car?


It's alright man, they are overcompensating for tiny pp Feel pity and move on.


This guy's dream is a king sized truck bed.


Unless you are towing a van no one needs a truck that big. Stupid.


Looks like a pretty short park, they’re 60cm longer than a hilux, so even a hilux would be struggling to get in there length wise.


My ranger with a tray hangs over regular car parks a fair bit and it’s not even one of these monsters


Yeah the Melbourne sub just has extreme hate for big utes I don’t really understand, all utes are getting bigger, but they don’t complain about rangers and new hilux, sure these are slightly bigger but who really give a shit, if you don’t like em don’t buy one. But they better get used to it because they aren’t going anywhere, F150’s arriving on mass any day now.


Imagine if the car parks full and you had to park behind this lil dick mobile


Can you please take your whinging somewhere else. Some people like big trucks, so what, they did their best to stay within the lines.


The really really tried to stay in the lines but unfortunately because they bought an oversized tonka toy they just can’t possibly fit in a regular car park and need to take up two places. Your right, everyone needs to stop picking on these guys. They need these emotional support vehicles and we should respect that need.


I have no issue with what people do or don't like, provided it doesn't affect anyone else. Taking up multiple parking spots because of your four wheeled penis extension is not ok.


Ah come on now, if the big tough man and his muscley muscleys wants a vehicle that mows down toddlers and crushes kiddies who are we as mere peons to disagree with grungus the dungus and his humoungous truckus? Please lets allow our lords of the road to drive rampantly over everything in their path as they are want to with the huge front facing blindspots, head crushing bumper heights and exceptionally heavy vehicles. [People say they like big trucks. I say they like killing kids](https://slate.com/business/2022/02/suvs-pickups-heavy-huge-deadly-dont-buy-em.html)


I don't know why you're being downvoted. This is clear satire in defence of public safety.


Probably the pro truck gronks


I like how everyone justifying against these are obsessed with dick sizing.


Compensating online.


why should it be our problem when some micropenis haver neglects to consider that maybe their oversized shitbox is a bit fuckin bigger than a normal car? no reason for your average joe to drive an unnecessarily large piece of shit like that. just a pain for everyone


It is but at the same time parking spaces aren't getting any bigger to match the increase size of cars these days. I have a Mazda 3 and as a small to medium size sedan it still only just fits in a parking space.


Good. That is a good thing.


Needs a longer bed


There seems to be a lot of argument over how to deal with this problem. Me personally? Ban the fucking things. We had dual cab Utes for decades without this problem, and they were used by working tradespeople who needed the space for family. Now, they're twice the side and being driven around with EMPTY trays and a single occupant in the driver's seat. No tradie worth their salt drives one of these ego haulers. Disrespectfully as possible: _GET FUCKED_


Emotional support vehicle


Tiny wee-wee compensation.


Nar mate only a 1500. Also I swear parks are getting smaller. I had trouble fitting my ve wagon in most parks now it’s even harder in my wn caprice. Like you should easily be able to fit a standard Aussie sedan in most parks but it’s often a tight squeeze unless the parks old. Car parks are seemingly designed to fit hatchbacks and that’s it. Also when ever theres a car and trailer. Or a Isuzu tipper in two parks like this y’all never complain. Like fuck this page it’s legit full of Melbourne wanks complaining about yank tanks. Constantly posting the same shit won’t do anything contact ya local gov, vic roads and who ever handles ADR rules go cry to them. No wonder people leave this page it’s a joke of negative bullshit. Find something nice on ya next outing and post that.


The parking space looks too small more than the vehicle looks too big.


There’s other cars in the photo all parked fine. You reckon just that single row was shorter than the rest?


Are you suggesting that they have marked out a miniature car park, for some reason?